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Ringworm – Causes, Symptoms & Ayurvedic Treatment
दीर्घप्रतानोदूर्वावदतसीकुसुमच्छवि: l
उत्सन्नमण्डलादद्रु: कण्डूमत्यनुषङ्गिणी ll (अ.हृ.नि१४/२४) ll
Tinea or Dermatophytosis, commonly known as ringworm is a condition of the skin characterized by copper-coloured circular or ring-like lesions on the skin that cause itching. It is a burst out condition of the skin which is commonly known as fungal skin infection.
Ringworm is known as Dadru in Ayurveda. Skin diseases are classified under the term kushtha roga in Ayurveda. 18 types of skin diseases have been mentioned in Ayurvedic texts. These are categorized as maha kushtha and kshudra kushtha. Ringworm is classified as Maha Kushtha by Master Sushruta and Kshudra Kushtha by Master Charak.
Causes of Ringworm
According to Ayurveda, wrong food habits lead to an aggravation of Pitta and Kapha doshas which cause symptoms such as itching and burning sensation which is the predominant symptoms.
Wrong food habits such as excess intake of seafood, consumption of sour curd with milk for a long period of time, heavy food intake, etc. are responsible for the vitiation of Pitta and Kapha doshas.
Symptoms of Ringworm
- Itching
- Dryness
- Burning
- Scaly
- May peel and flake
Ayurvedic Reference of Ringworm
“Institute of Applied Food Allergy® offers the best treatment for ringworm or dermatophytosis. Dr. Gupta’s IAFA is the best place for treating fungal infections as it has been found in many cases that the patients develop resistance to modern anti-fungal creams and medicines therefore there are chances of recurrence. IAFA Ayurveda® herbal formulations have the power to eradicate the disease and also prevent its recurrence.”
‘Dr. Gupta is the right person to consult for such infections as he advises a personalized treatment plan after assessing the condition according to Ayurvedic ways.’
– Dr. Sahil Gupta (B.A.M.S., M.H.A.)
Ayurvedic Allergy Specialist
CEO & Founder of IAFA®
At last, Easier Ringworm Management
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Ayurvedic Treatment for Ringworm
Ayurveda offers herbal medications for internal as well as external use for the treatment of Ringworm. These herbal medications are safe, effective, and free from side effects.
Diet Management in Ringworm
Pathya (Do’s)
- Maintain good personal hygiene.
- Wear loose-fitting and clean clothes
- Drink warm water
- Intake of fruits such as pomegranate and gooseberry are recommended.
Apathya (Don’ts)
- Consumption of sour food with milk, fish with milk should be avoided.
- Don’t suppress natural urges.
- Avoid sleeping during the day.
- Avoid excessive intake of salty food items.
Yoga Therapy in Ringworm
- Surya Namaskar
- Padmasana
- Sukhasana
- Marichyasana
Frequently Asked Questions
Question: Can Ayurveda Treat Fungal Infection like Ringworm?
Answer: Yes, definitely. There are various anti-fungal herbs mentioned in Ayurveda that treat fungal infections effectively.
Question: Is Ringworm Contagious?
Answer: Yes, it is a contagious infection so maintaining personal hygiene is essential.
Question: What will Happen if Ringworm is Not Treated?
Answer: If not treated, ringworm can spread and the skin can become irritated and painful.
Question: Is Sunlight Good for Ringworm Infection?
Answer: Yes, sunlight is good for ringworm infection as fungus likes to grow in dark spaces such as on debris.
- Trikamji Yadavji Acharaya, Agniveshakrita Charak Samhita, Chakrapani Commentary, Chikitsa Sthana, Chapter 7, Kustha Chikitsa, verse no. 23, Varanasi, Chaukhambha Surbharti Prakashan, p. 451, Reprint 2011.
- Shastri Ambika Dutt commentary on Sushrut Samhita, Sutra Sthana, Chapter 33, Avarniya, verse no. 4, Varanasi, Chaukhambha Sanskrit Sansthan p. 156, Reprint 2007.
- Srivastava Shailja, Sharaghdhara Samhita, Madhyam khanda Chapter 7, Vataka Kalpana, verse no. 71-80, Chaukhambha Orientalia, p.204, Reprint 2009.
- Ayurvedic Aspects of Allergies and Fungal Infections, Edition 2021, by Sahil Gupta, Fungal Infection Chapter No. 41, Page No. 249-260.
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