7 Pressure Points to Relieve Sinus Congestion
Most of the pressure points for sinus relief are present in the face. The application of gentle pressure to these points assists in relieving sinus pain and boosts sinus drainage.
Most of the pressure points for sinus relief are present in the face. The application of gentle pressure to these points assists in relieving sinus pain and boosts sinus drainage.
Probiotics are living microorganisms like bacteria or yeast that have a positive impact on the body. Let us understand the effects of Probiotics recommended by Ayurveda on gut microbiota as well as how it helps in Gut Dysbiosis.
Sore throat is common but if it occurs after drinking alcohol frequently, it can be a sign of alcohol allergy. We have discussed Natural Ways to Prevent Sore Throat After Drinking Alcohol.
This case study highlights the successful recovery of a 48-year-old male patient from chronic aspergillosis of the paranasal sinuses.
Kidney stones are often termed as urinary calculus. If stone is larger you may notice pain while urination, sharp pain in back and lower abdomen with nausea and vomiting.
In this condition thyroid gland doesn’t produce enough certain hormones. Hypothyroidism is underproduction of T3 and T4 hormones. The synthesis of thyroid hormone requires sufficient iodine in the presence of thyroid stimulating hormone.
Know about the uses, benefits, and medicinal properties of Chicory, Kasini (Cichorium intybus). It is a perennial herb from the Cichorium genus, Asteraceae family, and is worldwide cultivated.
Know the Astrological and Ayurvedic benefits of Manikya (Ruby). Manikya is an extremely strong stone and is considered the stone of the kings.
Let us know the Astrological and Ayurvedic benefits of Mukta (Pearl). Mukta (Pearl) is mostly used to bring Mansik Shanti (mental peace).
Let us know the Astrological and Ayurvedic benefits of Coral Stone (Parvala). Coral is a marine life called an Anthozoan polyp.
In Sanskrit Bhastrika means bellows. A characteristic feature of Bhastrika is the rapid succession of forcible expulsion.