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Primary Immunodeficiency Diseases
विरुद्धैरपिनत्वेतेगुणैर्घ्नन्तिपरस्परम् |
दोषाःसहजसात्म्यत्वाद्विषंघोरमहीनिव ||
Primary immune deficiency diseases (PIDDs) are rare, genetic disorders that impair the immune system. The term “primary” implies that there is an independent problem of the immune system rather than a weakening of the immune system due to another condition like HIV/AIDS (a secondary immune deficiency). Primary immunodeficiency disease is most often identified in infants and children, but it is possible that the condition is identified in adulthood. PIDDs are broadly classified as disorders of adaptive immunity (i.e., T-cell, B-cell or combined immune deficiencies) or of innate immunity (e.g., phagocyte and complement disorders). There are hundreds of different types of primary immunodeficiency diseases. Examples of some of the more commonly known primary immunodeficiency diseases include Severe combined immunodeficiency disease (SCID), Di-George syndrome, Ataxia- telangiectasia etc.
In Ayurveda, in normal state, in a healthy human body – Vata, Pitta and Kapha Dosha irrespective of opposite qualities co-exist each other rather than contradicting each other. This is termed as Sahaja-Satmya, which the conventional system coined as the so-called immune tolerance. Hence, this is the reason why the body’s own immune cells are not attacking self In Ayurvedic point of view, due to the influence of Daiva (past deeds or unknown factors) or due to Svabhavika Karanas (in which we can include all the initiating autoimmune reaction such as microbial, genetic, immunological) causes imbalance or disequilibrium to the Sahaja Satmya. There by the immune cells lose the ability to identify self from non – self or foreign agents.
Causes of Primary Immunodeficiency Diseases
Primary immunodeficiency diseases results from defects in immune system development and/or function.
Symptoms of Primary Immunodeficiency Diseases
Many of the specific forms of primary immunodeficiency disease will have symptoms and signs specific to that condition, but in general, PIDDs are characterized by frequent infections. In particular, symptoms and signs suggestive of primary immunodeficiency disease can include:
- Frequent or hard-to-treat infections
- Recurrentpneumonia, sinus infections, or ear infections
- Weight loss or delayed growth
- Enlarged lymph nodes
- Enlarged spleen
- Recurrent deep abscesses in internal organs
- Recurrent skin abscesses
- Digestive problems, including nausea, diarrhea, or abdominal cramping
- Abnormal blood counts
Ayurvedic Reference of Primary Immunodeficiency diseases

“Dr. Gupta’s Institute of Applied Food Allergy® offers comprehensive and evidence-based diagnosis and presents therapeutic solutions in order effectively manage a spectrum of allergic and immunology related disorders in Ayurveda”.
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At last, Easier Primary Immunodeficiency Disease Management

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Ayurveda Treatment for Primary Immunodeficiency Disease
A Multi-component intervention-involving drug, diet, lifestyle, Panchakarma (detox), rasayana chikitsa (rejuvenative therapy) yoga etc. can be administered.
Internal Medicines for Primary Immunodeficiency Disease
Since all the Primary immunodeficiency diseases have its own pathogenesis and symptoms, no such common treatment or medications are explained in Ayurveda. Even though most commonly used medicines include,
- Amrtotharam Kashaya
- Indukantham Kashaya
- Maharasnadi Kashaya
- Manjishtadi Kashaya
- Amrtasadangam Kashaya
- Maha Manjishtadi Kashaya
- Bhadradarvadi Kashaya
- Shaddarana Churna
- Vaiswanara Churna
- Hinguvachadi Churna
- Balarishtam
- Dasamoolarishtam
- Aswagandharishtam
- Ksheerashatpala ghrita
- Indukantham ghrita
- Rasnadasamoola ghrita
- Ksheerabala Taila
- Shashtika Taila
- Rasa Taila
- Chitraka Rasayana
- Brahma Rasayana
Purificatory Therapies
- Vamana (Emesis therapy),
- Virechna (Purgation therapy)
- Asthapanavasti (medicated enema)
Single Herbs Used in Primary immunodeficiency disease
- Pippali(Piper longum)
- Sunthi(Zingiber officinale)
- Pathya(Terminalia chebula)
- Amalaka(Phyllanthus emblica)
- Mridweeka(Vitis vinifera)
- Dadima (Punica granatum)
Diet in Primary Immunodeficiency Disease
Pathya (Do’s)
- Being treated periodically with immune globulin (antibodies obtained from the blood of people with a normal immune system) given intravenously or under the skin
- Practicing good personal hygiene (including conscientious dental care)
- Make sure you’re consuming enough calories
- Maintain a regular sleep schedule.
Apathya (Don’ts)
- Do not eat undercooked food
- Do not drink water that may be contaminated
- Avoiding contact with people who have infections
- Do not: Smoke or use any tobacco product
Yoga Therapy for Primary immunodeficiency disease
Yogasanas and pranayama are very effective in Primary immunodeficiency disease
Postures include,
- Matsyasana
- Paschitmoasana
- Sarvangasana
- Pavanamukthasana
- Sirsasana
- Bhujangasana
Pranayama include,
- Kapalbhati
- Nadishodhana Pranayama
- Bhastrika Pranayama

Frequently Asked Questions
Question : What are Primary immunodeficiency diseases?
Answer : Primary immune deficiency diseases (PIDDs) are rare, genetic disorders that impair the immune system. Without a functional immune response, people with PIDDs may be subject to chronic, debilitating infections
Question: What are the causes of Primary immunodeficiency diseases?
Answer: Most primary immunodeficiency diseases are inherited, meaning that there is a gene defect present at birth that leads to the condition.
Question: What is the Ayurveda treatment of Primary immunodeficiency diseases?
Answer: If patient is healthy then sodhana chikitsa (purificatory) can be done with vamana, virechan and then shaman (palliative) chikitsa should be done with advised diet and medicines.
Dr. Gupta’s IAFA is a promising instiute that provides good Ayurvedic treatment for various health problems. IAFA is the best choice to get rid of various haunting health issues.
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