World's 1st Trusted Ayurvedic Allergy Institute

17-Year-Old NRI Male Patient from USA Recovered from Chronic Allergic Conjunctivitis and Acute Allergic Rhinitis – A Case Study

This case study focuses on a 17-year-old NRI male patient from the USA who recovered from chronic allergic conjunctivitis and acute allergic rhinitis.


Allergic Conjunctivitis is the most common form of ocular allergy. It is a hypersensitivity reaction to specific airborne antigens. Although serious sequels due to corneal involvement are rare, the distressing signs and symptoms cause extreme discomfort to the patients. The management of eye allergy in modern ophthalmology is unsatisfactory and it should be followed lifelong but Ayurvedic treatment can provide better relief in such manifestation. A 17-year-old Indian boy residing in the USA took online consultation from IAFA®, India. He presented a history of continuous redness, itching and dryness in eyes from last one year. As per patient’s clinical history, he was also suffering with sneezing in the early morning once a week. He had taken allopathic treatment but there was no relief. This blog presents a successful Ayurvedic management of eye allergy by IAFA® under the supervision of Dr. Gupta. This blog also highlights the scope to search for a better remedy from the rich heritage of ophthalmic preparations available in Ayurveda. 

Keywords: Eye Allergy, Eye drops, Allergic Conjunctivitis, Vataj Abhishyanda


Allergic Conjunctivitis is the most common form of ocular allergy. It is a hypersensitive reaction to specific airborne antigens. In Ayurveda, it is said that Abhishyanda is the root cause of almost all eye disorders. Based on the similarities of signs and symptoms, Vataj Abhishyanda can be correlated with simple allergic conjunctivitis. 

The above shloka is the Ayurvedic correlation of Allergic conjunctivitis. Ayurveda has explained this condition under the term Abhishyanda which is caused mainly by the vitiation of Vata Dosha. As per Ayurveda, chronic allergic conjunctivitis symptoms are:

  • itching 
  • Watering
  • mild inflammation
  • dryness
  • Foreign body sensation etc. is the symptoms of Abhishyanda.

Allergic rhinitis is also a common allergic condition mainly affecting the nasal mucosa (rhinitis) and the eyes (conjunctivitis). In modern medicine, besides desensitization, there is no treatment of allergic rhinitis. Therefore, the modern treatment of allergic rhinitis is symptom-related.

The above shloka of Ayurveda explains signs and symptoms of vata kapha pratishyaya (acute allergic rhinitis symptoms) as: 

  • Sneezing, 
  • Headache, 
  • Nasal Congestion, 
  • Nasal Discharge, 
  • Itching in Nose and Oral part, 
  • Fatigue, Fever, 
  • Loss of Taste etc.

Case History

  • Name: Raghav Dewangan
  • Age / Gender: 17/M
  • UID: 6325
  • Address: California, USA

Chief Complaints

Frequent attacks of eye allergy and its associated symptoms and acne on face, history of continuous redness, itching and dryness in eyes from last one year and sneezing in morning time once a week. 

Treatment Plan

The following line of treatment was started on July 14, 2021 by Dr. Gupta at IAFA®. There was improvement in the patient’s allergic condition after one month of treatment only.

Keeping in mind the improvement with the following medication, Dr. Gupta advised the patient to continue the same medication for another one month.

After 2 months of treatment, the patient was quite happy as his condition improved drastically. In order to provide a complete cure to the patient, follow-up was done for another 1 month. 

After 3 months of treatment, no recurrence manifested which indicates that Ayurvedic treatment by IAFA® is very promising.

External Procedure:-

  1. Pratimarsha Nasya: with Anu Thailam
  2. Akshi Tarpana Grutham
  3. Netra Prakashalana / Eye wash: with Triphala Kashaya
  4. Netra Tarpana Karma/Netra Basti (Eye Nourishment Treatment): with Maha Triphaladi Ghritam

Internal Medications

  1.  Shirish Tablet
  2.  Capsules Curcumin with Piperine

Method of Usage/Dosage

  1. Pratimarsha Nasya: with 2-4 drops of Anu Thailam twice a day.
  2. Akshi Tarpana Grutham: Instill 1 drop in each eye once a day at bedtime.
  3. Netra Prakshalana/Eye Wash: Do eye wash regularly with Triphala Kashaya (decoction of Triphala) once a day in the morning.
  4. Netra Tarpan Karma/Netra Basti: Do Tarpana of both eyes with Maha Triphaladi Ghritam once a week in the morning.
  5. Shirish Tablet: 2 tablets to be taken twice a day early morning and early evening with lukewarm water.
  6. Capsule Curcumin with Piperine: 2 capsules to be taken once a day with lukewarm water early morning on an empty stomach.

Diet and Lifestyle

Do’s (Pathya):

  • Light and easily digestible food
  • Frequent intake of small amounts of lukewarm water
  • More fiber-containing fruits and vegetables
  • Take green stuff once a day
  • Include herbs like fennel, cumin and curry leaves regularly.
  • Fresh fruits like pomegranates and apples on a daily basis.
  • Use sunglasses while going out.
  • Keep surrounding clean
  • Use of cold compress
  • Practice eye exercises

Don’ts (Apathya)

  • Insoluble fiber foods that are hard to digest, fruits with skin and seeds, raw green vegetables.
  • High lactose diet such as sugar found in dairy such as milk, cream, cheese and soft cheese.
  • High fat food such as butter, coconut, margarine and cream as well as fatty, fried or greasy food, spicy and sour food.
  • Yeast-fermented food and fermented beverage items
  • All nuts except walnuts and almonds
  • Spicy food
  • Exposure to dust, smoke and other allergens
  • Close contact with pets
  • Continuous use of computers, mobile phone and television.

Happy Note from the Patient’s Mother

My son, Raghav was having severe eye allergies since last year. We were taking all kinds of Allopathic line of treatment but it was not even getting better. Luckily, I searched Ayurveda treatment for my son and very first Dr. Sahil Gupta name popped up in the Google search and I contacted him at very first place. He spent 20 min of online consultation with my son and gave him a treatment plan. Afterwards his treatment gave us a new hope and my son eye allergy is getting better and better day by day. ALL THANKS TO IAFA® team and Dr. SAHIL GUPTA. Best treatment for allergy.”

– Kinnari Dewangan
San Diego California 


The allergies may significantly affect a patient’s quality of life. Therefore, appropriate chronic allergic conjunctivitis treatment and acute allergic rhinitis treatment are the important components and in the Ayurvedic system of medicine, there are several potentially effective therapeutic methods of treatment which include internal as well as external measures. Dr. Gupta at IAFA® followed the same Ayurvedic measures and the results obtained from the treatment are encouraging.  No adverse effects were found during and after the Ayurvedic treatment prescribed by IAFA®.

Dr. Gupta at IAFA® is an Ayurvedic allergist and founder of IAFA®. He has vast experience in treating allergies of various etiologies through Ayurvedic measures. To get personalized Ayurvedic treatment, you can call us or book an online consultation as each individual is different and standard Ayurvedic treatments are always formulated individually.

Dr. Sahil Gupta completed his Bachelor of Ayurveda in Medicine and Surgery (B.A.M.S.) and Master’s Degree in Health Administration (MHA) India. He is Registered Ayurvedic Doctor & Vaidya in India having Registration No. 23780. He is the CEO and founder of IAFA. After completing BAMS, Dr. Sahil Gupta started practicing Ayruveda by giving prime importance to allergic disorders management. He became the first Ayurvedic doctor to cure Food Allergies through Ayurveda. Read More About Dr. Sahil Gupta.

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