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What is COVID-19?
Millions of individuals are affected in the world by the severity of new Coronavirus disease (COVID-19). The new Coronavirus which made an outbreak of Severe acute respiratory syndrome was found in the year of 2019 in one of the provinces of People’s Republic of China. Severe acute respiratory syndrome, Middle east respiratory syndrome and COVID-19 causative viruses belong to the same family. The complete name given to COVID-19 virus is Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome coronavirus 2 or in short SARS-CoV-2. World Health Organization announced this new Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) as a pandemic after detailed assessment.
Ayurveda have categorized viruses under the term “Bhutas” and microbe caused infection is called as “Bhutabhishangajam”. Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) has very close similarity with Vata-Kapha predominant sannipata jwaram (Fever with predominance of all doshas especially Vata and Kapha). Janapadodhwamsa niyam is a chapter by Acharya Charaka have clearly mentioned about the nature as well causes of a pandemic disease. Ayurveda also have listed about the internal and external causes of a disease in various classical textbooks. Viruses are one among the external cause of a disease as per Ayurveda. Ashtanghrudaya, one of the oldest Indian Ayurveda school have mentioned about microbes as the cause of fever and other associated conditions including breathing difficulty, cough, cold etc. Ayurveda is having psychological as well somatic levels of successful treatment for managing viral infection.
What are the Causes of COVID-19?
COVID-19 is caused by Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome coronavirus 2. Avoiding close contact and avoiding travel to pandemic affected areas will reduce the chances of getting infected.
Ayurveda also adds low immunity, low strength and low mental health as the causes of getting severely affected during a pandemic. A pollution which happens within our minds and pollution of common environmental factors may create a situation of reduced immune strength. An individual with high immunity and good mental health will not be affected by the difficulties of a viral infection. Being positive in case of virus and being symptom less shows the proper immune system activity within a human being.
What are the Signs and Symptoms of COVID-19?
The coronavirus infection outbreak which happened in 2019 has an incubation period of 2-14 days. The major symptoms include:-
- Shortness of breath
- Cough
- Fever
- Muscle pain
- Cold
- Chest discomfort and
- Headache
COVID-19 or SARS-CoV-2 may also occur without any symptoms. The carrier of the virus will be leading a normal life and capable of infecting another individual. Development of pneumonia is severe most symptom of this disease. The individuals who are having asthma, heart diseases, obesity and kidney related chronic disorders are at risk level in case of severity of covid-19 infection.
Ayurvedic Reference of Covid-19 or SARS- CoV-2
भूताभिषङ्गात् कुप्यन्ति भूतसामान्यलक्षणाः
भूताधिकारे व्याख्यातं तदष्टविधलक्षणम्॥
“Follow Ayurveda and attain the natural solution to maintain high immunity to fight against CoVid19 disease. Get the benefits of natural friendly healing by visiting us.” Dr. Gupta’s IAFA have also developed a unique method for improving health and immunity through a special Ayurvedic anti-viral program”.
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Ayurvedic Management of COVID-19
Mental and physical modes of treatment methods are used in Ayurveda for fast relief from the symptoms of COVID-19. Ayurveda treatment have proved to make successful results in various microbial infections within a short period of time.
Ayurveda is using single herb therapy and combination of medicine therapy in treating coronavirus infection. The single herbs used in this disease management are Black pepper (Piper nigrum), Ginger (Zingiber officinale), Long pepper (Piper longum ), Sweet flag (Acorus calamus), Asafetida (Ferula asafetida) and Garlic (Allium sativum).
Sudarshana choornam, Vilwadi gulika, Dashamolakatuthreyam kashatmyam, Indukantham kashayam, Talisapatradi choorna and Chyavanaprasham, Agasthya Rasayana are the few Ayurvedic combinations used in the management of Coronavirus disease (COVID-19). Along with intake of medicines having a righteous nature, clear mind and healthy diet will help an individual to reduce the effects of Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) as well reduce the chance getting infected.
Avoiding food prepared of non-vegetarian inclusions must be followed for maintaining a good metabolism during this pandemic season. Proper metabolism assures proper strength and immunity to an individual. A person must also avoid heavy food, old food and excess oily food.
Pathya (Do’s)
- Avoid close contact with infected individuals
- Avoiding mass gathering
- Self-quarantine
- Hygienic measures including proper hand washing with Ayurvedic herbal soap and usage of Ayurvedic sanitizers must be followed
Apathya (Don’ts)
- Touching eyes and mouth after travelling
- Sharing materials and clothes
- Travelling to affected areas
- Unnecessary contact with infected individuals
Pranayama and Suryanamskara can be performed for attaining good lung capacity. This yoga measure also helps in improving immunity and strength.
Frequently Asked Questions
Answer: Coronavirus disease is a severe respiratory syndrome caused by a virus named Severe Acute Respiratory syndrome virus 2. This viral infection had an outbreak in China in the year of 2019.
Answer: Yes, Ayurveda has successful treatment measures to improve immunity and helps in fighting against Coronavirus disease (COVID-19).
Answer: A virus named Severe Acute Respiratory syndrome Coronavirus 2 is the causative microbe responsible for Coronavirus disease (COVID-19).
Question: How Ayurveda is helpful in the treatment of COVID-19?
Answer: Ayurveda uses single herbs as well as combination of herbs for treating corona virus infection that help in improving immunity as well as overall health of an individual.
Question: What is the role of yoga and pranayama in COVID-19?
Answer: Yoga and Pranayama play a significant role in COVID-19 as these help in building and maintaining the capacity of the lungs as well as controlling stress and anxiety.
Question: What is the role of Ayurveda in COVID-19?
Answer: Ayurveda pays great emphasis on building strength of body as well as mind. The Ayurvedic concept of Bala (immunity) can be classified as Sahaja (natural), Kalaja (chronobiologic) and Yuktikrut (acquired).
Question: What is the role of Ayurvedic medicines in COVID-19?
Answer: In Ayurveda, several treatment options are available for enhancing immunity against respiratory illness which include Rasayanas (immunomodulators), herbal decoctions etc.
- Shloka No. 123, Jwara Chikitsa, Charak Chikitsasthanam by Acharaya Agnivesha.
- Acharaya Yadavji Trikamji. Chaukhambha Sanskrit Sansthan; New Delhi: 2017. Charak Samhita of Charaka.
- Shastri Hari Sadashiva. Editor. AstangaHrdayam of Vagbhata. Chaukhambha Publications; New Delhi: 2016.
- Mishra Brahmashankara. Editor. Bhavaprakasha of Bhava Mishra. Chaukhambha Sanskrit Series Office; Varanasi: 2002.
Dr. Gupta’s Institute of Applied Food Allergy® has successfully treated a number of microbial infection cases and has given fast result within a short period of time. Ayurveda is the only natural method for assuring great immunity from getting affected by the Coronavirus disease (COVID-19). Dr. Gupta’s IAFA have also developed a unique method for improving health and immunity through a special Ayurvedic anti-viral program. Follow Ayurveda and attain the natural solution to maintain high immunity to fight against Coronavirus disease (COVID-19).
Add Ayurveda to your life and gain great immunity!!!
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