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What is Leaky Gut Syndrome?
Leaky gut syndrome, also known as intestinal hyperpermeability is a serious condition caused by the loss of tight junction of the intestinal walls. In addition to the breakdown and absorption of food substances, the digestive system also plays an important role in protecting our body from harmful substances. The walls of the intestine act as a barrier, thereby preventing bacteria and other harmful substances from entering the bloodstream. When the tight junction of intestinal walls becomes more permeable, it will allow these harmful substances to enter the bloodstream. This phenomenon is known as leaky gut. In this condition, widespread inflammation and permanent damage of intestinal viscera may occur if left untreated.
We can correlate the condition “Antraja Vrana” as leaky gut syndrome. Vrana means tearing or splitting of any part of the body. Vrana also means discontinuity of the skin or any other tissues. Here in leaky gut syndrome, the continuity of the intestinal wall is lost, therefore it can be taken as Antraja Vrana. The word “Antra” in the Sanskrit language denotes ‘Intestine’.
Acharya Susruta has mentioned various features of Antraja Vrana. The symptoms include Atisara (diarrhea), malabandha (constipation), kuksha sula (stomach pain), atopa (bloating of the abdomen), etc. Early detection of the condition is important for the fast recovery.
Causes of Leaky Gut Syndrome
Leaky gut syndrome occurs due to the discontinuity of intestinal walls, allowing toxins and bacteria to enter the bloodstream thereby causing inflammation. Various factors are responsible for the loss of continuity of intestinal walls including:-
- Chronic inflammation
- Nutritional deficiency
- Fatty acid deficiency
- Chronic stress
- Improper digestion
- High alcohol intake
- Parasites
- Pathogenic bacterias
- Yeast infections and
- Other chronic systemic disorders.
Signs and Symptoms of Leaky Gut Syndrome
Leaky gut syndrome may result in digestive as well as other system failures. Various symptoms observed in this condition are:-
Digestive Symptoms:-
- Abdominal bloating
- Diarrhea
- Stomach pain
- Abdominal cramps
- Food sensitivity and
- Delayed digestion
Other observed symptoms include:-
- Sinusitis
- Eczema
- Chronic Skin Infection
- Migraine
- Hyperthyroidism
- Joint Pains
- Chronic Fatigue
- Weight Gain
- Depression
- Mood Swings
- Hives (Urticaria)
Ayurvedic Reference to Leaky Gut Syndrome
त्वक्सिरामांसमेदोऽस्थिस्नायुमर्मान्तराश्रयाः ।
व्रणस्थानानि निर्दिष्टान्यष्टावेतानि संग्रहे ।। २६ ।।

“IAFA® is the first Ayurvedic institution in the world specified for the management of food intolerances related health concerns such as Leaky Gut Syndrome through ancient knowledge in Ayurveda. Institute of Applied Food Allergy® assures safe and natural friendly Ayurvedic remedies for better recovery from Leaky Gut Syndrome and also curing a wide range of health concerns.”
Visit IAFA for a result oriented holistic approach!
– Dr. Sahil Gupta (B.A.M.S., M.H.A.)
Ayurvedic Allergy Specialist
CEO & Founder of IAFA®
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Ayurvedic Treatment of Leaky Gut Syndrome
Leaky Gut Syndrome Ayurvedic treatment should be started by correcting the diet pattern. A healthy food intake regimen and lifestyle are more important.
Internal Medicines of Leaky Gut Syndrome
- Amruthotharam kashayam
- Guduchyadi kashayam
- Drakshadi kashayam
- Kalyanaka ghritam
- Dadimadi ghritam
- Tiktaka ghritam and
- Sukumara rasayanam
Single Herbs Used to Treat Leaky Gut Syndrome
Single herbs for Ayurvedic treatment of Leaky Gut Syndrome recommended by Ayurveda are Amalaki (Emblica officinalis), Draksha (Vitis vinifera) and Yava (Hordeum vulgare).
Diet for Leaky Gut Syndrome
Pathya (Do’s)
- Pomegranate
- Moderate exercises without severe sweating
- Timely food intake
- Easy-to-digest food materials
- Gooseberry and
- Barley
Apathya (Don’ts)
- Coffee
- Chilly and Garlic for the treatment period
- Heavy-to-digest food substances like deep fries and synthetic food materials
- Alcohol and
- Untimely food intake.
Yoga and Pranayama for Leaky gut syndrome
As explained earlier, a healthy lifestyle and diet pattern are essential in controlling leaky gut syndrome. Pranayama and yoga help with proper oxygen intake and reduce the amount of toxic substances produced inside the body. Yoga techniques like
- Gomukhasana
- Tadasana
- Chakrasana
- Vajrasana etc. Helps in the proper working of the digestive system and also cures various abdominal disorders

Frequently Asked Questions
Question: Is it possible to treat leaky gut syndrome through Ayurveda?
Answer: Yes, Ayurveda is having successful treatment methods for leaky gut syndrome.
Question: Which is the best institution in India for treating leaky gut syndrome?
Answer: IAFA is the best institution in India for the treatment of Leaky gut syndrome through Ayurveda.
Question: How long does it take to treat leaky gut syndrome through Ayurveda?
Answer: Ayurveda measures may take 3-6 months for the successful treatment of leaky gut syndrome.
Question: What does Ayurveda say about gut?
Answer: According to Ayurveda, digestion and gut play a significant role in immunity of an individual. In Ayurveda, there is a concept of Ojas, which is the finest product formed by healthy digestion, which strengthens the immune system.
Question: How to restore normal gut flora?
Answer: There are some traditional Ayurvedic formulations such as Triphala which gently detoxify the gut and strengthen the Agni (digestive fire) as well.
Question: How Ayurveda treats leaky gut syndrome?
Answer: In Ayurveda, digestion is considered as everything. Long before modern medicine confirmed the importance of gut health, Ayurveda told us that the disease begins and ends in the gut. Agni or digestive fire is the key to optimum health. Ayurveda helps in leaky gut syndrome by prescribing herbs that detoxifies the gut and strengthens the agni.
Question: What is the cause of leaky gut syndrome according to Ayurveda?
Answer: The recent increase in consumption of processed food, red meat, and a low-fiber calorie dense diet has resulted in an increase of leaky gut syndrome. These foods are heavy for the digestive system to metabolize which is usually converted to a toxin known as Ama. It causes a deteriorating effect on physical, mental, behavioral and cognitive functions.
Question: How to prevent leaky gut syndrome?
Answer: Leaky gut syndrome can be prevented by adopting Ayurvedic principles of having freshly prepared food mixed with various digestive spices such as turmeric, cumin seeds, asafetida, fennel seeds etc.
- Shloka No. 6; Chapter No. 1 – Dvivraniyam Chikitsitam, from Susruta Samhita Chikitsa Sthanam written by Acharya Susrutha.
- Shloka No. 26, Chapter No. 25 – Dvivraniya Chikitsitam, from Charaka Samhita Chikitsa Sthanam by Acharya Agnivesa.
- K.R. Srikantha Murthy. Ashtanga Samgraha of Vagbhata, English translator Vol. 1, Chaukhambha Orientalia, Sutrasthana 4/14-16, p. 61.
- Sharma H. Leaky Gut Syndrome, dysbiosis, ama, free radicals and natural antioxidants. AYU. 2009; 30: 88-105.
Leaky Gut Syndrome if left untreated, man become a fatal condition. Proper management of the condition can only be achieved through Ayurveda as it depends on our lifestyle also. IAFA have developed effective medicines against Leaky Gut Syndrome through our years of Ayurvedic research. Our experts spend years researching how to develop medications suitable for all body types. Our Ayurvedic line of treatment assures high success rates in the management of leaky gut syndrome as well similar other conditions.
Visit us for a natural friendly healing!
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