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Do you often experience unexplained skin rashes, digestive discomfort, headaches, or a constantly stuffy nose?
Why do some people react so strongly to everyday foods and environmental triggers while others don’t?
Have you ever noticed that weather changes, intake of certain foods, and exposure to pollen, or even dust make your symptoms worse?
Could it be allergies, or is something else at play?
While most people and consultants associate these reactions with common allergies, another possible culprit often goes unnoticed – Histamine Intolerance.
What is Histamine?
A compound that is naturally occurring in the body, plays a vital role in immune responses, neurotransmission, and digestion. Histamine is a biogenic amine that is primarily stored in the mast cells, and basophils and is derived from amino acid histidine. These mast cells and basophils release this histamine in response to allergens, infections, and injury.
What are the Functions of Histamine?
Histamine is a key player in allergies as when it is released when any allergen detects various symptoms like inflammation, swelling, etc. occurs. Along with this histamine stimulates the production of gastric acid, acts as a neurotransmitter in the brain, regulates vasodilation, etc.
When Does Histamine Become the Culprit?
As it is essential for many physiological processes, problems arise when it is overproduced or not broken down properly which leads to various issues like allergies, histamine intolerance, migraines, digestive problems, etc.
How is Histamine Intolerance Different from Other Allergic Reactions?
True allergic reactions occur when the immune system mistakenly attacks harmless substances, whereas histamine intolerance is caused by an imbalance between histamine production and its breakdown.
What Causes this Impaired Histamine Breakdown?
This occurs primarily due to deficiencies in enzymes like DAO (diamine oxidase) and HNMT (histamine-N-methyltransferase). When the body struggles with the breakdown of histamine efficiently, it accumulates, which results in a variety of symptoms that mimic allergies, digestive disorders, and even anxiety.
Today throughout the world lots of individuals are suffering from chronic issues like sinus congestion, itching, irregular heartbeats, and anxiety, without realizing that histamine intolerance could be the underlying reason. As its symptoms mimic allergies, IBS, anxiety, chronic fatigue syndrome, and even asthma, so histamine intolerance is easily misdiagnosed or overlooked.
To answer all the questions mentioned above, diving into its root causes, identifying potential triggers, and exploring effective management strategies are required. If you’ve been searching for answers to your unexplained symptoms, could histamine intolerance be the missing piece of the puzzle? Let’s explore the Ayurvedic science behind it and discover how to regain control over your histamine at IAFA.
What is Histamine Intolerance?
When the body is unable to get regular histamine and properly breakdown then this leads to excessive accumulation of this compound in the system and this is known as histamine intolerance which results in various kinds of symptoms in the body.
What is Histamine Intolerance – As Per Ayurveda?
As per Ayurveda histamine intolerance will be better understood through the lens of imbalance of fundamental energies (Dosha) mainly Vata and Pitta, metabolic dysfunction (Poor or weakened Agni), and toxin accumulation (Ama Uttpati).
If we talk about symptoms of histamine intolerance, then they are better correlated with symptoms of various disorders mentioned in Ayurveda like acidic disorder (Urdhwaga Amlapitta), Udard, Kotha, Tmaka Shwasa, Vata-Pitta Prakopa, etc.
Who Gets Affected by Histamine Intolerance?
Certain individuals are more susceptible to histamine intolerance otherwise it can affect anyone. As you know, histamine intolerance is not a true allergy and occurs when an imbalance occurs between breakdown and production of histamine, so individuals with DAO enzyme deficiency, HNMT (histamine-N-methyltransferase) deficiency.
Individuals suffering from various gastrointestinal disorders like IBS, SIBO, IBD, etc., or those who take a high histamine diet, and certain medications like antihistamines, antidepressants, etc. are more prone to have histamine intolerance.
How Common is Histamine Intolerance?
Exact data on current incidence is not available but globally around 1-3% of the population is affected by histamine intolerance and approximately 80% of them are middle-aged. As per the survey women above 40 years are more affected by histamine intolerance which is 80% higher than others. As per survey cases, children remain undiagnosed as they eat less rich food. Research revealed that fish, smoked meat products and cheeses contain large amounts of histamine and may trigger symptoms of histamine intolerance in most cases.
What is the Difference Between Histamine Intolerance and Histamine Intoxication?
When there is decreased histamine degradation, resulting most commonly from low DAO activity and due to tissue HNMT being inhibited by histamine metabolites then this condition is known as histamine intolerance. This condition can occur even when food with low amounts of histamine is ingested.
On the other hand, when individuals with normal histamine degradation enzyme activity ingest large quantities of histamine-rich food like certain fish, smoked meat, cheese, etc., and develop histamine-induced symptoms, then this condition is known as histamine intoxication.
Types of Histamine Intolerance
1. Enzyme Deficiency Related to Histamine Intolerance: When the body is deficient in certain enzymes that are necessary for the breakdown of histamine. It is further of two types:-
I) Diamine oxidase (DAO) deficiency
II) Histamine- N- methyltransferase (HNMT) deficiency
I) Diamine Oxidase (DAO) Deficiency: The primary enzyme responsible for breaking down histamine in the gut is DAO. When DAO is deficient due to genetic causes, gastrointestinal issues, use of certain medications, etc. excessive histamine accumulation occurs which results in various digestive issues, skin reactions, and headaches.
II) Histamine-N-methyltransferase (HNMT) Deficiency: For breaking of histamine in the nervous system, liver, and other tissues, HNMT is responsible, and its deficiency may result in various neurological issues like migraines, brain fog, anxiety, etc.
2. Mast Cell-Related Histamine Intolerance: Due to overactive cells the body produces too much histamine. This may be the result of Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS) where mast cells release excessive histamine in response to non-threatening triggers and results in various symptoms like hives, asthma-like symptoms, flushes, anaphylaxis, etc.
3. Gut-Related Histamine Intolerance: Due to poor gut health histamine breakdown and metabolism are affected which results in histamine intolerance. The main digestive system-related issues that result in histamine tolerance are Leaky Gut Syndrome, SIBO, dysbiosis, etc.
4. Hormone-Related Histamine Intolerance: When a hormonal imbalance occurs in the body mainly of estrogen then it increases histamine levels in the body and worsens symptoms this is known as Hormone-Related Histamine Intolerance. This occurs mainly at times of menstruation, pregnancy, hormonal therapy, perimenopause, menopause, use of birth control pills, etc.
5. Food-Induced Histamine Intolerance: When a high histamine diet is taken by the individual then it triggers histamine release and digestive system issues, enzyme deficiencies reduce the ability of the body to break down the histamine and result in histamine intolerance. Fermented foods, processed meat, cheese, spinach, tomatoes, etc. are foods rich in histamine, and citrus food, nuts, and chocolate even not high in histamine but trigger histamine intolerance.
6. Environmental & Stress-Induced Histamine Intolerance: Many external factors when resulting in histamine release or breakdown then this is known as Environmental & Stress-Induced Histamine Intolerance. External factors are pollen, dust, animal dander, extreme heat, extreme cold, mold, anxiety, chronic stress, etc.
Causes of Histamine Intolerance
- DAO and HNMT dysfunction
- Microbiome imbalance
- Intake of a high histamine-containing diet
- Intake of histamine liberating food
- Intake of DAO- blocking food
- Use of certain medications that inhibit DAO, HNMT like aspirin, SSRIs, MAO inhibitors, beta-blockers, H2 blockers, etc.
- Hormonal imbalance like high estrogen level, using birth control pills, taking hormonal therapy, etc.
- Chronic stress
- Exposure to triggers like dust, pollen, extreme temperature, etc.
Causes of Histamine Intolerance – As Per Ayurveda
1) Vata Dosha Imbalance: Vata Dosha imbalance affects digestion and the nervous system and occurs due to:-
- Excessive fasting (Upvaas)
- Irregular intake of food (Vishmashana)
- Intake of cold food (Sheetal Aahar Sevana)
- Excessive travel (Ati Chankrmana)
- Disturbed sleep cycle i.e. day sleeping (Diva Swapana), night awakening (Ratri Jagaran)
- Intake of dry food (Ruksha Aahara Sevana)
2) Pitta Dosha Imbalance: Pitta Dosha imbalance produces excessive heat and inflammation in the body due to which metabolism, immune response, and digestion will get disturbed, and it occurs due to:-
- Excessive consumption of sour (Amla), spicy (Katu), and oily (Snigdha) food.
- Exposure to hot climate and excessive sun exposure (Ati Ushana Tapa)
- Anger (Krodha)
- Overwork (Ati Shrama)
3) Digestive Fire Dysfunction (Manda Agni): As balanced Agni is responsible for proper metabolism and detoxification, weak digestive fire results in toxin (Ama) formation that leads to improper histamine breakdown, and this all occurs due to:-
- Overeating (Ati Bhojana)
- Intake of heavy meals (Guru Bhojana Sevana)
- Intake of incompatible food (Virrudha Aahara Sevana)
- Sedentary lifestyle (Sukumarta)
- Lack of physical activity (Ashrama)
4) Undigested Food Waste Product or Toxin (Ama Uttpati): As a result of weak digestive fire when a toxin (Ama) is formed it blocks the proper metabolism of histamine similar to DAO deficiency which occurs due to:-
- Eating late at night (Vishmashana)
- Intake of dairy products with sour fruits or with fish or with salt.
- Stress (Mansika Nidana)
5) Poor Liver Function (Yakrit Dushti): It leads to overproduction of histamine and occurs due to:-
- Overuse of alcohol (Madatya)
- Intake of spicy food (Katu Aahara Sevana)
- Suppression of physiological and psychological urges (Sharirika and Mansika Vega Dharana)
6) Overactivation of Mast Cells (Rakta Vaha Strotas Dushti): This occurs due to the intake of Pitta aggravating food, emotional instability, and repeated exposure to allergens.
Symptoms of Histamine Intolerance
- Acid reflux
- Abdominal cramping
- Constipation
- Diarrhea
- Hives
- Flushing and redness
- Eczema
- Swelling
- Runny nose
- Nasal congestion
- Sneezing
- Postnasal drip
- Circulatory issues like cold hands and cold feet
- Migraine
- Anxiety
- Mood swings
- Sleep disturbances
- Severe PMS
- Chronic fatigue
- Frequent urination
- Genital discomfort or itching
Symptoms of Histamine Intolerance – As Per Ayurveda
Symptoms As Per Different Systems Involved:-
1) Digestive System-Related Symptoms (Anavaha Stroto Dushti Lakshana):-
- Hyperacidity (Amlapitta)
- Bloating (Aadhmana)
- Constipation (Vivandha)
- Diarrhea (Atisara)
- Abdominal pain (Udar Shula)
- Nausea and vomiting (Chardi)
2) Respiratory System-Related Symptoms (Pranavaha Stroto Dushti Lakshana):-
- Asthma-like symptoms (Tamaka Shwasa)
- Runny nose (Nasa Strava)
- Cough (Kasa)
- Headache (Shiroshula)
3) Circulatory System-Related Symptoms (Raktavaha Stroto Dushti Lakshana):-
- Fainting or blackout sensation (Tama Pravesha)
- Blood pressure fluctuation (Lohita Dushti)
- Heart palpitation (Hrid Drava)
4) Metabolic and Hormonal Imbalance (Meda Dhatu and Strotas Dushti Lakshan):-
- Menstrual irregularities (Raja Kshobha)
- Weakness and fatigue (Dourbalya)
- Burning sensation (Daha)
5) Skin-Related Symptoms (Twaka Vikara Lakshana):-
- Hives or Urticaria (Sheetapitta)
- Itching (Kandu)
- Burning sensation (Daha)
- Excessive sweating (Ati Sweda)
- Skin rashes (Kotha)
6) Neurological Symptoms (Vata Dushti Lakshana):-
- Dizziness and Vertigo (Brahma)
- Insomnia (Anidra)
- Anxiety (Mano Dourbalya)
- Headaches or migraine (Shiroshula)
Diagnosis of Histamine Intolerance – As Per Ayurveda
For diagnosis, the Ayurvedic physician will do a detailed examination and observation of the patient by ten-fold examination (Dasha Viddha Pariksha). Detailed analysis of the causative factors, pre-symptoms, progression, etc. will be done.
Various questions will be asked to the patient related to their dietary habits, mental health, lifestyle, etc to confirm histamine intolerance, and an individualized treatment approach is determined.

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Histamine Intolerance Ayurvedic Treatment
Are you struggling with unexplained digestive issues, respiratory issues, headaches, or allergies that don’t seem to have a clear cause? These could be signs of histamine intolerance, a condition where the body fails to break down excess histamine, leading to systemic imbalances.
Histamine Intolerance Ayurvedic treatment focuses on balancing Doshas, restoring the health of the digestive and nervous systems, and detoxifying the body through Shodhana (purificatory), Shamana (palliative), dietary regulation (Pathya-Apathya), lifestyle modification, etc. The Ayurvedic approach that is used to treat histamine intolerance is as follows:-
Detoxification Therapy (Shodhana Therapy) for Histamine Intolerance
- Purgation Therapy (Virechana) – Therapeutic purgation is histamine intolerance patients with the help of various herbs to cleanse the body. Purgative therapy is done which not only detoxifies the body by eliminating deep-seated toxins from the liver and intestine which helps in improving histamine intolerance-related symptoms.
- Bloodletting Therapy (Rakta Mokshana) – With the use of various techniques like leech therapy (Jalaukavacharana), the removal of impure blood is done from the body in bloodletting therapy which purifies Raktavaha Strotas and is beneficial in urticaria, skin rashes, like symptoms.
- Medicated Enema Therapy (Basti) – In this process, medicated oil or decoctions are administered through the rectum. It helps regulate the Vata Dosha and reduces hypersensitivity reactions. It overall improves gut health and nourishes tissues of the skin.
- Nasal Therapy / Intra Nasal instillation (Nasya) – Medicated oil or powder is administered through the nostril. This helps in clearing sinuses and nasal congestion, thus helping in treating histamine intolerance.
Herbs for Histamine Intolerance
Herbs for Histamine Intolerance Ayurvedic Treatment includes Haridra (Curcuma longa), Pippali (Piper longum), Tulsi (Ocimum sanctum), Shirisha (Albizia lebbeck), Bakuchi (Psoralea corylifolia), Neem (Azadirachta indica), Kushmanda (Benincasa hispida), Karchura (Curcuma zedoaria), Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia), Pushkar Moola (Inula racemosa), Manjistha (Rubia cordifolia), Khadir (Acacia catechu), Karanja (Pongamia pinnata), etc.
These herbs possess anti-inflammatory, antihistamine, mast cell stabilizing, and detoxifying properties which prevent excessive histamine release, detoxify the blood, and reduce allergic responses which make them ideal herbs to use in histamine intolerance.
Gem Therapy for Histamine Intolerance
Few stones are recommended to wear in Histamine Intolerance as per Vedic Astrology. These stones can be worn after proper consultation with an astrologer as per your birth date, Zodiac sign, etc. to get only benefits. As per astrology Emerald (Panna), Pearl (Moti), and Blue Sapphire (Neelam) can be worn as per your natal chart if you are suffering from histamine intolerance.
These stones help reduce inflammation, strengthen the immune system, improve skin conditions, reduce histamine buildup, balance stress-related histamine release, etc.
Diet and Lifestyle Guidance (Pathya-Apathya) for Histamine Intolerance
According to Ayurveda, if your diet is correct then medicine is of no use because a good gut is considered as the basis of a healthy individual. So, by giving attention to our daily diet, we not only get relief from the diseases from which we suffer but also avoid the upcoming diseases. Below we mention some dietary and lifestyle guidelines that one can follow for histamine intolerance are as follows:
What to Do (Pathya) in Histamine Intolerance?
- Take approximately 2 liters of water every day.
- Take cooling and soothing food (Pitta Shamaka Aahar).
- Low-histamine vegetables like beets, carrots, zucchini, and cauliflower should be included in the diet.
- DAO-boosting food like eggs, pea sprouts, etc should be included in the diet.
- Antihistamine-rich foods like turmeric, ginger, onions, kiwi, and oranges should be included in the diet.
- One should have dinner and sleep at the appropriate time (Ratricharya)
- Light food that is easy to digest should be taken (Laghu Aahara) like rice, oats, quinoa, etc.
- Organic vegetables, especially gourd families, should be included in the diet.
- Flax seeds, clarified butter, coconut oil, etc. healthy fats should be included in the diet.
- Green gram, barley, and old, stored rice should be included in the diet
- Yoga, meditation, and exercise should be done regularly.
- Daily massage (Abhyanga) should be done to nourish the skin.
What to Avoid (Apathya) in Histamine Intolerance?
- Excessive exercise, sun exposure, and heat should be avoided as they trigger histamine.
- Avoid high-histamine foods like fermented foods, parmesan cheese, etc.
- Meats like Pepperoni, salami, and bacon should be avoided.
- Leftover foods are also rich in histamine and should be avoided.
- Vinegar containing foods like pickles, mayonnaise, etc., should be avoided.
- Canned food should be avoided.
- Avoid DAO blocking food like energy drinks, alcohol, especially beer and red wine.
- Green tea or black tea should be avoided.
- Histamine-releasing foods such as egg plants, spinach, avocados, citrus fruits, bananas, strawberries, papaya, etc, should be avoided.
- Cocoa containing food like chocolates should be avoided.
- Avoid stress
- Late night meals should be avoided.
Yoga Asanas for Histamine Intolerance
Various Yoga Asanas like Cobra pose (Bhujangasana), Wind-relieving pose (Pawanmuktasana), Corpse pose (Shava Asana), Deep breathing technique (Pranayama), Meditation, Alternate Nostril Breathing (Anuloma Viloma), etc. can be used in histamine intolerance.
These Yogic Asanas improve digestion, reduce allergic symptoms, lower stress, stabilize histamine production, regulate hormones, regulate the nervous system, etc.

Frequently Asked Questions
Question: How Do You Treat Histamine Intolerance Rash Naturally?
Answer: Support DAO enzyme production with foods like pea sprouts, follow a low histamine diet, improve gut health, and take vitamin B6, C, and magnesium-rich food.
Question: What is DAO Deficiency?
Answer: DAO is known as Diamine Oxidase which is an enzyme used for breaking histamine when the body becomes DAO deficient histamine increases in the body causing various symptoms like allergies, digestive issues, headache, etc.
Question: Can Histamine Raise BP?
Answer: Yes, high histamine in the body can trigger high blood pressure in stress response cases along with this, in a few cases it results in the widening of blood vessels i.e. vasodilation which may lead to low blood pressure.
Question: What Organ Does Histamine Affect?
Answer: Multiple organs are affected by histamine like the gastrointestinal tract, brain, skin, cardiovascular system, etc.
Question: Does Histamine Intolerance Cause Brain Fog?
Answer: Yes, as high histamine level affects the nervous system it can lead to brain fog, mood changes, etc.
Question: How is Histamine Intolerance Diagnosed?
Answer: Rather than a standard allergy test through an elimination diet (Nidana Parivarjana), a DAO enzyme test by tracking symptoms is diagnosed.
Question: Does Stress Worsen Histamine Intolerance?
Answer: Yes, stress triggers the release of histamine from the body, and in histamine intolerance cases it worsens the symptoms.
Question: What Food is High in Histamine?
Answer: Fermented foods, processed meat, smoked meat, cheese, tomato, spinach, seafood and are high in histamine.
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Struggling with histamine intolerance? Experiencing unexplained allergies, headaches, or digestive issues? It could be due to histamine intolerance!
For expert diagnosis and personalized treatment, Dr. Sahil Gupta at IAFA is the best place to visit. Get the right guidance to manage your symptoms and improve your health.
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