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Nail Candidiasis – Causes, Symptoms, and Ayurvedic Treatment
कुर्यात्पित्तानिलंपाकंनखमांसेसरुग्जवरम् l
चिप्पमक्षतरोगंचविद्यादुपनखंचतत् ll (अ.हृ.उ. ३१/२३) ll
Candida is a naturally occurring fungus that everyone has on their body. Under certain conditions, some types of Candida grow too fast and cause an infection to develop. This infection is known as Candidiasis which specifically affects the skin and nails. The most common species is Candida albicans which can cause infection in the nails, skin, and mucous membranes throughout the body.
It thrives in a warm and humid environment and a weak immune system or other conditions allow the infection to develop.
According to Ayurveda, nails are the byproduct of asthi dhatu (bones). If the bones are healthy, nails are healthy too. Asthi dhatu is primarily made from medo-dhatu (adipose tissue) and later asthi dhatu form majja – dhatu (nervous tissue).
Causes of Nail Candidiasis
Fungal infection is caused due to internal as well as external factors. Internal factors include such as chronic intestinal issues along with indigestion, diabetes, etc. The external factors include lack of hygiene, use of chemicals, injury, etc.
Symptoms of Nail Candidiasis
Symptoms include:-
- Inflammation or swelling of the bronchial tube
- Coughing
- Production of clear, white, yellow, grey, or green mucus (sputum)
- Shortness of breath
- Wheezing
- Fatigue
- Fever and chills
- Chest pain or discomfort
- Blocked or runny nose
Ayurvedic Reference of Nail Candidiasis
“Dr. Gupta’s IAFA assures fast relief from chronic fungal nail candidiasis through Ayurvedic treatment. Institute of Applied Food Allergy® provides the best evidence-based Ayurvedic treatment that includes internal medications, external procedures along with complete guidance about diet and lifestyle.”
Reach IAFA and know what real Ayurvedic treatment is!!
– Dr. Sahil Gupta (B.A.M.S., M.H.A.)
Ayurvedic Allergy Specialist
CEO & Founder of IAFA®
At last, Easier Nail Candidiasis Management
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Ayurvedic Treatment for Nail Candidiasis
IAFA provides purificatory and internal therapies for the successful management of Nail Candidiasis.
Diet Management in Nail Candidiasis
Pathya (Do’s)
- Intake of fresh and warm food is recommended
- Drink adequate water
- Wash your hands frequently
- Maintain personal, social, and environmental hygiene
- Change clothes daily
- Exposure to mild sunlight daily in the morning and evening is recommended.
Apathya (Don’ts)
- Intake of Pitta and Vata dosha aggravating foods such as fried, spicy, and non-vegetarian food should be avoided.
- Consumption of tea, coffee, and alcohol should be avoided.
- Avoid applying nail paints and chemical-based skincare products.
- Avoiding sleeping during day time
- Lack of enough sleep
Yoga Therapy in Nail Candidiasis
Various Yoga postures such as:-
- Suryanamaskar
- Padmasana
- Vajrasana
- Paschimottanasana is quite effective
Pranayam such as:-
- Anulom Vilom
- Kapalbhati
- Chandrabhedi is effective
Frequently Asked Questions
Question: Can nail candidiasis spread to other parts of the body?
Answer: If the infection is not treated and proper hygiene is not maintained, then it can spread to other body parts directly or indirectly.
Question: Can a person with nail candidiasis use skin cosmetics like nail paints or skin moisturizers?
Answer: A person with nail candidiasis should avoid applying nail paint or chemical-based skin moisturizers. To keep the skin hydrated, use chemical-free moisturizers.
Question: How does Ayurveda treat nail candidiasis?
Answer: In Ayurveda, the causative factors are ruled out first. After finding out the exact root cause, internal and external treatments are prescribed which are quite useful in treating as well as preventing the recurrence. Ayurveda provides the anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory, and immune-modulatory treatment.
Question: Is the Ayurvedic treatment of nail candidiasis slow?
Answer: Definitely not. The first line of Ayurvedic treatment is to find out the main root cause. If it is clear, then according to the root cause, treatment is provided which is fast.
Question: Why is Ayurvedic treatment slow?
Answer: It is a myth about Ayurvedic treatment that Ayurvedic medicines act very slowly but actually it is not. It is totally dependent on the condition of the patient as well as how the patient follows the Ayurvedic physician’s advice.
- Child Health and Ayurveda, First Edition 2021, by Sahil Gupta, Angular Stomatitis Chapter No. 31, Page No. 131-134.
- Ayurvedic Aspects of Allergies and Fungal Infections, Edition 2021, by Sahil Gupta, Fungal Infection Chapter No. 41, Page No. 250.
- Sharma P, editor. Sutrasthana, Chapter 20, verse 11. In: Charak Samhita of Acharya Charak. Vol. I. 8th ed. Varanasi, India: Chaukhambha Orientalia; 2007. p. 139.
- Tripathi B. Charak Samhita with Hindi commentary ‘Charak Chandrika’, Chapter 5, citation no. 204. Varanasi, India: Chaukhambha Prakashan. p. 186.
- Gupta Atrideva, Astangahrdaya, Chaukhambha Prakashan Varanasi, edition reprint, 2007, Nidana Sthan 14/24, p. 273.
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