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About Jewellery and Metal Allergy
उपशेते यदौचित्यादोक सात्म्यं तदुच्यते||४९||
Jewellery or metal allergy is a common cause of contact allergic dermatitis. Most jewellery allergy is caused by the metal nickel which is used in the manufacture of precious metal alloys. In less expensive jewellery, nickel is often used in the base metal which is then plated with gold or silver. Many people who believe that they are allergic to gold or silver jewellery are allergic to nickel, which can occur as a trace element in gold or silver or has been used in the manufacture of gold jewellery to whiten and strengthen the piece. Jewellery allergy presents as dermatitis in places where nickel-containing metal is touching the skin.
The most common sites of jewellery allergy are the earlobes (from earrings), the fingers (from rings), and around the neck (from necklaces); the affected areas become intensely itchy and may become red and blistered (acute dermatitis) or dry, thickened and pigmented (chronic dermatitis). Sometimes dermatitis later affects areas that are not in contact with jewellery, particularly the hands
In Ayurveda, we can say that this type of reaction is caused unsuitable or Asatmya influences. Similarly, there may be cases of seasonal or acquired skin sensitivities that is caused due to a reactive type toxin called Amavasya. This is the more dangerous counterpart of the toxin Ama, which is usually created due to faulty digestion. If Ama is left to continue to accumulate in the digestive tract, it can spread to other tissues (dates) and organs. Eventually, the Ama interacts with the organs, tissues and functions of the body (subdoshas) where if not flushed out, it settles and forms a reactive poison called Amavisha. When an Asatmya influence or allergen interacts with the Amavisha it can impair cell functioning and may manifest as rashes, discoloration, roughness or irritation.
Causes of Jewellery and Metal Allergy
- Caused due to body contact-causes itching, burning, blisters, red/black/blue discoloration, boil eruptions etc
- Caused due to body insertion/piercing-above said features may be associated with oozing or bleeding, ulceration, decaying, pus discharge, necrosis etc.
- In few of the cases fever, super infections, neuro muscular toxic features may also found, even though it is rare
Symptoms of Jewellery and Metal Allergy
- Rash or bumps on the skin
- Itching, which may be severe
- Redness or changes in skin color
- Dry patches of skin that may resemble a burn
- Blisters and draining fluid in severe cases
Ayurvedic References of Jewellery and Metal Allergy

“Dr. Gupta’s IAFA provides very effective and authentic management for Jewellery and Metal Allergy. Institute of Applied Food Allergy® Our commitment is to help you understand your unique individual nature, to identify areas of imbalance, and to create a customized treatment program for all types of allergies”.
Access to quality healthcare!!! Reach Dr. Gupta’s IAFA for all your worries about your health.
– Dr. Sahil Gupta (B.A.M.S., M.H.A.)
Ayurvedic Allergy Specialist
CEO & Founder of IAFA®
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Ayurvedic Treatment for Jewellery and Metal Allergy
If the symptoms are severe, then it indicates excess vitiation of Kapha and Pitta Dosha. In this condition, Vamana (vomiting treatment) followed by Virechana treatment (purgation treatment) is conducted.
Internal Medicines for Jewellery and Metal Allergy
- Madhusnuhi rasayana
- Gandhaka rasayana
- Chopachini choorna
- Arogyavardini rasa
- Triphala guggulu
- Kaishora guggulu
- Mahatiktaka kashaya
- Guggulutiktaka kashaya
- Mahamnjishthadi kashaya
External Medicines for Jewellery and Metal Allergy
- Nalpamaradi taila
- Rasottamadi lepa
- Bilvadi gulika
- Marmani gulika
- Gandhakadya malahara
- Sinduradi malahara
- Shatadhouta ghrita
- Guggulutiktaka ghrita
Single Herbs Used in Jewellery and Metal Allergy
- Surasa (Ocimum sanctum)
- Shirisha (Albizia lebbek)
- Haridra (Curcuma longa)
- Gandhaka (Sulphur)
- Katuki (Picrorhiza Kurroa)
- Nimba (Aristolochia indica)
- Guloochi (Tinospora cordifolia)
Diet Management in Jewellery and Metal Allergy
Pathya (Do’s)
- Use alternative white gold alloys are available based on palladium, silver and other white metals
- When having ears or other body parts pierced, have it done with a stainless steel needle and make sure your jewellery is made of stainless steel or either 18- or 24 karat gold.
- Look for jewellery that is hypoallergenic, i.e. made of stainless steel, at least 18-karat gold, sterling silver, or polycarbonate plastic.
- If you must wear earrings that contain nickel, add plastic covers made specifically for earring studs.
- If your wedding ring or another item of jewellery that you wear daily causes a reaction, you can ask a jeweller about having it plated in a non-allergic metal, such as rhodium or platinum.
Apathya (Don’ts)
- The most important thing you can do is avoid contact with objects that can cause a reaction.
- If your skin is cracked or blistered, you should take off any metal jewellery right away and see your doctor for treatment to avoid getting an infection.
Yoga Therapy for Jewellery and Metal Allergy
Postures include:-
- Surya Namaskar
- Halasana
- Matsyasana
- Trikonasana
- Bhujangasana

Frequently Asked Questions
Question: What is Jewellery and Metal Allergy?
Answer: An allergic reaction occurs when the body overreacts to substance that is Jewellery or metal when come into contact with the skin.
Question: What are the causes of Jewellery and Metal Allergy?
Answer: It is caused due to low quality metals; alloys or plastic tools are used which may be allergic
Question: What is the Ayurveda treatment of Jewellery and Metal Allergy?
Answer: The principle of management includes eliminative procedures (therapeutic emesis, purgation, etc.), local applications, and internal administration of drugs
Dr. Gupta’s IAFA – Our commitment is to help you understand your unique individual nature, to identify areas of imbalance, and to create a customized treatment program for all types of allergies
Access to quality healthcare!!!Reach Dr. Gupta’s IAFA for all your worries about your health.
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