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Pumsavana is one among the sixteen samskaras (ceremonies) explained by ancient scholars of Ayurveda. Dr. Gupta’s IAFA® provides advice and instruction to pregnant ladies as well as to those who are preparing for conception.
Procedures in Pumsavana Karma
Several medicines and procedures are explained by scholars of Ayurveda as Pumsavana karma to have a prospering child. These procedures are:
- Prepare a masculine statue using gold, silver or iron and make it red hot under fire on the day of Pushya star. This red hot statue is dipped in milk and four doses of this milk should be consumed.
- Certain drugs like Jivaka (Malaxis acuminata), Rishabhaka (Malaxis muscifera), Sahachara (Nilgirianthus ciliatus) etc. should be made into a paste and mixed in water. This is to be consumed on the day of Pushya star.
- Nasya (nasal installation) is advised. Root of Bruhati (Solanum indicum) is made into paste along with milk and is filtered. If the couple desires for a healthy child, then it is to be administered in either of the nostrils. The medicine should either be self-administered by the woman or by her husband.
- Oral or nasal administration of paste of root of Lakshmana (Ipomoea sepiara) is favorable for the birth of a healthy baby. It is also good for strengthening the fetus in the womb.
- Use of eight flower buds of Vata (Ficus benghalensis) as paste in milk either for nasya or oral consumption also gives the same result as above.
- Internal and external use of Jivaniya (life promoting) group of drugs is advised
- The pregnant lady should always be served with butter, ghee, milk etc.
- The pregnant lady should be treated well, both physically and mentally by her husband and maids.
These procedures and practices help in the strengthening of embryo, proper growth and development and also for the birth of a healthy and flourishing baby.
Time for Pumsavana Karma

“Dr. Gupta’s IAFA® is offering these treatment procedures to aid you in the birth of a healthy child. Institute of Applied Food Allergy® is well experienced in Ayurvedic pregnancy care both in antenatal and postnatal period”.
Hold hands with IAFA® to build a healthier generation!!
– Dr. Sahil Gupta (B.A.M.S., M.H.A.)
Ayurvedic Allergy Specialist
CEO & Founder of IAFA®
Frequently Asked Questions
Question: What is Pumsavana Karma?
Answer: Pumsavana is a set of procedures explained in Ayurveda for the birth of a healthy baby.
Question: At what time Pumsavana should be done?
Answer: Pumsavana is advised to perform at the very first month of pregnancy before the differentiation of the body parts of the fetus.
Question: Which are the different procedures involved in Pumsavana?
Answer: Pumsavana includes various procedures like nasya (nasal administration of medicine), intake of mineralized milk, nasal and oral administration of medicated milk and water etc.
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