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Vaginitis – Causes, Symptoms, and Ayurvedic Treatment

सकुर्यातपिच्छिलांशीतांकण्डुग्रस्ताल्पवेदनांम्॥ (च.चि.३०-१३,१४)॥

Some gynecological problems need to be timely diagnosed and treated before they become more serious. Recognizing symptoms early and seeing a physician early may increase the chances of successful treatment. A healthy and strong woman is a base of a family.

Vaginitis is the inflammation of the vagina characterized by itching, vaginal discharge, and pain. Vaginitis is associated with irritation and infection of the vulva due to its proximity to the vagina. A healthy vagina produces normal secretions to cleanse and regulate itself same as saliva secrets in the mouth. Vaginitis occurs when changing in the normal balance of vaginal bacteria or an infection.

Classifications of Vaginitis

  • Bacterial Vaginosis: Caused by bacteria is the most common cause of Vaginitis.
  • Trichomoniasis: Caused by parasites and commonly transmitted by sexual intercourse.
  • Candida Albicans: Caused by naturally occurring Fungus. Second most common type of Vaginitis and also known as Vaginal Candidiasis.
  • Vaginal Atrophy: Vaginal lining becomes thin resulting in vaginal irritation, burning and dryness with no vaginal discharge. Main cause of Atrophic Vaginitis is lack of estrogen hormone due to breastfeeding, menopause or having ovaries removed or damaged.
  • Noninfectious Vaginitis: Caused by vaginal sprays, douche, perfumed soap, detergents may cause allergic reaction.

Classification of Vaginitis (Kaphaj Yoni Vyapat) – As Per Ayurveda

In Ayurveda female reproductive diseases are explained in “Yoni Vyapat” and Kaphaj Yoni Vyapat is also mentioned as one among Yoni Vyapat. It is similar to Vaginitis. These Yoni Vyapat are classified under four categories:-

  • Inflammatory Disease
  • Dysfunctional Uterine Disease
  • Sterility and Habitual Abortions
  • Anatomical Defects

Causes of Vaginitis (Kaphaj Yoni Vyapat) – As Per Ayurveda

  • Consumption of abhishyandi food like pickles, fermented, deep-fried, spicy food items.
  • Kapha aggravated food as madhur (sweet), guru (heavy to digest), excess milk products, drav (excessive liquid products), curd etc.
  • Virudha Aahar (wrong food combinations like fruit with milk, milk with fish, curd with milk, etc.)
  • Low digestive fire or mandagni.
  • Excessive sleeping, daytime sleep after lunch.
  • Lack of physical exercise.
  • Poor hygiene.

Signs and Symptoms of Vaginitis (Kaphaj Yoni Vyapat) – As Per Ayurveda

  • Kandu (Itching)
  • Sheeta (feeling Abnormal Cold)
  • Pichchila (Stickiness)
  • Alpa Vedana (Mild Pain)
  • Pandu Varna (Female looks Pale)
  • Menstrual Bleeding – Pandu Varna (Pale, Yellowish coloured), Pichchila Artava (Sticky Bleeding)

Ayurvedic Reference of Fungal Ear Infection – Krimikarna

Diagnosis of Vaginitis (Kaphaj Yoni Vyapat) – As Per Ayurveda

In Ayurveda, Ashtvidh Pariksha (Eightfold Examination) is the correct way for accurate diagnosis of disease. Eight types of examination are to be done within a short time on the clinical experience basis of an ayurvedic physician. After IAFA Vaginitis ashtvidh pariksha, patient get its almost final report card about the occurrence of this most common female ailment.

  • Nadi Pareeksha or Pulse examination is very important:  Most ancient diagnostic tool widely used by Vaidya in past. Nadi Vaidya used their skills to get accurate diagnosis by examine radial artery for:
    • Current status of the persons’ body, mind, spirit and soul.
    • Symptoms of imbalance Doshas (Vata, Pitta, Kapha).
    • Disease reaction in human body.
    In Vaginitis (Kaphaj Yoni Vyapat) nadi rate, rhythm, volume and force are like swan.
  • In Mutra Pariksha (Urine Examination): Mutra is examined by naked eyes – Urine appears pandu (pale), phenayukta (foamy) in Vaginitis (Kaphaj Yoni Vyapat).
  • In Mala Pariksha (Stool Examination): Mala or Stool is examined by naked eyes – Mala appears normal hard, kapisha (brown coloured) in Vaginitis (Kaphaj Yoni Vyapat).
  • Jihwa Pariksha (Tongue Examination): Jihwa appears normal to cold, rough, whitish, sticky in Vaginitis (Kaphaj Yoni Vyapat).
  • Shabda Pariksha (Voice Examination): Voice becomes normal to hoarse, guru (heavy), etc in Vaginitis (Kaphaj Yoni Vyapat).
  • Sparsha Pariksha (Skin Examination): Appears rough, wet, warm, etc. in Vaginitis (Kaphaj Yoni Vyapat).
  • Drika Pariksha (Eyes Examination): Eyes appears normal pluta (watery), snigdha (greasy) in Vaginitis (Kaphaj Yoni Vyapat).
  • Akriti Pariksha (General Appearance): Overall physique of a person is indicative of person’s stamina, strength & life forces and ayurvedic physician can get information from akriti pariksha or general appearance of the person.

Vaginitis is categorized under gynecological disorder. IAFA offers both effective immunomodulation based oral treatment and new herbal formula of local wash for vaginitis”.

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Ayurvedic Treatment for Vaginitis

According to Acharya’s, vata is the main doṣa responsible in causation of all yoni roga, especially because of the vata sthana of reproductive system. So chikitsa sutra (treatment principle) of any yoni vyapat should be associated with vata samana (pacifying) therapies. Hence, here snehana (unction), svedana (fomentation) along with mrdu sodhana (purification with less potent drugs) should be followed. Then sthānika chikitsa (local treatment) in yoni like parisheka (irrigation), pichu (medicated tampon), pralepana (anointment), abhyanga (massage), uttaravasthi (medicine installation through vagina or cervix) are indicated on the basis of involvement of dosa.

Internal Medications for Vaginitis

  • Ashokarishta
  • Lodhrasava
  • Aragwadharishta
  • Pushyanuga Churna
  • Chandraprabha Vati
  • Arogyavardhini Vati
  • Triphala Guggulu
  • Nimbadi Guggulu
  • Aragwadha Kashaya
  • Kathakakhadiradi Kashaya

External Therapies for Vaginitis

  • Panchavalkala Kashaya
  • Panchatiktakam Kashaya
  • Mahamanjishtadi Kashaya
  • Aragwadhapatra Kashaya
  • Kumbheeka Patra / Valkala Kashaya
  • Triphala Kashaya
  • Guluchyadi Kashaya

Vaginal Suppositories or Yoni Pichu / Garthi

  • Dhatakyadi Varti

Lepa (External Application of Herbal Paste)

  • Panchavalkala Lepa
  • Shatadhouta Ghrita
  • Triphala Churna

Single Herbs Used in Vaginitis – As Per Ayurveda

  • Haridra (Curcuma longa)
  • Aragwadha (Cassia fistula)
  • Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia)
  • Nimba (Azadirachta indica)
  • Karanja (Pongamia pinnata)
  • Amalaki (Phyllanthus emblica)
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Diet Management in Vaginitis (Kaphaj Yoni Vyapat) – As Per Ayurveda

Pathya (Do’s)

  • Consume Fresh Vegetables and Fruits.
  • Bottle Gourd, Red Amaranths.

Apathya (Don’ts)

  • Avoid Pickles, Fermented, Deep Fried, Spicy, Bakery Food Items
  • Avoid excessive consumption of Milk Products
  • Virudha Aahar (Wrong Food Combinations like Fruit with Milk, Milk with Fish, Curd with Milk, etc.)

Yoga and Asanas For Vaginitis (Kaphaj Yoni Vyapat)

Yoga and Asanas will decrease Stress, restore hormonal balance, get rid of toxins, and creates more immunity to fight against vaginal infection in Vaginitis.

  • Sarvangasana
  • Utthanasana
  • Matyasana
  • Bhujangasana
  • Trikonasana

Frequently Asked Questions

Question: Is there a permanent treatment for Vaginitis in Ayurveda?

Answer: Yes, Ayurveda treats Vaginitis permanently. Vaginitis is a more common type of recurrent infection in females. Ayurveda works on immune-modulation of T-cells to fight against causative microorganism. Immune system of the body if balanced then there is no chance of relapse of the disease again and again.

Question: Is Vaginitis’ treatment in Ayurveda Chemical-free?

Answer: Yes. In fact, Ayurveda treatments & medicines are known for being chemical-free, target only upon the bad flora (microorganism) of vagina and treat the diseases from its root cause, and without any side effects.

Question: I had done several courses of antibiotics and antifungal medicines from last 2 years but still I have Vaginitis? Is it cureable?

Answer: Use of antibiotics and antifungal for a long time, will suppress your immune system indirectly by disturbing your gut flora. Micronutrients of your food you eat will not absorbed in the absence of good microorganism that was killed by the chemically prepared bactericidal and fungicidal medicines you had taken. Nutritional deficiency with weak immune system both are the cause of relapse of vaginal infection. Ayurvedic chemical free local vaginal wash prepared by natural extract of herbal medicines helps to inhibit the growth of bad microorganism without harming the vaginal lining and mucus. Side by side oral ayurvedic medicines when reached in our blood stream will do multidimensional approach like immune-modulation, inhibition of organism, subsided pain or burning, relieve itching and discharge.

Question: How to overcome with vaginal yeast infection?

Answer: A weak immune system, hormonal changes during MC, pregnancy, diabetes and the excessive use of antibiotics and corticosteroids drugs increase your risk of a yeast infection. The yeast normally lives in vagina but due to the above mentioned factors yeast can then overgrow and the condition is well known as Vulvovaginal Candidiasis. You can overcome vaginal candidiasis very easily by following Ayurveda treatment under guidance of experienced allergist who knows very well: how to deal with fungal and bacterial infections.

Question: Can Vaginitis during pregnancy affected fetus?

Answer: Well, any of the pathology for a long time will harm to our body. Women having vaginitis have more chances to deliver premature birth.

Question: What Can you get vaginal infection after having sexual intercourse?

Answer: Vaginitis spread through sex with a new partner or multiple partners. Multiple person’s semen, can mess up the normal balance in your vagina. Trichomoniasis vaginitis is a sexually transmitted infection but Bacterial vaginosis and Yeast infections aren’t sexually transmitted. Sometimes vaginitis cans also due to allergy or sensitivity reactions to certain types of lubes, condoms, or sex toy materials. (If you’re allergic to latex, you can use polyurethane, polyisoprene, or nitrile condoms.)

Question: Is Vaginitis contagious?

Answer: No, usually not. But if someone has numerous sex partners can spread the infection to others.

Question: What will happen if Vaginitis untreated?

Answer: It may the risk of uterine infection or fallopian tube infection causing possible infertility issues.

At Dr. Gupta’s IAFA we are providing outstanding treatment for Vaginitis in women, based on the classical principle of Ayurveda and our research. IAFA ensures that our health care system better meets the needs of all about your gynecological health.

Uncompromising Excellence. Commitment to Care.!!!! Dr. Gupta’s IAFA for all your worries about health….

Dr. Sahil Gupta completed his Bachelor of Ayurveda in Medicine and Surgery (B.A.M.S.) and Master’s Degree in Health Administration (MHA) India. He is Registered Ayurvedic Doctor & Vaidya in India having Registration No. 23780. He is the CEO and founder of IAFA. After completing BAMS, Dr. Sahil Gupta started practicing Ayruveda by giving prime importance to allergic disorders management. He became the first Ayurvedic doctor to cure Food Allergies through Ayurveda. Read More About Dr. Sahil Gupta.

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