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Pet Allergy – Causes, Symptoms & Ayurvedic Treatment

कफात्कासोरुचि: श्वासोवमथुर्गात्रगौरवम् l
माधुर्यंवदनेकण्डू: स्निग्धशुक्लकफस्रुति: ll

Pet allergy is the type of allergy caused by the allergens from pet animals. Cats and dogs are the most common pets that cause allergies. Any animal, having fur like rabbit or not having furs like fish and reptiles, may cause allergy. The symptoms are mostly manifested like those in nasal allergy and skin allergy. Ayurveda explains the topics of Kaphaja Pratisyaya and Tamaka Swasa where various respiratory symptoms of allergy are described.

Causes of Pet Allergy

The proteins present in the skin flakes, hair, saliva, urine, etc. of pet animals are the chief allergy-causing agents. Close contact with animals, urine and sweat stuck on upholstered furniture, skin cells that remain on air, etc. trigger allergic reactions. Someone with a family history of allergy and asthma is more prone to pet allergy.

Symptoms of Pet Allergy

Symptoms of pet allergy may be broadly divided into two:-

  • That affect respiratory system
  • That affect skin

When the body’s immune system identifies an allergen, it produces antibodies that cause an inflammatory response. This results in the following symptoms:

Respiratory Symptoms of Pet Allergy

They are caused initially by inflammation of nasal passage. Symptoms include:

  • Sneezing
  • Nasal congestion
  • Itching of nose, mouth, and throat
  • Post nasal drip
  • Cough
  • May lead to Asthma

Symptoms of Pet Allergy on Skin

Long standing symptoms of pet allergy may lead to diseases like sinusitis, asthma etc. So, it should be prevented or treated at the earliest.

  • Itching
  • Reddish discoloration
  • Watery discharge
  • Rashes and dryness

Ayurvedic Reference of Pet Allergy

“Dr. Gupta’s Institute of Applied Food Allergy® is the ultimate destination for all allergies and related conditions. Pet allergy management by Dr. Gupta is unique and fast by following proper Ayurvedic measures.

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Ayurvedic Treatment for Pet Allergy

In case of allergy caused by contact with pet animals, the first step is to avoid close contact with them. Beddings, upholstered furniture, cushions, etc. should be kept clean and out of contact with pets.

Ayurvedic Treatment of Pet Allergy includes the use of internal medicines, external applications for skin manifestations, and other treatment procedures, based on the condition of patients and their system affected.

Internal Medicines for Pet Allergy

  • Manjishtadi Kashayam
  • Patoladi Kashayam
  • Neelithulasyadi Kashayam
  • Amruthotharam Kashayam
  • Kaisoragulgulu Gulika
  • Swasanandam Gulika

External Medicines for Pet Allergy

  • Triphala Churna
  • Nimbadi Churna

Treatment Procedures for Pet Allergy

Purification therapies as mentioned below can be advised as per the stage of allergy manifestation:-

  • Vamana (Emesis)
  • Virechana (Purgation)
  • Raktamoksha (Bloodletting)
  • Nasya (Nasal installation of medicine)

Single Herbs Used in Pet Allergy

Ayurveda suggests use of several single drugs with proper adjuvants that will help to reduce the symptoms caused by pet allergy. It includes:

  • Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia)
  • Nimba (Azadirachta indica)
  • Manjishta  (Rubia cordifolia)
  • Tulsi (Ocimum sanctum)
  • Pippali (Piper longum)
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Diet Management in Pet Allergy

Pathya (Do’s)

  • Warm water for internal and external use
  • Use more bitter, spicy, astringent taste
  • Maintain personal hygiene
  • Keep pets clean
  • Use of safety precautions like a face mask, gloves, etc. while cleaning the pets

Apathya (Don’ts)

  • Close contact with pets
  • Day sleep
  • Cold, rainy, humid weather
  • Smoking
  • Milk and milk products
  • Refrigerated food
  • Excess sweet, sour, and salty food

Yoga Therapy for Pet Allergy

Yogic postures help to upgrade the body’s immunity. If done with proper breathing exercises, it will clear the body channels and allow smooth movement of doshas.  Following Yogasanas can be tried to get rid of allergies:-

  • Surya Namaskar
  • Adho Mukha Svanasana
  • Setu Bandha Sarvangasana
  • Matsyasana

Frequently Asked Questions

Question: What is pet allergy?

Answer: Pet Allergy is the allergic reaction of body’s immune system towards various proteins present in hair, fur, fecal matter, urine etc, of pet animals.

Question: What are the major symptoms of pet allergy?

Answer: Pet allergy is manifested in respiratory system by rhinitis, cough, sneezing etc. and in skin by itching, rashes, dryness etc.

Question: How Ayurveda helps in the treatment of pet allergy?

Answer: Ayurveda is very effective to cure allergy caused by pet animals. Various internal medicines as well as external procedures help to achieve complete cure from pet allergy.

Question: Can Ayurveda help in pet allergy?

Answer: Yes, definitely Ayurveda can help a lot in dealing with pet allergies. In case of pet allergy, first of all, avoid close contact with them. Ayurvedic management of pet allergy includes the administration of internal medication, external application for skin manifestations and other treatment procedures depending on the condition of the patient.

Question: What are the herbs used in Ayurveda for the treatment of pet allergy?

Answer: Various herbs such as – Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia), Nimba (Azadirachta indica), Tulsi (Ocimum sanctum), Pippli (Piper longum) etc. are quite effective.

Question: How Yoga is helpful in Pet Allergy?

Answer: Various yoga postures such as Suryanamaskar, Adho Mukha svanasana, Matsyana, Setubandha etc. are quite beneficial.

Question: What is the recommended diet and lifestyle for pet allergy?

Answer: Intake of warm water, consumption of more bitter, spicy and astringent tasting herbs and spices, and maintaining personal hygiene are recommended. Close contact with the pets, day sleep, exposure to cold and humid weather, smoking, consumption of milk and milk products must be avoided.


  1. Shloka No. 6, Nasarogavijnaneeyam, Ashtangahrudayam by Acharya Vaghbhatta, Uttarasthanam.
  2. Charak. Charak Samhita. Vidyotini commentary. Chaukhambha Bharitya Academy, Varanasi. 1st volume. Sutrasthana 20/17.
  3. Ambika Dutt Shastri. Sushruta Samhita Sutrasthan 20/15 “Ayurvedatatvavasandipika” Chaukhambha Sanskrit Sansthan. 221001 Varanasi.
  4. Sahil Gupta, Ayurvedic Aspects of Allergies and Fungal Infections, Edition 2021, Pet Allergy  Chapter No. 07, Page No. 44-49.

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Dr. Sahil Gupta completed his Bachelor of Ayurveda in Medicine and Surgery (B.A.M.S.) and Master’s Degree in Health Administration (MHA) India. He is Registered Ayurvedic Doctor & Vaidya in India having Registration No. 23780. He is the CEO and founder of IAFA. After completing BAMS, Dr. Sahil Gupta started practicing Ayruveda by giving prime importance to allergic disorders management. He became the first Ayurvedic doctor to cure Food Allergies through Ayurveda. Read More About Dr. Sahil Gupta.

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