Nail fungus or Onychomycosis can be caused by various species of fungi like Dermatophytes, Candida, Aspergillus, and bacteria. It can be seen more in people in rural areas than urban areas due to more exposure to cow manure, damp fields, poor sanitation, working in farms, gardening, and being unaware of the root cause of the condition. A new study reveals Cow Manure could be causing Nail Fungus.
Here is a research article from NCBI which has explained thoroughly about the various Nail Fungus causes. As per this study, it affects all ages of people and females are more prone than males. Poor nail hygiene, working in the fields, exposure to damp environments, household activities, walking barefoot and exposure to humid working conditions are risk factors of getting onychomycosis. In our blog, we have connected how cow manure can be one of the reasons to get infected with nail fungus and how one can get rid of it by following certain tips and proper care.
What is Cow Manure Allergy?
Cow manure allergy is an allergic reaction caused due to exposure of humans to the allergens present in cow manure. The following can be the allergens found in cow manure, dust, fungi, bacteria, organic particles, and chemical components. Not every human being coming in contact with cow manure can get an allergy, but the individuals who are immunosuppressed and have weakened immunity are at more risk. Today, in our blog we will discuss deeply about the fungus present in cow manure and how they are responsible for nail fungus infection.
What is Nail Fungus – As Per Ayurveda?
Ayurveda describes Nail Fungal infection or Onychomycosis as “Kunakha” and as per Ayurveda, Nail Fungus Causes can be tridosha imbalance and the people who are more involved in household chores, gardening works, farming, and dealing with animal care can be at more risk than others due to continuous exposure to fungal spores and damp environments creating them the best place to overgrow. So, as per Ayurveda also we can get a link between Nail Fungus and exposure to cow manure.
Symptoms of Nail Fungus
Symptoms can vary from person to person based on the severity of the condition and the frequency of exposure. The common symptoms one can see in onychomycosis patients can be:-
- Blackish nails.
- Brownish or yellowish discolouration in some.
- Brittle nails.
- Thickened nails in some.
- Usually painless but if not treated immediately can be very painful.
- Foul smell from the nails.
- The nails can loosen from the nail bed or may curl up.
Common Fungi Causing Nail Fungus
The following Fungi can be one of the Nail Fungus causes:-
- Dermatophytes: Trichophyton rubrum and Trichophyton mentagrophytes are the two most common dermatophytes present in cow manure and can be responsible for nail fungus. This type of nail fungal infection is called Tinea unguium or Dermatophytic Onychomycosis.
- Non-dermatophytes: Aspergillus and Fusarium species are the other fungi usually present in cow manure or soil and can cause onychomycosis.
- Yeasts: Candida can also cause nail fungus and can easily colonise in our nails by using damp environments. Nail fungal infection caused due to candida species is called Nail Candidiasis or Candidal Onychomycosis.

What are Some Other Nail Fungus Causes?
Apart from the above mentioned fungi species responsible for Nail fungus, the following can be other reasons:-
- Improper maintenance of Nails or Unhygienic nails are more prone to fungal infections than clean and hygienic nails.
- Wearing unbreathable footwear allows more damp conditions favourable for the growth of fungi.
- Wearing unwashed socks which can support the growth of fungi.
- Nail injury or repetitive nail trauma can allow the nails to become more sensitive to fungi, bacteria, and dust allowing the infection.
- Walking barefoot in the public toilets or visiting public swimming pools can induce the spread of infection.
- Certain occupations allow the exposure of nails to dust, bacteria, and fungi increasing chances of infection like farming, gardening, household chores, cleaning, etc.,
- Having a history of nail infections like Athlete’s foot or other fungal infections like Jock itch can increase the chances of nail fungal infection.
Ayurvedic Treatment for Nail Fungus
Ayurveda offers a holistic approach to the treatment of Nail fungus infection. Ayurveda focuses on the root cause of the disease and eliminates the disease preventing its recurrence. IAFA Ayurveda also mentioned the best Ayurvedic Treatment for Nail Infection, please read it and still, if someone is suffering from nail infection, immediately book an online consultation with our experts to get the best treatment possible.
Prevention or Protection of Nail Fungus from Cow Manure Allergy
Prevention is always better than cure. By following the below explained tips, you can effectively protect yourself from nail fungus infections and their causes, including protection from nail fungus triggered by a cow manure allergy:-
- Wearing Protective Wear: A simple thing one can do is to wear gloves or shoes when handling with cow manure avoiding bare hand and foot exposure.
- Nail Hygiene: One should never ignore nail hygiene, like trimming the nails, keeping them clean and dry all the time helps to curb the growth of fungus even if we get exposed.
- Avoid Nail Trauma: Farmers or other people when dealing with heavy equipment need to be more cautious avoiding any damage to the nails. Damaged nails are more prone to fungal infections than normal ones.
- Cleaning the Nails: Washing hands and feet after work, especially when working on farms, and drying them with cotton cloth can prevent the attack of fungi on the nails.
- Wear Breathable Footwear: Wearing footwear that can regulate moisture and keep the feet clean and dry is more important. One more thing, always wear washed socks and change them daily.
- Avoid Sharing Nail Tools: If any of your family members got affected with nail fungus, it is more important to keep the nail tools isolated and never share them with other family members.
Also Read – A Case Study – Successful Treatment of Onychomycosis
Wrapping Up!
Nail fungus or Onychomycosis is caused mainly due to dermatophytes and rarely due to non dermatophytes and candida species. Cow manure is rich in these fungal spores and getting more exposure to cow manure during agricultural work or dealing with cow dung for other purposes can make the people get infected with nail fungus.

Please follow above mentioned tips and care to avoid nail fungus, and in case the symptoms get worse, please immediately book an online consultation with our experts and get treated immediately.