World's 1st Trusted Ayurvedic Allergy Institute

Alcohol Allergy Rash Treatment – Top 7 Home Remedies

For treating an alcohol allergy rash, apply aloe vera gel, use cold compresses, avoid alcohol, stay hydrated, Quercetin, and follow dos and don’ts. Consult us for more guidance.

Alcohol Allergy is different from Alcohol intolerance and you can easily differentiate it. If you have digestive issues then it’s intolerance and the rashes and hives indicate an allergy. Home Remedies for Alcohol Allergy Rash help you in getting rid of rashes. 

Although we all know that even a small amount of alcohol is bad for our health, we end up booing out because of societal pressure or parties or making excuses. If your immune system is allergic to alcohol or to the ingredients present in the alcohol, then you can get an alcohol allergy. 

What is True Alcohol Allergy?

As per Ayurveda, when our immune system mistakenly considers alcohol as a threat to our body, then it starts producing inflammatory mediators to fight against it causing allergic reactions like hives and rashes. Just like we often get allergic to certain foods, dust, pollen, and smoke. Alcohol allergy can be very common in people with low immunity or people who have a history of other allergies. 

Is Alcohol Intolerance and Alcohol Allergy Similar?

As we said earlier, the symptoms of alcohol allergy differ from alcohol intolerance. When you lack the enzymes to digest the alcohol in your body, then you will get digestive symptoms like nausea, vomiting, headache, hangover, and flushing, which can get better over time. But alcohol allergy is a more serious reaction and needs Alcohol Allergy Rash Treatment. If your immune system reacts to the alcohol, it can cause symptoms like rashes, hives, trouble breathing, stomach cramps, and can even get anaphylaxis. 

When Do I Get an Alcohol Allergy Rash?

Alcohol allergy rash can be developed very quickly within a few minutes to a few hours. After you consume an alcoholic beverage, if you are allergic to alcohol, then your immune system starts reacting to it, and antibodies trigger to release of histamine, inflammatory mediators to fight against alcohol, causing allergic reactions in the body. 

Can Natural Remedies Work?

Natural home remedies suggested by our Ayurveda experts are approved and given to our patients suffering from alcohol allergy, they get amazing results, you can also get. Home Remedies for Alcohol Allergy Rash can be your quick saviour. These home remedies help in reducing the vitiated pitta dosha in the body and focus on correcting the digestive imbalance. The following are the top 7 home remedies for alcohol allergy that give instant results. 

Top 7 Home Remedies for Alcohol Allergy

1. Aloe Vera Gel

    Aloe vera is well known for its cooling and soothing properties, in addition to that it is a good anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial agent. When applied topically over the rash, it helps in getting rid of the rash, cooling the affected area, and healing it over time. It prevents your rash from itching and irritation. This gives instant effect and is easily available too, definitely give it a try, one of the best Home Remedies for Alcohol Allergy Rash. 

    2. Cold Compresses

      Cold compresses help in relieving the inflammation and burning in the affected area. It also gently massages your cells nearby giving you relief from rash. If you got a rash and want to get rid of it immediately then your go-to solution can be an ice cube or a cold compress. 

      3. Pitta Pacifying Foods

        The above two home remedies can help you in getting instant relief from irritation, itching, burning, and all but to completely heal the rash and reduce other allergic symptoms, you have to cool your body from inside by pacifying dominated pitta dosha. You can have foods like desi ghee, watermelon, cucumbers, ash gourd, coconut water, plenty of water, lemon juice, and all to make your body cool from the inside. It helps in preventing the worsening of allergies and can stop allergy growth. These foods not only cool down your body but also cleanses your piled-up waste thereby boosting immunity. A strong immune system can help you in getting rid of most of the allergies. 

        4. Avoid Alcohol

          Avoiding alcohol can be the best Home Remedy for Alcohol Allergy Rash. Ayurveda always supports one to build a strong immunity to fight allergies rather than avoiding the allergen completely. But in this case, it can be vice versa, as alcohol does not have any health benefits, you should definitely avoid it as it helps in reducing the triggering effect and thereby the allergic reactions. 

          5. Stay Hydrated

            Drinking plenty of water helps in flushing out the accumulated toxins thereby giving less space for allergy flare-ups. So stay hydrated to slowly heal your body from the inside and give it the strength to fight against infections. Staying hydrated is often underrated but its health benefits are immense even in tolerating allergies too, it plays a key role. Try it and see the results by yourself. 

            6. Quercetin

              A study on Quercetin has shown its effectiveness in treating allergic diseases. This natural supplement is loaded with powerful antioxidants that have the capacity to suppress the inflammatory mediators, hives, rashes, airway inflammation like we see trouble breathing in alcohol allergy patients. So taking quercetin is one of the most useful Home Remedies for Alcohol Allergy Rash and also improves the patient’s immunity. But we suggest you consult an Ayurveda allergy specialist before consuming it to avoid any unrelated effects and can guide you thoroughly.  

              7. Do’s and Dont’s for Alcohol Allergy Rash

                Finally, we would like to share with you some tips that can prevent worsening of the rash. 

                • Avoid scratching the rash as it can be itchy but scratching can worsen it and spread further. 
                • Wearing loose breathable clothing as suffocation can increase the rash and make it easily spreadable. 
                • Wash the rash with gentle soap and lukewarm water as it can reduce the irritation and itching. 
                • Apply any natural odourless moisturiser as soon as you notice the rash as it can immediately suppress the redness. 
                Consult Online with Dr. Sahil Gupta (B.A.M.S., M.H.A.)


                Hope these home remedies will help you in naturally getting rid of alcohol allergy rash, if you still face any difficulties then consulting an Ayurveda physician is highly recommended.

                Dr. Sahil Gupta completed his Bachelor of Ayurveda in Medicine and Surgery (B.A.M.S.) and Master’s Degree in Health Administration (MHA) India. He is Registered Ayurvedic Doctor & Vaidya in India having Registration No. 23780. He is the CEO and founder of IAFA. After completing BAMS, Dr. Sahil Gupta started practicing Ayruveda by giving prime importance to allergic disorders management. He became the first Ayurvedic doctor to cure Food Allergies through Ayurveda. Read More About Dr. Sahil Gupta.

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