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Parnayavani – A Home Garden Medicinal Plant


Today in public health services, plant-based medicines are widely used as they are cost-effective, safe, and help to cure various disorders. One such herb in Parna Yavani is easily grown in the home garden. Parna Yavani botanically known as Coleus amboinicus or Plectranthus amoboinicus belongs to the Lamiaceae family. Parna Yavani is famous locally with Kapurvalli name. The leaves of Parna Yavani have a resemblance with the aroma of Yavani i.e., Trachyspermum ammi. Parna Yavani is a succulent herb with various pharmacological actions mentioned in Ayurvedic classical texts. Parna Yavani is Katu (pungent), Tikat (bitter) in taste with hot potency, light (Laghu), and dry (Ruksha) in nature. Direct reference to Parna Yavani is not mentioned in Samhita and Vedic period but it is well mentioned in Priya Nighantu by P. V. Sharma in Shatpushpadi Varga. Recent research revealed that Parna Yavani has various active ingredients like flavonoids, tannins, glycosides, etc due to which it exhibits various pharmacological actions like an anti- epileptic, anti-asthmatic, anti-tumor, antioxidant, analgesic, anti- urolithic, etc. Parna Yavani has volatile oil thymol and carvacrol which plays a vital role in respiratory disorders.

Basonym of Parnayavani

यवानी गंधवत पर्णानि सत्यस्या: |

Leaves of Parna Yavani will have a similar odor to that of Yavani.

Synonyms of Parnayavani

According to Properties and Actions

  • गंध पर्णी – Leaves are aromatic.
  • कर्पूर वल्ली – Total or entire herb is aromatic.
  • अश्म भेद – Parna Yavani has properties to break down the stone.
  • पाषाण भेदी – Parna Yavani breaks the stone.

Regional Names of Parnayavani

  • Country borage, Indian borage (English)
  • Patta Ajavayana (Hindi)
  • Kapur Valli, Yavani Gandha Parnika (Sanskrit)
  • Dodda Patre (Kannada)
  • Kanni Kkurka (Malayalam)
  • Pan Ova (Marathi)
  • Patharchura (Bengali)
  • Ovapan (Gujrati)
  • Karpura Valli (Tamil)
  • Vaamuaka (Telegu)

Botanical Name

Coleus amboinicus Lour.

Coleus word is derived from the Greek word Koleos which means a sheath which refers to the way the base of the stamens is combined.

Amboinicus – Ambo means pulpit- a raised platform.


Lamiaceae (Tulsi Kula)

Ayurveda Reference for Parnayavani (Coleus amboinicus Lour.)

Scientific Classification of Parna Yavani

Class Dicotyledonae
Sub- ClassGamopetalae
Family Lamiaceae
Species amboinicus

Classification of Parnayavani – As Per Charaka and Sushruta

Charaka: Not included in Mahakshaya.

Sushruta: Not included in Gana.

Parnayavani’s Description in Brihtrayi (Controversy)

It has been a drug of considerable controversy for a long time but now the Bergenia species is being widely accepted under this name. Many other diuretic plants such as Aerva lanata Juss., Coleus amboinicus Lour, and Bryophyllum calycinum Salisb. / Bryophyllum Pinnatum and some others were usually recommended to be used in its place, but the habitat (growing among the rocks) and the clinical efficiency of Bergenia in dissolving the stones formed in the urinary tract fully justify the use of various names attributed to it.

Parna Yavani’s Description in Brihtrayi as Ashma Bheda (Controversy)

Charaka Samhita: C. S. Su. 23/ 14, C. S. Chi. 26/ 45, 59, 63, 68, C. S. Chi. 29/ 72, C. S. Si. 3/ 63, C. S. Si. 8/ 12, C. S. Si. 9/ 13.

Sushruta Samhita: S. S. Su. 38/ 9, S. S. Su. 39/ 6, S. S. Chi. 7/ 9, S. S. Chi. 38/ 64, S. S. U. 58/ 47, S. S. U. 59/ 17.

Ashtanga Hridya: A. H. Su. 15/ 24, A. H. Sa. 1/ 14, A. H. Chi. 8/ 146, A. H. Chi. 11/ 22, A. H. Chi. 14/ 19

Parna Yavani’s Description in Brihtrayi as Shilobheda (Controversy)

Charaka Samhita: C. S. Su. 4/ 49, C. S. S. 8/ 29, 89

Ashtanga Hridya: A. H. U. 39/ 169

Parna Yavani’s Description in Brihtrayi as Sailabheda (Controversy)

Sushruta Samhita: S. S. U. 10/ 4

Parna Yavani’s Description in Brihtrayi as Upal Bhedaka (Controversy)

Ashtanga Hridya: A. H. Chi. 11/ 2

Parna Yavani’s Description in Brihtrayi as Pattura (Controversy)

This has been identified by Chakrapapi with Salinccha which is Alternanthera sessilis (Linn.) R. Br. While, according to Dalhana it is the same as Sitivara or Kuranto of A. H. Pattura, according to Bopadeva, has no other synonym mentioned in A. H. It might be noted that there is a plant called Silavari belonging to the same family, Amaranthaceae and which has been identified with Aerva lanata Juss. This is being used as Pasanabhedo by the Vaidyas of the South. It may have a chance to be the Pattura of the texts. It has been reported to be anthelmintic and diuretic, the two essential properties of Pattura.

Charaka Samhita: C. S. Su. 27/ 97, C. S. Chi. 3/ 266, C. S. Chi. 26/ 45

Sushruta Samhita: S. S. Su. 39/ 6, S. S. Su. 46/ 274, S. S. Chi. 7/ 10, S. S. Chi. 19/ 35, S. S. U. 9/ 19, S. S. U. 11/ 5, S. S. U. 54/ 26

Ashtanga Hridya: A. H. Su. 6/ 100, A. H. Chi. 1/ 139, A. H. Chi. 11/ 2, 23, A. H. Chi. 20/ 26

Controversy Regarding Parnayavani

Parna Yavani is considered Pashana Bheda by various authors. Mainly in West Bengal Parna Beeja is considered as Pashana Bheda. So, the controversy of Pashana Bheda also covers the controversy of Parna Yavani. Kaviraja Gana Natha Sena thought that the Parna Yavani is the Pashana Bheda of Bengali Kavirajas.

Pashana Bheda is a highly controversial drug. There has been widespread controversy regarding the exact identity of this plant. Pashana Bheda of North, South, and East are different plants. Here we throw some light on the controversy of Pashanabheda.

(Dravya Guna Vigyana, By P. V sharma Vol- 5, Chaukambha Bharti Academy, reprint 2014)

पाषाण भेद काप्राचीन संहिता उक्त भेद

प्राचीन संहिताओं में, पाषाण भेद  की रचनात्मक विशेषताओं का कोई उल्लेख नहीं है। यदि पाषाणभेद शब्द ही को आधार मानें तो उससे इतना ही संकेत मिलता  है कि यह वनस्पति सम्भवतः पार्वत्य देशों में होती थी और पत्थरों को तोड़ कर बाहर निकलती थी अश्मभित, पर्वत भिद्‌ आदि पर्याय इसके द्योतक हैं |  इसके गुण–कर्मों में इसका प्रभाव अश्मरी भेदन कहा गया है जिसके लिए ये द्रव्य प्रसिद्ध रहा है और अद्यावधि चिकित्सा–जगत्‌ में व्यवहत हो रहा है। आयुर्वेद में यदि औषधियों के गुण–कर्म के इतिहास को देखें तो पता चलता है कि अनेक  औषधियों के गुणकर्मों एवं प्रयोगों का निरूपण आकृति– साधर्म्य के आधार  पर हुआ है। रक्ताशोक का प्रदर  में, मंजिष्ठा  का रक्त– विकार में, मरोड़फली का प्रवाहिका एवं उदर शूल  में प्रयोग इसके उदाहरण हैं| पाषण भीत  के संबंध में भी ऐसा ही अनुमान होता है । प्राचीन महऋषियों   ने उत्पत्ति  काल में ही इसके पाषाणभेदन कर्म  को देख कर शरीरस्थ विकारभूत पाषाण के लिए, इसका प्रयोग किया गया होगा । आकृति– साधर्म्य  के अतिरिक्त द्रव्यों के लौकिक प्रयोग तथा कर्म के आघार पर शरीर के भीतर उसके प्रभाव का अनुमान किया जाता था । इस आधार पर इसका प्रयोग भी प्रचलित हो जाता था | उदाहरण के लिए, कुलत्थ का प्रयोग लोक में पत्थर तोड़ने के लिए किया जाता रहा है । सम्भवत: इसी आधार पर इसका प्रयोग शरीरस्थ अश्मरी के भेदन के लिए किया जाने लगा हो। वराहमिहिरकृत बृहत  संहिता (६वीं शती ) में शिला भेदन के लिए कुलथ  का प्रयोग मिलता है ।

इसके प्रयोज्य अंग का कोई निर्देश नहीं मिलता । पाषाणभेद के गुणकर्मों का जहाँ तक प्रश्न  है, संहिताओं में इसके निम्नांकित तीन प्रमुख कम उपलब्ध होते हैं –

  • मूत्र विरेचनीय – चरक ने दश मूत्र विरचनीय द्रव्यों में  इसका उल्लेख किया है। इसके अतिरिक्त अन्य परवर्त्ती निघण्टुओं में यह मूत्रल एवं बस्तिशोधन कहा गया है । 
  • वात संशमन  सुश्नुत ने वात संशमन गण में  इसका उल्लेख किया है| इसके अतिरिक्त वीरतर्वादि गण में इसका उल्लेख हैं जो वात विकार नुत कहा गया है|
  • अश्मरी भेदन  चरक ने अश्मरी भेदन तथा अश्मरीपातन जो प्रयोग बतलाए हैं उनमें पाषाण भेद का प्रमुख स्थान है । सुश्नुत ने भी वीरतर्वादिगण को  अश्मरी, शर्करा , मूत्रकृच्छ तथा मुत्राघात का नाशक  बतलाया है |

पाषाण भेद का परवर्ती वांग्मय मेंस्वरूप

  • बाण भट्ट  कृत कादम्बरी ( ७वीं शती ) में पाषाण  खण्डों पर फले हुए मंजरी युक्त  पाषाण भेद का उल्लेख है | 
  • माधव–कृत पर्याय रत्नमाला में पाषाण भेद का अत्यंत  संक्षित उल्लेख है । इसके पर्यायों में अश्मभेद, अश्मभितु, शिलाभेद, तथा पाषाण भेद पर्याय हैं जो पाषाण का भेदन  करने का विशेष रूप से बोध कराते हैं। वटपत्री का भी पृथक वर्णन किया है जिसमें मल्लिकाख्या एक पर्याय है।  
  • अमरकोष में पाषाणभेद का उल्लेख नहीं है | अभिधान  चिन्तामणि में भी ऐसा ही है |  
  • धन्वंतरि निघण्टु  में पाषाणभेद, तिक्त, शीत, बस्ति शोधन, शूलहर तथा  शर्करा (अश्मरी ) और शिश्न शूल  (या अश्मरी शिश्न शूल) में उपयोगी कहा गया है । 
  • संहिताओं में मध्यकालीन प्रसिद्ध टीकाकार चक्रपाणी  (११वीं शती ) और डल्हण (१२वीं शती ) ने भी पाषाणभेद के स्वरूप पर कोई प्रकाश नहीं, डाला । 
  • विशेषकर डल्हण ने जबकि अनेक औषध द्रव्यों के स्वरूप पर विस्तृत  एवं महत्त्वपूर्ण प्रकाश डाला है उनके द्वारा पाषाणभेद के प्रति उदासीनता यह सूचित करती है कि या तो उस काल में इसका कोई विशेष महत्त्व चिकित्सा में न रहा हो या यह संदिग्धता की इस कोटि में पहुँच गया हो कि उसका निर्णय करना ही कठिन हो |
  • निषण्टुशेष जो हेमचन्द्र (१२वीं शती ) द्वारा रचित एक महत्त्वपूर्ण औषधि कोष है, में पाषाण  भेद का जो वर्णन उपलब्ध होता है उसमें एक पर्याय चित्र पर्णक  है| इस से  ग्रन्थकार का अभिप्राय ऐसी वनस्पति से है जिसके पात्र  चित्रित हों ।
  • सोढलनिघण्टु में पाषाणभेद के अतिरिक्त वट पत्री का स्वतंत्र   वर्णन उपलब्ध होता है । इससे भी स्पष्ट होता है कि वट पत्री का प्रयोग पाषाणभेद के अतिरिक्त स्वतंत्र रूप से चिकित्सा में होने लगा था |
  • मदन पाल निघण्टु ने भी ने भी पाषाणभेद  भेद के अतिरिक्त वट पत्री  का  पृथक  वर्णन किया है । पुरुषोत्तमदेवकृत त्रि काण्ड शेष  (१४वीं शती ) जो अमरकोष का एक परिशिष्ट भाग है उसमें भी पाषाणभेद का उल्लेख नहीं है |कैयदेव निघण्टु (१५वीं शती) में पाषाणभेद को  तिक्त– कषाय , शीत वीर्य 
  • बस्तिशोधन, (अश्मरी ) भेदन तथा मूत्र कृच्छ  , अश्मरी, व्रण आदि में उपयोगबताया है | वटपत्री का भी पृथक  वर्णन किया है ।
  • भावप्रकाश ने पाषाणभेद का इसी प्रकार का वर्णन दिया किन्तु एक अतिरिक्त पर्याय भिनयोजनी   दिया है जिससे इस का संधानिया कर्म सूचित होता है । वटपत्री का भी वर्णन पृथक  किया है |
  • राज निघण्टु  में सर्वप्रथम पाषाण भेद  के प्रकारों में तीन अन्य वनस्पतियों का वर्णन हुआ है. । ये वनस्पतियां हैं–
  1. वट पत्री
  2. श्वेत शिला
  3. चतुष्पत्री
  • वटपत्री के पर्यायों में ऐरावती, श्यामा इत्यादि दिए गए है | श्वेतशिला को शिला वल्का  शिलजा आदि तथा चतुष्पत्री को क्षुद्र पाषाणभेद कहा  गया है। वटपत्री तथा क्षुद्र पाषाण भेद  को अश्मरी और मूत्रकृच्छ के अतिरिक्त व्रण  में भी उपयोगी कहा गया है। पाषाणभेद् और श्वेत शिला में इन गुणों का उल्लेख नहीं है ।
  • आयुर्वेद विज्ञानम्‌ ( १९वीं शती ) में पाषाणभेद और वटपत्री का पृथक पृथक  वर्णन किया है । पाषाणभेद के अन्तर्गत पर्ण   यवानी का चित्र दिया है। इससे पता चलता है कि बंगाल में विशेष पर्ण यवानी का ही पाषाणभेद के रूप में प्रचलन था |
  • सिद्ध भेषज  मणिमाला, जो श्रीकृष्णरामभट्ट द्वारा रचित ग्रन्थ है  में भी व्रण  में पासन भेद का प्रयोग किया गया है किन्तु आश्चर्य की बात है कि अश्मरी– चिकित्सा में पाषाणभेद का कोई योग नहीं दिया गया  है। उसमें केवल एकही योग पाषाणभेद के लिए शरमूल का दिया हुआ है । पाषाणभेद का कोई प्रयोग नहीं है । इससे प्रतीत होता है कि संदिग्धता के कारण या अन्य किसी भी कारण  से चिकित्सा में इसका प्रयोग कम होने लगा । अश्मरीभेदन कर्म  के लिए लोक में कुलत्थ का विशेष व्यवहार देखने में आता है । वीरतर्वादि गण में वीरतरु भी धीरे शीरे संदिग्ध  हो गया ।
  • वृन्द माधव  की व्याख्या में श्रीकण्ठदत्त ने वीरतरु से शर का ग्रहण किया है | 
  • भावमिश्र ने वीरतरु के अभाव में शर लेने का उल्लेख किया है । इन प्रतिनिधि द्रव्यों में भी पाषाणभेद का कोई उल्लेख नहीं है। इसके अतिरिक्त, माधव द्रव्य गुण   तथा शिवकोष में भी पाषाणभेद अनुपस्थित है । आढमल्ल ने शारङ्गधर  की टीका में पाषाणभेद: प्रतीतः वजेति लोके लिखा है ।

पाषाण भेदके नाम से ग्रद्दीत द्रव्य

पाषाण भेद  के नाम से निम्नांकित द्रव्य देश के विभिन्न क्षेत्रों में प्रयुक्त हो रहे हैं –

  • Aerva lanata Juss.
  • Northosaerva brachiata Wight.
  • Ammania baccifera Linn.
  • Rotula aquatica Lour.
  • Bergenia ligulata Wall. Engle.
  • Coleus amboinicus Lour.
  • Bryophyllum pinnatum Lam. Kurz.
  • Iris sp.
  • Ocimum basilicum Linn.
  • Bridelia retusa Linn.
  • Homonia riparia Lour.
  • Didymocarpus pedicellata R. Br.


  • प्राचीन संहिताओं में पाषाणभेद का कोई भेद नहीं कहा गया, इस से स्पष्ट है  कि उस काल में असंदिग्ध  रूप से एक द्रव्य लिया जाता था | पाषाण  भेद शब्द का अर्थ पत्थर को विदीर्ण  करने वाला है । यह वनस्पति के उद्भव  का बोधक तथा कर्म का भी घोतक हो सकता है | सम्भवतः यह पत्थरों ( चट्टानों ) को फोड़ कर निकलने वाली वनस्पति हैं ( धन्वंतरि निघण्टु में नग भीद  पर्याय आया है ) जो रूपसाधर्म्य  के अनुसार अश्मरीरोग में प्रयुक्त होने लगी | निघण्टु  में पाषाणभेद के अतिरिक्त वटपत्रा या वटपत्री का वर्णन भी
  • पृथक किया  गया है। पर्याय  रत्न माला में वट पत्रा  हैं जिसे मल्लिकाखय  पर्याय दिया गया है । इससे यह मल्लिका  (बेला ) की कोई जाति प्रतीत होती है | धन्वंतरि निघण्टु  में भी यह मल्लिका का पर्याय है । वटपत्री सर्व प्रथम  सोढलनिधण्टु में दृष्टि  गत होती है । यह कषाय, शीत और स्तम्भन कही गई है तथा रक्तस्राव एवं अतिसार आदि में प्रयुक्त है । पाषाणभेद के अतिरिक्त वटपत्री का पृथक  वर्णन मदनपाल, कैयदेव तथा भावमिश्र ने भी किया है । मदन पाल  ने इसे कषाय, उष्ण वीर्य तथा  योनिरोगनाशक कहा है । कयदेव निघण्टु में इसी के अनुसार कषाय , उष्ण एवं योनि– रोग तथा मूत्र  रोगों का नाशक कहा गया है। साथ ही पाषाणभेद के आमयिक  प्रयोगों में भी योनिरोग, मूत्र  रोग तथा व्रण  का समावेश किया गया।
  • भावप्रकाश निघण्टु  में इसी का अनुसरण किया गया है केवल पाषाण भेद में भिन्न  योजिनी पर्याय विशिष्ट दिया हैं जिससे व्रण  आदि में इसका विशेष प्रयोग सूचित होता है । राज निघण्टु  ने वट  पत्री को पाषाण भेद का ही  एक भेद मान लिया है | इस प्रकार  सोढल निघण्टु  से राज निघण्टु  तक के विकासक्रम को देखने से पता चलता है कि वट पत्री के कषाय, शीत, स्तम्भन  आदि गुण कर्म  क्रमशः पाषाणभेद में आरोपित होते चले गये और अंतत: यह वनस्पति पाषाणभेद के एक भेद के रूप में परिणित हो  गई । का ध्यान देने की बात है कि प्राचीन ग्रंथों  एवं पूर्व  मध्यकाल तक के  निघण्टुओं में पाषाणभेद के आमयिक प्रयोगों में व्रण  का उल्लेख नहीं है | यह कयदेव निघण्टु  से प्रारम्भ हुआ |
  • ब्रजख्मे हयातनेटम नामक वनस्पति कहीं–कहीं पथरचूर कही जाती है तथा वह विशेषतः रक्त स्त्राव, व्रण  आदि में  सन्धानीय के रूप में उपयोगी है जिस कारण वह जख्मे  हयात कही जाती है | सोढल निघण्टु के वर्णन (कषाय, शीत, रक्त स्तम्भन) के अनुसार यह  वट पत्री  रूप में स्वीकृत  हुई ओर आगे चल कर जब यह पाषाणभेद के प्रतिनिधि के रूप  में व्यवहृत होने लगी तो वटपत्री के मौलिक गुणकर्म पाषाणभेद में आरोपित हो गये यद्यपि बटपत्री का अस्तित्व पृथक  बना रहा जिसे राज निघण्टु  ने स्पष्टतः एक प्रकार का पाषाणभेद मान लिया । वट   पत्रा तथा वटपत्री के अतिरिक्त वटपत्र पर्याय कुठेरक या अर्जक  भेद के लिए आता है। सम्भवतः वटपत्री से भ्र्म होने के कारण बर्बरी को भी कुछ लोग पाषाणभेद मानने लगे । राज निघण्टु कार पण्डित नरहरिं कश्मीर निवासी थे। उन्होंने पाषाण भेद को चट्टानों के भीतर से निकलते देखा था अतः शिल गर्भजा  पर्याय दिया । अबविचारणीय है कि इस निघण्टु  में पाषाणभेद के अन्तर्गत जिन चार वनस्पतियों (पाषाण  भेद, वटपत्री, श्वेत शिला या शिलावल्का और चतुष्पत्री या क्षुद्र पाषाण भेद ) का वर्णन किया वे क्‍या हैं? उद्धवस्थान की दृष्टि से पर्यायों के आधार पर यह स्पष्ट है कि इनमें तीन ( पाषाणभेद, श्वेतशिला तथा चतुष्पत्री ) चट्टानों पर होने वाली वनस्पतियाँ हैं । वटपत्री में नगभित्तु या पाषाण  भेद आदि विशेषण किसी ग्रन्थ में नहीं दिया गया है जिससे यह भी स्पष्ट होता है कि वटपत्री पाषाणभेद से भिन्न वनस्पति है । इसके गुणकर्म भी भिन्न बतलाये गये हैं । वटपत्री  को कतिपय आचार्य  पाषाणभेद  की ही प्रजाति मानते, हैं जिसके पत्र बड़े, वटपत्रवततु होते हैं किन्तु पाषाणमिद आदि पर्याय न होने से इसकी सम्भावना अत्यल्प है । वटपत्री (पर्ण बीज ) है, जो पाषाणभेद से भिन्न होते हुए भी उसके प्रतिनिधि रूप  में कई प्रदेशों में व्यवहत होता रहा फलतः कालान्तर में उसके गुणकर्म  पाषाणभेद में आरोपित होते चले गये और स्वयं वट पत्री  पाषाण  भेद का एक भेद बन गयी |
  • राज निघण्टु  में वर्णित अन्य तीन वनस्पतियों पर विचार करने से यह पता चलता है कि ये ऊंचाई पर पहाड़ों पर होनेवाली वनस्पत्तियाँ. हैं । पाषाण भेद Bergenia ligulata है। श्वेता या शिलावल्का Didymocarpus की प्रजाति Didymocarpus pedicellata  जिसमें काण्ड शून्य प्राय  होने के कारण  यह चट्टानों पर वल्कलवत फैली  रहती है। इसमें पत्तियाँ चार या छ: होती है | इसी की चार पत्ती वाली प्रजाति प्रतीत होती है जिसे क्षुद्र पाषाण भेद गया है |
  • चतुष्पत्री प्रजातियों में    D. oblonga, D. aromatica, D. podocarpa, D. villosa प्रमुख है  जो नेपाल तथा सिक्किम में  ७–११००० फीट  की ऊँचाइयों पर होती है |
  • जहाँ तक सम्प्रति पाषाणभेद से गृहीत द्रव्यों  का प्रश्न है, गुणकर्मात्मक अनुसन्धान द्वारा गोरखगाँजा ( एवं लेनाटा ) में (अश्मरी भेदन) तथा बर्जीनिया लेगुलाटा में मूत्रल कर्म  अधिक पाया गया है । किन्तु उपर्युक्त सभी तथ्यों पर समष्टि रूप से विचार करने पर बर्जीनिया लिगुलाटा के पक्ष में ही निर्णय जाता है। 
  • भारत भौगोलिक दृष्टि से विविध जलवायु सम्पन्न एक विशाल देश है । अतः बर्जीनिया लिगुलाटा (Bergenia ligulata) को मूलतः पाषाणभेद स्वीकृत करना चाहिए  एवं गोरक्ष गांजा (Aerva alanata)  का प्रतिनिधि रूप में प्रयोग किया जा सकता है | क्योंकि अश्मरीघन  कर्म  इसमें विशिष्ट पाया गया है और दक्षिण भारत में इसका प्रचार भी है। भारत सरकार द्वारों नियुक्त सन्दिग्ध द्रव्य निर्णय समिति ने भी इस आधार पर ऐसा ही निर्णय दिया है |

Historical Background of Parnayavani

We do not come across its description in the Samhitas and Nighantus. Many authors consider it the source of Pashana Bheda. It is a fleshy perennial herb which grows up to 1 meter and the flowers are purple colored. It is found commonly in India. Pashanabeda has been a drug of considerable controversy for a long time but now Bergenia ligulata is being widely accepted under this name. Other diuretic herbs such as Aerva lanata Juss., Bryophyllum calycinum Salisb/ Bryophyllum pinnatum are also used under the same name. Some scholars recommended that the plant which grows by breaking through the rocks or growing among the rocks may be Pasanabheda.

The Following are the Possible Sources of Pasanabheda:

  • Aerva lanata Juss (AMARANTHACEAE) – Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu and Rajasthan.
  • Aerva javanica Juss (AMARANTHACEAE) – Gujarat
  • Ammania baccifera Lin (LYTHRACEAE) – Kerala
  • Rotula aquatica Lour (BORAGINACEAE) – Karnataka & kerala
  • Coleus aromaticusColeus amboinicus (LAMIACEAE) – West Bengal
  • Bryophyllum calicynum Salisb (CRASSULACEAE) – West Bengal
  • Ocimum basillicum (LAMIACEAE) – Gujarat
  • Homonoia riparia Lour (EUPHORBIACEAE)
  • Bergenia ligulata (SAXIFRAGACEAE)- A.F.I.
  • Bridelia montana (EUPHORBIACEAE)- Goa

External Morphology of (Parnayavani – Coleus amboinicus)

  • Habit: Parna Yavani is a rather large succulent herb with aromatic leaves and small, pale purple flowers. Plant hairy, downy, shrubby herbs. 
  • Stem: The Stem of the Parna Yavani is 1-3 feet long.
  • Leaves: Leaves of Parna Yavani are fleshy, dentate, heart-shaped, slightly hairy, and very fleshy. The leaves have a cumin or thymol aroma. Leaves venation is reticulate and has an intense odor.
  • Flowers: Flowers of Parna Yavani are minute, blue, or violet. Leaves surface glandular-hairy and denser hairy on the lower (back side) surface giving a frosted appearance.

Flowering and fruiting time

From January to March

Distribution of Parnayavani

Parna Yavani is a native plant of the Malucca group of islands, in the East Indies. Commonly Parna Yavani is cultivated in gardens throughout India. Parna Yavani is planted as a pot- herb and also for ornamental purposes.

The Useful Part of Parnayavani

Leaves (Patra)

Parnayavani as a Substitute

Below is the list of the herb, which is used as a substitute for each other if they are considered Pashan Bheda.

  • Aerva lanata Juss.
  • Northosaerva brachiata Wight.
  • Ammania baccifera Linn.
  • Rotula aquatica Lour.
  • Coleus amboinicus Lour.
  • Iris sp. like Iris ensata
  • Ocimum basilicum Linn.
  • Bridelia retusa Spreng.
  • Homonoia riparia Lour.
  • Didymocarpus pedicellata R. Br.

Important Phytoconstituent of Parnayavani

Alkaloids, Flavonoids, Tannins, aromatic oil carvacrol, thymol. Leaves of Parna Yavani have Beta- D glucoside, Savigenin, luteolin, apigenin, quercetin, caryophyllene, patchouline, etc.

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Recent Research on Parnayavani (Plectranthus amboinicus – Coleus amboinicus)

  • Infusion of forskolin (0.2 g/ kg/ min) in an anesthetized dog increased renal blood flow (RBF) and GFR to the same degree.
  • It also increased urine flow and urinary Na exertion. The increase in RBF & GFR may be due to the preferential action of forskolin in dilating afferent arteriole (Jap. J. Pharmacol. 1991, 55, 161).
  • Forskolin showed positive inotropic and chronotropic effects on isolated spontaneously beating guinea pig atrium (C. R. Seances Soc. Biol. Fil. 1985, 179, 777).
  • Forskolin induced maximum immuno-stimulant activity at 5.0 mg/kg dose in female mice (Eur. 126, 313 (1984) Nov. 28).
  • Forskolin at 25. 78 Mg increased the percentage of motile spermatozoa in bull (Andrologia 1989, 21, 293).
  • 1, 9- dideoxyforskolin showed anti-inflammatory activity in carrageenin-induced rat paw edema (ED50 2.2 mg/ kg, i.p.) – (Chem. Abstr. 1989, 110, 147859 K).
  • Forskolin (0.5 mg) lowered intraocular pressure in rabbits and suppressed contraction of electrically stimulated CNM, partly by inhibiting sympathetic neuronal function (Curr. Eye. Res. 1985, 4, 87).
  • In anesthetized rabbits, skOLIN (10.0 ug/ kg per min) increased blood flow in the cerebrum and increased flow to the myocardium and kidney despite a decrease in mean arterial pressure (Stroke 1986, 17, 1299).
  • A study is done to investigate the protective effect of Coleus aromaticus leaf extract against naphthalene-induced hepatotoxicity in rats. A significant protective effect was observed against naphthalene-induced liver damage, which appeared evident from the response levels of marker enzymes (aspartate transaminase, alanine transaminase, acid phosphatase, alkaline phosphatase, and lactate dehydrogenase). The biochemical components viz. triglycerides, free fatty acids, cholesterol acyl transferase, high-density lipoprotein, low-density lipoprotein, cholesterol, and bilirubin were found to be increased in liver and serum of naphthalene-stressed rats when compared to control. Treatment of naphthalene-intoxicated rats with plant extract reversed distorted parameters to near-normal levels. Liver histology showed supportive evidence regarding the protective nature of plant extract against fatty changes induced by naphtha-lene. Vijayavel K, Anbuselvam C, Ashokkumar B. Protective effect of Coleus aromaticus Benth (Lamiaceae) against naphthalene- induced hepatotoxicity. Biomed Environ Sci. 2013, Apr; 26 (4): 295- 302. do: 10. 3967/ 0895-3988. 2013. 04. 008.
  • The aqueous and ethanolic extract of leaves of Coleus aromaticus was evaluated for diuretic activity. Both extracts were evaluated by determination of urine volume and electrolyte concentration in albino rats. Results revealed that both the aqueous and ethanolic extract at a dose of 500 mg/ kg showed significant diuretic activity by increasing the total volume of urine and concentration of electrolytes. Furosemide (10 mg/kg) was used as a reference drug while normal saline (0.9 %) solution was used as a control. Choudhary GP. Diuretic activity of the leaves of Coleus aromaticus Benth. Anc Sci Life. 2009 Jul; 29 (1): 20- 1.
  • Laila, Farida & Fardiaz, Dedi & Yuliana, Nancy & Damanik, Rizal & Dewi, Fitriya. (2020). Methanol Extract of Coleus amboinicus (Lour) Exhibited Antiproliferative Activity and Induced Programmed Cell Death in Colon Cancer Cell WiDr. International Journal of Food Science. 2020. 1- 12. 10. 1155/ 2020/ 9068326. Coleus amboinicus(Lour) (CA) has been reported to possess many pharmacological activities. In this study, an evaluation of cytotoxicity using brine shrimp lethality bioassay and MTT assay using WiDr cell lines was carried out. The expression of several genes responsible for programmed cell death of the methanol extract of CA was also investigated. The morphology of the cells undergoing apoptosis was detected using a Hoechst staining assay. The gene expression of BAX, BCL2, P53, Caspase 1, 7, 8, and 9 of treated samples with different concentrations (10, 15, 25 & 50 µg/ ml) was measured with RT PCR. The phytochemical profiles were investigated using LC MS. The results showed that the lethality concentration (LC50) of methanol extract using brine shrimp was 34.545 µg/ ml and the extract exhibited good antiproliferative activity against cancer cells WiDr with IC50 value (8.598 ± 2.68 µg/ ml) as compared to standard drug 5-fluorouracil (IC50 value 1.839 ± 0.03 µg/ ml). There was apoptotic evidence from the morphology of treated cells. The expressions of BAX, P53, and Caspase 9 were upregulated in lower concentrations of the extract (10 and 15 µg/ml) but downregulated in higher concentrations (25 and 50 µg/ ml). BCL2 as an anti-apoptotic gene was downregulated in all concentrations. Caspase 1 and Caspase 7 were upregulated in high concentrations (25 and 50 µg/ ml) but downregulated in lower concentrations. These data provide a mode of cell death for the methanol extract of CA in low concentrations corresponding to apoptosis with an intrinsic pathway. Many valuable compounds were identified including caffeic acid, rosmarinic acid, malic acid, eicosapentaenoic acid, benserazide, alpha-linolenic acid, betaine, Salvanolic B, 4- hydroxybenzoic acid and ferulic acid have been previously reported as being active agents against many cancer cells. This study suggested that CA might become an effective ingredient for health-beneficial foods to prevent colon cancer.
  • Manimekalai, K. & Srinivasan, P. & Dineshbabu, J. & Guna, Gautham & Darsini, D. (2016). Anti-biofilm efficacy of Plectranthus amboinicus against streptococcus pyogenes isolated from pharyngitis patients. 9. 348- 354. Objective: The objective of the study was to evaluate the anti-biofilm efficacy of Indian medicinal plant Plectranthus amboinicus extracts against the biofilm-forming Streptococcus pyogenes isolated from pharyngitis patients. Methods: The plant extracts (methanol and ethyl acetate) were screened for their preliminary phytochemical components. The solvent extract with higher phytochemical yield was subjected to quantitative analysis using the Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GC- MS) technique. In vitro, analysis of the anti-biofilm study was performed using the Minimal Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) assay, biofilm inhibitory concentration assay, growth curve analysis, anti-bacterial activity, and light microscopy analysis. Results: The methanol extract showed the highest phytochemical content. GC-MS analysis of the methanol extract showed a total of thirty-two phyto compounds among which most of the compounds were medicinally important. MIC assay showed that the inhibition of test pathogens was at an average concentration of 2 mg/ml. The agar well diffusion method elucidated that at sub-MIC the methanol and ethyl acetate extracts did not inhibit the growth of the test pathogen. Growth curve analysis was carried out at the concentration sub-MIC, in which the solvent extracts did not show any significant inhibition on the planktonic cells, whereas the biofilms of the test pathogens were significantly reduced and were dose-dependent at sub-MIC levels as confirmed by the light microscopic analysis. Conclusion: These preliminary results indicated that the methanol extract of P. amboinicus leaves consisted of pharmacologically active components and could be used as an anti-biofilm agent at minimal concentrations thereby successfully preventing the formation of biofilms.
  • Brigido, Claudia & Paz, Marcia & Alenca, Marcus & Junior, Antonio & Ferraz, Alexandre & Giricek, Ivana & Cavalcante, Ana & Picada, Jaqueline. (2016). Toxic Effects of Aqueous Extract of Plectranthus amboinicus (Lour) Spreng on Allium cepa. British Journal of Pharmaceutical Research. 10. 1- 6. 10. 9734/ BJPR/ 2016/ 23990. Aims: Plectranthus amboinicus (Lour) Spreng. belonging to the Lamiaceae family being extensively used in folk medicine for its anti-inflammatory effects, nonetheless, there is a lack of more substantial data on the toxicological effects of these preparations. This study aimed to evaluate the possible cytotoxic effects of aqueous extract of leaves of Plectranthus amboinicus on Allium cepa assay. Methods: Distilled water was used as the negative control and a solution of copper sulfate was used as a positive control. Also, a qualitative chemical screening for the identification of the major classes of active constituents was performed. Results: The results demonstrate the presence of diterpenes and flavonoids, and a decrease in the mitotic index as the concentrations of extract increased. Conclusions: These findings suggest that a toxic effect at high doses of Plectranthus amboinicus can be related to the presence of flavonoids and diterpenes.
  • Pritima, RA & Pandian, R. (2008). Antimicrobial Activity of Coleus Aromaticus (Benth) Against Microbes of Reproductive Tract Infections Among Women. African Journal of Infectious Diseases. 1. 10. 4314/Ajid. v1i1. 42081. Coleus aromaticus (Benth) is a commonly available medicinal herb in India. The antimicrobial activity of this herb is tested as a cure for reproductive tract infections (RTI) among women. Fresh leaf has been used as a disc in different diameters to test the antimicrobial activity against RTI-causing microbes. Candida krusei showed the highest zone of inhibition of growth, followed by Candida albicans, Proteus mirabilis, Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Enterococcus faecalis, Klebsiella pneumoniae, and the least inhibition was observed for Neisseria gonohorreae. Coleus aromaticus exhibits an effective antifungal and marked antibacterial activity. Using the leaf as a disc seems to be a novel and easy method that can be used initially to access the antimicrobial activity of a herb, before proceeding for further studies. This herb seems to be an ideal choice to treat RTI infections among women.
  • Chandrappa, M. & Ramakrishna, Harsha & Ramadas, Dr Dinesha & Gowda, S. S. (2010). Antibacterial activity of coleus aromatic leaves. International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences. 2. 63-66. The main aim of this study was to find out the antibacterial activity of Ethanol and hot water leaf extracts of Coleus aromaticus (Family: Lamiaceae). For the antibacterial test, the Disc diffusion technique was used against 3 Gram-positive and 2 Gram-negative human pathogenic bacteria. Both extracts showed a broad spectrum of inhibition by showing antibacterial effects for both Gram-positive and Gram-negative human pathogen bacterial strains. The zone of inhibition ranged from 9 to 14 mm for Hot water Coleus aromaticus (HWCA) extract and 16 – 27 mm for Ethenolic Coleus aromaticus (ECA) extract for 100 μg concentration. Both extracts showed potent antibacterial activity, of which the ethanol extract demonstrated the strongest antibacterial activity with the MIC value of 25 – 39 μg/ml whereas the water extract showed around 46 – 62 μg/ ml, where E. coli showed maximum inhibition against the extract. The results exhibit scientific evidence for the centuries-old usage of this plant as a medicinal herb.
  • Mutia, Maya & Annisa, Elvia & Suhartomi, Suhartomi. (2021). Anti-Bacterial Activity of Ethanol Extract of Indian Borage (Coleus Amboinicus) Leaves against Bacillus cereus. Healthy Tadulako Journal (Jurnal Kesehatan Tadulako). 7. 30- 34. 10. 22487/ htj. v7i1. 151. Bacillus cereus is aerobic, positive gram, and spore-forming bacilli bacteria. The enterotoxin of this bacteria can cause food poisoning that manifests as diarrhea and vomitus. Some previous study has been performed to explore the antibacterial effect of Indian borage leaf, but none of them have explored the antibacterial effect of Indian borage against Bacillus cereus. Hence this study was designed to explore the antibacterial activity of ethanol extract of Indian borage against Bacillus cereus. This was an experimental study with post only control group design. Ethanol extract was extracted by maceration methods and antibacterial activity against Bacillus cereus was evaluated by disc diffusion methods. The obtained ethanol extract was dissolved into some concentrations (1 g/ml, 0.8 g/ ml, 0.6 g/ ml, 0.4 g/ ml, 0.2 g/ ml). Data were analyzed by One Way ANOVA and followed by Post hoc Test Tukey HSD using SPSS 25. Ethanol extract of Coleus amboinicus showed a significant difference at the two highest concentration groups against the lowest concentration (P- Value < 0.05). The average inhibition zone diameter from the lowest (0.2 gr/ ml) and highest (1.0 gr/ ml) concentrations were 14.87 mm and 31.50 mm, respectively. Overall, ethanol extract from Indian borage leaves had potential antibacterial activity against Bacillus cereus. This antibacterial activity increases followed by the increase of the concentration.
  • Weli, Afaf & Selim, Dina & Akhtar, Mohammad & Al-Sabahi, Jamal & Al-Riyami, Qasim & Al-Sulimi, Zakia & Al-Salmani, Samera & Obaid, Basema & Al-Khanjari, Suliman. (2011). Phytochemical investigations and antimicrobial screening of coleus aromaticus grown in Oman. Electronic Journal of Environmental, Agricultural, and Food Chemistry. ISSN: 1579-­ 4377. 10. 3083-­ 3090. Coleus aromaticus (Lamiaceae) has been studied extensively for its phytochemical and pharmacological properties. In Oman, the plant is locally called “Al-Zamota” and has many uses in traditional medicine. More than twenty-six constituents were detected in the essential oil of Coleus aromaticus growing in Oman, the major constituent being m-thymol (63.4%) followed by terpinene (11.8%), p-cymene (7.7%), caryophyllene (7.1%) and beta-selinene(2.7%). The oil showed potent antibacterial activity against all tested micro organism but it did not show any antifungal activity. On the other hand, none of the prepared concentrations of the tested extracts from the leaves showed any antibacterial activity against the tested organisms. Some of the polar constituents of the stems have some activity against Gram+ve bacteria only, while the non-polar constituents showed mild activity against Gram-ve bacteria only.TIWARI, DILIP & Nagar, Hemant & DWIVEDI, GAURAV & TRIPATHI, RISHI & Jena, Jitendra. (2012). Evaluation of the anti-anxiety activity of Plectranthus amboinicus (Lour.) on rats. Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research. 5. 110-113. The purpose of this study was to characterize the putative anxiolytic-like effects of the aqueous and alcoholic extract of leaves of Plectranthus amboinicus (AQPA & ALPA) using the elevated plus maze (EPM) and the light-dark test (LDT) in rats. Control rats were treated with an equal volume of 2 % acacia suspension, and positive control rats with diazepam (2 mg/ kg). Single treatments of the aqueous/alcoholic extract of Plectranthus amboinicus (250 & 350 mg/ kg, i.p.) significantly increased the time spent and entries into open arms of the EPM and reduced the time spent and entries into the closed arms versus saline controls (P < 0.05). In the light-dark test, AQPA & ALPA (250 and 350 mg/ kg, i.p.) and diazepam (2 mg/ kg, i.p.) prolonged the time spent in the light area and entries into the light area. Neither diazepam nor the AQPA & ALPA extract produced any overt behavioral change or motor dysfunction in the EPM and LDT. These results indicate that AQPA & ALPA extract is an effective anxiolytic agent.
  • Sivaranjani, D. & P., Saranraj & Manigandan, Malathi & Kangasalam, Amala. (2019). Antimicrobial activity of Plectranthus amboinicus solvent extracts against Human Pathogenic Bacteria and Fungi. Journal of Drug Delivery and Therapeutics. 9. 36 – 39. 10. 22270/ jddt.  v9i3.2604. Plectranthus amboinicus or locally known as bangun- bangun, is an indigenous vegetable that can be freshly eaten. However, the plant is unpopular among local people and is being neglected. It has been reported to be traditionally used as medicine to cure common illnesses such as cough, stomachache, headache, and skin infection. Based on the potential, a study was conducted to bioprospect the antimicrobial activity of the essential oil. Plectranthus amboinicus essential oil of methanol and chloroform extract was tested against nine bacteria and four fungi i.e., Escherichia coli, Proteus vulgaris, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Shigella flexneri, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Enterococcus fecal, Staphylococcus aureus, Salmonella typhi, Bacillus cereus, Candida albicans, Aspergillus niger, Aspergillus fumigatus and Aspergillus flavus. The methanol extract of Plectranthus amboinicus showed the maximum antibacterial activity against the bacteria Klebsiella pneumoniae and the fungi Candida albicans. The antimicrobial activity of Plectranthus amboinicus was more at 100 mg/ ml concentration when compared to 50 mg/ ml concentration. Comparatively, the Methanol extract of Plectranthus amboinicus exhibited maximum antimicrobial activity when compared to the Chloroform extract. The Plectranthus amboinicus has shown good antimicrobial activity against most of the bacteria and only one fungal yeast Candida albicans. No zone of inhibition was recorded against other fungal isolates like Aspergillus niger, Aspergillus flavus, Aspergillus fumigatus, and Negative DMSO control.
  • Gupta, Sandeep & Negi, Pradeep. (2016). Antibacterial Activity of Indian Borage (Plectranthus amboinicus Benth) Leaf Extracts in Food Systems and Against Natural Microflora in Chicken Meat. Food Technology and Biotechnology. 54. 10. 17113/ ftb. 54. 01. 16. 3973. The ability of acetone and ethyl acetate extracts of the leaves of a traditional Indian medicinal plant, Indian borage (Plectranthus amboinicus Benth) to prevent spoilage of artificially inoculated model food systems (cabbage and papaya) and natural microflora of chicken meat was evaluated. These extracts were able to reduce the bacterial counts in all food systems; however, the effective concentration varied with the complexity of the system (cabbage < papaya < chicken). A probable mode of action of extracts was investigated by analyzing the changes they cause in bacterial cell walls and the leakage of nucleic acid from bacterial cells. Both acetone and ethyl acetate extracts at their respective minimum inhibitory concentrations resulted in leakage of cell constituents to an extent of 40 to 80 and 60 to 95 %, respectively, compared to the control, and finally leading to the disintegration of cell walls. These findings indicate the potential use of ethyl acetate and acetone extracts of Indian borage leaves in food preservation.
  • Majumder, Pulak & Bhattacharjee, Prasenjit. (2013). Investigation of phytochemicals and anti-convulsant activity of the plant Coleus amboinicus (lour.). International Journal of Green Pharmacy. 7. 211. 10. 4103/ 0973-8258. 120223. Objectives: The present study has been designed to evaluate the comparative anticonvulsant activity of different parts of Coleus amboinicus as it has been mentioned in the various literature regarding the use of this plant in the treatment of epilepsy, but no specific scientific reports are available in this regard. Materials and Methods: The in vitro anticonvulsant activity of the leaf, stem, and roots of C. amboinicus has been evaluated by maximal electric shock-induced seizures (MES) and Pentylenetetrazole (PTZ)- induced seizures models in Swiss albino mice. The drug/extracts were administered through the intra-peritoneal route (100 mg/ ml), in both experimental models, and the effect was compared with Phenytoin in MES and PTZ-induced convulsion. Results: All three studied extracts have shown significant anticonvulsant activity in both models. However, the alcoholic leaf extract has shown the highest activity by abolishing the MES-induced convulsions after 60 minutes of drug administration. The duration of convulsions in the PTZ model was also significantly reduced (P < 0.001) compared to the control group. Conclusion: The alcoholic leaf extract of C. amboinicus has shown significant anticonvulsant activity in both the studied models, followed by stem and root extracts. The presence of alkaloids, flavonoids, and saponins in these extracts may be responsible for this activity.
  • Khare, R.S. & Banerjee, S. & Kundu, Kamanashis. (2011). Coleus aromaticus Benth – A nutritive medicinal plant of potential therapeutic value. International Journal of Pharma and Bio Sciences. 2. 488- 500. Coleus aromaticus Benth (Lamiaceae) is known as a must-have plant in medicinal herb gardens. The plant is well known for its antimicrobial and pharmacological activities. It is also reported to possess antioxidant and food additive properties. Antioxidant activity is reported to be mainly due to rosmarinic acid, chlorogenic acid, and caffeic acid. The essential oil of Coleus aromaticus has great anti-microbial activity on Gram-negative as well as Gram-positive bacteria, drug-resistant microorganisms, phytopathogenic microorganisms, and fungi. Promising fungi-toxic activity against Aspergillus flavus, Aspergillus niger, Aspergillus ochraceus CFR 221, Aspergillus oryzae, Candida versatilis, Fusarium sp. GF-1019, Penicillium species, and Sacharomyces cerevisiae are reported in the literature. Carvacrol and /or thymol and β- caryophyllene are the major active constituents of the essential oil of the plant. The compositions of oil vary considerably depending upon the locality, season of collection, and maturation of the plant. Coleus aromaticus is useful in natural antibiotic formulation as an active gradient. The plant is also used as a food supplement and a flavoring for drinks. Coleus aromaticus leaves are reported to possess remarkable diuretic properties. The result shows the therapeutic potential of Coleus aromaticus which can be used as a potential source of bioactive compounds.
  • Kumari, B. & Dodoala, Sujatha & Chand, Ch & Divya, K. & Malleswari, I. & Ranganayakulu, D. (2012). Evaluation of antiepileptic activity and probable mechanism of action of Coleus amboinicus in MES and PTZ models. Drug invention today. 20125. 1587- 1591. INTRODUCTION In Ayurveda, Epilepsy is known as “APASMARA” which means loss of consciousness. Epilepsy is the most common chronic neurological disorder after stroke, characterized by recurrent unprovoked seizures affecting 1% of the population worldwide. Seizures may develop as a consequence of structural brain damage or altered metabolic states [1]. It is now emerging that certain epilepsies may be a family of channelopathies with defects involving mutations in the Na +, K +, or Ca 2+ channels whose activities are related to their voltage-dependent conditions, or defects in the membrane-bound enzymes such as Na + / K + ATPase and Ca 2+ ATPase that regulate the transfer of ions across the cell membrane [2, 3, 4].
  • Patel, Roshan & Mahobia, Naveen & Gendle, Ravindra & Kaushik, Basant & Singh, Sudarshan. (2010). Diuretic activity of leaves of Plectranthus amboinicus (Lour) Spreng in male albino rats. Pharmacognosy research. 2. 86- 8. 10. 4103/ 0974- 8490. 62956. The shade-dried powder of leaves of Plectranthus amboinicus (Lour) Spreng was subjected to successive extraction using various solvents (petroleum ether, chloroform, ethanol, and water) in increasing order of polarity. The preliminary phytochemical analyses were carried out for all the extracts. The analyses of the leaves revealed the presence of alkaloids, carbohydrates, glycosides, proteins, amino acids, flavonoids, quinine, tannins, phenolic compounds, and terpenoids. Since the phytoconstituents present in the ethanolic and aqueous extracts were similar, both extracts were selected for further study. The diuretic properties of ethanolic and aqueous extracts were evaluated by determination of urine volume and electrolyte concentration in male albino rats. Furosemide (10 mg/ kg) was used as standard while normal saline (0.9%) was used as control. Both ethanolic and aqueous extracts (500 mg/kg) have shown significant increases in the volume of urine and urinary concentration of Na, K, and Cl ions. Thus, from the study, it may be concluded that the leaves of P. amboinicus (Lour) Spreng possess diuretic activities.
  • Leesombun, Arpron & Sungpradit, Sivapong & Boonmasawai, Sookruetai & Weluwanarak, Thekhawet & Klinsrithong, Suriyo & Ruangsittichai, Jiraporn & Ampawong, Sumate & Masmeatathip, Roungthip & Changbunjong, Tanasak. (2022). Insecticidal Activity of Plectranthus amboinicus Essential Oil against the Stable Fly Stomoxys calcitrans (Diptera: Muscidae) and the Horse Fly Tabanus megalops (Diptera: Tabanidae). Insects. 13. 255. 10. 3390/ insects- 13030255. The stable fly, Stomoxys calcitrans (Diptera: Muscidae), and the horse fly, Tabanus megalops (Diptera: Tabanidae), are important ectoparasites of livestock in Thailand. These species affect animal health and cause economic losses. This study investigated the insecticidal activity of Plectranthus amboinicus essential oil against S. calcitrans and T. megalops through contact and fumigant toxicity tests and evaluated the effects of the essential oil on these flies through histopathological and scanning electron microscopic (SEM) studies. The results of the contact toxicity test indicated that the median lethal dose against S. calcitrans and T. megalops was 12.05 and 131.41 µg/ fly, and the 90 % lethal dose was 45.53 and 200.62 µg/ fly, respectively. The results of the fumigant toxicity test showed that the median lethal concentration against S. calcitrans and T. megalops was 1.34 and 7.12 mg/ L air, and the 90% lethal concentration was 4.39 and 30.37 mg/ L air, respectively. Histopathology revealed neuronal degeneration in the brain of S. calcitrans and interstitial neuronal edema of the brain and ovarian necrosis in T. megalops. No external morphological changes were observed via SEM. Given its insecticidal properties against S. calcitrans and T. megalops, P. amboinicus essential oil could be developed into a natural insecticide to control these fly species.
  • Patel, Roshan & M., Naveen & Singh, Sudarshan & G., Ravindra & K., Basant & P., Vidyanand. (2010). Antinociceptive and Antipyretic Effects of Plectranthus amboinicus (Lour) Spreng. Deccan Journal of Natural Products. 1. 9-15. The leaves of Plectranthus amboinicus (Lour) Spreng were traditionally used for the treatment of pyrexia and acute pains. The present study was carried out using acetic acid-induced writhing and tail immersion tests in mice while yeast-induced pyrexia in rats. The leaves were subjected to successive extraction using various solvents (petroleum ether, chloroform, ethanol, and water) in the increasing order of polarity. It was found that the leaves revealed the presence of alkaloids, carbohydrates, glycosides, proteins, amino acids, flavonoids, quinine, tannins, phenolic compounds, and terpenoids. Both extracts (500 mg/ kg, p.o.) produced significant (P< 0.01) Antinociceptive and antipyretic effects. The observed pharmacological activities provide the scientific basis to support traditional claims as well as explore some new and promising leads.
  • Gurgel, Ana & Silva, Jackeline & Grangeiro, Ana & Oliveira, Danielli & Lima, Cynthia & Silva, Aldo & Oliveira, Rinalda & Souza, Ivone. (2009). In vivo study of the anti-inflammatory and antitumor activities of leaves from Plectranthus amboinicus (Lour.) Spreng (Lamiaceae). Journal of Ethnopharmacology. 125. 361- 3. 10. 1016/ j. jep. 2009. 07. 006. Plectranthus amboinicus (Lour.) Spreng is a medicinal species often used in Brazil, especially in the Northeast Region, for the treatment of several diseases including inflammations and cancer. To evaluate the anti-inflammatory and antitumor activities of the hydroalcoholic extract from leaves of P. amboinicus in an attempt to determine whether the medicinal uses are supported by pharmacological effects. Anti-inflammatory activity was determined by the carrageenan-induced paw edema method. The antitumor effect was evaluated in an in vivo experimental study, using the following tumors: Sarcoma- 180 and Erlich ascite carcinoma. There were statistically significant decreases (p< .05) of edema paw at the doses of 150, 250, and 350 mg/ kg (i.p.) of the hydroalcoholic extract of P. amboinicus. Similarly, the administration of P. amboinicus at doses of 100, 150, 250, and 350 mg /kg (i.p.) inhibited the growth of sarcoma-180 and Ehrlich ascites carcinoma tumors in mice. The results suggest that the hydroalcoholic extract of P. amboinicus possesses anti-inflammatory and antitumor activities, supporting the folk use of this medicinal species.
  • Velasco, Judith & Rojas, Luis & Díaz, Tulia & Alfredo, Usubillaga. (2013). Chemical Composition and Antibacterial Activity of the Essential Oil of Coleus amboinicus Lour., Against Enteric Pathogens. Journal of Essential Oil-Bearing Plants. 12. 453- 461. 10. 1080/ 0972060X. 2009. 10643744. The chemical composition of the essential oil from the leaves of Coleus amboinicus Lour., an aromatic shrub with ethnobotanical uses was analyzed by GC- FID and GC- MS. Fifteen components were identified by GC- MS and carvacrol (65.2 %) was found to be the major constituent. The essential oil showed antibacterial activity against important enteric pathogens (Salmonella sp., Shigella sp., diarrheagenic Escherichia coli, and Vibrio sp.), with MIC values of 10 μg/ ml.
  • Sekar, Praveen & Natarajan, Vignesh & Shanmugam, Nivetha & Kandasamy, Thilagasundari. (2023). Preliminary phytochemical analysis, formulation, and evaluation of in vitro anti-inflammatory potential of the formulated gel obtained from an Ethanolic leaves extract of Coleus amboinicus Lour. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Analysis. 10. 125- 132. 10. 18231/ j. ijpca. 2023. 022. Infectious microbes like bacteria, viruses, or fungi commonly cause inflammation when they enter the body, live in certain tissues or circulate in circulation. For many years, natural resources have been used for the treatment of various diseases. In this way, Coleus amboinicus belonging to the family Lamiaceae was found to be having various pharmacological activities like anticancer, antimicrobial, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-diabetic, larvicidal, and cardiovascular activities. The objective of the study is to formulate and evaluate the in vitro anti-inflammatory potential of the topical gel using an Ethanolic leaves extract of Coleus amboinicus. The formulated gel F3 showed better spreadability with a net content of 99 % and a drug release of 94.84 %. The in vitro anti-inflammatory potential of the formulation F3 was evaluated using the inhibition of albumin denaturation assay and Human red blood cells (HRBC) membrane stabilization assay. The formulated gel and standard exhibited 45.86- 82.32 % and 55.25- 88.07 % of inhibition at the concentration of 50-250 µg/ml, respectively at albumin denaturation assay and 25.35- 75.49 % and 30.70- 87.18 % of inhibition at 50-250 µg/ ml concentration, respectively. Thus, the formulated topical gel using an Ethanolic leaves extract of C. amboinicus was found to be possessing potent anti-inflammatory activity.
  • Gupta, Sandeep & Bhatt, Praveena & Joseph, Gilbert & Negi, Pradeep & Varadaraj, Mandyam. (2013). Phenolic constituents and biological activities of leaf extracts of the traditional medicinal plant Plectranthus amboinicus Benth (Lamiaceae). TANG. 3. 10. 5667/ tang. 2013. 0027. Plectranthus amboinicus Benth (Lamiaceae) is a medicinal plant native to India, and its leaves are widely used in several traditional medicinal preparations. The purpose of this study was to detect and quantify phenolics present in ethyl acetate and acetone extracts of P. amboinicus leaves and evaluate their antioxidant, antibacterial, antimutagenic, and anticancer activities. The HPLC chromatograms of crude leaf extracts indicated the presence of phenolics like caffeic acid, coumaric acid, rutin, quercetin, and gallic acid, which were present in the range of 0.01 – 1.41 mg/ g in ethyl acetate and 0.03 – 1.93 mg/ g in the acetone extract. The acetone extract showed statistically (p < 0.05) higher antioxidant activity (, 99.59) than ethyl acetate extract (149.96 ). Statistically (p < 0.05) higher antimutagenicity was shown by acetone extract (46.16 %) as compared to ethyl acetate extract (12.16 %) at 500 concentration. The acetone extract showed higher antibacterial activity than the ethyl acetate extract, and both extracts showed the highest activity against B. cereus (375 and 625, respectively) and the lowest activity against Y. enterocolitis (1000 and 1125, respectively). Both extracts also showed an inhibitory effect on cancer cell lines HCT- 15 and MCF- 7. These results suggest that the leaves of P. amboinicus possess various biological activities and validate the traditional use of the leaves of P. amboinicus against cold, infection, and ulceration.
  • Pane, Yunita & Hasan, Sufitni & Lumongga, Fitriani & Alrasyid, Nurfida & Sari, Dini & Wati, Ridha & Basyuni, Mohammad. (2018). The effectiveness of coleus amboinicus leaf extracts as an analgetic activity on mice exposure to acetic acid. Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research. 11. 301. 10. 22159/ ajpcr. 2018. v11i9.  26538. Objective: This study aims to observe the analgesic activity of Bangun- bangun (Coleus amboinicus) leaves by induction of pain arising from chemical excitement after exposure to acetic acid.Methods: The effectiveness test of water extract and ethanol extract of Bangun-bangun leaves as an analgesic was measured by comparing the mean of quantitative and the writhing between the control and treatment groups. In addition, observations on the decrease in inflammatory processes occurred by calculating the reduction in the number of leukocyte migrations to the inflammatory area. Result: The decrease in excitatory pain in all treatment Groups (I- IV) was significantly different. The comparison of mean values ± SEM decreased excitatory pain in Groups I- II (255.00± 22.22; 88.33± 14.58), p= 0.000. Groups I- (255.00± 22.22; 60.00± 10.04), p= 0.000, and Groups I- IV (255.00± 22.22; 50.83± 3.09), p= 0.000. On histopathology examination, all treatment groups were significantly different (p= 0.006). The comparison of mean value ± SEM decreases the number of leukocyte Groups I-II (31.73± 5.22; 14.70± 3.71), p= 0.025. Groups I- III (31.73± 5.22; 15.67±3.22), p= 0.036, and Groups I- IV (31.73± 5.22; 11.77± 2.77), p= 0.008. However, the comparison of the decrease in excitatory pain and the number of leukocyte migrations between each group did not show significantly different (p> 0.05). Conclusions: This study concluded that the Bangun-bangun leaves both in the form of water extract and ethanol extract proved efficacious as a pain reliever in the mice after induction of acetic acid.
  • Subramaniyan, Govindaraju & Arulselvi, Padikasan. (2017). Characterization of Coleus aromaticus essential oil and its major constituent carvacrol for in vitro antidiabetic and antiproliferative activities. Journal of Herbs, Spices & Medicinal Plants. 24. 1- 15. 10. 1080/ 10496475. 2017. 1369483. Coleus aromaticus leaf essential oil and its purified constituent, carvacrol, were studied for their inhibition activity of diabetic linked α-amylase and α-glucosidase, and the antiproliferative activity and cytotoxicity on human melanoma cancer (A375) cells; its effect on cell cycle arrest, DNA fragmentation and apoptosis by the cleavage of poly-(ADP- ribose)-polymerase (PARP) and Bcl- 2 gene expression was examined. The essential oil and its constituent carvacrol exhibited inhibitory activities against α-amylase and α- glucosidase. The IC50 values for α- amylase (34.64 ± 1.09; 152.3 ± 1.21 µg mL⁻¹) and α- glucosidase (29.29 ± 1.05; 94.02 ± 0.78 µg mL⁻¹) were obtained for the essential oil and carvacrol respectively. Carvacrol inhibited the growth of A375 cells by inducing apoptosis as evidenced by acridine orange/ ethidium bromide staining and flow cytometry analyses. The A375 cells treated with carvacrol for 24 h induced apoptosis by the cleavage of PARP and reduced Bcl- 2 gene expression. Carvacrol may induce apoptosis by direct activation of the mitochondrial pathway, which plays a vital role in the anticancer effect.
  • Chiu, Yung- Jia & Huang, Tai-Hung & Chiu, Chuan-Sung & tsung chun, Lu & Chen, Ya- Wen & Peng, Wen-Huang & Chen, Chiu-Yuan. (2012). Analgesic and Antiinflammatory Activities of the Aqueous Extract from Plectranthus amboinicus (Lour.) Spreng. Both In Vitro and In Vivo. Evidence-based complementary and alternative medicine: 2012. 508137. 10. 1155/ 2012/ 508137. Plectranthus amboinicus (Lour.) Spreng. is a native Labiatae plant of Taiwan. The plants are commonly used in Chinese folk medicine for the treatment of cough, fever, sore throats, mumps, and mosquito bites. This study aimed to investigate the analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties of the aqueous extract from Plectranthus amboinicus (PA) in vivo and in vitro. PA inhibited pain induced by acetic acid and formalin, and inflammation induced by carrageenan. The anti-inflammatory effect of PA was related to modulating antioxidant enzymes’ activities in the liver and decreasing the Malondialdehyde (MDA) level and the production of tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF- α), and cyclooxygenase- 2 (COX- 2) in edema-paw tissue in mice. In vitro studies show that PA inhibits the proinflammatory mediators in RAW 264.7 cells stimulated with lipopolysaccharide (LPS). PA blocked the degradation of IκB- α and nuclear translocation of the NF- κB p65 subunit. Finally, the amount of carvacrol in the aqueous extract of PA was 1.88 mg/g extract. Our findings suggest that PA has analgesic and anti-inflammatory activities. These effects were mediated by inhibiting the proinflammatory mediators by blocking NF- κB activation. Meanwhile, the effects observed in this study provide evidence for folkloric uses of Plectranthus amboinicus (Lour.) Spreng. in relieving pain and inflammation.
  • Parimalanandhini, Duraisamy & Manikandan, Beulaja & Koodalingam, Arunagirinathan & Munusami, Arumugam & Manikandan, Ramar. (2021). Anti-inflammatory, anti-nociceptive and antioxidant activities of carvacrol containing leaf extracts of edible Indian borage plant Plectranthus amboinicus: an in vivo and in vitro approach. Comparative Clinical Pathology. 30. 10. 1007/ s00580- 021- 03230- 3. Inflammation remains a complex process in the host defense system and the pathology caused by it remains unsolved to date. Several steroidal and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in current use to treat inflammatory diseases elicit side effects in the longer run. Hence, to counteract these outcomes, a pharmacognostic study using a Lamiaceae plant, Plectranthus amboinicus has been focused on the present study. P. amboinicus commonly known as Indian borage has been used in folk medicine for years in treating numerous diseases. It is well known for the presence of major phytochemical constituents which possess anti-inflammatory properties. Assessment of biochemical constituents and molecular mechanisms behind the anti-inflammatory property of P. amboinicus leaves were carried out in vivo and in vitro conditions. In vivo, studies of formalin-induced nociception and paw edema in mice and for in vitro condition lipopolysaccharide-induced inflammation using IC-21 macrophage cells were performed. Aqueous and ethyl acetate leaf extracts of P. amboinicus were analyzed for their phytochemical constituents. Variations in phytochemical components were noticed in GC-MS analysis. The carvacrol-containing ethyl acetate extract exhibited higher anti-nociception in terms of lower paw licking time in the later phase of nociception and lowered hind paw edema volume by up to 35 %. The biochemical analysis revealed that the oxidative stress markers such as malondialdehyde and antioxidant enzymes have been modulated upon pretreatment with both extracts and also modulated the expression of inducible nitric oxide synthase, cyclooxygenase 2, Interleukin- 1β, histamine 1 receptor genes and nuclear factor kappa B protein. In addition, a nitric oxide inhibitory effect was observed in P. amboinicus treated IC- 21 macrophages. Therefore, the molecular mechanism put forth in this study provides insights that the presence of carvacrol in ethyl acetate extract enhances anti-inflammatory activity.

Recent Research on Coleus aromaticus

  • Kannappan, Vijayavel & Anbuselvam, C & Balasubramanian, Ashok Kumar. (2013). Protective Effect of Coleus aromaticus Benth (Lamiaceae) against Naphthalene-induced Hepatotoxicity Biomedical and environmental sciences: BES. 26. 295- 302. 10. 3967/ 0895- 3988. 2013. 04. 008. Objective:  To investigate the protective effect of Coleus aromaticus leaf extract against naphthalene-induced hepatotoxicity in rats. Eighteen male rats were divided into three groups. Group I rats were treated as control. Group II rats were intraperitoneally administered with naphthalene (435 mg/ kg b.wt) dissolved in corn oil once a day for 30 days. Group III rats were treated with leaf extract (100 mg/ kg b.wt) dissolved in 0.9 % saline and naphthalene (435 mg/ kg b.wt) dissolved in corn oil once a day for 30 days. A significant protective effect was observed against naphthalene-induced liver damage, which appeared evident from the response levels of marker enzymes (aspartate transaminase, alanine transaminase, acid phosphatase, alkaline phosphatase, and lactate dehydrogenase). The biochemical components viz. triglycerides, free fatty acids, cholesterol acyl transferase, high-density lipoprotein, low-density lipoprotein, cholesterol, and bilirubin were found to be increased in liver and serum of naphthalene-stressed rats when compared to control. Treatment of naphthalene-intoxicated rats with plant extract reversed these distorted parameters to near-normal levels. Liver histology showed supportive evidence regarding the protective nature of plant extract against fatty changes induced by naphthalene. The present study provides a scientific rationale for using C. aromaticus in the management of liver disorders.
  • Kumaran, Alaganandam & Karunakaran, Raj. (2006). Antioxidant and free radical scavenging activity of an aqueous extract of Coleus Aromaticus. Food Chemistry. 97. 109- 114. 10. 1016/ j. food chem. 2005. 03. 032. The leaves of Coleus aromaticus Benth., (Lamiaceae), commonly called Indian Borage, are often eaten raw with bread and butter. The chopped leaves are also used as a substitute for sage (Salvia officinalis Linn.) in stuffing. In the present study, the antioxidant potency of freeze-dried aqueous extract of C. aromaticus was investigated, employing various established in vitro systems, such as the β-carotene- linoleate model system, 1,1- diphenyl- 2- picrylhydrazyl (DPPH)/ superoxide/ nitric oxide radical scavenging, reducing power, and iron ion chelating activity. Freeze-dried aqueous extract of C. aromaticus (CAE) showed notable inhibitory activity in the β-carotene-linoleate model system. Furthermore, CAE exhibited moderate concentration-dependent inhibition of the DPPH radical. The multiple antioxidant activity of CAE was evident as it showed significant reducing power, superoxide scavenging ability, nitric oxide-scavenging activity, and also ferrous ion chelating potency. The data obtained in the in vitro models establish the antioxidant potency of the freeze-dried extract of C. aromaticus.
  • Rout, Om & Acharya, Rabinarayan & Mishra, Sagar. (2011). In-Vitro Antioxidant potentials in leaves of Coleus aromaticus Benth and rhizomes of Zingiber zerumbet (L.) SM. Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science. 01. 194- 198. Antioxidant activity of aqueous extracts of two common plants, Parnayavani- leaves of Coleus aromaticus Benth and Sthulagranthi-rhizomes of Zingiber zerumbet (L.) Sm. was investigated by adopting various in vitro models such as DPPH assay and Nitric oxide radical scavenging assay. The results of the study show that both plants possess significant free radical scavenging properties, and a clear correlation exists between the antioxidant activity.
  • Rasineni, Girish & Siddavattam, Dayananda & Reddy, Attipalli. (2008). Free radical quenching activity and polyphenols in three species of Coleus. Journal of Medicinal Plants Research. 2. 285- 291. Coleus is an important aromatic herb of the family Lamiaceae which is routinely grown as a traditional medicinal herb in India. We examined the total content of polyphenols, tannins, flavones, and flavonols, their antioxidant and lipid peroxidation inhibition properties in leaf and stem tissues of three species of Coleus (Coleus forskolin Briq., Coleus aromaticus Benth. and Coleus zeylanicus Benth.). Plant extracts of C. forskholii exhibited high amounts of polyphenols and higher antioxidant activity in the tissues compared to C. aromaticus and C. zeylanicus. The leaf extracts of C. forskholii showed significantly high amounts of total polyphenols (23.46 mg g -1 fw), flavones, and flavonols (250.8 µg g -1 fw) and high antioxidant activity (12.29 mM g -1 fw). HPLC profiling of leaf and stem tissues showed the presence of standard antioxidative polyphenols and more potent antioxidative polyphenols. Our results demonstrate that C. forskholii could be used as an important source of phenolic compounds with significantly high antioxidant activity.
  • Candrappa, M. & Hugar, S. & Itgappa, M. & Nagarajappa, K. (2009). Antidiabetic and antioxidant potential of Coleus aromaticus leaf extracts in alloxan-induced diabetic rats. Pharmacologyonline. 3. 1054- 1061. The present work was carried out to study the effect of Coleus aromaticus leaves on blood glucose and antioxidant enzyme levels in alloxan-rendered diabetic rats. Alloxan (150 mg/ kg body wt. i. p.) induced diabetic rats were treated with aqueous and ethanolic extracts of Coleus aromaticus at the dose of 200 mg/kg twice daily 12 hours cycle for 8 weeks. The concentration of glucose in the blood and antioxidant enzymes levels viz. superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), glutathione peroxidase (GPX), and malondialdehyde (MDA) in liver homogenate were measured. Aqueous and ethanolic extract of Coleus aromaticus significantly (p< 0.01 and p< 0.001) lowered the alloxan-mediated hyperglycemia. The activity of antioxidant enzymes such as SOD, CAT, and GPxase was found to be increased in the liver homogenate of diabetic animals treated with both the extracts of Coleus aromaticus. Test extracts also produced a significant decrease in MDA level compared to diabetic control. This confirms the anti-hyperglycaemic and antioxidant activity of Coleus aromaticus in alloxan-induced diabetic rats. Among the tested extracts, the ethanolic extract of Coleus aromaticus leaves was found to be having potent antihyperglycemic activity than the aqueous extract.
  • Saini, Saraswati & Katnoria, Jatinder & Nagpal, Avinash. (2016). Analytical techniques for phytochemicals screening and bioactivities of some coleus species: A review. 8. 227- 237. Medicinal plants are of great significance to the health of individuals and communities. Due to their great importance, the demand for medicinal plants has increased in numerous fields. Among various plants of medicinal importance, plants of the genus Coleus belonging to the family Lamiaceae or Labiatae are well known for their biological activities. Flavonoids, glycosides, volatile constituents, phenolic, and many other compounds have been reported as the active phytoconstituents of the Coleus species. These isolated and identified bioactive compounds have been analyzed by using phytochemical screening assays, chromatographic techniques (HPLC and TLC), NMR, UV spectroscopy as well as GC-MS. The fundamental aspiration of the current review stems from the availability of literature on phytochemical compounds and biochemical activities of the prominent species of the genus Coleus.
  • Narayan, Megha & Rao, S. & Shetty, Prathima & Nayak, Roopa. (2020). Screening for the anti-inflammatory and peripheral analgesic activity of Coleus ambonicus leaves using Wistar albino rats. Indian Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology. 7. 10. 18231/ j. jp. 2020. 028. We have abundant plant resources with many health benefits. The use of plant material for health benefits will help reduce the cost of drugs and also provide a less expensive substitute drug. Coleus amboinicus is a plant largely distributed in Dakshina Kannada and is used for its medicinal properties as a household cure. We planned to find out the anti-inflammatory and peripheral analgesic activity of the Aqueous Extract of leaves of Coleus amboinicus. Wistar albino rats were randomly selected, and tests were performed by dividing the animals into three groups- control, standard, and test. An aqueous extract of leaves of Coleus amboinicus was prepared using the soxhlet apparatus. The dose of leaf extract used was 500 mg/ kg. Data were analyzed by applying one-way ANOVA followed by Dunnets multiple comparison test using Graphpad Instat. The results obtained were statistically significant. In the Carragenan-induced inflammation model significant inhibition of inflammation was shown by the test drug at the end of 3 hrs and in the Acetic acid-induced writing test significant inhibition of occurrence of writhes was noted by the test drug. This study validates the folkloric use of the aqueous extract of leaves of Coleus amboinicus (AECA) at the dose of 500 mg/ kg for its anti-inflammatory and peripheral analgesic activity.
  • Pandey, RD & Singh, Akhilesh & Pandey, Awanish & Tripathi, Poonam. (2010). Anti-nociceptive Activity of the Leaf Essential Oil of Coleus aromaticus Benth. Latin American Journal of Pharmacy. 29. 808- 810. The present study was undertaken to evaluate the possible antinociceptive effect of Coleus aromaticus Benth oil. The pain sensitivity was assessed by the acetic acid-induced writhing and hotplate models in mice. The essential oil exhibited a significant reduction in acetic acid-induced writhing response, a dose-dependent increase in reaction time against thermal pain and a moderate motor impairment at analgesic doses, and a significant reduction in endurance time at higher doses on the rotarod apparatus. These experimental results suggest that essential oil (250 and 500 mg/ kg) produced an analgesic effect in mice and may be a candidate for the development of pharmacological agents used in pain management.
  • Koba, K. & Nenonene, Amen & Sanda, K. & Garde, D. & Millet, Jean & Chaumont, J.-P & Delgado Raynaud, Christine. (2011). Antibacterial Activities of Coleus Aromaticus Benth (Lamiaceae) Essential Oil against Oral Pathogens. Journal of Essential Oil Research – J ESSENT OIL RES. 23. 13-17. 10. 1080/ 10412905. 2011. 9700424. Leaf essential oil of Coleus aromaticus (Lamiaceae) from Cambodia was steam-distilled and investigated for its percentage composition and antibacterial activity against fifteen oral microflora pathogen strains. The volatile oil sample investigated in this work contained mainly thymol (57.4 %), carvacrol (13.5 %), γ- terpinene (5.6 %), and p- cymene (5.2 %). The in vitro antibacterial experiments revealed that on tested bacteria the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) ranged from 40– 80 µL/ Land and the minimum bactericidal concentration (MBC) 80– 150 µL/ L. These findings support the idea that the C. aromaticus essential oil sample tested here could be suitable for use as a natural active ingredient in natural and low-cost drugs against oral microflora.
  • Ghosh, R & Sur, Tapas & Maity, L & Chakraborty, S. (2000). Antiurolithiatic activity of coleus Aromaticus Benth. In Rats. The ancient science of life. 20. 44- 7. Water extract of the leaves of Coleus aromaticus Benth. Was tested for its anti-urolithic activity against calcium oxalate stones in male albino rats. Calcium oxalate stones were induced by feeding 3 % w/ w sodium oxalate along with normal feed. The water extract of coleus aromaticus (0.5 g/ kg and 1.0 g/ kg, once, orally for 30 days) was found to be effective in reducing the deposition of calcium oxalate. Hence, it is suggested, coleus aromaticus leaves may be effective in the therapy of calcium oxalate stone formation in the kidney and urinary tract.
  • Prasad, Shyama & Naik, Prashanth & Vijayalaxmi, K. (2002). The efficiency of Coleus aromaticus extracts in modifying cyclophosphamide and mitomycin-C induced clastogenicity in mouse bone marrow cells. Indian journal of experimental biology. 40. 1020- 5. The anticlastogenic potency of the ethanolic extract of a medicinal plant, C. aromaticus was investigated by taking bone marrow chromosomal aberration assay and micronucleus (MN) test as the test parameters. Swiss albino mice were fed orally with different doses (10, 15, 25, 50, and 100 mg/ kg body weight) of ethanolic extract for 7 days, and on the 7th day, two doses each of anticancer drugs cyclophosphamide (CP. 25 and 50 mg/ kg body weight) and mitomycin-C (MMC. 4 and 8 mg/ kg body weight) were injected, ip, to different groups of animals. Bone marrow MN preparations were made at 24 and 48 hr time intervals. Coleus extract reduced CP and MMC-induced MN and lower doses of the extract were found to be more effective than higher doses. The effective doses of extract in the MN test were selected to study the anticlastogenic effects against CP (25 and 50 mg/ kg body weight) and MMC (2 and 4 mg/ kg body weight) induced chromosomal aberrations. The results indicate the protective effect of C. aromaticus against CP and MMC-induced cytogenetic damage.
  • Joshi, Dr. R. K. & Badakar, V. & Kholkute, S. (2011). Carvacrol Rich Essential Oils of Coleus aromaticus (Benth.) from the Western Ghats Region of Northwest Karnataka, India. Advances in Environmental Biology. 5. 1307-1310. The chemical composition of the hydro-distilled essential oils of flowers and aerial parts of Coleus aromaticus were studied. The plant material was collected from the medicinal garden of the Regional Medical Research Centre (RMRC), Belgaum, part of the Western Ghats region of North West Karnataka, India. The oils were analyzed by gas chromatography equipped with a flame ionization detector (GC- FID) and gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry (GC/MS). Four compounds from flower oil and twelve constituents from aerial parts oil were identified, representing 90.25 % and 94.29 % of the total oil, respectively. The major constituent was carvacrol in flowers and aerial parts oils containing 50.98 % and 77.16 %, respectively. The other constituents identified in both oils were p-cymene, β-caryophyllene, and trans- α- bergamotene. A comparison of the constituents of the essential oil of Coleus aromaticus of this region from other different regions showed that the carvacrol is found in high amounts with three new chemotypes in minor quantity viz., methyl chavicol, α- calcarine and α-corocalene from aerial parts oil.
  • Muniandy, K. & Hassan, Zaeem & Isa, Mohd. H. Mohd. (2013). The wound healing activity of Coleus aromaticus in experimentally induced diabetic mice. Asian Journal of Microbiology, Biotechnology and Environmental Sciences. 15. 627-638. Background. The ethanolic and aqueous extract of C. aromaticus leaves and roots (100 mg kg-1 day-1 for 10 days) were evaluated for its wound healing activity in Monosodium Glutamate induced diabetic mice using excision and dead space wound models. The excision wound model was performed on five different groups of mice to measure the progress of the wound area for ten consecutive days. A dead space wound model was performed on four different groups of mice to estimate wet and dry granulation tissue as well as to examine the histological appearances of granulation tissue after ten days. Ethanolic extract-treated wounds were found to show 76.6 % of wound area reduction when it is compared with controls that exhibited 55.9 % of wound area reduction. The ethanolic extract treated wound had epithelioid faster compared to controls. The wet and dry granulation tissue weight has increased significantly in extract-treated mice when it is compared with the controls. Extract-treated mice exhibited good proliferation of collagen tissue with satisfactory angiogenesis. Coleus aromaticus promotes significant wound healing in induced diabetic mice and evaluation of this activity on human organisms is highly suggested.
  • HARIRAM, NATARAJAN. (2016). Coleus aromaticus Benth Synthesis of Potentially Nanomedicine as High Nutritive Value of Human Health and Immunomodulator. Human Journals. 4. 18- 38. Coleus aromaticus Benth is a beautiful succulent garden medicinal herb potted plants and Indian traditional medicine has a lot of potential to cure many human diseases. The broad spectrum of the plants is the therapeutic potential of antioxidant, antimicrobial, antitumor, and natural antibiotic cures. The present study was crystallization (82.3 %) of aromatic compounds of Coleus aromaticus Benth for the first time from leaf extracts. The crystallized aromatic compounds were characterized by XRD (X-ray Powder Diffraction) and HPTLC for 35 types of compounds were expressed, antibiotic activity was analyzed by peak- 1, peak- 2, and peak-3 specifically. The highest level was yielded in rosmarinic acid, chlorogenic acid, coumaric acid, and caffeic acid in the sample. However, the amount of organic compounds was predominantly found in rosmarinic acid (90 %), chlorogenic acid (31.6 %), coumaric acid (35.6 %), and caffeic acid (62.1 %) out of 35 different compounds in the crystal. The result shows the therapeutic potential of Coleus aromaticus which can be used as a potential nanomedicine, a high nutritive value for human health and a big source of bioactive compounds for immune modulators.
  • Balachandran, Binu & Subrahmanya, P. & S, Mahesh & Rao, S. & Vidya, V. (2012). A clinical study on Coleus aromaticus Benth W.S.R to Kaphajakasa. International Journal of Research in Ayurveda and Pharmacy. 3. 63- 66. Coleus aromaticus Benth. is a drug that is being used by some folklore practitioners for diseases like fever, cough, and urogenital disorders. The drug, Coleus aromaticus Benth. which is widely available in India, and is often discussed as a controversy for the source of Pashanabheda. The above-mentioned drug has Kaphavatahara property. Clinical trials were done on 40 patients, assigned in 2 groups of 20 each. The patients were treated with Ambrodil syrup and Arka of Coleus aromaticus Benth. in Group A and Group B respectively. The duration of the treatment was 10 days. Patients were assessed on the 5th, and 10th day and a follow-up was of 20 days. The effects of treatment were assessed statistically based on gradation of cardinal signs and symptoms, before and after treatment. The results were analyzed statistically. The analysis suggested that The Coleus aromaticus Benth. is a good choice of drug in Kaphajakasa (productive cough) associated with Aruchi (Anorexia), and the number of cough bouts.
  • Jose, Deena & Sreeranjini, K. & Thoppil, John. (2002). Antimicrobial screening of essential oils of Coleus aromaticus and Coleus zeylanicus. International Journal of Aromatherapy. 12. 105- 107. 10. 1016/ S0962-4562 (02) 00035- 8. The in vitro microbiocidal activity of the essential oils of Coleus aromaticus and Coleus zeylanicus was tested against seven bacteria (Bacillus megaterium, B. subtilis, Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Proteus vulgaris, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Xanthomonas campestris) and eight fungi (Aspergillus niger, A. parasiticus, Rhizopus oryzae, Rhizoctonia oryzae- Sativa, Colletotrichum musae, Fusarium solani, Candida albicans, and Alternaria brassicicola). Of the two oils tested, the oil of C. zeylanicus was found to have slightly higher inhibitory activity against a wide spectrum of bacteria and fungi.
  • Sunitha, K & Haniffa, Mohammed & Milton, James & Manju, Arthi. (2010). Coleus aromaticus Benth acted as an immunostimulant in Channa marulius Hamilton. International Journal of Biological Technology. 1. 55- 59. Channa marulius is commonly called giant murrels and has a well-known taste, high nutritive value, and recuperative and medicinal quality. Epizootic ulcerative syndrome (EUS) or ‘red-spot’ is an ulcerative syndrome caused by Aphanomyces invaders which affect Channa marulius. The EUS had a serious effect on this fish resulting in heavy economic losses. To overcome this problem in Channa marulius, we have prepared an herbal paste of Coleus aromaticus leaves, which acts against EUS in fish. The herbal paste was applied to the lesions and showed complete healing of the wound in Channa marulius on the seventh day. The results indicate the disease-resistance properties of Coleus leaf extraction and so its potential to be used as an immunostimulant in murrel culture.
  • Sampath, Ashwini & K, Girish. (2014). Phytochemical screening and antibacterial activity of methanolic leaf extract of Coleus aromaticus Benth. International Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences. 5. 270- 274. In the present study, the aqueous extracts of seven plants such as Cassia auriculata L., Coleus aromaticus Benth, Lawsonia inermis L., Mimosa pudica L., Phyllanthus niruri L., Tinospora cordifolia Miers., and Tribulus terrestris L., were screened for their antibacterial activity against human pathogenic bacteria like Escherichia coli, Haemophilus influenzae, Klebsiella pneumonia, Proteus mirabilis, Salmonella typhi, Shigella flexneri, and Staphylococcus aureus. The antibacterial assay was performed by the agar-well diffusion method. Coleus aromaticus, whose aqueous extract recorded antibacterial activity at 10 mg/ ml, was subjected to methanol extraction and tested for the presence of phytochemical compounds and also for antibacterial activity at different concentrations viz., 0.25 mg/ ml, 0.5 mg/ ml, 1.0 mg/ ml, 2 mg/ ml, 4 mg/ ml, 6 mg/ ml, 8 mg/ ml, and 10 mg/ ml. Preliminary phytochemical analysis of the leaf extract revealed the presence of reducing sugar, protein, phenolic compounds, alkaloids, flavonoids, tannins, cardiac glycosides, steroids, and terpenoids. Methanolic leaf extract of C. aromaticus showed moderate to high activity against all the investigated bacterial pathogens. The results indicated that the methanolic leaf extract of C. aromaticus is pharmacologically active and is a good antibacterial agent. Further investigations are required on the isolation and characterization of the bioactive principle responsible for antibacterial activity.

Rasa Panchaka of Parna Yavani

Rasa (Taste)Katu (Pungent), Tikta (Bitter)
Guna (Virtue)Tikshana (Sharpe), Laghu (Light), Teekshna (Sharp)
Virya (Potency)Ushan (Hot Potency) 
Vipaka (Post-Digestion)Katu (Pungent)

Dosha Karma of Parnayavani

Vata- Kapha- Shamaka.

Vata Shamaka due to Ushana Virya. Kapha Shamaka due to Ushana Virya, Katu Vipaka and Katu, Tikta Rasa.

Karma (Actions) of Parnayavani

Vata Anulomna, Yakrit Uttejaka, Pachana, Grahi, Deepana, Kaphaja Durgandha Nashana, Swasa Hara, Mutrala, Ashamri Hara, Vedana Sthapana, Akshepa Hara, Madaka, Uttejaka, Krimighana, Sangrahaka.

Ayurvedic Books on Allergies and Child Health

Prayogarha Vyadhi (Therapeutic indication) of Parna Yavani

Udara Shulam Krimi Roga, Aruchi, Vishtambha, Agnimandya, Ajirna, Jangama Visham Ashmari, Mutra Kriccha, Swasa Roga, Hika, Jirna Kasa, Udara Shula, Atisara, Vishuchika, Grahani, etc. 

Aamyik Paryog (Therapeutic Uses) of Parna Yavani

Shwasa Roga (Difficulty in breathing): Swarasa (Juice) extracted from leaves of Parna Yavani (Coleus amboinicus) is administered with honey in case of Shwasa (Difficulty in breathing).

Udarasula (Pain abdomen): Swarasa (Juice) from the leaves of Parna Yavani (Coleus amboinicus) is added with sugar and administered in the case of Udarasula (Pain abdomen).

Vidridhi – Patra / Patra Kalka (leaves or leaves paste) is applied to evacuate the pus out of the abscess cellulitis.

Shira Shool (Headache): Patra Swarasa (leaves juice) is given in the form of Nasya for severe Shira Shool (Headache).

Benefits of Parnayavani

  • The leaves of the herb (Parna Yavani patra) have a pleasant odor and pungent taste and are used for flavoring meat and salad. It is a good substitute for borage (Borago officinalis Linn.) for flavoring wines and beer. The aromatic properties are attributed to a volatile oil containing carvacrol and are present in the herb in small quantities. 
  • The drug Parna Yavani is a diuretic herbal agent. The source plant of Parnayavani is Coleus amboinicus Lour. has been finding a place among various substitutes or claimed plant sources of Pashana Bheda (Bergenia ligulata (Wall) Engl.) which is a well-known diuretic drug mostly recommended in urinary calculus and allied ailments.
  • The leaves of Parna Yavani are given as diuretic in urinary complaints and considered useful in calculus or stones and gravels (as the local or regional names also indicate towards its medicinal utility as an anti-calculus herb such as Patharchur, Pathorchura, Patherchur, Parthurchur, Karpuravalli, etc.).
  • The leaves of Parna Yavani are expressed to obtain juice which is mixed with sugar and given as a powerful aromatic carminative. 
  • The leaves are used in dyspepsia, although it is said to have intoxicating properties. 
  • A decoction of the leaves is given for chronic coughs and asthma and also allied respiratory problems.
  • Parna Yavani is quite useful in disorders of the digestive system, particularly gastrointestinal complaints. The drug is mainly indicated in anorexia, dyspepsia, flatulence, liver disorders, abdominal colic, and gastroenteritis with piercing pain (Visuchika is also under the stage of cholera). The diarrhea in this condition is checked by the administration of Parna Yavani which is an effective herbal remedy as antidiarrheal medicine. In this stage, the leaf juice in the dose of 12 ml. is orally given, and after this initial dose, the two doses of 6 ml. at intervals of one hour. In case there is no relief in diarrhea stool frequency (purgation), some course of medicine is repeated after 8 hours till the motions (diarrhea) are checked. The watery stool-like rice- water (Tandulodaka) of the white color is changed into yellowish color and gradually the stool becomes greenish and begins solidifying to attain normal consistency and characteristics subsequently.
  • The causative microorganisms are also reported to be inactive and scantly (though not destroyed completely).
  • The leaves are also used as household medicine for preparing ‘Pakora’ for diarrhea.
  • The leaves and their juice are given in abdominal disorders in the form of juice as a single drug and also in combination with other drugs and carminative as well as stomachic or anti-colic drugs. Leaves are also useful to be consumed by patients in some dietary preparations.
  • Leaves are topically applied to headaches and insect bites (Jangama Visa).
  • Parna Yavani is used in Vata Vyadhi (aksepaka, apatantraka and other ailments). It is useful in chronic cough, hiccough, asthma, and bronchitis
  • Parna Yavani is also considered useful for heart problems (weakness). Leaves of the Parna yavani plant are very aromatic when they are smelled and are pungent in taste.

Matra (Therapeutic Administration and Dosage) of Parnayavani

  • Patra Swarasa (Leaves juice) – 5- 10 ml
  • Churna (powder) – 3- 6 gram
  • Kwatha (decoction) – 30- 60 ml
  • Phanta (hot infusion) – 50 ml
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Classical Reference of Parnayavani

Priya Nighnatu, Shat Pushpadi varga, 17.


ख्याता पर्ण यवानीतु यवानी गंध पर्णिका |

स्थूल पत्राबुधकेचिद उक्ता पाषाण चूर्णिका ||

Priya Nighnatu, Shat Pushpadi varga, 18

Properties and actions

तीक्ष्णा पर्ण यवान्य उष्ण कटु  तिक्ता अश्म भेदनी |

दीपनी पाचनी रूच्या मल संग्रहणी परा ||

Dravya Guna Vigyana

तीक्ष्णा पर्ण यवान्य उष्ण कटु तिक्ता रसे लघु: | 

दीपनी पाचनी रूच्या मल संग्रहणी परा ||

अग्नि मान्द्य यकृद रोगे ग्रहणी उदार क्रिमौ |

विषूचिकाआशमर्य मूत्र कृच्छ  शस्यते ||

As various authors consider Parna Yavani as Pashana Bheda, so in all the references where Pashana Bheda is mentioned, Parna Yavani is taken by some authors and Vaidyas.

Bhava Prakasha Nighantu Haritkyadi Varga. 184


पाषाणभेदकोऽश्मघ्नो गिरिभिद्भिन्नयोजिनी |

Bhava Prakasha Nighantu Vatadi Varga- 184, 185

Properties and actions

अश्मभेदो हिमस्तिक्तः कषायो बस्तिशोधनः |

भेदनो हन्ति दोषार्शोगुल्मकृच्छ्राश्महृद्रुजः |

योनिरोगान्प्रमेहांश्च प्लीहशूलव्रणानि  ||

Dhanwantri Nighantu, Guduchyadi Varga, 154

पाषाणभेदकोऽश्मघ्नः शिलाभेदोऽश्मभेदकः |

 चैवोपलभेदश्च नगभिद्दृषदश्मजित् ||

पाषाणभेदकः शूलकृच्छ्रमेहत्रिदोषजित् |

अश्मभेदो हिमस्तिक्तः शर्कराशिश्नशूलजित् ||

अश्मभेदो दृषद्भेदः प्रस्तरो नगभेदकः ||

Kaiydeva Nighantu Aushadhi Varga- 1145- 1146

पाषाणभेदो नगदिदश्महोश्मरिभेदनः |

अश्मभेदो हिमस्तिक्तः कषायो वस्तिशोधनः ||

भेदनो हन्ति दोषार्शोगुल्मकृच्छ्राश्महृद्रुजः |

योनिरोगप्रमेहांश्च प्लीहशूलव्रणानपि ||

Kaiydeva Nighantu Aushadhi Varga- 1099- 1101

Vata Patri

खट्वङ्गनामिका गोध्यवति श्यामा तु मोहनी |

वटपत्री रैवतिका तुतः कैरान्तकोमतः ||

वटपत्री कषायोष्णा योनिमूत्रगदापहा |

Kaiydeva Nighantu Aushadhi Varga- 1099- 1101

Vata Patri Phalam

तत्फलं मधुरं रूक्षं कषायं स्तम्भनं हिमम् ||

लेखनं कफपित्तघ्नं विबन्धाध्मानवातकृत् |

Raja Nighantu Parpatadi Varga, 39- 40

पाषाणभेदकोऽश्मघ्नः शिलाभेदोऽश्मभेदकः |

 चैवोपलभेदश्च नगभिढ्दृषदश्मजित् |

श्वेता चोपलभेदी  नगजिच्छिलिगर्भजा ||

पाषाणभेदो मधुरस्तिक्तो मेहविनाशनः |

तृड्दाहमूत्रकृच्छ्रघ्नः शीतलश्चाश्मरीहरः ||

Raja Nighantu Parpatadi Varga, 41- 42

Vat Patri

अन्या तु वटपत्री स्यादन्या चैरावती  सा |

गोधावतीरावती  श्यामा खट्वाङ्गनामिका ||

वटपत्री हिमा गौल्या मेहकृच्छ्रविनाशिनी |

बलदा व्रणहन्त्री  किञ्चिद्दीपनकारिणी ||

Raja Nighantu Parpatadi Varga, 43- 44

Shweta shila

अन्या श्वेता शिलावल्का शिलाजा शैलवल्कला |

वल्कला शैलगर्भाह्वा शिलात्वक् सप्तनामिका ||

शिलावल्कं हिमं स्वादु मेहकृच्छ्रविनाशनम् |

मूत्ररोधाश्मरीशूलक्षयपित्तापहारकम् ||

Raja Nighantu Parpatadi Varga, 45- 46

Khudra Pashan Bheda

क्षुद्रपाषाणभेदान्या चतुष्पत्री  पार्वती |

नागभूरश्मकेतुश्च गिरिभूः कन्दरोद्भवा ||

शैलोद्भवा  गिरिजा नगजा  दशाह्वया |

क्षुद्रपाषाणभेदा तु व्रणकृच्छ्राश्मरीहरा ||

Priya Nighantu, Shatpushpadi Varga, 85- 86

उद्भिन अस्ति शिला खंड वर्धतेप्रस्तर अपि | अश्मरीम  भींत्याशु ततपाषाण भेदक:||

पाषाणभेद इति लोकप्रसिद्धा नाम्ना ख्यातो भवेद चिर लोहित मूल दंड: | शीतो हिमाचल तलस्थ प्रदेश जातबस्तय अश्मरी हनन कर्म करो अद्वित्य: ||

Bhava Parkasha, Mutra Ghata Adhikara, 36- 40

मूत्र कृच्छादि रोग शिला उद्भिदादि तैलं

शिला उद्भिद एरंड समस्थिराभिपुनर्नवाभीरु रसेषु सिद्धं |

तैलं शृतं क्षीरं अत्था अनुपानं कालेषुकृच्छादिषु सम्प्रयोज्यं |

Bhava Parkasha, Ashmari Roga Adhikara, 37/ 16- 18, Chakra Dutta. 34/ 8- 10

वात जन्य अश्मरी रोग पाषाण भेद आद्यं घृतम

Chakra Dutta, Ashmari Chikitsa, 34/ 36- 37

पाषाण भेदा आद्यं चूर्णमघृतञ्च |

Chakra Dutta, 38- 7/ 9


नलाशम भेदक दर्भे खुटरपुसे एरवारु बीजकम |

क्षीरं परिश्रितान तत्र पिबेत सर्पिसमायुतां ||

पाषाण भेदा आद्यं घृतम |

Chakra Dutta, 34- 35/ 36

पाषाण भेदा आद्यं चूर्णमघृतञ्च |

Charaka Samhita Sutra Sthana. 4/ 35

वृक्षादनी श्वदंष्ट्रा वसुक वशिर पाषाणभेद दर्भ कुश काश गुन्द्रेत्कट मूलानीति दशेमानि मूत्र विरेचनीयानि भवन्तिइति पञ्चकः कषायवर्गः||

Charaka Samhita Chikitsa Samhita. 26/ 60

Ashmri Chikitsa

क्रिया हिता साऽश्मरिशर्कराभ्यां कृच्छ्रे यथैवेह कफानिलाभ्याम्|

कार्याऽश्मरीभेदनपातनाय विशेषयुक्तं शृणु कर्म सिद्धम्||

पाषाणभेदं वृषकं श्वदंष्ट्रापाठाभयाव्योषशटीनिकुम्भाः|

हिंस्राखराश्वाशितिवारकाणामेर्वारुकाणां त्रपुषस्य बीजम्||

उत्कुञ्चिका हिङ्गु सवेतसाम्लं स्याद्द्वे बृहत्यौ हपुषा वचा |

चूर्णं पिबेदश्मरिभेदपक्वं सर्पिश्च गोमूत्रचतुर्गुणं तैः||

मूलं श्वदंष्ट्रेक्षुरकोरुबूकात् क्षीरेण पिष्टं बृहतीद्वयाच्च|

आलोड्य दध्ना मधुरेण पेयं दिनानि सप्ताश्मरिभेदनाय||

पुनर्नवायोरजनीश्वदंष्ट्राफल्गुप्रवालाश्च सदर्भपुष्पाः|

क्षीराम्बुमद्येक्षुरसैः सुपिष्टं पेयं भवेदश्मरिशर्करासु||

त्रुटिं सुराह्वं [लवणानि पञ्च यवाग्रजं कुन्दुरुकाश्मभेदौ|

कम्पिल्लकं गोक्षुरकस्य बीजमेर्वारुबीजं त्रपुषस्य बीजम्||

चूर्णीकृतं चित्रकहिङ्गुमासीयवानितुल्यं त्रिफलाद्विभागम्|

अम्लैरशुक्तै रसमद्ययुषैः पेयं हि गुल्माश्मरिभेदनार्थम्||

बिल्वप्रमाणो घृततैलभृष्टो यूषः कृतः शिग्रुकमूलकल्कात्|

शीतोऽश्मभित् स्याद्दधिमण्डयुक्तः पेयः प्रकामं लवणेन युक्तः||

जलेन शोभाञ्जनमूलकल्कः शीतो हितश्चाश्मरिशर्करासु|

सितोपला वा समयावशूका कृच्छ्रेषु सर्वेष्वपि भेषजं स्यात्||

पीत्वाऽथ मद्यं निगदं रथेन हयेन वा शीघ्रजवेन यायात्|

तैः शर्करा प्रच्यवतेऽश्मरी तु शम्येन्न चेच्छल्यविदुद्धरेत्ताम्||

रेतोभिघातप्रभवे तु कृच्छ्रे समीक्ष्य दोषं प्रतिकर्म कुर्यात्|

कार्पासमूलं वृषकाश्मभेदौ बला स्थिरादीनि गवेधुका ||

वृश्चीर ऐन्द्री  पुनर्नवा  शतावरी मध्वसनाख्यपर्ण्यौ|

तत्क्वाथसिद्धः पवने रसः स्यात् पित्तेऽधिके क्षीरमथापि सर्पिः||

कफे  यूषादिकमन्नपानं संसर्गजे सर्वहितः क्रमः स्यात्|

एवं  चेच्छाम्यति तस्य युञ्ज्यात् सुरां पुराणां मधुकासवं वा||

विहङ्गमांसानि  बृंहणाय बस्तींश्च शुक्राशयशोधनार्थम्|

शुद्धस्य तृप्तस्य  वृष्ययोगैः प्रियानुकूलाः प्रमदा विधेयाः||

Charaka Samhita Sutra Sthana. 23/ 14

Ashmbheda as Santarpana- Aptarpana Chikitsa

क्रिया हिता साऽश्मरिशर्कराभ्यां कृच्छ्रे यथैवेह कफानिलाभ्याम्|

कार्याऽश्मरीभेदनपातनाय विशेषयुक्तं शृणु कर्म सिद्धम्||

पाषाणभेदं वृषकं श्वदंष्ट्रापाठाभयाव्योषशटीनिकुम्भाः|

हिंस्राखराश्वाशितिवारकाणामेर्वारुकाणां त्रपुषस्य बीजम्||

उत्कुञ्चिका हिङ्गु सवेतसाम्लं स्याद्द्वे बृहत्यौ हपुषा वचा |

चूर्णं पिबेदश्मरिभेदपक्वं सर्पिश्च गोमूत्रचतुर्गुणं तैः||

मूलं श्वदंष्ट्रेक्षुरकोरुबूकात् क्षीरेण पिष्टं बृहतीद्वयाच्च|

आलोड्य दध्ना मधुरेण पेयं दिनानि सप्ताश्मरिभेदनाय||

पुनर्नवायोरजनीश्वदंष्ट्राफल्गुप्रवालाश्च सदर्भपुष्पाः|

क्षीराम्बुमद्येक्षुरसैः सुपिष्टं पेयं भवेदश्मरिशर्करासु||

त्रुटिं सुराह्वं [लवणानि पञ्च यवाग्रजं कुन्दुरुकाश्मभेदौ|

कम्पिल्लकं गोक्षुरकस्य बीजमेर्वारुबीजं त्रपुषस्य बीजम्||

चूर्णीकृतं चित्रकहिङ्गुमासीयवानितुल्यं त्रिफलाद्विभागम्|

अम्लैरशुक्तै रसमद्ययुषैः पेयं हि गुल्माश्मरिभेदनार्थम्||

बिल्वप्रमाणो घृततैलभृष्टो यूषः कृतः शिग्रुकमूलकल्कात्|

शीतोऽश्मभित् स्याद्दधिमण्डयुक्तः पेयः प्रकामं लवणेन युक्तः||

जलेन शोभाञ्जनमूलकल्कः शीतो हितश्चाश्मरिशर्करासु|

सितोपला वा समयावशूका कृच्छ्रेषु सर्वेष्वपि भेषजं स्यात्||

पीत्वाऽथ मद्यं निगदं रथेन हयेन वा शीघ्रजवेन यायात्|

तैः शर्करा प्रच्यवतेऽश्मरी तु शम्येन्न चेच्छल्यविदुद्धरेत्ताम्||

रेतोभिघातप्रभवे तु कृच्छ्रे समीक्ष्य दोषं प्रतिकर्म कुर्यात्|

कार्पासमूलं वृषकाश्मभेदौ बला स्थिरादीनि गवेधुका ||

वृश्चीर ऐन्द्री  पुनर्नवा  शतावरी मध्वसनाख्यपर्ण्यौ|

तत्क्वाथसिद्धः पवने रसः स्यात् पित्तेऽधिके क्षीरमथापि सर्पिः||

कफे  यूषादिकमन्नपानं संसर्गजे सर्वहितः क्रमः स्यात्|

एवं  चेच्छाम्यति तस्य युञ्ज्यात् सुरां पुराणां मधुकासवं वा||

विहङ्गमांसानि  बृंहणाय बस्तींश्च शुक्राशयशोधनार्थम्|

शुद्धस्य तृप्तस्य  वृष्ययोगैः प्रियानुकूलाः प्रमदा विधेयाः||

Charaka Samhita Chikitsa Samhita. 26/ 45


स्थिरादिभिर्वातहरैश्च सिद्धान् दद्याद्रसांश्चानिलमूत्रकृच्छ्रे||

पुनर्नवैरण्डशतावरीभिः पत्तूरवृश्चीरबलाश्मभिद्भिः|

द्विपञ्चमूलेन कुलत्थकोलयवैश्च तोयोत्क्वथिते कषाये||

तैलं वराहर्क्षवसा घृतं  तैरेव कल्कैर्लवणैश्च साध्यम्|

तन्मात्रयाऽऽशु प्रतिहन्ति पीतं शूलान्वितं मारुतमूत्रकृच्छ्रम्||

एतानि चान्यानि वरौषधानि पिष्टानि शस्तान्यपि चोपनाहे|

स्युर्लाभतस्तैलफलानि चैव स्नेहाम्लयुक्तानि सुखोष्णवन्ति||

Charaka Samhita Chikitsa Samhita. 29/ 72

As Ashmbhedaka

द्राक्षामधुकतोयाभ्यां सिद्धं वा ससितोपलम्|

पिबेद्धृतं तथा क्षीरं गुडूचीस्वरसे शृतम्||

जीवकर्षभकौ मेदामृष्यप्रोक्तां शतावरीम्|

मधुकं मधुपर्णीं  काकोलीद्वयमेव ||

मुद्गमाषाख्यपर्णिन्यौ दशमूलं पुनर्नवाम्|

बलामृताविदारीश्च साश्वगन्धाश्मभेदकाः||

एषां कषायकल्काभ्यां सर्पिस्तैलं  साधयेत्|

लाभतश्च वसामज्जधान्वप्रातुदवैष्किरम्||

चतुर्गुणेन पयसा तत् सिद्धं वातशोणितम्|

सर्वदेहाश्रितं हन्ति व्याधीन् घोरांश्च वातजान्||

Charaka Samhita Siddhi Sthana. 3/ 63

पुनर्नवैरण्डवृषाश्मभेदवृश्चीरभूतीकबलापलाशाः  |

द्विपञ्चमूलं  पलांशिकानि क्षुण्णानि धौतानि फलानि चाष्टौ||

बिल्वं यवान् कोलकुलत्थधान्यफलानि चैव प्रसृतोन्मितानि|

पयोजलद्व्याढकवच्छृतं तत् क्षीरावशेषं सितवस्त्रपूतम्||

वचाशताह्वामरदारुकुष्ठयष्ट्याह्वसिद्धार्थकपिप्पलीनाम् |

कल्कैर्यवान्या मदनैश्च युक्तं नात्युष्णशीतं गुडसैन्धवाक्तम्||

क्षौद्रस्य तैलस्य  सर्पिषश्च तथैव युक्तं प्रसृतैस्त्रिभिश्च |

दद्यान्निरूहं विधिना विविज्ञः  सर्वसंसर्गकृतामयघ्नः||

Charaka Samhita Siddhi Sthana. 8/ 12

श्वदंष्ट्राश्मभिदेरण्डरसात्तैलात् सुरासवात्|

प्रसृताः पञ्च यष्ट्याह्वकौन्तीमागधिकासिताः||

कल्कःस्यान्मूत्रकृच्छ्रे तु सानाहे बस्तिरुत्तमः|

एते सलवणाः कोष्णा निरूहाः प्रसृतैर्नव||

Sushruta Samhita Sutra Sthana. 42/ 18

अतः सर्वेषामेव द्रव्याण्युपदेक्ष्यामः | तद्यथा– काकोल्यादिः क्षीर घृत वसा मज्ज शालि षष्टिक यव गोधूम माष शृङ्गाटक कसेरुक त्रपुसैर्वारुकर्कारुकालाबूकालिन्दकतक– गिलोड्य प्रियाल पुष्कर बीज काश्मर्य मधूक द्राक्षा  खर्जूर राजादन ताल नालिकेरेक्षुविकार बलातिबलात्मगुप्ता– विदारी पयस्या गोक्षुरक क्षीर मोरट मधूलिका कूष्माण्ड प्रभृतीनिसमासेन मधुरो वर्गःदाडिमामलक मातुलुङ्गाम्रातक कपित्थ करमर्द बदर कोलप्राचीनामलक तिन्तिडीक कोशाम्र  कभव्यपारावत– वेत्र फल लकुचाम्लवेतस दन्तशठ दधि तक्र सुरा शुक्त सौवीरक तुषोदक धान्याम्ल प्रभृतीनि समासेनाम्लो वर्गःसैन्धव सौवर्चल विडपाक्य रोमक सामुद्रक पक्त्रिमयव क्षारोषरप्र सूत सुवर्चिका प्रभृतीनि समासेन लवणो वर्गःपिप्पल्यादिः सुरसादिः शिग्रु मधु शिग्रुमूलक लशुन सुमुख शीत शिव कुष्ठ देवदारु हरेणुकावाल्गुज फल– चण्डा गुग्गुलु मुस्तलाङ्गलकी शुकनासा पीलु प्रभृतीनि सालसारादिश्च प्रायशः कटुको वर्गःआरग्वधादिर्गुडूच्यादि र्मण्डूकपर्णी वेत्र करीर हरिद्राद्वयेन्द्रयव वरुण स्वादुकण्टक सप्तपर्ण बृहतीद्वय शङ्खिनी द्रवन्ती– त्रिवृत्कृतवेधन कर्कोटक कारवेल्ल वार्ताक करीर करवीर सुमनः  शङ्खपुष्प्यपामार्ग त्रायमाणाशोकरोहिणी वैजयन्ती– सुवर्चला पुनर्नवा वृश्चिकाली ज्योतिष्मती प्रभृतीनि समासेन तिक्तो वर्गःन्यग्रोधादिरम्बष्ठादिः प्रियङ्ग्वादी रोध्रादिस्त्रिफला शल्लकी जम्ब्वाम्र बकुल तिन्दुक फलानि कतक शाक फल पाषाण भेदक वनस्पति फलानि सालसारादिश्च प्रायशः कुरुवक कोविदारक जीवन्ती चिल्ली पालङ्क्या सुनिषण्णक प्रभृतीनि वरकादयो मुद्गादयश्च समासेन कषायो वर्गः ||

Sushruta Samhita Chikitsa Sthana. 7/ 5

पाषाणभेदो वसुको वशिराश्मन्तकौ तथा |

शतावरी श्वदंष्ट्रा  बृहती कण्टकारिका ||

कपोतवङ्काऽऽर्तगलः कच्चकोशीरकुब्जकाः |

वृक्षादनी भल्लुकश्च वरुणः शाकजं फलम् ||

यवाः कुलत्थाः कोलानि कतकस्य फलानि  |

ऊषकादिप्रतीवापमेषां क्वाथैर्घृतं कृतम् ||

भिनत्ति वातसम्भूतामश्मरीं क्षिप्रमेव तु |

Sushruta Samhita Sutra Sthana. 38/ 9

वीरतरुसहचरद्वयदर्भवृक्षादनीगुन्द्रानलकुशकाशाश्मभेदकाग्निमन्थमोरटावसुकवसिरभल्लूककुरण्टिकेन्दीवरकपोतवङ्काः श्वदंष्ट्रा चेति || वीरतर्वादिरित्येष गणो वातविकारनुत्अश्मरीशर्करामूत्रकृच्छ्राघातरुजापहः ||

Sushruta Samhita Sutra Sthana. 39/ 6

संशमनान्यत ऊर्ध्वं वक्ष्यामः– तत्र भद्रदारु  कुष्ठ हरिद्रा वरुण मेषशृङ्गी बलातिबलार्तगल कच्छुरा शल्लकी कुबेराक्षी वीरतरु सहचराग्निमन्थ– वत्सादन्येरण्डाश्मभेद कालर्कार्क शतावरी पुनर्नवा वसुक वशिर काञ्चनक भार्गी कार्पासी वृश्चिकाली पत्तूर बदर यवकोल कुलत्थ प्रभृतीनि विदारिगन्धादिश्च द्वे चाद्ये पञ्चमूल्यौ समासेन वातसंशमनो वर्गः ||

Sushruta Samhita Chikitsa Sthana. 7/ 9

कुशः काशः सरो गुन्द्रा इत्कटो मोरटोऽश्मभित् ||

वरी विदारी वाराही शालिमूलत्रिकण्टकम् |

भल्लूकः पाटला पाठा पत्तूरोऽथ कुरुण्टिका ||

पुनर्नवा शिरीषश्च क्वथितास्तेषु साधितम् |

घृतं शिलाजमधुकबीजैरिन्दीवरस्य  ||

त्रपुसैर्वारुकादीनां बीजैश्चावापितं शुभम् |

भिनत्ति पित्तसम्भूतामश्मरीं क्षिप्रमेव तु ||

क्षारान् यवागूर्यूषांश्च कषायाणि पयांसि  |

भोजनानि  कुर्वीत वर्गेऽस्मिन् पित्तनाशने ||

Sushruta Samhita Chikitsa Sthana. 38/ 64

वृषाश्मभेदवर्षाभूधान्यगन्धर्वहस्तकैः |

दशमूलबलामूर्वायवकोलनिशाच्छदैः ||

कुलत्थबिल्वभूनिम्बैः क्वथितैः पलसम्मितैः |

कल्कैर्मदनयष्ट्याह्वषड्ग्रन्थामरसर्षपैः ||

पिप्पलीमूलसिन्धूत्थयवानीमिसिवत्सकैः |

क्षौद्रेक्षुक्षीरगोमूत्रसर्पिस्तैलरसाप्लुतैः ||

तूर्णमास्थापनं कार्यं संसृष्टबहुरोगिणाम् |

गृध्रसीशर्कराष्ठीलातूनीगुल्मगदापहम् ||

Sushruta Samhita Uttara Tantra. 58/ 47

नलाश्मभेददर्भेक्षुत्रपुसैर्वारुबीजकान् |

क्षीरे परिशृतान् तत्र पिबेत् सर्पिःसमायुतान् ||

Sushruta Samhita Uttara Tantra. 59/ 17

श्वदंष्ट्राश्मभिदौ कुम्भीं हपुषां कण्टकारिकाम् |

बलां शतावरीं रास्नां वरुणं गिरिकर्णिकाम् ||

तथा विदारिगन्धादिं संहृत्य त्रैवृतं पचेत् |

तैलं घृतं वा तत् पेयं तेन वाऽप्यनुवासनम् ||

दद्यादुत्तरबस्तिं  वातकृच्छ्रोपशान्तये |

Sushruta Samhita Uttara Tantra. 10/ 9

गुन्द्रां शालिं शैवलं शैलभेदं दार्वीमेलामुत्पलं रोध्रमभ्रम् |

पद्मात्पत्रं शर्करा दर्भमिक्षुं तालं रोध्रं वेतसं पद्मकं  ||

द्राक्षां क्षौद्रं चन्दनं यष्टिकाह्वं योषित्क्षीरं रात्र्यनन्ते  पिष्ट्वा |

सर्पिःसिद्धं तर्पणे सेकनस्ये शस्तं क्षीरं सिद्धमेतेषु चाजम् ||

योज्यो वर्गो व्यस्त एषोऽन्यथा वा सम्यङ्नस्येऽष्टार्धसङ्ख्येऽपि नित्यम् |

Ashtanga Hridya Chikitsa Sthana. 11/ 18

पाषाणभेदो वसुको वशिरोऽश्मन्तको वरी|


वृक्षादनी शाकफलं व्याघ्र्यौ गुण्ठस्त्रिकण्टकः|

यवाः कुलात्थाः कोलानि वरुणः कतकात्फलम्||

ऊषकादिप्रतीवापमेषां क्वाथे शृतं घृतम्|

भिनत्ति वातसम्भूतां तत्पीतं शीघ्रमश्मरीम्||

Ashtanga Hridya Sutra Sthana. 15/ 24

वेल्लन्तरारणिकबूकवृषाश्मभेद गोकण्टकेत्कट सहाचर बाणकाशाःवृक्षादनी नल कुश द्वय गुण्ठ गुन्द्रा भल्लूक  मोरट कुरण्ट करम्भपार्थाः|| वर्गो वीरतराद्योऽयं हन्ति वातकृतान् गदान्अश्मरीशर्करामूत्रकृच्छ्राघातरुजाहरः||

Ashtanga Hridya Sharira Sthana. 1/ 14

साम्प्रतं ग्रन्थिसंज्ञे रेतस्युपक्रमं ब्रूते पलाशभस्माश्मभिदा ग्रन्थ्याभे |

पलाशस्य भस्म पलाशभस्मअश्मभित्– पाषाणभेदःपलाशभस्म चाश्मभिच्चतेन विपक्वं घृतं ग्रन्थ्याभेग्रन्थिनाम्नि रेतसिपाययेत्|

Ashtanga Hridya Chikitsa Sthana. 8/ 146

पचेत्तुलां पूतिकरञ्जवल्काद् द्वे मूलतश्चित्रककण्टकार्योः|

द्रोणत्रयऽपां चरणावशेषे पूते शतं तत्र गुडस्य दद्यात्||

पलिकं  सूचिर्णितं त्रिजात त्रिकटुग्रन्थिकदाडिमाश्मभेदम्|

पुरपुष्करमूलधान्यचव्यं हपुषामाऱ्द्रकमम्लवेतसं ||

शीतीभुतं क्षौद्रविंशत्युपेत– मार्द्रद्राक्षाबीजपूराद्रकैश्च|

युक्तं कामं गण्डिकाभिस्तथेक्षोः सर्पिःपात्रे मासमात्रेण जातम्||

चुक्रं क्रकचमिवेदं दुर्दाम्नां वह्निदीपनं परमम्|


Ashtanga Hridya Chikitsa Sthana. 11/ 22

कुशः काशः शरो गुण्ठ इत्कटो मोरटोऽश्मभित्|

दर्भो विदारी वाराही शालिमूलं त्रिकण्टकः||

भल्लूकः पाटली पाठा पत्तूरः सकुरण्टकः|

पुनर्नवे शिरीषश्च तेषां क्वाथे पचेद्धृतम्||

पिष्टेन त्रपुसादीनां बीजेनेन्दीवरेण |

मधुकेन शिलाजेन तत्पित्ताश्मरिभेदनम्||

Ashtanga Hridya Chikitsa Sthana. 14/ 19

दशमूलं बलां कालां सुषवीं द्वौ पुनर्नवौ||


पचेद्गन्धपलाशं  द्रोणेऽपां द्विपलोन्मितम्||

यवैः कोलैः कुलत्थैश्च माषैश्च प्रास्थिकैः सह|

क्वाथेऽस्मिन्दधिपात्रे  घृतप्रस्थं विपाचयेत्||


तथा तुषाम्बुधान्याम्लशुक्तैः श्लक्ष्णैश्च कल्कितैः||







त्रिकटुत्रिपटूपेतैर्दाधिकं तह्यपोहति|

रोगानाशुतरान् पूर्वान् कष्टानपि  शीलितम्||


Ashtanga Hridya Chikitsa Sthana. 11/ 2

Upal Bhedaka



तैलसर्पिर्वराहर्क्षवसाः क्वथितकल्कितैः|

सपञ्चलवणाः सिद्धाः पीताः शूलहराः परम्||

Specific Formulation of Parnayavani

  • Grahani Mihira Taila for Atisara, Jwara, Kasa
  • Indrani thailam used for Sannipataja Jwara, Bhuta Vesha, Sarva Vataja Roga.
  • Parna Yavani Taila for Shwasa, Kasa in children.
  • Parnyavani Kwatha in Swasa and Kasa.
  • Kasasamhari Leha 

Contraindication and Side Effects of Parnayavani

  • Consult the doctor before using the Parna Yavani.
  • Avoid use of Parna Yavani during pregnancy and lactation.
  • Use under medical supervision if taking anti- diabetic medicine or medicine that helps in dissolving clots.

Suggestive Reading Regarding Coleus aromaticus

  • Kannappan, Vijayavel & Anbuselvam, C & Balasubramanian, Ashok Kumar. (2013). Protective Effect of Coleus aromaticus Benth (Lamiaceae) against Naphthalene-induced Hepatotoxicity Biomedical and environmental sciences: BES. 26. 295- 302. 10. 3967/ 0895- 3988. 2013. 04. 008.
  • Narayan, Megha & Rao, S. & Shetty, Prathima & Nayak, Roopa. (2020). Screening for the anti-inflammatory and peripheral analgesic activity of Coleus ambonicus leaves using Wistar albino rats. Indian Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology. 7. 10. 18231/ j. jp. 2020. 028.
  • Sunitha, K & Haniffa, Mohammed & Milton, James & Manju, Arthi. (2010). Coleus aromaticus Benth acted as an immunostimulant in Channa marulius Hamilton. International Journal of Biological Technology. 1. 55- 59.
  • Sampath, Ashwini & K, Girish. (2014). Phytochemical screening and antibacterial activity of methanolic leaf extract of Coleus aromaticus Benth. International Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences. 5. 270- 274.
  • HARIRAM, NATARAJAN. (2016). Coleus aromaticus Benth Synthesis of Potentially Nanomedicine as High Nutritive Value of Human Health and Immunomodulator. Human Journals. 4. 18- 38.
  • Muniandy, K. & Hassan, Zaeem & Isa, Mohd. H. Mohd. (2013). The wound healing activity of Coleus aromaticus in experimentally induced diabetic mice. Asian Journal of Microbiology, Biotechnology and Environmental Sciences. 15. 627-638.
  • Jose, Deena & Sreeranjini, K. & Thoppil, John. (2002). Antimicrobial screening of essential oils of Coleus aromaticus and Coleus zeylanicus. International Journal of Aromatherapy. 12. 105- 107. 10. 1016/ S0962-4562 (02) 00035- 8.
  • Balachandran, Binu & Subrahmanya, P. & S, Mahesh & Rao, S. & Vidya, V. (2012). A clinical study on Coleus aromaticus Benth W.S.R to Kaphajakasa. International Journal of Research in Ayurveda and Pharmacy. 3. 63- 66.
  • Joshi, Dr. R. K. & Badakar, V. & Kholkute, S. (2011). Carvacrol Rich Essential Oils of Coleus aromaticus (Benth.) from the Western Ghats Region of Northwest Karnataka, India. Advances in Environmental Biology. 5. 1307-1310.
  • Prasad, Shyama & Naik, Prashanth & Vijayalaxmi, K. (2002). The efficiency of Coleus aromaticus extracts in modifying cyclophosphamide and mitomycin-C induced clastogenicity in mouse bone marrow cells. Indian journal of experimental biology. 40. 1020- 5.
  • Kumaran, Alaganandam & Karunakaran, Raj. (2006). Antioxidant and free radical scavenging activity of an aqueous extract of Coleus Aromaticus. Food Chemistry. 97. 109- 114. 10. 1016/ j. food chem. 2005. 03. 032.
  • Ghosh, R & Sur, Tapas & Maity, L & Chakraborty, S. (2000). Antiurolithiatic activity of coleus Aromaticus Benth. In Rats. The ancient science of life. 20. 44- 7.
  • Pandey, RD & Singh, Akhilesh & Pandey, Awanish & Tripathi, Poonam. (2010). Anti-nociceptive Activity of the Leaf Essential Oil of Coleus aromaticus Benth. Latin American Journal of Pharmacy. 29. 808- 810.
  • Koba, K. & Nenonene, Amen & Sanda, K. & Garde, D. & Millet, Jean & Chaumont, J.-P & Delgado Raynaud, Christine. (2011). Antibacterial Activities of Coleus Aromaticus Benth (Lamiaceae) Essential Oil against Oral Pathogens. Journal of Essential Oil Research – J ESSENT OIL RES. 23. 13-17. 10. 1080/ 10412905. 2011. 9700424.
  • Saini, Saraswati & Katnoria, Jatinder & Nagpal, Avinash. (2016). Analytical techniques for phytochemicals screening and bioactivities of some coleus species: A review. 8. 227- 237.
  • Candrappa, M. & Hugar, S. & Itgappa, M. & Nagarajappa, K. (2009). Antidiabetic and antioxidant potential of Coleus aromaticus leaf extracts in alloxan-induced diabetic rats. Pharmacologyonline. 3. 1054- 1061.
  • Rout, Om & Acharya, Rabinarayan & Mishra, Sagar. (2011). In-Vitro Antioxidant potentials in leaves of Coleus aromaticus Benth and rhizomes of Zingiber zerumbet (L.) SM. Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science. 01. 194- 198.
  • Rasineni, Girish & Siddavattam, Dayananda & Reddy, Attipalli. (2008). Free radical quenching activity and polyphenols in three species of Coleus. Journal of Medicinal Plants Research. 2. 285- 291.

Suggestive Reading Regarding Plectranthus amboinicus

  • Perez-Saad, Hector & Buznego, M & Villate, M & Perez, M & Menendez, Romyna. (2003). Neuropharmacological profile of Plectranthus amboinicus (Lour.) Spreng. (Indian borage). Revista de neurologia. 36. 98- 9.
  • Murali, Vandana & Palengara, Vivek. (2021). Parnayavani [Plectranthus amboinicus (Lour.) Spreng.] -Pharmacological and Ethnomedicinal Uses -A Review. 10.21275/SR21831130543.
  • Patel, Roshan & Mahobia, Naveen & Gendle, Ravindra & Kaushik, Basant & Singh, Sudarshan. (2010). Diuretic activity of leaves of Plectranthus amboinicus (Lour) Spreng in male albino rats. Pharmacognosy research. 2. 86- 8. 10. 4103/ 0974- 8490. 62956.
  • Sabrina, Erny & Mirad, Razali & Mirfat, A.H.S. & Mat Ali, Mohd Shukri. (2014). Antimicrobial activity and bioactive evaluation of Plectranthus amboinicus essential oil. AmJ. Res. Commun. 2. 121- 127.
  • Kumari, B. & Dodoala, Sujatha & Chand, Ch & Divya, K. & Malleswari, I. & Ranganayakulu, D. (2012). Evaluation of antiepileptic activity and probable mechanism of action of Coleus amboinicus in MES and PTZ models. Drug invention today. 20125. 1587- 1591.
  • Brigido, Claudia & Paz, Marcia & Alenca, Marcus & Junior, Antonio & Ferraz, Alexandre & Grivicich, Ivana & Cavalcante, Ana & Picada, Jaqueline. (2016). Toxic Effects of Aqueous Extract of Plectranthus amboinicus (Lour) Spreng on Allium cepa. British Journal of Pharmaceutical Research. 10. 1- 6. 10. 9734/ BJPR/ 2016/ 23990.
  • Manimekalai, K. & Srinivasan, P. & Dineshbabu, J. & Guna, Gautham & Darsini, D. (2016). Anti-biofilm efficacy of Plectranthus amboinicus against streptococcus pyogenes isolated from pharyngitis patients. 9. 348- 354.
  • Majumder, Pulak & Bhattacharjee, Prasenjit. (2013). Investigation of phytochemicals and anti-convulsant activity of the plant Coleus amboinicus (lour.). International Journal of Green Pharmacy. 7. 211. 10. 4103/ 0973- 8258. 120223.
  • Chinta, Gopichand. (2012). Evaluation of antiepileptic activity and probable mechanism of action of Coleus amboinicus in MES and PTZ models.
  • Chiu, Yung-Jia & Huang, Tai-Hung & Chiu, Chuan-Sung & tsung chun, Lu & Chen, Ya-Wen & Peng, Wen-Huang & Chen, Chiu-Yuan. (2012). Analgesic and Antiinflammatory Activities of the Aqueous Extract from Plectranthus amboinicus (Lour.) Spreng. Both In Vitro and In Vivo. Evidence-based complementary and alternative medicine: eCAM. 2012. 508137. 10. 1155/ 2012/ 508137.
  • Sireesha, N. (2017). ANTIMICROBIAL EFFECT OF PLECTRANTHUS AMBOINICUS AND OCIMUM TENUIFLORUM AGAINST MYCOBACTERIUM TUBERCULOSIS. World Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences. 1008- 1017. 10. 20959/ wjpps- 20178- 9674.
  • Gupta, Sandeep & Negi, Pradeep. (2016). Antibacterial Activity of Indian Borage (Plectranthus amboinicus Benth) Leaf Extracts in Food Systems and Against Natural Microflora in Chicken Meat. Food Technology and Biotechnology. 54. 10. 17113/ ftb. 54. 01. 16. 3973.
  • Laila, Farida & Fardiaz, Dedi & Yuliana, Nancy & Damanik, Rizal & Dewi, Fitriya. (2020). Methanol Extract of Coleus amboinicus (Lour) Exhibited Antiproliferative Activity and Induced Programmed Cell Death in Colon Cancer Cell WiDr. International Journal of Food Science. 2020. 1- 12. 10. 1155/ 2020/ 9068326.
  • Gurgel, Ana & Silva, Jackeline & Grangeiro, Ana & Oliveira, Danielli & Lima, Cynthia & Silva, Aldo & Oliveira, Rinalda & Souza, Ivone. (2009). In vivo study of the anti-inflammatory and antitumor activities of leaves from Plectranthus amboinicus (Lour.) Spreng (Lamiaceae). Journal of Ethnopharmacology. 125. 361- 3. 10. 1016/ j. jep. 2009. 07. 006.
  • Sivaranjani, D. & P., Saranraj & Manigandan, Malathi & Kangasalam, Amala. (2019). Antimicrobial activity of Plectranthus amboinicus solvent extracts against Human Pathogenic Bacteria and Fungi. Journal of Drug Delivery and Therapeutics. 9. 36 – 39. 10. 22270/ jddt. v9i3. 2604.


  • Dravya Guna Vigyana, Part II, 788.
  • Agnivesha, Charaka, Dridhabala. In: Charaka Samhita, ed. Vaidya Jadavaji Trikamji Aacharya., editor. Varanasi: Chaukhamba Sanskrit Sansthan; 2009. 
  • Sushruta. In: Sushruta Samhita, Sutra Sthana, ed. Vaidya Jadavji Trikamji Acharya., editor. Varanasi: Choukhambha Orientalia; 2005. 
  • Vagbhata. In: Ashtanga Hrudaya, 9th ed. Anna Moreshwar Kunte, Krishnashastri Navarre, Harishastri, editors. Varanasi: Choukhambha Orientalia; 2005.
  • Bhavamishra. In: Bhava Prakasha Nighantu Haritkyadi Varga 11th ed. part 2. Brahma Shankara Mishra., editor. Varanasi: Choukhambha Bharati Academy; 2009. 
  • Bhavprakasha, commentary by Bulusu Sitaram, forwarded by K.C.Chunekar
  • Sharma PV, Kaideva Nighantu. Aushadhi Varga. Chaukhamba Orientalia, Varanasi; 2006.
  • Nighantu Ratnakara, Chaukhamba Krishnadas Academy; Varanasi.
  • Tripathi I., Raja Nighantu, Parpatadi Varga, Chaukhamba Krishnadas Academy; Varanasi; 2010
  • Dhanwantri Nighantu, Guduchyadi Varga, Chaukhamba Krishnadas Academy; Varanasi.
  • Priya Nighantu by P. V. Sharma, Shatpushpadi Varga, Chaukhamba Krishnadas Academy; Varanasi.
  • Dr. Gyanendra Pandey, Dravyaguna Vigyana, reprint 2012, Chawkhamba Krishnadas Academy.
  • K. Niteshwar Dravyaguna Vigyan, reprint 2017.
  • Dr. J.L.N. Sastry and Dr. B.S. Sastry, Dravyaguna Vigyana, Chaukhambha Orientalia, Varanasi.
  • Chakrapanidatta, Chakradatta with the vaidya Prabha Hindi commentary by Indra deva Tripathi, Chaukambha Sanskrit Sansthan, Varanasi 2nd Edition, 1994.

Ayurveda is an Indian system of medicine that is popular since ancient times. Dr. Gupta’s IAFA® has been conducting research studies to find out different phytoconstituents of herbs and their action in the body. Such knowledge acquired by our experts is used in the preparation of medicines and providing the treatment facilities safely and effectively. IAFA® is the provider of safe and effective treatment for a wide range of diseases, mainly allergic diseases all based on Ayurveda.

Dr. Sahil Gupta completed his Bachelor of Ayurveda in Medicine and Surgery (B.A.M.S.) and Master’s Degree in Health Administration (MHA) India. He is Registered Ayurvedic Doctor & Vaidya in India having Registration No. 23780. He is the CEO and founder of IAFA. After completing BAMS, Dr. Sahil Gupta started practicing Ayruveda by giving prime importance to allergic disorders management. He became the first Ayurvedic doctor to cure Food Allergies through Ayurveda. Read More About Dr. Sahil Gupta.

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