The process of identifying health conditions based on physical examination, clinical symptoms, and various laboratory investigations is known as diagnosis. Determining the root cause of diseases, for appropriate treatment, and diagnosis plays a crucial role.
In modern medicine, diagnosis of allergies is made through clinical history, skin prick test, blood test, etc. In Ayurveda, by conducting various examination methods (Pariksha) the diagnosis is performed. This helps to determine the dosha imbalance, toxins (Ama), immunity (Ojas), and body constitution (Prakriti) of the individual.
Different examination methods help in other ways to understand various types of allergies e.g. Three-fold examination (Trividha Pariksha) helps in identifying visible symptoms (by Darshana, Sparshana, Prashan) like skin rashes, respiratory congestion, itching, etc. In the same way six-fold examination (Shadvidha Pariksha) insight susceptibility to allergens based on tissue strength and constitution.
The diagnostic approach of Ayurveda helps in understanding allergies and paving personalized treatment for individuals through detoxification therapy, use of herbs, dietary correction, etc.
To ensure accurate diagnosis for each case of allergy, We at IAFA Ayurveda follows an integrated approach by combining the wisdom of Ayurveda with modern insights. Ayurveda focuses on identifying and treating the root cause of the imbalance in allergies; on the other hand modern medicine primarily offers symptomatic relief, especially in allergic conditions and skin disorders.
Dr. Sahil Gupta conducts a comprehensive Ayurvedic assessment, beginning with an in-depth patient examination (Rogi Pariksha) to understand an individual’s constitution (Prakriti) based on Vata, Pitta, and Kapha doshas. This is followed by disease examination (Roga Pariksha) to analyze the Dosha imbalance, toxin accumulation (Ama), and immune strength (Ojas), ensuring a holistic and personalized approach to allergy management.
Diagnosis of Allergy – As Per Ayurveda
A highly detailed and personalized approach to identifying various allergies is mentioned in Ayurveda. By the diagnosis method mentioned in Ayurveda, underlying fundamental energy imbalances can be assessed, the root cause of allergies can be identified, and personalized treatment plans can be formulated for individuals. These diagnosis methods are as follows:-
- Three-fold examination (Trividha Pariksha)
- Five-fold examination (Panchavidha Pariksha)
- Six- fold examination (Shadvidha Pariksha)
- Eightfold examination (Ashtavidha Pariksha)
- Ten-fold examination (Dashavidha Pariksha)
These examinations are done by the Ayurvedic physician as per the needs of the individual.
1. Threefold Examination (Trividha Pariksha)
The diagnostic method based on observation (Darshan), touch (Sparshan), and questioning (Prashan) is known as a three-fold examination.
How Three-Fold Examinations Help in the Diagnosis of An Allergy?
I) Observation (Darshana)
By observation or visual inspection different physical signs of individuals, eyes, skin, tongue, nasal discharge, etc. are analyzed.
What Can We Evaluate?
By observation, we can make various conclusions e.g. Nasal congestion, sneezing, Redness (Lalima), swelling (Shotha), urticaria (Udarda), watery eyes (Akshi Ashru), indicate Kapha-Pitta imbalance in the body.
II) Palpation (Sparshana)
In palpation, A touch examination of an individual is done to assess temperature, skin texture, etc.
What Can We Evaluate?
Palpitation helps us to find out which Dosha imbalance may be involved e.g. dry (Ruksha), rough (Khara) skin indicates Vata involvement, warm (Ushana), inflamed skin suggests Pitta involvement and sticky (Pichilla), moist skin indicates Kapha involvement.
III) Interrogation (Prashana)
In this examination method various questions are asked to the patient about dietary habits (Pathya Apathya) they take, symptoms (Lakshan), seasonal variations, triggers, etc.
What Can We Evaluate?
By question we evaluate what worsens allergies like certain foods e.g. if dairy products worsen allergies, they may have Kapha dominance, if a particular season worsens allergy like in spring season worsens allergy, then Kapha involvement, if the summer season worsens allergy, then Pitta involvement, or environmental exposure like dust, pollen, mites, molds, etc.
2. Five-Fold Examination (Panchvidha Pariksha)
For analysis of the metabolic state, Dosha imbalance, disease progression, etc in detail, the five-fold examination is done.
How Does a Five-Fold Examination Help in the Diagnosis of An Allergy?
I) Nadi Pariksha (Pulse Examination)
Based on the movement (Gati) of the pulse (Nadi), the predominance of Vata, Pitta, and Kapha dosha is identified. This diagnosis measure helps to identify the pathology within an individual. Dr. Sahil Gupta has developed a unique pulse diagnosis technique to identify allergic disorders.
What Can We Evaluate?
Various allergies can be assessed by the movement of the pulse, e.g. Vata allergies show an irregular, weak pulse, Pitta allergies show a sharp, fast pulse, and Kapha allergies show a slow, heavy pulse.
II) Stool Examination (Mala Pariksha)
In Mala Pariksha stool frequency, consistency, and presence of undigested food or toxin (Ama) is evaluated. IAFA has great facilities to examine stools based on Ayurveda criteria to ensure a perfect diagnosis and treatment.
What Can We Evaluate?
When diarrhea is one of the symptoms of allergy then we evaluate the stool to check which Dosha is vitiated e.g. loose stools with burning sensation (Daha) suggest Pitta involvement and mucus in stools suggests Kapha dominance.
III) Urine Examination (Mutra Pariksha)
In Mutra Pariksha color, consistency, and frequency of urination are analyzed. Dr. Sahil Gupta has developed a well-established laboratory at IAFA to ensure the best quality Ayurvedic analysis.
What Can We Evaluate?
Vitiation of Dosha and Dosha involved allergy is assessed e.g. Dark yellow urine (Pitta Mutrata) in Pitta imbalance, and cloudy urine is present in Kapha-related allergies.
IV) Tongue Examination (Jivha Pariksha)
The tongue is checked for various signs like coating, cracks, or discoloration. As per Dr. Sahil Gupta’s observation, each allergic disorder shows a unique pattern of changes in the tongue.
What Can We Evaluate?
Toxin (Ama) and Dosha involvement can be analyzed e.g. red tongue with cracks indicates Pitta aggravation, white-coated tongue suggests toxins (Ama) formation in the body.
V) Speech / Voice Analysis (Shabda Pariksha)
In Shapda Pariksha speech clarity, nasal tone, hoarseness of voice, etc. are analyzed.
What Can We Evaluate?
In respiratory allergies by speech analysis, Dosha involvement can be evaluated like dry voice in Vata- dominant allergies, hoarseness of voice is seen due to Kapha accumulation in the throat, etc.
3. Six-Fold Examination (Shadvidha Pariksha)
A six-fold examination helps to assess various factors like an individual’s constitution (Prakriti), disease condition, tissue strength, dietary suitability, etc which helps in a comprehensive understanding of allergic reactions.
I) Body Constitution (Prakriti)
This helps to understand the individual’s natural Doshic balance.
- Vataja Prakriti: Individuals with Vataja Prakriti are more prone to have eczema, allergic rhinitis with sneezing, dry skin allergies, etc.
- Pittaja Prakriti: Individuals with Pitaja prakriti are more prone to having urticaria (Udarda), skin rashes, acid reflux, and inflammatory allergies.
- Kaphaja Prakriti: These individuals are more likely to develop allergies related to respiratory systems like asthma, nasal congestion, and excessive mucus production.
What Can We Evaluate?
Evaluating the body’s constitution helps us to understand which individuals will be prone to which allergy and what triggers the allergy. E.g., People with Pitta dominant Prakriti frequently experienced red, inflamed skin allergies after consuming spicy or sour foods (Katu and Amla Aahra).
II) Dosha Imbalance in Disease Condition (Vikriti)
In the Vikriti examination, the physician identifies which dosha is aggravated by the allergic reaction.
What Can We Evaluate?
A person may suffer from chronic sinus allergies with thick mucus and congestion if they have a Kapha imbalance.
III) Tissue Strength and Immunity (Sara)
Ojas Assessment (Sara): In this examination Ayurvedic doctors determine the quality of body tissues (Dhatu) and immunity (Ojas).
What Can We Evaluate?
Individuals with Ojas deficiency or weak Sara are more prone to allergies e.g. a person with weak lymphatic system (Rasa Dhatu) may develop frequent allergic colds, urticaria (Udarda), etc.
IV) Body Build & Resistance to Allergies (Samhanana)
In this assessment body build and resistance to allergies are determined.
What Can We Evaluate?
Lean or weak individuals may be more sensitive to allergens whereas well-built individuals often have better resistance to allergens e.g. individuals with poor body strength may experience severe allergic asthma attacks compared to a strong body build and resistant individual.
V) Measurement of Body & Organ Functioning (Parmana)
In this examination organ efficiency and body proportions are measured which plays a role in allergy susceptibility.
What Can We Evaluate?
Organ efficiency is measured e.g. lung capacity (Pramana of the respiratory system) is crucial in diagnosing allergic asthma. Frequent breathlessness due to dust allergies will occur in a person with low lung capacity.
VI) Suitability & Allergen Identification (Satmaya)
Incompatible foods (Viruddha Ahara), seasonal variations (Ritu Parivartan), and environmental factors play a role in allergies. This examination helps in identifying what is beneficial (Satmya) or harmful (Asatmya) for an individual.
What Can We Evaluate?
Allergen identification can be done with the help of this examination e.g. consuming hot (Ushna), and spicy foods (Katu Ahara), leading to skin inflammation.
4) Eightfold Examination (Ashtavidha Pariksha)
This examination provides a more detailed analysis of physiological changes and body changes in allergies. In the eightfold examination, fivefold examination along with touch (Sparsha), Eyes (Drika), and general appearance (Akriti) is examined.
Dr. Sahil Gupta was trained under the ancient Ashtavidha Pariksha under various Ayurveda diagnosis professionals and has designed his method of eightfold examination for obtaining an accurate diagnosis and assuring the best treatment for allergies.
I) Skin Examination (Sparsha Pariksha)
In this examination checking for rashes, temperature, and skin texture is done. Sparsha Pareeksha of different areas performed at IAFA as a part of allergic disorder diagnosis.
What Can We Evaluate?
In Vataja allergies dry skin rashes (Ruksha), inflamed, red rashes in Pittaja allergies, and moist (Kledana), sticky (Picchila) rashes in Kapha allergies.
II) Eye Examination (Drika Pariksha)
In this examination, the eye is checked for redness, watering, or dullness.
What Can We Evaluate?
In Pitta allergies red burning eyes, in Kaphaja allergies itchy and watery eyes, in Vataja allergies dry eyes can be found.
III) Body Structure Analysis (Akriti Pariksha)
In this examination body type, posture, and constitutional tendencies are assessed. IAFA has conducted a long-term research program to establish the relationship between doshas and Akruti of an individual.
What Can We Evaluate?
Different conditions can be assessed muscular individuals with Pitta dominance having inflammatory responses, lean individuals with Vata dominance having sudden allergic reactions, etc.
5. Tenfold Examination (Dashavidha Examination)
After general Ayurveda diagnosis, IAFA Ayurveda uses the tenfold examination mentioned as per Ayurveda. The most comprehensive diagnostic approach in Ayurveda is a tenfold examination. In this examination along with the sixfold examination (Shadvidha Pariksha), Satva, Aahara Shakti, Vyayama Shakti, and Vaya are examined.
I) Mental & Emotional Strength (Satva Pariksha): In this examination emotional resilience is assessed. Individuals with weak Satva will be more prone to Stress-induced allergies.
II) Digestive Power (Ahara Shakti): Assessing digestion strength (Agni). Weak Agni leads to Ama accumulation, which triggers allergies.
III) Vyayama Shakti (Exercise Tolerance): Stamina and physical activity levels are evaluated in this examination. Low physical activity leads to Kapha buildup, increasing Susceptibility to respiratory allergies increased when Kapha buildup in the individual with low physical activity.
IV) Age Factor (Vaya): In this examination, the effect of age on health should be assessed e.g. children who have Kapha dominance have more respiratory allergies on the other hand adults with high Pitta may develop more skin allergies.
Pulse Diagnosis
A crucial Ayurvedic tool used to assess dosha imbalance and the allergies associated with imbalance is Pulse diagnosis or Nadi Pariksha. In this pulse diagnosis, examination of different characteristics of pulse like speed, rhythm, etc. are observed which helps the physician to determine which Dosha either Vata, Pitta, Kapha or a combination of Dosha are involved in allergies.
Pulse diagnosis helps in Dosha’s specific treatment of allergies like detoxification therapy, which herbs or dietary changes should be chosen, and also helps in preventing the recurrence of the allergies.

Dr. Sahil Gupta – A Master in Pulse Diagnosis
Dr. Sahil Gupta is blessed with the ability to understand the constitution of an individual by mere observation. Pulse diagnosis is performed by Dr. Gupta to get a clear diagnosis from the patient. All the medical experts at IAFA are trained in pulse diagnosis. Under the leadership of Dr. Gupta, IAFA Ayurveda has treated more than 50000 allergic disorders and other general conditions diagnosed using Pulse diagnosis along with other examinations.
BOOK AN APPOINTMENTHow is Pulse Diagnosis Made?
Each dosha of the individual is palpated by the examiner at the fingers. Vataja Dosha is felt at the index finger, Pitta Dosha is felt at the middle finger, and Kapha Dosha is felt at the ring finger.
Sites of Pulse Examination in the Body
- Radial Pulse (Hasta Nadi) located at the Wrist (Radial artery)
- Carotid Pulse (Hridya Nadi) located at the Neck (Carotid artery)
- Lingual Pulse (Jivha Nadi) located Under the tongue (Lingual artery)
- Temporal Pulse (Karna Nadi) located near the ear (Temporal artery)
- Nasal Pulse (Nasa Nadi) located at the side of the nose (Facial artery)
- Ophthalmic Pulse (Netra Nadi) located at the inner corner of the eye (Ophthalmic artery)
- Dorsalis Pedis Pulse (Pada Nadi) located at Foot (dorsalis pedis artery)
- Rectal Pulse (Guda Nadi) located near the perineal region (Internal pudendal artery)
The Most Commonly Used Site for Pulse Diagnosis
In Ayurveda for assessing Vata, Pitta, and Kapha dosha imbalances Radial Pulse (Hasta Nadi) is the primary site used.
Based on Pulse Diagnosis (Nadi Pariksha) – Dosha Involvement in Various Types of Allergies
1. Vata-Type Allergy
Pulse on Diagnosis – Irregular, fast, thin pulse
Symptoms – Asthma-like symptoms, dry skin, sneezing, itching, wheezing, etc.
Example: The patient came with a dust allergy. On pulse, diagnosis shows a thin, irregular, and fast pulse causing symptoms like irritation, respiratory dryness indicates aggravated Vata.
2. Pitta-Type Allergy
Pulse on Diagnosis – Strong, sharp, and warm pulse
Symptoms – Rashes, redness, burning sensation, urticaria, inflammation, etc.
Example: The patient came with skin rashes after consuming spicy food. On pulse diagnosis strong, warm, and bounding pulse is palpated indicating aggravated Pitta.
3. Kapha-Type Allergy
Pulse on Diagnosis – Slow, heavy, and deep pulse
Symptoms – watery eyes, swelling, mucus, congestion, sinus allergy, etc.
Example: The patient came with chronic nasal due to pollen allergy. On pulse diagnosis, the deep, slow, and heavy pulse is palpated indicating aggravated Kapha.
Frequently Asked Questions
Question: What Role Does the Body Constitution (Prakriti) Play in Diagnosis?
Answer: Body constitution helps in determining individual natural tendencies for diseases and personalized treatment approaches.
Question: How Does Ayurveda Diagnose Allergies?
Answer: Ayurveda diagnosed allergy by Dosha involvement, three-fold, five-fold, eight-fold, and ten-fold examination of the patient.
Question: Can Ayurveda Diagnose Food Allergies?
Answer: Yes, Ayurveda assesses food allergies through digestive fire examination (Agni Pariksha), and dietary and lifestyle analysis (Ahara-Vihara Pariksha).
Question: How is Pulse Diagnosis (Nadi Pariksha) Used in Allergy Diagnosis?
Answer: Pulse diagnosis helps in detecting Dosha imbalance, metabolic disturbances, and immune weakness linked to allergic reactions.
Question: How to Make a Pulse Diagnosis in Ayurveda?
Answer: The pulse diagnosis is performed on the radial artery at the wrist by placing three fingers i.e. ring, middle, and index finger in which rhythm, speed, quality, and Dosha dominance are examined.
Question: How Accurate is Pulse Diagnosis (Nadi Pariksha)?
Answer: Pulse diagnosis (Nadi Pariksha) is highly accurate in identifying Dosha imbalance when performed by experienced practitioners.
Question: What Factors Affect Pulse Diagnosis?
Answer: Time of the day, food intake, sleep pattern, physical activity, emotional state, seasonal variation, etc. are the factors affecting pulse diagnosis (Nadi Pariksha).
Question: Can Pulse Diagnosis be Done Remotely?
Answer: No, pulse diagnosis requires direct contact with patients and physical examination.
Question: Which Time is Best for Pulse Diagnosis (Nadi Pariksha)?
Answer: Early mornings, an empty stomach is an ideal time for pulse diagnosis.
Question: Which Hand is Used for Pulse Diagnosis?
Answer: Women’s left hand and men’s right hand are used for pulse diagnosis.
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Seek Expert Advice
Dr. Sahil Gupta is a leading expert in Ayurvedic allergic disorder management, known for her exceptional diagnostic skills and holistic treatment approach. His ability to identify the root cause of allergies with precision sets him apart from other Ayurveda specialists.
With rapid and accurate diagnosis, Dr. Sahil provides highly effective Ayurvedic treatments for a wide range of allergic conditions, including skin allergies, food allergies, and respiratory allergies, as well as fungal and bacterial infections. His personalized healing methods focus on restoring balance and strengthening immunity, ensuring long-lasting relief.
Achieve faster recovery and lasting wellness through Dr. Gupta’s expert Ayurvedic approach, which incorporates time-tested herbal remedies, detoxification therapies, and lifestyle modifications for complete allergy relief.
Book A Consultation Today and Embrace the Power of Ayurveda for a Healthier, Allergy-Free Life!
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