Tinea Versicolor is a fungal infection of the skin that is very common. It affects the trunk and shoulders. This fungus interferes with the normal pigmentation of the skin which results in the formation of discoloured and small patches. It is a non-contagious skin disorder which is a yeast infection caused by Malassezia globosa fungus.
Though it is not a life-threatening or painful skin disease, but the visibility of diseased skin can cause severe emotional distress and trauma to the patients. Skin disorders cause the patients to be extremely self-conscious.
What are the Symptoms of Tinea Versicolor?
The signs and symptoms of Tinea Versicolor include:
- Skin discolouration patches usually on the chest, neck, upper arms which may appear darker or lighter than the usual.
- Appearance of red rash in the form of a ring on the skin.
- Mild itching and cracked skin between the toes.
- Discolouration of nails.
- Itching and burning rashes in the groin area.
What are the Causes of Tinea Versicolor?
The fungus that causes tinea versicolor can also be found on the normal skin. When the fungus overgrows, the problem occurs. There are a number of factors that trigger its growth. These are:
- Moist skin due to excessive perspiration that is common in hot and humid conditions
- Oily skin
- Weakened immune system due to chronic disorder
- Hormonal changes
- Diabetes
What is the Treatment of Tinea Versicolor?
Modern treatment includes local application of anti-fungal creams, shampoos or lotions but even after treatment the colour of the skin may remain uneven for several weeks or months. There is also a possibility of its recurrence, especially in warm or humid weather.
Though there are several medicines available for the treatment of tinea versicolor but Ayurvedic treatment for Tinea versicolor is preferred due to safety and low cost of Ayurvedic treatment.
The science of Ayurveda uses herbal remedies for the treatment of disorders which do not have any side effects.
Read: Successful Ayurvedic Treatment of Tinea Versicolor and Leaky Gut Syndrome – A Case Study
Tinea Versicolor – According to Ayurveda
In Ayurveda, tinea versicolor is correlated with Sidma Kusta but Master Charak has explained it under different types of kushtas and its management is also elaborated.
The involved dosha in tinea versicolor is Kapha and Vata dosha. Kapha symbolizes in mucus in Ayurveda. Vata symbolizes air or wind. Vata is dry, subtle and mobile in nature. In tinea versicolor, both Vata and Kapha doshas manifest in the skin and cause the accumulation of toxins.
The toxins thus accumulate in the deeper tissues of the skin such as rasa (nutrient plasma), rakta (blood), mamsa (muscles) and lasika (lymph). The contamination of these deeper tissues and aggravation of Vata and Kapha doshas leads to the formation of tinea versicolor.
Another dosha which is involved in tinea versicolor is Pitta dosha. It symbolizes heat or fire. Thus, it is a tridoshaj disorder, in which prime involved doshas are Vata and Kapha.
Tinea Versicolor Treatment in Ayurveda
Tinea Versicolor treatment in Ayurveda involves the administration of Deepana Pachana drugs for strengthening the Agni (digestive fire) and detoxification to eliminate the root cause of the disease. Some of the effective herbs useful for the treatment of tinea versicolor include:
1. Neem (Azadirachta indica)
Neem is one of the common herbs useful for the treatment of all kinds of skin disorders.
- Neem is known as a natural detoxifier and considered as the best treatment for skin disorders.
- Neem paste can be applied externally.
- The juice extract of fresh neem leaves can be taken internally for tinea versicolor.
2. Aloe vera (Aloe barbadensis)
Aloe vera has been used since ages for the treatment of various skin disorders.
- Aloe vera has the ability to alkalize the body and also has soothing quality.
- It detoxifies the body and inhibits the spread of fungus.
- The anti-inflammatory action of aloe vera soothes the skin and has cooling effect.
3. Turmeric (Curcuma longa)
In India, turmeric is a most common remedy for all kinds of skin disorders like infections, bruises, inflammation etc.
- This golden hued spice is very effective in treating tinea versicolor as it is helpful in reducing itching and pigmentation of the skin.
So, it can be concluded that herbal remedies for tinea versicolor are effective in the management of its recurrence. We at IAFA for Allergy offers the best quality herbal remedies for the treatment of various diseases. But before taking any herbal remedies or Ayurvedic medicines directly you must consult with an expert Ayurveda Doctor. Dr. Sahil Gupta (BAMS, MHA) CEO and Founder of IAFA for Allergy has vast experience and good knowledge of Ayurveda. He has treated many patients successfully. Book and Appointment to Consult Now.