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Are you suffering from frequent allergies, unexplained skin rashes, sudden itching, recurrent respiratory issues like asthma, etc.? Do you often experience sneezing, itching, or congestion triggered by pollen, weather changes, dust, mites, or certain foods? 

If yes, high Immunoglobulin E (IgE) levels could be the underlying cause. In response to allergens, IgE is an antibody produced by the immune system and when its levels rise excessively in the body, it leads to hypersensitivity reactions, inflammation in the body, and chronic allergic conditions.

Ayurveda, with its traditional approach, offers various ways to balance the immune system and manage allergic disorders naturally like detoxification therapy (Panchakarma therapy), and dietary and lifestyle modifications. 

So, if high immunoglobulin disturbs you. Don’t worry! IAFA ensures a complete and natural approach to help you get rid of allergies and related issues due to high immunoglobulin levels. Feel free to contact Dr. Sahil Gupta at IAFA Ayurveda for expert Ayurvedic care and lasting relief.

What are Immunoglobulins?

The specialized proteins produced by B-lymphocytes, in response to foreign invaders such as bacteria, viruses, allergens, toxins, etc. are known as immunoglobulins and are also known as antibodies. By identifying and neutralizing pathogens, and helping the body defend itself against infections and diseases, immunoglobulins play a critical role in the immune system.

Types of Immunoglobulins

With distinct functions, there are five main types of immunoglobulins:-

  1. IgG: The most abundant antibody in the blood is IgG which provides long-term immunity after vaccinations and infections.
  2. IgM: The antibodies that are essential for initial immune defense and the first antibody that is produced in response to an infection, is IgM.
  3. IgA: IgA is the antibody that helps to protect our respiratory and gastrointestinal tracts as found in mucosal secretions like tears, breast milk, saliva, etc.
  4. IgE: The antibodies involved in allergic reactions and protection against various parasitic infections.
  5. IgD: The least understood antibody in the body is IgD which plays a role in initiating B-cell activation.

What is Immunoglobulin-E (IgE) and Its Role in the Body?

Immunoglobulin-E (IgE) is a type of antibody that is present in very small amounts in the blood but plays a significant role i.e. primarily involved in allergic reactions and defense against various parasites.

Whenever an allergen like pollen, certain foods, dust, etc. enters the body, these IgE antibodies bind to mast cells and basophils, triggering the release of inflammatory chemicals and histamines which lead to various symptoms like itching, swelling, difficulty breathing, sneezing, etc.

Along with this, it also helps the body to expel parasites, so it is essential for fighting worm infections.

How Common is a High Immunoglobulin-E (IgE) Level?

As per recent research, approximately 35% of the adult population in developed countries have elevated IgE levels specific to common environmental allergens, and approximately 30-35% of them suffer from various allergic conditions.

Recent studies also conclude that excluding insect stings and drug allergies, a very high IgE level in the body was more common across all tested allergic disorders, with asthma showing the highest rate of approximately 64.49%.

In the US, approximately 42.5 % exhibit atopy, defined by high levels of IgE in the body. A recent study on Hyper-IgE Syndrome (HIES) in India found that 73% of subjects had serum IgE levels of more than 2,000 IU/ mL.

Who Gets Affected by High IgE Levels?

High IgE levels are commonly seen in individuals with various allergies like food allergies, asthma, eczema, hay fever, etc. Individuals having primary immunodeficiency disorders like HIES, CVID, Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome, etc., and individuals suffering from helminthic infections like Ascaris, hookworms, and certain cancers like leukemia, and lymphomas are mostly affected by high IgE levels.

What is the Normal IgE Level in the Body?

Age GroupNormal IgE Level (IU/mL)
Less than 1 year0-15 IU/ mL
1-5 year0-60 IU/ mL
6-9 years0-90 IU/ mL
10-15 years0-200 IU/ mL
Above 15 years 0-100 IU/ mL

What is Abnormal or High IgE Level in the Body?

  • Mildly elevated: 100-300 IU/ mL
  • Moderately elevated: 300-1000 IU/ mL
  • Severely elevated: More than 1000 IU/ mL

High IgE Levels – As Per Ayurveda

As per Ayurveda, high IgE levels can be linked to aggravation (Parkopa) of Vata and Kapha doshas along with toxins accumulation (Ama Uttapati) in the body.

When the digestive fire is weak (Manda Agni) it leads to improper digestion (Apachan), which results in toxin formation (Ama), which disturbs immune function, and as a result, IgE level is elevated. Blood impurities (Rakta Dushti) also contribute to high IgE levels in the body.

Causes of High IgE Level (Modern Aspect)

The main causes of high IgE levels in the body include:-

  • Various allergic Disorders like Asthma, seasonal or perennial allergy, atopic Dermatitis, and chronic skin inflammation due to allergens.
  • Reactions to various foods like dairy products, nuts, and seafood.
  • Reaction to certain medications.
  • Autoimmune disorders trigger IgE-mediated immune dysregulation and lead to high IgE levels in the body.
  • Inflammatory causes are Kimura disease and Churg-Strauss syndrome.
  • Primary immunodeficiency causes like Wiskott Aldrich syndrome, Netherton syndrome, Omenn syndrome, HIES, etc.
  • A family history of allergies increases the risk of elevated IgE.
  • Helminth infections like roundworms, tapeworms, hookworms, etc. also stimulate excessive IgE production as a defense mechanism in the body.
  • Persistent immune activation occurs in fungal, bacterial, or viral infections which can lead to high IgE levels.
  • Exposure to dust mites, pollution, mold, pet dander, or pollen can provoke an excessive immune response which results in a high IgE level in the body.
  • Chronic stress 
  • Unhealthy dietary habits

Causes of High IgE Level – As Per Ayurveda

  • Dosha Imbalance like Kapha imbalance leads to mucus accumulation, Pitta vitiation leads to a rise in inflammatory conditions and Vata vitiation leads to irregular immune responses.
  • Poor or weak digestive fire (Agni Mandya) disrupts nutrient absorption (Rasa Dhatu Dushti) and also leads to toxin formation (Ama) which weakens immunity and ultimately results in high IgE levels in the body which triggers abnormal allergic responses.
  • Respiratory Channel Blockage (Pranavaha strotas dushti) also results in high IgE levels and leads to allergic rhinitis, bronchitis, asthma, etc.
  • Poor nourishment leads to weak tissue immunity (Dhatu Kshaya) which ultimately weakens the power of resistance (Vyadhi Kshamatva), and high IgE levels.
  • Vitiated blood (Rakta Dushti) 
  • Incompatible Diet (Viruddha Ahara)
  • Exposure to dust, mites, pollen, pollutants, and chemicals aggravates Kapha and Vata which results in high IgE levels in the body.
  • Stress results in vitiation of Vata Dosha, leading to immune overreaction and high IgE levels in the body.

Symptoms of High IgE Levels (Modern Aspect)

  • Frequent sneezing
  • Nasal congestion
  • Shortness of breath 
  • Chronic cough and throat irritation
  • Sinus infections 
  • Postnasal drip
  • Dry, itchy, inflamed skin
  • Urticaria
  • Angioedema
  • Bloating, nausea, or diarrhea
  • Eosinophilic esophagitis 
  • Allergic Conjunctivitis
  • Ear infections 
  • Sudden drop in blood pressure
  • Difficulty breathing and swelling of the throat
  • Life-threatening emergency

Symptoms of High IgE Levels – As Per Ayurveda

Symptoms Related to Respiratory Symptoms (Pranavaha Srotodushti)

Kapha-Vata vitiation (Parkopa), leads to Pranavaha Strotas Dushti and below mentioned symptoms:-

Difficulty in Breathing (Asthma)

  • Chronic cough with or without mucus (Jeerna Kasa)
  • Nasal congestion and blockage (Nasa Anaha)
  • Watery nasal discharge (Apinasa) 
  • Frequent sneezing (Pratishaya)

Symptoms Related to Blood Vitiation (Rakta Dushti) on Skin

  • Severe itching (Kandu)
  • Swelling and inflammation of the skin (Shotha)
  • Rashes and pustules (Pidika)
  • Redness and irritation on the skin (Raga)
  • Burning or pricking sensation on the affected area (Toda)

Symptoms Related to the Gastrointestinal System (Anavaha Stroto Dushti)

  • Indigestion and bloating (Ajirna)
  • Abdominal pain (Udar Shool)
  • Diarrhea (Atisara)
  • Nausea and vomiting (Chardi)

Symptoms Related to Eyes (Drishti Vikara)

  • Itchy eyes (Netra Kandu)
  • Watery eyes
  • Redness in the eyes (Rakta Netrata)

Symptoms Related to Ears (Karnagata Vikara)

  • Temporary hearing loss due to mucus accumulation (Baadhirya)
  • The feeling of blockage or fullness in the ears (Karna Purnta)
  • Discharge from the ear (Karna Strava)

Severe Hypersensitivity Symptoms (Due to Tridosha Imbalance)

  • Sudden swelling of the lips, face, and throat (Gaatra Shotha)
  • Increased heart palpitations (Hridya Spandana)
  • Dizziness and fainting (Moha and Murccha)

What is Job’s Syndrome or HIES (Hyper-IgE Syndrome)?

The rare primary immunodeficiency disorder in which the IgE level is extremely elevated i.e. more than 2000 IU/ mL and the individual with this syndrome suffers from recurrent skin and lung infection along with skeletal and dental abnormalities. Facial features of individuals with Job’s syndrome are deep-set eyes, broad nose, prominent forehead, etc.

In Ayurveda, HIES does not have direct correlation but it can be correlated with Ojovyapat or Ojakshaya and based on pathophysiology and symptoms it can be correlated to Asthi Dhatu Vikara (bone & skeleton abnormalities), Kapha and Pitta Dushti, etc.

Types of HIES (Hyper-IgE Syndrome)

  • AD-HIES: It is autosomal dominant HIES which is caused by STAT3 gene mutation which results in defective Th17 cell differentiation.
  • AR-HIES: It is autosomal recessive HIES caused by TYK2 or DOCK8 mutation and is often associated with neurological issues, viral infections, vasculitis, etc.

Power of Resistance (Vyadhi Kshmatva) and High Immunoglobulin-E (IgE) level

Ayurveda emphasizes strengthening the power of resistance (Vyadhi Kshamatva) to prevent excessive IgE production in the body.

What is the Power of Resistance (Vyadhi Kshmatva)?

As per Ayurveda the body’s ability to resist and fight against various diseases is known as its power of resistance (Vyadhi Kshmatva) and it is classified into three types:-

  • Innate Immunity (Sahaja): Since birth natural resistance is known as innate immunity (Sahaj).
  • Time-Acquired Immunity (Kalaj): The immunity that is developed in the body with age, seasons, and environmental adaptation is known as time-acquired immunity.
  • Immunity (Yukti Krita): the immunity that is acquired by the body through proper diet, lifestyle (Aahra- Vihara), and rejuvenation therapy (Rasayana).

Relation Between the Power of Resistance (Vyadhi Kshmatva) and High Immunoglobulin-E (IgE) Level

A balanced power of resistance (Vyadhi Kshamatva) in the body ensures a strong immune system, which prevents unnecessary hypersensitivity reactions. But when immunity i.e. Vyadhi Kshmatva is imbalanced, then it can lead to an elevated IgE level in the body which leads to allergic responses and hyper-reactivity.

Diagnosis of High IgE Levels – As Per Ayurveda

For diagnosis, the Ayurvedic physician will do a detailed examination and observation of the individual by five-fold examination (Panch Viddha Pariksha) and ten-fold examination (Dasha Viddha Pariksha).

Pulse diagnosis (Nadi Pariksha), skin examination (Twak Pariksha), etc is done to understand the underlying cause. Along with this detailed analysis of the causative factors, pre-symptoms, progression, etc. will be done.

Various questions will be asked by the patient related to their dietary habits, mental health, lifestyle, etc. Along with all this laboratory investigation will be done like Serum IgE test, RAST test, skin prick test, etc. In suspected cases of HIES genetic testing is also done.

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Ayurvedic Treatment for High Immunoglobulin-E (IgE) Levels

According to Ayurveda, high IgE levels indicate Kapha-Pitta imbalance, Ojas depletion, and toxin (Ama) accumulation, leading to allergies, asthma, skin issues, and recurrent infections.

Ayurvedic Treatment for High Immunoglobulin-E (IgE) Levels includes detoxification therapies like emetic therapy (Vamana) and purgative therapy (Virechana) to cleanse the system, immune-boosting herbs like turmeric, Guduchi, and Shirish, and Rejuvenation therapy (Rasayana Karma) to rejuvenate and strengthen your immunity. Along with dietary modifications, yoga, meditation, and gem therapy, we approach to balance your body and mind.

Dr. Sahil Gupta from IAFA Ayurveda will help uncover the root cause and provide the best Ayurvedic treatment for High Immunoglobulin-E (IgE) Levels and restore your health naturally. The Ayurvedic approach that is used to treat high IgE levels is as follows:-

Detoxification Therapy (Shodhana Therapy) for High Immunoglobulin-E (IgE) Levels

  • Emetic Therapy (Vamana) – For expelling excessive Kapha from patients of Kapha-Pitta Pradhana conditions, controlled therapeutic vomiting is done. Mainly emetic therapy is indicated in conditions like asthma, hay fever, and chronic sinusitis-like conditions in which elevation of IgE level occurs. Emetic therapy helps to clear toxins and mucus from the body and also decreases the hypersensitivity response.
  • Purgation Therapy (Virechana) – Therapeutic purgation is also done in high IgE level patients with the help of various herbs to cleanse the blood, liver, and intestine. Purgative therapy is done which not only detoxifies the body by eliminating deep-seated toxins but improves immune responses and helps in various inflammatory conditions associated with high IgE levels. 
  • Nasal Therapy / Intra Nasal Instillation (Nasya) – Medicated oil or powder is administered through the nostril. Using Nasal therapy in high IgE levels balances Kapha Dosha and helps in reducing inflammation, and nasal congestion, clears toxins, and helps in improving immunity.
  • Bloodletting Therapy (Rakta Mokshana) – With the use of various techniques like leech therapy (Jalaukavacharana), and bloodletting (Prachana) the removal of impure blood is done from the body in bloodletting therapy. This therapy provides immediate relief, helps to remove inflammatory toxins from the bloodstream, and purifies blood.

Herbs for High Immunoglobulin-E (IgE) Levels

Herbs for High IgE Levels Ayurvedic treatment includes Haridra (Curcuma longa), Daru Haridra (Berberis aristata), Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera), Yashtimadhu (Glycyrrhiza glabra), Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia), Manjistha (Rubia cordifolia), Shirisha (Albizia lebbeck), Neem (Azadirachta indica), etc.

These herbs possess antioxidants, anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, adaptogen, moisturizing, anti-toxin, and Kapha and Vata Pacifying properties due to active ingredients present in them which enhance macrophage activity, reduce stress-induced immune suppression, block mast cell degranulation, reduce inflammation, allergic skin reactions, etc. in the body and ultimately helps in raised IgE level.

A recent study revealed that berberine was very potent and inhibited IgE production by peripheral blood mononuclear cells by 80% at 0.62 μg/mL. (Reference – Yang, N., Wang, J., Liu, C., Song, Y., Zhang, S., Zi, J., Zhan, J., Masilamani, M., Cox, A., Nowak-Wegrzyn, A., Sampson, H., & Li, X. (2014). Berberine and limonin suppress IgE production by human B cells and peripheral blood mononuclear cells from food-allergic patients. Annals of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology, 113 (5), 556-564. e4.

Rejuvenation for Immunity Enhancement (Rasayana Therapy)

Indian gooseberry-based rejuvenator like Chayavanprash helps in immune boosting Along with this Brahma Rasayana, Ashwgandha Avleha, Shatavri Ghrita, Swarna Prashana can be used which enhance resistance to allergens, balance Pitta induce hypersensitivity and strengthens overall immunity of the individual. Along with this dietary rejuvenators (Rasayana) like cow’s ghee (clarified butter), Tulsi tea, fresh vegetables, and seasonal fruits can be included in the diet.

Gem Therapy for High Immunoglobulin-E (IgE) Levels

Few stones are recommended to wear in High Immunoglobulin-E (IgE) Levels as per Vedic Astrology. These stones can be worn after proper consultation with an astrologer as per your birth date, Zodiac sign, etc. to get only benefits.

As per astrology, Emerald (Panna), Red coral (Moonga), Pearl (Moti), and Yellow Sapphire (Pukhraj) can be worn as per your natal chart if you are suffering from elevated IgE level. These stones help in enhancing Ojas, calming the Pitta, and mind, reducing stress, balancing hypersensitivity, improving immunity, etc. 

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Diet and Lifestyle Guidance (Pathya-Apathya) for High IgE Level

According to Ayurveda, if your diet is correct then medicine is of no use because a good gut is considered as the basis of a healthy individual. So, by giving attention to our daily diet, we not only get relief from the diseases from which we suffer but also avoid the upcoming diseases. Below we mention some dietary and lifestyle guidelines that one can follow for a high IgE level:-

What to Do (Pathya) at a High IgE Level?

  • To control the symptoms, take plenty of vegetables like drumsticks, carrots, ash gourd, bitter gourd, bottle gourd, etc.
  • Light food that is easy to digest should be taken (Laghu Aahara)
  • Old cereal and grains (Purana Dhanya) like old rice, wheat, Moong Dal, etc. should be taken into the diet.
  • Clarified butter (Ghee) should be included in the diet
  • An anti-inflammatory diet like Omega-3 rich diet (flax seeds, walnuts), Probiotics rich diet (yogurt, kimchi), Vitamin D rich food (mushroom, fortified milk), antioxidant food (citrus fruits, berries), etc must be included in the diet.
  • A hypoallergenic diet like millet, quinoa, buckwheat, etc. included in the diet.
  • Increase hydration by taking warm water, herbal teas, decoctions, fresh juices, etc.
  • Use masks in polluted areas.
  • Yoga, meditation, and exercise should be done regularly.

What to Avoid (Apathya) in High IgE level?

  • Avoid heavy and cold meals (Guru and Sheeta Bhojana)
  • Avoid incompatible food (Virrudha Aahara)
  • Alcohol and smoking should be avoided.
  • Fermented food should be avoided.
  • Processed food and junk food should be avoided.
  • Reduce exposure to allergens.
  • Avoid synthetic fragrances and harsh chemicals.
  • Anger and anxiety (Krodha and Shoka) should be avoided.
  • Avoid Kapha-aggravating foods (dairy, cold, processed foods).

Yoga Asanas for High Immunoglobulin-E (IgE) Levels

Yoga Asanas for High IgE Levels Treatment in Ayurveda includes Cobra pose (Bhujangasana), Bow pose (Dhanurasana), Corpse pose (Savasana), Fish pose (Matsyasana), Deep breathing technique (Pranayama) like cooling breath (Sheetali Pranayama, Bellows breath (Bhastrika Pranayama), alternate nostril breathing (Anulom-Viloma), Meditation like So-Ham, Om chanting, etc. can be used in elevated IgE level in the body.

These Yogic Asanas improve blood circulation, relieve stress, improve metabolism, enhance immunity, strengthen the respiratory system, etc.

Yoga Asanas for High Immunoglobulin-E (IgE) Levels

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. How to Reduce IgE Levels through Ayurveda?

Ans. Ayurveda helps in balancing elevated IgE levels by detoxifying the body with Panchakarma therapy like emetic, purgative, bloodletting therapy, etc., by using immune-modulating herbs like Haridra, Daruharidra, Shirish, and following a personalized diet.

Q2. How to Reduce Elevated IgE Levels naturally?

Ans. Adopting an anti-inflammatory, hypoallergenic diet, practicing Yoga and pranayama, taking herbs like Neem, and Ashwagandha, and including rejuvenators in the diet help to reduce elevated IgE levels naturally.

Q3. Can Neem Reduce IgE levels?

Ans. Yes, Azadirachta indica i.e. Neem has blood-purifying, immunomodulatory, and anti-allergic properties that help lower IgE levels in the body.

Q4. Can Turmeric Reduce IgE Levels?

Ans. Yes, Turmeric, i.e. Haridra contains a natural anti-inflammatory compound i.e. curcumin that stabilizes the immune response in the body and reduces IgE-related hypersensitivity.

Q5. Is a High IgE Level Dangerous?

Ans. Elevated IgE levels indicate an overactive immune response in the body, which leads to chronic allergies, autoimmune conditions, etc, in the body. Long-term elevation of IgE may contribute to severe inflammatory disorders which are dangerous for the body.

Q6. Can Stress Increase IgE Levels?

Ans. Yes, chronic stress weakens vital immunity i.e. Oja in the body, increases inflammation, and disrupts immune function, which leads to elevated IgE levels. Regular Yoga and meditation help reduce stress in the body.

Q7. What Foods Should be Avoided for High IgE Levels?

Ans. Avoid processed foods, heavy food, cold, refined sugar, cold beverages, gluten, and allergenic foods in case of high IgE levels in the body.

Q8. Which Foods Help Lower IgE Levels?

Ans. Indian gooseberry (Amla), turmeric (Haridra), ginger (Adraka), holy basil (tulsi), pomegranate (Dadima), green leafy vegetables, flaxseeds (omega-3 rich foods), and cow’s ghee help reduce inflammation and balance immunity.

Q9. Does Vitamin-D Deficiency Affect IgE Levels?

Ans. Low vitamin D levels in the body are linked to increased IgE levels and such individuals are at higher risk of having diseases like allergies and asthma. Sun exposure and vitamin D-rich foods help to overcome Vitamin D deficiency.


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  • You, Cun & Ran, Guo & Wu, Xiao & Wang, Yu & Tian, Hua & Fan, Jiabao & Yao, Zezhong & Wang, Fei. (2019). High immunoglobulin E level is associated with increased readmission in children with bronchopneumonia. Therapeutic Advances in Respiratory Disease. 13. 175346- 66198- 7983. 10. 1177/ 1753466- 619879832.
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Seek Expert Advice

If you are struggling with high IgE levels and experiencing frequent allergies, skin problems, respiratory issues, eye problems, etc. It’s time to seek expert advice.

At IAFA, Dr. Sahil Gupta provides personalized, root-cause-based treatment to help balance your immune system naturally. A combination of detoxification therapies, herbs, dietary modifications, and lifestyle corrections, strengthen vital immunity (Oja).

Dr. Sahil Gupta completed his Bachelor of Ayurveda in Medicine and Surgery (B.A.M.S.) and Master’s Degree in Health Administration (MHA) India. He is Registered Ayurvedic Doctor & Vaidya in India having Registration No. 23780. He is the CEO and founder of IAFA. After completing BAMS, Dr. Sahil Gupta started practicing Ayruveda by giving prime importance to allergic disorders management. He became the first Ayurvedic doctor to cure Food Allergies through Ayurveda. Read More About Dr. Sahil Gupta.

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