World's 1st Trusted Ayurvedic Allergy Institute

Successful Ayurvedic Treatment of Allergy March – A Case Study

It is a case study about the successful Ayurvedic treatment of Allergy March in 3 years old child patient from Gurugram, Haryana, India.

The prevalence of allergic disorders worldwide is rising dramatically in both developing and developed countries. Various allergies include allergic rhinitis, cow milk allergy, urticaria, anaphylaxis, food intolerance, etc. This increase is especially problematic in children, who are bearing the greatest burden of the rising trend. The treatment of allergy march including food allergy treatment, allergic rhinitis treatment, urticaria treatment, etc. especially in children is still a challenge for modern medical science.


Allergy March in children needs quick and proper treatment to avoid fatal complications. Ayurveda is found to provide relief in allergy march. Herein, we report a 3-year-old Indian child of allergy march who was treated with Ayurvedic medicines by Dr. Gupta at IAFA® and achieved complete remission. She took allopathic treatment earlier but found no relief. She was having the symptoms of urticaria, cow milk allergy, allergic rhinitis, severe constipation, and food intolerance. Cow milk allergy is often confused with lactose intolerance. Lactose intolerance and lactose overload can also co-occur with cow milk allergy or food allergies. The case study has revealed the remarkable efficiency of Ayurvedic treatment in Allergy March if done under expert’s supervision. 

Keywords: Ayurvedic management, food allergy treatment, urticaria cure, allergic rhinitis successful treatment, allergic rhinitis ayurvedic treatment.


Allergy is defined as the adverse immune response to the specific components recognized by allergen-specific immune cells which then elicit specific immunologic reactions that result in characteristic symptoms. Allergic symptoms often develop in a common sequence and pattern which is termed as Allergic March. 

Ayurvedic Concept of Allergy

According to the Ayurvedic concept, allergy march is caused due to Agnimandya (weak digestive fire). Ayurveda places a huge emphasis on the health of the digestive system because digestive strength is intricately linked to the immune response, so firing up the digestive capacity can be tremendously helpful in the treatment of allergies of various etiologies.

In Ayurveda, various herbs and herbal preparations are described for internal and external use which are reported to provide promising results in a wide range of allergic disorders like food allergy treatment, allergic rhinitis treatment, urticaria treatment etc. 

Case Report

  • Name: Deborah Johnson
  • Age: 03 years
  • Gender: Female
  • Address: Gurugram, India
  • UID: 6564
  • Date of consultation: 08/10/2021

Chief Complaints

  • Urticarial hives along with multiple boils specifically over the face, bumps, legs and hands.
  • Gastrointestinal issues: Severe constipation
  • Nasal Allergy and its associated symptoms: Nasal blockage
  • Shortness of breath

Health History

  • Formula milk was introduced at the age of 3 months.
  • A 1 Cow milk along with formula milk was started at the age of 6 months.

Final Diagnosis

Allergy March, Multiple Food Intolerances, Allergic Rhinitis with Urticaria.

Treatment Plan

After a thorough evaluation, it was diagnosed as the case of urticaria, food intolerance and allergy, cow milk allergy and allergic rhinitis and the treatment was based on food allergy cure, urticaria cure, allergic rhinitis cure. On the basis of diagnosis, the following treatment was provided to the patient by Dr. Gupta at IAFA®.

External Procedure:

  1.  Pratimarsha Nasya Karma with Nasa Yoga Grutham
  2.  IAFA Shishu Diaper Rash Oil for local application

Internal Medication:

  1. IAFA Swaras Chikitsa: Aahar Amrutham Ras
  2.  IAFA Aam Visha Balance Tablet
  3.  IAFA Skin Detox Drops
  4. IAFA Durva Swaras Drops

Method of Usage/Dosage

  1.  Nasa Yoga Grutham: 2-4 drops to be instilled bilaterally in the nostrils and navel area twice a day at early morning and bedtime.
  2.  IAFA Shishu Diaper Rash Oil: 3-5 ml IAFA Shishu Diaper Rash Oil to be applied over the affected body part thrice a day.
  3.  Aahar Amrutham Ras: 5 ml with water to be taken twice a day with equal amount of water before meals.
  4.  IAFA Aam Visha Balance Tablet: ½ tablet to be taken once a day 1 hour after food with water.
  5.  IAFA Skin Detox Drops: 2 ml with 20 ml water to be taken thrice a day after meals.
  6. IAFA Durva Swaras Drops: 1 ml with 20 ml water to be taken twice a day.

Dietary Guidance

  • Lactose-free milk, non-dairy creamers, rice water, light and easily digestible food, fresh fruits especially pomegranate, bananas, mangoes, limes was advised to be included in the diet.
  • Intake of butter, spicy and left-over food, white sugar, pasta, red grapes, vinegar, acidic food to be avoided.

Treatment Outcome and Follow-up

The treatment was started on October 8, 2021. The medication was prescribed for one month. After completion of one-month treatment and follow-up for 2 months, the condition of the patient was found to be stable with improvement in constipation. The same treatment plan was continued for another one month under the guidance of Dr. Gupta.

The same treatment plan was continued for another one month and two medicines were prescribed in addition to the above treatment. under the guidance of Dr. Gupta. The two Herbal Remedies along with ongoing treatment were:

  1. Anthra Mithram Gulika: ½ tablet to be taken once a day with water.
  2. Kutaj Ghan Vati: ½ Tablet to be taken once a day with water. 

After follow-up, it was found that the hives were completely gone. The treatment was reviewed and certain changes in the medication were done under the guidance of Dr. Gupta. The treatment that was prescribed was as follows:

External Procedure:

1. Pratimarsha Nasya Karma with:

  • Nasa Yoga Grutham: 2-4 drops to be instilled in bilateral nostrils and navel area twice a day in early morning and at bed time.

2. IAFA Shishu Diaper Rash Oil for Local Application (Enriched with Karanj Oil): 3-5 ml of IAFA Shishu Diaper Rash Oil to be applied over the affected body part thrice a day and during allergic response.

3. Nasal All Clear Spray: Sprayed directly into one nostril by closing the other nostril twice a day.

Internal Medication:

4. IAFA Swaras Chikitsa:

  • Aahar Amrutham Ras: 05-10 ml to be taken with water with an equal amount of water before meals.

5. Anthra Mithram Gulika: ½ tablet to be taken once a day with water.

6. Shishu Laxoherb: 2 ml Shishu Laxoherb to be taken in 20 ml of water once a day.

7. IAFA Respiro Care X Drops: 1 ml to be taken with 20 ml water twice a day.

8. IAFA Respiro Detox Formula: 1 gm to be taken once a day with a spoon of honey.

9. Nilavembu Kudineer: ½ gram in 10 ml water during fever or cold.

The patient was reviewed after one month. Based on the improvement such as urticaria hives were found to be healed, symptoms of nasal allergy improved and digestion was also improved with no constipation. 

Seeing improvement, the treatment plan was modified to avoid recurrence. The treatment that was prescribed under the guidance of Dr. Gupta was as follows:

External Procedure:

 1. Pratimarsha Nasya Karma (For Respiratory Wellness) with:

  • Nasa Yoga Grutham: 2-4 drops of lukewarm grutham to be instilled in bilateral nostrils and 1 drop in navel area twice a day in early morning and at bed time.
  • IAFA Nasal All Clear Spray (for cough and nasal blockage): Sprayed directly into one nostril by closing the other nostril.

2. IAFA 333 Cream (For Moisturizing Effect): IAFA 333 Cream to be applied over the body thrice a day and during allergic response.

3. Shishu Diaper Rash Oil: Shishu Diaper Rash Oil to be applied all over the body twice a day.

Internal Medication:

4. Aahar Amrutham Ras (For Digestion): 05-10 ml to be taken with water twice a day with equal amount of water before meals.

5. Anthra Mithram Gulika (For Gastrointestinal Wellness and Intestine Repair): ½ tablet to be taken once a day with water.

6. Aahar Amrutham Bindu (For Nutritional Sufficiency): 1 ml in 20 ml water to be taken thrice a day.

7. Durva Swaras Drops (For Urticaria on SOS): 1ml in 20 ml water to be taken thrice  a day.

8. Shishu Laxoherb (For Detox Wellness): 1 ml in 20 ml water to be taken once a day at bed- time.

9. Triphala Swaras (For Gastrointestinal Wellness): 5 ml with equal quantity of water to be taken once a day.

So, the treatment continued for six months. After six months, the outcome observed was encouraging as the patient got complete relief, her and no adverse drug reaction was observed and the patient was recovered through Ayurvedic treatment. The treatment by IAFA® also helped the patient to gain resistance against allergens, repeated attacks, improved immunity and balanced physical and mental state.

The patient’s mother was quite satisfied with the treatment provided by IAFA® and she left IAFA® with a Happy Note.

Happy Note by Child’s Mother Anky Johnson:

Hi, last year in September my daughter got some red acne kind of things on her legs, When I got worries went to some allopathic doctor but nothing worked.  Then, later searched Dr. Sahil on Google, he explained us about the protein allergy she had and just after one month of treatment her digestion was likely very good and no new rashes anywhere on the skin. I genuinely followed his 6 months treatment with all the diet given. It was impossible for me to cut off all her favourite food but yes, we did it and we are happy now. She has started everything eating now but in small quantity and sometimes not every day. So much thankful to Dr. Sahil. He is a great person and best thing always available when you need!! Thank to the team as well!! Bless you.”


The presented combination and management of Allergy March by Ayurvedic medicament is found to be a good therapy, especially in pediatric care as these formulations of IAFA® contain many herbs that have anti-inflammatory, immuno-modulatory effects. The topical formulations have wound healing, anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, analgesic action that help in getting quick effects and good results. 

IAFA® focuses more on finding the root cause of the disorder rather than simply prescribing medication. The team of doctors at IAFA sincerely hope that they can support you along the way to enjoy a life marked by ever-improving health and wellness. If you are looking for authentic Ayurvedic treatment for different types of allergies like food allergy treatment, urticaria treatment, allergic rhinitis treatment, etc. please book your appointment for a consultation now.

Dr. Sahil Gupta completed his Bachelor of Ayurveda in Medicine and Surgery (B.A.M.S.) and Master’s Degree in Health Administration (MHA) India. He is Registered Ayurvedic Doctor & Vaidya in India having Registration No. 23780. He is the CEO and founder of IAFA. After completing BAMS, Dr. Sahil Gupta started practicing Ayruveda by giving prime importance to allergic disorders management. He became the first Ayurvedic doctor to cure Food Allergies through Ayurveda. Read More About Dr. Sahil Gupta.

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