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Rasna (Pluchea lanceolata) – Nature’s Remedy for Inflammation and More
Rasna, known as Desert plantain in English, is a highly medicinal herb with a wide range of therapeutic uses. Botanically it is known as Pluchea lanceolata and belongs to the Asteraceae family this unique herb thrives in Rajasthan, Punjab, Haryana, and Uttar Pradesh i.e. arid and semi-arid regions of India. Rasna is also available in tropical Africa and Tropical Asia. In Ayurveda, Rasna is known as the best herb to alleviate Vata-related disorders such as sciatica, joint pain, and other neuromuscular conditions. Recent research revealed that it consists of various active ingredients like Pluchine, Betaine hydrochloride, Taraxasterol B and y-sitosterol, flavone glycoside, Quercetin, and isorhamnetin, etc. due to which it exhibits various pharmacological properties like anti-inflammatory, analgesic, anti-microbial, antipyretic, hepatoprotective activities, etc.
Basonym of Rasna
रसयते शब्घ्ते कफ वातजित इत्यादि गुण युक्ता।
यद्वा रसयते आस्वाद्यते शोथदि रोगिभिः इति।
Rasna plant is always owing to its Kapha Vatahara properties. This is the best drug for Shotha, etc. diseases.
Synonyms of Rasna
According to Morphology
एला पर्णी– एलाय इव वर्णन्या अस्या:।
Leaves of the Rasna resemble leaves of cardamomum.
According to Properties and Actions
रस्या– रसे साधु: इति यस्या।
The taste of Rasna is very pleasant.
युक्त रसा – युक्तो रसो यस्या:।
Plant is full of juice.
सुगंधा – सुष्ठु रस्म अस्या सा।
The odor of Rasna is very pleasant.
सुरसा – सुष्ठु रस्म अस्या: इति।
The juice of Rasna has good qualities.
श्रेयसी – अति श्येन प्रशस्ता सर्व वात रोगेषु इति श्रेयसी।
Rasna is regarded as the best drug for Vata Roga.
नाकुली – नकुलानाम एवं प्रियत्वात।
Rasna is like Mongoose.
Regional Names of Rasna
- Lesser Galangal, Lesser Galanga (English)
- Baisurai, Rasana, Rasna, Raisin, Sorahi, Rasan (Hindi)
- Rasna, Chikkadu Marasme (Kannada)
- Aratta (Malayalam)
- Rasna (Marathi)
- Saramai, Reshami (Punjabi)
- Rukharji (Delhi)
- Khorasan (Sindh)
- Sanna Rashtram (Telugu)
Botanical Name of Rasna
Pluchea lanceolata DC., Alpinia calcarata Roscoe.
Alpinia is on the Italian botanist Alpini.
Family – Asteraceae (Bhringraja Kula) for Pluchea lanceolata
Zingiberaceae (Haridra Kula) for Alpinia calcarata
Ayurveda Reference for Rasna (Pluchea lanceolata)

Scientific Classification of Rasna
Pluchea lanceolata DC
Kingdom | Plantae |
Class | Dicotyledonae |
Sub-Class | Gamopetalae |
Series | Inferae |
Order | Asterales |
Family | Asteraceae |
Genus | Pluchea |
Species | lanceolata |
Alpinia calcarata Roscoe
Kingdom | Plantae |
Class | Monocotyledons |
Sub-Class | – |
Series | Epigyne |
Order | – |
Family | Scitaminae |
Genus | Alpinia |
Species | calcarata |
Classification of Rasna – As Per Charaka and Sushruta
Charaka: Anuvasanopaga Mahakashaya, Vayasthapana Mahakshaya
Sushruta: Arakadi gana
Rasna’s Description in Brihtrayi
The controversy about the genuine Rasna is well known and if a survey of the plant materials used as Rasna in different parts of the country is made more than half a dozen plant species will be found in use. The morphological classification of some of these is found in the drug markets into Patro Rasna, Mula Rasna, and Trin Rasna. The most important of the varieties are:
- Pluchea species
- Vanda roxburghii
- Alpinia galanga
- Inula racemosa
Out of these Alpinia species may be the Elaparni of the texts and a South Indian substitute of Rasna. Inula species may be more correctly identified as Puskaramula. Vanda and other similar-looking epiphytic Orchids (Saccolabium papillosum Lindl.) do not appear to stand a chance to be accepted as real Rasna as their peculiar habit has nowhere been mentioned in Ayurvedic literature in connection with the identity of Rasna. Other names such as Nakuli, Mukta, and Sugandha are associated with Rasna in the commentaries and Nighantus appear to be entirely other drugs used in place of Rasna. At present, Pluchea lanceolata is being accepted, more widely as the source of Rasna. It is popularly known by names similar to Rasna. Roots, when dried under shade, develop a faint aroma and they are being used by the country people in rheumatic conditions. The leaves with their twisted base look like Ela fruit in surface view. The tongue-like shape and juicy nature of the leaves may be responsible for its synonyms Rasand and Yuktarasa. Thus, all the synonyms Gandha Mula, Elaparni, Rasana, Rasya, etc. may not be unsuitable even for this plant.
Charaka | Sushruta | Vagbhata (Ashtanga Hridaya) |
C. S. Su. 3/ 17, 21, 24, 27 | S. S. Su. 36/ 3 | A. H. Su. 15/ 3, 28 |
C. S. Su. 4/ 26 | S. S. Su. 38/ 16, 17 | A. H. Su. 17/ 2 |
C. S. Su. 25/ 39 | S. S. Su. 39/ 9 | A. H. Sa. 2/ 41, 55 |
C. S. Chi. 2- 1/ 25 | S. S. Sa. 10/ 60 | A. H. Chi. 1/ 123, 138 |
C. S. Chi. 3/ 250, 266 | S. S. Chi. 5/ 7 | A. H. Chi. 3/ 4, 6, 12, 20, 31, 49,, 62, 64, 172 |
C. S. Chi. 5/ 105, 144 | S. S. Chi. 15/ 20 | A. H. Chi. 4/ 22, 24, 42 |
C. S. Chi. 8/ 77, 169 | S. S. Chi. 17/ 15 | A. H. Chi. 5/ 24, 68 |
C. S. Chi. 12/ 70 | S. S. Chi. 18/ 7 | A. H. Chi. 6/ 7, 39, 52 |
C. S. Chi. 13/ 109 | S. S. Chi. 19/ 28 | A. H. Chi. 8/ 17 |
C. S. Chi. 14/ 44 | S. S. Chi. 22/ 54 | A. H. Chi. 10/ 27/ 61 |
C. S. Chi. 15/ 87, 168 | S. S. Chi. 37/ 15, 19, 23, 40 | A. H. Chi. 14/ 14, 17, 55, 82 |
C. S. Chi. 17/ 99, 101, 105 | S. S. Chi. 38/ 25, 42, 46, 50, 54, 70, 102, 105 | A. H. Chi. 21/ 57, 65, 73 |
C. S. Chi. 18/ 35, 42, 46, 53, 76, 91, 117, 126, 173 | S. S. Ka. 8/ 104 | A. H. Chi. 22/ 8 |
C. S. Chi. 23/ 230 | S. S. U. 28/ 5 | A. H. Ka. 4/ 1, 7, 12, 23, 25, 33, 37, 54, 64 |
C. S. Chi. 26/ 81, 96, 139, 159, 162, 169, 279 | S. S. Chi. 39/ 198, 244 | A. H. Ka. 5/ 31 |
C. S. Chi. 27/ 40 | S. S. Chi. 51/ 40 | A. H. U. 2/ 12, 52, 55 |
C. S. Chi. 28/ 109, 121, 129, 136, 147, 159, 163, 166, 170 | S. S. Chi. 52/ 14, 29, 42 | A. H. U. 3/ 51 |
C. S. Chi. 29/ 55, 61, 80, 102 | S. S. Chi. 57/ 7 | A. H. U. 6/ 39 |
C. S. Chi. 30/ 56, 58 | S. S. Chi. 59/ 17 | A. H. U. 22/ 50 |
C. S. Si. 3/ 12, 37, 46, 59 | S. S. Chi. 62/ 30 | A. H. U. 24/ 47, 53 |
C. S. Si. 4/ 3, 14, 19, 28 | A. H. U. 27/ 40 | |
C. S. Si. 8/ 7, 10 | A. H. U. 34/ 33 | |
C. S. Si. 9/ 92 | A. H. U. 40/ 14 | |
C. S. Si. 11/ 33 | ||
C. S. Si. 12/ 27, 31, 39, 40, 55 |
Rasna’s Description in Brihtrayi as Surbhi
It has been identified differently in different places with Rasna, Shallaki, Devdaru, and Tulasi. The popular name Bayasurai for Pluchea lanceolate in some places in the U.P. indicates it to be Vata Nashaka Surabhi.
Charaka Samhita: C. S. Su. 5/ 62, C. S. Chi. 23/ 241
Sushruta Samhita: S. S. Chi. 5/ 7, S. S. Ka. 6/ 21, S. S. U. 23/ 4
Vagbhata: A. H. Su. 20/ 38, A. H. Chi. 8/ 11, 13, A. H. U. 3/ 53
There has been a controversy regarding the identity of Rasna for several decades. In north Pluchea lanceolata is being used as Rasna. Alpinia species such as Rasna are either smaller (A. officinarum) or bigger (A. galanga) varieties. The important synonym Ela Parni will indicate Alpinia species since the leaves of Alpinia are comparable to those of Eletteria cardamom (Ela) but not to Pluchea. Sugandha synonym is also more fitting to Alpinia than to Pluchea. The following sources are reported by Bapalal Vaidya as the sources of Rasna-
- Vanda tesellata Hook ex G. (V. roxburghii R.Br.) – Orchidaceae. Vaidyas in Bengal use it as Rasna.
- Alpinia galanga Swartz. – Scitaminaceae, Vaidyas of South India believe this to be the real Rasna.
- Pluchea lanceolata C.B. Clarke- Asteracee. This is the Rasna of north, Punjab and Gujarat.
- Viscum album Linn. – Loranthacea. Pt. Hariprasannanand of Amritsar (Punjab Ayu. Pharmacy) believed it to be a real Rasna.
- Withania coagulans Dunal- Solanaceae. This is the Rasna of Sindhi Vaidyas.
- Aristolochia indica Linn. – Aristolochiaceae. Late Pt. Hariprapanna Shastry (Gujarat) considered it as Rasna.
- Inula racemosa Hook.- Asteracee Late Dr. Vaman Ganesh Desai, the author of “Aushadhi Sangraha” (Marathi) has taken it as Rasna.
- Rauwvalfia serpentina– Apocynaceae Bengal Vaidyas consider it as Mula Rasna.
- Lochnera rosea Reichb. (Vinca rosea)- Apocynaceae. It is considered as Trna Rasna by Bengal Vaids.
- Enicostema littorale Blume- Gentianacee. Some Vaidyas consider it as Trina Rasna.
- Dodonaea viscosa– Sapindacee. It is reported from Andhra Pradesh as Rasna.
To Avoid Controversy Bengal Vaidyas Classified Rasna into 3 Types, Which are also Mentioned in Raja Nighantu:-
- Mula Rasna (root) – R. serpentina.
- Patra Rasna (leaf) – V. rosea
- Trna Rasna (coholeplant) – V. roxburghii
In the end, it may be concluded that in South India Alpinia species are being used as Rasna, and in Northern India, P. lanceolata is used as Rasna. A. Galanga is otherwise known as Kulanjan and was brought from outside. Therefore A. officinarun will be the correct source. Another species A. calcarata is being used by the traditional Vaidyas in south India.
External Morphology of Pluchea lanceolata DC.
- Habit – Pluchea lanceolata is an erect, pubescent, under-shrub up to 1.25 meters tall.
- Stem – Stem of Rasana is slender, terete, softly ashy pubescent.
- Branches – Branches of Pluchea lanceolata are slender, terete softly pubescent.
- Leaves – Leaves of Rasana are thick, sessile, coriaceous, 2 to 7 cm long and 0.5 to 1 cm oblong or oblanceolate, obtuse, narrowed at the base, finely ashy pubescent on both sides and with entire margin.
- Inflorescence – Inflorescence of Rasna heads in compound corymb. Involucre- Contracted at the mouth. Outer bracts are 2 to 3 seriate, oblong, obtuse, and pubescent usually tinged with purple; the innermost bracts are linear, subacute, and few.
- Fruit – Fruit of Pluchea lanceolata are achene.
External Morphology of Alpinia calcarata Roscoe.
- Habit- The rootstock of Alpinia calcarata is perennial, not tuberous.
- Stem- Stem of Alpinia calcarata are slender, 60 to 120 cm high,
- Leaves- Leaves of Alpinia calcarata 15 to 30 cm long, 2.5 to 5 cm wide, lanceolate, acuminate, green and glossy.
- Inflorescence- Inflorescence of Alpinia calcarata is Panicle, 7.5 to 10 cm long.
- Flowers- Flowers in Alpinia calcarata are numerous, The Calyx tube is funnel-shaped, 6 to 8 mm long, and corolla segments 1-3 m long. The lip is 2.5 to 4 cm long, ovate-oblong, sessile, yellow in color, streaked with purple veins.
- Fruit- Fruit of Alpinia calcarata are capsule, globose and red on ripening.
Flowering and Fruiting Time of Rasna
Plant flowers and fruits during February and June.
Distribution of Rasna
Rasna is found in Afghanistan, North Africa, Pakistan, and India. It is commonly found in gardens, along the waysides, and in waste places in sandy and salty soils. It occurs in the upper Gangetic plains, Punjab, Rajasthan, Gujrat, and other provinces. It grows gregariously in vast areas in dry tracts forming thickets and is considered a troublesome weed. It does much damage to rabi crops, particularly in areas where irrigation facilities are not available.
Useful Parts of Rasna
Root (Mula), Leaf (Patra), and whole plant (pachanga)
Pluchea lanceolata Mula (Root) is cylindrical, somewhat irregularly bent or twisted, root is up to 21 cm long and 3 to 4 cm in diameter. The outer surface is covered with a dark brown bark having longitudinal striations and transverse cuts. The bark peels off at several places, exposing a fibrous, creamish tissue. On breaking becomes fibrous, has got spicy odour, and tastes bitter.
Alpinia calcarata – The rhizomes are reddish brown externally and light orange, brown internally. Having a characteristic odour, aromatic. Rhizomes are about 2 to 8 cm in length and 2 cm in thickness. The rhizome is irregularly branched and marked with fine annulations. Rhizomes are tough and become fibrous on breaking.
Varieties of Rasna
Raja Nighantu mentioned three types of Rasna:-
Trin Rasna – Vanda tessellate
Mula Rasna – Rauwolfia serpentina
Patra Rasna – Lochnera rosea
Important Phytoconstituent of Rasna
Pluchea lanceolata – Pluchine, Betaine hydrochloride, Taraxasterol; B and y-sitosterol, flavone glycoside, Quercetin, and isorhamnetin.
Alpinia calcarata – green rhizomes contain 0.6% to 1.5% of volatile oil. The oil contains methyl cinnamate (48%), Cineole (25%) Camphor, and Pinene. It also contains resin, pungent galangol, alpinol, and yellow crystalline substances known as galangin.
Recent Research on Pluchea lanceolata
- Srivastava, Vandita & Varma, Neeraj & Tandon, J. & Srimal, R. (2008). Anti- Anti-Inflammatory Activity of Pluchea lanceolata: Isolation of an Active Principle. Pharmaceutical Biology. 28. 135- 137. 10. 3109/ 138802- 090090- 82796. The ethanolic extract of Pluchea lanceolata exhibited significant anti-inflammatory activity, which was further localized in the hexane fraction, from which PS- taraxasterol acetate was isolated which proved to be one of the active constituents.
- Singh, Rajendra & Tamrakar, Anuradha & Soni, Kapil. (2024). Phytochemical analysis and anti-inflammatory properties of an ayurvedic medicinal plant Pluchea ovalis (Pers.). International Journal of Pharmacognosy and Pharmaceutical Sciences. 6. 07- 13. 10. 33545/ 27067009. 2024. v6. i2a. 152.
- Siddiqui, Nasir & Sanjrani, Mumtaz & Ramachandram, Ramidi. (2001). Phytochemical investigation of aerial parts of Pluchea lanceolata C. B. Clarke. Indian Journal of Chemistry Section B. 40B. 698-706. Six new chemical constituents, a seco-ursane-type triterpene, two sesquiterpenic esters, an alkyl δ- lactone, a cyclohexyl substituted alkanoic acid and a sesterterpenic ester have been isolated from the aerial parts of Pluchea lanceolata and their structures were established as 14, 15- seco- urs- 18- βH- 20 (30)- en- 3β- yl acetate 1, 4, 8- dimethyldodeca- 7Z- en- y l- 9′ α, 10′ α-dihydroxy undecan- 1′- oate 2, α- dotriaconta- 29, 32- olide 3. 4′ α- (2″- ketobutyl cyclohexyl)-20 α- eincosan- 14 α- ol- 1- oic acid 4, 5, 9, 13, 17- tetramethyl- 18- en- 8α- ol nonadecanoic acid octenyl ester 5 and 3, 7, 11- trimethyl dodeca- 10- en- yl- n- hexadecan- 9′ α- ol- 1′- oate 6 by spectral data analyses and chemical evidence.
- Kumaraguru, S. & Ramalingam, Satish & Thangam, C. & Muralidharan, A. & Dhananjayan, R. (2001). Analgesic, antipyretic, and anti-inflammatory effects of extracts derived from the flowers of Hibiscus rosa-sinensis Linn. Biomedicine. 21. 77- 82.
- Humbare, Ravikiran & Sarkar, Joyita & Kulkarni, Anjali & Kamble, Swapnil. (2022). Evaluation of Free Radical Scavenging with In vitro Antiproliferative Properties of Different Extracts of Pluchea lanceolata (DC.) Oliv. And Hiern in Cancer Cell Lines. Pharmacognosy Magazine. 17. 886- 892. 10. 4103/ pm. pm_ 252_ 21. Background: Traditional medicinal plants have gained attention as a repository of pharmacologically active molecules. Extracts derived from Pluchea lanceolata (DC.) Oliv. Hiern is reported to be antimalarial and can protect against chemical-induced neurotoxicity. There is limited research on solvents for extraction of metabolites from the stem of P. lanceolata and their anti-cancer potential, which needs to be investigated. Objectives: The objective of the study was to investigate the potency of stem powder, extracted in ethanol, methanol, aqueous, and phosphate buffer saline (PBS) solvents, for their phytochemical content, antioxidant potential, and in vitro antiproliferative nature in human cancer cell lines. Materials and Methods: The stem extracts of P. lanceolata were evaluated by phytochemical assays, antioxidant assays (2, 2- diphenyl- 1- picrylhydrazyl [DPPH] radical scavenging assay, hydrogen peroxide radical scavenging assay, nitric oxide radical scavenging assay, total antioxidant capacity, and assay of reducing power), and antiproliferative potential against cervical (ME- 180 and HeLa) and hepatic (Hep G2) carcinoma cell lines by MTT assay. Results: Quantification studies showed that the total phenolic content was in the range of 7.44- 38.91 mg GAE/ g of stem extract, while the flavonoids were present in the range of 29.05- 109.62 mg QE/ g of stem extract. Aqueous (DPPH antioxidant capacity assay ± PVPP, H 2 O 2 free radical scavenging method- PVPP, assay of reducing power +PVPP, and total antioxidant capacity-PVPP), methanol (H 2 O 2 free radical scavenging method +PVPP, NO radical scavenging assay +PVPP, total antioxidant capacity- PVPP), and ethanol (NO radical scavenging assay-PVPP, assay of reducing power-PVPP) extracts had the highest antioxidant potential in respective assays. MTT findings demonstrated that the aqueous extract was more potent in ME-180 and HepG2 cell lines while the PBS extract caused maximal cytotoxicity in HeLa cells. HepG2 cells were more susceptible than ME- 180 and HeLa cells for any of the extract or standard drugs evaluated. Conclusion: Aqueous extract of P. lanceolata stems is the most promising extract for further cancer-cell toxicity.
- Arya, D. & Patni, V.Idya. (2013). Pharmacognostic profile and phytochemical investigation of Pluchea lanceolata Oliver & Hiern. In vivo and in vitro. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences Review and Research. 22. 157- 161. India has a rich treasure of medicinal plants. Medicinal plants have played a significant role in ancient traditional systems of medicine. Pluchea lanceolata is one of the important medicinal plants having many therapeutic uses. The present study deals with the pharmacognostic profile and preliminary phytochemical investigations in vivo (leaf, stem, and root) and in vitro (callus) plant parts of Pluchea lanceolata. Various parameters like ash value, fluorescence analysis of powdered as well as its extractives, and phytochemical screening of different extractives were studied in all in vivo (leaf, stem, and root) and in vitro (callus) plant parts. Ash value was found to be maximum in stem (17.24 %) and minimum in leaf (7.5 %) while extractive value was found to be maximum in leaf (41.40 %) in methanol and minimum in stem (3.25 %) in ethyl alcohol. Phytochemical screening of all plant parts revealed the presence of alkaloids, tannins, phenolics, flavonoids, steroids, glycosides, triterpenoids, proteins, and carbohydrates. Therefore, the present study revealed that Pluchea lanceolata is an important source of many therapeutically and pharmacologically active constituents. The plant has been widely studied for its pharmacological activities and finds its position as a versatile plant having a wide spectrum of medicinal activities.
- Sachan, Anupam & Rao, Ch. V. & Sachan, Nikhil. (2017). Preliminary chromatographic and pharmacological investigation of Pluchea lanceolata plant for antidiabetic and wound healing activity. RESEARCH JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY AND ENVIRONMENT. 21. 6- 11. Indian healing utilized several medicinal plants for the treatment of various ailments. However, only a few of those are tapped for biological and biochemical profiling to rationalize scientifically their medicinal usage. Modern health care increasingly recognizes the relevance of different forms of medicine and healing practices that are steeped in culture and history. The Pluchea lanceolata, family Compositae (syn. Asteraceae) has been reported traditionally for its medicinal importance. The present investigation envisages the phytochemical, antidiabetic, and wound healing activity of hydro-ethanolic extract of powdered shade-dried whole plant in the study. The phytochemical profiling of the plant depicted the presence of alkaloids, carbohydrates and glycosides, flavonoids, tannins, phenolic compounds, fixed oils and fats, protein and amino acids, steroids, and terpenoids. TLC analysis showed a higher Rf Value in hydroethanolic extract in a different set of eluents and this fraction in induced diabetic Wistar albino rats showed a significant reduction in blood glucose level compared to diabetic control. The wound healing activity of hydro-ethanolic extract of Pluchea lanceolata was evaluated through an excision wound model and the progressive change in wound area was monitored planimetrically by tracing the wound margin on graph paper on the 4th, 7th, 15th, and 21st day. The degree of wound healing was calculated as percentage closure in the wound area from the original wound area. An acute toxicity study was conducted and showed no mortality in rats. The study pointed to the potential antidiabetic and wound-healing activity of the hydroethanolic extract of the Pluchea lanceolate on standard pharmacological models.
- Khan, Saleemulla & Rawat, Ruchi & Rawat, Ajay & Shirwaiker, Annie. (2010). A report on the quality control parameters of aerial parts of Pluchea lanceolata (DC.) Oliv. & Hiern, Asteraceae. Brazilian Journal of Oceanography. 20. 10. 1590/ S0102- 695X- 2010000- 400015. RESUMO: “Relatorio sobre os parametros de controle de qualidade das partes aéreas de Pluchea lanceolata (DC.) Oliv. & Hiern, Asteraceae.” Pluchea lanceolata (DC.) Oliv. & Hiern, Asteraceae, e uma planta que tem sido usada como medicinal na Índia como um antipiretico, analgesico anti-reumático e calmante. Este trabalho tem como objetivo estabelecer os padrões morfologicos e anatomicos e caracterizar o extrato(s) de P. lanceolata pela triagem fitoquímica preliminar como parâmetro de controle de qualidade para a materia-prima. Unitermos: Pluchea lanceolata, controle de qualidade, físico-química, microscopia, fluorescência. ABSTRACT: Pluchea lanceolata (DC.) Oliv. & Hiern, Asteraceae, is a weed that has been used as an indigenous medicine in India as an antipyretic, analgesic, anti-rheumatic and nervine tonic. This paper aims at setting the morphological and anatomical standards and to characterize the extract of P. lanceolata by preliminary phytochemical screening as quality control parameter for the raw material.
- Sachan, Anupam & Ch, Rao & Sachan, Nikhil. (2019). Measurement of Glucose Uptake Potential of Pluchea lanceolata, Alhagi pseudo alhagi, Caesalpinia bonduc in L-6 Myotube. Research journal of biotechnology. 14. 34-39. The main objective of this work is to investigate the in vitro antidiabetic activity of hydro-ethanolic extract of Pluchea lanceolata, Alhagi pseudo alhagi, and Caesalpinia Bondoc. The selected plant material was subjected to the extract preparation by the Soxhlet apparatus. During the phytochemical screening, various kinds of phytochemicals were detected, and then in vitro, the antidiabetic activity of these extracts was detected by measurement of glucose uptake in L6 cell lines. The study reveals various kinds of phytoconstituents among the various plant extracts. The extracts of Caesalpinia bonduc and Pluchea lanceolata samples have shown some potential in glucose uptake activity when tested in L6 Myotubes. The results were compared with insulin and metformin as standard drugs. Alhagi pseudo alhagi did not show any glucose uptake activity. Probably the mode of action of Alhagi pseudo alhagi is not insulin sensitization or it may not act through the glucose uptake mechanism.
- Chokshi, Killol & Ladola, Divyesh & Suthar, Sunil & Solanki, Anup & Patel, Sandeep & Ahir, Keyur. (2012). To Prepare an Herbal Formulation Containing Pluchea lanceolata and Vitex negundo and Evaluate its Anti-Inflammatory Activity by Topical Application. AJPTR. 2. the study aimed to prepare a polyherbal formulation containing five herbs in the base of sesame oil and compare its activity by using the carrageenan-induced rat paw edema model. The plants used in the study were Pluchea lanceolata, Vitex negundo, Solanum xanthocarpum, Cleorodandrum phlomoides, and Curcuma longa. The oil obtained was applied topically to check the anti-inflammatory activity and compare its efficacy with the standard which was marketed as topical anti-inflammatory oil. The oil having more constituent of Vitex negundo in the polyherbal formulation was found to have more potency in comparison to the rest of the prepared samples as well as the marketed sample.
- Chokshi, Killol & Ladola, Divyesh & Purohit, Aditya & Suthar, Sunil & Patel, Pratha & Solanki, Anup & Kukkar, Rajiv. (2012). FORMULATION OF OIL CONTAINING PLUCHEA LANCEOLATA EXTRACT OBTAINED THROUGH DIFFERENT ORGANIC SOLVENTS AND EVALUATION OF ITS ANTI-INFLAMMATORY ACTIVITY BY TOPICAL APPLICATION. IJPSR. Pluchea lanceolata has been used in massage oil as well as in traditional Ayurveda as a potent pain reliever. The traditional method of obtaining oil is simply based on taking water as the medium for extraction. The water extract obtained is then boiled with oil, till the water is completely evaporated. Here, we aim to replace water with different organic solvents and obtain oil that has much better efficacy than the traditionally extracted oil. The idea here is to obtain more efficacious oil than the marketed sample which is majorly extracted using water as solvent. Here, the different organic solvents used are methanol, ethanol, petroleum ether, and chloroform. The oil obtained was checked for its anti-inflammatory activity with the carrageenan-induced rat paw edema. The prepared oil was compared with the marketed sample of mahanarayan oil. The ethanolic extract has been shown to have a high extract yield in literature.
- Sachan, Anupam & Rao, Ch & Sachan, Nikhil & Kumar, Vineet. (2017). PHYTO CHEMICAL PROFILING OF PLUCHEA LANCEOLATA WILD FROM CHAMBAL VALLEY, INDIA. International Journal of Development Research. 7. 12960- 12964. Pluchea lanceolata commonly known as ‘Rasna’, belonging to the genus Pluchea of the family Asteraceae, is an important xerophytic medicinal herb. The whole plant has been used traditionally as astringent, antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, hepato-protective, diaphoretic in fevers, smooth muscle relaxant, nerve tonics, laxatives, and for the treatment of dysentery, lumbago, leucorrhea, dysuria, hemorrhoids, gangrenous ulcer and disorders causing cachexia. Considering the bioprospecting interests the present investigation was to conduct phytochemical profiling of Pluchea lanceolata whole plant to assess its phototherapeutic potential. The study envisaged multiple extraction by successive solvent extraction for in-depth phytochemical investigation of the plant. Fluorescence analysis of different successive extracts and powdered crude drugs were observed under UV and ordinary light, which signifies its characteristic feature. The qualitative chemical tests for different extracts depicted the presence of alkaloids, carbohydrates and glycosides, flavonoids, tannins, phenolic compounds, fixed oils and fats, protein and amino acids, steroids, and terpenoids. , Anupam Kr Sachan et al.
- Sirichaiwetchakoon, Kittipot & Churproong, Seekaow & Kupittayanant, Pakanit & Eumkeb, Griangsak. (2021). The Effect of Pluchea indica (L.) Less. Tea on Blood Glucose and Lipid Profile in People with Prediabetes: A Randomized Clinical Trial. The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine. 27. 10. 1089/ACM. 2020. 0246. Diabetes mellitus and dyslipidemia are currently increasing dramatically, and conventional medicine in the treatment of them has limited efficacies and serious adverse effects. Pluchea indica (L.) Less. Tea (PIT) is widely consumed as a health-promoting drink in Southeast Asia. This study aimed to investigate whether P. indica tea has antidyslipidemic and antihyperglycemic effects and toxicity in humans. Design: A randomized clinical trial. Setting/Location: Nakhonratchasima, Thailand. Participants: Forty-five participants with prediabetes. Interventions: Participants were randomized to receive placebo tea, 1.5 g of PIT, and 1.5 g of Camellia sinensis tea (green tea, CST) once daily for 12 weeks. Outcome Measurements: The oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT), total cholesterol, triglyceride (TG), low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL- C), high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL- C), blood urea nitrogen (BUN), creatinine, alanine transaminase (ALT), alkaline phosphatase (ALP), and complete blood count (CBC) before and after treatment were investigated. Results: The results showed that PIT significantly ameliorated hyperglycemia and significantly lower serum TG (109.22 ± 5.21 mg/ dL) and LDL- C (122.20 ± 3.67 mg/ dL) than placebo (145.56 ± 8.18 and 142.07 ± 8.58 mg/ dL, respectively) (p < 0.05). Moreover, PIT exhibited serum TG (109.22 ± 5.21 mg/ dL) significantly lower than CST (124.38 ± 4.70 mg/ dL) (p < 0.05). In addition, the serum HDL-C of PIT (57.56 ± 3.05 mg/ dL) was significantly higher than the placebo (46.44 ± 2.47 mg/ dL) (p < 0.05). Furthermore, the toxicity testing showed no significant difference in BUN, creatinine, ALT, ALP, and CBC of PIT- the treated group compared with the placebo (p > 0.05). Conclusions: These results suggest that PIT may ameliorate hyperglycemia and dyslipidemia in prediabetes people. It may not be toxic to the kidney, liver, and blood. So, PIT has the potential to develop a health-promoting tea or herbal medicine for hyperglycemia and dyslipidemia prevention.
- Abbas, Jamilah & Minarti, Minarti & Sundowo, Andini. (2023). In vitro antioxidant and antidiabetic activity and chemical constituent of the Pluchea indica Less. AIP Conference Proceedings. 060012. 10. 1063/ 5. 0173453.
- El-Toumy, Sayed & Ahmed, Sayed & Kamel, Emadeldin. (2014). Phenolic constituents, hepatoprotective and cytotoxic activities of Pluchea dioscoridis. International Journal of Applied Research in Natural Products. 7. 1-10. The hepatoprotective effect of aqueous ethanol extract of Pluchea discords aerial parts was investigated against carbon tetrachloride-induced acute hepatotoxicity in rats. The hepatoprotective activity of P. discords was evaluated by measuring levels of serum marker enzyme activities: aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alanine transaminase (ALT), alkaline phosphatase (ALP) and gamma-glutamyl (γ- GT). Histological studies were also carried out to support the above parameters. Administration of P. dioscoridis (100 mg/ kg) markedly prevented CCl4–induced elevation of serum AST, ALT, ALP, and γ- GT activities. A phytochemical study of P. dioscoridis resulted in the isolation of Kaempferol 3- O- α- L- rhamnopyranosyl- (1→ 6)- β- D- glucopyranoside (1), Quercetin 3- O- α- Lrhamnopyranosyl- (1→6)- β- D- glucopyranoside (Rutin) (2), 5, 7, 4ʼ- trihydroxy 8- C-glucopyranoside (vitexin) (3), 5, 7, 4ʼ- trihydroxy 6- Cglucopyranoside (isovitexin) (4), Quercetin- 3- O- α- L- rhamnopyranoside (5), Kaempferol 3- O- β- D- glucopyranosyl (6), Quercetin 3- O- β- Dglucopyranosyl (7), Kaempferol (8) and Quercetin (9). The structures of the isolated compounds were elucidated by chromatography, UV, and 1D/ 2D 1H/ 13C NMR spectroscopy. The hepatoprotective effect of P. discords is probably due to the combined action of flavonoids. The cytotoxicity of the aqueous ethanol extract was tested against five human tumor cell lines namely, HCT- 116, MCF- 7, HepG- 2, HeLa, and Hep- 2. The extract showed the highest activity against human epidermoid larynx carcinoma cells (HEp2 cell line) with IC50 of 10.2 μg/ ml. Industrial Relevance. Natural products of plant origin are important sources for the discovery of new drugs. The outcome of our study depicts the potential of the aqueous ethanolic extract of P. Dioscorides as an anticancer and hepatoprotective agent. The obtained data suggests that P. Dioscorides extract showed a potent cell growth inhibition activity on all tested cancer cell lines, in a dose-dependent manner and a hepatoprotective activity.
- To evaluate the antimalarial and safety profile of Pluchea lanceolata: an in-vitro, in-vivo for its ethnic-pharmacological validation. Hexane extract and TxAc showed promising antimalarial activity in vitro and in-vivo condition. TxAc is attributed to inhibition of the pro-inflam-matory cytokines as well as offroad to a significant increase in the blood glucose and hemoglobin level when compared with vehicle-treated infected mice. Mohanty S, Srivastaa P, Maurya AK, Cheema HS, Shanker K, Dhawan S, Darokar MP, Bawankule DU. Antimalarial and safety evaluation of Pluchea lanceolata (DC.) Oliv. & Hiern: In-vitro and in-vivo study. J. Ethnophar- macola. 2013 Oct 7; 149 (3): 797- 802. doi: 10. 1016/ j. jep. 2013. 08. 003. Epub 2013 Aug 14.
- Ojha, Sanjeev Kumar & Mishra, Gaurav & Gupta, Sheelu & Venu, T & Roy, Gopal & Shukla, Swati. (2018). A review of the comparative pharmacognostic and phytochemical study of drugs mentioned as Rasna: (Pluchea lanceolata (DC.) Oliv. & Hiern verses Alpinia galanga (L.) Willd.).
- Srivastava, Pooja & Shanker, Karuna. (2012). Pluchea lanceolata (Rasana): Chemical and biological potential of Rasayana herb used in traditional systems of medicine. Fitoterapia. 83. 10. 1016/ j. fitote. 2012. 07. 008. Pluchea lanceolata (DC.) Oliv. & Hiern, (Family: Asteraceae) is a rapidly spreading perennial herb, considered valuable for the management of anti-inflammatory disease. Scientific reports dealing with phytochemical and pharmacological research and its tradition have been reviewed. Reports have also suggested that its prominent constituents viz. triterpenoids, sterols, flavonoids, and lactones originate from this plant and arbitrate their effects by modulating several therapeutic targets. Out of about 80 species of Pluchea, some of them are extinct and only 16 have traditional uses in several countries of Asia, the Middle East, and North American region. The present review covers the period 1935- 2011.
- Kumar, Sanjeev & Narula, Alka & Sharma, Maheshwar & Srivastava, P. (2004). In vitro propagation of Pluchea lanceolata, a medicinal plant, and effect of heavy metals and different aminopurines on quercetin content. Cell Dev Biol. 40. 171- 176. 10. 1079/ IVP- 2003490. An efficient regeneration protocol has been developed from leaf explants of Pluchea lanceolata, a medicinally important plant of the family Asteraceae. Nodular callus was initiated from young leaf segments cultured on Wood and Braun medium containing 2.0 % sucrose (WB) supplemented with kinetin. On WB+ 5.0 mg l−1 kinetic, 100 % plant regeneration with 14± 0.5 plantlets was obtained. Regenerated plantlets with well-developed root systems were transferred to pots and subsequently to the field. Concerning the effect of metals on morphogenic events and quercetin content of the cultures, lower concentrations of CuSO4 proved to be beneficial but higher concentrations were detrimental. The presence of 200 μM ZnSO4 or 150 μM CuSO4 also resulted in the highest level of quercetin in regenerants. The yield of quercetin in culture varied with stages of differentiation. To investigate the immunosuppressive potential of Pluchea lanceolate 50 % ethanolic extract (PL) and its bioactive chloroform fraction (PLC). Oral administration of PL at doses of 50 to 800 mg/ kg in mice, with sheep red blood cells (SRBC) as an antigen, inhibited both humoral and cell-mediated immune responses, as evidenced by the production of the circulating antibody titer and delayed-type hypersensitivity reaction results, respectively, and the immune suppression was statistically significant (P< 0.01) in Balb/ C mice. The findings reveal that P. Lanceolata causes immunosuppression by inhibiting Thi cytokines.
- Bhagwat DP, Kharya MD, Bani S, Kaul A, Kour K, Chauhan PS, Suri KA, Satti NK. Immunosuppressive properties of Pluchea lanceolate leaves. Indian J. Pharmacol. 2010 Feb; 42 (1): 21- 6. doi: 10. 4103/ 0253- 7613. 62405. Oral pre-treatment with Pluchea lanceolata extract at doses of 100 and 200 mg kg-1 for 7 consecutive days before CdC12 intoxication caused a significant reduction in malondialdehyde formation and xanthine oxidase activity (P< 0.001). A significant restoration of the activity of antioxidant defense system enzymes such as catalase, glutathione peroxidase (P< 0.05), glutathione-S-transferase, and glutathione reductase (P< 0.001) was observed. Jahangir T, Khan TH, Prasad L, Sultana S. Pluchea lanceolata attenuates cadmium chloride-induced oxidative stress and genotoxicity in Swiss albino mice. J. Pharm Pharmacol. 2005 Sep; 57 (9): 1199- 204.
- Kishore, Kamal & Ali, Mohd & Sharma, A. K. (2003). Anti-inflammatory activity of Ethanolic extract of Aerial parts of Pluchea lanceolata C.B.Clark. Biosciences: Advances, Impact and Relevance. 1. 193- 196.
- Uddin, Josim & Rahman, Md Masudur & Mamun, Abdullah & Sadik, Md. (2015). Vanda roxburghii: An experimental evaluation of antinociceptive properties of a traditional epiphytic medicinal orchid in animal models. BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine. 15. 305. 10. 1186/ s12906- 015- 0833- y. The ethnopharmacological approach has explored several leads from plant sources to identify potential new drugs for various diseases including pain. Vanda roxburghii R. Br., an epiphytic orchid is widely distributed throughout Bangladesh. The root of this plant has a folkloric reputation for treating inflammations, fever, dyspepsia, bronchitis, hiccoughs, piles, snake bites, and diseases of the nervous system. In this study, therefore, we aimed to investigate the antinociceptive and cytotoxic properties of the extracts from the root of V. roxburghii. Dried powder of aerial root of V. roxburghii was extracted with methanol (VRM) and the resultant was fractionated into petroleum ether (VRP), chloroform (VRC), ethyl acetate (VRE), and residual aqueous fraction (VRA). The antinociceptive effect of the extracts was evaluated in mice using acetic acid-induced writhing, formalin injection, and hot plate tests. The brine shrimp lethality bioassay in vitro was used to evaluate the cytotoxic activity of the plant extracts. In the acetic acid-induced writhing test, mice treated with different fractions (12.5, 25, and 50 mg/ kg, i.p.) exhibited a reduced number of writhing. Amongst, VRE showed the highest activity at all three concentrations (43.65, 71.34, and 80.23 %, respectively) in a dose-dependent manner. Secondly, VRC (12.5, 25, and 50 mg/ kg, i.p.) displayed the highest reduction of paw licking time in mice during the first phase of the formalin test (by 15.00, 37.05, and 56.44 %, respectively) as well as during the second phase of the test (by 20.55, 49.08, and 59.81 %, respectively). In the hot plate test, VRE treatment at doses of 25 and 50 mg/ kg both increased the highest latency time after 30 min. All fractions showed lower cytotoxicity compared with the standard drug vincristine sulfate in the brine shrimp bioassay. Overall studies suggest that the root of V. roxburghii is effective as a potent analgesic with lower toxicity. Our findings support previous claims of traditional uses of V. roxburghii in different inflammatory disorders.
- Mukhtar, Hayat & Kalsi, Vandna. (2017). Therapeutic Potential of Vanda roxburghii Roxb.: A Review. International Journal of Current Pharmaceutical Review and Research. 8. 10. 25258/Bijapur. v8i03. 9215.
- Khan, H., Belwal, T., Atanasov, A. G., & Devkota, H. P. (2019). Genus Vanda: A review on traditional uses, bioactive chemical constituents, and pharmacological activities. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 229, 46- 53. https:// doi. org/ 10. 1016/ j. jep. 2018. 09. 031
Recent Research on Alpinia calcarata
- Ferdous, Mahmuda & Basher, Mohammad & Khan, Ibrahim & Ahmed, Firoz & Shariful, Md & Sobuz, Islam & Shahid, Afm & Daula, Ud. (2024). Evaluation of phytochemicals, antioxidant and antibacterial potentials of Alpinia calcarata. Alpinia calcarata Roscoe (Zingiberaceae) has been widely used by Indigenous communities in Sri Lanka, India, and Bangladesh as a traditional remedy for indigestion, impurities of blood, and respiratory ailments. The present study was conducted to evaluate the phytochemicals, antioxidant, and antibacterial activities of methanolic extract of leaves of A. calcarata. The total phenolic content (TPC), total flavonoid content (TFC), and total flavonol content (TFlC) were determined using spectrophotometric methods. Phytochemical screening revealed the presence of alkaloids, steroids, and anthraquinones with considerable amounts of phenolic compounds. To evaluate the antioxidant activities of the plant extract, 1, 1- diphenyl- 2- picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) assay, reducing power activity (RPA) assay, and ferric-reducing antioxidant power (FRAP) assay were used. The leaf extract also exhibited remarkable antioxidant potential as compared to the reference standard-ascorbic acid (AA) and butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT). The disc-diffusion method was conducted to evaluate the antibacterial properties; the methanolic extract of leaves had no antibacterial (gram-positive and gram-negative) activity. The results suggest that leaf extract of A. calcarata could be a potential source of natural antioxidants for use in food, cosmetics, and pharmaceutical industries.
- Sudha, Charantharayil. (2012). Improved Clonal Propagation of Alpinia calcarata Rosc., a Commercially Important Medicinal Plant and Evaluation of Chemical Fidelity through Comparison of Volatile Compounds. American Journal of Plant Sciences. 03. 930- 940. 10. 4236/ ajps. 2012. 37110. An efficient and improved clonal propagation of Alpinia calcarata, a commercially important medicinal plant was established on Murashige and Skoog medium. The axillary shoot proliferation was achieved with a maximum of 5.2 ± 0.7 shoots in 92.8 % of rhizome explants in medium with 2.0 mg/ L 6- benzylamiopurine (BAP) and 0.2 mg/ L indole- 3- acetic acid (IAA). Axillary shoot buds (60 %) upon subculture for 8 weeks in the same medium produced multiple shoot initials (12.1 ± 0.4) mediated with meristemoids (4.0 ± 0.5) and callus. A gradual reduction in the concentration of BAP or elimination of IAA was required for rapid induction of normal plants devoid of callus from propagules during subsequent subculture. A single clump of 3- 4 multiple shoot initials during the second subculture on medium with 1.0 mg/ L BAP and 0.1 mg/ L IAA yielded an average of 21 shots which was best among different propagules tried. The shoot multiplication rate was further enhanced to 32 shoots when similar propagules passed to the third subculture on medium with 1.0 mg/ L BAP alone. Clumps of multiple shoot initials upon subculture on medium with 1.0 mg/ L BAP alone exhibited 10-fold multiplication rates. The use of liquid medium in culture bottles with polypropylene caps supported fast growth of the shoots and spontaneous root formation on 50 % of the shoots. Shoots were transferred to a half-strength MS liquid medium with 0.2 mg/ L of IAA and IBA was optimum for maximum roots (8.14 ± 1.34) in 100% shots. The rooted plants hardened in a mist chamber showed 95% survival and were well-established in the field. The acclimatized plants showed rhizome formation after 4- 6 weeks of growth under shade house. Volatile chemical profiles of the leaves, rhizomes, and roots of the in vitro and conventionally propagated plants analyzed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry were qualitatively and quantitatively similar. The analysis of growth characteristics of 36-month-old in vitro and conventionally propagated plants showed a 50 % increment of rhizome fresh biomass with prolific root and leaf growth in the former than the latter ones. The protocol described herein will have practical applications for the large-scale production of uniform efficient plants for commercial cultivation of A. calcarata.
- Khandel, Pramila & Shahi, Sushil & Kumar Soni, Deepak & Yadav, Ravi & Kanwar, Leeladhar. (2018). Alpinia calcarata: a potential source for the fabrication of bioactive silver nanoparticles. Nano Convergence. 5. 10. 1186/ s40580- 018- 0167- 9. In the present study silver nanoparticles were fabricated by using leaf extract of Alpinia calcarata. We have also studied the effect of various experimental parameters viz., metal ion concentration, pH, and incubation period on nanoparticle biosynthesis. Results of optimization showed that metal ion concentration of 1.5 mM, alkaline pH, and incubation period of 12 h were the optimum conditions for metal nanoparticle biosynthesis. Synthesized silver nanoparticles were characterized by UV– Visible spectroscopy, Dynamic light scattering (DLS), Zeta potential analysis, Fourier transforms infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), Inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectrometry (ICP- OES), Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and X-ray diffraction analysis (XRD). The UV– visible spectrum shows a sharp peak at 420 nm which was due to the surface plasmon resonance of the silver nanoparticles. The effect of several phytochemicals present in A. calcarata, on the synthesis of silver nanoparticles was studied by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. The results indicate that the flavonoids, phytosterol, quinones, and phenolic compounds present in the plant extract play a major role in the formation of silver nanoparticles in their respective ions in solution. Results of TEM and XRD analysis showed that synthesized silver nanoparticles were mostly spherical with an average diameter of 27.2± 0.2.5 nm and highly crystalline. Moreover, the synthesized silver nanoparticles were also evaluated for their potential antibacterial and antioxidant activities. It showed good antibacterial activity as well as antioxidant activity. Thus, the obtained result provides scientific support that leaf extract of A. calcarata can be used efficiently in the production of potential bioactive silver nanoparticles with several pharmaceutical applications.
- Prabhu, Purushoth & Selvakumari, E & Maheswaran, V. (2012). Pharmacognostical and Preliminary Phytochemical Standardisation of Rhizome Alpinia Calcarata Rosc. IJPI’s Journal of Pharmacognosy and Herbal Formulations ISSN 2229 – 6840. 2. 30- 34. Alpinia calcarata, Rosc (Zingiberaceae) is a rhizomatous perennial herb, which is known as Amkolinji in Tamil and is used against respiratory disorders, diuretics, expectorant, diabetes, and obesity in the Indian system of medicine. The plant rhizome has been reported to possess anti-inflammatory, antiulcer, and antispasmolytic activity. Earlier workers isolated diterpenoids and essential oil from the plant rhizome. The present study furnishes macroscopy, microscopy, powder microscopy, preliminary phytochemical Analysis, physico-chemical constants, and fluorescence analysis of plant rhizomes. The results will be helpful for the identification and standardization of the plant rhizome even in powder form.
- Melanathuru, Vijayalakshmi & Rengarajan, Sumathy & Thangavel, Nithyanandan. (2017). COMPARATIVE STUDY OF ANTIOXIDANT AND ANTICANCER ACTIVITY OF ALPINIA CALCARATA AND ALPINIA GALANGA. International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences. 9. 186. 10. 22159/ ijpps. 2017v9i12. 21599. Objective: The present study was to determine in vitro antioxidant and anticancer activity of Alpinia calcarata and Alpinia galanga. Methods: The phytochemical screening of rhizomes of aqueous extract of Alpinia calcarata and Alpinia galanga was performed using standard procedures. The total phenolic and flavonoid content was determined by Folin-Ciocalteau and Aluminium chloride reagents. The various antioxidant assays and cytotoxic assays (MTT) for Alpinia calcarata and Alpinia galanga were performed using standard methods (DPPH radical scavenging assay, Nitric oxide radical scavenging assay, reducing power assay, Phosphomolybdenum reduction assay) Results: The preliminary phytochemical screening of Alpinia calcarata and Alpinia galanga showed the presence of flavonoids, phenols, terpenoids, carbohydrates, and proteins. The phenolic content of aqueous extracts of rhizomes of Alpinia calcarata was 454.05 μg/ mg and Alpinia galanga was 480.13 μg/ mg and were expressed as gallic acid equivalent. The flavonoid content of aqueous extracts of rhizomes of Alpinia calcarata was 36.34 μg/ mg and Alpinia galanga was 67.68 μg/ mg and was expressed as quercetin equivalent. In the DPPH assay, Alpinia galanga showed 95.36 % whereas Alpinia calcarata showed 54.54 % at 120 μg/ ml. The maximum no radical scavenging activity was 59.44 % for Alpinia calcarata and 73.10 % for Alpinia galanga at 120 µg/ ml concentration. The maximum reducing property was found at 120 μg/ ml of aqueous extract of rhizomes of Alpinia galanga which was higher than the Alpinia calcarata. In the Phosphomolybdenum assay, the aqueous extracts of rhizomes of Alpinia calcarata and Alpinia galanga were 55.47 % and 78.38 % respectively. The results of the present investigation indicated that the rhizome of aqueous extract of Alpinia galanga showed the highest antioxidant activity in all the assays than Alpinia galanga. The cytotoxicity assay results indicated that the rhizome of the aqueous extract of Alpinia galanga showed 88.36 % cell viability whereas Alpinia calcarata showed 73.59 % cell viability. Conclusion: The results obtained in the present study indicate that the rhizome of Alpinia galanga is abundant in phenols and flavanoids which may be useful for the development of anticancer drugs.
- Arambewela, Lakshmi & Arawwawala, Menuka & Athauda, Nandakumara. (2010). Antioxidant and antifungal activities of essential oil of Alpinia calcarata Roscoe rhizomes. Journal of Ayurveda and integrative medicine. 1. 199- 202. 10. 4103/ 0975- 9476. 72621. Antioxidant and antifungal activity were determined for the essential oil of Alpinia calcarata Roscoe (Zingiberaceae) rhizomes. Its antioxidant properties were investigated by the 2, 2-diphenyl- 1- picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) free radical scavenging assay and thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) assay. Butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) and vitamin E served as positive controls. Antifungal activities were investigated against crop pathogens Curvularia spp. and Colletorichum spp. Using the agar plate method. Fifty percent effective concentration (EC (50)) and % antioxidant index of the essential oil were 45 ± 0.4 and 16.1 ± 0.2 for DPPH and TBARS assays, respectively. The degree of the essential oil’s inhibition of the growth of crop pathogens Curvularia spp. and Colletorichum spp. Varied with period its effects were higher than greater than for the positive control, diaconal. In conclusion, the essential oil of A. calcarata rhizomes possesses moderate antioxidant properties and promising antifungal activity.
- Jisha, Mullappally & Hukuman, N & Leena, P & Nair, Vinayan. (2021). Antioxidant, Antimicrobial, Anticorrosion, and Molecular docking studies on Alpinia calcarata Rosc., rhizome and leaf extracts. Journal of Materials and Environmental Science. 12. 244 – 270. Alpinia calcarata Rosc., belonging to Zingiberaceae has been investigated by GC- MS analysis for phytocomponents. The highest total phenolic content (TPC) was found in the acetone extract and the highest total flavonoid content (TFC)was in the methanol extract of leaves. Acetone extract of leaves and rhizome exhibited high DPPH radical scavenging activity and leaf extracts are more active than rhizome based on IC50. Experimental studies on antioxidant activity were supported by theoretical studies of selected components of the plant. The plant extract has been investigated as a corrosion inhibitor for mild steel in 1M HCl. Corrosion rates were studied at 303K, 313K, and 323 K by weight loss method at varying inhibitor concentrations. It shows maximum inhibition efficiency of 90.1 % for leaves and 92 % for rhizome at 300 ppm inhibitor concentration. SEM, FT-IR, and adsorption studies supported the inhibitory mechanism and surface morphology study. Antimicrobial (Well diffusion method) and molecular docking studies helped to reveal the inhibitory potential of phytocomponents.
- Ali, Nasir & Kumar, Sunil & Singh, Gyan. (2023). A pharmacological evaluation for the ethanolic extract of Alpinia Calcarata rhizome for its anti-asthmatic, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory activities. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research and Development. 5. 19- 22. 10. 33545/ 26646862. 2023. v5. i1a. 31.
- Islam, Majidul & Yesmin, Rumana & Ali, Hanif & Karmakar, Polash & Ayshasiddeka, Mosa & Islam, Farjana & Habib, Md & Yeasmin, Tanzima. (2017). Antioxidant activity of ethanolic extract of Alpinia calcarata Rosc. Rhizome. 6. 469- 474. Alpinia calcarata belonging to the family of Zingiberaceae is commonly found in Bangladesh and has been conventionally used in medicine systems for the prevention of many diseased conditions. The present study was conducted to explore the antioxidant activity of ethanolic extract of Alpinia calcarata rhizome (EEACR). EEACR was studied for the quantitative estimation of phenolic, flavonoid, proanthocyanidin, and flavonol compounds. Antioxidant activity was evaluated by using several in vitro standard methods. EEACR was subjected to GC- MS analysis to identify its phytoconstituents. EEACR contained a good amount of phenol, flavonoids, proanthocyanidin, and flavanols. The IC50 values of the ethanol extract in the DPPH, ABTS, nitric oxide, lipid peroxidation inhibition, and ferrous chelating assay were 6.044, 5.266, 25.13, 21.88, and 63.33µg/ml, respectively. EEACR also showed remarkable ferric reduction and total antioxidant capacity. The total phenolic and flavonoid contents of EEACR were positively correlated (p< 0.05) with DPPH, ABTS, nitric oxide, lipid peroxidation inhibition, and ferrous chelating assay. In addition, the active compound present in the ethanol extract was identified as α- asarone by GC- MS analysis. In summary, our results suggest that the ethanol extract of Alpinia calcarata rhizome possesses a wide range of pharmacologically important phytochemicals that exhibit strong antioxidant activity.
- Chowdhury, Md. Read & Binte Hanif, Nujhat & Chowdhury, Kamrul & Islam, Nadia. (2019). MOLECULAR DOCKING, PASS PREDICTION, AND ADME/T ANALYSIS OF SOME SELECTED ISOLATED COMPOUNDS FROM ALPINIA CALCARATA FOR ANALGESIC ACTIVITY. World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research. 8. 50- 60. 10. 20959/ wjpps- 20197- 15324. Alpinia calcarata (Family- Zingiberaceae) is a medicinal plant that grows in different parts of Bangladesh. It is commonly used in traditional medicinal systems to treat cough, respiratory ailments, bronchitis, asthma, arthritis, and diabetes. Our study aimed to carry out molecular docking to investigate potential binding affinities of phytoconstituents from Alpinia calcarata namely 1,8-Cineole, Alpha Fenchyl Acetate, Calcaratarin-D, Herniarin, Methyl Cinnamate, Quercetin, Shyobunone and Syringic Acid towards COX- 1 and COX- 2 for analgesic activity. Server-based in silico pass prediction of the compounds was performed. Selected phytochemicals were also analyzed for ADME/ T properties using the QikProp Module. Among a wide range of docking scores, quercetin and calcaratarin-D showed the best score against both cyclooxygenase enzymes which are -8.047 and -8.28 respectively. So, quercetin and calcaratarin- D are the best compounds for COX- 1 and COX- 2 as they possess the highest docking scores. Pass prediction for the analgesic activity of the selected constituents showed greater P a than P I for analgesic activity. Also, the results from ADME/T properties ensured the compounds were safe for humans.
- Shanmugam, Thenmozhi & Sureshkumar, Shanmugam & Rajesh, Venugopalan. (2011). Evaluation of the analgesic and anti-inflammatory activity of Alpinia speciosa K. Schum rhizomes. Journal of Pharmacy Research. 4. 728. Chandrakanthan, Madhuvanthi & Handunnetti, Shiroma & Premakumara, GAS & Chelvendran, Selvaluxmy. (2021). Alpinia- Alpinia calcarata Rosc. rhizome extracts A prospective inhibitor of inflammatory mediators- 2015.
- Prabhu, Purushoth & Selvakumari, E & Maheshwaran, V & Shantha, A. (2012). ANTIMICROBIAL ACTIVITY OF RHIZOME EXTRACTS OF ALPINIA CALCARATA ROSC. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INSTITUTIONAL PHARMACY AND LIFE SCIENCES (ISSN): 2249- 6807. 2. 117- 119. The rhizome extracts of Alpinia calcarata Rosc were tested for their in vitro antibacterial and antifungal activity by disc diffusion method and agar plate method respectively. The zone of inhibition of the test extracts was compared with ciprofloxacin (5µg). The ethanolic extract showed the highest inhibitory activity at the concentration of 100 µg/ ml against bacterial organisms and 120 µg/ ml against fungal organisms. The ethanolic extract was found to have potent antibacterial and antifungal activity compared to other extracts, but less than that of the standard drug ciprofloxacin.
- Bagya, S & Murugesan, Aswini. (2024). A Comparative Study on Antimicrobial, Anticancer Effect of Phyto Lipids and miRNA Extracted from Alpinia calcarata. Indian Journal of Natural Products. 15. 393- 402. Cancer is a hereditary disease characterized by anomalies in the structure and expression of coding genes as well as non-coding DNA. miRNA regulates the transcription of many genes and modifies various points in disease pathways. Through examining variations in miRNA expression, research on miRNA and the genes they regulate that are linked to carcinogenesis highlights our understanding of the mRNA regulation mechanism. In the present study, miRNA was isolated to analyze their antimicrobial and anticancer activity. The effect of bioactive substances-Phyto lipids, from the Alpinia calcarata rhizomes was studied. Rhizomes of Alpinia calcarata exhibit antibacterial activity against Streptococcus pneumoniae, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and E. coli, with an inhibition zone of 0.15 cm, 0.18 cm, 0.22 cm, 0.27 cm, and 0.31 cm for 10 µl, 15 µl, 20 µl, 25 µl, and 30 µl of lipid extract. These values indicate the plant’s potential as an antimicrobial agent. The minimal inhibitory concentration was 10 µl of lipid extract for E. Coli and Bacillus subtilis, Staphylococcus aureus 15 µl, and 20 µl for Streptococcus pneumonia. The anticancer properties of miRNA isolated from the plant rhizome were analyzed in the MCF-7 breast cell line. The results showed that miRNA had a low effect on cell death, whereas miRNA and lipid produced increased cell death (IC50 values of 43.05 and 47.89, respectively). Preliminary phytochemical analysis by chemical method and analyzed components of the lipid extracts dissolved in chloroform: methanol characterized by FTIR ABSTRACT RESEARCH ARTICLE Indian Journal of Natural Sciences Vol.15 / Issue 85 / Aug / 2024.
- Rahman, Md. Atiar. (2015). Alpinia calcarata Roscoe: A potential phytopharmacological source of natural medicine. Pharmacognosy Reviews. 9. 10. 4103/ 0973- 7847. 156350. Alpinia calcarata Roscoe (Family: Zingiberaceae), is a rhizomatous perennial herb, which is commonly used in the traditional medicinal systems in Sri Lanka. Alpinia calcarata is cultivated in tropical countries, including Sri Lanka, India, and Malaysia. Experimentally, rhizomes of Alpinia calcarata are shown to possess antibacterial, antifungal, anthelmintic, antinociceptive, anti‑inflammatory, antioxidant, aphrodisiac, gastroprotective, and antidiabetic activities. Phytochemical screening revealed the presence of polyphenols, tannins, flavonoids, steroid glycosides, and alkaloids in the extract and essential oil of this plant. Essential oil and extracts from this plant have been found to possess a wide range of pharmacological and biological activities. This article provides a comprehensive review of its ethnomedical uses, chemical constituents, and pharmacological profile as a medicinal plant. Particular attention has been given to the pharmacological effects of the essential oil of Alpinia calcarata in this review so that the potential use of this plant either in pharmaceutics or as an agricultural resource can be evaluated.
- Suciati, Anugerah & Maryati, Maryati. (2022). Systematic Review: Anticancer Potential of Active Compounds from Galangal (Alpinia galanga). 10. 2991/ 978- 94- 6463- 050- 3. 23.
- Hettihewa, Menik & K, kithmini & S, Chandana & De Silva, P. Mangala. (2022). A Laboratory Based Pilot Study on Anti- Cancer Property of Alpinia calcarata (S. Araththa) And Solanum surattense (S. Ela Batu) In Immunosuppressed Mice, Rats and Human Cell Lines. The present study was undertaken to validate the anti-cancer properties of Alpinia calcarata and Solanum surattense in immunosuppressed mice, rats, and human cell lines. A rat xenograft model of HeLa cells (human) was established. Rats were orally fed with both plant extracts at doses of 50 mg/ kg and 100 mg/ kg for three weeks as generally described in the literature. On the 21st day, two hours after treatment Cyclophosphamide was orally given at a dose of 50 mg/ kg to all rats. The right armpit of immunosuppressed rats was subcutaneously inoculated with 0.2 ml HeLa single-cell suspension. The growth of xenograft tumors was observed every day. After 20 days, the maximum width, length & weight of each tumor were measured. Tumor volume and tumor inhibition rate were calculated. Statistically significant low tumor mass [(2.73 ± 0.19) and (1.76 ± 0.15)] and tumor volume [(499.16 ±184.77) and (177.33 ±48.28)] were observed in A. calcarata treated rats, indicating its potential to suppress tumor growth. When comparing mean values of the size of armpit tumors among all treatment groups, higher mean values [(3.55 ± 0.36) and (3.42 ± 0.34)] can be identified in the groups in which rats were treated with S. surattense extracts. According to the results A. calcarata extractions might be useful in cancer treatments. According to statistical analysis between treatment groups for size of tumors, it was evident that A. calcarata treated groups might slow down tumor growth significantly (P<0.05). Therefore, a dose of plant extraction of A. calcarata may have a significant influence on the size of the armpit tumor. However, there was no significant difference (P> 0.05) in tumor growth in rats treated with S. surattense. According to the results of this study A. calcarata extractions might be useful in cancer treatments.
- Ferdous, Mahmuda & Shahid, Faisal & Shahnaz, Naznin & Farjana, Yeasmin & and, Mohammad. (2020). Analgesic, anxiolytic, and sedative-like activities of leaves of Alpinia calcarata Roscoe in mice. Journal of Medicinal Plants Research. 14. 155- 163. 10. 5897/ JMPR- 2020. 6913.
- Bhatt, Gunjan & Kholiya, Sushma & Tiwari, Ameeta & Verma, Sajendra & Verma, Ram & Darokar, Mahendra & Padalia, Rajendra. (2021). Chemical and Antibacterial Activity Evaluation of Alpinia calcarata and Alpinia zerumbet Grown in Foothills Agroclimatic Conditions of Northern India. The Open Bioactive Compounds Journal. 9. 15- 19. 10. 2174/ 187484- 73021- 09010015. The member of the genus Alpinia (family: Zingiberaceae) is used in traditional medicine for various formulations of food, spices, medicines, and perfume. The present study was carried out to analyze the compositional variability in leaf and rhizome essential oils of Alpinia calcarata Roscoe and Alpinia zerumbet (Pers.) B.L. Burtt & R.M. Sm. and to evaluate their antimicrobial activity against eight pathogenic bacteria strains. The essential oils were extracted by hydrodistillation and analyzed by GC and GC-MS and the antibacterial activity was evaluated by filter paper disc diffusion and micro dilution broth assay. A total of 31 compounds were identified, forming 89.26- 94.32 % composition of A. calcarata and A. zerumbet. The leaf and rhizome oil of A. calcarata and A. zerumbet were mainly characterized by 1, 8- cineole (15.61- 43.63 %), β-pinene (5.02- 23.52 %), terpinen- 4- ol (1.00- 20.87 %), camphor (1.94- 11.60 %), and (Z)- β- ocimene (0.16- 11.86 %). endo-Fenchyl acetate (13.12- 24.39 %) was identified as a marker constituent of rhizome essential oil of both A. calcarata and A. zerumbet. The antibacterial assay showed that the leaf oil of A. calcarata has good activity against S. mutans, whereas its rhizome oil possesses good activity against K. pneumoniae, E. coli, S. aureus, and S. epidermidis. However, the rhizome oil of A. zerumbet showed activity against S. mutans and B. subtills. aureus- 2940 and S. epidermidis. The essential oils of A. calcarata and A. zerumbet with aroma chemicals viz. 1, 8- cineole, ocimene, terpinene- 4- ol, α- pinene, β- pinenes and ethyl acetate and significant antibacterial activities could be used for perfumery and fragrance related formulation.
- George, Jency. (2014). Analysis Of Phytochemical Constituents and Antimicrobial Activities Of Alpinia calcarata Against Clinical Pathogens. International Journal of Pharma Sciences and Research. To study the antimicrobial activity and phytochemical characterization of essential oil isolated from the rhizome of Alpinia calcarata against pathogenic bacteria and fungi. Fresh rhizomes of Alpinia calcarata were subjected to a hydro distillation process to obtain essential oil and characterized by Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectroscopy (GC-MS). The essential oil was evaluated for antibacterial and antifungal activity against ten pathogenic bacteria and seven fungi by the disc diffusion method. GC – MS analysis of the essential oil extracted from the rhizome of Alpinia calcarata contained the derivatives of 2-octanone, camphene, 1,8-cineole, α ethyl acetate, 2 hexanone, 4 methyl- 2- hexanone and other minor compounds. The antimicrobial activity of the oil showed significant inhibitory activity against the human pathogenic bacteria, no activity was observed against the fungi Aspergillus aculeatus and Fusarium oxysporum. The findings of the present study indicate that the rhizome extract of Alpinia calcarata possesses secondary metabolites and the potential to develop antimicrobial drugs.
- Khumlianlal, Joshua. (2015). Antibacterial activity of Alpinia calcarata, Bauhinia tomentosa and Curcuma zedoaria.
- Srividya, ammayappan rajam & Dhanabal, S.P. & Misra, V & Suja, G. (2010). Antioxidant and Antimicrobial Activity of Alpinia officinarum. Indian journal of pharmaceutical sciences. 72. 145- 8. 10. 4103/ 0250-474X. 62233. Alpinia officinarum is a rhizome belonging to the family Zingeberaeceae. Hydroalcoholic extract by hot and cold maceration and methanol extract by percolation process Qualitative phytochemical analysis of an extract of Alpinia officinarum rhizome showed a majority of the compound including tannins, alkaloids, flavonoids, and saponins. Hydroalcoholic extract prepared by hot maceration process was found to contain more phenol and flavonol and it was measured as 50.1 mg/ g and 54.02 mg/ g, respectively. All three extracts showed moderate to potent antimicrobial activity against the Bacillus cereus, Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Escherichia coli. None of the extracts showed antifungal activity against Aspergillus niger and Candida albicans. All three extracts showed a concentration-dependent radical scavenging activity by inhibiting diphenyl- picryl- hydrazyl free radical at the same time hydroalcoholic extract prepared by hot maceration process showed better reducing and total antioxidant activity.
- Pratheema, P. & Gurupriya, S & Ramesh, J & Cathrine, L. (2018). Anti-inflammatory and Anti-Bacterial Activity of Titanium Nanoparticles Synthesized from Rhizomes of Alpinia Calcarata. 6. 2472-2477. The present study was aimed at the anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial activities of titanium nanoparticles synthesized from Alpinia calcarata rhizomes of methanolic extract. Titanium nanoparticles exhibit brown color in an aqueous solution due to the excitation of surface plasmon vibrations in Titanium nanoparticles. The appearance of a creamy color in the reaction vessels suggests the formation of Titanium nanoparticles. UV-visible and FTIR spectroscopy further confirmed the structural characterization and functional group identification of titanium nanoparticles. The SEM analysis showed the particle size of 60- 130 nm as well as the spherical structure of the nanoparticles. Titanium nanoparticles are useful for the development of newer and more potent antibacterial agents. The synthesized nanoparticle further confirmed its anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial activities. All the above data represented in the study contribute to a novel and unexplored area of nanomaterials as medicine.
- Raj, Navin & Nadeem, Sayyed & Jain, Samir & Raj, Chanchal & Chouhan, K. & Nandi, Prithwish. (2011). Ameliorative effects of Alpinia calcarata in alloxan-induced diabetic rats. Digest Journal of Nanomaterials and Biostructures. 6. Rhizomes of Alpinia calcarata Roscoe (Zingiberaceae) possess several bio-activities and are used in traditional medicine of India (kulanjan) and Sri Lanka. However, the effect of Alpinia calcarata on diabetic activity has not been investigated so far. The aim of this study, therefore, was to examine the ameliorative effects of ethanolic extract Alpinia calcarata rhizomes (ACRE) in alloxan-induced diabetic rats’ models. The ethanolic extracts of Alpinia calcarata rhizomes (ACRE) significantly reduced the body weight gain, blood glucose level, plasma total cholesterol (TC), and triglyceride (TG) levels when given orally at a dose of 100, 200, and 300 mg/ kg/ day to the alloxan-induced diabetic rats for 21 days. In this study, the effects of Alpinia calcarata on the diabetes of alloxan-induced diabetic rats and possible transcriptional impact are investigated.
- Devi, Naorem & Sankaranarayanan, Dr Nagarajan & B, Singh & Khan, Mohammad & Khan, Anish & Khan, Nisha & Mahmoud, Mohamed Hesham & Fouad, Hassan & Ansari, AbuZar. (2023). Antioxidant, Diabetic and Inflammatory Activities of Alpinia calcarata Roscoe Extract. Chemistry & Biodiversity. 21. 10. 1002/ cbdv. 202300970. Alpinia calcarata (AC) Roscoe of Zingiberaceae popularly known as lesser galangal has a widespread occurrence in China, India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Malaysia, Indonesia, and Thailand. Essential oil (Eoil) was obtained from leaves/rhizomes of AC via a hydro-distillation process. To identify chemical ingredients in oil from leaves/rhizomes of AC through GC/ MS technique for volatile components and their antioxidant, inflammatory/diabetic activities. The 38 and 65 components were found to make up 99.9 and 99.6 %, respectively, of the Eoil composition of AC leaves/ rhizomes. Key chemical constituents were eucalyptol (28.7 % in leaves; 25.4 % in rhizomes), camphor (12.8 % in leaves; 4.2 % in rhizomes), and carotol (9.8 % in leaves; 5.6 % in rhizomes) found in oil of AC leaves/ rhizomes. Colorimetric assay showed antioxidant activities in leaves and rhizomes are IC50 = 71.01± 0.71 μg/ mL and IC50 =73.83± 0.49 μg/ mL, respectively in the Eoils. Eoils had high antioxidant capabilities in IC50 -values of AC- L- Eoil= 43.09± 0.82& AC- Rh- Eoil= 68.11± 0.87 in reducing power in μg/ mL was found. The albumin test of rhizome oil had IC50 -values of 15.19± 0.25 μg/ mL. Concentrations range from 7.81 μg/ mL and 250 μg/ mL in the Eoils of AC leaves and rhizome, respectively by α- α-glucosidase inhibition assay. Our findings demonstrated that leaf oil had slightly more promising results than rhizome oil of AC extract, which ultimately showed the medicinal potential of secondary metabolites with antioxidant, and diabetic/ inflammatory activities. Further, Eoils of AC have a wide range of pharmacological potential and promising anti-diabetic effects.
- Park, Su-Jin & Shin, Kyung-Ok. (2024). Anti-Diabetic and Lipid-Improving Effects of Alpinia galanga Extract and Caffeine in Rats Fed a High-Fat Diet. Journal of the East Asian Society of Dietary Life. 34. 108- 119. 10. 17495/easel. 2024. 4. 34. 2. 108.
- Verma RK, Mishra G, Singh P, Jha KK, Khosa RL. Anti-diabetic activity of methanolic extract of Alpinia galanga Linn. aerial parts in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats. Ayu. 2015 Jan- Mar; 36 (1): 91- 5. Doi: 10. 4103/ 0974- 8520.169006. PMID: 26730146; PMCID: PMC- 4687247.
- M.G, Hariprasad & Dhavale, Apurwa & Redhwan, Ali. (2023). Protective effects of Ethanolic extract of Alpinia calcarata Roscoe rhizome on streptozotocin-induced diabetic peripheral neuropathy in rats Protective effects of Ethanolic extract of Alpinia calcarata Roscoe rhizome on streptozotocin-induced diabetic peripheral neuropathy in rats. 1365- 1384.
- Wanniarachchi, Binuki & Chathuranga, Uvini & Pasquel Handi, Uddala & Jayawardena, Bimali. (2023). Synthesis and Characterization of Alpinia calcarata Loaded Nanoparticles to Control Hyperglycemia. American Journal of Chemistry and Pharmacy. 2. 21- 31. 10. 54536/ ajcp. v2i1.1293. Bovine Serum Albumin (BSA) nanoparticles loaded with the bioactive compounds of A. calcarata, which is known to exert its antidiabetic activity through the inhibition of pancreatic enzymes, are a good form of an antidiabetic nutraceutical as they have reduced side effects, protection of active compounds from environmental agents, specific delivery to target sites and prolonged shelf-life. The objective of the present study was to synthesize and characterize A. calcarata-loaded nanoparticles (ALNP) to be used as a powder-form nutraceutical with higher antidiabetic activity. In this study, an aqueous A. calcarata extract (4.00 mL) was added to BSA (20 mg/ mL, 4.00 mL, pH 9) in the presence of citric acid as the cross-linking agent. The ALNP gave an IC50 value of 147 µg/ mL, a glucose (5 mM) uptake percentage of 73.09 % at a 0.5 mg/ mL concentration, a solubility value of 64 %, A. calcarata loading percentage of 6.66 % and A. calcarata entrapment efficiency of 87.71 %. They had a spherical morphology and uniform size with a particle size of 1030.70 nm, PDI of 0.199, and a zeta potential of 2.57 mV. The UV-visible absorbance spectra and FT-IR spectra showed that citric acid had caused conformational changes in the protein structure of BSA and that the active compounds were successfully loaded into the synthesized nanoparticles which interacted with the protein matrix via covalent bonds. Therefore, it can be concluded that the synthesized nanoparticles have an antidiabetic effect and the antidiabetic activity of bioactive compounds of the aqueous A. calcarata extract become enhanced when loaded onto the nanocarriers.
- Ferdous, Mahmuda & Basher, Mohammad & Khan, Ibrahim & Ahmed, Firoz & Sobuz, Md & Daula, AFM. (2018). Evaluation of Phytochemicals, antioxidant and antibacterial potentials of Alpinia calcarata. Journal of Medicinal Plants Studies. 6. Alpinia calcarata Roscoe (Zingiberaceae) has been widely used by Indigenous communities in Sri Lanka, India, and Bangladesh as a traditional remedy for indigestion, impurities of blood, and respiratory ailments. The present study was conducted to evaluate the phytochemicals, antioxidant, and antibacterial activities of methanolic extract of leaves of A. calcarata. The total phenolic content (TPC), total flavonoid content (TFC), and total flavonol content (TFlC) were determined using spectrophotometric methods. Phytochemical screening revealed the presence of alkaloids, steroids, and anthraquinones with considerable amounts of phenolic compounds. To evaluate the antioxidant activities of the plant extract, 1,1- diphenyl- 2- picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) assay, reducing power activity (RPA) assay, and ferric-reducing antioxidant power (FRAP) assay were used. The leaf extract also exhibited remarkable antioxidant potentials as compared to the reference standard- ascorbic acid (AA) and butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT). The disc-diffusion method was conducted to evaluate the antibacterial properties; methanolic extract of leaves had no antibacterial (gram-positive and gram-negative) activity. The results suggest that leaf extract of A. calcarata could be a potential source of natural antioxidants for use in food, cosmetics, and pharmaceutical industries.
- Perveen, Rasheda & Ali, Md Hanif & Yeasmin, Tanzima. (2016). Antimicrobial and insecticidal activities of Alpinia calcarata rhizome. 1. 2455- 4685. To explore antimicrobial and insecticidal effects of ethanolic extract of Alpinia calcarata rhizome and its different fractions. Antibacterial activity test was carried out by disc diffusion method against six different pathogenic bacteria whereas insecticidal activity was evaluated by surface film activity test against Tribolium castaneum (Herbst) insect. At a concentration of 800 µg/ disc, the zones of inhibition produced by the crude ethanol extract and its petroleum ether and residual fractions ranged from 6-13 mm, whereas the water fraction showed no antibacterial activity. The crude ethanol extract and water-soluble fraction showed prominent insecticidal activity against Tribolium castaneum adults after 48 h of exposure with LD50 values of 0.709 and 0.633 mg/cm, respectively. The residual and petroleum ether fraction did not exhibit any toxicity to Tribolium castaneum. It can be concluded that the ethanol extract of Alpinia calcarata is a potent resource for developing antimicrobial and insecticidal drugs.
- Prabhu, Purushoth & Selvakumari, S & Maheswaran, V & Suriyapadminimoka, & Ragadeepthi, S & Alapatti, Siva. (2012). PHYTOCHEMICAL AND ANTIOXIDANT ACTIVITY OF ETHANOLIC EXTRACT OF ALPINIA CALCARATA, ROSC. Fons journal of pharmacy research ISSN 2278 – 2818. Natural products of plant origin have played a vital role in the development of new therapeutic agents. The ethanolic extract of the plant Alpinia calcarata, Rosc., (Zingiberaceae) was found to have Anti-oxidant activity. About 12 species of alpinia are found in India. The plant rhizome was used in stomachic, aphrodisiac, tonic, diuretic, expectorant, and useful in headache, lumbago, rheumatic pains, sore throat, sore eructations, stuttering, and diseases of the kidney. Treatment of Male adult albino rats weighing (150- 200 g) with the extract possesses strong antioxidant activity, evidenced by the free radical scavenging property. Further isolation of the bioactive constituent in the plant extract would certainly help to ascertain its potency against various ailments that are induced by oxidative stress. Ethanolic extract of Alpinia calcarata also exhibits significant activity in quenching 1, 1- diphenyl- 2- picryl hydrazyl (DPPH) radicals, thereby indicating its potent anti-oxidant effects.
- Arambewela, Lakshmi & Arawwawala, Menuka & Ratnasooriya, Wanigasekara. (2005). Antinociceptive activities of aqueous and ethanolic extracts of Alpinia calcarata rhizomes in rats. Journal of Ethnopharmacology. 95. 311- 6. 10. 1016/ j. jep. 2004. 07. 015. Rhizomes of Alpinia calcarata Roscoe (Zingiberaceae) possess several bioactivities and are used in the traditional medicine of Sri Lanka. However, their antinociceptive activity has not been investigated so far. The aim of this study, therefore, was to examine the antinociceptive activity of hot water extract (HWE) and hot ethanol extract (HEE) of Alpinia calcarata rhizomes using rats and three models of nociception (tail flick, hot plate, and formalin tests). Different concentrations of HWE (100, 250, 500, 750, 1000 mg/ kg) and HEE (100, 250, 500, 750, 1000 mg/ kg) were made and orally administered to rats, and the reaction times were determined. The results showed that the extracts have marked dose-dependent antinociceptive activity when evaluated in the hot plate and the formalin tests but not in the tail flick test. The antinociceptive effect was slightly higher in HEE than that of HWE. The antinociceptive effect was mediated via opioid mechanisms.
- v nampoothiri, Suresh & Menon, A. & Esakkidurai, T. & Pitchumani, Kasi. (2016). Essential Oil Composition of Alpinia calcarata and Alpinia galanga Rhizomes-A Comparative Study. Journal of Essential Oil-Bearing Plants. 19. 82- 87. 10. 1080/ 0972060X. 2015. 1126534. Essential oils obtained by the hydrodistillation of Alpinia calcarata and Alpinia galanga rhizomes were analyzed by Gas chromatography- Mass spectroscopy. Fifty constituents comprising 94.7 % of rhizome oil were obtained from A. calcarata and fifty-one components of 93.1 % of A. galanga were identified. The major components in the A. calcarata were α- and β- ethyl acetates (12.9 and 9.7 % respectively), cubenol (15.0 %), and 1,8-cineole (12.1 %) and that of A. galanga were 1, 8 -cineole (32.9 %), α-terpineol (12.7 %) and germacrene-D (6.1 %).
- Eram, Shimaila & Mujahid, Mohd & Bagga, Paramdeep & Ansari, Vaseem & Ahmad, Md & Kumar, Arun & Ahsan, Farogh & Akhter, Md. (2019). A REVIEW ON PHYTOPHARMACOLOGICAL ACTIVITY OF ALPINIA GALANGA. International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences. 6- 11. 10. 22159/ ijpps. 2019v11i3. 31352. The Alpinia galanga plant which is associated with the family Zingiberaceae is mainly scattered in tropical areas and widely known for ethnomedicine. Against fungi and bacteria, rhizome extract has a maximum inhibitory effect. Alpinia galanga plant is used in medicine and food preparation. Rhizome extract of Alpinia galanga has high phenolic and flavonoid contents when compared to leaf extract. Because of elevated phenolic and flavonoid content in the rhizome extract of Alpinia galanga, there is noticeable antimicrobial as well as radical scavenging potential. It is a well-known official drug throughout the country as the integrated contribution of nature. It is commonly used for the management of eczema, coryza, bronchitis, otitis interna, gastritis, ulcers, morbilli and cholera, pityriasis versicolor, to clear the mouth and emaciation. The different parts of the plant have various effects like antifungal, antiprotozoal, antiplatelet, antiviral, antidiabetic, immunomodulatory, antibacterial, antioxidant effects, hypolipidemic and many others. The essential oil of A. galanga identified 1, 8-cineole as a bioactive agent having antifeeding activity. An aqueous acetone extract of the fruit of Alpinia galanga shows an inhibitory effect on melanogenesis (formation of melanin). By using different methods, the active constituent namely, 1′-acetochavicol acetate in hexane extract of Alpinia galanga rhizome was investigated for its corrosion inhibition properties. The current review adds significant information about its, pharmacological activities, medicinal properties, and phytochemical investigations as a traditional drug to cure several diseases. Every fraction of the plant has valuable properties that can deliver humanity. The complete plant will be broadly investigated for further prospects.
- Singh, Shivam & Kar, Nihar & Kaur, Ajit & Jaiswal, Meenakshi & Srikanth, & Kumar Ashok, Praveen & Kolgi, Rajeev & Velumani, Arun Nivas. (2023). A pharmacological evaluation of ethanol extract of Alpinia calcarata rhizome for antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anti-asthmatic properties. Journal Of Advanced Zoology. 44. 917- 928. Alpinia calcarata rhizome ethanolic extract was tested for anti-asthmatic, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory properties. Adaptogens normalize leukocytosis after milk consumption. Eosinophils are necessary for allergic illness development. The plant extract significantly reduced allergic asthma-related eosinophil cell count compared to the control group. Eosinophil count decreases cell recruitment and IL- 4, IL- 5, and IL- 13, which affect cell count. Studies on milk-induced leukocytosis and eosinophils verified the plant extract’s anti-asthmatic capabilities. In guinea pigs, goats, horses, dogs, and humans, histamine contracts trachea and bronchial muscles. Tracheas in guinea pigs test asthma drugs. The isolated guinea pig trachea contracts dose-dependently after H1 receptor stimulation. Alpinia calcarata reduced histamine-induced trachea constriction in solitary guinea pigs, proving its anti-asthmatic and H1 receptor antagonist capabilities. Hydrogen peroxide scavenging and reduction were used to test antioxidants. Hydrogen peroxide-scavenging Alpinia calcarata rhizome ethanol extract. Hydrogen peroxide scavenged less than ascorbic acid. Increasing Alpinia calcarata rhizome ethanolic extract dramatically lowered power. In vitro, ethanolic Alpinia calcarata rhizome extract stabilized rabbit red blood cell membranes and prevented protein denaturation. The ethanolic Alpinia calcarata rhizome extract was anti-asthmatic. Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory characteristics aid the plant’s anti-astatic effects. Most asthma medications are steroidal. The phytochemical study identified steroids and flavonoids. Chemical moieties may make the plant anti-asthmatic. The findings support the conventional and advise more anti-asthmatic active component study.
- Robinson, J.P. & Balakrishnan, Veluchamy & Raj, J. S. & Britto, S. J. (2009). Antimicrobial activity of Alpinia calcarata Rosc. And characterization of new a, β unsaturated carbonyl compound. Adv Biol Res. 3. 185- 187.
Rasa Panchaka of Rasna
Rasa (Taste) | Tikta (Bitter) |
Guna (Virtue) | Guru (Heavy) |
Virya (Potency) | Ushan (Hot Potency) |
Vipaka (Post-Digestion) | Katu (Pungent) |
Dosha Karma of Rasna
Kapha Vata Shamaka
Kapha Shamaka because of its Ushna Virya, Katu Vipaka, Tikata Rasa
Vata Shamak due to Ushana Virya.
Karma (Actions) of Rasna
Vedana Sthapana, Vataghana, Sothhara, Amapachana, Shula Prashmana, Rakta Shodhaka, Rechana, Sheetahara, Kasa Hara, Shwasa Hara, Visha Ghana, Jwaraghna, Vrishya, Rasayana..
Prayogarha Vyadhi (Therapeutic Indications) of Rasna
Vedana Yukta Vata Janya Vikara, Vishakta, Amavata, Arsha, Vivandha, Dourbalya, Charmdala, Rakta VIkara, Vata Vyadhi, Kasa, Shwasa, Rajayakshma, Shira Shula, Sarvanga Vata, Amavata, Ghridhasi, Gulma, Amadosha, Udarshula.
Aamyik Prayog (Therapeutic Uses) of Rasna
Kasa (Cough): Rasnadi ghrita (Charaka Samhita Chikitsa Sthana. 18. 43- 46) contains Rasna as the main drug.
Vatavyadhi: Rasna Taila I- II (Charaka Samhita Chikitsa Sthana. 28. 165- 66, 172- 175)
Gridhrasi (Sciatica) – Rasna 40 gm. and guggulu 50 gm. are mixed, pounded with ghee, and made into pills known as rasna- guggulu. It alleviates sciatica. (Vrinda Madhava. 22. 53, Vanga Sena, Vata Vyadhi. 59, Bhava Parkasha Chikitsa. 24. 143)
Vatarakta (Gout) – Decoction of rasna, guduci, and ragvadha mixed with castor oil should be taken. It alleviates all types of vata rakta. (Vrinda Madhava. 23. 6)
Amavata (Rheumatoid arthritis) – Rasna, guduci, eranda, devadäru, and sunthi-this decoction should be used in generalized amavata affecting joints, bones and marrow. It is known as ‘rasnapancaka’ (Vrinda Madhava. 25. 6)
Rasna, guduci, Arvada, devadaru, goksura, eranda, and punarnava- This decoction known as ‘rasnasaptaka’ is taken after mixing sunthi powder thereto. It removes pain in the legs, thigh, knee, sacrum, and back (Vrinda Madhava. 25. 7)
Ek Kustha (Psoriasis): In psoriasis caused by vata paste of rasna, Suganda (gandhanakuli) and nakuli should be applied (Kashyapa Samhita. 333)
Arsha (Piles): Haemorrhoids should be fomented with a warm lump of rasna. (Charaka Samhita Chikitsa Sthana. 14. 43- 44)
Benefits of Rasna
- The drug Rasna is Vedana Sthapana or analgesic herbal agent; it is an anodyne, carminative, expectorant, and nervine tonic. It is used in cough, hernia, hydrocele, intestinal distention, pulmonary diseases, rheumatism and sciatica. The drug is often used in traditional medicine for nervous and neurological disorders, especially sciatica.
- The extract of the whole plant (Pluchea lanceolata drug has shown acetylcholine-like activity, relaxant action on smooth muscles, and spasmolytic action (in different muscle preparations).
- The leaves are succulent and are considered aperient; they are used as substitute or adulterant for senna. The plant is a highly valued medicine in rheumatic arthritis and other similar diseases.
- A decoction of herbs has been reported to prevent the swelling of joints in experimental arthritis. Preliminary studies on the plant revealed the presence of glycoside and sterol. Pharmacological investigations indicated that the drug had two primary actions viz. acetylcholine-like action and smooth muscle relaxant-spasmolytic action on different muscle preparations. The only central nervous system activity detected in the drug was that of potentiation of barbiturate hypnosis.
- Further investigations identify quercetin and isorhamnetin in the air-dried, there are no glycosides. The plant is succulent when young with sufficient foliage, and it has been tried as a possible cattle fodder in some drier parts. It can be fed only to working cattle, in a mixture with other major feeding materials normally cattle avoid it because of its peculiar disagreeable bitter taste.
- The leaves of the plant (Rasnapatra) as a Rasna are employed as a major component of several compound formulations widely prescribed in the management of Vata Vyadhi.
Matra (Therapeutic Administration and Dosage) of Rasna
Churna (Powder): 3-6 grams
Kwatha (Decoction): 40-60 ml

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Classical Reference of Rasna
Bhava Prakasha Nighantu Haritkyadi Varga- 143
रास्ना युक्तरसा रस्या सुवहा रसना रसा |
एलापर्णी च सुरसा सुगन्धा श्रेयसी तथा ||
Bhava Prakasha Nighantu Haritkyadi Varga- 144
Properties and actions
रास्नामपाचिनी तिक्ता गुरूष्णा कफवातजित् |
शोथश्वाससमीरास्रवातशूलोदरापहा |
कासज्वरविषाशीतिवातिकामयसिध्महृत् ||
Dhanwantri Nighantu Guduchyadi Varga- 301
Properties and actions
रास्ना युक्तरसा रस्या श्रेयसी रसना रसा |
सुगन्धमूलाऽतिरसा सैव पूतिरसा स्मृता ||
रास्ना तिक्तोष्णगुर्वी स्याद्विषवातास्रकासजित् |
शोफकम्पोदरश्लेष्मशमन्यामस्य पाचनी ||
Kaiydeva Nighantu Aushadhi Varga- 1041- 1043
रास्ना युक्ता गन्धमूला सुरसा रसना रसा ||
एलापर्णी युक्तरसा सुवहा गन्धनाकुली |
सुगन्धातिरसा रस्या श्रेयसी सुरभिर्मता ||
रास्ना नामा वायसुरस्वहा इति लोके |
रास्ना तिक्ता गुरूष्णामपाचनी कफपित्तहा |
निहन्ति शोफवातास्रश्वासकासविषज्वरान् ||
हिध्माशीतामवाताढ्यवातशूलोदराणि च |
Raja Nighantu Pipplyadi Varga- 80
रास्ना युक्तरसा रम्या श्रेयसी रसना रसा |
सुगन्धिमूला सुरसा रसाढ्याऽतिरसा दश ||
Raja Nighantu Pipplyadi Varga- 81
रास्ना तु त्रिविधा प्रोक्ता मूलं पत्रं तृणं तथा |
ज्ञेये मूलदले श्रेष्ठे तृणरास्ना च मध्यमा ||
Raja Nighantu Pipplyadi Varga- 83
रास्ना गुरुश्च तिक्तोष्णा विषवातास्रकासजित् |
शोफकम्पोदरश्लेष्मशमनी पाचनी च सा ||
Priya Nighantu Shatpuspadi Varga, 165
रास्ना वातहर श्रेष्ठा तिक्त उष्ण कफ शान्ति कृत।
आम संपाच्नो वात व्याधि शोथ ज्वरपहा।।
Vrinda Madhava. 22/ 53, Vanga Sena Vata Vyadhi, 598, Bhava Paraksha Chikitsa Adhikara. 24/ 283
रास्ना गुडुची चतुरङ्गुलनाम एरण्ड तैल पिबेत कषायं।
सर्पिषा वाटिकाम कृत्वा खादेड वा गृधसी हराम।।
Vrinda Madhava 25/ 6
रास्ना गुडुची एरंडं देवदारु महा औषधं।
पिबेत सर्वांगे वाते सामे संध्यासतः अस्थि मज्जगे।।
Vrinda Madhava 25/ 7
क्वाथं पिबेत नाग चूर्ण मिश्रम जांघो रुजा जानु त्रिक पृष्ठ शूली।।
Kashyapa Samhita. Page 333
Vaatika Charmdala
रास्ना सुगंधा नाकुलिती कल्क: स्तन लेप:।।
Charaka Samhita Sutra Sthana. 25/ 40
अतो भूयः कर्मौषधानां च प्राधान्यतः सानुबन्धानि द्रव्याण्यनुव्याख्यास्यामः|
तद्यथा- अन्नं वृत्तिकराणां श्रेष्ठम्, उदकमाश्वासकराणां (सुरा श्रमहराणां), क्षीरं जीवनीयानां, मांसं बृंहणीयानां, रसस्तर्पणीयानां, लवणमन्नद्रव्यरुचिकराणाम्, अम्लं हृद्यानां, कुक्कुटो बल्यानां, नक्ररेतो वृष्याणां, मधु श्लेष्मपित्तप्रशमनानां, सर्पिर्वातपित्तप्रशमनानां, तैलं वातश्लेष्म प्रशमनानां, वमनं श्लेष्म हराणां, विरेचनं पित्तहराणां, बस्तिर्वातहराणां, स्वेदो मार्दवकराणां, व्यायामः स्थैर्य कराणां, क्षारः पुंस्त्वोपघातिनां, (तिन्दुकमनन्नद्रव्यरुचिकराणाम् [३] ,) आमं कपित्थमकण्ठ्यानाम्, आविकं सर्पिरहृद्यानाम्, अजाक्षीरं शोषघ्न स्तन्य सात्म्य रक्तसाङ्ग्राहिक रक्तपित्त प्रशमनानाम्, अविक्षीरं श्लेष्म पित्त जननानां, महिषी क्षीरं स्वप्न जननानां, मन्दकं दध्यभिष्यन्द कराणां, गवेधुकान्नं कर्शनीयानाम्, उद्दालकान्नं विरूक्षणीयानाम्, इक्षुर्मूत्र जननानां, यवाः पुरीष जननानां, जाम्बवं वात जननानां, शष्कुल्यः श्लेष्मपित्त जननानां, कुलत्था अम्लपित्त जननानां, माषाः श्लेष्मपित्त जननानां, मदनफलं वमनास्थापनानुवासनोपयोगिनां, त्रिवृत् सुख विरेचनानां, चतुरङ्गुलो मृदु विरेचनानां, स्नुक्पयस्तीक्ष्ण विरेचननां, प्रत्यक्पुष्पा शिरोविरेचनानां, विडङ्गं क्रिमिघ्नानां, शिरीषो विषघ्नानां, खदिरः कुष्ठघ्नानां, रास्ना वात हराणाम्, आमलकं वयः स्थापनानां, हरीतकी पथ्यानाम्, एरण्ड मूलं वृष्य वात हराणां, पिप्पली मूलं दीपनीय पाचनीयानाह प्रशमनानां, चित्रक मूलं दीपनीय पाचनीय गुद शोथार्शः शूलहराणां, पुष्कर मूलं हिक्का श्वास कास पार्श्व शूल हराणां, मुस्तं साङ्ग्राहिक दीपनीय पाचनीयानाम्, उदीच्यं निर्वापण दीपनीय पाचनीयच्छर्द्यतीसार हराणां, कट्वङ्गं साङ्ग्राहिक पाचनीय दीपनीयानाम्, अनन्ता साङ्ग्राहिक रक्तपित्त प्रशमनानाम्, अमृता साङ्ग्राहिक वातहर दीपनीय श्लेष्म शोणित विबन्ध प्रशमनानां, बिल्वं साङ्ग्राहिक दीपनीय वातकफ प्रशमनानाम्, अतिविषा दीपनीय पाचनीय साङ्ग्राहिक सर्वदोष हराणाम्, उत्पल कुमुद पद्म किञ्जल्कः साङ्ग्राहिक रक्तपित्त प्रशमनानां, दुरालभा पित्त श्लेष्म प्रशमनानां, गन्ध प्रियङ्गुः शोणित पित्तातियोग प्रशमनानां, कुटज त्वक् श्लेष्मपित्त रक्तसाङ्ग्राहिकोप शोषणानां, काश्मर्य फलं रक्तसाङ्ग्राहिक रक्तपित्त प्रशमनानां, पृश्निपर्णी साङ्ग्राहिक वातहर दीपनीय वृष्याणां, विदारिगन्धा वृष्य सर्वदोष हराणां, बला साङ्ग्राहिक बल्य वातहराणां, गोक्षुरको मूत्रकृच्छ्रानिलहराणां, हिङ्गु निर्यासश्छेदनीय दीपनीयानुलोमिक वात– कफ प्रशमनानाम्, अम्लवेतसो भेदनीय दीपनीयानुलोमिक वात श्लेष्म हराणां, यावशूकः स्रंसनीय पाचनीयार्शोघ्नानां, तक्राभ्यासो ग्रहणी दोष शोफार्शो घृतव्यापत्प्रशमनानां, क्रव्यान्मांस रसाभ्यासो ग्रहणी दोष शोषार्शोघ्नानां, क्षीर घृताभ्यासो रसायनानां, सम घृत सक्तु प्राशाभ्यासो वृष्योदावर्त हराणां, तैल गण्डूषाभ्यासो दन्त बल रुचिकराणां, चन्दनं दुर्गन्ध हर दाह निर्वापण लेपनानां, रास्नागुरुणी शीतापनयन प्रलेपनानां, लामज्जकोशीरं दाह त्वग्दोष स्वेदापनयन प्रलेपनानां, कुष्ठं वातहराभ्यङ्गोपनाहोपयोगिनां, मधुकं चक्षुष्य वृष्य केश्य कण्ठ्य वर्ण्य विरजनीय रोपणीयानां, वायुः प्राण सञ्ज्ञा प्रदान हेतूनाम्, अग्नि रामस्तम्भ शीत शूलोद्वेपन प्रशमनानां, जलं स्तम्भनीयानां, मृद्भृष्टलोष्ट्रनिर्वापितमुदकं तृष्णाच्छर्द्यतियोग प्रशमनानाम्, अति मात्राशनमाम प्रदोष हेतूनां, यथाग्न्यभ्यवहारोऽग्निसन्धुक्षणानां, यथासात्म्यं चेष्टाभ्यवहारौ सेव्यानां, काल भोजनमारोग्य कराणां, तृप्तिराहार गुणानां, वेग सन्धारणमनारोग्यकराणां, मद्यं सौमनस्य जननानां, मद्याक्षेपो धी धृति स्मृति हराणां, गुरु भोजनं दुर्विपाक कराणाम्, एकाशन भोजनं सुख परिणाम कराणां, स्त्रीष्वति प्रसङ्गः शोष कराणां, शुक्रवेग निग्रहः षाण्ड्यकराणां, पराघातनमन्नाश्रद्धा जननानाम्, अनशनमायुषो ह्रास कराणां, प्रमिताशनं कर्शनीयानाम्, अजीर्णाध्यशनं ग्रहणीदूषणानां, विषमाशनमग्निवैषम्यकराणां, विरुद्धवीर्याशनं निन्दितव्याधिकराणां, प्रशमः पथ्यानां, आयासः सर्वापथ्यानां, मिथ्यायोगो व्याधिकराणां, रजस्वलाभि गमनम लक्ष्मीमुखानां, ब्रह्मचर्यमायुष्याणां, परदाराभिगमनमनायुष्याणां, सङ्कल्पो वृष्याणां, दौर्मनस्यमवृष्याणाम्, अयथाबलमारम्भः प्राणोपरोधिनां, विषादो रोग वर्धनानां, स्नानं श्रम हराणां, हर्षः प्रीणनानां, शोकः शोषणानां, निवृत्तिः पुष्टिकराणां, पुष्टिः स्वप्न कराणाम्, अतिस्वप्नस्तन्द्राकराणां, सर्वरसाभ्यासो बलकराणाम्, एकरसाभ्यासो दौर्बल्य कराणां, गर्भशल्यमाहार्याणाम्, अजीर्णमुद्धार्याणां, बालो मृदुभेषजीयानां, वृद्धो याप्यानां, गर्भिणी तीक्ष्णौषधव्यवायव्यायामवर्जनीयानां, सौमनस्यं गर्भधारणानां, सन्निपातो दुश्चिकित्स्यानाम्, आमो विषमचिकित्स्याना , ज्वरो रोगाणां, कुष्ठं दीर्घरोगाणां, राजयक्ष्मा रोगसमूहानां, प्रमेहोऽनुषङ्गिणां, जलौकसोऽनुशस्त्राणां, बस्तिस्तन्त्राणां, हिमवानौषधिभूमीनां, सोम ओषधीनां, मरुभूमिरारोग्यदेशानाम्, अनूपोऽहितदेशानाम्, निर्देशकारित्वमातुरगुणानां, भिषक् चिकित्साङ्गानां, नास्तिकोवर्ज्यानां, लौल्यं क्लेशकराणाम्, अनिर्देशकारित्वमरिष्टानां, अनिर्वेदो वार्तलक्षणानां, वैद्यसमूहो निःसंशयकराणं, योगो वैद्यगुणानां, विज्ञानमौषधीनां, शास्त्रसहितस्तर्कः साधनानां, सम्प्रतिपत्तिः कालज्ञानप्रयोजनानाम्, अव्यवसायः कालातिपत्तिहेतूनां, दृष्टकर्मता निःसंशयकराणाम्, असमर्थता भयकराणां, तद्विद्यसम्भाषा बुद्धिवर्धनानाम्, आचार्यः शास्त्राधिगम हेतूनाम्, आयुर्वेदोऽमृतानां, सद्वचनमनुष्ठेयानाम्, असद्ग्रहणं सर्वाहितानां, सर्वसन्न्यासः सुखानामिति||
Charaka Samhita Chikitsa Sthana. 8/ 149- 172
दद्यान्मांसादमांसानि बृंहणानि विशेषतः||
शोषिणे बार्हिणं दद्याद्बर्हिशब्देन चापरान्|
गृध्रानुलूकांश्चाषांश्च विधिवत् सूपकल्पितान्||
काकांस्तित्तिरिशब्देन वर्मिशब्देन चोरगान्|
भृष्टान् मत्स्यान्त्रशब्देन दद्याद्गण्डूपदानपि||
लोपाकान् स्थूलनकुलान् बिडालांश्चोपकल्पितान्|
शृगालशावांश्च भिषक् शशशब्देन दापयेत्||
सिंहानृक्षांस्तरक्षूंश्च व्याघ्रानेवंविधांस्तथा|
मांसादान् मृगशब्देन दद्यान्मांसाभिवृद्धये||
गजखड्गितुरङ्गाणां वेशवारीकृतं भिषक्|
दद्यान्महिषशब्देन मांसं मांसाभिवृद्धये||
मांसेनोपचिताङ्गानां मांसं मांसकरं परम्|
तीक्ष्णोष्णलाघवाच्छस्तं विशेषान्मृगपक्षिणाम्||
मांसानि यान्यनभ्यासादनिष्टानि प्रयोजयेत्|
तेषूपधा, सुखं भोक्तुं तथा शक्यानि तानि हि||
जानञ्जुगुप्सन्नैवाद्याज्जग्धं वा पुनरुल्लिखेत्|
तस्माच्छद्मोपसिद्धानि मांसान्येतानि दापयेत्||
बर्हितित्तिरिदक्षाणां हंसानां शूकरोष्ट्रयोः|
खरगोमहिषाणां च मांसं मांसकरं परम्||
योनिरष्टविधा चोक्ता मांसानामन्नपानिके|
तां परीक्ष्य भिषग्विद्वान् दद्यान्मांसानि शोषिणे||
प्रसहा भूशयानूपवारिजा वारिचारिणः|
आहारार्थं प्रदातव्या मात्रया वातशोषिणे||
प्रतुदा विष्किराश्चैव धन्वजाश्च मृगद्विजाः|
कफपित्तपरीतानां प्रयोज्याः शोषरोगिणाम्||
विधिवत्सूपसिद्धानि मनोज्ञानि मृदूनि च|
रसवन्ति सुगन्धीनि मांसान्येतानि भक्षयेत्||
मांसमेवाश्नतः शोषो माध्वीकं पिबतोऽपि च|
नियतानल्पचित्तस्य चिरं काये न तिष्ठति||
वारुणीमण्डनित्यस्य बहिर्मार्जनसेविनः|
अविधारितवेगस्य यक्ष्मा न लभतेऽन्तरम्||
प्रसन्नां वारुणीं सीधुमरिष्टानासवान्मधु|
यथार्हमनुपानार्थं पिबेन्मांसानि भक्षयन्||
मद्यं तैक्ष्ण्यौष्ण्यवैशद्यसूक्ष्मत्वात् स्रोतसां मुखम्|
प्रमथ्य विवृणोत्याशु तन्मोक्षात् सप्त धातवः||
पुष्यन्ति धातुपोषाच्च शीघ्रं शोषः प्रशाम्यति|
मांसादमांसस्वरसे सिद्धं सर्पिः प्रयोजयेत्||
सक्षौद्रं, पयसा सिद्धं सर्पिर्दशगुणेन वा|
सिद्धं मधुरकैर्द्रव्यैर्दशमूलकषायकैः||
क्षीरमांसरसोपेतैर्घृतं शोषहरं परम्|
पिप्पलीपिप्पलीमूलचव्यचित्रकनागरै ||
सयावशूकैः सक्षीरैः स्रोतसां शोधनं घृतम्|
जीवन्तीपिप्पलीगर्भं सक्षीरं शोषनुद्घृतम्|
यवाग्वा वा पिबेन्मात्रां लिह्याद्वा मधुना सह||
सिद्धानां सर्पिषामेषामद्यादन्नेन वा सह|
शुष्यतामेष निर्दिष्टो विधिराभ्यवहारिकः||
Charaka Samhita Chikitsa Sthana. Kasa Chikitsa. 18/ 43- 46
द्रोणेऽपां साधयेद्रास्नां दशमूलीं शतावरीम्|
पलिकां माणिकांशांस्तु कुलत्थान्बदरान्यवान्||
तुलार्धं चाजमांसस्य पादशेषेण तेन च|
घृताढकं समक्षीरं जीवनीयैः पलोन्मितैः||
सिद्धं तद्दशभिः कल्कैर्नस्यपानानुवासनैः|
समीक्ष्य वात रोगेषु यथावस्थं प्रयोजयेत्||
पञ्चकासान् शिरःकम्पं शूलं वङ्क्षणयोनिजम्|
सर्वाङ्गैकाङ्गरोगांश्च सप्लीहोर्ध्वानिलाञ्जयेत्||
इति रास्नाघृतम्|
Charaka Samhita Chikitsa Sthana. Kasa Chikitsa. 28/ 165- 166
रास्ना सहस्रनिर्यूहे तैलद्रोणं विपाचयेत्|
गन्धै र्हैमवतैः पिष्टैरेलाद्यैश्चानिलार्तिनुत्||
कल्पोऽयमश्वगन्धायां प्रसारण्यां बलाद्वये|
क्वाथकल्कपयोभिर्वा बलादीनां पचेत् पृथक्||
इति रास्नातैलम्|
Charaka Samhita Chikitsa Sthana. Kasa Chikitsa. 8/ 89- 102
योगान् संशुद्धकोष्ठानां कासे श्वासे स्वरक्षये|
शिरःपार्श्वांसशूलेषु सिद्धानेतान्प्रयोजयेत्||
बलाविदारिगन्धाद्यैर्विदार्या मधुकेन वा|
सिद्धं सलवणं सर्पिर्नस्यं स्यात्स्वर्यमुत्तमम्||
प्रपौण्डरीकं मधुकं पिप्पली बृहती बला|
शिरः पार्श्वांस शूलघ्नं कास श्वास निबर्हणम्|
प्रयुज्यमानं बहुशो घृतं चौत्तर भक्तिकम्||
दशमूलेन पयसा सिद्धं मांसरसेन च|
बलागर्भं घृतं सद्यो रोगानेतान् प्रबाधते||
भक्तस्योपरि मध्ये वा यथाग्न्यभ्यवचारितम्|
रास्नाघृतं वा सक्षीरं सक्षीरं वा बलाघृतम्||
लेहान् कासापहान् स्वर्याञ् श्वास हिक्का निबर्हणान्|
शिरः पार्श्वांस शूलघ्नान् स्नेहांश्चातः परं शृणु||
घृतं खर्जूरमृद्वीकाशर्कराक्षौद्रसंयुतम् |
सपिप्पलीकं वैस्वर्यकास श्वास ज्वरापहम्||
सपिप्पलीकं सक्षौद्रं तत् परं स्वर बोधनम्||
शिरःपार्श्वांसशूलघ्नं कास श्वास ज्वरापहम्|
पञ्चभिः पञ्चमूलैर्वा शृताद्यदुदियाद्घृतम्||
पञ्चानां पञ्च मूलानां रसे क्षीर चतुर्गुणे|
सिद्धं सर्पिर्जयत्येतद्यक्ष्मणः सप्तकं बलम्||
खर्जूरं पिप्पली द्राक्षा पथ्या शृङ्गी दुरालभा|
त्रिफला पिप्पली मुस्तं शृङ्गाट गुड शर्कराः||
वीरा शटी पुष्कराख्यं सुरसः शर्करा गुडः|
नागरं चित्रको लाजाः पिप्पल्यामलकं गुडः||
श्लोकार्धैर्विहितानेतांल्लिह्यान्ना मधु सर्पिषा|
कास श्वासापहान्स्वर्यान्पार्श्व शूलापहांस्तथा||
Charaka Samhita Chikitsa Sthana. Kasa Chikitsa. 26/ 158- 165
पानान्नमुपनाहांश्च कुर्याद्वा तामयापहान्||
तैलभृष्टैरगुर्वाद्यैः सुखोष्णैरुपनाहनम्|
जीवनीयैः सु मनसा मत्स्यैर्मांसैश्च शस्यते||
रास्नास्थिरादिभिः सिद्धं सक्षीरं नस्य मर्तिनुत्|
तैलं रास्नाद्विकाकोलीशर्कराभिरथापि वा||
जीवकर्षभकद्राक्षाशर्कराभिश्च साधितः||
प्रस्थस्तैलस्य सक्षीरो जाङ्गलार्धतुलारसे|
नस्यं सर्वोर्ध्वजत्रूत्थवातपित्तामयापहम्||
दशमूलबलारास्नात्रिफलामधुकैः सह|
मयूरं पक्षपित्तान्त्रशकृत्तुण्डाङ्घ्रिवर्जितम्||
जले पक्त्वा घृतप्रस्थं तस्मिन् क्षीरसमं पचेत्|
मधुरैः कार्षिकैः कल्कैः शिरोरोगार्दितापहम्||
इति मायूरघृतम्|
Charaka Samhita Chikitsa Sthana. 14/ 38- 61
वातश्लेष्मोल्बणान्याहुः शुष्काण्यर्शांसि तद्विदः|
प्रस्रावीणि तथाऽऽर्द्राणि रक्त पित्तोल्बणानि च||
तत्र शुष्कार्शसां पूर्वं प्रवक्ष्यामि चिकित्सितम्|
स्तब्धानि स्वेदयेत् पूर्वं शोफशूलान्वितानि च||
चित्रक क्षार बिल्वानां तैलेनाभ्यज्य बुद्धिमान्|
यवमाष कुलत्थानां पुलाकानां च पोट्टलैः||
वचाशताह्वापिण्डैर्वा सुखोष्णैः स्नेहसंयुतैः||
शक्तूनां पिण्डिकाभिर्वा स्निग्धानां तैल सर्पिषा|
शुष्कमूलक पिण्डैर्वा पिण्डैर्वा कार्ष्ण गन्धिकैः||
रास्नापिण्डैः सुखोष्णैर्वा सस्नेहैर्हापुषैरपि|
इष्टकस्य खराह्वायाः शाकैर्गृञ्जनकस्य वा||
अभ्यज्य कुष्ठतैलेन स्वेदयेत् पोट्टलीकृतैः|
वृषार्कैरण्ड बिल्वानां पत्रोत्क्वाथैश्च सेचयेत्||
मूलकत्रिफलार्काणां वेणूनां वरुणस्य च|
अग्निमन्थस्य शिग्रोश्च पत्राण्यश्मन्तकस्य च||
जलेनोत्क्वाथ्य शूलार्तं स्वभ्यक्तमवगाहयेत्|
कोलोत्क्वाथेऽथवा कोष्णे सौवीरक तुषोदके||
बिल्वक्वाथेऽथवा तक्रे दधि मण्डाम्लकाञ्जिके|
गोमूत्रे वा सुखोष्णे तं स्वभ्यक्तमवगाहयेत्||
वसामभ्यञ्जने दद्याद्धूपनं चार्शसां हितम्||
नृकेशाः सर्पनिर्मोको वृषदंशस्य चर्म च|
अर्कमूलं शमीपत्रमर्शोभ्यो धूपनं हितम्||
तुम्बुरूणि विडङ्गानि देवदार्वक्षता घृतम्|
बृहती चाश्वगन्धा च पिप्पल्यः सुरसा घृतम्||
वराहवृषविट् चैव धूपनं सक्तवो घृतम्|
कुञ्जरस्य पुरीषं तु घृतं सर्जरसस्तथा||
हरिद्राचूर्णसंयुक्तं सुधाक्षीरं प्रलेपनम्|
गोपित्तपिष्टाः पिप्पल्यः सहरिद्राः प्रलेपनम्||
शिरीषबीजं कुष्ठं च पिप्पल्यः सैन्धवं गुडः|
अर्कक्षीरं सुधाक्षीरं त्रिफला च प्रलेपनम्||
पिप्पल्यश्चित्रकः श्यामा किण्वं मदन तण्डुलाः |
प्रलेपः कुक्कुट शकृद्धरिद्रा गुडसंयुतः||
दन्ती श्यामाऽमृतासङ्गः पारावत शकृद्गुडः|
प्रलेपः स्याद्गजास्थीनि निम्बो भल्लातकानि च||
प्रलेपः स्यादलं कोष्णं वासन्तक वसायुतम्|
शूलश्वयथुहृद्युक्तं चुलूकीवसयाऽथवा||
आर्कं पयः सुधाकाण्डं कटुकालाबुपल्लवाः|
करञ्जो बस्तमूत्रं च लेपनं श्रेष्ठमर्शसाम्||
अभ्यङ्गाद्याः प्रदेहान्ता य एते परिकीर्तिताः|
स्तम्भश्वयथुकण्ड्वर्तिशमनास्तेऽर्शसां मताः||
प्रदेहान्तैरुपक्रान्तान्यर्शांसि प्रस्रवन्ति हि|
सञ्चितं दुष्टरुधिरं ततः सम्पद्यते सुखी||
शीतोष्णास्निग्धरूक्षैर्हि न व्याधिरुपशाम्यति|
रक्ते दुष्टे भिषक् तस्माद्रक्तमेवावसेचयेत्||
जलौकोभिस्तथा शस्त्रैः सूचीभिर्वा पुनः पुनः|
अवर्तमानं रुधिरं रक्तार्शोभ्यः प्रवाहयेत्||
Specific Formulation of Rasna
- Rasnadi Kwath for Vataja Jwara
- Rasnadi Churna for Grahani
- Rasnadi Gutika for Gridhrasi
- Rasnadasamula Kwatha for Shira Shula, Ardita Vata
- Rasnadi Lepa for Vata Rakta
- Rasna Panchakam for Sandhigata Vata, Amavata
- Rasnasaptak Kwath for Parshava Shula, Pristh Shula
Contraindication and Side Effects of Rasna
- Rasna has anti-inflammatory properties which might interfere with autoimmune disorders and worsen conditions like lupus or rheumatoid arthritis.
- It is contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation.
- Rasna has a sedative effect that may cause drowsiness. Rasna also exhibits Vaso dilatory effect so may cause low blood pressure in some individuals. So, consult before taking it in patients taking anti-hypertensive medicines.
Toxic Study of Rasna
No toxic effect was observed in mice up to 2000 mg/kg p.o. dose (LD0). We took one-tenth of this dose (200 mg/kg, p.o.) with one lower (100 mg/kg) and one higher (400 mg/kg) dose for activity evaluation.
Reference: Bhagwat DP, Kharya MD, Bani S, Kaul A, Kour K, Chauhan PS, Suri KA, Satti NK. Immunosuppressive properties of Pluchea lanceolate leaves. Indian J Pharmacol. 2010 Feb; 42 (1): 21- 6. doi: 10. 4103/ 0253- 7613. 62405. PMID: 20606832; PMCID: PMC- 2885635.
Substitute and Adulterant of Rasna
- Pluchea arguta, Gnaphalium polycaulon, ageratum conyzoides are used as adulterant to Rasna.
- Vanda tessellate due to its similar analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties is used as a substitute for Pluchea lanceolata.
- Alpinia galanga for musculoskeletal conditions is used as a potent substitute.
Suggestive Readings of Pluchea lanceolata
- Srivastava P, Shanker K. Pluchea lanceolata (Rasana): Chemical and biological potential of Rasayana herb used in traditional systems of medicine. Fitoterapia. 2012 Dec; 83 (8): 1371- 85. doi: 10. 1016/ j. fitote. 2012. 07. 008. Epub 2012 Aug 2. PMID: 228- 77846.
- Bhagwat DP, Kharya MD, Bani S, Kaul A, Kour K, Chauhan PS, Suri KA, Satti NK. Immunosuppressive properties of Pluchea lanceolate leaves. Indian J Pharmacol. 2010 Feb; 42 (1): 21- 6. doi: 10. 4103/ 0253-7613. 62405. PMID: 20606832; PMCID: PMC- 2885635.
- Jahangir T, Safhi MM, Sultana S, Ahmad S. Pluchea lanceolata protects against Benzo pyrene induced renal toxicity and loss of DNA integrity. Interdiscip Toxicol. 2013 Mar; 6 (1): 47- 54. doi: 10. 2478/ intox- 2013-0009. PMID: 24170979; PMCID: PMC- 3795321.
- Srivastava P, Mohanti S, Bawankule DU, Khan F, Shanker K. Effect of Pluchea lanceolata bioactives in LPS-induced neuroinflammation in C6 rat glial cells. Naunyn Schmiedebergs Arch Pharmacol. 2014 Feb; 387 (2): 119- 27. Doi: 10. 1007/ s00210- 013- 0924- 6. Epub 2013 Oct 8. PMID: 2410- 1125.
- Mohanty S, Srivastava P, Maurya AK, Cheema HS, Shanker K, Dhawan S, Darokar MP, Bawankule DU. Antimalarial and safety evaluation of Pluchea lanceolata (DC.) Oliv. & Hiern: in- vitro and in- vivo study. J Ethnopharmacol. 2013 Oct 7; 149 (3): 797- 802. doi: 10. 1016/ j. jep. 2013. 08. 003. Epub 2013 Aug 14. PMID: 239- 54323.
- Mundugaru R, Sivanesan S, Udaykumar P, Rao N, Chandra N. Protective Effect of Pluchea lanceolata against Aluminum Chloride-induced Neurotoxicity in Swiss Albino Mice. Pharmacogn Mag. 2017 Oct; 13 (Suppl 3): S567- S572. Doi: 10. 4103/ pm. pm_ 124_ 17. Epub 2017 Oct 11. PMID: 29142416; PMCID: PMC- 5669099.
- Nobre da Silva FA, de Farias Freire SM, da Rocha Borges MO, Vidal Barros FE, da de Sousa M, de Sousa Ribeiro MN, Pinheiro Guilhon GMS, Müller AH, Romao Borges AC. Antinociceptive and Anti-inflammatory Effects of Triterpenes from Pluchea quite DC. Aerial Parts. Pharmacognosy Res. 2017 Dec; 9 (Suppl 1): S1- S4. Doi: 10. 4103/ pr. pr_ 51_ 17. PMID: 29333034; PMCID: PMC- 5757318.
- Sen, T., & Chaudhuri, A. (1991). Anti-inflammatory evaluation of a Pluchea indica root extract. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 33 (1- 2), 135- 141. https:// doi. org/ 10. 1016/ 0378- 8741 (91) 90172- A.
- Mamgain J, Mujib A, Syeed R, Ejaz B, Malik MQ, Bansal Y. Genome size and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC- MS) analysis of field-grown and in vitro regenerated Pluchea lanceolata plants. J Appl Genet. 2023 Feb; 64 (1): 1- 21. doi: 10. 1007/ s13353- 022- 00727- 7. Epub 2022 Sep 30. PMID: 36175751; PMCID: PMC- 9522435.
- Barman AK, Mahadi S, Hossain MA, Begum R, Acharyya RN, Alam M, Rahman MH, Biswas NN, Hossain ASMMA. Assessing antioxidant, antidiabetic potential, and GCMS profiling of ethanolic root bark extract of Zanthoxylum rhetsa (Roxb.) DC: Supported by in vitro, in vivo, and silico molecular modeling. PLoS One. 2024 Aug 19; 19 (8): e0304521. doi: 10. 1371/ journal. Pone. 0304521. PMID: 39159188; PMCID: PMC- 11332921.
- Jahangir T, Sultana S. Modulatory effects of Pluchea lanceolata against chemically induced oxidative damage, hyperproliferation and two-stage renal carcinogenesis in Wistar rats. Mol Cell Biochem. 2006 Oct; 291 (1- 2): 175- 85. doi: 10. 1007/ s11010- 006- 9213- 8. Epub 2006 Jun 10. PMID: 16767495.
- Bajalia EM, Azzouz FB, Chism DA, Giansiracusa DM, Wong CG, Plaskett KN, Bishayee A. Phytochemicals for the Prevention and Treatment of Renal Cell Carcinoma: Preclinical and Clinical Evidence and Molecular Mechanisms. Cancers (Basel). 2022 Jul 4; 14 (13): 3278. doi: 10. 3390/ cancers- 14133278. PMID: 35805049; PMCID: PMC- 9265746.
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- Ibrahim SRM, Bagalagel AA, Diri RM, Noor AO, Bakhsh HT, Mohamed GA. Phytoconstituents and Pharmacological Activities of Indian Camphorweed (Pluchea indica): A multi-potential Medicinal Plant of Nutritional and Ethnomedicinal Importance. Molecules. 2022 Apr 7; 27 (8): 2383. doi: 10. 3390/ molecules- 27082383. PMID: 35458586; PMCID: PMC- 9030395.
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- Tian Y, Jia X, Wang Q, Lu T, Deng G, Tian M, Zhou Y. Antioxidant, Antibacterial, Enzyme Inhibitory, and Anticancer Activities and Chemical Composition of Alpinia galanga Flower Essential Oil. Pharmaceuticals (Basel). 2022 Aug 27; 15 (9): 1069. doi: 10. 3390/ ph- 15091069. PMID: 36145290; PMCID: PMC- 9505801.
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- Basri AM, Taha H, Ahmad N. A Review on the Pharmacological Activities and Phytochemicals of Alpinia officinarum (Galangal) Extracts Derived from Bioassay-Guided Fractionation and Isolation. Pharmacogn Rev. 2017 Jan- Jun; 11 (21): 43- 56. doi: 10. 4103/ phrev. phrev_ 55_ 16. PMID: 28503054; PMCID: PMC- 5414456.
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- Qureshi S, Shah AH, Ageel AM. Toxicity studies on Alpinia galanga and Curcuma longa. Planta Med. 1992 Apr; 58 (2): 124- 7. doi: 10. 1055/ s- 2006- 961412. PMID: 1529022.
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- Abd Rahman, I. Z., Adam, S. H., Hamid, A. A., Mokhtar, M. H., Mustafar, R., Kashim, M. I., Febriza, A., & Mansor, N. I. (2023). Potential Neuroprotective Effects of Alpinia officinarum Hance (Galangal): A Review. Nutrients, 16 (19), 3378. https:// doi. org/ 10. 3390/ nu16- 193378.
- Jung YC, Kim ME, Yoon JH, Park PR, Youn HY, Lee HW, Lee JS. Anti-inflammatory effects of galanin on lipopolysaccharide-activated macrophages via ERK and NF-κB pathway regulation. Immunopharmacol Immunotoxicol. 2014 Dec; 36 (6): 426- 32. doi: 10. 3109/ 08923973. 2014. 968257. Epub 2014 Oct 1. PMID: 2527- 0721.
- Hadjzadeh MA, Ghanbari H, Keshavarzi Z, Tavakol-Afshari J. The Effects of Aqueous Extract of Alpinia Galangal on Gastric Cancer Cells (AGS) and L929 Cells in Vitro. Iran J Cancer Prev. 2014 Summer;7 (3):142-6. PMID: 252- 50165; PMCID: PMC- 4171825.
- Ramalingam, Satish & Dhananjayan, R. (2003). Evaluation of the anti-inflammatory potential of rhizome of Alpinia galanga Linn. 23. 91- 96.
- Lin K, Fu D, Wang Z, Zhang X, Zhu C. Analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects of galanin: a potential pathway to inhibit transient receptor potential vanilloid 1 receptor activation. Korean J Pain. 2024 Apr 1;37 (2):151- 163. doi: 10. 3344/ kjp. 23363. PMID: 38557656; PMCID: PMC- 10985483.
- Subash, K.R. & Prakash, G.B. & Reddy, K.V.C. & Manjunath, K & Rao, K. U. (2016). Anti-inflammatory activity of ethanolic extract of Alpinia galanga in carrageenan induced pleurisy rats. National Journal of Physiology, Pharmacy, and Pharmacology. 6. 1. 10. 5455/jp. 2016. 6. 071901- 3072016.
- Wu Y, Luo J, Xu B. Insights into the anticancer effects of galangal and galanin: A comprehensive review. Phytomedicine. 2024 Dec; 135: 156085. doi: 10. 1016/ j. phymed. 2024. 156085. Epub 2024 Sep 19. PMID: 3935- 3308.
- Aziz IM, Alfuraydi AA, Almarfadi OM, Aboul-Soud MAM, Alshememry AK, Alsaleh AN, Almajhdi FN. Phytochemical analysis, antioxidant, anticancer, and antibacterial potential of Alpinia galanga (L.) rhizome. Heliyon. 2024 Aug 31; 10 (17): e37196. doi: 10. 1016/ j. heliyon. 2024. e37196. PMID: 39286- 191; PMCID: PMC- 11403495.
- Suciati, Anugerah & Maryati, Maryati. (2022). Systematic Review: Anticancer Potential of Active Compounds from Galangal (Alpinia galanga). 10. 2991/ 978- 94- 6463- 050- 3_ 23.
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- Lintao RCV, Medina PMB. Screening for Anticancer Activity of Leaf Ethanolic Extract of Alpinia elegans (“tagbak”) on Human Cancer Cell Lines. Asian Pac J Cancer Prev. 2021 Dec 1; 22 (12): 3781- 3787. doi: 10. 31557/ APJCP. 2021. 22. 12. 3781. PMID: 34967556; PMCID: PMC- 9080390.
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Ayurveda is an Indian system of medicine that is popular since ancient times. Dr. Gupta’s IAFA® has been conducting research studies to find out different phytoconstituents of herbs and their action in the body. Such knowledge acquired by our experts is used in the preparation of medicines and providing the treatment facilities safely and effectively. IAFA® is the provider of safe and effective treatment for a wide range of diseases, mainly allergic diseases all based on Ayurveda.
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