Pashanbhed (Bergenia ligulata)
Know about the uses, benefits, medicinal properties and therapeutic indications of Pashanbhed (Bergenia ligulata).
Know about the uses, benefits, medicinal properties and therapeutic indications of Pashanbhed (Bergenia ligulata).
Mustaka botanically known as Cyperus rotundus belongs to the Cyperaceae family and is an erect perennial glabrous herb. Mustaka is distributed throughout India as the weed in roadsides, wastelands, gardens, etc.
King of spices “Maricha” commonly known as black pepper is largely cultivated in Sarawak State in Malaysia and the Western Ghats of Kerala. Botanically Maricha is known as Piper nigrum and belongs to the Piperaceae family.
Manjistha botanically known as Rubia cordifolia is a member of the coffee family i.e. Rubiaceae. Rubia means red color, this name is given to Manjistha as it imparts red color to urine and mother’s milk when it is given for internal use.
Mandukaparni botanically known as Centella asiatica is the most significant Medhya Dravya. Mandukaparni belongs to the Apiacfamily, and it is also famous for the Gotu-Kala name.
Madanphala is a deciduous thorny shrub botanically known as Randia dumetorum Lamk. belongs to Rubiaceae. Madanphala is found all over India, especially in the sub-Himalayas up to 4000 feet in elevation.
Lavanga is a well-known ayurvedic herb that is botanically known as Syzygium aromaticum and belongs to the Myrtaceae family.
Kustha botanically known as Saussurea lappa is a potential herb that belongs to Bhringraja Kula i.e Asteraceae Family.
Kumkuma Kesara is a triploid herbaceous plant i.e., the most expensive spice in the world. Kumkuma Kesara botanically known as Crocus sativus belongs to the Iridaceae family and was originally cultivated in the East and Middle East.
Kupilu botanically known as Strychnos nux vomica Linn. is a semi-poisonous plant i.e Upa Visha that is reported in the ancient scripture of Ayurveda and belongs to the Loganiaceae family.
Know about the therapeutic uses, health benefits, and medicinal properties of Kiratatikta (Swertia Chirata). It is also known as Chirayata.
Khair which is famous for the name Cutch tree is botanically known as Acacia catechu Willd. It is also known as Khadira.