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Meat Allergy – Causes, Symptoms & Ayurvedic Treatment
यत्किञ्चित्दोषमुत्क्लेश्यनहरेत्तत्समासत: l
विरुद्धं ……………………………………………………….l l
Meat allergy is the body’s hypersensitive reaction to ingesting any type of meat like beef, pork, lamb, etc. It is not a very common type of allergy. Allergic response affects any of body systems including respiratory, digestive, cardiovascular, or skin. It may get affected at any point of life. Allergy towards one type of meat can indicate the same to other types and also to poultry. Ayurveda explains about Savishamamsa (poisonous meat) that can be related to meat allergy. Also Ayureda has a unique concept of virudha (incompatibility) in which improper combination of food may cause various acute and chronic ill effects on body.
Causes of Meat Allergy
Usually certain ticks or mites in the meat initiate allergic response. As the allergen once enters the body, the immune system produces specific antibodies. Next time, when introduced to these allergens again, already formed antibodies secrete histamines and other chemicals that result in immunological response in the body called as allergic reaction.
Symptoms of Meat Allergy
Meat Allergy may be manifested in different parts of the body and exhibits following symptoms:
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- Diarrhea
- Skin rashes
- Swelling
- Itching of body
- Breathing difficulties
- Cough
- Weak pulse
- Stomach pain and cramps
- Dizziness etc.
In severe allergy, anaphylaxis may occur and can become life threatening.
Ayurveda explains symptoms like dryness of mouth, restlessness, sweating, tremors, etc. are manifested on intake of poisonous food.
Ayurvedic reference of Meat Allergy-Savishamamsa

“Dr. Gupta’s is providing utmost care in the evaluation and treatment of all types of allergy including meat allergy. Institute of Applied Food Allergy® is the genuine spot to cure meat allergy through pure Ayurvedic treatment protocols.”
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Ayurvedic Treatment for Meat Allergy
Ayurveda is showering unique treatment protocol that encapsulates internal medicines, external medicines, purification therapy etc. according to the condition of patient and intensity of allergic reaction.
Internal Medicines for Meat Allergy
These are advised by considering the signs and symptoms exhibited:-
- Patoladikwatha
- Amrutharajanyadikwatha
- GuduchyadiKwatha
- Vilwadigulika
- Kaisoraguggulugulika
- Dooshivisharigulika
- Sirishasava
- Khadirarishta
- Manibhadragula
- VilwadiLehya
External Medicines for Meat Allergy
These are beneficial especially in skin manifestation of allergy and include:-
- Nimbadichurna
- Eladiganachurna
- Vilwadigulika
- Dineshavalyadikera
- Triphalachurna
Purificatory Therapies for Meat Allergy
It is aimed to expel toxins from the body. Toxins that entered the body through food and the body’s response can be calmed through purification process like:-
- Vamana (Emesis)
- Virechana (Purgation)
- Raktamoksa (Blood-letting) etc.
Single Herbs for Meat Allergy
- Haridra (Curcuma longa)
- Guduchi (Tinosporacordifola)
- Sirisha (Albezialebbeck)
- Punarnava (Boerhaviadiffusa)
- Manjishta (Rubiacordfolia)
Diet Management in Meat Allergy
Pathya (Do’s)
- Take well cooked meat
- Meat of favorable and accustomed animal should be preferred
- Prepare meat with spices, turmeric, ginger, etc.
- Freshly slaughtered meat should be used
- Have meat as soon as it prepared
- Drink suitable liquids like mild alcohol, warm water etc. those help in digestion of meat.
- Do adequate exercise
- Only moderate amount of food should be consumed
Apathya (Don’ts)
- Meat of wild and unfavorable animals
- Uncooked or Half cooked meat
- Old and refrigerated meat
- Mixing food with opposing fluids like milk, cold water etc.
- Heavy and excess consumption
- Sleeping just after food
- Repeated intake of same meat even after observing evidence of allergy.
Yoga and Pranayama for Meat Allergy
Yoga helps to enhance the strength of body’s immune system. It rectifies various body systems. Following asanas (postures) will be beneficial in allergic manifestations:-
- Suryanamaskara
- Paschimothasana
- Padahasthasana
- Adhomukhasvanasana
- Matsyasana
- Bhujangasana
Pranayama helps to achieve physical and mental stability that helps to attain easy and fast recovery from allergic reactions. It also prepares mind and body to face further allergic reactions and thus limits their consequences.

Frequently Asked Questions
Question: What is Meat Allergy?
Answer: Meat Allergy is the allergic response of body on ingesting certain types of meat.
Question: What are the major symptoms of Meat Allergy?
Answer: Symptoms of Meat Allergy include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, wheezing, skin eruptions etc.
Question: How Ayurveda helps in the treatment of Meat Allergy?
Answer: Ayurveda advocates use of internal as well as external medicines based on the patient condition, to ensure complete cure of meat allergy.
Ayurveda guarantees complete cure for allergies through its exclusive treatment practices. As per Ayurveda, the first step in the management of allergies like meat allergy is to stay away from the causative allergen. Ayurveda therapies help a lot to prevent the recurrence and complications. IAFA is safeguarding the well-being of people through Ayurvedic principles and thus pioneers to frame a healthy society.
Reach IAFA and feel the natural detoxification!!!
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