World's 1st Trusted Ayurvedic Allergy Institute

Is Formula Milk the Right Choice for Your Baby and What are the Natural Alternatives?

Mothers often wonder if formula milk is harmful to babies and whether there are better alternatives. In this blog post, we will explore this topic in detail. For personalized guidance, feel free to contact an IAFA Ayurveda expert.


Motherhood is the greatest thing and the role of a mother in the lives of her children is beyond calculation. One of the primary and most important love shared by the new mother is lactation i.e. breastfeeding which not nourishes just the body but the soul. But for a few reasons like medical conditions, low milk supply, baby health issues, and lifestyle constraints, its alternative is used and that is formula milk. But is it the right choice for your baby and what are its alternatives? In this topic, we will answer all of your questions about which makes your motherhood easy.

What is Formula Milk?

Formula milk, also popular as infant formula, is a specific food or supplement that is designed to mimic the nutritional composition of breast milk. It is particularly used when breastfeeding is not an option. It comes in the market of various types like cow’s milk-based infant formula, Soy-based formula (used in infants allergic to cow’s milk protein or lactose intolerant), Hypoallergenic infant formula (hydrolyzed formula with partially or extensively broken down proteins that are easy to digest and used in babies with digestive issues), specialized infant formula (include pre- term formula, elemental formula,  anti-reflux formula), organic formula (made from organic ingredients), etc.

When to Choose Formula Milk?

1. When You are Suffering from a Certain Medical Condition: Certain medical conditions make breastfeeding unsafe for babies like untreated tuberculosis, HIV infection, undergoing chemotherapy, etc. In such cases, one can use an alternative to breastfeeding i.e. formula milk.

2. When You are Struggling with Low Breast Milk: There are various factors that result in low breast milk. In Ayurveda anger (Krodh), resentment (Avatsalya), fasting (Langhana), and over-exertion (Ayasa) are mentioned as the most important causes of low breast milk. In such conditions, formula milk can be given to the baby. However, as per Ayurveda, there are lots of treatments that can facilitate the production of breast milk. 

Treatment as Per Ayurveda that can be Used to Increase Breast Milk Production:-

  1. Maintaining a healthy blissful state of mind i.e. Saumanasya Janana
  2. Specific diet protocols like the use of barley, rice, wheat, meat soup, wine, alcoholic preparation, garlic, fish, sesame extract, a liquid diet that is predominantly sour and salty, etc.
  3. Various medication can also be used like Pueraria tuberosa (Vidarikand), Withania somnifera (Ashwgandha), Prunus cerasoides (Padmaka), Cynodon dactylon (Durva), Asparagus racemosus (Shatavari), etc.

3. When a Baby is Suffering from Certain Health Conditions: Sometimes babies suffer from metabolic disorders in which they can not process certain components from breast milk, or due to health concerns like cleft palate babies struggle with latching in such conditions formula milk can be used.

4. When a Baby is Suffering from Allergies and Intolerances: Sometimes a baby is allergic to proteins that are present in the milk or the baby may be lactose intolerant, in such conditions special infant formula is required to provide proper nutrition to the baby.

5. When a Baby is Going through a Transition: As the transition to solid foods formula milk can be included.

6. When the Baby is by Surrogacy or Adopted: When a biological mother is not present, formula milk is the practical alternative.

Top Irrelevant Reason for Not Feeding Breast Milk

  1. Some mothers fear changes in body shape like sagging breasts, etc. The reality is breast changes are mainly due to hormonal fluctuation and pregnancy not due to breastfeeding.
  2. Few mothers feel breastfeeding is a time-consuming or inconvenient process but in reality, with practice and support it is more convenient than formula milk feeding.
  3. Some mothers assume that buying costly formula milk and feeding the baby gives them more nutrition but in reality, formula milk although nutrition sufficient lacks live enzymes, antibodies, etc.
  4. Public breastfeeding feels embarrassing for an extended period of time, but it is a natural act and needs support from society too.
  5. Lack of knowledge about the importance of breastfeeding is also one reason that mothers opt for formula milk.

Few Scientific Reasons Why Formula Milk is Not Considered as Good as Breast Milk

  1. Increased risk of various infections: The study revealed that infants who take formula milk are more susceptible to various gastrointestinal diseases, NEC, respiratory infections, etc.
  2. Less cognitive development: Formula-fed children score less on IQ tests as compared to breast-fed children due to the presence of more DHA in breast milk.
  3. Risk of SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome): According to the Oklahoma breastfeeding center risk of SIDS increased twice in infants who are on formula milk as compared to infants who are breastfeeding.
  4. Increased risk of obesity: The study revealed that the risk of obesity in later life increased in infants who are formula milk fed by 20- 30%. (Infant feeding practice and obesity risk, pediatrics, 2005)
  5. Weaker immune system: Research revealed that infants who are formula milk fed have weaker immune systems as pathogenic bacteria increased and beneficial gut bacteria like Bifidobacterium, levels reduced in them.
  6. Increased risk of Chronic diseases: As compared to infants fed on breast milk, formula milk-fed infants are at greater risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, type- 2 diabetes, etc.

Pros of Formula Milk

  • It has all the required nutrients and vitamins which closely mimic the nutrients in breast milk.
  • Unlike breastfeeding in formula feeding, there is no dietary restriction for the mother.
  • Regardless of the mother’s health and nutrition, formula milk offers consistent composition.
  • Quality is not compromised as they are fed to babies.
  • Additional ingredients like DHA, lutein, iron, and probiotics help in the brain development of babies.
  • They can be fed by other family members too.
  • The only best option is when the biological mother is unavailable.
  • Some babies are allergic to cows’ milk and in this case, the baby formula fulfills all the needs of your baby.

Also Read:- Infant Formula Vs Breast Milk – Pros and Cons

A Fact You Must Not Overlook

Today’s trend of selling and buying breast milk is also increasing after knowing the importance of breast milk and the cons of formula milk, but it must be kept in mind that breast milk that is sold especially online or by unregulated sources is not hygienic as it contains various viruses and bacteria. If you need donor breast milk it is better to contact a regulated human milk bank.

Books Written by Dr Sahil Gupta

Alternatives of Breast Milk in Place of Formula milk

No one can beat breast milk but in conditions when breast milk is not available, the alternative is required.

In Ayurvedic classical texts, various alternatives of breast milk are given that when used as mentioned provide nutrition comparable to breast milk or its alternative formula milk. Alternatives of breast milk that can be used are as follows:

  • Laghu- panchamula Siddha Ksheera with Sitopala: When the combination of roots of 5 small herbs is taken then it is known as Laghu Panchmula / Sthiradi varga. Laghu Panchamula / Sthiradi varga consists of roots of Brihati (Solanum indicum), Kantakari (Solanum virginianum), Gokshura (Tribulus terrestris), Shalaparni (Desmodium gangeticum) and Prishniparni (Uraria picta).

Scientific evidence: Research proves that a combination of these 5 herbs has proven galactagogue activity. When breastfeeding is not possible, in such circumstances can be used as a substitute for formula milk or breastfeeding in the circumstances. 

Reference: Vagbhata, Ashtanga Hridaya, with Sarvangsundara commentary, by Arundatta and the Ayurved Rasayana by Hemadri, Balopacharaniyaadhyaya Uttarasthana 1/20, edited by Pt. Shashtri Hari Sadashiv, Chaukhamba Surbharati Prakashan, Varanasi, Reprint ed 2017, 878.

  • Goat’s Milk (Chhaga Peya): In Sushruta Samhita Sharira Sthana 10/ 47 and Acharaya Vagbhatta in Ashtanga Hridya Uttara Sthana 1/ 20, mentioned Goat’s milk is best when breast milk is not available. 
  • Cow’s Milk (Go Dugadha): In Sushruta Samhita Sharira Sthana 10/ 47 and Acharaya Vagbhatta in Ashtanga Hridya Uttara Sthana 1/ 20, mentioned Cow’s milk to be one of the best substitutes for breast milk.
  • Sthirabhyama Siddham Kshira with Sitopala: Sthirabhyama consists of Shalaparni (Desmodium gangeticum), and Prishniparni (Uraria picta).

Scientific evidence: Research proves that a combination of these two herbs has proven galactagogue activity. When breastfeeding is not possible, in such circumstances, it can be used as a substitute for formula milk or breastfeeding in the circumstances. 

Reference: Vagbhata, Ashtanga Hridaya, with Sarvangsundara commentary, by Arundatta and the Ayurved Rasayana by Hemadri, Balopacharaniyaadhyaya Uttarasthana 1/ 20, edited by Pt. Shashtri Hari Sadashiv, Chaukhamba Surbharati Prakashan, Varanasi, Reprint ed 2017, 878.

  • The administration of Vidanga (Embelia ribes) and Shunthi (Zingiber officinalis): Ksheerapaka to the neonatal in case of failed lactation is commonly accepted in Indian households.

Our Final Suggestion

Before even choosing on your own or listening to someone, we advise you to talk with your pediatrician thoroughly, know your baby’s needs better, and opt accordingly.

  • If you have the luxury of feeding your baby breast milk, then we definitely suggest you breastfeed. Nothing can replace the immense benefits that breast milk has. 
  • If you can’t breastfeed due to the above-mentioned reasons, you can go for baby formula. But remember with more caution and care. 

For more details on what and how to take alternative formula milk for your baby Book an online consultation now.

Consult Online with Dr. Sahil Gupta (B.A.M.S., M.H.A.)

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1. Is Formula Milk Safe for Infants?

Ans. Yes, Formula milk is specially designed to meet an infant’s nutritional needs. So, it is safe, but it is best if we use it only when breast milk is insufficient or unavailable.

Q2. Is there Any Risk Associated with Formula Milk or Infant Formula?

Ans. Formula milk should be prepared in the exact ratio as mentioned by the manufacturer if not properly prepared or prepared in unsanitary conditions then lead to various infections and nutritional deficiencies.

Q3. Can I Switch Between Two Brands of Formula Milk?

Ans. Switching can be done but as per the doctor’s advice, switching without any proper reason may cause digestive upset in infants.

Q4. Prepared Stored Formula Milk Can Be Used or Not?

Ans. As per guidelines, it should be used within two hours or used for a little, longer period if stored in the refrigerator, but it is better to discard unused milk after two hours.

Q5. Formula Milk Can Be Given Along with Breast Milk.

Ans. Yes, sometimes when breast milk is insufficient then to meet an infant’s nutritional needs formula milk can be used but it always ensures fresh preparation.

Q6. Are there Any Alternatives to Formula Milk?

Ans. Yes, in Ayurveda alternatives of formula milk are mentioned which when used as per Ayurvedic doctor recommendations meet the infant’s need for formula milk.


Shelke, Vilas & Shilpy, Gupta & Kumar, Vijendra. (2022). Concept of Infant and Young Child Feeding Practices in Ayurveda. International Journal for Innovation Education and Research. 9. 62- 65.

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Owen CG, Martin RM, Whincup PH, Smith GD, Cook DG. Effect of infant feeding on the risk of obesity across the life course: a quantitative review of published evidence. Pediatrics. 2005 May; 115 (5): 1367- 77. doi: 10. 1542/ peds. 2004- 1176. PMID: 1586- 7049.

Kera, A. M., Zewdie, A., Akafu, W., Kidane, R., & Tamirat, M. (2023). Formula feeding and associated factors among mothers with infants 0–6 months old in Mettu Town, Southwest Ethiopia. Food Science & Nutrition, 11 (7), 4136. https:// doi. org/ 10. 1002/ fsn3. 3403

Shafaeizadeh, S., Henry, C.J., van Helvoort, A. et al. Tailored recommendations for infant milk formula intake result in more accurate feeding. Eur J Pediatr 183, 4693– 4704 (2024). https:// doi. org/ 10. 1007/ s00431- 024- 05726- w.

Dr. Sahil Gupta completed his Bachelor of Ayurveda in Medicine and Surgery (B.A.M.S.) and Master’s Degree in Health Administration (MHA) India. He is Registered Ayurvedic Doctor & Vaidya in India having Registration No. 23780. He is the CEO and founder of IAFA. After completing BAMS, Dr. Sahil Gupta started practicing Ayruveda by giving prime importance to allergic disorders management. He became the first Ayurvedic doctor to cure Food Allergies through Ayurveda. Read More About Dr. Sahil Gupta.

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