World's 1st Trusted Ayurvedic Allergy Institute


An immunological response that is triggered by consuming dairy and dairy products is known as milk protein allergy. This milk protein allergy is primarily caused by the immune reaction that occurs due to the protein present in milk and milk products i.e. casein protein. Casein protein allergy is one of the most common allergic conditions in children. In Adults it is also found but very rare.

In Ayurvedic classical texts, Ksheera Alaska is mentioned which aligns with casein protein allergy specifically with its type that is non-IgE mediated milk allergy in children. At the same time, in adults, it may occur due to toxin formation (Ama) which is the result of an incompatible food combination or Virrudha Ahara.

In this article, you will find out the causes, symptoms, diagnosis, and Ayurvedic treatment for Casein Protein Allergy like Panchakarma Procedures (internal purification of the body), Yoga procedures, Single Herbs, Diet and Lifestyle modification, etc. The treatment helps in treating the incompatibility (Viruddha), toxin formation (Amavastha), and boosting immunity which will certainly help to treat Casein protein allergy.

What is a Casein Protein Allergy?

In milk, mainly two types of protein are present: Casein and Whey. While 80% of milk protein content is casein which is a digesting protein, Whey contributes 20% of milk protein. During digestion, casein forms a gel-like substance in the stomach which releases nutrients and makes it an excellent choice for sustained protein delivery. But in some children and adults, it can trigger allergic reactions due to which various digestive, and respiratory system-related issues and skin allergies occur, and this condition is known as casein protein allergy.

Casein Protein Allergy – As Per Ayurveda

Milk (Ksheera) is considered as Rasayana (rejuvenator), highly nourishing and Sattvic food as per Ayurveda, but due to weak digestive fire (Manda Agni), incompatible combination, etc. it may lead to an imbalance in Dosha mainly Kapha and Vata. As per Ayurveda, casein protein allergy when seen in children and infants due to immature digestive fire (Mandagni) results in difficulty in the digestion of milk and results in various symptoms like skin rashes, and various respiratory and digestive issues. This condition is related to Ksheeralsaka in children, especially the non-IgE mediated type of casein protein allergy. In Adults when toxin (Ama) formation occurs due to improper consumption of milk (e.g. milk with salty food or milk with fish, etc leads to allergic reactions such as skin inflammation, and respiratory and digestive issues but in adults this condition is rare.

Who Gets Affected by Casein Protein Allergy?

Children with underdeveloped immunity and immature digestive systems are more likely to get casein protein allergy while adults who consume incompatible food, and have a history of allergic tendencies are affected by this milk protein allergy.

How Common is Casein Protein Allergy?

Research suggests that Casein protein allergy is more common in children than adults and more common in females (2.4 %) as compared to males (1.4 %). In children, the prevalence is highest i.e. 2.2-2.8% in infants at one year of age and it affects 2% of children under 4 years of age. Research also suggests that Casein protein allergy typically appears at 3 months of age and resolves by five years of age. Surveys suggest that casein protein allergy is not well reported in adults but approximately 0.1 to 0.49 % of adults are affected by it.

Types of Casein Protein Allergy

There are two types of casein protein allergy:-

  1. IgE- mediated Allergy
  2. Non- IgE- mediated Allergy

1. IgE-mediated Allergy – This type of allergy involves quick symptoms related to the digestive, respiratory system, and skin quickly after consuming milk.

2. Non- IgE- mediated Allergy – This type of allergy primarily affects the gastrointestinal tract but in this type of allergy delayed reaction is seen.

Causes of Casein Protein Allergy – As Per Ayurveda

  • Vata and Kapha Parkopa (Vitiation of Dosha)
  • Indigestion (Ajeerna)
  • Irregular dietary habits (Vishmasana)
  • Vitiation of the bodily tissue (Dhatu Dushti)
  • Incompatible food (Viruddha Ahara)
  • Overeating lead to toxin (Ama) formation
  • Use of excessively soaked or dried foods
  • Lack of sleep (Anidra)

Causes of Casein Protein Allergy – As Per the Modern Perspective

  • Genetic predisposition also plays an important role in causing Casein protein allergy.
  • In children due to an immature immune system
  • Chronic gut inflammation 

Symptoms of Casein Protein Allergy – As Per the Ayurveda Perspective

  • Vataja Symptoms: Irregular bowel movements, bloating, etc.
  • Pittaja Symptoms: Burning sensation, skin rashes, inflammation, etc.
  • Kaphaja Symptoms: Heaviness, nausea, congestion, etc.

Other symptoms are as follows:

  • Colicky pain (Shula)
  • Smelling undigested watery stool (Atisara)
  • Yellowish-white urine (Peeta Shweta Murata)
  • Gaseous distention (Vishtambha)
  • Dry eructation (Shushka Udgara)
  • Vomiting (Chardi)
  • Throwing out the limb irritability (Anga Vikshepa)
  • Frequent crying episodes in children (Kunjan), etc

Symptoms of Casein Protein Allergy – As Per the Modern Perspective

Swelling of the lips and eyelids containing products to see the reaction are  enough for  confirming casein allergy. Skin tests can also be done.

  • Skin-related symptoms: Rashes, eczema, hives, itching, burning sensation.
  • Digestive system-related symptoms: Vomiting, Diarrhea, bloating, etc.
  • Respiratory system-related symptoms: Nasal congestion, wheezing sound, etc.
  • Colicky pain most important symptom
  • Nutritional deficiencies like iron deficiency anaemia

Ayurvedic Reference of Casein Protein Allergy – Ksheeralasaka

Ayurvedic Reference of Casein Protein Allergy
Dr. Sahil Gupta (B.A.M.S., M.H.A.)

IAFA Ayurveda® specializes in Casein Protein Allergy Ayurvedic Treatment, using ancient Ayurveda science and research-backed therapeutic methods. With safe, natural approaches, they effectively manage allergies and chronic conditions through deep Ayurvedic knowledge and herbal remedies.

Contact IAFA Ayurveda for a life free from allergies.

– Dr. Sahil Gupta (B.A.M.S., M.H.A.)

Ayurvedic Allergy Specialist
CEO & Founder of IAFA®

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Diagnosis of Casein Protein Allergy

As per Ayurveda, the diagnosis of casein protein allergy will be made according to Prakriti assessment, Vikriti evaluation, history of Virrudha Ahara, toxin (Ama), digestive fire (Agni) assessment mentioned in the Ayurvedic classical texts.

In modern times, various tests like skin prick test, serum IgE level test elimination diet, etc. are done.

Ayurvedic Treatment for Casein Protein Allergy 

The main contributor behind this Casein protein allergy is an imbalance of Kapha and Pitta along with the accumulation of toxin (Ama) and low or immature digestive fire (Manda Agni). The Ayurvedic treatment of Casein protein allergy mainly focuses on balancing the Dosha mainly Kapha, Pitta and strengthening the immune system, balancing the digestive fire by a combination of detoxification processes through Shodhana (purificatory) and Shamana (palliative) therapy.

IAFA Ayurveda provides effective purificatory and palliative therapies for Ayurvedic treatment of Casein Protein Allergy. Dr. Gupta’s IAFA is the perfect destination for treating Casein protein allergy as well as other types of allergies. The Ayurvedic approach that is used to treat Casein protein allergy is as follows:-

Detoxification Therapy (Shodhana Therapy)

For Children: Due to the delicate physiology of the children generally detoxification therapy is avoided but, in a few cases, mild detoxification can be done in the form of a medicated enema (Basti) in which various decoctions like Dashmoola Kashaya, etc are administered to the children for balancing the Dosha and cleansing the digestive system.

To expel the allergen ingested, to improve the digestive power (Agni Bala), and to improve digestive fire, mild emetic therapy (Vamana Karma) is also done in children in severe cases. Depletion (Aptarpana) is also done in the form of detoxification therapy.

For Adults: For balancing accumulated Doshas and for removing toxin (Ama) detoxification therapy is done in adults in which first medicated Ghrita like Pancha Tikta Ghrita, etc are administered for detoxification then Emetic therapy and purgative therapy (Vamana and Virechana) is given to the patient.

In both children and adults, Nasal Therapy (Nasya) and Herbal smoking (Dhoomapana) with medication-like Nasal Air, Anu Taila and Vacha, Haridra respectively can be done to alleviate respiratory symptoms and to clear Kapha.

Herbs that Can be Used to Treat Casein Protein Allergy

In Children to reduce allergic reactions and inflammation herb turmeric (Curcuma longa), for digestive and immunity enhancement, herbs like Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia), and to reduce hypersensitivity, mild decoction of herbs like Shirish (Albizia lebbeck) are given. In Adults also to enhance immunity, improving digestive fire, for pacifying Kapha and Pitta Dosha, and as anti-allergic various herbs like Turmeric (Curcuma longa), Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia), Shirish (Albizia lebbeck), Vasa (Adhatoda vasica), Neem (Azadirachta indica), combination of three herbs,  Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera), Licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra), Holy Basil (Ocimum sanctum), etc are given. They are effective for allergies including respiratory and digestive conditions.

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Diet and Lifestyle Guidance (Pathya-Apathya) of Casein Protein Allergy

According to Ayurveda, if your diet is correct then medicine is of no use because a good gut is considered as the basis of a healthy individual. So, by giving attention to our daily diet, we not only get relief from the disease from which we suffer but also avoid upcoming diseases. Below we mention some dietary and lifestyle guidelines that one can follow for Casein protein allergy:

What to Do (Pathya) in Casein Protein Allergy? 

  • Warm food
  • Plant-based milk alternatives like Oat milk, Almond milk, Coconut, or Vegetable cheese. 
  • Gooseberry and Turmeric intake
  • Include Kapha-reducing (Kapha Shamaka) food like Moong Dal, ginger, etc.
  • Intake of light food (Laghu Aahara) which is freshly prepared.

What to Avoid (Apathya) in Casein Protein Allergy?

  • Avoid consuming incompatible food (Viruddha Aahara) like milk with salty food or sour food.
  • Avoid slimy and oily foods (Snigdha and Picchla Aahra)
  • Avoid dairy products for the treatment period entirely
  • Excess fatty food
  • Anger and anxiety must be avoided
  • Limit the use of cold (Sheeta), heavy (Guru), greasy food

Yoga Asana for Casein Protein Allergy

For improving or balancing Kapha, Yogasana like Cobra pose (Bhujangasana) and Pranayama like Bhastrika, Anuloma-Viloma can be practiced.

Yoga Asana for Casein Protein Allergy

Gem Therapy for Casein Protein Allergy

For strengthening immunity and digestion Yellow Sapphire (Pukhraj), for healing and reducing inflammation Emerald (Panna) can be worn after proper consultation with an Astrologer.

Frequently Asked Questions

Question: What is Casein Protein Allergy?

Answer: An immune reaction to the milk protein casein results in various allergic symptoms including skin, respiratory, and digestive systems.

Question: Are Casein Protein Allergy and Lactose Intolerance the Same?

Answer: No, Casein Protein Allergy is an immune related disorder while lactose intolerance is a disorder with digestive issues.

Question: Can Children Outgrow Casein Protein Allergy?

Answer: Yes, mostly children by the age of 5-6 outgrow it.

Question: What are Alternatives to Dairy that Can be Used in the Case of Casein Protein Allergy?

Answer: Plant-based soy milk, coconut milk, oat milk, and almond milk can be used as alternatives.

Question: Can Adults Develop Casein Protein Allergy?

Answer: Yes, Casein Protein Allergy is present in adults, but prevalence is very low as compared to children.

Question: Can Ayurveda Cure Casein Protein Allergy?

Answer: Yes, Ayurveda focuses on treating the root cause of diseases by use of detoxification therapy and palliative care.

Question: Can Children be Treated with Ayurvedic Detoxification Therapy?

Answer: Generally, detoxification therapy is avoided but if needed or in severe cases, mild detox therapies are done under expert guidance.


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  • Casein As An “Hidden” Allergen in Manufactured Foods Novembre, E. et al. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, Volume 117, Issue 2, S42.

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Dr. Gupta’s IAFA is a pioneering center in the Ayurvedic management of various diseases including Casein protein allergy. IAFA Ayurveda ensures good results and relief to all suffering from the distressing effects of Casein protein allergy.

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Dr. Sahil Gupta completed his Bachelor of Ayurveda in Medicine and Surgery (B.A.M.S.) and Master’s Degree in Health Administration (MHA) India. He is Registered Ayurvedic Doctor & Vaidya in India having Registration No. 23780. He is the CEO and founder of IAFA. After completing BAMS, Dr. Sahil Gupta started practicing Ayruveda by giving prime importance to allergic disorders management. He became the first Ayurvedic doctor to cure Food Allergies through Ayurveda. Read More About Dr. Sahil Gupta.

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