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Jaundice in Children-Kamala
य: पाण्डुरोगीसेवेतपित्तलंतस्यकामलाम् l
कोष्ठशाखाश्रयंपित्तंदग्ध्वासृङ्मांसमावहेत् ll
Jaundice is a medical condition that results in yellowish discoloration of the skin and on the whites of eyes. This condition is usually common and mostly temporary in new-born kids. But, jaundice in children can indicate some serious medical issues. Jaundice is caused by the accumulation of a substance called bilirubin in the bloodstream. It usually passes through the liver and is excreted out from the body. In Ayurveda, this condition is described as Kamala.
Causes of Jaundice in Children
Jaundice is caused by the condition called hyperbilirubinemia, where the blood levels of bilirubin is abnormally elevated. Bilirubin is usually produced by the breakdown of red blood cells. When the levels of bilirubin in the blood increase, there will be yellowish discoloration of the skin and eyes.
Symptoms of Jaundice in Children
The important signs of jaundice are:
- Yellowing of the skin and of the whites of the eyes.
- Pale stools
- Dark colored urine
- Fever
- Abdominal pain
- Nausea
- Fatigue
Ayurvedic Reference of Jaundice in Children-Kamala

Types of Jaundice in Children
In new-borns, jaundice is observed usually. It is commonly because an infant’s liver will not be fully developed to break down and excrete bilirubin properly. But jaundice in older children can generally be divided into following three types:
- Obstructive jaundice: It is due to blockage of the bile duct between the pancreas and the liver
- Hepatocellular jaundice: It occurs when there is some liver disease or damage to liver cells.
- Hemolytic jaundice: It develops when the breakdown of red blood cells becomes abnormal which leads to increased bilirubin levels in the blood.

“Dr. Gupta’s IAFA is a well experienced centre for the management of various diseases in children and adults. Institute of Applied Food Allergy® is always focussed on providing the finest treatment for all various ailments”.
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Ayurvedic Treatment of Jaundice in Children
Ayurveda has detailed protocol for the management of Jaundice in children. It includes internal medicines, treatment procedures and use of single herbs.
Internal Medicines for Jaundice in Children
- Drakshadi Kashaya
- Pancha tiktaka Kashaya
- Vasa guluchyadi Kashaya
- Vajraka Kashaya
- Draksharishta
- Rohitaka arishta
- Dhatriasava
- Mandura vataka
- Siva gulika
- Dadimadi ghrita
- Drakshadi lehya
- Pravala bhasma
Single Herbs in the Management of Jaundice in Children
- Amalaki (Emblicaoffcinalis)
- Vasa (Adhatoda vasica)
- Haridra (Curcuma longa)
- Bhumiamalaki (Phyllanthus niruri)
- Tulsi (Ocimum sanctum)
- Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia)
- Draksha (Vitis vinifera)
- Rohitaka (Tacomella undulata)
Diet in Jaundice in Children
Pathya (Do’s)
- Include fruits like papaya, grapes and mango
- Intake of high-fibre foods like oatmeal, berries and almonds
- Drink an average of seven glasses of milk per day
- Legumes
- Nuts
- Whole grains
- Ginger, lemon & honey
- Eating goose berry with honey
- Intake of fiber containing vegetables
- Light and easily digestible food
- Green gram soup with pomegranate
Apathya (Don’ts)
- Alcohol consumption
- Saturated fat containing food like meats
- Refined sugar
- Canned and processed food
- Salty food
- Junk food & baked food
- Fried food items
- Improperly cooked food
- Bakery food
- Bottled soft drinks and artificial juices
- Mental stress of children
Yoga and Pranayama in Jaundice in Children
Practice of Yoga helps to reduce the symptoms of Jaundice. Yoga postures will be helpful in reducing the mental stress.
- Savasana
- Padmasana
- Marjaryasana
- Bhujangasana
- Ardhamatsyendrasana
- Pavana muktasana
- Parighasana
- Jatara parivrithi
- Ananda Balasana
Pranayama is very effective in strengthening and controlling muscles of digestive system. It reduces stress and anxiety that plays a major role in decreasing Bilirubin level.

Frequently Asked Questions
Question: What is the cause of jaundice in children?
Answer: Jaundice is caused by the presence of excess amounts of bilirubin in the blood.
Question: What are the major signs of jaundice?
Answer: Major manifestations of jaundice include yellowish discoloration of skin and white of the eye, fever, nausea, fatigue etc.
Question: How Ayurveda helps in the treatment of jaundice?
Answer: Ayurveda is found to be effective in the management of jaundice through its internal medicines and various treatment procedures.
Dr. Gupta’s IAFA is a prestigious institution that pioneers Ayurvedic treatment to a number of people. IAFA is always focussed on providing the finest treatment for all various ailments.
IAFA is with you to make your smiles healthier and brighter !!!
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