World's 1st Trusted Ayurvedic Allergy Institute


Crohn’s disease is a transmural submucosal inflammatory disease of any part of the gastrointestinal tract. Crohn’s disease is labeled as a chronic inflammatory disease of the ileum by Burrill Crohn’s in 1932. This disease is considered the result of the multifactorial interplay between the immune system, genetics, and infectious and mental triggers.

Crohn’s disease is most common in Northern Europe and North America with an incidence of 5 per lakh of people. Crohn’s disease is mostly diagnosed in young patients between 25- 40 and is more common in women than men. Two presentations of Crohn’s disease are present i.e acute presentation which mimics acute appendicitis associated with severe diarrhea and chronic Crohn’s in which the patient goes through three stages.

In the first phase of chronic Crohn’s, colicky pain, fever, anemia, mild diarrhea, etc. occurs and in the second stage of Crohn’s disease, intestinal obstruction occurs. In the third stage of Chronic Crohn’s, fistula formation, enteroenteric, enterovesical, etc. occurs.

As per Ayurvedic classical texts, Crohn’s disease is considered as Anna Vaha and Pureesha Vaha Stroto Dusti Vyadhi, and its symptoms are correlated with Vataja Grehani, Pittaja, Raktaja, Sanipataja, Shokaja Atisara, etc. As per Ayurveda Prana Vayu is the first to Vitiate in case of Crohn’s disease. By the modern approach, Crohn’s disease is hardly curative by both medical or surgical treatment but Ayurvedic treatment proved effective in limiting the symptoms of the disease.

There are various herbs like Kutaj, Vacha, Bilva, Daruharidra, Mulethi, etc. which have anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, immunomodulatory, and anti-microbial activities, etc. which improve and control the symptoms of Crohn’s disease. Along with this Ayurvedic treatment also targets stress and anxiety and helps to treat Crohn’s disease in the best way.

Ayurvedic Concept of Crohn’s Diseases

  • Correlation of Crohn’s Diseases with Grahani, Atisara – As per Ayurvedic classical texts Annavaha Stroto Dusti, Pureesha Vaha Stroto Dusti, Vattika Grahani, Atisara i.e Pittaja Atisara, Vataja Atisara for Lakshana like Parikartika, Raktaja Atisara are co-related with Crohn’s diseases. 
  • The psychological tendencies of Crohn’s disease are co-related with Shokaja and Sannipataja Atisara.

Facts About Crohn’s Diseases

  • People always confuse Ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease as both are inflammatory bowel diseases, but Ulcerative colitis only affects the lower intestine i.e., confined to the inner lining of the colon but Crohn’s disease can affect any part of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Crohn’s disease can affect any age but is usually diagnosed in a population between 15 to 35 years.
  • Ashkenazi and Caucasians are more prone to Crohn’s disease.
  • As per a recent survey, in The United States, Crohn’s disease is more frequent in females while Ulcerative colitis is more common in males.
  • In the entire world, Canada is at the top for the incidence of Crohn’s disease.
  • Cigarette smoking is considered the factor behind the development of Crohn’s disease.
  • A recent survey revealed that 20% of people with Crohn’s disease have a family history.
  • Crohn’s disease is more common in developed countries than in underdeveloped countries.
  • If both husband and wife are suffering from Crohn’s disease, then there is approximately a 35% chance of the child developing Crohn’s disease.
  • Stress is not the cause of Crohn’s disease, but it is the most important factor for worsening the disease.
  • Families that live in higher latitudes are more likely to have Crohn’s disease.
  • 11% percent of patients with Crohn’s disease experience severe disease symptoms.
  • Approximately 80% of surgical patients of Crohn’s disease experience one flare-up in 20 years but 30% of people experience a flare-up within 3 years.
  • According to the Crohn’s and colitis foundation, 30 percent of people with Crohn’s disease are affected by Fistula.
  • If Crohn’s diseases remain untreated for more than eight years, then it increases the risk of Colo-rectal cancer.

Types of Crohn’s Disease

Types of Crohn’s Disease – As Per Modern Point of View

The five different types of Crohn’s disease are as follows:

  • Ileocolitis
  • Ileitis
  • Gastro-duodenal Crohn’s diseases
  • Jejunoileitis
  • Crohn’s colitis
  • Ileo-colitis: In this type of Crohn’s disease irritation and inflammation of the colon and ileum i.e., the lower part of the small intestine occurs. In this type of Crohn’s disease, patients may suffer from symptoms like significant weight loss, diarrhea, pain or cramping in the middle region of the abdomen, and pain or cramping in the lower right region of the abdomen.
  • Ileitis: The difference between ileocolitis, and ileitis is that in ileitis irritation and inflammation of the ileum i.e., the lower part of the small intestine occurs only. Symptoms of both ileocolitis and ileitis are the same but in ileitis, the patient may develop a fistula i.e inflammatory abscess in the lower right region of the abdomen.
  • Gastro-duodenal Crohn’s disease: In this type of Crohn’s disease, the stomach and duodenum are involved, and the patient has symptoms like loss of appetite, weight loss, nausea, etc. In the case of Gastro-duodenal Crohn’s disease, the patient may experience intestinal inflammation due to which part of the bowel is blocked and resulting in vomiting in patients.
  • Jejunoileitis: In this type of Crohn’s disease the area of inflammation occurs in the jejunum i.e., the second part of the small intestine. In this type of Crohn’s disease patients may experience symptoms like diarrhea, cramps after meals, fistula, and abdominal discomfort that may be severe.
  • Crohn’s colitis: In this type of Crohn’s disease, the main part that is the colon of the large intestine is affected. In this type ulcers, fistula, and abscesses are formed in the anus along with other symptoms like joint pain, diarrhea, rectal bleeding, skin lesions, etc.

Types of Crohn’s Disease – As Per Ayurveda

Crohn’s disease symptoms are co-related with various disorders like Atisara, Grahani type i.e Vataja Grahani. So, here we discuss the types of Atisara and Grahani.

Types of Atisara
Sushruta Samhita Uttara Tantra. 40/ 7- 8

एकैकश: सर्वशश्चापि दोषै: शोकेनान्य: षष्ठ आमेन चोक्त: ।

केचित्‌ प्राहुनैकरूपप्रकारं नैवेत्येव॑ काशिराजस्त्ववोचत्‌।। 

दोषावस्थास्तस्य नैकप्रकाराः काले काले व्याधितस्योद्धवन्ति।।

According to Acharya Sushruta Atisara is classified in to six types:

  • Vataja Atisara
  • Pittaja Atisara
  • Kaphaja Atisara
  • Sannipataja Atisara 
  • Shokaja Atisara 
  • Amaja Atisara
Charaka Samhita Siddhi Sthana. 8/ 19- 20

सोम॑ चेत कुणपं शूलैरुपविशेदरोचकी । 

स घनातिविषा कुष्ठनतदारवचा: पिबेत।।

शकृद वात असृक् पित्त॑ कफं वा यो अतिसार्यते। 

पक्वं तत्र स्ववर्गीयैबस्ति: श्रेष्ठं भिषग्जितम्‌।।

Acharya Charaka has mentioned following types of Atisara:

  • Amaja Atisara
  • Purishaja Atisara
  • Vataja Atisara
  • Raktaja Atisara
  • Pittaja Atisara
  • Kaphaja Atisara
Types of Grahani

As per classical texts of Ayurveda Grahani is of four types.

  • Sushruta Samhita Uttara Tantra. 40/ 171

एकशः सर्वशश्चैव दोषेरत्यर्थमुच्छिवतै: । 

सा दुष्टा बहुशो भुक्तमाममेव विमुंञ्चति।।

  • Charaka Samhita Chikitsa Sthana. 15/ 58

वातात्‌ पित्तात्‌ कफाच्च स्वात्तद्रोगस्त्रि्य एव च। 

हेतुं लिड्गं चिकित्सां च श्रृणु तस्य पृथक्‌ पृथक।।

Mainly Four Types of Grahani are as Mentioned:

  1. Vataja 
  2. Pittaja
  3. Kaphaja
  4. Sannipataja
Pathophysiology (Samprapati) of Crohn’s diseases
Ayurvedic Point of View
Vataja Grahani Samprapti
Charaka Samhita Chikitsa Sthana, 15/ 59- 60

कटु तिक्त कषाय अतिरूक्षशीतलभोजनै:

प्रमितानशनात्यध्ववेगानिग्रह मैथुनैः।।

करोतिकुपितो मन्दमग्निं संछाद्यमारुतः।

Due to etiological factors like Excessive consumption of pungent, bitter, astringent, excessively unctuous & cold food substances, less intake of food, fasting too much, traveling on foot, suppression of natural urges, and excessive sexual intercourse, etc Vata gets aggravated and surrounds Agni, as a result, Agni becomes sluggish and manifests Vataja Grahani.

Samanya Atisara Samrapti
Sushruta Uttara Tantra. 40/ 6

सशम्यापां धातुरन्तः कृशानु वर्चो मिश्रो मारुतें  प्रणुन्न: ।

वृद्धो अति वाध सरत्येष यस्मादव्याधिं घोर त्वतिसारमाहु: ।।                          

Increased body fluid diminishes the internal fire and then gets mixed with feces. This feces turns watery and propelled by vayu and then passes out through guda marga excessively. As the body fluids are also drained out, the disease is of severe condition known as Atisara.       

Pittaja Atisara Samprapati
Charaka Samhita Chikitsa Sthana. 19/ 6

तत् प्रकुपितं द्रवत्वादूष्माणमुपहत्य पुरीषाशयविसृतमौष्णयाद्‌ द्रवत्वात्‌ सरत्वाच्च भित्त्वा पुरीषमतिसाराय प्रकल्पते ।

When a person indulges in sour salty, pungent, alkaline, hot, and irritant things excessively, is afflicted by constant exposure to fire, scorching sun, and hot winds, psychologically stressed with anger and envy the due to above etiological factors Pitta gets aggravated and suppresses the functions of Agni due to liquidity of Pitta and reaches the colon and disintegrates the stool because of heat, liquidity & mobility and causes Pittaja Atisara.

Raktaja Atisara Samprapati
Charaka Samhita Chikitsa Sthana. 19/ 69- 70

पित्त अतिसारी यस्त्वेतां क्रियाम मुक्त्वा निषेवते।  

पित्तलान्यन्नपानानि तस्य पित्तम महाबलम्‌।। 

कुर्याद रक्तातिसारं तु रक्तं आशु प्रदूषयत्

One who is suffering from Pittaja Atisara and does not follow the treatment of Atisara and indulges in foods & drinks which cause further aggravation of Pitta up to great extent as a result Rakta gets, vitiated and manifests Rakta Atisara.

Sushruta Samhita Uttara tantra. 40/ 116- 117

पित्तातिसारी यो मर्त्य: पित्तलान्यतिषेवते ।

पित्त प्रदुष्टं तस्याशु रक्तातीसारमावहेत्‌।। 

Rakta Atisara may manifest as a complication of Pittatisara and it may also manifest independently without Pittatisara if a person adopts Pitta provocative etiological factors in excess.

Shokaja Atisara Samprapati
Sushruta Samhita Uttara Tantra. 40/ 14

कोष्ठ॑ गत्वा क्षोभयत्यस्य रक्त तच्चाधस्तात्‌ काकणन्तीप्रकाशम्‌ ।।

If a person indulges in so many factors that lead to Shokaja Atisara and has an improper diet, consumed with the emotion of grief, then the doshas and ama reach the abdomen to affect the digestive fire. This in turn agitates blood. Now the person passes stools frequently mixed with blood which is like the color of gunja.

Samprapati Ghtaka (Component of Manifestation of Diseases)

Pitta Pradhana Trishoja Vata – Samana Vata
Pitta – Pachaka Pitta
Kapha – Kledaka Kapha
DushyaDhatu – RasaSharirika Mala – Mutra, Pureesha
Dhatu Mala – Kapha, Pitta
AgniJathara Agni
Agni DushtiManda Agni
Ama Agni Janya
StrotodustiSanga, Vimarg Gamana, Ati Pravritti
Udbhava SthanaGrahani
Vyatka SthanaGrahani
Sanchar SthanaMaha Strotas, Ana Vaha Srotas
PrabhavaMaha Roga, Sudustra (difficult to treat)
Roga MargaAbhyantra
Roga BhedaVataja, Pittaja, Kaphaja, Sannipataja

Samprapati Ghataka (Component of Manifestation of Diseases) of Atisara

Dosha Vata Pradhana Trishoja Vata – Samana , Apana Vayu
Pitta – Pachaka Pitta
Kapha – Kledaka Kapha
DushyaDhatu – Rasa, Rakta, Mamsa, MedaSharirika Mala – Mutra, Pureesha
Dhatu Mala – Kapha, Pitta, Sveda
AgniJathara Agni, Dhatvagni
Agni DushtiManda Agni
AmaAgni Janya
StrotasAnavaha, Purishvaha, Udaka Vaha Srotas
StrotodustiVimarg Gamana, Ati Pravritti
Udbhava SthanaPak Vashya Gata, Amashya Gata
Vyakta SthanaGuda
Sanchaar SthanaPurisha Vaha Srotas, Anna Vaha Srotas
SvabhavaChirakari, Ashukari
PrabhavaWith Updrava-incurable, manifested newly without Updrava (complication) is curable
Roga MargaAbhyantara
Roga Bheda6 types

Do You Know Stem Cell Therapy?

There may be a viable new treatment option for Crohn’s disease and stem cell therapy. As we all know that Crohn’s disease is characterized by inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract with periods of remission and relapse.

How Does Stem Cell Therapy Help with Crohn’s Disease?

When T- cell activates in the gastrointestinal tract it results in the immune response that leads to chronic inflammation and various other symptoms like pain, discomfort, anorexia, etc. Recent research revealed that mesenchymal stem cells are the strongest anti-inflammatory tool with their inherent ability to repair damaged tissue and target inflammation within the body. So, stem cell therapy does three important actions in our body:

  • Control the immune response of the body, so that it will not target the harmless bacteria within the body.
  • It reduces the inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract
  • Repair damaged tissues in the gastrointestinal tract.

What are Mesenchymal Stem Cells?

Mesenchymal stem cells are adult stem cells that have anti-inflammatory, mitogenic, anti-oxidative stress, anti-apoptotic, and antioxidant stress activities which it exhibits by their regenerative effect through endocrine and paracrine modes of action. 

(Ref: by Louis A. Cona, MD, Nov 7, 2022)

Cause of Crohn’s Disease

Cause of Crohn’s Disease – As Per Modern Point of View

The exact causes of Crohn’s disease are not known however few factors that might be the cause of Crohn’s disease are as follows:

Auto-immune response: As we know that our immune system kills foreign invaders like viruses, bacteria, fungi, etc. In healthy people, normally the harmless bacteria that are present in the GI tract are protected from immune system attack. But in a patient with Crohn’s disease, the immune system mistakes these harmless bacteria as foreign invaders and mounts a response. The inflammation caused due to this response does not go away and becomes chronic with time leading to ulceration, thickening of the intestinal wall, and resulting in various symptoms related to Crohn’s disease.

Gene Mutation: Scientists have found the gene that is associated with Crohn’s disease. This gene is when normal helps to decide the body how to react to certain microbes. But when the mutation occurs in that gene then the body’s reaction to certain microbes also changes from the normal reaction and results in Crohn’s disease. This mutation of the gene is found in patients with Crohn’s disease. Approximately 10- 20% of people with Crohn’s disease have at least one family member who is suffering from the same disease. So genetics is connected with Crohn’s disease.

Environmental factors: Environmental factors may not be the direct cause but indirectly plays a very important role in causing Crohn’s disease or flaring up Crohn’s disease. Substances like cigarette smoking, and microbes like viruses and bacteria, Yeast infection affects the lungs and intestinal tract of Crohn’s people badly. So, the patient having yeast infection may further increase the complication of Crohn’s disease.

Ayurvedic Point of View

Nidana (Cause or etiological factors) of Crohn’s disease as per Ayurveda
Anna Vaha Srotas Dushti Nidana
Charaka Samhita, Vimana Sthana, 5/ 12

अतिमात्रस्य चाकाले चाहितस्य च भोजनात्‌ |

अन्नवाहीनि दुष्यन्ति वैगुण्यात्‌ पावकस्य च ||

Causes of Annavaha Srotas Dushti (Vitiation):

  • Atimatra Ahara (excessive intake of heavy
  • Akale Aahara (untimely intake of food)
  • Ahita Ahara (unwholesome) 
  • Pavakasya Vaigunyata (derangement of Agni)
Purusha Vaha Strotas Dushti Nidana
Charaka Samhita, Vimana Sthana, 5/ 21

संधारणादत्यशनादजीर्णा अध्यशना त्तथा |

वर्चोवाहीनि दुष्यन्ति दुर्बलाग्ने: कृशस्य च ||

Purishavaha Srotas gets vitiated due to the:

  • Sandharana (suppression of the urge for defecation)
  • Atyashana (intake of food in large quantities)
  • Ajirna Adhyashana (intake of food before the digestion of the previous meal is not digested. Especially in those who are Kashya (emaciated) and have Durbala Agni (weak power of digestion).           
Vattika Grahani Nidana:
Charaka Samhita Chikitsa Sthana, 15/ 59

कटु तिक्त कषाय अतिरूक्षशीतलभोजनै

प्रमितानशनात्यध्ववेगानिग्रह मैथुनैः।।

Excessive consumption of pungent, bitter, astringent, excessively unctuous & cold food substances, less intake of food, fasting too much, traveling on foot, suppression of natural urges, and excessive sexual intercourse.

Pittaja Atisara Nidana:
Charaka Samhita Chikitsa Sthana. 19/ 6

पित्तलस्य पुनरम्ललवणकटुक क्षारोष्ण तीक्षणातिमात्रनिषेविण: प्रतता अग्नि सूर्य संतापोष्णमारुतोपहतगात्रस्य क्रोधेष्यबिहुलस्य पित्त प्रकोपमापद्यते। 

When a person of pittala constitution takes sour salty, pungent, alkaline, hot, and irritating things excessively, is afflicted by constant exposure to fire, scorching sun, and hot winds, and psychologically stressed with anger and envy.

Raktaja Atisara Nidana
Charaka Samhita Chikitsa Sthana. 19/ 69

पित्त अतिसारी यस्त्वेतां क्रियाम मुक्त्वा  निषेवते।  

पित्तलान्यन्नपानानि तस्य पित्तम महाबलम्‌।। 

Sushruta Samhita Uttara tantra. 40/ 116- 117

पित्तातिसारी यो मर्त्य: पित्तलान्यतिषेवते ।

पित्त प्रदुष्टं तस्याशु रक्तातीसारमावहेत्‌।। 

One who is suffering from Pittaja Atisara and does not follow the treatment of Atisara and indulges in foods & drinks which cause further aggravation of Pitta up to great extent as a result Rakta gets, vitiated and manifests Rakta Atisara.

Samanya Nidana of Atisara is also considered as Nidana of Crohn’s diseases
Sushruta Samhita Uttara Tantra. 40/ 3- 5

गुर्वति स्निग्ध रूक्षोष्णद्रवस्थूलातिशीतलै: ।

विरुद्धाध्यशना अजीर्ण असात्म्यश्चापि भोजनै:।। 

स्नेहादौरतियुक्तैश्च श्र मिथ्यायुक्तर्विषाद्धयात्‌ ।

शोकाद्‌ दुष्टाम्बुमद्यातिपानात्‌ सात्म्यर्तुपर्य्ययात्‌ ॥

जलातिरमणैर्वेगविधातै: कृमिदोषतः ।

नृणाम भवत्यतीसारो लक्षण तस्य, वक्ष्यते ॥

Excessive consumption of foods which are heavy for digestion, very fatty, rough, hot, liquid, hard & cold; incomparable food consumption, excessive quantity, uncooked & unaccustomed, improper or excessive administration of olation and other therapies; consumption of poison, fear, sorrow, drinking contaminated water & wine in excess; adaptation of unwholesome substances contrary to the seasonal regimen, excessive indulgence in water sports; suppression of natural urges and suffering from Krimi Dosha.

The psychological tendencies of Crohn’s disease are co-related with Shokaja and Sannipataja Atisara.

So, Nidana of Shokaja and Sannipataja Atisara are also mentioned here.

Shokaja Atisara Nidana
Sushruta Samhita Uttara tantra. 40/ 14, 15

तैस्तै भावैशोचतो अल्पाशनस्य बाष्पावेगपक्तिमाविध्य जन्तो।।

If a person indulges in so many factors that vitiate all three Doshas and has an improper diet, consumed with the emotion of grief, then the doshas and ama reach the abdomen to affect the digestive fire. This in turn agitates blood and leads to Shokaja Atisara.

The factors that along with grief lead to Shokaja Atisara are all as follows:
Charaka Samhita Chikitsa Sthana. 19/ 8

By intake of too cold, unctuous rough, heavy, coarse, and hard things, irregular meals, intake of incompatible and unsuitable things, fasting, delayed meals, consumption of junk food, drinking defective wine and water, over-drinking, avoiding evacuation, irregular application, and mismanagement of remedial measure, excessive exposure to fire, sun, wind, and water, avoiding sleep or oversleep, suppression of urges, seasonal perversions, exertion not in consonance of strength, excessive fear grief and mental agitation, due to excessive emaciation due to diseases like internal worms phthisis, fever, and piles, in a person having deranged Agni.

Sannipatika Atisara Nidana
Charaka Samhita Chikitsa Sthana 19/ 8

अतिशीत स्निग्ध रूक्षोष्ण गुरु खर कठिन विषमविरुद्धा सात्म्य भोजनात्‌ कालातीत भोजनाद्‌ यत्किंचिदभ्यवहरणात्‌ प्रदुष्ट मद्य पानीयपानादति मद्य पानाद संशोधनात्‌ प्रतिकर्मणां……..शोक च चित्तोदेगातियोगात्‌  कृमि शोष ज्वरा विकारातिकर्षणाद्वा……. जनयन्ति।

By intake of too cold, unctuous rough, heavy, coarse, and hard things, irregular meals, intake of incompatible and unsuitable things, fasting, delayed meals, consumption of junk food, drinking defective wine and water, over-drinking, avoiding evacuation, irregular application, and mismanagement of remedial measure, excessive exposure to fire, sun, wind, and water, avoiding sleep or oversleep, suppression of urges, seasonal perversions, exertion not in consonance of strength, excessive fear grief and mental agitation, due to excessive emaciation due to diseases like internal worms phthisis, fever, and piles, in a person having deranged agni all these dosas get Prakopavastha and damages the agni. Further, the three doshas reach the colon and get mixed with mala to cause atisara with symptoms of all the dosas.

Common Symptoms of Crohn’s Diseases

Common Symptoms of Crohn’s Disease – As Per Modern Point of View

  • Diarrhea
  • Fatigue
  • Fever
  • Abdominal cramping and pain
  • Reduce appetite
  • Weight loss
  • Fistula
  • Blood in stool
  • Frequent urgency for bowel movement
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting in a few cases
  • Sometimes, difficulty in passing stool
Other associated symptoms are as follows:
  • Inflammations of Joints and skin
  • Shortness of breath
  • Peri-anal fistula

Symptoms of Crohn’s Disease – As Per Ayurveda

Anna Vaha Stroto Dushti Lakshana:
Charaka Samhita Vimana Sthana 5/ 7

अन्नवहानां स्त्रोतसामामाशयो मूलं वामं च पार्श्व, प्रदुष्टानां तु खल्वेषामिदं विशेषविज्ञान॑ भवति। 

तद्यथा- अनन्नाभिलषणमरोचकविपाकौ छर्दि च दृष्टवाद्धन्नवहान्यस्य स्त्रोतांसि प्रदुषानीति विद्यात्‌ ।

Annavaha Srotas Mula is Amashaya (Stomach) and Vama Parshva (left side) are the sites of origin of Annavaha Srotas (the channels carrying food) and Srotas Dushti Lakshana are Ananna Abhilasha (loss of desire of food), Arochaka (anorexia), Avipaka (impaired digestion) and Chardi (vomiting).

Pureesha Vaha Stroto Dushti Lakshana:
Charaka Samhita Vimana Sthana 5/ 7

पुरीष वहानां स्त्रोतसां पक्वाशयो मूलं स्थूलगु्द च, प्रदुष्टानां तु खल्वेषामिदं विशेषा विज्ञानं भवति|

तद्यथा- कृच्छेणाल्पाल्पं सशब्द शूलमति द्रवमतिय्रथितमति बहु चोपविशन्तं दृष्ठवा पुरीषवहान्यस्य स्त्रोतांसि | प्रदुष्टानीति विद्यात्‌ ।

Purishavaha Srotas Mula is Pakvashaya (large intestine) and Sthula Guda (rectum) and Purishavaha Srotodushti Lakshana are Kruchrena (difficulty in passing stools) Alpalpla (small quantity of stools), Sashabda (with sound evacuation), Sashula (painful evacuation) Atidrava (liquid stools) Ati Grathiata (granular or scabulous) and Ati Bahu (large quantity).

Vataja Grahani Symptoms

Charaka Samhita Chikitsa Sthana, 15/ 60- 64

तस्यानं पच्यते दुःखं शुक्तपाकं खरंगता।।

कण्ठास्यशोषक्षु तृष्णातिमिरं कर्णयोस्वनः।

पार्श्व उरु वंक्षण ग्रीवारुजो अभीक्षण विसूचिका।।

हत्पीडा कार्श्यदौर्बल्य॑ वैरस्य॑ परिकर्तिका।

गृद्धिसर्वरसानां  मनसःसदन॑ तथा।।

जीणें जीर्यति चाध्मानं भुकते स्वास्थ्यमुपैति च।

 वातगुल्महद्रोगप्लीहा शंकी  मानव:।।

चिराददुःखं द्रव्म शुष्क॑ तन्वामंशब्दफेनवत्

पुनपुनसृजेद वर्चकासश्वासार्दितो अनिलात्।।

Food digested with difficulty, hyperacidity, roughness in body, dryness of throat & mouth, hunger, thirst, blurred vision, tinnitus, frequent pain in sides of the chest, thighs, pelvic region, and neck, Visuchika, pain in the cardiac region, emaciation, weakness, distaste in mouth, cutting pain in the abdomen, desire to take all taste food items, lassitude, flatulence after & during the process of digestion, temporary relief after taking food, patient suspects as if he is suffering from Vata Gulma, Hridya Roga or Pliha Roga. Patients pass stool frequently with difficulty, which is liquid mixed with -hard stool, thin, Ama associated with sound & frothiness. The patient also suffers from cough & dyspnea.

Pittaja Atisara Lakshana
Charaka Samhita Chikitsa Sthana. 19/ 6

तस्य रूपाणि हारिद्र॑ हरित॑ नील॑ कृष्ण रक्तपित्तोपहितमतिदुर्गनधमतिसार्यते पुरीष॑ तृष्णादाह स्वेद मूर्च्छा शूल ब्रध्न संतापपाकपरीत इति पित्तातिसार: ।

The main symptoms of Pittaja Atisara are as follows:

  • Haridra, Harit, Nila, Krishna Pureesha (Patient passes frequent stools which is either yellow, green, blue, or black in color)
  • Rakta- pitta Sahit Durgandhit Atisara Pureesh (Stool is associated with Rakta and Pitta and emits foul smell)
  • Trishna (Excessive thirst)
  • Daha (Burning sensation)
  • Sveda (Excessive sweating)
  • Murcha (Fainting)
  • Shula (Colic pain)
  • Bradhna (Inflammation & suppuration in the anus)
Raktaja Atisara Lakshana
Charaka Samhita Chikitsa Sthana. 19/ 70

……कुर्याद रक्तातिसारं तु रक्तं आशु प्रदूषयत्‌।

तृष्णां शूलं विदाहं च गुदपाकं च दारुणम्‌।।

Sushruta Samhita Uttara Tantra. 40/ 117 

…… पित्त प्रदुष्टं तस्याशु रक्तातीसारमावहेत्।।

ज्वर॑ शूलं तृषां दाह गुदपाकञ्च दारुणम्।।

The main symptoms of Raktaja Atisara are as follows:

  • Stool mixed with blood along with symptoms like:
  • Trishna (excessive thirst)
  • Shula (colic pain)
  • Vidaha (burning sensation)
  • Guda Paka (inflammation of the anorectal region)
Shokaja Atisara Lakshana 
Sushruta Samhita Uttara Tantra. 40/ 14- 15

कोष्ठ॑ गत्वा क्षोभयत्यस्य रक्त तच्चाधस्तात्‌ काकणन्तीप्रकाशम्‌ ।।

वर्चों मिश्रम निः पुरीष॑ सगंधनिर्गन्धं वा सारयति तेन कृछात्‌ ।।

शोकोत्पन्नो दुकित्स्यो अतिमात्रं रोगों वैद्य: कष्ट एव प्रदिष्ठ: ।।

The main symptoms of Shokaja Atisara are as follows:

  • Rakta Varcho Mishram (Stool mixed with blood)
  • Raktam Kakanti Prakasham Varcho Mishram, Nipureesham (passing blood resembles Kakananti either mixed with stool or without a stool)
  • Sagandha Nirganda Saryate (blood that passes with or without stool is either with a bad smell or without the smell)
  • Krich saryate (difficulty in passing stool)
Sannipataja Atisara Lakshana

अपि च शोणितादीन्‌ धातूनतिप्रकृष्ट॑ दूषयन्तों धातु दोषस्वभाव कृतानतीसारवर्णानुपदर्शयन्ति | तत्र शोणितादिषु थातुष्वतिप्रदुष्टेत हारिद्र हरित नीलमाज्जिष्ठ मांसधावनसन्निकाशं रक्त कृष्ण श्वेत वराहमेद: सदृशमनुबद्धवेदअनमवेदनं वा. समासव्यत्यादुपवेश्यते ग्रथितमामं सकृत्‌, सकृदपि पक्वमनतिक्षीणमांस शोणितबलो मन्दाग्निर्विहतमुखरसश्च, तादृशमातुरं कृच्छसाध्यं. बिद्यात्‌ |

Raktadi Dhatus as a result manifests different colorations of stool. The nature of vitiation of Dosa & Dhatu exhibits various colors in the stool. If not taken care of, further vitiation of Dosas & Dhatus manifests the following signs & symptoms- Patient passes stool which is either yellow, green, blue, red like Manjista, pink (water in which meat is washed), red, black, white and yellowish (like the color of pig-fat) painful abdomen or painless. The above-mentioned signs & symptoms manifest in their entirety or only a few may be observed. Patient passes stool, which is sabulous, Ama, or maybe free from mucus; diminution of Mamsa, Rakta, and Bala, suppression of the power of Agni; distaste in the mouth. 

Crohn’s Disease As Per Classical Literature

Crohn’s Disease As Per Classical Literature

Correlation of Crohn’s Disease with Atisara and Grahani Relation:

Crohn’s Disease SymptomsGrahaniAtisara
Diarrhea with or without blood++
Pain in abdomen+Shool in Rakta Atisara
Fever+Raktaja and Pittaja Atisara
Persistent nausea and vomiting+
Perianal diseases+Parikartika in Vataja Atisara
Weight loss+ Krisha
Extraintestinal manifestationsAsthi Ruka, Parva Bheda
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Diagnosis of Crohn’s Disease

  • A single test is not mentioned for Crohn’s disease diagnosis. So, a group of tests is suggested to confirm the diseases.
  • Blood tests are suggested to check anemia along with this liver function, and levels of inflammation are also checked through a blood test.
  • The stool test is also done to check blood, infection-causing bacteria, or parasites in stool.
  • Colonoscopy: A colonoscopy of the patient is done. Granuloma i.e clusters of the inflammatory cells suggest the diagnosis of Crohn’s disease.
  • Capsule endoscopy: It is used to monitor and check the sign of Crohn’s disease. Not done if there is some blockage in the bowel. After this endoscopy with biopsy is also needed to confirm Crohn’s disease.
  • Balloon-assisted enteroscopy: When the diagnosis is still a question mark after the capsule endoscopy then balloon-assisted enteroscopy is done.
  • MRI: MR enterography is done to check disease progression. 

Treatment of Crohn’s Diseases

Treatment of Crohn’s Diseases – As Per Modern Point of View

No single treatment can be applied to every patient with Crohn’s disease. Different patients need different treatments as per the symptoms and site of inflammation, etc. So, the Doctor may treat the patient with bowel rest, medicines, or surgery as per the severity of the disease.

Oral medicines: Medicines that may be prescribed for Crohn’s disease are as follows:

  • Aminosalicylates
  • Corticosteroids
  • Immunomodulators like cyclosporin, azathioprine, etc.

Bowel Rest: If the condition of the patient is severe then bowel rest is advised for the patient for a few days to a few weeks as per the conditions. In the bowel, rest patients don’t take any kind of food, and only certain liquids are allowed for intake. IV nutrition is given to the patient.


  • Small bowel resection
  • Sub-total colectomy
  • Procto- colectomy
  • Ileostomy

Crohn’s Disease Natural Treatment – As Per Ayurveda

Treatment of Crohn’s disease (Vataja Grahani Chikitsa)
Charaka Samhita Chikitsa Sthana. 15- 73- 76

ग्रहणीमाश्रितं दोष॑ विदग्धाहार मूर्छितं।  


आम लिंगान्वितं दृष्टवा सुखोष्णेनाम्बुनोद्धरेत्‌। 

फलानां वा कषायेण पिप्पलीसर्षपैस्तथा।। 

लीन॑ पक्वाशयस्थ॑ वा आप्याम स्त्राव्य॑ सदीपनै: ।

शरीरानुगते सामे रसे लड्नपाचनम्‌।। 

विशुद्धामायशंयायास्मै पंञ्चकोलादिभि: श्रृतम्‌। 

दद्यात्‌ पेयादि लघ्वन्न॑ पुनर्योगांश्च दीपनान्‌।।

When the dosa located in Grahani is vitiated by food, which is undigested (vidagdha, i.e., partly digested and partly undigested) manifest symptoms and signs namely vistambha (constipation), praseka (salivation), pain, burning sensation, anorexia, and heaviness.

  • Ama stage of Grahani roga should be administered emetic therapy with the help of lukewarm water. Alternatively, the decoction of madana phala mixed with pippali and sarsapa should be used for emetic therapy.
  • If the ama moves downwards and remains adhered to the colon, then the patient should be given purgation therapy by such drugs which enhance digestion.
  • If the dosa in its āma (undigested) stage is converted into rasa (chyle) and pervades entire parts of the body, then the patient should be made to fast and be given drugs conducive to Pacana (metabolic transformation) of the undigested material, e.g., yavagu (thick gruel).
  • After the amasaya is purified by the elimination of ama (undigested material) by the administration of appropriate purgation and fasting therapies, the patient should be given peya (thin gruel) prepared of the decoction of pañcakola (pippali, pippali-mula, chavya, citraka, and Nagara), etc. He may also be given light food and such other ingredients as stimulants of digestion.
Some formulations of Vataja Grahani: 
  • Chitrakadi Gutika (C. S. Chi. 15/ 96- 97)
  • Dasmulyadi Ghritam (C. S. Chi. 15/ 82- 86)
  • Trisushanadya Ghritam (C. S. Chi. 15/ 87)
  • Amladi Churna Chitrakadi Gutika (C. S. Chi. 15/ 112- 115)
  • Panchmuladya Ghrita, Taila and Churna (C. S. Chi. 15/ 93)
Pathya for Vataja Grahani: C. S. Chi. 15/ 115- 116
  • Soup of the meat of kravyada (meat-eating) types of birds and animals prepared by adding drugs, which stimulate the power of digestion should be made sour by adding Dadima and buttermilk and administered as food to the patient suffering from Vataja grahani.
  • He should be given buttermilk, aranala (a sour drink), alcoholic drinks, and arista (a type of alcoholic drink) as drinks.
  • Soup of panakola (pippali, pippali mula, cavya, citraka and nagara).
  • Soup of the meat of Pakshi and Pashu (birds and animals) inhabiting arid land prepared by sizzling (with ghee etc.)

Treatment of Crohn’s Disease (Pittaja Atisara)

CharakaSamhita Chikitsa Sthana. 19/ 50

पित्तातिसारं पुन र्निदानोपशया कृतिशभिरामान्वयमुपल यथा बलं लड्डन पाचनाभ्यामुपाचरेत्‌| 

तृष्यतस्तु मुस्तपर्पटकोशीर सारिवार्चन्दनकिराततिक्तकोदीच्यवारिभिरुपचार: । लङ्घितस्य चाहारकाले बलाति बला सूर्पपर्णी शालपर्णी पृश्निपर्णी बृहतीकण्टकारिकाशतावरीश्व दंष्ट्रा निर्युह संयुक्तेन यथासात्म्य॑ यवागूमण्डादिना तर्पणादिना वा क्रमेणोपचार: । मुदगमसूरहरेणुमकुष्ठकाढकीयूपैर्वा लावक पिंन्जलशश    हरिणैणकालपुच्छकरसैरीषदम्लैरनम्लैवा क्रमशो अग्नि सन्धुक्षयेत्‌ । अनुबंधे त्वस्य दीपनीया  पाचनीय उपशमनीय संग्रहणियां योगान संप्रयोजयेदिति।।  

  • If Pittaja Atisara (diarrhea) the patient is associated with ama which can be determined by causative factors, Upasaya (homologation), signs and symptoms, then the patient should be given Langhana (fasting therapy) and Pacana (carminative therapy) appropriate to the strength of the patient.
  • If the patient is thirsty, then such a patient should be given the decoction of musta, parpataka, sariva, candana, kirata-tiktaka, and udicya to drink.
  • After the fasting therapy is administered, during meal time, the patient should be gradually given yavagu (thick gruel), manda (a type of thin gruel), and tarpan (roasted flour of cereals added with water) prepared with the niryuha (decoction prepared according to the procedure suggested for Sadanga- paniya- C. S. Chi. 3/ 145-146) of Bala, atibala, Surpa-parni (mudga-parni and masa-parni), sala-parni, prishan- parni, brihati, kantakari, Satavart, and svadamstra.
  • Agni (power of digestion) should be stimulated gradually with the vegetable soup of mudga, masura, harenu, makustha, and adhaki or with the soup of the meat of lava, kapinjala, Sasa, harina, ena, and kalapuccha. These vegetable soups and meat soups may be slightly sour or may not be sour.
  • If the Pittaja Atisara persists even after the administration of the above-mentioned measures, then the patient should be treated with recipes which are dipaniya (digestive stimulant), pachaniya (carminative), upasamaniya (dosa-alleviator) and sangrahaniya (constipating).
Specific Recipes for Pittaja Atisara
Charaka Samhita Chikitsa Sthana. 19/ 51- 56
  • The fruit and bark of vatsaka should be added with ativisha and honey. It should be taken along with rice water (tandula-udaka)

The Following Recipes Should be Taken Along with Honey and Rice Water (tandula-udaka).

  • Powder of kirata-tiktaka, musta vatsaka and rasanjana.
  • Powder of bilva, daru-haridra, tvak, hribera and duralabha
  • Powder of candana, mrinala, nagara, lodhra and utpala
  • Powder of tila, mocarasa, lodhra, samangã, kamala and utpala
  • Powder of utpala, dhataki (flower), dadima, tvak and mahausadha
  • Katphala, nagara, patha, seed-pulp of jambu and amra, and amralabha.

Once the above-mentioned recipes are digested, the patient should be given to eat a red variety of rice (Rakta Shali) harvested in earlier seasons, along with appropriately cooked meat soup added with constipating drugs.

Administration of Milk for Pittaja Atisara
Charaka Samhita Chikitsa Sthana. 19/ 57- 60

पित्तातिसारो दीप्ता अग्नि: क्षिप्रं समुपशाम्यति ।

अजाक्षीरप्रयोगेण बलं वर्णश्च वर्धते।। 

बहुदोषस्य दीप्ताग्ने: सप्राणस्य न तिष्ठति।

पैत्तिको यद्यतीसार: पयसा तं विरेचयेत्‌।। 

पलाशफल निर्युह पयसा सह पाययेत।

ततो अनुपाययेत्‌ कोष्णं क्षीरमेव यथाबलम्‌।। 

पलाशवत्‌ प्रयोज्या वा त्रायमाणा विशोधिनी। 

प्रवाहिते तेन मले प्रशाम्यत्युदरामय:।।

  • Goat milk administration to the patient having strong power of digestion cures Pittaja Atisara and promotes strength as well as complexion.
  • Due to excessive aggravation of dosas, the Pittaja Arisara is not cured and if the patient has a strong power of digestion and vitality, then laxative therapy with milk should be given.
  • Decoction of the fruit of palasa along with milk should be given. Later, depending upon the strength of the patient, lukewarm milk should be given. This will restore bowel movement and control the Atisara.
  • Decoction of trayamana along with milk should be given. Later, depending upon the strength of the patient, lukewarm milk should be given. This will restore bowel movement and control the Atisara.
Anuvasana Basti (Type of Medicated Enema)
Charaka Samhita Chikitsa Sthana. 19/ 61- 62

During samsarjana-krama (gradual administration of light to heavy food) after purification therapy if the colic pain persists, then Anuvasana Basti therapy should be administered immediately because the morbid matter is already eliminated. Satapuspadi ghee should be used for anuvasana basti.

Piccha-Basti (Mucilaginous Enema)
Charaka Samhita Chikitsa Sthana. 19/ 63- 68

If diarrhea persists even after the administration of Anuvasana Basti and samsarjana krama then piccha-basti should be given. It cures Pittaja Atisara, fever, edema, Gulma, chronic diarrhea, Grahan pradosa, and the acute complications of purgation as well as asthapana (a type of medicated enema containing decoctions, etc.) therapies.

Treatment of Crohn’s Disease (Raktaja Atisara Chikitsa)

Charaka Samhita Chikitsa Sthaan. 19/ 69- 70

पित्तातिसारी यस्त्वेतां क्रियां मुक्त्वा निषेवते ।

पित्तलान्यन्नपानानि तस्य पित्त महाबलम।। 

कुर्याद्रक्तातिसारं तु रक्‍तमाशु प्रदूषयत्‌ ।

तृष्णां शूलं विदाहं च गुदपाकं च दारुणम्‌।। 

If a Pittaja Atisara patient does not follow the therapeutic measures and resorts to such foods and drinks which cause aggravation of pitta, then the exceedingly exacerbated pitta causes Rakta Atisara and instantaneous vitiation of Rakta (blood). This leads to serious complications like morbid thirst, colic pain, burning sensation, and suppuration of the anus. It can also manifest itself directly on account of excessive aggravation of pitta and vitiation of blood.

Charaka Samhita Chikitsa Sthaan. 19/ 71- 76

तत्र च्छागं पय: शस्त॑ शीत समधुशर्करम्‌ । पानार्थ भोजनार्थ च गुदप्रक्षालने तथा ।। 

ओदनं रक्तशालीनां पयसा तेनः भोजयेत्‌ । रसैः पारावतादीनां घृतभृष्टै: सशर्करै: ।। 

शयापक्षि मृगाणां च शीतानां धन्वचारिणाम्‌। रसैरनम्लै: सघृतैभोजयेतं सशर्करै: ।। 

रुधिरं मार्गमाजं वा घृतभृष्टं प्रशस्यते । काश्मर्यफलयूषो वा किंचिदम्ल: सशर्कर: ।। 

नीलोत्पलं मोचरसं समंगा पदमकेशरम्‌। अजाक्षीरयुतं दद्याज्जीर्ण च पयसौदनम्‌।।

दुर्बल॑ पाययित्वा वा तस्वैवोपरि भोजयेत्‌ । प्रा्भक्ते नवनीत॑ वा दद्यात्‌ समधुशर्करम्‌।। 

For the Cure of Rakta Atisara, the following Therapy Should be Administered:

  • Goat’s milk is very useful. It should be used, when cooled, with honey and sugar for drink, along with food, and for washing the anal region.
  • Goat’s milk along with the boiled rice of red variety of sali should be given.
  • The boiled rice may also be given along with the soup of the meat of paravata, etc., sizzled with ghee and mixed with sugar. The soup of the meat having a cooling effect like that of rabbits, birds, and deer inhabiting deserts should be sizzled with ghee, and mixed with sugar should be given. It may be ensured that these soups are free from any sour ingredients.
  • The blood of deer or goat sizzled with ghee is also very useful.
  • The soup of the fruits of kasmarya made slightly sour and mixed with sugar should be given.
  • The powder of nilotpala, mocarasa, samanga, and padmakesara should be administered along with the goat’s milk. After the digestion of this potion, the patient should be given rice with milk. If the patient is weak, then food can be given to him even before the above-mentioned potion is digested.
  • Butter along with honey and sugar may be given before meals.
  • After taking ghee collected from the cream of milk along with milk, the patient should take the soup of kapinjala.
  • During this therapy, he should take milk in adequate quantity. It heals in three days.
  • While consuming milk as food (drink), the patient should take the paste of Shatavari mixed with milk. He may also take ghee boiled with the paste of Shatavari.
  • Consumption of ghee is cooked by adding the paste of the fruits of kutaja, along with the scum (upper part) of yavagu and followed by intake of peya (thin gruel).  

Treatment of Crohn’s Disease (Shokaja Atisara)

Charaka Samhita Chikitsa Sthana. 19/ 12- 13

मारुतों भयशोकाभ्यां शीघ्र॑ हि परिकुप्यति ।

तयोः क्रिया वातहरी हर्षणाश्वासनानि च।। 

इत्युक्ताः षडतीसारा: साध्यानां साधनं त्वत: ।

The Following Therapies Help to Cure Agantuja / Mansika / Exogenous Atisara:

  • Both fear and grief cause aggravation of Vata instantaneously.
  • Vata-alleviating drugs and therapies should be administered for the treatment of Agantuja / Manasa or exogenous Atisara.

The patient suffering from diarrhea caused by fear (bhayaja) should be exhilarated. The patient suffering from diarrhea caused by shoka (grief) should be consoled.  

Treatment of Atisara Associated with Pain 

Charaka Samhita Chikitsa Sthana. 19/ 30- 33

आमे परिणते यस्तु विबद्धमतिसार्यते ।

सशूलपिच्छमल्पाल्प॑ बहुश: सप्रवाहिकम्‌।। 

युषेण मूलकानां त॑ बदराणामथापि वा ।

उपोदिकाया: क्षीरिण्या यवान्या वास्तुकस्य वा।।

सुवर्चलायाश्वज्चोरवा शाकेनावल्गुजस्य वा। 

शट्या: कर्कारुकाणां वा जीवन्त्याश्व्र्भटस्य वा।। 

लोणिकाया:  सपाठाया: शुष्कशाकेन वा पुनः ।

दधिदाडिम सिद्धेन बहुस्नेहेन भोजयेत।।

After the maturity of ama (product of indigestion), if the patient voids loose motions along with scybalous faces associated with colic pain and mucus very frequently in small quantities, and if there is griping pain, then he should be given food along with the soup of mulaka, badara, upodika, ksirini, yavani, vastuka, suvarchala, cancu (nadica), leaves of avalguja, sati, karkaruka, Tivanti, cirbhata (karkat), lonika, patha or sushka-shaka (susa or kasamarda according to Cakrapani). These soups should be cooked along with curd (yogurt) and dadima and added with ghee (fat) in huge quantities.

Use of Medicated Dugdha (Milk)
Charaka Samhita Chikitsa Sthana. 19/ 47- 49

विबद्धवातवर्चास्तु बहुशूलप्रवाहिक: ।

सरक्तपिच्छस्तृष्णार्तः क्षीरसौहित्यमति।। 

यमकस्वोपरि क्षीर॑ धारोष्ण॑ वा पिबेन्नर: ।

शृत मेरण्डमूलेन बालबिल्वेन वा पय: ।। 

एवं क्षीरप्रयोगेण रक्त पिच्छा शाम्यति ।

शूलं प्रवाहिका चैव विबन्धश्चोपशाम्यति।।     

  • If the movement of the flatus and stool is blocked, if the patient suffers from various kinds of pain, if the patient voids blood and mucus, and if the patient is thirsty, then an adequate quantity of milk should be administered. Such a patient should be given yamaka (ghee and oil mixed, and thereafter, lukewarm milk collected directly from the udder (dharaushana) should be given.
  • Milk boiled with the root of eranda or tender fruit of bilva may also be given in the above-mentioned condition.
  • By the intake of the recipes of medicated ghee mentioned above, bleeding and mucus discharge from the anus stops. These recipes also cure colic pain, griping pain, and constipation.
Vataja Atisara Treatment for Symptoms like Parkartika (Perianal Disease)

Sala-parni, prishna-parni, brihat, kanta karika, Bala, Shavdamstra, bilva, patha, nagara, dhanyaka, sati, palasa, hapusa, vaca, jiraka, pippali, yavani, pippali-mula, citraka, hasti-pippali, vrikshamla, sour dadima, hingu, vida, and saindhava- these ingredients should be appropriately used in processing food preparations. Drugs belonging to this group alleviate Vata and Kapha. These drugs are dipana (digestive stimulant), Pacana (carminative), grahi (constipating), balya (promoter of strength), and rocana (appetizer).

Complication (Upadrava) of Crohn’s Disease
  • Colon cancer
  • Fistula-in-ano
  • Anal fissures
  • Osteoporosis
  • Perforated colon
  • Toxic megacolon
  • Pyoderma gangrenosum

Herbs Used for Crohn’s Disease and Their Classical Indication and Method of Use for Relieving Crohn’s Disease Symptoms

Herbs that Can be Used for Vataja Grahani (Symptoms Correlated with Crohn’s Disease) are as Follows:

Trivita (Operculina turpethum):

  • Trivrit, Pippali, Haritaki 2, 4, and 5 parts respectively mixed with an equal quantity of Jaggery should be made into pills. It relieves constipation and the disorder caused thereby like IBS- C. (Vrinda Madhava. 28/ 6)
  • Trivrit root is considered as the best purgative. (C. S. Ka. 7/ 3)

Trikatu (SauthMarichPippali / Vyosh):

  • Triushna Ghrita (C. S. Chi. 15/ 87)
  • Hingvastak Churna. (A. H. Chi. 14/ 35)

Palasha (Butea monosperma): 

  • Decoction of Palasha fruit (seeds) mixed with milk should be given followed by the intake of warm milk according to strength. This impurity is eliminated and diarrhea is checked. Therefore, it can be used in IBS- D. (C. S. Chi. 19/ 59- 6, a. h. Chi. 9/ 68)

Ankota (Alangium salvifolium):

  • The powder is prepared with root bark of Ankota 3 parts and Ativisha 1 part. It is taken with rice water. It alleviated all abdominal disorders. (Vanga Sena. 167)

Ativisha (Aconitum heterophyllum):

  • Ativisa Avaleha containing ativisa along with bilva, mocarasa, lodhra, dhataki-puspa, and mango-seed, checks for severe diarrhea. (B. P. Ci. 2/ 148)
  • Liquid gruel processed with ativisa, sours, and sunthi is as efficacious as Amaatisara. (C. S. Su. 2/ 22)
  • In grahani-roga, a decoction of ativisa, sunthi, and musta is given to digest ama. (C. S. Chi. 15/ 98)
  • Ankota 3 parts and ativisa 1 part mixed is taken with water. It checks all abdominal disorders. (BS. grahani. 167)

Bilva (Aegle marmelos)

  • One gets rid of abdominal disorder (diarrhea) after taking pippali with honey or buttermilk with citraka or tender fruits of bilva. (C. S. Ci. 19. 113)
  • In case of diarrhea with blood, tender fruits of bilva mixed with liquid jaggery, honey and oil should be taken. It checks the disease immediately. (S. S. U. 40. 119)
  • The dietary preparation (khada) made of tender bilva fruits, an equal quantity of sesamum paste, a supernatant layer of curd, and added sour and ghee checks dysentery. (C. S. Ci. 19/ 34)
  • Fruit-pulp of bilva and madhuka mixed with sugar and honey and taken with rice-water checks diarrhea caused by pitta and rakta. (S. S. U. 40. 127)
  • Badara fruits are steamed with bilva fruits and when cooled are taken with jaggery and oil to check for diarrhea. (S. S. U. 40. 133)
  • Intake of bilva with jaggery checks diarrhea with blood, removes pain due to ama and constipation and alleviates disorders of bowels: (V. M. 3. 40, Vaidya Jeevana. .2. 15, BP. 2. 57)
  • Tender fruits of bilva, jaggery, oil, pippali, and sunthi- all these together should be taken in the condition of obstructed Vata, pain, and tenesmus. (VM. 3. 66)
  • Decoction of bilva and Amra (seed) mixed with honey and sugar checks vomiting and diarrhea. (VM.3.30)
  • Paste of the tender fruit of bilva mixed with sunthi powder and jaggery alleviates severe grahani roga if the patient is kept on a diet of buttermilk. (V. M. 4. 10)
  • One should take steamed tender fruits of bilva with honey followed by an intake of buttermilk added with citraka (powder). (Vanga Sena. grahani. 169)

Arjuna (Terminalia arjuna):

  • The alkali of Kesaraja and Arjuna taken with curd water in the morning alleviates grahani disorder associated with ama. (Vanga Sena. Grehani. 189)

Trayamana (Gentiana Kurroo): 

  • Trayamana like Palasha should be used in diarrhea to expel impurities. (C. S. Chi. 19/ 60, A. H. Chi. 9/ 69)

Sarja Rasa (Oleo-Resin of Vateria indica): 

  • Sarja Rasa mixed with less quantity of jaggery should be taken. (Bhava Parkasha Chikitsa. 4/ 58)

Yuthika (Jasminum auriculatum): 

  • Yuthika is one of the ingredients in Kiratadya Churna. (C. S. Chi. 15/ 135)

Yavani (Trachyspermum ammi):

  • Takra Arishta (C. S. Chi. 15/ 121)

Shunthi (Zinziber officinalis)

  • One should take water processed with Vacha and ativisa, musta and parpata, and hribera and sunthi for improving appetite and digestion. (C. S. Ci. 19. 22)
  • In Atisara (diarrhea) caused by Kapha and associated with ama (toxins), the paste of Zingiber officinalis (Sunthi) alone should be taken with water. (Kalyana Karaka. 9. 94)
  • One who defecates frequently with or without a stool or with tenesmus should take sunthi with Jaggery mixed with curd, oil, ghee, and milk. (A. H. Ci. 9. 17)
  • Powder of Sunthi smeared with ghee is wrapped within eranda leaves and cooked in putapaka (closed heating) on a mild fire. The Churna (powder) is then taken out and mixed with a Sama Matra Sharkara (equal quantity of sugar). It is taken in the morning and thus pacifies all sorts of pain due to amatisara. (Sharangdhara Samhita. 2. 1. 38- 39)
  • Fried and unfried sunthi mixed and pounded with eranda juice alleviates pain due to amatisara and stimulates digestion and appetite. (B. P. Ci. 2. 22)
  • Sunthi uses for symptoms associated with IBS like Loss of appetite and indigestion
  • Yavaksara and powdered sunthi taken together with ghee in the morning promote appetite. The same effect is produced by Sunthi alone taken with Skoshan Jala (warm water). (Chakra Dutta. 6. 3)
  • In the case of ama, indigestion, piles, and constipation one should regularly use sunthi or pippali or haritaki, or dadima mixed with jaggery. (V. M. 6. 13)
  • If a person otherwise strongly feels some doubt of indigestion at the time of the meal, he should take haritaki mixed with Sunthi before taking food. (V. M. 6. 24)
  • Sunthi along with haritaki, Sharkara (jaggery), or Lavana (salt) are wholesome in case of loss of appetite. (B. P. Ci. 6. 34)
  • Decoction of Sunthi boiled in water 1/2 adhaka (1.28 liters) remaining to one half stimulates digestive fire quickly and there is no need for other drugs for this purpose, (Vaidya Masnorma. 6/ 35)
  • Decoction of Sunthi 40 ml. mixed with honey alleviates anorexia, loss of appetite, respiratory and abdominal disorders, and all defects of water and promotes health and luster. (B. P. Chi. 1/ 831)

Panchkola (Pippali, Pippali Mula, Chavya, Chitraka, Sunthi): 

  • The patient should take a proper dosage of ghee mixed with five stimulating drugs. Samana Vayu gets pacified and seated in the channel. (C. S. Chi. 15/ 203)
  • In Grahani Roga, a soup of Panchkola and radish mixed with Maricha is prescribed in the diet.

Dhanvyasa (Fagonia cretica):

  • Durlabha Asava. (C. S. Chi. 15/ 152- 155)

Draksha (Vitis vinifera):

  • Likewise, the fermented juice of Draksha, ikshu, and Kharjura should be taken. (C. S. Chi. 15/ 151)

Dashmula (Group of 10 Drugs):

  • Dashmuladya Ghrita. (C. S. Chi. 15/ 82- 86)

Chandana (Santalum album):

  • Chandanadya Ghrita. (C. S. Chi. 125- 128)

Changeri (Oxalis corniculata):

  • Ghrita cooked with the paste of Pippalyadi group, Changeri juice, and four times curd is useful. (S. S. U. 40/ 181)

Chitraka (Plumbago zeylanica):

  • Chitrakadi Gutika (C. S. Chi. 15/ 96, 97)
  • Chitraka Ghrita (Chakra Dutta. 4/ 43)

Brihati (Solanum indicum):

  • Brihati with buttermilk overcomes Grehani disorder. (Sharangdhara Samhita. 2. 5. 28)

Masura (Lens culinaris):

  • Masura- Ghrita I, II (V. M. 4/ 21- 22)
  • Paste of Shunthi and Bilva fruit taken with Masura Soup alleviates the disorder of Grahani. Similarly acts like that of Brihati with buttermilk. (Sharangdhara Samhita. 2. 5. 28)

Murva (Marsdenia tenacissima): 

  • Murva is one of the components of Ksara that strengthens Grahani. (C. S. Chi. 15/ 179)

Maricha (Piper nigrum):

  • Marichadya Ghrita. (C. S. Chi. 15/ 108- 110)
  • Intake of fine powder of Pippali or Maricha checks even chronic dysentery. (A. H. Chi. 9/ 40)
  • One who takes the power of Maricha mixed with Chitraka and Sauvarchala with buttermilk becomes free from Grehani Roga besides Udara, splenomegaly, deficient digestion, gulma, and piles. (Sharangdhara Samhita. 2. 6. 53)

Udumbara (Ficus glomerata): 

  • The patient of Grahani should eat tender fruits of Udumbara steamed and then mixed with curd. (Siddha Bhaishjya Mannimala. 4/ 180)

Herbs that Can be Used for Jwara with Atisara (Fever with Diarrhea) – Symptoms of Crohn’s Disease


In fever, diarrhea, edema, and grahani roga Sunthi 10 gm mixed with dasamula decoction should be taken. (Vrinda Madhava. 2/ 20)

Kamala / Utpala

Utpala, the seed of pomegranate and stamens of lotus – these pounded together should be taken with rice water. It alleviates the disorder. (Bhava Parkasha Chikitsa. 3. 11)

Herbs that Can be Used for Bhagandara (Fistula-in-Ano) – Complication or Sometimes Symptom in Crohn’s Disease


  • Intake of Guggulu and vidanga mixed with Triphala and khadira decoction destroys fistula-in-ano. (Gada Nigreha. 4. 7. 27)
  • Navakarsika guggulu. (Gada Nigreha. 4. 7. 25)


Decoction of khadira and Triphala added with buffalo’s ghee and powdered vidanga destroys fistula-in-ano. (Sharangdhara Samhita. 2. 2. 133)


The wound should be sprinkled with madhuka-taila. (Sushruta Samhita Chikitsa Sthana. 8. 18)

Nyagrodhadi Gana

Nyagrodhadi gana cleans as well as heals wounds. Oil or ghee cooked with the same destroys the disease. (Vrinda Madhava. 48/ 7)


  • Wick prepared with the latex of snuhi and arka and däruharidr& should be filled in the track of the fistula. (Chakra Dutta. 46/ 8)
  • In Jatyadi vartti for sinus wick of jati etc. is prepared in combination with the latex of snuhi. (Chakra Dutta. 45/ 8)


Paste of tila mixed with ghee should be applied locally. (Sushruta Samhita Chikitsa. 8. 21)

Powder of Triphala and catechu impregnated with the decoction of above and mixed with an equal quantity of Guggulu and honey destroys kustha, diabetic boils, and fistula-in-ano. (Ashtanga Hridya Uttara Tantra. 28/ 42)


Vandaka, eranda and brihat pancamula are used for fomentation of the wound. (Sushruta Samhita Chikitsa Sthana. 8. 13- 14)

Herbs that Can be Used for Atisara (Pittaja, Raktaja, Shokaja) (Diarrhea) – Symptom of Crohn’s Disease


  • Decoction of musta alone should be mixed with honey. (Sushruta Samhita Uttara Tantra. 40/ 72)
  • Musta rhizomes twenty (in number) should be boiled in milk with three times water reduced to milk. Its intake checks mucus and pain. (Sushruta Samhita Uttara Tantra. 40/ 47, Ashtanga Hridya Chikitsa Sthana. 9. 39,60, Chakra Dutta.130)
  • The patient should be given to drink water processed with vaca and prativisha or musta and parpata or Haridra and sunthi. (Charaka Samhita Chikitsa Sthana. 19/ 22)
  • Mustaka is crushed and boiled in equal milk, reduced to one-fourth, when cooled it is mixed with honey and taken. It checks diarrhea with mucus and blood. (Vaidya Manorma. 6/ 9)
  • Crushed mustaka 2 kg. is cooked in 640 ml milk. Add sufficient water till only milk remains. The remaining portions of mustaka are removed and the milk is curdled. Curd so obtained alleviates diarrhea and other abdominal disorders. (Vaidya Manorma. 6. 19)

Nicula (Hijjala): Intake of the juice of hijjala leaf mixed with honey alleviates amatisara (diarrhea with mucus). Similarly acts the decoction of kutaja bark. (Vaidya Manorma. 3/ 35)

Ahiphena: Ahiphena mixed with the bark of kupilu and honey checks all types of diarrhea. (Vaidya Manorma. 6. 3)


  • The root bark of ankota taken with buffalo’s buttermilk is an efficacious remedy for diarrhea. Similar is the leaf of Patha. (Vanga Sena. Atisara. 171)
  • The intake of the root bark of ankota 5 gm pounded with rice- water checks severe diarrhea and disorder of grahani. (Chakra Dutta. 3. 54)
  • Ankota – vataka consisting of ankota root (bark) 40 gm and an equal quantity of patha and daruharidrà pounded with rice water and dried in shade is administered with rice water in all types of diarrhea. (Bhava Parkasha Chikitsa. 2/ 96- 98, Chakra Dutta. 3. 58- 60)


  • Susruta has been prescribed dirghavrnta (aralu) putapaka for diarrhea. (Sushruta Samhita Uttara Tantra. 40/ 81- 83, Vaidya Manorma. 3. 49- 51)
  • The bark of aralu smeared with ghee is heated on steam. It is crushed and mixed with honey. It checks for severe diarrhea. (Ashtanga Hridya Chikitsa Sthana. 9/ 80)
  • Putapaka of aralu is an appetizer. If mixed with honey and mocarasa, it checks all types of diarrheas. (Sharangdhara Samhita. 2. 1. 29)
  • The bark of aralu pounded and mixed with sunthi should be taken with rice water. It checks mature diarrhea. (Vanga Sena Atisara. 59)

Arjuna: In diarrhea associated with blood, arjuna bark mixed with honey should be taken with milk. It checks hemorrhage. (Vaidya Manorma. 3. 41)


  • Ativisa Avaleha containing ativisa along with bilva, mocarasa, lodhra, dhataki-puspa, and mango-seed, checks severe diarrhea. (Bhava Parkasha Chikitsa. 2. 148)
  • Liquid gruel processed with ativisa, sours, and sunthi is as efficacious as amatisara. (Charaka Samhita Sutra Sthana. 2. 22)


  • Paste of tender leaves of babbula checks diarrhea. (Chakra Dutta. 3/ 53)
  • Babbula Arista. (Sharangdhara Samhita. 2. 10. 66- 68)


  • The patient should be fed on the soup of radish or badara fruits cooked with curd and pomegranate and have ample ghee. (Charaka Samhita Chikitsa Sthana. 19/ 31-33)
  • Decoctions of the bark of badari, arjuna, jambu, amra, Sallaki, and vetasa mixed with sugar and honey check diarrhea. (Sushruta Samhita Uttara Tantra. 40/ 96)
  • Badara fruits boiled and mixed with jaggery and oil should be taken. (Sushruta Samhita Uttara Tantra. 40/ 133, Ashtanga Hridya Chikitsa Sthana. 9. 18)
  • Simply, badari root should be taken with honey. (Sushruta Samhita Uttara Tantra. 40/ 96)


  • Milk mixed with ghee, honey, and the powder of sugar, ajamoda, aralu, and madhuka should be taken for diarrhea associated with pain. (Sushruta Samhita Uttara Tantra. 40/ 79)
  • The formulation consisting of patha, ajamoda, kutaja, utpala, Sunthi, and pippali-all in equal quantities taken with tepid water controls the disease. (Sushruta Samhita Uttara Tantra. 40/ 154)

Amlika: Covering of seeds, Sunthi, rock salt, and yavani are mixed and taken with fresh buttermilk. It checks diarrhea quickly. (Vaidya Manorma. 6/ 5)


  • Seed-kernel of jambu, Amra, bilva, kapittha and sunthi- these should be taken with liquid gruel in case of diarrhea. (Charaka Samhita Chikitsa Sthana. 8. 127) 
  • Decoction of bilva and seed- the kernel of Amra mixed with honey and sugar checks vomiting and diarrhea. (Vaidya Manorma. 3. 30)
  • Tender leaves of Amra and kapittha fruit are pounded together and taken with rice water in case of diarrhea. (Vanga Sena. Atisara. 61)
  • The bark of sallaki, badari, jambu, priyala, amra, and arjuna mixed with honey and taken with milk checks hemorrhage (in diarrhea). (Vaidya Manorma. 3/ 41)
  • Decoction of the seed-kernel of amra and bilva is added with honey and sugar. It controls severe vomiting and diarrhea. (Bhava Parkasha Chikitsa. 2. 107)
  • A juice of amra bark extracted by putapaka (closed heating) is added with oil and taken. It alleviates diarrhea with blood and mucus. (Vaidya Manorma. 6/ 7)

Bala: In case of dehydration, if digestion is good, the patient should be treated with milk cooked with Bala and sunthi followed by intake of jaggery mixed with oil in the morning. (Bhava Parkasha Chikitsa. 2. 111)


  • Bhanga and jatiphala in equal parts mixed with indrayava in double quantity are made into a linctus. It checks all types of diarrhea. (Bhava Parkasha Chikitsa. 2. 147)
  • Bhanga mixed with the latex of udumbara is made into pills. It checks for diarrhea. (Siddha Bhaishjya Manni Mala. 4. 166)
  • Arka distilled from bhanga and yavani promotes digestive fire. (Siddha Bhaishjya Manni Mala. 4/ 264)

Bibhitaki: Burnt fruit of bibhitaka mixed with salt checks diarrhea even if severe. (Vanga Sena Atisara. 173)

Chitraka: After taking pippali with honey, citraka with buttermilk, or only tender fruits of bilva one is freed from diarrhea. (Charaka Samhita Chikitsa Sthana. 19/ 113)

Chukrika: In case of diarrhea, khada made of cangeri, cukrika, and dugdhika added with a fatty layer of curd, ghee, and pomegranate seeds should be given. (Charaka Samhita Chikitsa Sthana. 8/ 131)


  • Decoction of the bark of dadima and kutaja mixed with honey checks severe diarrhea with blood immediately. (Vaidya Manorma. 3/ 39, Vaidya Jeevana. 2. 13)
  • Dadimastaka churna. (Ashtanga Hridya Chikitsa Sthana. 9. 112- 113)
  • In case of dysentery, the patient should take a diet consisting of vegetables prescribed for constipation, meat soups with profuse fat, and processed with curd and pomegranates, and shali rice cooked with sesamum, black gram, or green gram. (Ashtanga Hridya Chikitsa Sthana. 9/ 19)
  • The ripe fruit of dadima should be cooked under close heating. The juice so extracted checks all types of diarrhea. (Sharangdhara Samhita. 2.1. 31)
  • Paste of the flower bud of dadima mixed with honey checks diarrhea immediately. (Siddha Bhaishjya Manni Mala. 4. 147)

Dashmula: In diarrhea with pain and tenesmus non-unctuous enema the decoction of dasamula added with honey and milk is an excellent remedy. (Sushruta Samhita Uttara Tantra. 40/ 143)


  • Decoction of dhanyaka, Sunthi, balaka, and bilva alleviates ama, pain, and constipation, and is a digestive and appetizer. (Vaidya Manorma. 3/ 21)
  • Ghee processed with four times water and dhanyaka paste should be given for diarrhea caused by pitta and associated with pain. It is also an appetizer and digestive. (Vanga Sena. Atisara. 91)
  • Water processed with dhanyaka and balaka should be given to those suffering from thirst, burning sensation, and diarrhea. (Bhava Parkasha Chikitsa. 2. 14)

Kesaraja: A pill made of kesaraja with water checks for diarrhea associated with mucus, pain, and blood. (Vanga Sena. Atisara.120)


  • Kutaja is the best drug for diarrhea. (Ashtanga Hridya Uttara Tantra. 40/ 49)
  • To check blood coming with stool one should take ghee cooked with indrayava with barley scum followed by intake of liquid gruel. (Charaka Samhita Chikitsa Sthana. 19/ 79)
  • Ativisa and Kutaja were taken with rice water. It checks diarrhea caused by pitta (Charaka Samhita Chikitsa Sthana.19/ 51)
  • One who takes indrayava 40 gm decocted in the water keeping on a diet of meat soup overcomes diarrhea caused by pitta. (Charaka Samhita Chikitsa Sthana. 19/ 85, Vrinda Madhava. 3/ 27)
  • The linctus of kutaja mixed with drugs of ambasthadi and pippalyadi groups and honey destroys chronic diarrhea having profuse mucus, blood, and atony. (Sushruta Samhita Uttara Tantra. 40/ 89- 90, Ashtanga Hridya Chikitsa Sthana. 9/ 76)
  • Kutaja seeds alone are capable of checking diarrhea. (Ashtanga Sangreha Chikitsa Sthana. 11/ 17)
  • Linctus of kutaja bark checks matures diarrhea. (Chakradutta. 130, Bhava Parkasha Chikitsa. 2/ 94- 95)
  • Linctus prepared from the decoction of kutaja bark and mixed with ativisa alleviates all types of diarrheas. (Vrinda Madhava. 3/ 36)
  • Decoction of kutaja bark and seeds and musta added with sugar and honey checks diarrhea. (Vrinda Madhava. 3/ 29, Vanga Sena. atisara. 173)
  • Kutaja- putapaka. (Vrinda Madhava. 3/ 46- 48, Bhava Parkasha Chikitsa. 2/ 90- 93)
  • Kutaja, ativisha, bilva, balaka, and musta-decoction are useful in even chronic diarrhea having severe pain and blood. (Vrinda Madhava. 3/ 43, Sushruta Samhita Uttara Tantra. 40/ 66)
  • Decoction of indrayava, dhanyaka, and patola mixed with honey and sugar should be used in all types of diarrhea. Similarly acts that of bilva and amra (seed-kernel). (Sharangdhara Samhita. 2. 2. 75)
  • Decoction of Syonaka and kutaja bark alleviates all types of diarrhea. (Sharangdhara Samhita. 2. 1. 12)
  • Kutajarista (Sharangdhara Samhita. 2. 10. 44- 46)
  • Kutaja-ksira. (B. P. Chi. 2. 59-60)

Laja: Laja Pieces of kosakara, a type of sugarcane, fried in ghee and laja powder mixed with sugar and honey should be taken. It checks diarrhea with pain and blood. (Sushruta Samhita Uttara Tantra. 40. 126)

Lonika: Lonika should be cooked with curd and pomegranate and added with profuse ghee. It should be taken as a vegetable. (Charaka Samhita Chikitsa Sthana 19/ 33, Ashtanga Hridya Chikitsa Sthana. 9/ 22).

Mallika: Khada (a dietary preparation) of the tender leaves of kasmarya, madayanti, and yuthika should be made added with fat, sour, and salt. It is a good checking remedy. (Charaka Samhita Chikitsa Sthana. 3/ 129- 30)

Masura: Masura- Ghrita. (Sharangdhara Samhita. 2. 9. 25- 26)

Mochrasa: Tila, mocarasa, lodhra, samanga, Kamala, and utpala-all combined should be mixed with honey and taken with rice water. It is useful in diarrhea caused by pitta. (Charaka Samhita Chikitsa Sthana. 19. 53- 55)

Mulaka: Soup of mulaka is efficacious in diarrhea. (Charaka Samhita Chikitsa Sthana. 19/ 31- 33)


  • For the child, modaka (sweet bolus) prepared of dhataki flowers, Sarkara, and parched paddy should be given in diarrhea. (Ashtanga Hridya Uttara Tantra.1. 40)
  • One suffering from dysentery should take dhataki, badari leaves, kapittha juice, honey, and lodhra- all together with curd. (Bhava Parkasha Chikitsa. 2. 120)
  • Liquid gruel processed with dhätaki decoction and Sunthi and added with sour pomegranate seeds is useful in fever, diarrhea, and abdominal pain. (Vanga Sena. Atisara. 318)

Durlabha: A paste of duralabha root of the size of udumbara fruit should be taken along with the diet of milk processed with the same (duralabha root). (Sushruta Samhita Uttara Tantra. 40. 74,110)


  • Milk cooked with eranda root or tender fruits of bilva is efficacious. (Charaka Samhita Chikitsa Sthana.19/ 48) 
  • The patient should be given only milk cooked with eranda. Moreover, gruels processed with Vata-alleviating and appetizing drugs should be served. (Sushruta Samhita Uttara Tantra. 40/ 131)
  • Ghee and oil mixture should be given followed by warm milk or cooked with eranda root or tender fruits of bilva. (Ashtanga Hridya Chikitsa Sthana. 9/ 38)

Gajja Pippali: In diarrhea with blood and mucus gaja pippali sweetened with honey and sugar should be given. (Ashtanga Sangreha Chikitsa Sthana. 11/ 4)

Hapusha: It is one of the members of Shalaparnyadi gana which acts as an appetizer and digestive. (Charaka Samhita Chikitsa Sthana.19. 27)


  • In difficult elimination of impurity, haritaki should be given to expel it. (Charaka Samhita Chikitsa Sthana. 19. 17, Sushruta Samhita Uttara Tantra. 40/ 31, Ashtanga Hridya Chikitsa Sthana. 9/ 5)
  • If stool comes out in small quantities and with obstruction and pain, the patient should be purgated with the warm paste of haritaki and pippali. (Sushruta Samhita Uttara Tantra. 40/ 33)
  • Powder of haritaki, rock salt, and sunthi should be taken with honey and sugar in case of diarrhea caused by Kapha. (Ashtanga Sangreha Chikitsa Sthana.11/ 27)
  • Gruel prepared with haritaki, pippalimula, and bilva acts as carminative. (Ashtanga Hridya Chikitsa Sthana. 91/ 14)
  • Haritaki, sunthi, mustaka, and jaggery-these four mixed in equal quantities are made into pills known as ‘catuhsama modaka’. It checks all types of diarrhea. (Bhava Parkasha Chikitsa. 2/ 88)
  • In boiled goat’s milk powder of haritaki should be put. The curd so formed should be given in case of dysentery. (Vaidya Manorma. 6/ 13)

Hribera: Water processed with hribera and sunthï should be given to drink. (Charaka Samhita Chikitsa Sthana. 19. 22)


  • Seed-kernel of jambu and amra, bilva, kapittha, and sunthi- this formulation should be taken with liquid gruel. It checks for diarrhea. (Charaka Samhita Chikitsa Sthana. 8/ 127)
  • Tender bilva fruit is cooked while being wrapped with the leaves of jambu, dadima, Sringata, patha, and kancata. It should be kept overnight and then taken with jaggery and sunthi. It checks all types of diarrhea and alleviates severe grahani. (Chakra Dutta. 4. 12)

Jati Phala:

  • Jatiphala with Sunthi rubbed in cold water is given to check diarrhea and make stool form. (Siddha Bhaishjya Mannimala. 4. 141)
  • The paste of jatiphala is applied to the navel. It checks for diarrhea. (Bhaishjya Ratnavali. Atisara. 30)
  • A Lavagna catuhsama- This formulation consisting of jatiphala, Lavagna, jiraka, and tankana and mixed with honey and sugar destroys, by intake, all types of diarrheas associated with ama. (Bhaishjya Ratnavalli. Atisara. 30)


  • Vegetables of any of Sati, karkaruka, jivanti, and cirbhata or dried vegetables of lonikä and Patha cooked with curd and pomegranate with ample ghee should be given to eat. (Charaka Samhita Chikitsa Sthana. 19. 32- 33)
  • Putapaka (Juice extracted by closed heating) of jivanti, meshasrnga, etc. should be administered. (Sushruta Samhita Uttara Tantra. 40/ 84)


  • One gets rid of abdominal disorder (diarrhea) after taking pippali with honey or buttermilk with citraka or tender fruits of bilva. (Charaka Samhita Chikitsa Sthana. 19/ 113)
  • In case of diarrhea with blood, tender fruits of bilva mixed with liquid jaggery, honey and oil should be taken. It checks the disease immediately. (Sushruta Samhita Uttara Tantra. 40. 119)
  • The dietary preparation (khada) is made of tender bilva fruits, an equal quantity of sesamum paste, the supernatant layer of curd, and added sour and ghee checks dysentery. (Charaka Samhita Chikitsa Sthana.19/ 34)
  • Fruit-pulp of bilva and madhuka mixed with sugar and honey and taken with rice-water checks diarrhea caused by pitta and rakta. (Sushruta Samhita Uttara Tantra. 40/ 127)
  • Badara fruits are steamed with bilva fruits and when cooled are taken with jaggery and oil to check for diarrhea. (Sushruta Samhita Uttara Tantra. 40/ 133)
  • Intake of bilva with jaggery checks diarrhea with blood removes pain due to ama and constipation and alleviates disorders of the bowels. (Vaidya Manorma.3. 40, Vaidya Jeevana. 2/ 15, Bhava Parkasha Chikitsa. 2/ 57)
  • Tender fruits of bilva, jaggery, oil, pippali, and sunthi- all these together should be taken in the condition of obstructed Vata, pain, and tenesmus. (Vaidya Manorma. 3/ 66)


  • Changeri Ghrita. (Charaka Samhita Chikitsa Sthana. 19/ 42- 43)
  • Khada (a dietary preparation) made of changeri, cukrika and Dugdhika added with a fatty layer of curd, ghee, and pomegranate seeds should be used. (Sushruta Samhita Chikitsa Sthana. 8/ 131)


  • Cavyadi ghrta. (Charaka Samhita Chikitsa Sthana. 19. 44)
  • Tender leaves of cavika, Svetamula (Sveta) and ksiri vrksa should be pounded and given with oil. (Vaidya Manorma. 6/ 2)


  • Leaves of kancata, jambu, dadima, Singtaka, bilva, hribera,m musta, and sunthi- decoction of these (known as kancatadi kvatha) check even severe diarrhea. (Chakra Dutta. 3/ 38)
  • One should take boiled kancata and tender bilva fruit mixed with butter in case of diarrhea with blood and griping and also in grahani disorder. (Vanga Sena Atisara. 116)


  • One becomes free from diarrhea if he takes a fruit pulp of kapittha mixed with trikatu, honey, and sugar or katphala with honey. (Charaka Samhita Chikitsa Sthana. 19/ 112, Ashtanga Hridya Chikitsa Sthana. 9. 106)
  • Kapittha, salmali, phanji, Vata, karpas, dadima, yuthika, kacchura (duralabha), slesmataka, Sana, and cancu- these processed with curd are useful in diarrhea. (Sushruta Samhita Uttara Tantra. 40/ 113).
  • One suffering from dysentery should take dhAtaki, badari leaves, and kapittha mixed with curd. (Bhava Parkasha Chikitsa. 2. 120)

Karpas: The juice of karpas and plaksa added with honey is useful. (Vaidya Manorma. 3.3 8)

Kashmarya: The soup of käsmarya fruits added with sugar and a bit soured is beneficial. (Charaka Samhita Chikitsa Sthana. 19/ 74, Ashtanga Hriya Chikitsa Sthana. 9/ 84)

Katphala: One becomes free from abdominal disorders (diarrhea) after taking kapittha (fruit pulp) mixed with trikatu, honey, and sugar or only katphala with honey. (Charaka Samhita Chikitsa Sthana.19/ 112)

Palasha: Decoction of palasa fruit (seeds) mixed with milk should be given followed by intake of warm milk according to strength. By this, impurity is eliminated and thus diarrhea is checked. (Charaka Samhita Chikitsa Sthana. 19/ 59- 60, Ashtanga Hridya Chikitsa Sthana. 9/ 68)

Laghu pancha mula: 

  • In case of aggravation of Vata, liquid gruel should be processed with pancamula. (Charaka Samhita Sutra Sthana. 2. 19)
  • Besides laghu pancamula, it should be cooked with panchakola or patha. (Ashtanga Hridya Chikitsa Sthana. 9/ 13)
  • Patola: Decoction of patola, indrayava, and dhayaka should be taken, cooled, and added with sugar and honey. It checks for vomiting and diarrhea. (Vaidya Moanorma. 3/ 32)


  • By taking pippali with honey, buttermilk with citraka, and by eating tender fruits of bilva one becomes free from bowel disorders (diarrhea). (Charaka Samhita Chikitsa Sthana. 19/ 113, Ashtanga Hridya Chikitsa Sthana. 9/ 107)
  • By using a fine powder of pippali or marica dysentery, even if it is chronic, is destroyed. (Ashtanga Hridya Chikitsa Sthana. 9/ 40, Vaidya Manorma. 3/ 67)

Rakt Chandan:

Daruharidra, duralabha, bilva, balaka, and rakta candana check diarrhea caused by pitta. (Sushruta Samhita Uttara Tantra. 40. 63- 65)


  • Decoction of the barks of badari, arjuna, jambu, amra, Sallaki, and vetasa mixed with sugar and honey checks diarrhea. (Sushruta Samhita Uttara Tantra. 40/ 96).
  • Barks of priyala, salmali, plaksa, Sallaki, and tinisa are pressed in milk and added to honey. It checks diarrhea with blood. (Sushruta Samhita Uttara Tantra. 40. 119, Vaidya Manorma. 3/ 4)


  • The tender leaves of Vata, udumbara, asvattha, plaksa, lotus, etc. are astringent, checking, and cold and as such useful in diarrhea caused by pitta. 
  • Leaf buds of Vata, udumbara, and asvattha are pounded and then kept in hot water for 24 hours. With this infusion, ghee is cooked and taken after mixing 1/2 sugar and 1/4 honey. It checks hemorrhage be it upwards or downwards. (Charaka Samhita Chikitsa Sthana. 19. 99- 100)

Vacha: One suffering from diarrhea should take water boiled with Vacha and prativisha or musta and parpata or Haridra and sunthi. (Charaka Samhita Chikitsa Sthana. 19. 22, Ashtanga Hridya Chikitsa Sthana. 9/ 8, Ashtanga Sangreha Chikitsa Sthana. 11/ 5)

Vandana: Vandaka is one of the drugs used for the digestion of Ama. (Sushruta Samhita Uttara Tantra. 40. 41- 45)


  • Leaf buds of nyagrodha, udumbara, and asyattha should be crushed and kept in hot water day and night. With this watery extract, ghee should be cooked and taken mixed with half the sugar and one-fourth honey. It checks blood coming out upwards or downwards. (Charaka Samhita Chikitsa Sthana.19. 100- 101)
  • Hanging root of nyagrodha pounded with cow’s buttermilk should be taken. It checks acute diarrhea. (Chakra Dutta. 3. 51, Raja Amrittanda. 14. 1)

Vetasa: Khada (a dietary preparation) should be prepared with vetasa leaves added with ghee, sours, and salt. It checks for diarrhea. (Charaka Samhita Chikitsa Sthana. 8.  129- 130)


In diarrhea with ama, vandaka, virataru, brhati, kantakari, mudgaparni and masaparni should be given in decoction form. (Sushruta Samhita Uttara Tantra. 40. 41)

Khada (a dietary preparation) should be made of the tender leaves of vetasa etc including yuthika added with ghee, sour, and salt. It acts as an excellent checking remedy. (Charaka Samhita Chikitsa Sthana. 8. 129- 30)

Yuthika: Kapittha, salmali, phanji, Vata, karpas, dadima, yuthika, duralabha, slesmataka, Sana, and cancu cooked with curd should be taken. (Sushruta Samhita Uttara Tantra. 40. 113)

Shami: Leaves of aralu, tinduka, dadima, kutaja and shami- these digest ama and as such are useful in amatisara. (Sushruta Samhita Uttara Tantra. 40/ 41)

Shati: The diet should contain a soup of Sati. (Ashtanga Hridya Chikitsa Sthana. 9/ 20-21)

Simsapa: Decoction made of the crushed tender leaves of Simsapa and kovidara along with barley and mixed with ghee and milk should be given as a slimy enema in the discharge of mucus, tenesmus, and prolapse-rectum. (Ashtanga Hridya Chikitsa Sthana. 9/ 95- 96)


  • One should take water processed with Vacha and ativisa, musta and parpata, and hribera and sunthi for improving appetite and digestion. (Charaka Samhita Chikitsa Sthana.19/ 22)
  • In diarrhea caused by Kapha and associated with ama, the paste of sunthi alone should be taken with tepid water. (K. K. 9/ 94)
  • One who defecates frequently with or without a stool or with tenesmus should take Sunthi with Jaggery mixed with curd, oil, ghee, and milk. (Ashtanga Hridya Chikitsa. 9. 17)
  • Powder of Sunthi smeared with ghee is wrapped within eranda leaves and cooked in putapaka (closed heating) on a mild fire. The powder is then taken out and mixed with an equal quantity of sugar. It is taken in the morning and thus pacifies all sorts of pain due to amatisara. (Sharangdhara Samhita. 2. 1. 38- 39)
  • Fried and unfried sunthi mixed and pounded with eranda juice alleviates pain due to amatisara and stimulates digestion and appetite. (Bhava Parasha Chikitsa. 2/ 22)

Shyonaka: The juice of Syonaka obtained by closed heating is useful in diarrhea. (Chakra Dutta. 3. 84- 85)


  • The paste of tila and mudga and also the soup of the latter is wholesome. (Sushruta Samhita Uttara Tantra. 40/ 115)
  • Paste of black sesamum mixed with 1/5 sugar and taken with goat’s milk checks blood immediately. (Charaka Samhita Chikitsa Sthana. 19/ 34)

Tinduk: The bark of tinduka is wrapped with käsmari leaves, covered with a paste of earth, and cooked in a mild fire. The juice extracted is mixed with honey and taken. It destroys all types of diarrheas. (Harita Samhita. 3. 36- 37)

Trayamana: Trayamana, like palasa, should be used in diarrhea to expel the impurity. (Charaka Samhita Chikitsa Sthana. 19/ 60, Ashtanga Hridya Chikitsa Sthana. 9/ 69)

Trikatu: In the case of griping, the patient should be given a diet with milk boiled with trikatu and salaparni. (Sushruta Samhita Uttara Tantra. 40. 146)

Herbs that Can be Used for Karshya (Emaciation) – Symptoms of Crohn’s Disease

AshwagandhaExcessive emaciation in cases of excessive emaciation ashwagandha etc. should be used. (Sushruta Samhita Sutra Sthana. 15/ 33)

IkshuSugarcane, Sali rice, black gram, wheat, and the product of Jaggery remove emaciation and promote the development of the body. (Sushruta Samhita Sutra Sthana. 21/ 31- 33)

Herbs that Can be Used for Bhagandra (Fistula-in-Ano) – Symptoms or Complications of Crohn’s Disease

  • Fever with Diarrhea 
  • Aruchi
  • Vomiting
  • Fever
Ayurvedic Books on Allergies and Child Health

Few Classical Formulations with Ingredients that Can be Used in Crohn’s Disease

Bhaishjya Ratnavalli, 7/ 16

Ingredients: Dried ginger, ativisa and must or coriander seeds and dried ginger.

Dose and Anupana: 30-50 ml. with water

Bhaishjya Ratnavalli, 7/ 17

Pathadi Kvatha

Ingredients: Patha, seeds of vatsaka, haritaki, and mahausadha.

Dose and Anupana: 30-50 ml. with water

Bhaishjya Ratnavalli, 7/ 19

Dhanya Pancaka

Ingredients: Dhanyaka, nagara, musta, balaka, and bilva.

Dose and Anupana: 30-50 ml. with water

Bhaishjya Ratnavalli, 7/ 20

Dhanya Catuska 

Ingredients: Dhanyaka, musta, balaka and bilva.

Dose and Anupana: 30-50 ml. with water

Bhaishjya Ratnavalli, 7/ 21

Brihat Saliparnyadi 

Ingredients: Saliparni, prishniparni, brihati, kantakarika, Bala (roots), svadamstra (goksura), bilva (fruit pulp), patha, nagara, and dhanyaka.

Dose and Anupana: 30-50 ml. with water

Bhaishjya Ratnavalli, 7/ 26

Vatsakadi Kvatha

Ingredients: Varsaka, ativisa, pulp of unripe bila fruit, netrabala, and mustaka.

Dose and Anupana: 30-50 ml. with water

Bhaishjya Ratnavalli, 7/ 27

Pathyadi Kvatha

Ingredients: Pathya (Harada), devadaru, Vacha, musta, dried ginger, and ativisa.

Dose and Anupana: 30-50 ml. with water

Bhaishjya Ratnavalli, 7/ 28

Yamanyadi Kvatha

Ingredients: Yaman (caraway seeds), dried ginger, usira, coriander seeds, ativisa, mustaka, the pulp of the unripe bilva fruit, sali parni, and prishniparni.

Dose and Anupana: 30-50 ml. with water

Bhaishjya Ratnavalli, 7/ 29

Kalinga Kvatha

Ingredients: Kalinga, ativisa, hingu, pathya, sauvarcala and vaca.

Dose and Anupana: 30-50 ml. with water

Bhaishjya Ratnavalli, 7/ 30

Kancatadi Kvatha 

Ingredients: Kancata, dadima, jambu, srngataka, patra, hrbera, jaladhara and nagara.

Dose and Anupana: 30-50 ml. with water

Bhaishjya Ratnavalli, 7/ 33

Tryusanadi Curnam 

Ingredients: Powders of the Tryusana herbs (dried ginger, marica, and pippali), ativisa, hingu (fried in ghritam), Vacha, sauvarcala, and Abhaya.

Dose and Anupana: 3 gm. to 6 gm. with warm water.

Bhaishjya Ratnavalli, 7/ 35

Sunthyadi Curnam

Ingredients: Dried ginger (sunthi), ativisa, dried asafoetida, musta, indrayava, and roots of citraka.

Dose and Anupana: 1 gm. to 3 gm. with water

Bhaishjya Ratnavalli, 7/ 37

Putikadi Kvatha 

Ingredients: Purika (karania), pepper, dried ginger, coriander seeds, and Harada.

Dose and Anupana: 30-50 ml. with water 

Bhaishjya Ratnavalli, 7/ 38

Pathyadi Kvatha 

Ingredients: Harada, devadaru, vaca, dried ginger, mustaka, ativisa, and amrita (guduci).

Dose and Anupana: 30-50 ml. with water

Bhaishjya Ratnavalli, 7/ 39

Vacadi Kvatha 

Ingredients: Vaca, ativisa, mustaka, and indrayava.

Dose and Anupana: 30- 50 ml, with water

Bhaishjya Ratnavalli, 7/ 40

Madhukadi Curnam 

Ingredients: Powders of Madhuka, katphala, lodhra, and dadima fruit.

Dose and Anupana: 3 gm. to 6 gm. with the rice-washing (tandulodaka) and honey.

Bhaishjya Ratnavalli, 7/ 41

Bilvadi Kvatha

Ingredients: Pulp of unripe bilva, indrayava, mustaka, balaka, and ativisa.

Dose and Anupana: 30-50 ml. with water

Bhaishjya Ratnavalli, 7/ 44

Ativisadi Curnam 

Ingredients: Ativisa, the bark of kustha, and indrayava.

Dose and Anupana: 3 gm. to 6 gm. with water.

Bhaishjya Ratnavalli, 7/ 45

Pathyadi Kvatha 

Ingredients: Haritaki, the bark of the root of citraka, katuki, patha, vaca, mustaka, indrayava, and dried ginger.

Dose and Anupana: 30- 50 ml. with water

Bhaishjya Ratnavalli, 7/ 46

Cavyadi Kvatha 

Ingredients: Cavya, ativisa, mustaka, the pulp of the unripe bilva fruit, dried ginger, bark of the vatsaka, indrayava, and harad.

Dose and Anupana: 30-50 ml. with water

Bhaishjya Ratnavalli, 7/ 47

Pathadi Churnam

Ingredients: Powder of patha, vaca, dried ginger, pepper, black pepper, kustha, and katuki.

Dose and Anupana: 2 gm. to 6 gm. with water.

Bhaishjya Ratnavalli, 7/ 48

Hingvadi Curyam

Ingredients: Powder of dried asafoetida, black salt, dried ginger, pepper, black pepper, Harada, ativisa, and vaca.

Dose and Anupana: 2 gm. to 6 gm. with water.

Bhaishjya Ratnavalli, 7/ 49

Pathyadi Churnam

Ingredients: The powder of Harada, patha, vaca, the bark of the kustha, roots of citraka, and katuki.

Dose and Anupana: 2 gm. to 6 gm. with warm water.

Bhaishjya Ratnavalli, 7/ 52

Mustakadi Kvatha

Ingredients: Mustaka, ativisa, murva, vaca, and Kutaja (bark).

Dose and Anupana: 30- 50 ml. with water

Bhaishjya Ratnavalli, 7/ 55

Kutajadi Kvatha

Ingredients: Kutaja, ativisa, mustaka, haridra, Daru Haridra, salaparni, and prishniparni.

Dose and Anupana: 50 ml. with honey or raw sugar.

Bhaishjya Ratnavalli, 7/ 56

Citrakadi Kvatha

Ingredients: Bark of root of citraka, ativisa, mustaka, Bala, the pulp of bilva fruit, dried ginger, indrayava, and Harada.

Dose and Anupana: 30- 50 ml. with water

Bhaishjya Ratnavalli, 7/ 59- 60

Pancamulibaladi Kvatha 

Ingredients: Pancamula, Bala, the pulp of bilva fruit, guduci, mustaka, dried ginger, patha, kiratatikta, the bark of kutaja, and indrayava.

Dose and Anupana: 30-50 ml. with water

Bhaishjya Ratnavalli, 8/ 554

Bilvagarbha Ghrtam

Ingredients: Masura (lentil) decoction, Kalka made from the pulp of unripe bilva fruit, and murcchita ghrtam.

Dose and Anupana: 5 mg. to 10 mg. along with lukewarm milk and water.

Bhaishjya Ratnavalli, 8/ 556

Nagara Ghrtam

Ingredients: Murcchita ghrtam (1 kg.) and Kalka (250 ml.) made of dried ginger.

Dose and Anupana: 5 g. to 10 g. along with warm milk and water.

Bhaishjya Ratnavalli, 8/ 559- 561

Cangeri Ghrta 

Ingredients: Murcchita Ghrtam, juice of cangeri and the Kulka of nagara, pippali mula, citraka, hasti pippali, svadamstra, pippali, dhanya, bilva, patha, and yavanika.

Dose and Anupana: 15 to 30 ml. with lukewarm water.

Bhaishjya Ratnavalli, 8/ 562- 566

Maricadya Ghrta 

Ingredients: Murcchita Ghrtam, the decoction of dasamula herbs and milk, and the Kalka of 24 gm. each of marica, Dippalimula, nagara, pippali, bhallataka, yavani, vidanga, hasti pippali, hingu, sauvarcala, vida, cavya, rock salt, Samudra, yavaksara, citraka, and vaca.

Dose and Anupana: 5 mg. to 10 mg. with water

Bhaishjya Ratnavalli, 8/ 567- 571

Mahasat Palaka Ghrita 

Ingredients: Sauvarcala, pancakola, rock salt, hapusa, vaca, ajamoda, yavaksara, hingu, jiraka, audbhida, tornsnajaji, putika, kalka of these herbs, ginger juice, cukra, ksara, mastu, amla, kanjika, herbs of dasamula and murcchita ghrtam.

Dose and Anupana: This medicated ghrtam should be taken along with meals or on an empty stomach.

Bhaishjya Ratnavalli, 8/ 525- 527

Dugdha Vatak

Ingredients: Purified vatsanabha visa, opium, kantalauha bhasma, abhrak bhasma and milk.

Dose and Anupana: 125 mg. daily during the morning along with milk.

Bhaishjya Ratnavalli, 8/ 528- 534

Pancamrta Manduram

Ingredients: Lauha bhasma, Tamra bhasma, gandhaka bhasma, abhraka bhasma, purified Parada, dried ginger, marica, pippali, Harada, vibhitaka, Amalaki, musta, vayavidanga, the root of citraka, kiratatikta, devadäru, haridra, Daru haridra, puskaramula, caraway seeds, white and black cumin seeds, karcura, coriander seeds, cavya, purified Mandura, decoction of punarnava root and honey.

Dose and Anupana: 500 mg. to 1 gm. during morning hours along with decoction of kokilaksha.

Bhaishjya Ratnavalli, 8/ 535- 539

Khatikadi peya 

Ingredients: Lime powder, sugar, gum obtained from the Babula plant, aniseeds, cinnamon, and water.

Dose and Anupana: 5 gm. measure the powder of pulp of unripe bilva fruit.

Bhaishjya Ratnavalli, 7/ 540- 542

Ajajyadi Churnam 

Ingredients: White cumin seeds, yavakshara, powder of sugandha bala, purified opium, and powder of arka plant’s root.

Dose and Anupana: 3 to 6 gm. with water.

Bhaishjya Ratnavalli, 8/ 553

Astapalam Ghrtam 

Ingredients: Dried ginger, pippali, black pepper, Harada, vibhitaka, Amalaki, jaggery, and murcchita ghrtam.

Dose and Anupana: The dosage should be decided after diagnosing the strength and digestion power of the patient

Bhaishjya Ratnavalli, 8/ 458- 460

Panchamrita Parpati

Ingredients: Purified gandhaka, purified Parada, lauha bhasma, abhrak bhasma, and Tamra bhasma.

Dose and Anupana: 250 mg. along with honey and ghritam.

Bhaishjya Ratnavalli, 8/ 493- 500

Hiranyagarbhapottali Rasa

Ingredients: Purified Parada, Suvarna bhasma, mukta bhasma, Sankha bhasma, purified gandhaka, kapardika bhasma, purified borax, and lemon juice.

Dose and Anupana: 500 mg. along with 6 gm. measure of ghritam, 12 gm. measure of honey, and powder of 29 pieces of black pepper.

Bhaishjya Ratnavalli, 8/ 501- 508

Rasendra Curnam

Ingredients: Rasa sindura, vansalocana, mukta bhasma, purified Swarna bhasma, purified opium, and milk.

Dose and Anupana: 500 mg. along with milk.

Bhaishjya Ratnavalli, 8/ 514

Sambukadi Vati

Ingredients: Sambuka bhasma (ksudra Sankha or Jala Sukti), rock salt, and honey.

Dose and Anupana: 250 to 500 mg.

Bhaishjya Ratnavalli, 8/ 515- 516

Agastya Suta Raja Rasa

Ingredients: Rasa, Bali, hingula, ahiphena, purified seeds of dhattura, and juice of bhrigaraja.

Dose and Anupana: 125-190 mg. It is taken with trikatu.

Bhaishjya Ratnavalli, 8/ 517- 519

Agnisunu Rasa

Ingredients: Kapardika bhasma, sankha bhasma, and lemon juice.

Dose and Anupana: 2 gm. along with 12 gm. each of cow ghrtam and jaggery.

Bhaishjya Ratnavalli, 8/ 308- 314

Khasaparna Vatika 

Ingredients: Parada, powder of bricks, smoke deposits gathered from the kitchen, haridra, gandhaka, juice of bhringaraja, juices of the leaves of sindhuvara, mandukaparni, aparajita, somaraji, and red variety of citraka.

Dose and Anupana: 875 gm. with water taken out of the upper layers of curd.

Bhaishjya Ratnavalli, 8/ 315- 320

Rasabhra Vati

Ingredients: Purified Parada, gandhaka, abhrak bhasma, juices of kesaraja, bhringaraja, nirgundi, the root of citraka, grismasundara, mandukaparni, Jayanti, vijayà, aparajita (white variety), ginger, betel leaves, marica, purified borax.

Dose and Anupana: 125- 250 mg with water.

Bhaishjya Ratnavalli, 8/ 321- 333

Mahabharat Vati

Ingredients: Powders of abhrak bhasma, tamra bhasma, lauha bhasma, gandhaka, parada, manahasila, borax, yavakshara, harada, vibhitaka, amalaki, purified krishna sarpa visa (poison of the black cobra), juices of vijaya, kesaraja, somaraja, bhringaraja, bilva, bakuct, neem, arant, vrddhadaraka, coriander seeds (Nepalese variety), mandukaparni, nirgundi, karanja, dhattura, aparajita (white variety), jayanti, grismasundara, adusã, betel leaves and powder of marica.

Dose and Anupana: 125 to 375 mg. with water.

Bhaishjya Ratnavalli, 8/ 281- 285

Grahanisardula Rasa

Ingredients: Purified Parada, gandhaka, Suvarna bhasma, powder of cloves, nimba patra, janikosa, jatiphala, and smaller cardamom.

Dose and Anupana: 625 mg.

Bhaishjya Ratnavalli, 8/ 286- 288

Grahanisardula Vatika 

Ingredients: Powder of jatiphala, cloves, cumin seeds, kustha, purified borax, vida salt, cinnamon, smaller cardamom, root or purified seed of dhattura, purified opium, and juice of the leaves of gandh prasarini.

Dose and Anupana: 250 to 500 mg.

Bhaishjya Ratnavalli, 8/ 289- 291

Vajrakapata Rasa

Ingredients: Purified Parada, purified gandhaka, purified opium, mocarasa, trikatu herbs (dried ginger, marica, pepper), Triphala herbs (Harada, vibhitaka, Amalaki), juices of Vijaya and bhringaraja.

Dose and Anupana: 375 mg. along with honey.

Bhaishjya Ratnavalli, 8/ 292- 300


Ingredients: Purified Parada, gandhaka, jatiphala, jatikosa, cloves, dried neem leaves, leaves of sindhuvara, and seeds of bigger cardamom.

Dose and Anupana: 750 mg. Weak patients can take only 375 mg. of this medicine.

Bhaishjya Ratnavalli, 8/ 254- 260

Grahanikapata Rasa

Ingredients: Purified borax, yavakshara, purified gandhaka, purified Parada, jatiphala, seed pulp of the bilva fruit, khadira, white cumin seeds, flowers of Agastya plant, juices of bilva leaves, sali leaves, dugdhika (leaves), roots of sali plant, leaves of jalapippala and decoction of the bark of kutaja plant in succession.

Dose and Anupana: 125 to 250 mg. with water.

Grahanivajrakapata Rasa (B. R. 8/ 261- 263)

Ingredients: Purified Parada, gandhaka, yavakshara, Jayanti, vaca, abhraka bhasma, borax, juices of Jayanti leaves, bhringraj leaves, jambira lemon, juice of Jayanti, roots of salmali (cotton silk tree) and Vijaya leaves.

Dose and Anupana: 125 mg. It is taken along with honey measuring 6 gm.

Bhaishjya Ratnavalli, 8/ 264- 268

Grahanivajrakapata Rasa (Brihad)

Ingredients: Rajata bhasma, mukta bhasma, Swarna bhasma, lauha bhasma, purified gandhaka, Parada, juice or decoction of khadira leaves, the decoction of the roots of the bald plant (if the fresh plant is available one can use the juice of the panchanga of Bala), juices of roots of apamarga, decoctions of the lodhra, ativisa, musta, dhataki flowers, indrayava, and guduci.

Dose and Anupana: 60 mg. to 125 mg. It is taken twice daily along with honey measuring 12 gm. and powder of maricha measuring 3 gm.

Bhaishjya Ratnavalli, 8/ 236

Grahant Kaparda Pottali Rasa 

Ingredients: Bhasma of kaparda, tankana, purified Parada, purified gandhaka, and juice of Jayanti or Vijaya.

Dose and Anupana: 250-500 mg. with water

Bhaishjya Ratnavalli, 8/ 237- 239

Agnikumara Rasa

Ingredients: Purified Parada, purified gandhaka, purified vatsanabha visa, dried ginger, marica, pepper, purified borax, lauha bhasma, ajamodā, opium, abhrak bhasma and decoction of citraka roots.

Dose and Anupana: 125 mg. with cold water.

Bhaishjya Ratnavalli, 8/ 240- 241

Grahanikapata Rasa

Ingredients: Hingula, gandhaka, vansalocana, opium, varatika bhasma, and goat’s milk.

Dose and Anupana: 125 mg. along with cold water.

Bhaishjya Ratnavalli, 7/ 242- 245

Grahanikapata Rasa

Ingredients: Purified Parada, purified gandhaka, jatiphala, cloves, juices of suryavarta, bilvapatra, srigataka, and juice of bilva leaves.

Dose and Anupana: 125 mg. with the juice of bilva leaves.

Bhaishjya Ratnavalli, 7/ 246- 249

Grahanikapata Rasa

Ingredients: Sveta sarja, purified gandhaka, purified Parada, juice of suryavarta, juices of bilva and sringataka plants.

Dose and Anupana: 125 to 250 mg. Along with the juice of bilva leaves and honey this medicine is to be taken in cases of Grahani.

Bhaishjya Ratnavalli, 8/ 147- 156

Kusmandaguda Kalyanaka 

Ingredients: Kushmanda, ghritam, oil, juice of Amalaki, jaggery, pippali, pippali mula, citraka, hasti pippali, dhanyaka, vidanga, yavani, marica, Triphala, ajamoda, Kalinga, ajaji, rock salt, trivrt, and sesame oil.

Dose and Anupana: 5-10 gm with water.

Bhaishjya Ratnavalli, 8/ 182- 197

Kamesvara Modaka 

Ingredients: Dhatri, rock salt, kustha, katphala, kana, sunthi, yavani, ajamoda, yasti, jiraka, dhanyaka, sati, srigi, vaca, Kesar, Talisa, trisugandhika herbs, marica, Harada, vibhitaka, ghrta-fried Vijaya, jaggery, honey, camphor, and black sesame.

Dose and Anupana: 125 mg. daily along with milk.

Bhaishjya Ratnavalli, 8/ 202- 212

Jirakadi Modaka 

Ingredients: Cumin seeds, powder of Vijaya fried in ghrtam, lauha bhasma, vanga bhasma, abhrak bhasma, aniseeds, talisapatra, jatikosa, jatiphala, coriander seeds, Harada, vibhitaka, Amalaki, cinnamon, smaller cardamom, cassia, nagakesara, cloves, silarasa, white and red varieties of sandalwood, Mansi, draksa, sati, borax, kunduru (a type of coriander), yasti, vansalocana, kakkola, netrabala, the root of nagabala, dried ginger, the bark of arjuna tree, aniseeds, devadaru, camphor, priyangu, cumin seeds, salmali (mocrasa), kutaki, padmaka, naluka, sugar, ghrtam, and honey.

Dose and Anupana: 12 gm. with cold. water.

Bhaishjya Ratnavalli, 8/ 118- 124

Talisadi Gutika and Curna 

Ingredients: Talispattra, cavya, marica, dried ginger, pippali mula, pippali, nagakesara, smaller cardamom, cinnamon, cassia, and ustra along with the old raw sugar.

Dose and Anupana: 125 mg. with liquor, yusa, or milk.

Bhaishjya Ratnavalli, 8/ 125- 126

Vartaku Gutika 

Ingredients: Stem of snuhi, salt (rock salt, suvarcala, and vida varieties), vartaku (aubergine), arka, citraka, and juice of vartaku fruits or leaves.

Dose and Anupana: 125 mg. taken after meals.

Bhaishjya Ratnavalli, 8/ 127- 130

Mundyadi gutika 

Ingredients: Mundi, Shatavari, musta, vanari, dugdhika, guduci, yasti, rock salt, ghrta-fried Vijaya, cow milk, and honey.

Dose and Anupana: 12 gm. along with honey.

Bhaishjya Ratnavalli, 8/ 131- 135


Ingredients: Kancata, talamuli, water, sugar, powder of manjistha or varahakranta, flowers of dhataki, patha, seed- pulp of bilva fruit, musta, pepper, indrayava, ativisa, yavaksara, sauvcarala salt, rasanjana, mocarasa, and honey.

Dose and Anupana: 5 gm. to 12 gm. with water

Bhaishjya Ratnavalli, 8/ 136- 143

Dasamula Guda

Ingredients: Dasamula herbs, raw sugar, juice of ginger, pippali, pippalimula, marica, dried ginger, asafoetida fried in ghrtam, purified bhallataka, vayavidanga, ajamoda, svarjiksara, yavaksara, the root of citraka, cavya and all of the five types of salts.

Dose and Anupana: 9 gm. along with cold water during morning hours.

Bhaishjya Ratnavalli, 8/ 90- 97

Brihannayika Curnam 

Ingredients: Root of citraka, Harada, vibhitaka, Amalaki, dried ginger, marica, pepper, vayavidanga, haridra, Daru Haridra, purified bhallataka, Yamani, asafoetida (fried in ghritam), the five types of salt, smoke ash of the kitchen, vaca, kustha, musta, abhrak bhasma, gandhaka bhasma, svarjiksara, yavakshara, borax, ajamoda, parada bhasma, gajapippali and purified Vijaya.

Dose and Anupana: 1 gm. to 3 gm. along with honey.

Bhaishjya Ratnavalli, 8/ 104- 107

Jatiphaladi Churnam 

Ingredients: Jatiphala, vayavidanga, the root of citraka, tagara, Talisa pattra, white candana, dried ginger, cloves, cumin seeds, camphor, Harada, amla, marica, pepper, vansalocana, cinnamon barks, smaller cardamom, cassia leaves, nagakesara, powder of purified Vijaya and sugar.

Dose and Anupana: 1 gm. to 3 gm. along with warm water

Bhaishjya Ratnavalli, 8/ 108- 112

Jirka dwaya Curnam 

Ingredients: Cumin seeds, purified borax, must, patha, seed-pulp of bilva fruit, coriander seeds, netrabala, aniseeds, fruits or seeds of dadima, varahakranta, manjistha, flowers of dhataki, dried ginger, marica, pippali, cinnamon barks, smaller cardamom, cassia, mocarasa, indrayava, abhraka bhasma, purified gandhaka, purified parada, and jatiphala.

Dose and Anupana: 1 gm. to 3 gm. with water

Bhaishjya Ratnavalli, 8/ 59- 63

Svalpa Lavangadyam Churnam 

Ingredients: Lavanga (cloves), ativisa, musta, seeds of unripe bilva fruit, patha, mocarasa, cumin seeds, flowers of dhataki, lodhra, indrayava, netrabala, coriander seeds, bitumen, bharngi, pippali, dried ginger, manjistha varahakranta, yavasuka ksara, rock salt, and rasanjana.

Dose and Anupana: 3 gm. with lukewarm water.

Bhaishjya Ratnavalli, 8/ 75- 82

Lavangadyama Churnam 

Ingredients: Lavanga (cloves), cumin seeds, harenuka, rock salt, cinnamon, smaller cardamom, cassia, ajamoda, caraway seeds, musta, dried ginger, marica, pippali, Harada, vibhitaka, Amalaki, aniseeds, patha, bhünimba, goksura, jatikosa, jatiphala, Daru Haridra, nalada, white sandalwood, mura, sati, madhurika, fenugreek (methi), purified borax, black cumin seeds, svarajiksara, yavaksara, netrabala, seeds of bilva fruit, puskaramula, the root of citraka, pippalimula, vayavidanga, coriander seeds, purified parada, abhrak bhasma, gandhaka bhasma, and lauha bhasma.

Dose and Anupana: 3 gm. along with lukewarm water.

Bhaishjya Ratnavalli, 8/ 83- 86

Svalpanaika Churnam 

Ingredients: Five types of salt (sauvarcala, saindhava, vida, romaka, and sambhara), dried ginger, marica, pepper, purified gandhaka, purified parada, and purified Vijaya.

Dose and Anupana: 3 gm. with honey and kanji.

Bhaishjya Ratnavalli, 8/ 40- 42

Kapitthastaka Churnam

Ingredients: Yavani, pippali mula, caturiataka, nagara, marica, agni, jala, Ajaj, dhanya and sauvarcala, vrikshamla, dhataki, krisna, bilva, dadima, dipyaka, sugar and kapittha.

Dose and Anupana: 3-6 gm. with water.

Bhaishjya Ratnavalli, 7/ 43- 45

Svalpa Gangadhara Churna 

Ingredients: Musta, rock salt, dried ginger, flowers of dhataki, lodhra, the bark of the kustha plant, seed pulp of bilva fruits, mocarasa, pathã, indrayava, netrabala, mango-stone, purified ativisa, and seeds of lajjalu.

Dose and Anupana: 2 gm. to 4 gm. along with honey and rice-washing.

Bhaishjya Ratnavalli, 8/ 46- 49

Madhyama Gangadhara Curnam 

Ingredients: Seed pulp of bilva fruits, mocarasa, patha, flowers of dhataki, coriander seeds, netrabala, nagaramusta, purified ativisa, purified opium, lodhra, seeds or bark of pomegranate fruit, purified parada, and purified gandhaka.

Dose and Anupana: 1 gm. along with the anupana of buttermilk.

Bhaishjya Ratnavalli, 8/ 50- 55

Madhyama Gangadhara Curnam

Ingredients: Inner pulp of the stone of bilva fruits, leaves of samanga, pomegranate fruits, nagaramusta, ativisa, white bitumen, flowers of dhataki, marica, pepper, dried ginger, Daru haridra, bhunimba, the bark of neem, bark of jambu, rasanjana, indrayava, patha, samanga (or varahakranta), netrabala, bulbs of the cotton tree, purified Vijaya, bhringaraja and the kushtha plant.

Dose and Anupana: 2 gm. to 4 gm. with milk of goat, manda, and honey milk.

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Pathya and Apathya (Do’s and Don’ts) for Crohn’s Disease

  • Follow Low Residue Diet (LRD)
  • Include CDED (Crohn’s diseases exclusion diet)
  • Include CD – a treat diet
  • Include a Vitamin D-rich diet
  • Include Probiotics in your diet
  • Enteral and parenteral Nutrition therapy
  • Semi-vegetarian diet
  • Anti-inflammatory diet
  • Mediterranean Diet
  • The DASH diet (Diet approaches to stop hypertension)
  • Choose your fiber food wisely
  • Follow a low FODMAP diet
  • AIP diet (Autoimmune Protocol Diet)
  • Paleo diet for Crohn’s diseases
  • Crohn’s disease and nutritional supplements

For more information regarding dos and don’ts, Diet for Crohn’s Disease please click here.

Yoga Asanas for Crohn’s Disease

Different Yoga Asanas that can be used as remedial therapy to better manage the symptoms of Crohn’s Disease are as follows:

Yoga module that particularly focuses on the abdominal region and helps to relieve Crohn’s disease.

Specific Asana for Crohn’s Disease:-

  1. Dhanura Asana
  2. Shalabha Asana 
  3. Sarvanga Asana
  4. Hala Asana
  5. Matasya Asana
  6. Chakra Asana
  7. Mayura Asana
  8. Padma Asana
  9. Sheersha Asana
  10. Shava Asana
  11. Sinha Asana
  12. Supta Vajrasana
  13. Ardha Matsyendra Asana
  14. Ustra Asana
  15. Bhujanaga Asana
  16. Paschimmotana Asana
  • Mudra and Bandhas
  • Yoga Nidra
Yoga Asanas for Crohn’s Disease

Frequently Asked Questions

Question: What are the best Ayurvedic herbs for treatment of Crohn’s Disease?

Answer: Single Ayurvedic herbs for the treatment of Crohn’s Disease include Changeri (Oxalis Corniculata), Musta (Cyperus Rotundus) and Parpata (Fumaria Indica). These herbs in proper doses are used in managing the symptoms of digestive disorders, like Ulcerative Colitis and Crohn’s disease.

Question: Which is the Ayurvedic Classical Medicine for treatment of Crohn’s Disease?

Answer: Crohn’s Disease can be best treated by herbal remedies such as Aahar Amrutham Gulika and Anthra Mithram Gulika, they help in treating the gut inflammation from the root cause.

Question: What Ayurveda says about Crohn’s Disease Treatment?

Answer: For the treatment of Crohn’s Disease, Ayurveda suggests Panchakarma procedures, following Pathya and Apathy i.e dietary guidelines according to the adequate quantity and quality of food as per your individual body type (prakriti) and Yoga Asanas along with internal Ayurvedic remedies.

Question: Is Ayurvedic treatment effective for Crohn’s disease?

Answer: Yes, Ayurveda is effective in the treatment of Crohn’s Disease. Ayurvedic treatment for Crohn’s Disease includes elimination of Ama (undigested food) by administration of appropriate purgation and fasting therapies along with internal Ayurvedic remedies. The patients should be given light food and such other ingredients as stimulants of digestion.

Question: What is the difference between Crohn’s disease and IBS?

Answer: Both IBS and Crohn’s Disease affect the gastrointestinal system. In Crohn’s disease there is inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract as it is a structural disease whereas IBS is a functional disease.

Question: Which pill is best for Crohn’s Disease?

Answer: Changeri Capsules, one of the best pills for Crohn’s Disease, consist of Changeri Panchang (Oxalis Corniculata), which play a key role in stimulants of agni (power of digestion) in Crohn’s Disease. Changeri Capsules along with taking Aahar Amrutham Gulika with ingredients, which are dipaniya (digestive stimulant), pachaniya (Carminative) and upasamaniya (dosha-alleviator) is helpful in Crohn’s Disease.

Question: What is Crohn’s Disease in Ayurveda?

Answer: As per Ayurveda classical text, Crohn’s Disease can be correlated with various conditions like Atisara and Grahani. These symptoms of particularly Vataj Grahani resembling Crohn’s Disease.

Question: Can I have milk and dairy products while suffering from Crohn’s Disease?

Answer: Yes. Goat milk and Cow milk clarified butter (ghee) is recommended in Crohn’s Disease. Buttermilk along with roasted cumin and black salt should be advised to restore gut microflora and improve gut motility which is disturbed in Crohn’s Disease.

Question: Which dosha are imbalanced in Crohn’s Disease?

Answer: Vitiation of tridosha (Vata, Pitta and Kapha) gives rise to inflammation of small intestines leading to symptoms like weight loss, headache, fatigue, diarrhea, stomach cramps, abdominal pain and vomiting in Crohn’s Disease.

Question: What is the best diet plan for Crohn’s Disease?

Answer: Crohn’s Disease diet consists of one-part rice with four parts of water, pulse soup of Masoor, Mudag Dal, Buttermilk, Fruit and Bark Vatsak, Ripe Banana, Pomegranate and Vilepi, Shali Rice. Pippali, Chitrak and Chavya along with herbs in Panchakola are used in recipes for Crohn’s Disease patients.

Question: What are the yoga poses to relieve Crohn’s Disease?

Answer: Different yoga modules can be used in remedial therapies to better manage the symptoms of crohn’s disease such as Udyani Pranayam, Bhramari pranayam. The more precise yoga asanas done in Crohn’s disease are Chakrasana (Wheel pose) and Shalbhasana (Locust Pose).

Recent Research on Crohn’s Disease

  • Ha, Francis & Khalil, Hanan. (2015). Crohn’s disease: A clinical update. Therapeutic Advances in Gastroenterology. 8. 10. 1177/ 1756283X15592585.
  • Patel MV, Patel KB, Gupta SN. Effects of Ayurvedic treatment on forty-three patients of ulcerative colitis. Ayu. 2010 Oct; 31 (4): 478- 81. doi: 10. 4103/ 0974- 8520. 82046. PMID: 22048543; PMCID: PMC 3202252.
  • Lin SC, Cheifetz AS. The Use of Complementary and Alternative Medicine in Patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease. Gastroenterol Hepatol (N Y). 2018 Jul;14 (7): 415- 425. PMID: 30166957; PMCID: PMC 6111500.
  • Hanauer, Stephen & Sandborn, William. (2001). Management of Crohn’s disease in adults. The American journal of gastroenterology. 96. 635- 43. 10. 1111/ j. 1572- 0241. 2001. 3671_ c.x.
  • Sałaga M, Zatorski H, Sobczak M, Chen C, Fichna J. Chinese herbal medicines in the treatment of IBD and colorectal cancer: a review. Curr Treat Options Oncol. 2014 Sep; 15 (3): 405- 20. doi: 10. 1007/ s11864- 014- 0288-2. PMID: 24792017; PMCID: PMC 4147240.
  • Peterson CT, Denniston K, Chopra D. Therapeutic Uses of Triphala in Ayurvedic Medicine. J Altern Complement Med. 2017 Aug; 23 (8): 607- 614. doi: 10. 1089/ACM. 2017.  0083. Epub 2017 Jul 11. PMID: 28696777; PMCID: PMC5567597.
  • Joo YE. Natural product-derived drugs for the treatment of inflammatory bowel diseases. Intest Res. 2014 Apr; 12 (2): 103- 9. doi: 10. 5217/ ir. 2014. 12. 2. 103. Epub 2014 Apr 29. PMID: 25349576; PMCID: PMC 4204705.
  • Haskey N, Gibson DL. An Examination of Diet for the Maintenance of Remission in Inflammatory Bowel Disease. Nutrients. 2017 Mar 10; 9 (3): 259. doi: 10. 3390/ nu 9030259. PMID: 28287412; PMCID: PMC 5372922.
  • Singh UP, Singh NP, Busbee B, Guan H, Singh B, Price RL, Taub DD, Mishra MK, Nagarkatti M, Nagarkatti PS. Alternative medicines as emerging therapies for inflammatory bowel diseases. Int Rev Immunol. 2012 Feb; 31 (1): 66- 84. doi: 10. 3109/ 08830185. 2011. 642909. PMID: 22251008; PMCID: PMC 4138959.
  • Oxelmark L, Lindberg A, Löfberg R, Stern by B, Eriksson A, Almer S, Befrits R, Fossum B, Karlén P, Broström O, Tysk C; SOIBD, the Swedish Organization for the study of Inflammatory Bowel Disease. Use of complementary and alternative medicine in Swedish patients with inflammatory bowel disease: a controlled study. Eur J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2016 Nov; 28 (11):  1320- 8. doi: 10. 1097/MEG.0000000000000710. PMID: 27472271; PMCID: PMC 5051534.
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Dr. Sahil Gupta completed his Bachelor of Ayurveda in Medicine and Surgery (B.A.M.S.) and Master’s Degree in Health Administration (MHA) India. He is Registered Ayurvedic Doctor & Vaidya in India having Registration No. 23780. He is the CEO and founder of IAFA. After completing BAMS, Dr. Sahil Gupta started practicing Ayruveda by giving prime importance to allergic disorders management. He became the first Ayurvedic doctor to cure Food Allergies through Ayurveda. Read More About Dr. Sahil Gupta.

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