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Karkandhu (A Type of Badara) – Used to Treat Allergies, Asthma, and Hysteria Traditionally
Karkandhu or Z. nummularia is a type of Badara that is commonly known as Jharber and belongs to the Rhamnaceae family. Karkandhu is frequently found in the desert and is a common shrub found in desert areas. It has fruit that is round berries and is very famous for its sweet and sour taste. Traditionally Karkandhu is used to cure various kinds of disorders like pharyngitis, anemia, hysteria, asthma, and allergy. It acts as a very good nervine tonic. In Ayurvedic classical texts, the properties of the fruit of Karkandhu are mentioned. The fruit of Karkandhu which is smaller in size is sour, bitter, astringent, and slightly sweet, demulcent, heavy, and controls Vata and Pitta. When dried, expel faces, are light in action, increase appetite and control thirst, tiresomeness, and diseases of Rakta. Recent research revealed that Karkandhu has various active chemical constituents like Zizynummin, glycosides, tannins, etc due to which it exhibits various pharmacological activities like an anti-allergic, nervine tonic, anodyne, anti-cancer, sedative, antioxidant, etc.
पच्यमानं सुमधुरं सौवीरंबदरंमहत् |
सौवीरबदरं शीत भेदनं गुरु शुक्रलम ||
बृहण पित्तदाहास्त्रक्षयतृष्णानिलापहम् |
सौवीराल्लघुसंपक्वम मधुरंकोलमुच्यते |
कोलमतु मधुरं दाहि रुच्यमउष्णमच वातहत् ||
कफपित्तकरं चापि सारकंगुरु च स्मृतम् |
हस्वं कर्कन्धू कथित तत्कषायं तथाम्लकम् |
मधुरं च भवेत् स्निग्ध॑ गुरुपित्तानिलापहम् ||
शुष्कं भेद्य अग्निकृत सर्वंलघुतृष्णाक्लमास्त्रनुत ||
Guna Ratna Mala, Vaidya Kailashpati, Vaidya Anugreha Narayana, Acharya P. V. Sharma, Chaukhamba Publication, reprint, 2016.
तीन प्रकार के बदर पाए जाते है, जिनके फलो की संरचना तथा गुणों में भिन्नता पायी जाती है | बदर के भिन्न प्रकार के फलों के गुण:-
- बड़ीबेर/ राज बदर – सौवीर के लक्षण (Zizyphus sativa / Z. sativus Gaertn. / Zizyphus vulgaris / Z. xylopyra Willd.) – पकता हुआ जो उत्तम मधुर तथा अकार में बड़ा हो, वह सौवीर है | इसका फल शीत, गुरु, भेदन, शुक्रवर्धक, बृहण, पित्तविकार, दाह, रक्तविकार, क्षयरोग एवं तृष्णा को दूर करता है |
- कोल बदर का लक्षण (Zizyphus jujuba Mill & Lamk. / Zizyphus mauritiana Lam.) – यह सौवीर की अपेक्षा छोटा, पकने पर मधुर कोल कहलाता है |
- कर्कन्धू (झरबेरी) के लक्षण Zizyphus nummularia Burm. f.) – छोटी बेर को कर्कन्धू कहा गया है | इसका फल– अम्ल, कषाय, मधुर, गुरु, स्निग्ध तथा वातपित्तशामक होता है |
Mainly three varieties of Badar are found, whose fruits differ morphologically and in properties. Qualities of different types of fruits of Badar:-
- Characteristics of Badiber / Raj Badar / Sauveer (Zizyphus sativa / Z. sativus Gaertn. / Zizyphus vulgaris / Z. xylopyra Willd.) – The ripe one which is sweet and large, is Sauveer. Its fruit is cold in potency, heavy to digest (Guru), piercing in nature (Bhedana), Aphrodiasic, Brihana (increase weight), used in Pittaja disorder, inflammation, blood disorder, tuberculosis, and thirst, etc.
- Characteristics of Badar / Kola (Zizyphus jujuba Mill & Lamk. / Zizyphus mauritiana Lam.) – It is called sweet Kola when ripened, smaller than Sauveer.
- Characteristics of Karkandhu / Choti Badara / Kshudra Badara (Zizyphus nummularia Burm. f.) – The small berry has been called Karkandhu. Its fruit is acid, astringent, sweet, heavy, and Vata Pitta Shamaka in nature.
Basonym of Badara and Its Type Karkandhu
बद स्थैर्ये |
The fruit of Badara will impart strength.
Karkandhu (S. Su. 46/ 145)
कर्कन्धुकोलबदरमामं पित्तकफावहम् |
पक्वं पित्तानिलहरं स्निग्धं समधुरं सरम् ||
Synonyms of Badara and Its Type Karkandhu
Karkandhu – Aja Priya, Kuha, Koli, Vishma, Ubhya Kantka, Badari, Balaka Priya, Bhu Kartaka.
According to Habit
सौवीरम– सुवीर देशे भवं सौवीरम |
Badara is commonly available in Souvira Desha.
कुवल – कौ भूमौवलती भ्र्मति इति |
Badara plants grow throughout the world.
According to Morphology
कर्कन्धु – कर्क कण्टकम दधाति वा |
The tree of the Badara consists of thorns.
कोल – कोलति घनी भवति |
The seeds of the Badara are very hard.
According to Properties and Action
फेनिल – कफ वर्द्धनात |
Badara fruit increases Kapha.
Regional Names of Badara and Its Type Karkandhu
- Jujube fruit, Indian plum, Jujuba tree (English) (Jacka Jujube – Karkandhu)
- Baer (Hindi) (Makkay, Jharber- Karkandhu)
- Bore Hannu (Kannada)
- Illantha (Malayalam) (Tutali, Ceriyalanta, Tutari- Karkandhu)
- Bori (Marathi)
- Bor (Gujrati) (Chanya Bor- Karkandhu)
- Elandappajam (Tamil) (Churaiyilantai, Churaimullu- Karkandhu)
- Regu Chettu (Telegu)
- Kul (Bengali)
- Poast Jharberi, Zariab (Karkandhu in Urdu)
Botanical Name of Badara
Badara and Kola both are considered as:-
Zizyphus jujuba Mill. & Lamk. / Zizyphus mauritiana Lam.
Zizyphus is an Egyptian name.
Jujuba means English origin.
Its type Karkandhu is known as Zizyphus nummularia Burm. f.
Rhamnaceae (Badara Kula)
Ayurveda Reference for Badara and Its Type Karkandhu – Zizyphus Jujuba / Z. nummularia

Scientific Classification of Karkandhu
Kingdom | Plantae |
Class | Dicotyledonae |
Sub- Class | Polypetalous |
Series | Disciflorae |
Order | Celasterales |
Family | Rhamnaceae |
Genus | Zizyphus |
Species | nummularia |
Controversy of Badara and Its Type Karkandhu by P. V. Sharma
बदर, कोल और कर्कन्धु ये तीन जातियाँ बदर की मानी जाती हैं । बदर का फल बड़ा, कर्कन्धु का सबसे छोटा और कोल (या कुवल ) का मध्यम प्रमाण का होता है । चरक के सुत्रस्थान ( अ. २७ ) में इन तीनों का पृथक –पृथक् उल्लेख है ( १४१, २७९, १३२ ) । सिन्चितिकाफल का भी प्रथक् से वर्णन है । सुश्रुत ने फल वर्ग के प्रारम्भ ( सु. सु. ४६/ १३९ ) में जो मधुराम्ल फलों की सूची दी है उसमें बदर की पाँच जातियों का उल्लेख है– बदर, कोल, कर्कन्धु , सौवीर और सिंचितिका फल । सौवीर चरक में नहीं है, चरक का कुवल सुश्रुत में नहीं है, अतः सौवीर और कुवल को एक ही मानना चाहिए । चक्रपाणि ने बदर को मध्यप्रमाण एवं मधुर बतलाया है ( बदरं मध्यप्रमाणं, तद्धि मघुरमेव भवति—च. सु. २७/ १४१ ) । कर्कन्धु को श्रृंगाल बदरी ( च. सू. २७/ १३२) कहा है । सौवीर के विषय में डल्हण ने परिचय देते हुए कहा है कि यह सबसे बड़ा, आम और पक्व सभी अवस्थाओं में मधुर तथा मरुदेशज होता है—सौवीर महत्तम आम पक्व अवस्थासु मधुरं मरू देशजं (सु. सू. ४६/ १३९) सिञ्चितिका फल के परिचय में डल्हण ने इसे सौवीर का भेद बतलाया है जो अतिमधुर, मुष्टि् प्रमाण और उत्तरापथज होता है– सिञ्चितिका फलं तद्धद एवाति– मधुरो मुष्टिप्रमाण उत्तरापथजः (सु. सु. ४६/ १३९ ) । चक्रपाणि ने इसके विषय में कोई टिप्पणी नहीं दी है । डल्हण ने सौवीर को ही महत्तम कहा: पुनः उसका भेद सिच्चितिका मुष्टिप्रमाण ( उससे भी बड़ा ) बतलाया । इसका आकार सेब से मिलता–जुलता है अतः भ्रान्ति वश कुछ लोग इससे सेब लेते हैं । वस्तुतः यह बदरभेद है। सेब का वर्णन सर्व प्रथम भावप्रकाश में मिलता है क्योंकि यह युरोप वासियों के साथ आया। इनके अतिरिक्त एक गोपघोण्टा भी है जो भक्ष्य फलों में नहीं आता । इसे घुंट, घोंट या ककोड़ा लोकभाषा में कहते हैं । इन बदरभेदों के वानस्पतिक नाम ये हैं :
१. बदर – Zizyphus mauritiana Lam.
२. कोल – Zizyphus mauritiana Lam.
३. कर्कन्धु – Zizyphus nummularia Burm. F.
श्रृंगाल बदरी: Z. oenophia Mill.
४. सौवीर– Z. jujuba Mill. / Z. vulgaris
५. सिञ्चितिका फल– Z. jujuba Mill.
इस प्रसंग में सौवीर के सम्बन्ध में भी कुछ ज्ञातव्य है। सिंधु –सौवीर पश्चिमी भारत का प्राचीन प्रदेश रहा है जो सिन्धु और झेलम नदी के तट पर स्थित था | बाद में ये दोनों मिल गये और सिन्ध कहलाने लगे । उसी प्रदेश में होने वाले द्रब्यों को सौवीर कहते थे । बदर के अतिरिक्त, कांजी , अन्ज्जन भेद तथा शालिविशेष के लिए सौवीर शब्द प्रचलित है ।
Classification of Badara and Its Types – As Described in Charaka and Sushruta
Charaka: Hridya Varga Mahakshaya, Swedopaga Mahakshaya, Hikka Nigrehana Mahakshaya, Virechnopaga Mahakshaya, Shrmhara Mahakshaya, Chardi Nigrehana Mahakshaya.
Sushruta: Nyagrodhadi Gana.
Types of Badara
According to Bhava Parkasha three types of Badara are there:
- Karkandhu
- Sauvira
- Kola
Raj Nighnatu also mentioned three types of Badara:
- Raja Badara
- Bhu Badari
- Laghu Badara
The Botanical Sources of all varieties of Badara are:
- Kola: Zizyphus jujuba Lamk.
- Sauvira: Zizyphus sativa Gaertn.
- Karkandhu: Zizyphus nummularia W. & H.
- Ghonta: Zizyphus xylopyra Willd.
- Valli Badara: Zizyphus oenoplea Mill.
There are three main kinds of Badara mainly based on fruit size viz., Badara, Ksudrabadara and Rajabadara and Zizyphus jujuba Linn., Zizyphus nummularia W. & A. and Zizyphus sativa Gaertn. are respectively. So here in this article, we will discuss the three main varieties of Badara.
Badara and Its Types Description in Brihtrayi
Badar’s Description in Brihtrayi as Karkandhu
Charaka Samhita: C. S. Su. 4/ 24, C. S. Su. 25/ 49, C. S. Su. 27/ 129, C. S. Vi. 8/ 144, C. S. Chi. 13/ 123, C. S. Chi. 26/ 192, C. S. Ka. 11/ 6, C. S. Si. 11/ 25
Sushruta Samhita: S. S. Su. 46/ 139, 145
Ashtanga Hridya: A. H. Su. 6/ 137, A. H. Su. 19/ 14, A. H. Chi. 15/ 13
Badara’s Description of Brihtrayi as a synonym of Kuvala
It is one of the purgative acid fruits considered to be a large variety of Badara. Kuvala like Sinchitika may not be any variety of Zizyphus fruits. It is likely the fruit of Garcinia cowa Roxb. called Cova or Kusuma in Bihar. It has also been mentioned together with Vriksha Amla, Amalvetasa, and other allied fruits in the same context.
Charaka Samhita: C. S. Su. 4/ 10, 24, C. S. Chi. 25/ 49, C. S. Ni. 2/ 2, C. S. Vi. 8/ 144/ 147
Badar’s Description in Brihtrayi as Koli
Ashtanga Hridya: A. H. Su. 15/ 41
Badar’s Description in Brihtrayi as Simbitika
It has been recognized to be the Seva (Pyrus malus Linn.) and not a variety of Sauvira which is a variety of Badara.
Charaka Samhita: C. S. Su. 27/ 139
Sushruta Samhita: S. S. Su. 46/ 139, 147
Badar’s Description in Brihtrayi as Sukti Patra
Charaka Samhita: C. S. Su. 25/ 49
Badar’s Description in Brihtrayi as Ghonta Phala
This has been identified by Dalhana with the popular name Karkati or Badari, Karkata, Kakora, and Ghunta are the tribal names prevalent in the forest areas of Mirzapur (U.P) and Bihar. Ghonta is also a synonym of a Puga. The Puga Phala and Ghonta Phala are also hard and spherical though the former is much smaller than the better.
Sushruta Samhita: S. S. Chi. 17/ 34
Ashtanga Hridya: A. H. Su. 15/ 17, A. H. U. 30/ 38, 39
Badar’s Description in Brihtrayi as Souvira
It is a kind of Badara called Unnava. This is the biggest variety of Badara fruit obtained from Zizyphus sativa or Z. vulgaris. Sauvira is also the name of a preparation mentioned in C. S. Su. 27/ 188 and called Kanji (a type of sour gruel).
Sushruta Samhita: S. S. Su. 46/ 139, 146
Ashtanga Hridya: A. H. Su. 6/ 120
Badar’s Description in Brihtrayi as Kola
Charaka | Shusruta | Vagbhata (Ashtang Hridya) |
C. S. Su. 2/ 11,13 | S. S. Su. 39/ 7 | A. H. Su. 6/ 125, 137, 139 |
C. S. Su. 3/ 17 | S. S. Su. 42/ 18 | A. H. Su. 22/ 19 |
C. S. Su. 13/ 84, 94 | S. S. Su. 44/ 20 | A. H. Su. 25/ 37 |
C. S. Su. 27/ 274 | S. S. Su. 45/ 120 | A. H. Sa. 1/ 65 |
C. S. Ni. 5/ 7 | S. S. Su. 46/ 139, 145, 206, 375, 390, 432 | A. H. Sa. 2/ 47 |
C. S. Vi. 8/ 147 | S. S. Ni. 16/ 45 | A. H. Chi. 1/ 32, 157 |
C. S. Sa. 8/ 54 | S. S. Chi. 2/ 53 | A. H. Chi. 3/ 159 |
C. S. Chi. 3/ 186 | S. S. Chi. 5/ 18 | A. H. Chi. 4/ 42 |
C. S. Chi. 5/ 71, 76, 88 | S. S. Chi. 7/ 7 | A. H. Chi. 5/ 65 |
C. S. Chi. 9/ 59 | S. S. Chi. 12/ 5 | A. H. Chi. 6/ 16, 27, 77 |
C. S. Chi. 11/ 33 | S. S. Chi. 15/ 29 | A. H. Chi. 7/ 12, 31, 106 |
C. S. Chi. 13/ 83, 116, 124 | S. S. Chi. 16/ 36 | A. H. Chi. 8/ 149 |
C. S. Chi. 14/ 200 | S. S. Chi. 20/ 58 | A. H. Chi. 9/ 29, 49, 116 |
C. S. Chi. 15/ 82, 88 | S. S. Chi. 31/ 42 | A. H. Chi. 10/ 15, 28 |
C. S. Chi. 17/ 107, 135 | S. S. Chi. 35/ 9 | A. H. Chi. 11/ 2, 19 |
C. S. Chi. 18/ 157 | S. S. Chi. 37/ 21 | A. H. Chi. 12/ 21 |
C. S. Chi. 19/ 38, 46, 118 | S. S. Chi. 38/ 66, 104 | A. H. Chi. 13/ 23 |
C. S. Chi. 20/ 22, 28 | S. S. Chi. 40/ 5 | A. H. Chi. 14/ 12, 15, 29 |
C. S. Chi. 23/ 94, 96 | S. S. Sa. 10/ 16, 38 | A. H. Chi. 15/ 8, 13, 43, 93 |
C. S. Chi. 24/ 120, 150 | S. S. U. 3/ 27 | A. H. Chi. 21/ 28 |
C. S. Chi. 25/ 83 | S. S. U. 12/ 21, 31, 42 | A. H. Ka. 2/ 40 |
C. S. Chi. 26/ 45, 81 | S. S. U. 39/ 213, 279 | A. H. Ka. 4/ 56 |
C. S. Chi. 28/ 113, 118, 131, 139, 174 | S. S. U. 40/ 55, 134 | A. H. Ka. 5/ 5, 18, 32, 42 |
C. S. Chi. 29/ 103 | S. S. U. 44/ 37 | A. H. U. 2/ 34 |
C. S. Ka. 7/ 29 | S. S. U. 46/ 17 | A. H. U. 11/ 44 |
C. S. Ka. 8/ 8 | S. S. U. 47/ 39, 41 | A. H. U. 25/ 35 |
C. S. Ka. 10/ 10 | S. S. U. 49/ 33 | A. H. U. 26/ 39 |
C. S. Ka. 11/ 6 | S. S. U. 50/ 27 | A. H. U. 32/ 20 |
C. S. Ka. 12/ 7 | S. S. U. 51/ 38 | |
C. S. Si. 4/ 4, 28, 38 | S. S. U. 52/ 24 | |
C. S. Si. 7/ 10, 37, 50 | S. S. U. 54/ 22 | |
C. S. Si. 10/ 19 | S. S. U. 58/ 57 | |
C. S. Si. 11/ 25 | S. S. U. 61/ 27 |
Badar’s Description in Brihtrayi as Badar or Badari
The tree is called Badari and the fruit is Badara, Kola, Karkandhu, Sauvira, and Ghonta are various species of Zizyphus of which the first three only are edible. The so-called other Badara varieties such as Sinchitika and Kuvala have different botanical sources.
Charaka | Shusruta | Vagbhata (Ashtang Hridya) |
C. S. Su. 4/ 10, 22, 24, 28, 30, 40, 43 | S. S. Su. 38/ 47 | A. H. Su. 6/ 120 |
C. S. Su. 13/ 95 | S. S. Su. 39/ 7 | A. H. Chi. 1/ 33, 135 |
C. S. Su. 15/ 6 | S. S. Su. 42/ 18 | A. H. Chi. 3/ 7, 17 |
C. S. Su. 23/ 15 | S. S. Su. 46/ 139, 145, 146, 147, 432 | A. H. Chi. 5/ 37 |
C. S. Su. 25/ 49 | S. S. Su. 46/ 139, 145, 206, 375, 390, 432 | A. H. Chi. 6/ 17 |
C. S. Su. 26/ 112 | S. S. Chi. 10/ 6 | A. H. Chi. 9/ 18, 36 |
C. S. Su. 27/ 129, 138 | S. S. Chi. 19/ 42 | A. H. Chi. 15/ 18 |
C. S. Ni. 2/ 2 | S. S. Chi. 20/ 59 | A. H. Chi. 17/ 20 |
C. S. Vi. 8/ 144 (2), 147, 151 | S. S. Chi. 34/ 13 | A. H. Ka. 6/ 25 |
C. S. Chi. 3/ 257, 266 | S. S. Chi. 38/ 85 | A. H. U. 2/ 48, 72 |
C. S. Chi. 8/ 141 | S. S. Sa. 10/ 4, 23 | A. H. U. 5/ 20 |
C. S. Chi. 11/ 37 | S. S. U. 18/ 36 | A. H. U. 13/ 28 |
C. S. Chi. 13/ 129 | S. S. U. 32/ 7 | A. H. U. 32/ 23 |
C. S. Chi. 14/ 12, 205, 215 | S. S. U. 39/ 280 | A. H. U. 34/ 3 |
C. S. Chi. 18/ 43, 181 | S. S. U. 40/ 96, 132 | |
C. S. Chi. 19/ 34 | S. S. U. 41/ 47 | |
C. S. Chi. 20/ 28, 38 | S. S. U. 42/ 26, 98 | |
C. S. Chi. 22/ 35 | S. S. U. 52/ 19 | |
C. S. Chi. 23/ 187 | S. S. U. 57/ 9 | |
C. S. Chi. 24/ 160 | ||
C. S. Chi. 28/ 110, 120 | ||
C. S. Ka. 1/ 8, 29 | ||
C. S. Ka. 9/ 5 | ||
C. S. Ka. 11/ 6 | ||
C. S. Ka. 12/ 7 | ||
C. S. Si. 6/ 82 | ||
C. S. Si. 7/ 30 | ||
C. S. Si. 10/ 37 |
Historical Background of Badara
It is a small thorny tree bearing clusters of small light-yellow flowers. It is found in many parts of India and is also cultivated for edible fruits. The tree is called Badari and the fruit is Badara. Charaka used the term Badara in his Vargas while Susruta mentioned Badari in Nyagrodhadi gana. Bhavamisra described three varieties viz., Karkandhu, Sauvira & Kola. Ghonta is the other variable mentioned in Raja Nighantu. Ghonta is identified by Dalhana with the popular name Karkati. The botanical sources for all varieties of Badara are:
- Kola – Z. jujuba Lamk.
- Sauvira – Z. sativa Gaertn.
- Karkandhu – Z. nummularia W. & H.
- Ghonta – Z. xylopyra willd.
- Valli Badara – Z. oenoplea (Linn.) Mill.
Raja Badara / Unnava / Zizyphus Sativus / Z. Vulgarsi – It is a thorny tree growing up to 10 m and its flowers are light green colored. It grows at 6500 ft in the Himalayas and is also cultivated in West Bengal. Sauvira is a kind of Badara which is also known as Unnava. This is considered to be the biggest variety of Badara fruit. In the Brhat Trayi texts, we do not come across the term Unnava but it is described under the name Sauvira in three contexts by Susruta and Vagbhata (S. S. Su. 46/ 139 & 146, A. H. Su. 6/ 120).
External Morphology of Karkandhu (Z. nummularia Wight & Arn.)
- Habit: Karkandhu is a small shrub branched from near the root.
- Stem: Branches of Karkandhu are divaricate, slender, zigzag.
- Bark: Bark of Karkandhu is light-colored.
- Leaves: Leaves of Karkandhu are 1.2- 2 cm., orbicular or ovate, spinous-dentate, clothed beneath with a whitish or buff tomentum, less densely tomentose above petioles 3- 6 mm. long, tomentose, stipular thorns usually in pairs, one straight, sharp and sender and other short, hooked.
- Inflorescence: Flowers of Karkandhu are axillary sessile pubescent cymes, buds globose, and pedicels short. Calyx pubescent outside, cleft about halfway down. The lobes are triangular-ovate, keeled on the inner face for about half their length. Petals cuneate, round, or truncate at the apex, longer than the stamens. Filaments are deflexed together with the enclosing petals. Disk 10 lobes, with a pit opposite each lobe. Ovary 2- celled, styles 2, united to above the middle.
- Fruit: The fruit of Karkandhu is drupes globose 8 mm. in diameter., glabrous, red when ripe, and edible.
Flowering and Fruiting Time of Karkandhu
Distribution of Karkandhu (Z. nummularia)
It is found in dry regions of the Punjab, Waziristan, Sind, Western Rajputana, Cutch, Kathiawar, Gujarat, Khandesh, and Persia.
The Useful Part of Badara and Its Types
Phala (fruit), Twaka (Bark)
Important Phytoconstituents Present in Karkandhu (Z. nummularia)
Root bark-nummularine, mucronine-D, amphibine A- H, Ziznummin, taxifolin, manogenin, nummularogenin.
Recent Research on Karkandhu / Kshudra Badara (Z. nummularia)
- Dureja, Anamika Gupta & Dhiman, Kunal. (2012). Free radical scavenging potential and total phenolic and flavonoid content of Ziziphus mauritiana and Ziziphus nummularia fruit extracts. International Journal of Green Pharmacy. 6. 187. 10.4103/0973-8258.104929. Background: Nowadays antioxidants have gained a lot of importance because of their potential as prophylactic and therapeutic agents in diseases caused by free radicals. Presently, the active constituents from natural sources are tested for their free radical scavenging potential. Plants are of enormous importance in the free radical and antioxidant field. Aim: The present study was carried out to evaluate the free radical potential, total phenolic and flavonoid content of edible and non-commercial fruits of Ziziphus mauritiana and Ziziphus nummularia belonging to the family Rhamnaceae. Materials and Methods: Free radical scavenging potential of methanolic extracts of the Ziziphus mauritiana and Ziziphus nummularia fruits (MEZM and MEZN) was evaluated by 1, 1-diphenyl-2-picryl-hydrazyl (DPPH) and hydrogen peroxide (H 2 O 2 ) method. The total phenolic content of the methanolic extracts of fruits was determined using gallic acid as a standard. The total flavonoid content was determined using the Aluminium chloride reagent and quercetin as standard. Statistical analysis: The results were statistically analyzed with the Student′s t-test. Results and Conclusions: The extracts showed significant free radical scavenging activity in a dose-dependent manner when compared with ascorbic acid. The highest DPPH radical scavenging activity of MEZM and MEZN was found to be 79.5% and 77.5% respectively at a concentration of 250 g mL -1. The H 2 O 2 scavenging effect of MEZM and MEZN was 73.4% and 71% respectively at a concentration of 250 g mL -1. IC 50 <1 mg/ ml shows that the fruits possess significant antioxidant activity. The phenolic as well as flavonoid content was found to be higher in MEZM. The fruits can be used as a natural source of antioxidants in combating diseases caused by free radicals.
- Goyal, Dr. Manoj & Sasmal, Dinakar & Nagori, Badri. (2012). Analgesic and Anti-inflammatory Activity of Ethanolic Extract of Zizyphus nummularia. Research Journal of Medicinal Plants. 6. 521-528. 10.3923/rjmp.2012.521.528. The present study was undertaken to examine the anti-inflammatory and analgesic activity of the ethanolic extract of Zizyphus nummularia (EAZN). EAZN produced anti-inflammatory activity against acute paw edema induced by carrageenan and histamine at the dose levels of 200 and 300 mg kg -1, at the same dose levels EAZN inhibited peritoneal leukocyte migration. A significant decrease in the number of writhes and an increase in tail-flick latency was observed in the acetic acid-induced writhing and tail-flick test, respectively. In conclusion, it is suggested that inhibition of pain and inflammation mediators is the possible mechanism of action.
- Yusufoglu, Hasan. (2011). Topical Anti-inflammatory and Wound Healing Activities of Herbal Gel of Ziziphus nummularia L. (F. Rhamnaceae) Leaf Extract. International Journal of Pharmacology. 7. 862-867. 10.3923/ijp.2011.862.867. In this study, the anti-inflammatory and wound-healing effects of Ziziphus nummalaria (sedar) leaf alcoholic extract formulated gel on albino rats were determined. Carbapol and Dimethyl SulfOxide (DMSO) were used to prepare gels containing 20 and 30% of the ethanolic extract of Z. nummalaria leaves. Topical application of 0.5 g gel formulation of the extract was used separately for anti-inflammatory and wound healing activities in wister albino rats by using Carrageenan induced paw edema and excision wound model, respectively. The extract gel formulations produced a significant reduction of carrageenan-induced paw edema and a more rapid rate of wound reduction when evaluated with base control gel. The formulated gel 30% was relatively more active than the marketed formulation (Betadine ®) for wound repair. The anti-inflammatory and wound-repairing study rationalizes the traditional claim of Z. nummalaria leaves extracts.
- Abalaka, Moses & Daniyan, Safiya & Mann, Abdullahi. (2010). Evaluation of the antimicrobial activities of two Ziziphus species (Ziziphus mauritiana L. and Ziziphus spinachristi L.) on some microbial pathogens. African Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology. 4. 135-139. The antimicrobial effects of Ethanolic extracts of leaves of two species of the genus Ziziphus were determined against Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus pyogenes, Aspergillus niger, and Candida albicans. S. pyogenes was the most susceptible followed by E. coli while S. aureus was the least susceptible. The minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) and the minimum bactericidal concentration (MBC) were 1 mg, 5 mg ml -1, and 20 mg, 40 mg ml -1, respectively. Extracts showed no activity against the fungal isolates -A. niger and C. albicans. The plants cannot be used in treating any type of fungal infection (dermatophycoses). The phytochemicals identified were cardiac glycosides, polyphenols, saponins, and tannins. Extracts from these plants could be useful in the treatment of nosocomial infections, opportunistic infection of the urinary tract (UTI), infantile gastroenteritis, travelers’ diarrhea, wound infection, meningitis, and wounds infection which are diseases caused by some of these organisms.
- Golla, Narasimha. (2018). Photosynthesis and antimicrobial studies of silver nanoparticles using Ziziphus nummularia leave extracts. MOJ Drug Design Development & Therapy. 2. 10.15406/mojddt.2018.02.00056. Plant-mediated biosynthesis of silver nanoparticles is a rapidly progressing area of nanobiotechnology. In this study, silver nanoparticles were synthesized by aqueous extracts of Ziziphus nummularia plant leaves and were characterized by UV‒Visible spectrophotometer and transmission electron microscope (TEM). UV‒Visible spectroscopy confirmed the formation of silver nanoparticles because of the formation of a particular peak in the region of 400–430. The TEM analysis confirmed spherical and uniform silver nanoparticles with diameters ranging from 33nm to 89nm. The bactericidal and fungicidal activities of silver nanoparticles were determined. Eco‒friendly synthesized silver nanoparticles exhibited good antimicrobial activity and these nanoparticles could act as an excellent antimicrobial agent in current nanomedicine.
- Rajasekaran, Sriman & Jaykar, B. & Anandan, R. & Sidheeq, Aboobacker & Vannamalar, S.. (2013). Anti-diabetic activity of leaves of Zizyphus nummularia by dexamethasone-induced diabetic rat model. International Journal of PharmTech Research. 5. 844-851. The hypoglycemic and hypolipidemic effect of Ethanolic and aqueous extract of Zizyphus nummularia (250mg/kg & 500mg/kg) was evaluated by dexamethasone-induced diabetic rats. Animals were induced for diabetes with dexamethasone (10 mg/kg of body weight- s.c.) and treated orally with Ethanolic and an aqueous extract of Zizyphus nummularia. The extracts showed significant (p<0.01& p<0.05) anti-hyperglycemic and hypolipidemic activity as compared to diabetic control. The extract shows beneficial effects on blood glucose. It also reduces the elevated biochemical parameters such as triglycerides (TGL), low-density lipoprotein (LDL), very low-density lipoprotein (VLDL), and total cholesterol (TC), increased the reduced level of high-density lipoprotein (HDL) and maintains body weight. The histological slides show normal architecture with extracts treated groups compared to diabetic control. Thus, both extracts could serve as good oral hypoglycemic agents and seem to be promising for the development of phytomedicines for diabetes mellitus.
- Bachaya, H. & Iqbal, Zafar & Khan, M. & Sindhu, Zia ud Din & Jabbar, Abdul. (2009). Anthelmintic activity of Ziziphus nummularia (bark) and Acacia nilotica (fruit) against Trichostrongylid nematodes of sheep. Journal of Ethnopharmacology. 123. 325-9. 10.1016/j.jep.2009.02.043. Ziziphus nummularia (Rhamnaceae) and Acacia nilotica (Fabaceae) are being used as anthelmintics in the ethnoveterinary medicinal system of Pakistan. The present study was conducted to determine the anthelmintic activity of Ziziphus nummularia (bark) and Acacia nilotica (fruit) to justify their traditional use in veterinary medicine. In vitro, the anthelmintic activity of crude methanolic extract (CME) of both plants was determined against Haemonchus contortus by the adult motility assay, the egg hatch test, and the larval development assay. In vivo, anthelmintic activity was evaluated in sheep naturally infected with gastrointestinal nematodes by administering increasing doses of crude powder (CP) and CME (1.0-3.0 g/kg). Both the plants exhibited dose- and time-dependent anthelmintic effects by causing mortality of worms, and inhibiting egg hatching and larval development. Acacia nilotica (LC(50)=512.86 and 194.98 microg/ml) was found to be more potent than Ziziphus nummularia (LC(50)=676.08 and 398.11 microg/ml) in egg hatch test and larval development assay, respectively. In vivo, maximum fecal egg count reduction (84.7%) was recorded on day 13 post-treatment in sheep treated with Ziziphus nummularia CME (3.0 g/kg) followed by 78.5% on the same day with Acacia nilotica CME (3.0 g/kg). These data show that both Ziziphus nummularia and Acacia nilotica possess anthelmintic activity in vitro and in vivo, justifying their use in traditional veterinary medicine in Pakistan.
- Hamiduzzaman, Md & Sarkar, A & Hossain, Mohammad & Rashid, Mohammad & Lecturer, (2014). Neuropharmacological, Analgesic, Antidiarrheal and Antimicrobial Activities of Methanolic Extract of Ziziphus mauritiana Leaves (Rhamnaceae) Address for Correspondence Hamiduzzaman et al ISSN 2321-547X. American Journal of Advanced Drug Delivery. 2. 183-190. The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the neuropharmacological, analgesic, antidiarrheal, and antimicrobial activity of methanolic crude extract of Ziziphus mauritiana leaves in mice models. After the collection of leaves, it was washed, sun-dried, and made into a coarse powder. It was soaked in methanol for several days and extracted at room temperature. The dried methanolic extract was partitioned into pet ether, carbon tetrachloride, chloroform, and aqueous soluble fractions. Among all the fractions, methanolic extract at a dose of 200 and 400 mg/kg body weight revealed 27.6 and 29.6 minutes of onset of sleeping; 79 and 89.8 minutes of total sleeping time where the control group showed 15.8 minutes of onset of sleeping and 118.6 minutes of total sleeping time. Besides crude extract at a dose of 400 mg/kg body weight significantly inhibited the pain sensation at 48.55%, 57.77%, and 61.44% after 30, 60, and 90 minutes for standard morphine, revealing antidiarrheal activity by reducing 52.02% of diarrhea compared with standard drug loperamide (50 mg/kg body wt) having 67.24% of reduction of diarrhea and crude extract and its different fractions inhibited the bacterial growth ranging from 6.5 to 18.8 mm against gram-positive bacteria, 6.2 to 17.9 mm against gram-negative bacteria and 7.4 to 14.7 mm against fungi compared with standard ciprofloxacin.
- Prajapati, Sonia & Singh, Sumitra. (2019). Phytoconstituents of Ziziphus nummularia (Burm. f.) Wight & Arn. Leaves Extracts Using GC-MS Spectroscopy. The genus Ziziphus (Rhamnaceae) species are examples of multipurpose plants with great potential for ethnomedicinal use. The analysis and extraction of plant material play an important role in the development, modernization, and quality control of herbal formulations. Gas chromatography and Mass spectroscopy (GC-MS) techniques have become sophisticated means for the analysis of various compounds. The phytoconstituents from n-hexane and 70% ethanol leaves extracts of Ziziphus nummularia (Burm. f.) Wight & Arn. family Rhamnaceae was studied. The GC-MS analysis revealed the presence of a total of 105 and 56 phytoconstituents in n-hexane and 70% ethanol extract, respectively. Some of these compounds which were present in major amount were palmitic acid, linoleic acid, stearic acid, squalene, stigmasterol, campesterol, vitamin E, geranyl linalool isomer, trans-geranylgeranyl oil, 1- eicosanol, gamma sitosterol, betulin, lupeol and phytol in n-hexane extract while beside palmitic acid, linoleic acid, gamma sitosterol, stigmasterol, phytol, and squalene, oleic acid, tricosane, tetradecane, 2 methoxy- 4- vinyl phenol, ethyl alpha-d-glucopyranoside, and behenyl behenate were present in 70% ethanol extract of Ziziphus nummularia leaves. Many of the compounds present in both extracts are used for medicinal purposes as squalene consists of antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and antitumor activity; phytol has antimicrobial activities, anti-tumorous, anti-teratogenicity, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic activity; stigmasterol has anti-stiffness and anti-hypercholesterolemic activity. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first time published a study on Ziziphus nummularia (Burm. f.) Wight & Arn. leaves in n-hexane and 70% ethanol extract using GC-MS spectroscopy.
- Mohamadou, Salamatou & Bayoi, James & Djoulde, Roger & Steve, Nodem & Leopold, Tatsadjieu Ngoune. (2021). Phytochemical Screening and Antimicrobial Activity of Ziziphus mauritiana Lam. And Ziziphus mucronate Lam. Extracts. Journal of Advances in Medical and Pharmaceutical Sciences. 10.9734/JAMPS/2021/v23i830252. The objective of this study was to determine the phytochemical profile and antimicrobial activity of leaf and bark extracts of Ziziphus mauritiana and Ziziphus mucronata. For this purpose, an extraction by maceration using ethanol was carried out and the extracts were subjected to antibacterial activity assessment through qualitative and quantitative approaches. The qualitative tests were performed using the agar well diffusion method while for quantitative tests minimal inhibitory, bactericidal, and fungicidal concentrations (MIC, MBC, or MFC) were used to determine through microdilution in microplates method. The antimicrobial mechanisms such as cell lysis and action on the proton pump of the extracts were also studied. The highest extraction yield was obtained with the Z. mauritiana leaf extract (28.8%). In addition, the highest contents of polyphenols (256.6 mg GEA/g DM) and flavonoids (165.2 mg CE/g DM) were obtained with the bark of Z. mucronata. The bark extracts of Z. mauritiana exhibited the highest antibacterial activity (36.7 mm on Staphylococcus aureus) while, Z. mucronata extracts are more active on fungi, with the highest activity on Candida albicans (26.7 mm). The antimicrobial activity of the extract increases with the concentration and, regarding the MBC/MIC and MFC/MIC ratio, the extracts showed bacteriostatic activity on the different bacteria and fungi and the possible mechanism included activity on the proton pump. The bark and leaf extracts of Z. mauritiana and Z. mucronata could be used in traditional medicine to treat infections due to these multiple pathogens.
- Rauf, Abdur & Ali, Jawad & Khan, Haroon & Mubarak, Mohammad & Patel, Seema. (2016). Emerging CAM Ziziphus nummularia with in vivo sedative-hypnotic, antipyretic, and analgesic attributes. 3Biotech. 6. 10.1007/ s13205- 015- 0322- 5. Ziziphus nummularia from the Rhamnaceae family is traditionally used for sedative-hypnotic, antipyretic, and analgesic purposes; however, scientific validation is lacking. This in vivo study was undertaken to verify the above ameliorative properties of Z. nummularia root methanolic extract. Various fractions of the extract were assayed on Balb/c mice by an open field, Brewer’s yeast-induced hyperthermia, and acetic acid-induced writhing experiments. The significance of the outcomes was analyzed with statistical tests. Various fractions of the extract exhibited marked dose-dependent (p < 0.05) sedative-hypnotic and antipyretic activities. The biological efficacies were most pronounced between 50 and 100 mg/kg. Further, the acetic acid-induced abdominal constrictions were significantly (p < 0.05) attenuated by the extract. The chloroform fraction of the extract was most dominant followed by ethyl acetate. The demonstrated therapeutic attributes of Z. nummularia extract can be exploited to isolate pharmaceutically relevant compounds.
- Kumar, Sushil & Garg, Vipin & Kumar, Nitin & Sharma, Pramod & Upadhyay, Anshu. (2011). Pharmacognostical studies on the leaves of Ziziphus nummularia (Burm. F.). European Journal of Experimental Biology. 1. 77- 83. Ziziphus nummularia (Burm. f.), a member of the family Rhamnaceae, commonly known as Jharber, is used traditionally in the treatment of mental retardation, preventing frequent attacks of influenza, colds, treating dysentery, diarrhea, and colic. It is also used in ulcers, fevers, wound healing, pharyngitis, bronchitis, burns, anemia, irritability, hysteria, and as a nervine tonic. In this present work, this plant has been subjected to pharmacognostic standardization. In the microscopical studies, some cell structures and parameters were studied and in physical evaluation, the ash values, extractive values, and moisture content were studied.
- Bahmani, Mahmoud & Jalilian, Anahita & Salimikia, Iraj & Shahsavari, Somayeh & Abbasi, Naser. (2020). Phytochemical screening of two Ilam native plants Ziziphus nummularia (Burm.f.) Wight & Arn. And Ziziphus spina-christi (Mill.) Georgi using HS-SPME and GC-MS spectroscopy. Plant Science Today. 7. 275. 10. 14719/ pst. 2020. 7. 2. 714. Essential oils are aromatic compounds widely used in the perfumery, pharmaceutical, and food industries. There are several methods to extract essential oils and extracts. These methods include distillation, pressure or scraping, pressing and razor technique, headspace solid-phase microextraction (HS-SPME), solvent extraction, extraction by bioactive hydrolyzing enzymes, and CO2 extraction. This study aimed to investigate the amounts of active ingredients of essential oils of medicinal plants Ziziphus nummularia and Ziziphus spina-christi by HS-SPME so that it can more easily move towards the production of effective herbal remedies by identifying the main and active ingredients of the plants. The main chemical compound of Z. spina- Christi essential oil was found to be trans-caryophyllene (17.31 %), followed by alpha-pinene (15.50 %), beta-caryophyllene (10.86 %), and beta-pinene (7.32 %). The main compound of Z. nummularia essential oil was tetradecane (16.76 %), followed by hexadecane (9.35 %), dl-limonene (5.75 %), cyclohexane- 1- ol, 3 meths (5.54 %), trans-caryophyllene (5.47 %), and beta-myrcene (5.28 %). Chemical compounds of Ziziphus spina- Christi included carbocyclic or b- icycleheptane, sesquiterpenes derived from germacrene, bicyclic monoterpenes, and monoterpenes, while the main compounds of Z. nummularia included monoterpenes, aliphatic hydrocarbons, alkane hydrocarbons, primary terpene compounds, and decarbonated alcohol. Identification of chemical and biological constituents of essential oils of medicinal plants is a valuable way to identify medicinal compounds that can be used to treat diseases by combining the traditional effects and the main compounds in experimental pharmacy studies.
- Bawazeer, Sami & Rauf, Abdur & Uddin, Ghias & Noreen, Sumaira & Khan, Haroon & Jan-i-Alam, & Mabkhot, Yahia & Khan, Barkat & Ali, Jawad & Hassanien, Mohamed. (2020). Phytochemicals profile, antimicrobial and antioxidant properties of Ziziphus nummularia roots. Journal of medicinal and spice plants. 23. 185- 188. The current study aimed to investigate Ziziphus nummularia root for phytochemical composition as well as antimicrobial and antioxidant potential. The preliminary phytochemical screening of Z. nummularia root extract revealed the presence of different types of secondary metabolites including glycosides, tannins, phenols, saponins, alkaloids, reducing sugars, phyllo-tannins, terpenoids, coumarins, flavonoids, steroids, and cardiac glycosides. The crude extract and ethanol fractions exhibited a moderate antibacterial effect at 22 mg/ mL against streptomycin (STD) as a standard drug. n-hexane and chloroform fractions possessed promising antifungal activity, while the methanol crude extract and ethyl acetate fractions were the least active. The crude extract and subsequent fractions were assessed for their anti-radical activity using 2, 2- diphenyl- 1- picrylhydrazyl (DPPH·) assay and showed promising anti-radical potential while n-hexane and chloroform fractions were found to be less active. The current research work revealed that Z. nummularia root contains bioactive molecules, which possess promising antimicrobial and antioxidant effects.
- Khalil, Muhammad & Shakeel, Muhammad & Gulfam, Naila & Ahmad, Syed & Aziz, Aamir & Ahmad, Junaid & Bibi, Shabana & Chopra, Hitesh & Alhumaydhi, Fahad & Idris, Abubakr & Khandaker, Mayeen & Hassan, Manal & Emran, Talha. (2022). Fabrication of Silver Nanoparticles from Ziziphus nummularia Fruit Extract: Effect on Hair Growth Rate and Activity against Selected Bacterial and Fungal Strains. Journal of Nanomaterials. 2022. 1- 14. 10. 1155/ 2022/ 3164951. Nanoparticles are extensively used in biomedical and biotechnological research. Their large surface area, excellent physical properties, high permeability, and retention effect make them ideal for biomedical applications including diagnosis and treatment. Silver nanoparticles proved to be the safest for therapeutic uses. In the present study, silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) were prepared using various ratios of Ziziphus nummularia fruit extract and silver nitrate solution. The nanoparticles were investigated for hair growth and antibacterial and antifungal activities. Characterization of AgNPs was done by using UV-spectrophotometer, scanning electron microscope (SEM), X-ray diffractometer (XRD), thermogravimeter (TG), energy dispersive X-ray (EDX), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), and master sizer. UV-spectrophotometer results showed the best ratio of 10: 10 of Z. nummularia fruit aqueous extract to silver solution for nanoparticle production at 400 to 430 nm wavelength. The size of AgNPs was 40 nm as measured by SEM. Characterization of AgNPs through EDX resulted in a silver peak at 3 keV. In contrast, differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) spectra show that the AgNPs are stable up to 160°C. The XED spectra gave a 12 nm size of crystallite at a 2 theta degree angle. FTIR bands for metal oxides were recorded at 665 cm/ 1. Weight loss of the prepared nanoparticles was observed due to moisture loss when subjected to TGA, whereas particle size distribution 0.1 μm to 0.17 μm was recorded by the master seizer. The Z. nummularia fruit aqueous extract-mediated AgNPs were noted highly effective against Gram-positive bacteria compared to ethanolic, methanolic, chloroform, and ethyl acetate extracts of Z. nummularia fruit. The Gram-negative bacteria fungal species showed less sensitivity to AgNPs. The hair growth activity was observed to be higher for AgNPs followed by minoxidil than ethanolic and methanolic extracts of Z. nummularia fruit. These findings have concluded that Z. nummularia- AgNPs have an effective hair growth activity and exhibit several applications in distinctive biomedical and pharmaceutical industries.
- Arodiya, Faruk & Makvana, Chirag & Parmar, Kokila. (2021). Polymer-Capped Silver Nanoparticles from Ziziphus nummularia Leaves Extract: Potent Antibacterial and Antioxidant Activity. Biosciences Biotechnology Research Asia. 18. 691- 701. 10. 13005/bra/ 2952. Generally, the synthesis and encapsulation process improve the therapeutic value of nano-encapsulated drugs. The silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) biosynthesized from Ziziphus nummularia leaves and encapsulated with polyvinyl pyrrolidone (PVP) polymer as antibacterial agents, due to its high bioavailability, better encapsulation, and less toxic properties. The nanoparticles (AgNPs) biosynthesized from Ziziphus nummularia leaves and capped with polyvinyl pyrrolidone (PVP) polymer, The acquired AgNPs, and polymeric functionalized AgNPs were fully characterized by the UV- Visible spectroscopy, Transmission electron microscopy (TEM), X-Ray diffraction pattern (XRD) and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). The crystalline Ag NPs and Polymer Functionalized AgNPs have a face-centered cubic structure with an average size of 9.20 nm, according to X-ray Diffraction spectroscopy. Fourier Transform Infrared spectroscopy revealed that biomolecules such as proteins are incapable of reducing metal ions and the formation of an encapsulating layer in terms of metal ions. High-Resolution transmission electron microscopy revealed that Polymer functionalized AgNPs ranged in size from 10 nm. AgNPs and Polymer functionalized AgNPs showed effective antimicrobial and antioxidant activity. The biosynthesized monodisperse silver nanoparticles and encapsulated silver nanoparticles demonstrated better antimicrobial and antioxidant activity which can be used in various biomedical applications.
- Ullah, Aman & Mustafa, Ghulam & Hanif, Muhammad & Mohibullah, Muhammad & Bakhsh, Sattar & Abdur Rashid, Sheikh & Zaman, Ali & Rehman, Fazal & Khan, Barkat & Amin, Adnan. (2019). Antibacterial and antibiofilm properties of traditional medicinal plants from Sheikh Buddin range. Pakistan Journal of pharmaceutical sciences. 32. 1313- 1319. During the current project, the antibacterial and antibiofilm properties of the traditional medicinal plant Ziziphus nummularia leaf extract and various fractions were investigated. The plant leaves were dried and extracted using 90 % methanol followed by sequential fractionation using liquid-liquid fractionation. The fractions of a diverse polarity including chloroform, n-hexane, methanol and ethyl acetate, and aqueous extracts were obtained that were further analyzed by using HPLC. The phytochemical screening indicated the presence of saponins, triterpenes, and flavonoids. During the DPPH assay, the methanolic fraction presented the highest activity (IC50 193.1 μg/ mL), followed by ethyl acetate (IC50 220 μg/ mL) and chloroform (IC50 263 μg/ mL) fractions respectively. During the FRAP assay, the FRAP value for Z. nummularia extracts was 20.43 μM. Among fractions, ethyl acetate fraction presented the highest FRAP value (370.2μM), followed by chloroform (204μM) and methanolic (249μM) fractions. The antimicrobial activity of chloroform fraction was significantly high against P. aureginosa (6mm), L. monocytogenes, S. aureus (5mm), K. pneumoniae, B. Subtillus, and E. coli (4mm). The ethyl acetate part presented significant activity (MIC 4mg/ mL) against S. aureus, B. Subtillus, and L. monocytogenes. The total extract and fractions were further tested for MBC and the MBC for ethyl acetate fractions was 4mg/ mL, whereas all other fractions exhibited MBC > 10mg/ mL. No activity was recorded against Aspergillus niger. During anti- biofilm assay, the n-hexane fraction presented the highest inhibition (88 %) followed by ethyl acetate (69 %) and chloroform (65 %) fractions. It was concluded that Z. nummularia possesses moderate antimicrobial and antibiofilm activities. Further, a synergistic effect is suggested in a formulation having Z. nummularia.
- Zahoor, Muhammad. (2016). Green synthesis of silver nanoparticles by using Ziziphus nummularia leaves aqueous extract and their biological activities. Journal of Nanomaterials. Silver nanoparticles of Ziziphus nummularia leaves extract were synthesized and were characterized by UV- Visible spectrophotometry, particle size analyzer, X-ray diffraction (XRD), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), Fourier transforms infrared spectroscopy (FT- IR), SEM, TGA, and EDX. The XRD pattern reveals the FCC structure of Ag nanoparticles. FTIR spectra confirmed the presence of AgO bonding. UV-Visible spectroscopy results confirmed the existence of Ag because of the particular peak in the region of 400– 430. The SEM analysis confirmed spherical and uniform Ag nanoparticles with diameters ranging from 30 nm to 85 nm. The EDX analysis revealed strong signals in the silver region and confirmed the formation of silver nanoparticles. The antioxidant potential and antifungal and antimicrobial potential of the leaf extract and silver nanoparticles were also determined. The antioxidant property was determined using DPPH assay. The antibacterial, antifungal, and antioxidant properties were better for the silver nanoparticles than the aqueous leaf extract. The minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC), minimum bactericidal (MBC), and minimum fungicidal concentration (MFC) of plant extract and prepared silver nanoparticles were also tested. The hair growth properties of plant extracts and their respective nanoparticles were observed, and good results were noted for nanoparticles as compared to the leaf extract.
- Padalia, Hemali & Chanda, Sumitra. (2017). Characterization, antifungal and cytotoxic evaluation of green synthesized zinc oxide nanoparticles using Ziziphus nummularia leaf extract. Artificial cells, nanomedicine, and biotechnology. 45. 1- 14. 10. 1080/ 21691401. 2017. 1282868. Zinc oxide nanoparticles (ZnO NPs) were synthesized using Ziziphus nummularia leaf extract. The characterization was done by various spectral analyses and antifungal (anti-candidal) activity against multidrug-resistant clinical isolates and their cytotoxic potential was evaluated. The ZnO NPs were 17.33 nm in size and were spherical/irregular in shape. The antifungal activity of ZnO NPs was better than four standard azole antibiotics and they also showed a potent cytotoxic effect against HeLa cancer cell line. The results strongly suggest the applicability of green synthesized ZnO NPs as an antifungal agent and also its use in cancer diagnosis and treatment.
- Khan, Muhammad & Ul Haq, Faraz & Rahman, Saeedur & Ali, Arslan & Musharraf, Syed. (2019). Metabolite distribution and correlation studies of Ziziphus jujuba and Ziziphus nummularia using LC-ESI-MS/MS. Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis. 178. 112918. 10. 1016/ j. jpba. 2019. 112918. Ziziphus jujuba and Ziziphus nummularia are two important species of the genus Ziziphus. Both plants offer great commercial value and are consumed as food around the world and used for their medicinal values such as anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and hepatoprotective activities. Comprehensive chemical profiling of Z. jujuba and Z. nummularia was done through the identification of major metabolites using HPLC- QTOF- MS/ MS and quantification of eight analytes using HPLC- IonTrap- MS/ MS analysis. A total of 53 compounds were identified from their high-resolution mass spectra in both positive and negative ionization modes. Among these, 52 compounds were found to be present in Z. jujuba, and 45 in Z. nummularia. Chemometric analysis was also performed to assess the distribution of identified compounds and to determine how the obtained data can be used to discriminate between the two species. Moreover, a method for the quantification of eight analytes including, 6- feruloylspinosin (1), apigenin (2), apigenin- 7- O- glucoside (3), catechin (4), jujuboside A (5), jujuboside B (6), luteolin (7) and quercetin (8) was developed. The method expressed excellent accuracy with less than 3 % error and good reproducibility with less than 4% RSD. The limit-of-detection (LOD) was also found to be very low ranging between 0.06 ng/ mL to 4.10 ng/ mL while limit-of-quantitation (LOQ) values were in the range of 0.17 ng /mL to 12.42 ng/ mL. The analyte concentrations were found to vary from 1.32 mg/ kg to 645.76 mg/ kg in both species. The developed method was used to identify and quantify marker compounds in fruit and whole plant samples of both species and their herbal products as well. The present work is unprecedented, as there is no such extensive study targeting fruits, leaves, and herbal formulations together using high-resolution techniques. The study will provide great utility in drug discovery, in taxonomical identification of these plants and to develop quality control protocols for their herbal formulations.
Rasa Panchaka of Badara and its types Karkandhu
Rasa (Taste) | Madhura (Sweet), Amla (Sour), Kashaya (Astringent) |
Guna (Virtue) | Snigdha (Oily), Guru (Heavy), Picchila |
Virya (Potency) | Sheeta (Cold Potency) |
Vipaka (Post-Digestion) | Madhura (Sweet) |
Kshudra Badara Karkandhu is Kashaya, Madhura in taste (rasa), and Snigdha and Guru in Guna (properties) and pacify Vata and Pitta. Raja Badara is Madhura (sweet) in taste with cold potency and Shukrala, Bhedana, and Brihana in Karma.
Dosha Karma of Karkandhu
Vata Pitta Shamaka, Vata Hara due to Madhura Vipaka and Madhura, Amla Rasa. Pitta Hara because of Sheeta Virya, Madhura Rasa, and Madhura Vipaka.
Karma (Actions) of Badara and its types
Karkandhu – Bhedana, Agni Deepana, Laghu, Trishna Shamaka, Shrama Hara, Rakta Vikara Nasahaka
Souvira – Brihana, Shukrala, Bhedana, Daha Shamaka, Trishna Hara.
Kola – Grahi Ruchikara
Sushka Badara (Dried fruit) – Agni Vardhaka, Mala Vardhaka, Trishnahara
Abhyantra Karma of Badara: Rochana, Hridya, Ruchi Vardhaka, Shonit Sthapana, Grahi, Anulomna, Trishna Nigrehana, Deepana, pachana, Hikka Nigrehana, Kapha Nisaraka, Mutra Gata Sharkara Nasahaka, Mutrala, Swedopaga, Daha Prashmanan, Jwaraghana, Brihan, Shrmhara.
Bahya Karma of Badara: Leaves are Daha Prashmana, Tvak is Vrana Shodhaka or Vrana Ropaka, Seeds are lekhana, leaves of Badara are Jihva swaad Grehana Shakti Hara.
Prayogarha Vyadhi (Therapeutic Indication) of Badara and Its Types
Karkandhu – Rakta Pitta, Vata Pitta Vikara Nashaka, Trishna, Agnimandya
Souvira – Karshya, Vivandha, Daha, Shukra Dourbalya, and Trishna.
Kola – Atisara, Aruchi.
Sushka Badara (Dried fruit) – Vivandha, Trishna, Agnimandya.
Abhyantra: Rakta Vikara, Rakta Pitta, Hrid Dourbalya, Trishna, Agnimandya, Aruchi, Vivandh, Ikshu Meha, Udarda, Tvag Dosha, Jwara, Vata- pitta Kasa, Vata- Pitta Swasa, Vata- Pitta Hikka, Shosha, Kshaya, Dourbalya, Angamarda, Shrama.
Bahya: Vishphota, Netra Roga, Vrana, Daha.
Aamyik Paryog (Therapeutic Uses) of Karkandhu (Z. nummularis Burm. f.)
Daha (Burning sensation): Burning sensation is relieved by applying the paste of karkandhu leaves mixed with curd. Similarly acts that of camphor, sandal, and nimba leaves pounded with buttermilk. (Bhava Parkasha Chikitsa. 1/ 171)
Pradara (Leucorrhea): The fine powder of karkandhu mixed with an equal quantity of ghee and jaggery checks pradara. (Raja Amrittanda. 31/ 3, Gada Nigreha. 6. 1. 51)
Benefits of Badara and Its Types Karkandhu
- The Mula (roots) of Badara is bitter and cooling, Badara alleviates Kapha and cures headache and biliousness.
- The bark of badara cures boils and checks diarrhea and dysentery.
- The leaves of Badara are bitter and cooling, it alleviates Kapha, reduce obesity and cure diarrhea, and are antipyretic.
- Souvira: The Pakwa Phala ripe fruit (souvira type) is cooling, indigestible, and removes burning sensation, thirst, vomiting, biliousness, consumption, and blood diseases and it is a tonic, laxative, and aphrodisiac.
- Kola: A small variety (kola) is hot and tasty. Kola is laxative and it allays Vata and Kapha and it causes a burning sensation in the body.
- Karkandhu: A still smaller variety (Karkandhu) is sour, acrid, sweet, oily, bitter, and indigestible. It allays vata and pitta. The fruits of Karkandhu (Zizyphus nummularia W. & A.) are sweet and sour, wholesome, appetizer stomachic, and they cure Kapha and may increase biliousness. Ripe fruits are edible. Ripe fruits are considered to be cool and astringent and are useful in bilious affections.
- Apakwa Phala: The unripe fruit (Apakva Phala) of Badara pacifies vata and causes kapha.
- Sushaka Phala: The dry fruit (Suska Phala) is a laxative and appetizer. It removes impurities from the blood, and it allays thirst.
- The seeds (bija) are acrid and sweetish. They are tonics, and aphrodisiacs and cure diseases, cough, asthma, and thirst; it allays Vata and cures vomiting, burning sensation, biliousness, and leucorrhea.
- The root and bark are tonic. The leaves are anthelmintic. They are good for stomatitis and gum bleeding. They heal wounds, ulcers, and syphilitic ulcers. They cure asthma and liver complaints.
- The flowers afford a good collyrium in eye troubles.
- The unripe fruit increases thirst and lessens expectoration and biliousness.
- The ripe fruit is sweet, and sour and has a flavor not good for digestion. It causes diarrhea in large doses, and it is good for fevers, wounds, and ulcers.
- The seeds are astringent and tonic to the heart and brain and they allay thirst.
- Various parts of Badara (Zizyphus jujuba Linn.) are medicinally used in different ailments besides its fruits or berries ripe are edible commonly. The leaves boiled in milk are given virulent gonorrhea.
- An infusion of leaves is used as an eye lotion in conjunctivitis. A paste of tender leaves and twigs is applied to boils, carbuncles, and abscesses to promote suppuration. The boiled leaves are applied over the navel and the public region in dysuria.
- Berries are a blood purifier and aid in digestion. They are pectoral and styptic.
- The dried ripe fruit is a mild laxative and expectorant.
- Seeds are given with buttermilk in bilious disorders. An ointment made of the seeds with some bland oil is locally applied as a liniment in rheumatism.
- The ripe berries are favorable to heart debility as a cardio-tonic, and useful in blood ailments and hemorrhage.
- The leaves are powdered and orally given in glycosuria in doses of 4- 6 gms. twice a day with a suitable vehicle (Anupana in Iksumeha).
- The paste of leaves is made to the burning sensation. Leaves are boiled in water which is employed as mouthwash or gargle for mouth cavity ailments.
- The bark is boiled in water to prepare decoction which is orally given to treat diarrhea, dysentery, and other bowel complaints. Fruits are useful in loss of appetite, constipation, and thirst conditional.
- It is useful in urticaria, skin affection, eruptions, consumption, general debility, hiccough, and throat affections.
- The young leaves are pounded with those of Udumbara (Ficus glomerata) and applied to scorpion stings.
- The bark is used as an astringent in gingivitis. Fruits are mucilaginous, pectoral, and styptic. The leaves are prescribed in antipyretic or antifebrile baths and lotions. Roots are given in the form of decoction in febrile conditions, and it is also helpful to act as a tonic in debility.
- The leaves are applied to scabies and boiled. Smoke is used for colds in the head and nasal discharges.
- The decoction of leaves is employed as a hip bath for joint pains and as a gargle in sore throat and bleeding gums. Ripe drupes are eaten commonly.
Matra (Therapeutic Administration and Dosage) of Badara and Its Type Karkandhu
- Tvak Kwaath (Bark decoction): 50 – 100 ml
- Phala (Fruit): 5- 7 in number (ripe fruit of Badara is edible)

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Classical Reference of Badara
Bhava Prakasha Nighantu Aamra Phaladi Varga- 71- 72
पुंसि स्त्रियाञ्च कर्कन्धूर्बदरी कोलमित्यपि |
फेनिलं कुवलं घोण्टा सौवीरं बदरं महत् |
अजप्रिया कुहा कोली विषमोभयकण्टका ||
Bhava Prakasha Nighantu Aamra Phala Varga, 73- 77
Properties and Actions
पच्यमानं सुमधुरं सौवीरं बदरं महत् |
सौवीरं बदरं शीतं भेदनं गुरु शुक्रलम् ||
बृंहणं पित्तदाहास्रक्षयतृष्णानिवारणम् |
सौवीरं लघु सम्पक्वं मधुरं कोलमुच्यते ||
कोलं तु बदरं ग्राहि रुच्यमुष्णञ्च वातलम् |
कफपित्तकरं चापि गुरु सारकमीरितम् ||
कर्कन्धूः क्षुद्रबदरं कथितं पूर्वसूरिभिः |
अम्लं स्यात्क्षुद्रबदरं कषायं मधुरं मनाक् ||
स्निग्धं गुरु च तिक्तञ्च वातपित्तापहं स्मृतम् |
शुष्कं भेद्यग्निकृत्सर्वं लघुतृष्णाक्लमास्रजित् ||
Dhanwantri Nighantu Aamra Phaladi Varga- 88- 89
बदरं कोलकं कोलं सौवीरं फेनिलं कुहम् |
कर्कन्धुकं गुडफलं बालेष्ठं फलशौशिरः ||
कर्कन्धुकोलबदरमम्लं वातकफापहम् |
पक्वं पित्तानिलहरं स्निग्धं च मधुरं रसे ||
पुरातनं तृट्शमनमामघ्नं दीपनं लघु |
सौवीरबदरं स्निग्धं मधुरं वातपित्तजित् ||
Kaiydeva Nighantu Aushadhi Varga- 353- 362
घोटा घुण्टा गोपघुण्टा बदरी मर्कटी गुहा |
राष्ट्रवृद्धिकरी कोली गोकण्टी युग्मकण्टिका ||
स्निग्धच्छदा कोशफला परा सौवीरकापरा |
हस्तिकोली सिञ्चितिकापरा कर्कन्धुकी घुका ||
बदर्यस्तुवराः स्निग्धाः कफप्रशमनाः स्मृताः |
बदरं चापरं कोलं कुवलं फेनिलं कुहम् ||
कर्कन्धु ह्रस्वबदरं बेरटं कन्धुकं धुकम् |
स्यादापक्वादिवस्थासु स्वादु सौवीरकं महत् ||
मुष्टिप्रमाणं बदरं स्वादु सिञ्चितिकाफलम् |
कफपित्तहरं पुष्पं कुष्ठघ्नं बदरस्य च ||
हस्तिकोलं हिमं स्वादु पित्तघ्नं तुवरं गुरु |
सङ्ग्राहि रोचनं स्निग्धं विबन्धाध्मानपुष्टिदम् ||
सौवीरं मधुरं स्निग्धं स्वादुपाकरसं हिमम् |
भेदनं गुरु विष्टम्भि बृंहणं कफशुक्रदम् ||
पित्तमारुततृड्दाहक्षतरक्तक्षयापहम् |
बदरं तुवरञ्चोष्णं लघु सङ्ग्राहि रोचनम् ||
वातघ्नं कफकृत्तद्वत् कोलमुष्णं सरं गुरु |
तद्वत् कर्कन्धु पक्वानि स्वादु स्निग्धरसानि च ||
घ्नन्ति पित्तानिलं, सर्वं शुष्कं मेधाग्निकृल्लघु |
तृष्णाक्लमश्रमश्लेष्ममारुतघ्नमपित्तलम् ||
तस्य मज्जा तु रुचिरो मधुरो वीर्यवर्धनः |
श्वासकासतृषादाहछर्दिमारुतपित्तजित् ||
Raja Nighantu Aamradi Varga, 136- 139
बदरो बदरी कोली कर्कन्धूः कोलफेनिलौ |
सौवीरको गुडफलो बालेष्टः फलशैशिरः ||
दृढबीजो वृत्तफलः कण्टकी वक्रकण्टकः |
सुबीजः सुफलः स्वच्छः सुरसः स्मृतिसम्मितः ||
बदरं मधुरं कषायमम्लं परिपक्वं मधुराम्लमुष्णमेतत् |
कफकृत्पचनातिसाररक्तश्रमशोषार्तिविनाशनं च रुच्यम् ||
बदरस्य पत्रलेपो ज्वरदाहविनाशनः |
त्वचा विस्फोटशमनी बीजं नेत्रामयापहम् ||
Raja Nighantu Aamradi Varga, 140- 141
Raj badara
राजबदरो नृपेष्टो नृपबदरो राजवल्लभश्चैव |
पृथुकोलस्तनुबीजो मधुरफलो राजकोलश्च ||
राजबदरः सुमधुरः शिशिरो दाहार्तिपित्तवातहरः |
वृष्यश्च वीर्यवृद्धिं कुरुते शोषश्रमं हरते ||
Raja Nighantu Aamradi Varga, 142- 143
Bhumi badara
भूबदरी क्षितिबदरी वल्लीबदरी च बदरिवल्ली च |
बहुफलिका लघुबदरी बदरफली सूक्ष्मबदरी च ||
भूबदरी मधुराऽम्ला कफवातविकारहारिणी पथ्या |
दीपनपाचनकर्त्री किञ्चित् पित्तास्रकारिणी रुच्या ||
Raja Nighantu Aamradi Varga, 144- 145
Kshudra / Laghu badara
सूक्ष्मफलो लघुबदरो बहुकण्टः सूक्ष्मपत्रको दुःस्पर्शः |
मधुरः शम्बराहारः शिखिप्रियश्चैव निर्दिष्टः ||
लघुबदरं मधुराम्लं पक्वं कफवातनाशनं रुच्यम् |
स्निग्धं तु जन्तुकारकमीषत्पित्तार्तिदाहशोषघ्नम् ||
Priya Nighnatu, Phala Varga, 64- 66
सौवीरन्तु सुशीतं मधुरं गुरु भेदनं भवेद् वृष्यम् |
हन्ति सवात॑ पित्त दाह क्षयरक्तपित्ततृष: ||
कोल रुच्यज्लोष्ण वातघ्नंश्रलेष्मपित्तकृत् प्रोक्तम् |
कर्कन्धू: क्षुद्रतमा साम्लकषाया भवेत्तद्वत् ||
कर्कन्धू: शुष्कचूर्ण लोके तथ्युज्यते बदरचूर्णम् |
लघुदीपनमथ तृष्णा श्रम वातक्लान्तिपित्तघ्नम ||
धूमः प्रधमनं शुद्धिरधश्छर्दनलङ्घनम्||
भोज्यं च मुखरोगेषु यथास्वं दोषनुद्धितम्|
पाठां तेजोवतीं पथ्यां समभागं विचूर्णयेत्|
मुखरोगेषु सर्वेषु सक्षौद्रं तद्विधारयेत्||
सीधुमाधवमाध्वीकैः श्रेष्ठोऽयं कवलग्रहः|
तेजोह्वामभयामेलां समङ्गां कटुकां घनम्||
पाठां ज्योतिष्मतीं लोध्रं दार्वीं कुष्ठं च चूर्णयेत्|
दन्तानां घर्षणं रक्तस्रावकण्डूरुजापहम्||
पलाशमुष्ककक्षारयवक्षाराश्च चूर्णिताः||
गुडे पुराणे द्विगुणे क्वथिते गुटिकाः कृताः|
कर्कन्धुमात्राः सप्ताहं स्थिता मुष्ककभस्मनि||
कण्ठरोगेषु सर्वेषु धार्याः स्युरमृतोपमाः|
गृहधूमो यवक्षारः पाठा व्योषं रसाञ्जनम्||
तेजोह्वा त्रिफला लोध्रं चित्रकश्चेति चूर्णितम्|
सक्षौद्रं धारयेदेतद्गलरोगविनाशनम्||
कालकं नाम तच्चूर्णं दन्तास्यगलरोगनुत्|
इति कालकचूर्णम्|
Narayan Churna for Udara Roga Chikitsa (C. Chi. 13/ 123)
गवाक्षीं शङ्खिनीं दन्तीं तिल्वकस्य त्वचं वचाम्|| पिबेद्द्राक्षाम्बु गो मूत्र कोल कर्कन्धु सीधुभिः| यवानी हपुषा धान्यं त्रिफला चोपकुञ्चिका|| कारवी पिप्पली मूलमजगन्धा शटी वचा| शताह्वा जीरकं व्योषं स्वर्णक्षीरी सचित्रका|| द्वौ क्षारौ पौष्करं मूलं कुष्ठं लवणपञ्चकम्| विडङ्गं च समांशानि दन्त्या भागत्रयं तथा|| त्रिवृद्विशाले द्विगुणे सातला स्याच्चतुर्गुणा| एतन्नारायणं नाम चूर्णं रोगगणापहम्|| नैनत् प्राप्यातिवर्तन्ते रोगा विष्णुमिवासुराः| तक्रेणोदरिभिः पेयं गुल्मिभिर्बदराम्बुना|| आनद्धवाते सुरया वातरोगे प्रसन्नया| दधिमण्डेन विट्सङ्गे दाडिमाम्बुभिरर्शसैः|| परिकर्ते सवृक्षाम्लमुष्णाम्बुभिरजीर्णके| भगन्दरे पाण्डुरोगे श्वासे कासे गलग्रहे|| हृद्रोगे ग्रहणीदोषे कुष्ठे मन्देऽनले ज्वरे| दंष्ट्राविषे मूलविषे सगरे कृत्रिमे विषे|| यथार्हं स्निग्धकोष्ठेन पेयमेतद्विरेचनम्| इति नारायणचूर्णम्|
Chakra Dutta, 54- 32
मसूरिका रोग
लिहेद्वा बादरम चूर्णम पाचनार्थंगुड़च |
अनेनाशु विपच्यन्ते वात पित्त काफात्मिका ||
Chakra Dutta, 55- 49
व्यंग हर बदारास्थि लेप
व्यंगजी अरुण त्वग्वा छाएगी क्षीरप्रपेशिता ||
Chakra Dutta, 45- 6
नाडी व्रण घोण्टाफलादिवर्त्तिका
Charaka Samhita, Chikitsa Sthana, 24- 160- 161
बदरीपल्लवोत्थश्व तथैवारिष्टकोद्धव: ||
फेनिलायाश्व य: फेनस्तेदाहं लेपनं शुभम् |
Chakra Dutta, Swar Bheda Chikitsa. 14- 10
स्वरभेदे बदरी पत्र कल्क प्रयोग:
बदरपत्रकल्क॑ वा घृत भृष्टं ससैन्धवम् |
स्वरोपघाते कासे च लेहमेवं प्रयोजयेत् ||
Chakra Dutta, 36- 16
स्थौल्याबदरी पत्र सिद्ध पेया
बदरी पत्र कल्केन पेया कांजीकासाधिता |
Charaka Samhita Chikitsa Sthana. 3/ 180- 186
लाजपेयां सुखजरां पिप्पलीनागरैः शृताम्||
पिबेज्ज्वरी ज्वरहरां क्षुद्वानल्पाग्निरादितः|
अम्लाभिलाषी तामेव दाडिमाम्लां सनागराम्||
सृष्टविट् पैत्तिको वाऽथ शीतां मधुयुतां पिबेत्|
पेयां वा रक्तशालीनां पार्श्वबस्तिशिरोरुजि||
श्वदंष्ट्राकण्टकारिभ्यां सिद्धां ज्वरहरां पिबेत्|
ज्वरातिसारी पेयां वा पिबेत् साम्लां शृतां नरः||
शृतां विदारीगन्धाद्यैर्दीपनीं स्वेदनीं नरः||
कासी श्वासी च हिक्की च यवागूं ज्वरितः पिबेत्|
विबद्धवर्चाः सयवां पिप्पल्यामलकैः शृताम्||
सर्पिष्मतीं पिबेत् पेयां ज्वरी दोषानुलोमनीम्|
कोष्ठे विबद्धे सरुजि पिबेत् पेयां शृतां ज्वरी||
पिबेत् सबिल्वां पेयां वा ज्वरे सपरिकर्तिके||
अस्वेदनिद्रस्तृष्णार्तः पिबेत् पेयां सशर्कराम्||
नागरामलकैः सिद्धां घृतभृष्टां ज्वरापहाम्|
Charaka Samhita Chikitsa Sthana. 5/ 71, Hapushadi Ghrita
सकोलमूलकरसं सक्षीरदधिदाडिमम्|
तत् परं वातगुल्मघ्नं शूलानाहविमोक्षणम्||
बस्तिहृत्पार्श्वशूलं च घृतमेतद्व्यपोहति||
इति हपुषाद्यं घृतम्|
Charaka Samhita Chikitsa Sthana. 11/ 28- 34, Kshat Ksheen Chikitsa
मधूकमधुकक्षीरसिद्धं वा तण्डुलीयकम्|
मूढवातस्त्वजामेदः सुराभृष्टं ससैन्धवम्||
क्षामः क्षीणः क्षतोरस्कस्त्वनिद्रः सबलेऽनिले|
शृतक्षीरसरेणाद्यात् सक्षौद्रघृतशर्करम्||
शर्करां यवगोधूमौ जीवकर्षभकौ मधु|
शृतक्षीरानुपानं वा लिह्यात् क्षीणः क्षती कृशः||
क्रव्यादमांसनिर्यूहं घृतभृष्टं पिबेच्च सः|
पिप्पलीक्षौद्रसंयुक्तं मांसशोणितवर्धनम्||
तालमस्तकजम्बूत्वक्प्रियालैश्च सपद्मकैः||
साश्वकर्णैः शृतात् क्षीरादद्याज्जातेन सर्पिषा|
यष्ट्याह्वनागबलयोः क्वाथे क्षीरसमं घृतम्|
पयस्यापिप्पलीवांशीकल्कसिद्धं क्षते शुभम्||
कोललाक्षारसे तद्वत् क्षीराष्टगुणसाधितम्|
कल्कैः कट्वङ्गदार्वीत्वग्वत्सकत्वक्फलैर्घृतम्||
Charaka Samhita Chikitsa Sthana. 15- 82- 88, Dashmuladya Ghritam
द्वे पञ्चमूले सरलं देवदारु सनागरम्|
पिप्पलीं पिप्पलीमूलं चित्रकं हस्तिपिप्पलीम्||८२||
शणबीजं यवान् कोलन् कुलत्थान् सुषवीं तथा [१] |
पाचयेदारनालेन दध्ना सौवीरकेण वा||८३||
चतुर्भागावशेषेण पचेत्तेन घृताढकम्|
स्वर्जिकायावशूकाख्यौ क्षारौ दत्त्वा च युक्तितः||८४||
सैन्धवौद्भिदसामुद्रबिडानां रोमकस्य च|
ससौवर्चलपाक्यानां भागान्द्विपलिकान् पृथक्||८५||
विनीय चूर्णितान् तस्मात् पाययेत् प्रसृतं बुधः|
करोत्यग्निं बलं वर्णं वातघ्नं भुक्तपाचनम्||८६||
इति दशमूलाद्यं घृतम्|
Charaka Samhita Chikitsa Sthana. 25/ 83- 85
पूतिगन्धान् विवर्णांश्च बहुस्रावान्महारुजः|
व्रणानशुद्धान् विज्ञाय शोधनैः समुपाचरेत्||
त्रिफला खदिरो दार्वी न्यग्रोधादिर्बलाकुशः|
निम्बकोलकपत्राणि कषायाः शोधना मताः||
तिलकल्कः सलवणो द्वे हरिद्रे त्रिवृद्धृतम्|
मधुकं निम्बपत्राणि प्रलेपो व्रणशोधनः||
Charaka Samhita Chikitsa Sthana. 26/ 81- 89
तैलं ससौवीरकमस्तुतक्रं वाते प्रपेयं लवणं सुखोष्णम्|
मूत्राम्बुसिद्धं लवणैश्च तैलमानाहगुल्मार्तिहृदामयघ्नम्||
पक्त्वा जले तेन विपाच्य तैलमभ्यङ्गपानेऽनिलहृद्गदध्नम्||
हरीतकीनागरपुष्कराह्वैर्वयःकयस्थालवणैश्च कल्कैः|
सहिङ्गुभिः साधितमग्र्यसर्पिर्गुल्मे सहृत्पार्श्वगदेऽनिलोत्थे||
सपुष्कराह्वं फलपूरमूलं महौषधं शट्यभया च कल्काः|
क्षाराम्बुसर्पिर्लवणैर्विमिश्राः स्युर्वातहृद्रोगविकर्तिकाघ्नाः||
क्वाथः कृतः पौष्करमातुलुङ्गपलाशभूतीकशटीसुराह्वैः|
सनागराजाजिवचायवानीक्षारः सुखोष्णो लवणश्च पेयः||
पथ्याशटीपौष्करपञ्चकोलात् समातुलुङ्गाद्यमकेन कल्कः|
गुडप्रसन्नालवणैश्च भृष्टो हृत्पार्श्वपृष्ठोदरयोनिशूले||
स्यात्त्र्यूषणं द्वे त्रिफले सपाठे निदिग्धिकागोक्षुरकौ बले द्वे|
ऋद्धिस्त्रुटिस्तामलकी स्वगुप्ता मेदे मधूकं मधुकं स्थिरा च||
शतावरी जीवकपृश्निपर्ण्यौ द्रव्यैरिमैरक्षसमैः सुपिष्टैः|
प्रस्थं घृतस्येह पचेद्विधिज्ञः प्रस्थेन दध्ना त्वथ माहिषेण||
मात्रां पलं चार्धपलं पिचुं वा प्रयोजयेन्माक्षिकसम्प्रयुक्ताम्|
श्वासे सकासे त्वथ पाण्डुरोगे हलीमके हृद्ग्रहणीप्रदोषे||
Charaka Samhita Kalpa Sthana. 11/ 6
अक्षमात्रं तयोः पिण्डं प्रसन्नालवणायुतम्|
हृद्रोगे कफवातोत्थेगुल्मे चैव प्रयोजयेत्||
मैरेये दधिमण्डेऽम्ले सौवीरकतुषोदके|
सीधौ चाप्येष कल्पः स्यात् सुखं शीघ्रविरेचनः||
Sushruta Samhita Chikitsa Sthana. 2/ 53
आमाशयस्थे रुधिरे वमनं पथ्यमुच्यते |
पक्वाशयस्थे देयं च विरेचनमसंशयम् ||
आस्थापनं च निःस्नेहं कार्यमुष्णैर्विशोधनैः |
यवकोलकुलत्थानां निःस्नेहेन रसेन च ||
भुञ्जीतान्नं यवागूं वा पिबेत् सैन्धवसंयुताम् |
अतिनिःस्रुतरक्तो वा भिन्नकोष्ठः पिबेदसृक् ||
Sushruta Samhita Chikitsa Sthana. 5/ 18, Aptanaka, Rakshoghana, Chikitsa
अपतानकिनम स्रस्ताक्षमवक्रभ्रु वमस्तब्ध मेढ्रम स्वेदनम वेपनम प्रलापिनम खट्वापातिनमबहिरायामिनं चोपक्रमेत् | तत्र प्रागेव स्नेहाभ्यक्तं स्विन्न शरीरमवपीडनेन तीक्ष्णेनोपक्रमेत शिरःशुद्ध्यर्थं; अनन्तरं विदारिगन्धादिक्वाथ मांसरसक्षीरदधिपक्वं सर्पिरच्छं पाययेत्, तथा हि नातिमात्रं वायुः प्रसरति; ततो भद्रदार्वादिवातघ्नगणमाहृत्य सयवकोलकुलत्थं सानूपौदकमांसं पञ्चवर्गमेकतः प्रक्वाथ्य तमादाय कषायमम्लक्षीरैः सहोन्मिश्र्य सर्पिस्तैल वसामज्जभिः सह विपचेन्मधुरकप्रतीवापं, तदेतत्त्रैवृतमपतानकिनां परिषेकावगाहाभ्यङ्गपान भोजनानुवासननस्येषु विदध्यात्; यथोक्तैश्च स्वेदविधानैः स्वेदयेत्, बलीयसि वाते सुखोष्णतुषबुसकरीषपूर्णे कूपे निदध्यादामुखात्, तप्तायां वा रथकारचुल्ल्यां तप्तायां वा शिलायां सुरा परिषिक्तायां पलाशदलच्छन्नायां शाययेत्, कृशरा वेशवार पायसैर्वा स्वेदयेत् | मूलकोरुबूस्फूर्जार्जकार्क सप्तला शङ्खिनी स्वरस सिद्धं तैलमपतानकिनां परिषेकादिषूपयोज्यम् | अभुक्त वता पीतमम्लं दधि मरिच वचा युक्तमपतानकं हन्ति; तैल सर्पिर्वसाक्षौद्राणि वा | एतच्छुद्धवातापतानकविधानमुक्तं, संसृष्टे संसृष्टं कर्तव्यम् | वेगान्तरेषु चावपीडं दद्यात्; ताम्रचूडकर्कटकृष्णमत्स्यशिशुमारवराहवसाश्चासेवेत, क्षीराणि वा वातहरसिद्धानि, यवकोलकुलत्थमूलकदधिघृततैलसिद्धा वा यवागूः; स्नेहविरेचनास्थापनानुवासनैश्चैनं दशरात्राहृतवेगमुपक्रमेत, वातव्याधिचिकित्सितं चावेक्षेत; रक्षाकर्म च कुर्यादिति ||
Sushruta Samhita Chikitsa Sthana. 12/ 5, Parmeha Pidika Chikitsa
Sushruta Samhita Chikitsa Sthana. 15/ 28- 39, Mudhgarbha Chikitsa
योनिसन्तर्पणेऽभ्यङ्गे पाने बस्तिषु भोजने ||
बलातैलमिदं चास्यै दद्यादनिलवारणम् |
बलामूलकषायस्य दशमूलीशृतस्य च ||
यवकोलकुलत्थानां क्वाथस्य पयसस्तथा |
अष्टावष्टौ शुभा भागास्तैलादेकस्तदेकतः ||
पचेदावाप्य मधुरं गणं सैन्धवसंयुतम् |
तथाऽगुरुं सर्जरसं सरलं देवदारु च ||
मञ्जिष्ठां चन्दनं कुष्ठमेलां कालानुसारिवाम् |
मांसीं शैलेयकं पत्रं तगरं सारिवां वचाम् ||
तत् साधुसिद्धं सौवर्णे राजते मृन्मयेऽपि वा ||
Sushruta Samhita Chikitsa Sthana. 20/ 57- 60, Ahiputana Chikitsa
धात्र्याः स्तन्यं शोधयित्वा बाले साध्याऽहिपूतना |
पीतं घृतं नाशयति कृच्छ्रामप्यहिपूतनाम् |
त्रिफलाकोलखदिरकषायं व्रणरोपणम् ||
कासीसरोचनातुत्थहरितालरसाञ्जनैः |
लेपोऽम्लपिष्टो बदरीत्वग्वा सैन्धवसंयुता ||
कपालतुत्थजं चूर्णं चूर्णकाले प्रयोजयेत् |
चिकित्सेन्मुष्ककच्छूं चाप्यहिपूतनपामवत् ||
अत ऊर्ध्वं प्रवक्ष्यामि पुटपाकप्रसाधनम् |
Sushruta Samhita Uttara tantra, 18- 33- 37
द्वौ बिल्वमात्रौ श्लक्ष्णस्य पिण्डौ मांसस्य पेषितौ ||
द्रव्याणां बिल्वमात्रं तु द्रवाणां कुडवो मतः |
तदैकध्यं समालोड्य पत्रैः सुपरिवेष्टितम् ||
(काश्मरीकुमुदैरण्डपद्मिनीकदलीभवैः |
मृदावलिप्तमङ्गारैः खादिरैरवकूलयेत् ||
कतकाश्मन्तकैरण्डपाटलावृषबादरैः |
सक्षीरद्रुमकाष्ठैर्वा गोमयैर्वाऽपि युक्तितः ||
स्विन्नमुद्धृत्य निष्पीड्य रसमादाय तं नृणाम् |
तर्पणोक्तेन विधिना यथावदवचारयेत् ||
कनीनके निषेच्यः स्यान्नित्यमुत्तानशायिनः |
रक्ते पित्ते च तौ शीतौ कोष्णौ वातकफापहौ ||
Sushruta Samhita Uttara tantra, 32/ 5- 7
हितं घृतं तुगाक्षीर्यां सिद्धं मधुरकेषु च |
कुष्ठतालीशखदिरचन्दनस्यन्दने तथा ||
देवदारुवचाहिङ्गुकुष्ठं गिरिकदम्बकः |
गन्धनाकुलिकुम्भीके मज्जानो बदरस्य च |
कर्कटास्थि घृतं चापि धूपनं सर्षपैः सह ||
Charaka Samhita Chikitsa Sthana, 20/ 26- 28
पित्तात्मिकायामनुलोमनार्थं द्राक्षाविदारीक्षुरसैस्त्रिवृत् स्यात्|
कफाशयस्थं त्वतिमात्रवृद्धं पित्तं हरेत् स्वादुभिरूर्ध्वमेव||
शुद्धाय काले मधुशर्कराभ्यां लाजैश्च मन्थं यदि वाऽपि पेयाम्|
प्रदापयेन्मुद्गरसेन वाऽपि शाल्योदनं जाङ्गलजै रसैर्वा||
सितोपलामाक्षिकपिप्पलीभिः कुल्माषलाजायवसक्तुगृञ्जान्|
खर्जूरमांसान्यथ नारिकेलं द्राक्षामथो वा बदराणि लिह्यात्||
स्रोतोजलाजोत्पलकोलमज्जचूर्णानि लिह्यान्मधुनाऽभयां च|
कोलास्थिमज्जाञ्जनमक्षिकाविड्लाजासितामागधिकाकणान् वा||
द्राक्षारसं वाऽपि पिबेत् सुशीतं मृद्भृष्टलोष्टप्रभवं जलं वा|
जम्ब्वाम्रयोः पल्लवजं कषायं पिबेत् सुशीतं मधुसंयुतं वा||
निशि स्थितं वारि समुद्गकृष्णं सोशीरधान्यं चणकोदकं वा|
गवेधुकामूलजलं गुडूच्या जलं पिबेदिक्षुरसं पयो वा||
सेव्यं पिबेत् काञ्चनगैरिकं वा सबालकं तण्डुलधावनेन|
कल्कं तथा चन्दनचव्यमांसीद्राक्षोत्तमाबालकगैरिकाणाम्|
शीताम्बुना गैरिकशालिचूर्णं मूर्वां तथा तण्डुलधावनेन||
Specific Formulation of Badara and Its Type Karkandhu
- Badariadi Dhupa for Updansha, Vrana
- Badari Churnadi Yoga for Pradara
- Badari Patra Peya for Stholya
- Badra Asava
- Narayan Churna for Udara Roga Chikitsa (C. Chi. 13/ 123)
गवाक्षीं शङ्खिनीं दन्तीं तिल्वकस्य त्वचं वचाम्|| पिबेद्द्राक्षाम्बु गो मूत्र कोल कर्कन्धु सीधुभिः| यवानी हपुषा धान्यं त्रिफला चोपकुञ्चिका|| कारवी पिप्पली मूलमजगन्धा शटी वचा| शताह्वा जीरकं व्योषं स्वर्णक्षीरी सचित्रका|| द्वौ क्षारौ पौष्करं मूलं कुष्ठं लवणपञ्चकम्| विडङ्गं च समांशानि दन्त्या भागत्रयं तथा|| त्रिवृद्विशाले द्विगुणे सातला स्याच्चतुर्गुणा| एतन्नारायणं नाम चूर्णं रोगगणापहम्|| नैनत् प्राप्यातिवर्तन्ते रोगा विष्णुमिवासुराः| तक्रेणोदरिभिः पेयं गुल्मिभिर्बदराम्बुना|| आनद्धवाते सुरया वातरोगे प्रसन्नया| दधिमण्डेन विट्सङ्गे दाडिमाम्बुभिरर्शसैः|| परिकर्ते सवृक्षाम्लमुष्णाम्बुभिरजीर्णके| भगन्दरे पाण्डुरोगे श्वासे कासे गलग्रहे|| हृद्रोगे ग्रहणीदोषे कुष्ठे मन्देऽनले ज्वरे| दंष्ट्राविषे मूलविषे सगरे कृत्रिमे विषे|| यथार्हं स्निग्धकोष्ठेन पेयमेतद्विरेचनम्| इति नारायणचूर्णम्|
In Phala Matra Basti (C. S. Si. 11/ 6)
कलिङ्गकुष्ठे मधुकं च पिप्पली वचा शताह्वा मदनं रसाञ्जनम्|
हितानि सर्वेषु गुडः ससैन्धवो द्विपञ्चमूलं च विकल्पना त्वियम्||
गजेऽधिकाऽश्वत्थवटाश्वकर्णकाः सखादिरप्रग्रहशालतालजाः|
तथा च पर्ण्यौ धवशिग्रुपाटली मधूकसाराः सनिकुम्भचित्रकाः||
पलाशभूतीकसुराह्वरोहिणीकषाय उक्तस्त्वधिको गवां हितः|
पलाशदन्तीसुरदारुकत्तृणद्रवन्त्य उक्तास्तुरगस्य चाधिकाः||
खरोष्ट्रयोः पीलुकरीरखादिराः शम्याकबिल्वादिगणस्य च च्छदाः|
अजाविकानां त्रिफलापरूषकं कपित्थकर्कन्धु सबिल्वकोलजम्||
Gvakshyadi Churna – Udara Roga Chikitsa (A. H. Chi. 15/ 13)
गवाक्षीं शङ्ख़िनीं दन्तीं तिल्वकस्य त्वचं वचाम्|
Contraindication and Side Effects of Badara and Its Type Karkandhu
- No known side effects of Badara, Karkandhu are still being studied but avoid its use during pregnancy and lactating mothers.
- As sour (Amla Rasa) are incompatible to use with milk, so avoid the usage of the Badara Amla variety with milk.
Suggestive Reading Regarding Z. nummularia
- Rajasekaran, Sriman & Jaykar, B. & Anandan, R. & Sidheeq, Aboobacker & Vannamalar, S. (2013). Anti-diabetic activity of leaves of Zizyphus nummularia by dexamethasone-induced diabetic rat model. International Journal of PharmTech Research. 5. 844- 851.
- Bahmani, Mahmoud & Jalilian, Anahita & Salimikia, Iraj & Shahsavari, Somayeh & Abbasi, Naser. (2020). Phytochemical screening of two Ilam native plants Ziziphus nummularia (Burm.f.) Wight & Arn. And Ziziphus spina-christi (Mill.) Georgi using HS- SPME and GC- MS spectroscopy. Plant Science Today. 7. 275. 10. 14719/ pst. 2020. 7. 2. 714.
- Prajapati, Sonia & Singh, Sumitra. (2019). Phytoconstituents of Ziziphus nummularia (Burm. f.) Wight & Arn. Leaves Extracts Using GC- MS Spectroscopy.
- Mohamadou, Salamatou & Bayoi, James & Djoulde, Roger & Steve, Nodem & Léopold, Tatsadjieu Ngoune. (2021). Phytochemical Screening and Antimicrobial Activity of Ziziphus mauritiana Lam. And Ziziphus mucronate Lam. Extracts. Journal of Advances in Medical and Pharmaceutical Sciences. 10. 9734/ JAMPS/ 2021/ v23i830252.
- Rauf, Abdur & Ali, Jawad & Khan, Haroon & Mubarak, Mohammad & Patel, Seema. (2016). Emerging CAM Ziziphus nummularia with in vivo sedative-hypnotic, antipyretic, and analgesic attributes. 3Biotech. 6. 10. 1007/ s13205- 015-0322- 5.
- Bachaya, H. & Iqbal, Zafar & Khan, M. & Sindhu, Zia ud Din & Jabbar, Abdul. (2009). Anthelmintic activity of Ziziphus nummularia (bark) and Acacia nilotica (fruit) against Trichostrongylid nematodes of sheep. Journal of Ethnopharmacology. 123. 325- 9. 10. 1016/ j. jep. 2009. 02. 043.
- Yusufoglu, Hasan. (2011). Topical Anti-inflammatory and Wound Healing Activities of Herbal Gel of Ziziphus nummularia L. (F. Rhamnaceae) Leaf Extract. International Journal of Pharmacology. 7. 862- 867. 10. 3923/ ijp. 2011. 862. 867.
- Goyal, Dr. Manoj & Sasmal, Dinakar & Nagori, Badri. (2012). Analgesic and Anti-inflammatory Activity of Ethanolic Extract of Zizyphus nummularia. Research Journal of Medicinal Plant. 6. 521- 528. 10. 3923/ramp. 2012. 521. 528.
- Dureja, AnamikaGupta & Dhiman, Kunal. (2012). Free radical scavenging potential and total phenolic and flavonoid content of Ziziphus mauritiana and Ziziphus nummularia fruit extracts. International Journal of Green Pharmacy. 6. 187. 10. 4103/ 0973- 8258. 104929.
- Abalaka, Moses & Daniyan, Safiya & Mann, Abdullahi. (2010). Evaluation of the antimicrobial activities of two Ziziphus species (Ziziphus mauritiana L. and Ziziphus spinachristi L.) on some microbial pathogens. African Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology. 4. 135- 139.
- Golla, Narasimha. (2018). Photosynthesis and antimicrobial studies of silver nanoparticles using Ziziphus nummularia leave extracts. MOJ Drug Design Development & Therapy. 2. 10. 15406/modded. 2018. 02. 00056.
- Dokhani, Negar & Nazer, Mohammadreza & skokri, Samira & Darvishi, Mohammad. (2022). Determination and Evaluating the Antioxidant Properties of Ziziphus nummularia (Burm.f.) Wight & Arn., Crataegus pontica K.Koch and Scrophularia striata Boiss. Egyptian Journal of Veterinary Sciences. 53. 423- 429. 10. 21608/vs. 2022. 142449. 1346.
- Sharma, Sandeep & Singh, J. & Maherchandani, Sunil & Kashyap, S. K. (2012). Antibacterial activity of Ziziphus nummularia and Prosopis cineraria leaves extracts against staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia Coli. Veterinary practitioner. 13. 46- 48.
- Gautam, Satya & Jain, A.K. & Kumar, Ajay. (2011). Potential antimicrobial activity of Zizyphus nummularia against medically important pathogenic microorganisms. Asian J. Tradit. Med. 6. 267- 271.
- Hamiduzzaman, Md & Sarkar, A & Hossain, Mohammad & Rashid, Mohammad & Lecturer, (2014). Neuropharmacological, Analgesic, Antidiarrheal and Antimicrobial Activities of Methanolic Extract of Ziziphus mauritiana Leaves (Rhamnaceae) Address for Correspondence Hamiduzzaman et al ISSN 2321- 547X. American Journal of Advanced Drug Delivery. 2. 183- 190.
- Mesmar J, Abdallah R, Badran A, Maresca M, Shaito A, Baydoun E. Ziziphus nummularia: A Comprehensive Review of Its Phytochemical Constituents and Pharmacological Properties. Molecules. 2022 Jun 30; 27 (13): 4240. doi 10. 3390/ molecules 27134240. PMID: 35807485; PMCID: PMC 9268283.
- Rauf A, Ali J, Khan H, Mubarak MS, Patel S. Emerging CAM Ziziphus nummularia with in vivo sedative-hypnotic, antipyretic and analgesic attributes. 3 Biotech. 2016 Jun; 6 (1): 11. doi 10. 1007/ s13205- 015- 0322-5. Epub 2016 Jan 5. PMID: 28330081; PMCID: PMC 4701709.
- Mesmar J, Fardoun MM, Abdallah R, Al Dhaheri Y, Yassine HM, Iratni R, Badran A, Eid AH, Baydoun E. Ziziphus nummularia Attenuates the Malignant Phenotype of Human Pancreatic Cancer Cells: Role of ROS. Molecules. 2021 Jul 15; 26 (14): 4295. doi 10. 3390/ molecules. 26144295. PMID: 34299570; PMCID: PMC 8307183.
- Alsayari A, Wahab S. Genus Ziziphus for the treatment of chronic inflammatory diseases. Saudi J Biol Sci. 2021 Dec; 28 (12): 6897- 6914. doi 10.1016/ j. sjbs. 2021. 07. 076. Epub 2021 Jul 30. PMID: 34866990; PMCID: PMC 8626254.
- Fardoun M, Al- Shehabi T, El- Yazbi A, Issa K, Zouein F, Maaliki D, Iratni R, Eid AH. Ziziphus nummularia Inhibits Inflammation- Induced Atherogenic Phenotype of Human Aortic Smooth Muscle Cells. Oxid Med Cell Longev. 2017; 2017: 4134093. doi 10. 1155/ 2017/ 4134093. Epub 2017 May 15. PMID: 28593025; PMCID: PMC 5448155.
- Uddin N, Ali N, Uddin Z, Nazir N, Zahoor M, Rashid U, Ullah R, Alqahtani AS, Alqahtani AM, Nasr FA, Liu M, Nisar M. Evaluation of Cholinesterase Inhibitory Potential of Different Genotypes of Ziziphus nummularia, Their HPLC-UV, and Molecular Docking Analysis. Molecules. 2020 Oct 29; 25 (21): 5011. doi 10. 3390/ molecules. 25215011. PMID: 33137939; PMCID: PMC. 7663671.
- Sivalingam PN, Mahajan MM, Satheesh V, Chauhan S, Changal H, Gurjar K, Singh D, Bhan C, Sivalingam A, Marathe A, Ram C, Dokka N, More TA, Padaria JC, Bhat KV, Mohapatra T. Distinct morpho-physiological and biochemical features of arid and hyper-arid ecotypes of Ziziphus nummularia under drought suggest its higher tolerance compared with semi-arid ecotype. Tree Physiol. 2021 Nov 8; 41 (11): 2063- 2081. doi 10. 1093/ treephys/ tpab058. PMID: 33929534.
- Goyal M, Ghosh M, Nagori BP, Sasmal D. Analgesic and anti-inflammatory studies of cyclopeptide alkaloid fraction of leaves of Ziziyphus nummularia. Saudi J Biol Sci. 2013 Oct; 20 (4): 365- 71. doi 10.1016/ j. sjbs. 2013. 04. 003. PMID: 24235873; PMCID: PMC 3824144.
- Mesmar J, Fardoun MM, Abdallah R, Al Dhaheri Y, Yassine HM, Iratni R, Badran A, Eid AH, Baydoun E. Ziziphus nummularia Attenuates the Malignant Phenotype of Human Pancreatic Cancer Cells: Role of ROS. Molecules. 2021 Jul 15; 26 (14): 4295. doi 10. 3390/ molecules. 26144295. PMID: 34299570; PMCID: PMC. 8307183.
- Shokrollahi, A., A. Alizadeh, Z. Malekhosseini, and M. Ranjbar. “Removal of bromocresol green from aqueous solution via adsorption on Ziziphus nummularia as a new, natural, and low-cost adsorbent: a kinetic and thermodynamic study of the removal process.” Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data 56, no. 10 (2011): 3738- 3746.
- Yadav R, Lone SA, Gaikwad K, Singh NK, Padaria JC. Transcriptome sequence analysis and mining of SSRs in Jhar Ber (Ziziphus nummularia (Burm.f.) Wight & Arn) under drought stress. Sci Rep. 2018 Feb 5; 8 (1): 2406. doi 10. 1038/ s41598- 018- 20548-1. PMID: 29402924; PMCID: PMC 5799245.
- Aggarwal, Babita, Pankaj Sharma, and Hardarshan S. Lamba. “Gas chromatography–mass spectrometry characterization of bioactive compounds from Ziziphus nummularia (Burm. F.) stem bark with promising in vitro antiplasmodial activity.” Journal of Pharmacy & Bioallied Sciences 12, no. 1 (2020): 42.
- Uddin, Nisar, Niaz Ali, Zia Uddin, Nausheen Nazir, Muhammad Zahoor, Umer Rashid, Riaz Ullah, et al. “Evaluation of cholinesterase inhibitory potential of different genotypes of Ziziphus nummularia, their HPLC-UV, and molecular docking analysis.” Molecules 25, no. 21 (2020): 5011.
- Yusufoglu, Hasan Soliman. “Topical anti-inflammatory and wound healing activities of herbal gel of Ziziphus nummularia L. (F. Rhamnaceae) leaf extract.” International Journal of Pharmacology 7, no. 8 (2011): 862- 867.
- Padaria, Jasdeep Chatrath, Radha Yadav, Avijit Tarafdar, Showkat Ahmad Lone, Kanika Kumar, and Palaiyur Nanjappan Sivalingam. “Molecular cloning and characterization of drought stress-responsive abscisic acid-stress-ripening (Asr 1) gene from wild jujube, Ziziphus nummularia (Burm. f.) Wight & Arn.” Molecular biology reports 43 (2016): 849- 859.
- Agnivesha, Charaka, Dridhabala. In: Charaka Samhita, ed. Vaidya Jadavaji Trikamji Aacharya., editor. Varanasi: Chaukhamba Sanskrit Sansthan; 2009.
- Sushruta. In: Sushruta Samhita, Sutra Sthana, ed. Vaidya Jadavji Trikamji Acharya., editor. Varanasi: Choukhambha Orientalia; 2005.
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Ayurveda is an Indian system of medicine that is popular since ancient times. Dr. Gupta’s IAFA® has been conducting research studies to find out different phytoconstituents of herbs and their action in the body. Such knowledge acquired by our experts is used in the preparation of medicines and providing the treatment facilities safely and effectively. IAFA® is the provider of safe and effective treatment for a wide range of diseases, mainly allergic diseases all based on Ayurveda.
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