Peanut allergy in children can be successfully treated with a high success rate by various Ayurveda treatment measures. Dr. Sahil Gupta the well known Ayurvedic Allergy Specialist, founder of Institute of Applied Food Allergy® has successfully treated thousands of peanut allergy patients around the world. Ayurvedic treatment of peanut allergy is one among IAFA’s successful measures. This blog is a case study of peanut allergy successfully treated in IAFA®.
Some foods are known to cause toxic effects and adverse reactions in some individuals. Indian doctors are witnessing a clear upward trend in food allergies and its severity. The most challenging part is the diagnosis of food allergies. Peanut allergy is the commonest food allergy among all the food allergies. A reaction to peanuts typically occurs in the first few years of life. This presentation addresses the case of a child who has been given Ayurvedic treatment for peanut allergy that was associated with childhood asthma. In this case, there is a progression of allergic symptoms which is known as Allergy March. The child was given Ayurvedic formulations and the results found are very encouraging. The present case study will put forward the concept of peanut allergy associated with childhood asthma and its successful Ayurvedic management. There is a need for safe and effective treatment for the successful management of food allergies along with Swasa Roga (childhood asthma). The versatile approach of Ayurvedic treatment to treat the root cause has been presented here. Ayurveda considers allergy as an imbalance of all the three doshas Vata, Pitta and Kapha with the predominance of vitiation of Kapha dosha. In the present case study, a 6 years male child came to IAFA (Institute of Applied Food Allergy) for the treatment of peanut allergy associated with childhood asthma that remained undiagnosed during the initial phase. Due to peanut allergy, the child developed skin allergy symptoms such as mild itching and dryness and later on childhood asthma leading to a condition known as Allergy March. His parents got the reference of IAFA from one of the close relatives as they were searching for the natural treatment of food allergies. They were fed up by taking consultations from physicians of various specialities. The diagnosis of the child was unclear which was diagnosed after taking consultation at IAFA. Aahar Amrutham IAFA’s herbal formulations (high potency herbal extract in liquid form administered orally) are used as the best choice of treatment along with other internal herbal medicine for food allergy. He was successfully treated within 3 months which he had been suffering since beginning by following the Ayurvedic treatment measures prescribed to him at IAFA.
Keywords: Food Allergy, Peanut Allergy, Childhood Asthma, Swasa Roga, Aahar Asatmyata
Peanut Allergy is a type of food allergy to peanuts which is different from tree nut allergies, with peanuts being legumes and not true nuts. It occurs due to a type I hypersensitivity reaction of the immune system. It is recognized as one of the most severe food allergies due to its prevalence, persistence, and potential severity of allergic reaction. The allergic reaction occurs due to the presence of proteins in the peanut that bind to IgE antibodies of the person’s immune system. This triggers the person’s immune defence system, leading to reactions that can be mild or very severe.
The symptoms of peanut allergy can occur within seconds of ingestion, with peak occurrence by 30 minutes. Major target organs of an allergic reaction include the gastrointestinal tract (GI), respiratory tracts and skin. The symptoms are relevant to a food allergy when ingestion occurs in the appropriate time frame expected for food-induced allergic reactions.
The strict avoidance of a particular food allergen can place a significant burden on a patient’s quality of life.
This case study shows that cases of peanut allergy along with childhood asthma can be successfully managed with Ayurvedic treatment without any complications and side effects.
The Ayurvedic treatment of the child at IAFA was continued for 3 months and he was treated with Ayurvedic herbal formulations along with dietary changes. Dr. Gupta at IAFA successfully addressed this condition and provided safe and effective treatment to the child. At IAFA, the child was prescribed natural herbs for food allergies. IAFA with years of experience has become the Ayurvedic leaders in the management of allergic disorders with the help of natural treatment for food allergies. Dr. Gupta at IAFA is the first Ayurvedic physician who treats food allergies naturally. He prescribes herbal remedies for food allergy in his practice.
Ayurvedic Concept
In general, the term Allergy can be correlated to ‘Srotasam Atipravruti’ which means the over action of body channels. The improper activity in case of allergy is ‘Atipravruti’, ‘over reaction’ or ‘hyperactivity’.
In Ayurveda, various food allergic reactions are correlated with the concept of Aahar Asatmyata. According to the shloka:

Reference: Charak Samhita Sutra Sthana, Tasyasiteeya, Chapter – 6, Sloka – 49
Meaning: Satmya – considering one’s own self means that the person who eats should know which is Satmya (accustomed food) to him and which is Asatmya (not accustomed food). Here, Satmya is defined as “that which becomes one with the body from the habit of using it for a long time and so gives comfort to the body”. The opposite of Satmya is Asatmya. Asatmyaja Ahara triggers the imbalance of doshas and stimulates the immunological reactions inside the body.
Case Description
Patient’s Name: Arjun
Age: 6 years/Male
Address: Haryana (India)
UID: 5511
Date of Registration: 11th September, 2020
Diagnosis: Peanut Allergy associated with Childhood Asthma and mild skin allergy.
A 6-years old male child came to IAFA with the chief complaints of shortness of breath, not able to run and cycling, frequent asthmatic attacks, severe constipation, mild dry and itchy skin. The child had been suffering for 2 years. There were respiratory, gastro-intestinal complaints and dermatological symptoms from the beginning. The proper diagnosis was not done at that time. The parents of the child took him to various specialists such as respiratory and chest specialists, gastroenterologists, dermatologists etc. but no one could diagnose that the child was suffering from food allergy particularly peanut allergy. They kept on giving medications for constipation, lower abdominal pain etc. but the root cause was not ruled out. This condition got diagnosed only when his parents brought him to IAFA for Ayurvedic treatment, then they came to know that the child was suffering from peanut allergy associated with childhood asthma that was misdiagnosed earlier.
Dr. Gupta at IAFA after doing Ashtavidha Pareeksha and suggesting pathological investigation i.e., food allergen test came to the conclusion that the child had been suffering from food allergy associated with childhood asthma and mild skin allergy.
As per his food intolerance test which was done on 15th September, 2020 the food that behaves allergens are:
- Groundnut (Peanut)
- Sesame
- Dal Chana
- Tomatoes
- Yeast
- House dust mite
- Dog dander
- House dust
- Paper dust
- Doxycycline
- Cloxacillin
- Paracetamol
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The child had the following symptoms when he visited IAFA:
Respiratory Symptoms:
- Wheezing
- Shortness of breath
- Frequent asthmatic attacks
- Recurrent cough and cold infection
Gastrointestinal Symptoms:
- Severe constipation
- Lower abdominal pain
Skin Symptoms:
- Dry skin
- Mild itching
Treatment Plan
The child visited IAFA on 11th September, 2020 and he was advised for Allergy Panel Comprehensive and according to the report received on 15th September, 2020, the treatment was started with the following medications for one month:
- Aahar Amrutham Bindu – 10 drops twice a day in 20 ml water.
- Total Care 3X Ras – 5 ml twice a day with water.
- Respiratory Detox Tablet – 375 mg to be taken twice a day.
- Sitopladi Churnam – 2 gm twice a day with honey.
- IAFA Skin Fresh Bar for local application.
- Shishu Laxoherb Syrup – 2 tsp to be taken at bedtime.
Along with this treatment, he was prescribed Anu Thailam Nasya.
1. Aahar Amrutham Bindu
Aahar Amrutham Bindu herbal formula is designed for the alleviation of allergic responses due to incomplete digestion of food especially in kids. It is highly effective in the cases of numerous disorders due to food allergies. The instantly healing herbs infused in Aahar Amrutham Bindu are as follows:
- Vacha (Acorus calamus): The deepana property of Vacha herb increases the digestive fire. The various phytoconstituents present in this herb accelerate the process of digestion in children and have spasmolytic action.
- Musta (Cyperus rotundus): Musta helps in digestion by preventing the blockages in the intestinal channels. The herb is found to be successful in case of chronic food allergies due to its digestant and astringent actions.
- Parpata (Fumaria indica): Parpata is a natural antacid due to its pitta balancing property. It supports a healthy digestive system. This herb also protects the internal organs from the damage caused by free radicals.
- Bilva (Aegle marmelos): Bilva is commonly known as Bael fruit. It is antiallergic, anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial in nature. It supports bowel movement by improving intestinal flora and maintains healthy digestion.
- Dadima (Punica granatum): Dadima commonly known as pomegranate mainly works on the gastrointestinal tract. It is known as super food because it is packed with various vitamins and antioxidants. It is useful in food allergies as it corrects the digestive system.
- Sariva (Hemidesmus indicus): Sariva is commonly known as Anantmool. It helps in proper digestion of food and provides relief in gastric and abdominal pain. It acts as an anti-allergic herb due to the presence of fatty acids and glycosides.
2. Total Care 3X Ras
Total Care 3X Ras is an herbal composition manufactured by IAFA that has a triple action formula to alleviate symptoms related to respiratory tract disorders, skin ailments and allergies. The herbs used in Total Care 3X Ras are:
- Satyanashi (Argemone mexicana): Satyanashi herb is widely used in Virechana (purgation) panchakarma treatment. It mobilizes the imbalanced doshas from their roots to the intestines therefore it is useful in constipation and abdominal colic. It is also very effective for cough and breathing ailments due to its kapha dosha balancing property.
- Dronpushpi (Leucas cephalotes): Due to Vata and Kapha Har properties of dronpushpi, it is used in the treatment of respiratory distress like asthma, cough, and cold and removes sputum due to its scraping nature.
- Sirisha (Albizia lebbeck): Sirisha is a wonderful herb that relieves inflammation, cold, cough etc. It is also useful in asthma, COPD, wheezing, and difficulty in breathing. This herb detoxifies the skin, relieves itching and pruritus and improves complexion.
- Bhumi amla (Phyllanthus niruri): Bhumi amla is a useful herb in the treatment of asthma and chronic respiratory disorders. It is also beneficial in all types of skin disorders. Bhumi amla is appetiser, anti-hepatotoxic and laxative in nature.
- Vasa Putapaka (Adhatoda vasica): Vasa is widely used in Ayurveda for the treatment of respiratory disorders. The plant possesses mucolytic, expectorant and bronchodilator action so it is greatly used in respiratory troubles. It relieves cough, fights off respiratory infections and helps in the management of asthma as well.
- Dugdhdika (Euphorbia hirta): Dugdhdika is commonly known as Asthma Plant. The plant is useful in bronchial asthma and other chronic kapha disorders due to its kapha har property and useful in kushta (skin disorders) as well.
- Yavakshara (Hordeum vulgare): Yavakshara is an Ayurvedic medicine which is an alkali preparation of the wheat plant of barley. It is indicated in gastrointestinal disorders such as constipation, bloating etc. It is also useful in obstruction in the throat, cough etc.
- Yashtimadhu (Glycyrrhiza glabra): Yashtimadhu is commonly known as mulethi. Being a Rasayana, it provides strength and immunity. Yashtimadhu has been conventionally used in Ayurveda for the treatment of respiratory and digestive issues.
3. Respiratory Detox Tablet
Respiratory Detox Tablet by IAFA is an effective herbal formulation for the treatment of chronic respiratory tract disorders like asthma, shallow breathing, bronchitis, nasal allergies etc. The herbs present in Respiratory Detox Tablet are:
- Hingu (Ferula narthex): Hingu has anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial and expectorant properties which are useful in treating a multitude of respiratory problems such as asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia, chest congestion etc.
- Surasa (Ocimum sanctum): Surasa, commonly known as tulsi is a well-known traditional herb for all sorts of respiratory tract issues. It prevents the regular recurrence of asthmatic symptoms and possesses immunomodulatory properties as well.
- Jivanti (Leptadenia reticulata): Jivanti is considered as one of the best rejuvenator plants in Ayurveda. It is widely used for respiratory tract care and repair. This herb has therapeutic potential because of the presence of various chemical constituents.
- Ela (Elettaria cardamomum): Ela is commonly known as green cardamom. It helps in providing relief in symptoms of asthma such as shortness of breath, coughing, wheezing etc. This wonderful spice makes breathing easier by enhancing blood circulation within the lungs.
- Bhumi Amla (Phyllanthus niruri): Bhumi Amla herb has the property of balancing Pitta and Kapha doshas. Due to its property of balancing kapha dosha, it reduces cough, asthma, breathlessness etc.
- Kanthkari (Solanum xanthocarpum): Due to cough relieving anti-inflammatory properties of kanthkari, it is useful in asthma. It also possesses anti-allergic properties due to which it inhibits allergic asthmatic reactions.
- Bruhati (Solanum indicum): Bruhati is extensively used in Ayurvedic treatment for respiratory disorders such as asthma, catarrh, dry and spasmodic coughs etc. It is one of the 10 roots of the famous Dashmoola concoction. The constituents present in this herb are useful in maintaining the health of lungs and other respiratory organs.
- Agaru (Aquilaria agallocha): Agaru provides strength to the lungs and airways. It reduces inflammation and irritation of bronchial tubes and helps in thinning of the mucus, which helps to clear the lungs.
- Pushkarmul (Iris germanica): In Ayurveda, pushkarmul is mainly used as a bronchodilator and expectorant. According to Acharya Charak, it is the drug of choice in tamakshwasa and hikka. It has ushna virya (hot potency) and vata kapha har properties. It can produce relaxation of bronchioles like adrenaline.
- Ustekudus (Lavandula stoechas): Ustekudus is a powerful aromatic and medicinal herb. It is quite useful in respiratory disorders such as asthma due to its mast cell degranulation inhibitory effects.
4. Sitopladi Churnam
Sitopladi Churnam is a classical Ayurvedic medicine beneficial in a variety of disorders relating to respiratory system, immune system and digestive system. The main function of this churna is to restore the natural functions of respiratory, immune and several other systems of the body. It reduces inflammation and swelling of airways and mucus production.
5. IAFA Skin Fresh Bar
IAFA Skin Fresh Bar is a unique preparation of carefully chosen herbal ingredients like Sveta kutaj, Neelini and Kumari. It is further fortified with 7 essential oils like Avacado oil, Almond oil, Pongamia oil, Wheat germ oil, Manjisthadi oil, Castor oil and Coconut oil making it an ultimate answer to all types of skin conditions like itchy, dry, flaky and inflamed skin. It is an external remedy for external applications that is SLS, SLES and paraben free.
6. Shishu Laxoherb Syrup
Shishu Laxoherb by IAFA is highly effective in gastro-intestinal complaints due to severe constipation in children. The syrup is prepared under high quality conditions and it possesses digestive enzyme stimulation action. The ingredients of Shishu Laxoherb are:
- Revand Chini (Rheum Emodi Wall): Revand Chini is known for its purgative property. It also helps in improving digestion and is highly effective in constipation due to its mridurechan (mild laxative) property.
- Saunf (Foeniculum vulgare): Saunf is a commonly used spice in Indian households. It is good for relieving constipation as it relaxes the muscles in the intestine and relieves the symptoms of constipation.
- Anjeer (Ficus carica): Anjeer is commonly used as a dry fruit. It helps in relieving constipation by promoting bowel movement due to its Rechana (laxative) property. It contains dietary fibre which is useful in managing constipation.
- Amaltaas (Cassia fistula): Amaltaas has Madhur rasa. Its cold potency helps in providing a cooling effect on the stomach and improves digestion. The ripe fruit of amaltas is proven to clean the intestines and help in constipation.
- Mulethi (Glycyrrhiza glabra): Mulethi is an excellent digestive herb. Due to the presence of high fibre content in its root, it is a potent remedy for constipation.
Outcome Measures and Follow up
After 1 month, the patient revisited on 2nd October, 2020 for follow up and the same treatment plan was recommended for next 1 month. After 1 month, the patient visited on 4th November, 2020. There was 50% reduction in the symptoms of breathlessness and 70% relief in constipation. The skin problems such as dry skin were totally relieved after taking treatment for 2 months. The patient was advised to rotate positive foods every 5 days in an alternate manner. No adverse effects were seen in patients with herbal formulations.
After improvement, the following treatment plan totally based on gastrointestinal repair and care was administered for the next 1 months.
- Aahar Amrutham Ras – 5 ml twice a day.
- Aahar Amrutham Bindu – 10 drops twice a day in 20 ml water.
- Anthra Mithram Gulika – 100mg tablet twice a day.
- Sitopladi Churnam – 2 gm twice a day with honey.
- Anu thailam for instilling into nostrils.
1. Aahar Amrutham Ras
Aahar Amrutham Ras by IAFA contains the goodness of 5 potent Ayurvedic herbs used for the alleviation of food related health ailments. These herbs in combination help in extensive gastrointestinal repair and give relief in food allergies by eliminating ama (toxins) within the system. The major herbs used in the combination are:
- Chotti Dudhi (Euphorbia thymifolia): Choti Dudhi is commonly known as Dudhika. It eliminates ama visha (toxins) within the body by boosting digestive fire and provides relief in food allergies. It provides relief in abdominal pain as well.
- Shrifal (Aegle marmelos): Shrifal, commonly known as bael fruit, has the properties that lowers down the colonization of harmful microbes in the gastrointestinal tract. It is anti-inflammatory in nature which eases the stomach upset by reducing inflammation in the GI tract.
- Bhoomi amla (Phyllanthus niruri): Bhoomi amla helps in food allergies by helping in the secretion of digestive enzymes. It helps in proper digestion of a wide range of foods.
- Punarnava (Boerhavia diffusa): Punarnava balances Pitta and Kaphadoshas. Due to this property, it works as a natural anti-allergic thus provides relief in a wide range of food allergies and it also acts as a potent digestive stimulant thus increasing the absorption of essential nutrients.
2. Anthra Mithram Gulika
It is a unique Ayurvedic parpati preparation by IAFA. It contains herbo-mineral ingredients. This tablet is highly potent in nature and specifically being used to treat digestive disorders and useful in maintaining the absorption surface of the gut. It contains ingredients such as Praval Panchamrut Ras, Piyush Villa Ras, Mukta Panchamrit Ras, Kutazghan Vati, Giloy Satv, Godanti Bhasam, Swarnmakshik Bhasam, Mukta Shukti Pishti, Vijay Parpati, Suvarna Parpati and Panchamrut Parpati. All these ingredients in combination are useful in the treatment of a wide variety of gastro-intestinal complaints.
3. Anu Tailam
Anu Thailam is a classical Ayurvedic herbal formulation useful in clearing sinuses and removes dirt particles, allergens and microbes from the nose and sinuses. It also lubricates the nasal mucosa and sinuses. Anu thailam is tridosha shamak and anti-inflammatory in nature.
Dietary Recommendations
Along with these Ayurvedic formulations, the patient was advised to strictly follow the diet. He was advised to avoid the intake of fermented food products, cold, frozen food, and chocolates etc.
The patient revisited IAFA on 2nd December, 2020 with full recovery. Now the patient is advised to follow Ayurveda treatment even for fever as he is allergic to allopathic drugs such as paracetamol and antibiotics. He was prescribed with the following medications:
- Sitopaladi Churna – SOS.
- Saraswatharishtam Gold – 10 drops at bedtime
1. Saraswatharishtam Gold
Saraswatharishtam Gold is a classical Ayurvedic medicine that contains ingredients that can help support the treatment of disorders related to digestive system, nervous disorders and boosts the immune system. It is a natural appetizer that is effective in treating digestive and bowel-related disorders. The immune stimulant property of this tonic works effectively in boosting immunity and provides strength. It provides endurance and natural resistance against many diseases.
By just following the proper Ayurvedic treatment with proper dietary guidelines, the patient got almost complete relief. The child followed the above intervention for the total duration of 3 months with regular follow up. Patient didn’t leave the treatment in between and followed all the protocols. He was relieved by the Ayurvedic treatment prescribed to him at IAFA in just 3 months which he had been suffering from since beginning.
The parents of the child are satisfied by the Ayurvedic treatment and thankful to IAFA.
Thus, this case report demonstrates the treatment of peanut allergy associated with childhood asthma with only Ayurvedic medicinal intervention. Pathya sevan also plays a major role in the treatment.