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Medico-Astrological Science and Its Relationship with Various Disease


Just as medical science deals with diseases and their treatments, Astrology also investigates the correlation of heavenly bodies with diseases. Even the father of modern medicines Hippocrates had made the statement “A physician without the knowledge of Astrology has no right to call him or herself a physician.” (Book by Jack. L. Turtle chapter 18- It’s a secret, so pass it on) Though this kind of statement might seem quite fanciful, a careful understanding of what Jyotish implies would lead to a much clearer perspective. In fact before the advent of modern medical science, in ancient times physicians advocated compulsory knowledge of Astrology and its relevance to various diseases apart from administering medicines on different lunar days and different stellar days. With all its modern technology and its command of medical science, many times doctors find it difficult to diagnose. Whereas astrologically, merely by casting a horoscope, with deep analysis not only the disease existing can be identified but also the disease likely to be arising in the future can also be known. Astrology goes many steps further than medical science as the disease likely to arise can be observed from the Dasha well in advance unlike medical science detecting the disease after affecting the person.

Some people believe in medical Astrology and the people who believe in this either believe is true or it’s a placebo, it’s a big concern. In the universe, all creatures are related to Aadhivyadhi, which indicates mental agony or bodily pain. Ayurveda suggested Devavyapashraya Chikitsa which includes Manidharana (use of precious and semi-precious stones) and chanting Mantras. Astrological sciences suggest ten types of remedial measures in the treatment of diseases. This system considers that causative factors of various disorders are the Navagrahas (nine planets). The influence of the planets on various procedures like drug processing, bath taking, performing Yagya, wearing Ratna, Upratna (wearing precious and semi-precious stones), watering plants, chanting Mantra, etc. are well documented in Jyotish Shastra. Medicated baths are suggested for diseases engendered due to the involvement of different planet effects. There are many plants, Ratna and Upratna, which are used for a particular disease as a medicine and also by religious priests, confirming the occurrence of the problem based upon the involvement of a particular Graha (Planets).

What is Astrological Science?

Astrology, which is popularly known as Jyotish-Shastra in Indian culture, is derived from the Greek word, Astro logia, i.e., knowledge about the stars. Simply put, astrology is the study of the Tara Gati (movement of stars), Greha Gtai (planets movement), and other celestial bodies in the Universe and how this movement of various celestial bodies can influence an individual’s life. Jyotish Shastra (Astrology) can be a powerful tool for Chikitsa (healing and transformation), and it can be a key that can unlock a greater spiritual connection to the Brahmand (universe). Although astrology is not Bhavishya varnit (fortune-telling), when skillfully applied, Jyotish Shastra (astrology) can be an extremely effective predictive tool. On a personal level, astrology can give us insight into our issues, our patterns, our Bhaya (fears), our Swapana (dreams), and Roga (our health issues). Astrology is a tool that can help us understand and unlock our highest potential and that can teach us how to live in harmony with the Universe. Jyotish Shastra, Graha, and Rashi Gyana (the study of astrology signs) is an amalgamation of scientific theories and divine practices (Daivika Chikitsa). Mathematical and geometrical interpretation of the position of planets and stars brings the application of science into the spotlight whereas the prediction of future events and occurrences based on the stars is essentially divination at work. Vedic astrology is India’s traditional system of reading the stars, the planets, and the entire movement of time. It was originally called Vedanga  Jyotisha which is the limb of Veda (Vedanga).

Astrological Science

Nirukti (Etymological Derivation) of Astrological Science (Jyotish Shastra)

ज्योतिः अधिकृत्य कृतं शास्त्रं ज्योतिष शास्त्रं इस अर्थ में ‘अण’ प्रत्यय होकर ज्योतिष बनेगा । ज्योतिः अस्ति अस्मिन्पदार्थे ‘अर्शादिभ्यो अच’इस सूत्र से ज्योतिषम् बनेगा । (नारद संहिता. विहगं दृष्टि, पृ. ९)

The meaning of the different syllables of the word Jyotish is as follows:

Ja + Ya – Water or Birth

O – And

Ta – Earth or Stars

Ish – Knowledgeable (Amarkosh)

Definition of Jyotish Shastra (Astrological Science)

ज्योतिषां सूर्यादि नवग्रहाणां अश्वन्यादि सप्तविन्शति नक्षत्राणां बोधकं शास्त्रं । (नारद संहिता. विहगं दृष्टि, पृ. ९)

Astrology is known as the Sun-Earth Planet, the Ashvanyaadi Nakshatra and the periodic science of understanding comets.

अस्य शास्त्रस्य सम्बन्धो वेदाङगमिति कथ्यते ।

अभिधेयं च जगतः शुभाशुभनिरूपणं ।। (नारद संहिताण् शस्त्रोपनयन अध्यायण् १. ५)

This Shastra is related to Vedas therefore it is also known as Vedanga. Jyotishshastra is one which helps to predict favourable and unfavourable events of the world.

Originator and Promoter of (Astrological Science) Jyotish Shastra

सूर्यः पितामहाव्यासो वसिष्ठा अत्रिः पराशरः ।

कश्यपो नारदो गर्गो मरीचिर्मनुरङ्गिराः ।।

लोमशः पौलिशश्चैव च्यवनो यवनो भृगुः ।

शौनको अष्टादशश्चैते ज्योतिः शास्त्र प्रवक्ताः।।

ब्रह्माचार्यो वशिष्ठोअत्रिर्मनुः पौलस्त्य रोमशौ ।

मरीचिरङ्गिरा व्यासो नारदः शौनको भृगुः ।।

च्यवनो यवनो गर्गः कश्यपश्च पराशरः ।

अष्टादशैते गंभीरा ज्योतिःशास्त्रप्रवक्ता ।। (नारद संहिताण् शस्त्रोपनयन अध्यायण्. १. २- ३)

Brahma, Aacharya (Surya), Vashisth, Atri, Manu, Paulstya, Romash, Marichi, Angira, Vyasa, Naarad, Shaunaka, Bhrigu, Chyavana, Garg, Kashyapa and Prashara, these 18 Aacharyas are promoters of Jyotishshastra.

According to Narada Samhita, the Sun is probably not the originator, but it is considered a master dean that is why it is called Brahmacharya.

According to Surya Siddhanta “Jyotish-Shastra” is eternal and endless.

(Surya Siddhant 1/ 10, page 8.)

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History of Astrology Concerning Health and Diseases

Astrology is the oldest study that throws light on the Universe and initially was the sole medium to go into the unfathomable world of stars and planets. The mother of all divination, as it is rightly called, finds its origin in 4000 BC. Many researchers throughout the world believed that the concept of western astrology was introduced by Babylonians and Egyptians to the world. However, the oldest form of astrology finds its route from China and India.

Kinds of Astrology

The science of astrology has several facets. Worldwide different kinds of astrological studies are practiced by Jyotisha (astrologer). Here are a few of the branches of astrology which also elaborate on its different applications.

As per Vedic astrology, there are three branches:\

ज्योतिः शास्त्रमनेकभेदविततं सकन्धत्रयाधिष्ठितम् ।। (वराहमिहिर)

सिद्धान्त संहिता होरा रूपं सकन्धत्रयात्म्कम् ।। (नारद संहिता.पृ.११)

  • Siddhanta (Astronomy) – Astronomical applications to the study of astrology.
  • Samhita (Mundane Astrology) – This astrological study is done on political events, global occurrences, war, etc.
  • Hora Skanda (Prediction Astrology) – This is the study of Astrology horoscopes and zodiac charts to predict the future, mainly related to the health issues of an individual.

The list of the branches of astrology and their application is long. However majorly, astrology is used for future prediction, diseases remedy, and mapping out the blueprint of an individual through his birth chart i.e. Kundali along with Kundali Matching for marriage.      

Navagraha (Constitution of Universe as Per Jyotish Shastra):

According to Jyotish Siddhanta, a total of nine planets are mentioned. These are Jupiter, Saturn, Sun, Mars, Moon, Venus, Mercury, Rahu (north lunar node), and Ketu (south lunar node). Rahu and Ketu are considered shadow planets. In Shardulkarnavidaan of Divyaavdan in two places seven planets are mentioned. In that description, two planets i.e sun and moon are known as Maha Greha. The seven planets mentioned in this book are Shukra, Brihaspati, Shani, Budha, Angaaraka, Surya, and Taaradhipati.

तद्यदा शुक्रो बृहस्पतिः शनैश्चरो बुधोअङगारकः सुर्यस्ताराधिपतिश्चेति । (दिव्या. ३३, पृ. ३३६)

Here Angaaraka is known as Mangal and Taaradhipati is synonym of moon. From above planet Brihaspati is mentioned as a permanent planet whereas Shani, Mangal, Budha and Shukra are mentioned as mandalachari i.e moving planet.

क्षीणेन्द्वर्का र्किभूपुत्राः पापभ्यां संयुतोबुधः ।

पूर्णचन्द्रबुधाचार्याशुक्रास्ते स्युः शुभग्रहाः ।। (नारद संहिताण् सर्वलगन अध्यायण् १४. १४)

Ksheen-Chandra (Halfmoon), surya (Sun), Shani (Saturn) and Mangal (Mars), Paapyut Budha (Mercury) are considered as sinful planet and Purana Chandrama (Full Moon), Budh (Mercury), Shukra (Venus), Brihaspati (Jupitor) are auspiciousness planet.

पुंग्रहाः सूर्यभौमार्याः स्त्री ग्रहौ शशिभार्गवौ ।

नपुंसकौ सौम्यसौरि शिरोमात्रं विधुंतुदः ।। (नारद संहिताण् आधनाध्यायण् १६.५)

Sun, Mars, Jupitor are male sign planets whereas Moon, Venus are female sign planets. Mercury, Saturn and the head of Rahu are Napunsaka or hermaphrodite planets. These 9 planets are masters of 12 zodiacs and have their effect on these zodiacs.

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Houses in Kundali (Blueprints of the Individual) and their Relationship with Body Parts and Diseases:

There are 12 houses in Janam Kundali. Nine planets move in 12 houses mentioned in Janam Kundali.

12 houses denote particular organs of the human body.

शीर्षाननौ तथा बाहु हृत्क्रोडकटिबस्तयः । 

गुह्योरुयुगलो जानुयुगले जन्घके तथा ।।

चरणो द्वौ तथा लग्नात् ज्ञेयाः शीर्षदयः क्रमात् । (लोमश संहिता. ६. ३- ४)

(The original Lomash Samhita -1 translated by Vineet Kumar, India copies editor, Chander Shekhar Sharma)

The Head, face, two hands, heart, chest, hip, abdomen, private parts, two thighs, two knees, two ankles, and two feet are the limbs signified in sequence by the twelve houses beginning with the ascendant.

The 7th house in Kundali is known as Stri-Sthana and represents the urinary tract and digestive system.

The 8th house is the death house or Mrityu Sthana and represents diseases related to the reproductive system.

The first place in Kundali is for the head, 6th place is for health and the eighth place is for death. When the planet moves on these Kundali places give well-being and misfortune to a particular individual. Due to the effect of these planets Vaat, Pitta, and Kapha increase or decrease. (M.Su.S. 2-15/66 Mahayana Sutra Samgreha, Manjushrimulkalpa 55 Sutrasamgreha, P.L.Vaidya. Mithila Vidyapeeth, Darbhanga, 1964.)

Effect of Planets on Different Body Parts

दुस्थानेपननातिविलग्ननाथे युतेर्विलग्नेसतिरोग्भाक्स्यात् ।

पापेविलग्ने बलैर्विहीनेलग्नेश्वराः रोगनिपीड़ितस्यात् ।।

(बृहत्पराशरहोराशास्त्रं, षष्ठभाव फलाध्याय, श्लोक ९)

If the lord of Lagna occupies bad houses (6-8-12) and if bad Lords occupy Lagana the native will suffer diseases. If malefic planets are in Lagna and the Lagan Adhipati is devoid of strength then also the native will suffer from diseases.

तत्तत् ग्रहादिष्ठितराशिनाथोदुस्थैर्विलग्नादिविनाशमाहुः । (बृहत्पराशरहोराशास्त्रं,षष्ठभावफलाध्याय, श्लोक १० )

If the lord of any Bhava occupies a house and if the lord of that house is in 6-8-12 Bhava, then the particular Bhava will be in great danger. This rule is very useful in medical astrology to detect diseases in various parts of the body.

Diseases Due to Combination of Planets in 12 Houses:

लग्ने षष्ठाष्टमादीशौरविणा यदिसंस्थितौ ।

ज्वरगंडकुजेग्रंथिः शस्त्रव्रणमतापिवा ।

बुधेनपित्तं गुरुणा रोगाभावं वनिर्देशेत ।

स्त्रीभिश्शुक्रेण शनिनावायुनासंयुतो यदि ।

गण्डश्चण्डालकोनाभातम् केत्वोग्र्रहेभयम् ।

चन्द्रेणगण्डसलिलेः कफ श्लेषमादिनाभवेत् केत्वोग्रेहेभयम् ।

एवं पित्रादिभवानांतत्कारकयोगतःगण्डेतेषाम् भवेदेवमूहमत्र मनीषिभिः । (बृहत्पराशरहोराशास्त्रं, षष्ठभाव फलाध्याय, श्लोक १०- १२. ५)

If the 6th and 8th Lord is in ascendant conjoins with the Sun the native will suffer from fever, with Mars appendicitis and surgery, with Mercury Bilious diseases, with Saturn diseases of Umbilicus, with Venus gynecological disorders, with Ketu fear from a household person, with Moon danger from water and Phlegmatic diseases.

In this way, one can determine the diseases related to various planets, Zodiac signs associated with them by examining the companionship of planets.

Ayurveda and Astrology Relation

As per Ayurvedic classical texts, the Mula Karana (root cause) of diseases and body development is Aahara (food). In Jyotish Shashtra the body parts are mentioned as Anga Pratyanga and the fetus that is developed inside the mother’s womb is a result of the nutrition of Matra (mother) from the taste. In Jyotish Shastra, based on Rasa, the Mahabhuta, the planet involved in them, and the effect on Planets and Dosha Kshya and Vriddhi are mentioned. This is how the planet and taste involved in a particular person’s horoscope makes us understand the food habits and taste of that particular individual and talks about the forthcoming diseases.

Graha (Planet) Influence on the Body Development of the Fetus

Month Body Development as per AyurvedaGreha (Planet) Influence
First month KalalaShukra
Second month Ghana PindaMangala
Third month Sukshama Anga PratayangaGuru
Fourth month Hridya, Asthi, Majja, Sthula Anga PratyangaSurya
Fifth month Tvaka, Rakta, MansaChandra
Sixth month Anga Pushti, BuddhiShani
Seventh month Sphuta Anga, Karmendriyam, Janan IndriyaBuddha
Eight months OjusGarbhadhana Lagna Adhipati
Ninth month Completion of fetus formation and deliveryChandra
Tenth month Completion of fetus formation and deliverySurya

Rasa, Mahabhuta, Associated Planet and its Effect on Tridosha.

Rasa (Taste)Associated planetMahabhuttaDosha VrddhiDosha Kshaya or Haratwa
MadhuraGuru (Jupiter)Prithavi+JalaKaphaPitta, Vata
AmlaShukra (Venus)Agni+ PrithviPitta, KaphaVata Anulomna
LavanaChandra (Moon)Agni+JalaKapha, PittaVtaa, Kapha Vishyandana
KatuSurya (Sun)Agni+VayuVata, PittaKapha
TiktaMangala (Mars)Vayu+AakashaVataPitta, Kapha
KashayaShani (Saturn)Vayu+PrithaviVataKapha, Pitta
Mishraka RasaBuddha (Mercury)All MahabhutaTridoshaTridosha

Influence of Rasa (Taste) on Diseases Development and Pacification

Two aspects will be mentioned here:
Influence of Rasa (taste) on diseases development and pacification as per Planet involved.
Rasa (Taste)Associated planetDiseases developmentDiseases pacified
MadhuraGuru (Jupiter)Excessive sleep (Ati-Nidra), Lethargic tendency, obesity, rhinitiseye diseases like conjunctivitis, thyroid diseases, speech disorders, dyspnoea, cough, kidney disorders, allergy, cold, fever, lymphadenitis, throat disorderFalling of hair, skin diseasesalopecia, throat diseases
AmlaShukra (Venus)Hair fall, a blood disorder, acidityDigestion heart diseases, development of the body
LavanaChandra (Moon)Impotence, skin diseases, gouty arthritis, acidity, skin loosenessRelieves muscle cramps
KatuSurya (Sun)Mental disorders, giddiness, tissue damage, seminal issues, Vataja disordersItching, skin disorders, prevent blood clotting, removes obstruction, edema, 
TiktaMangala (Mars)Loss of strength, giddiness, Vataja disorder, loss of strength, tissue damageAcidosis, infection, skin diseases, fever, loss of weight, epilepsy, emaciation, toxicity, infection
KashayaShani (Saturn)Pain, impotency, heart diseases, Vataja disorder, convulsion, paralysis, neural disease, impotencyAma toxin, a blood-related disease, removes excess body fluids
Mishraka RasaBuddha (Mercury)Vyana Vata-related diseases

The influence of the planet on disease development and pacification as per diseases involved is comparable to the Ayurvedic point of view on diseases development and pacification as per Rasa (taste) involved.

Influence of Rasa (Taste) on Diseases Development and Pacification as per Ayurveda

Madhura Rasa (Sweet Taste) Effects on Body

तत्र मधुनरो रसः शरीर सात्म्याद्स रुधिर मांस मेदोस्थि मज्जौज:शुक्राभिवर्धन आयुष्य: षड इन्द्रिय प्रसादनो बलवर्णकर: पित्त विष मारुतध्नस्तृष्णा दाहप्रशमनस्त्वच्यः: केश्यः कण्ठ्यों बल्य: प्रीणनो जीवनस्तर्पणो बृहण: स्थैर्यकरः क्षीण क्षत संधानकरो घ्राण मुख कण्ठौ ओष्ठ  जिव्हा ह्वाप्रह्मादनो दाह मूर्च्छा प्रशमनः शत पद र्पिपीलिकानामिश्तमः स्निग्ध: शीतो गुरुश्च ।

  • Shareera Satmya – due to similarity to body tissue it increases.
  • Rasa, Rudhira, Mamsa Medo Asthi Majja Oja Shukra Abhivardhana – improves Rasa (body fluid), blood, muscle, fat, bone, marrow, Sukra (semen), longevity, and Ojas.
  • Ayushyaha Abhivardhana – Improves lifespan.
  • Shadindriya Prasadana – They are soothing to the six sense organs.
  • Bala Varnakara – Improves strength and skin complexion.
  • Pitta Visha Marutaghna – Balances Pitta, subsides toxicity and Vata.
  • Trishna Daha Prashamana – Relieves thirst and burning sensation.
  • Tvachya – Improves skin quality.
  • Keshya – Improves hair.
  • Kanthya – Improves voice quality.
  • Balya – Improves strength and immunity.
  • Preenana – Nourishing
  • Jeevana – Invigorators
  • Tarpana – Satisfaction.
  • Bruhmana – Nourishing.
  • Sthairyakara – Improves body stamina and stability.
  • Kachina Kshata Sandhanakara – Useful in relieving chest injury and bone fracture head.
  • Chrana Mukha Kantha Oshta Jihva Prahladana – Pleasant to the nose, mouth, throat lips, and tongue.
  • Daha Murcha Prashamana – Relieves burning sensation and unconsciousness.
  • Shat Pada Pipeelikaanaam Ishtatamaha – Attracts bees and ants.
  • Snigdha Sheeto Guruscha- unctuous, coolant, and heavy to digestion.

मधुर रस के गुण-कर्म – इन ६ रसों के मध्य में मधुर रसवाला द्रव्य शरीर को सात्म्य होने से रस, रक्त, मांस, मेद, अस्थि, मज्जा, ओज और शुक्र को बढ़ानेवाला होता है। आयु के लिए सुखकर होता है, मन के साथ पाँचों ज्ञानेन्द्रिय (श्रोत, प्राण, रसन, चक्षु और स्पर्शन) को प्रसन्न रखता है, शारीरिक बल को बढ़ाता और रूप को निखारता है, बढ़े हुए पित्त को शरीरगत विष को और बढ़ी हुई वायु को शान्त करता है, तृष्णा को दूर करता है, त्वचा, केश और कण्ठ के लिए लाभकारी होता है, शरीर को प्रसन्न करता है, जीवनीय शक्ति को बढ़ाता है, शरीर एवं मन को तृप्त करता है, शरीर को स्थूल बनाता है, स्थिरता उत्पन्न करता है, शारीरिक धातुओं की क्षीणता को नष्ट करता है, कटे हुए स्थानों का सन्धान करता है, नासिका, मुख, गला, और जिह्मा को साफ रखता है, दाह और मूर्च्छा को दूर करता है, भौरों और चीटियों को अधिक प्रिय होता है। ये मधुर रस के कर्म होते हैं।

Effects of Excess Use of Madhura Rasa (Sweet Taste) on Body

स एवंगुणो अप्येक एवात्यर्थसुपयुज्यमान: स्थौल्य॑ मार्दवमालस्यमतिस्वप्न॑ गौरवमनन्नाभिलाषमग्ने दौर्बल्यमास्य कण्ठयोमासाभिवृद्धि श्वास कास प्रतिश्यायालसक शीतज्वरानाहास्यमाधुर्यवमथुसंज्ञास्वर प्रणाश गलगण्ड गण्डमाला  श्लीपदगलशोफबस्तिधमनीगलोपलेपाश्यामयाभिष्यन्दानित्वेवप्रभतीन्‌ कफजान्‌ विकारानुपजनयति।

  • Sthoulya – Obesity
  • Mardava – Increased softness of the body
  • Alasyam Atisvapnam – Increases Laziness and excess sleep,
  • Gauravam – The increased feeling of heaviness
  • Ananna Abhilasha – Lack of interest in food
  • Agner Daurbalya – Low digestion strength
  • Aasya Kanthay Mamsabhivruddhi – Increased muscle growth in mouth and throat
  • Shwasa, Kasa – Cough, cold, asthma
  • Pratishyaya, Alasaka – Running nose, indigestion (intestinal torpor)
  • Shita jwara – Fever of Kapha imbalance, with the cold feeling
  • Anaha – Bloating
  • Asyamadhurya – Feeling of sweetness in the mouth
  • Vamathu – Vomiting
  • Sanjna Swara Pranasha – Loss of sensation, loss of voice Galaganda, Gandamala, Shleepada – Disorder of throat, elephantiasis.

मधुर रस के अधिक सेवन से दोष- इन उपर्युक्त गुणों से युक्त होने पर भी यदि केवल एक मधुर रस का ही अधिक सेवन किया गया तो शरीर में अधिक स्थूलता, कोमलता, आलस्य, निद्राधिक्य, गुरुता, अन्न खाने की इच्छा का अभाव, अग्नि की मन्दता, मुख और गले में मांस का बढ़ना, दमा, खाँसी, सर्दी, अलसक, जाड़े के साथ ज्वर को होना, आनाह, मुख में मीठापन का होना, वमन का होना, ज्ञान का नाश और स्वर-भेद, ग़लमण्ड, कण्ठमाला, श्लीपद, गले में सूजन, मूत्राशय और धमनी का रोग, गले में लेप करने की तरह प्रतीत होना, नेत्र के प्रायः सभी रोगों का होना और अभिष्यन्द आदि कफजन्य अनेक रोग होते हैं।

Amla Rasa (Sour Taste) Effects on Body

अम्लो रसो भक्त रोचयति, अग्निं दीपयति, देह॑ बृंहयति, ऊर्जयति, मनो बोधयति, इन्द्रियाणि दुढ़ीकरोति, बल॑ वर्धयति, वातमनुलोमयति, हृदयं तर्पयति, आस्यमास्त्रायति, भुक्तमपकर्षयति, क्लेदयति, जरयति, प्रीणयति, लघुरुष्ण: स्निग्धश्च ।

  • Gala Shopha – Pharyngitis
  • Basti Dhamani Galopalepa – Adhesion in the bladder, vessels, and throat.
  • Akshi Amaya Abhishyanda – Eye disorders, conjunctivitis
  • Kaphaja Vikara – Kaphaja diseases. 
  • Bhaktam Rochayati – Improves the taste of food.
  • Agnim Dipayati – Improves digestion strength.
  • Denham Brimhayati Urjayati – Nourishes the body, and improves enthusiasm.
  • Mano Bodhayati – Pleases the mind.
  • Indriyani Drudhikaroti – Strengthens sense organs.
  • Balam Vardhayati – Improves strength and immunity.
  • Vatam Anulomayati – Ensures movement of Vata in its natural direction.
  • Hrudayam Tarpayati/Hrudya – Nourish the heart.
  • Asyam Asravayati – Causes salivation.
  • Bhuktam Apakarshayati/Sarayati – Help in swallowing.
  • Kledayati, Jarayati – Moistens and digests food.
  • Preenayati – Refreshing.
  • Laghu, Ushna Snigdhascha – Light, hot and unctuous.

अम्लरस के गुण कर्म- खट्टा रस भोजन में रुचि उत्पन्न करता है, जठराग्नि को दीप्त करता है, शरीर को मोटा करता है, शारीरिक शक्ति को बढ़ाता है, मन को उद्बुद्ध (कार्यरत) करता है, इन्द्रियों को बलवान्‌ बनाता है, बल की वृद्धि करता है, वायु को अनुलोम करता है, हदय को ठृप्त रखता है, मुख से जल का स्राव कराता है, भोजन किए हुए अन्न को मुख से खींच कर आमाशय में पहुँचाता है, भोजन को गीला करता है, उसे पकाता है, शारीरिक धातुओं को तृप्त करता है ये अम्लरस के कर्म होते हैं और उसके गुण, लघु, उष्ण और स्निग्ध होते हैं।

Effects of Excess Use of Amla Rasa (Sour Taste) on the Body

स एवं गुणो अप्येक एवात्यर्थमुपयुज्यमानो दन्तान्‌ हर्षयति तर्षयति, संमीलयत्यक्षिणी, संवेजयति लोमानि, कफं विलाप्यति पित्तम अभिवर्धयति रक्तं दूषयति, मास॑ विदहति, काय॑ शिथिलीकरोति, क्षीणक्षतकृशदुर्बलानां शवथु आपद्द्यति अपि च क्षताभिहत दष्टदग्ध भग्न शूनप्रच्युतावमूत्रितपरिसर्पितमर्दितच्छिन्नंभिन्नविशिलष्परिदहति कण्ठमुरो हदय॑ च। 

  • Harshayati – Causes tingling sensation in teeth
  • Tarshayati – Causes excessive thirst
  • Sammeelayati Akshini – Causes drowsiness in the eyes
  • Samvejayati Lomani – Horripilation
  • Kapham Vilapayati – Liquefies and vitiated Kapha
  • Pittam Abivardhayati – Increases Pitta
  • Raktam Dushayati – Vitiates blood
  • Mamsam Vidahati – Causes burning sensation in muscle tissue
  • Kayam Shithilikaroti – Makes the body lose.
  • Kshina Kshata Krusha Durbalanaam Shvayathum Apadayati – Lean, injured, and weak persons, it causes swelling and inflammation.
  • Kshat Abihata Dashta Dagdha Bhagna Shuna Prachyutava Mutrita – Due to heating properties they cause suppuration of wounds caused by ulceration, trauma, contagious bites, burn, fracture, swelling, dislocation, and poisonous urine.
  • Parisarpita Mardita Cchinna Bhinnavishlishtoda Viddhitpishtadini Pachayatyagneya-swabhavata – due to hot property induce suppression in contact with poisonous animals, bruise, excision, incision, separation, perforation, and crushing.
  • Paridahati Kantamuro Hrudayam Cha – causes a burning sensation in the throat and heart region.

अम्ल रस से अधिक सेवन से दोष- इन उपर्युक्त गुणों से युक्त होने पर भी यदि केवल एक अम्ल रस का ही अत्यधिक अम्ल रस के दाँतों में हर्ष (दाँतों का खट्टा होना) उत्पनर करता है, प्यास को उत्पन्न करता है, खाने पर शीघ्र ही नेत्र सेवन किया गया तो वह संवेजन अर्थात्‌ रोमाज्च उत्पन्न करता है, सूखे कफ को गीलाकर गलाता है, पित्त को बढ़ाता है, रुधिर को दूषित करता है, मांस  पेशियों  में दाह उत्पन्न करता है, शरीर के सन्धि-बन्धनों को ढीला करता है, क्षीण, क्षत, कृश औरबल रहित पुरुष  में शोथ  उत्पन्न करता है। और भी क्षत (कटे हुए), अभिहत (चोट लगे हुए), दाँतों से कटे हुए, जले हुए, भग्न (टूटे  हुए), शूल  (शोथयुक्त हुए), च्युत (सन्धिभग्न), अव मूत्रित (किसी जहरीले जन्तुविशेष जैसे मकड़ी आदि के द्वार शरीर मूत्र किये हुए), परिसर्पित (किसी विषैले जन्तु विशेष से शरीर पर स्पर्श किए हुए), मर्दित, छिन्न (खड्गादि शस्त्रों से द्व्धि विभेद हुए), भिन्न (आशयों का विदार), विश्लिष्ट (अभिषात से कटे हुए), विद्ध (किसी काँटे या लोहे आदि से विद्ध हुए), उतपिष्ट  (प्रहार आदि से चूर्ण हुए) इत्यादि को आग्नेय- गुणभूयिष्ठ होने से पका देता है। और आग्नेय स्वभाव होने से ही अधिक सेवन किया गया अम्ल रस कण्ठ, छाती और हृदय में जलन उत्पन्न करता है।।  

Lavana Rasa (Salt tae) Effect on Body

लवणो रसः पाचन: क्लेदनो दीपन श्चयावनश्छेदनो भेदनस्तीक्षण: सरो विकास्यध: स्रस्यवकाशकरो वातहर: स्तम्भबन्धसंघातविधमन: सर्वरसप्रत्यनीकभूतः, आस्यमास्त्रावयति, कफ विष्यन्दयति, मार्गान्‌ विशोधयति, सर्वशरीरावयबान्‌ मृदूकरोति, रोचयत्याहारम्‌, आहारयोगी, नात्यर्थ गुरु: स्निग्ध उष्णश्च ।

  • Pachana – Help in digestion
  • Kledana – Causes moistening effect
  • Deepana – Improves digestion, Chyavana – Secretion
  • Chedano – Excision effect, Bhedana, Tikshna – Incision
  • Vikarasya /Kleda Chedana – Separates the Moisturness
  • Adhaha Sramsyavakaashakara- Causes movement of Dosha in downward directions.
  • Vatahara – Balances Vata
  • Stambhana Bandha Samghata Vidhamana – Breaks down stiffness, tightening effect, and obstructions.
  • Sarvarasa Pratyaneeka bhutaha – Can dominate all other tastes
  • Asyam Asravayati – Causes salivation.
  • Kapham Vishyandayati – Liquefies Kapha
  • Margaan Vishodhayati – Cleanses and clears body channels.
  • Sarva Shareera Avayavaan Mrudukaroti – Softens and brings about tenderness in all body parts
  • Rochayati Ahaaram – Improves taste of food

लवण रस के गुण-कर्म- लवण रस अन्न को पकाता है, अन्न के सघात को गीला करता है, जठराग्नि को दीप्त  करता है, प्रत्येक अवयवों को अपने स्थान से पृथक करता है, छेदन, भेदन, तीक्षण (तेज), सर (अस्थिर), विकासी (सन्धिबन्धनों का मोक्ष करते हुए उसमें शिथिलता उत्पन्न कर धातुओं से ओज को पृथक  करने वाला), अधः संत्रसि  (नीचे बहने का स्वभाववाला), अवक़ाशकर (स्थन को रिक्त करने वाला), वातशामक, स्तम्भ (शरीर की जकड़ाहट), बन (मलविबन्ध), संघात (दोष, दृश्यों का एकत्र होना) इनका नाश करता है, सभी रसों के विपरीत अर्थात्‌ उनका नाशक होता है, मुख से लाला का स्राव कराता है, कफ को पतला करता है, ऊर्ध्व एवं अधोवाही स्रोतों को शुद्ध करता है, सम्पूर्ण शरीर के अवयवों को कोमल करता है, आहार में रोचकता लाता है, आहार में अत्यन्त उपकारक है। ये लवण रस के कर्म कहे गये हैं। लवण रस का गुण-अधिक गुरु नहीं है, स्निग्ध है और उष्ण है।

Effects of Excess Use of Lavana Rasa (Salty Taste) on Body

स एवंगुणो अप्येक एवात्यर्थमुपयुज्यमानः पित्त कोपयति, रक्त॑ वर्धयति, तर्षयति, मूर्च्छयति, तापयति, दारयति, कुष्णाति मांसानि, प्रगालयति कुष्टानि, विष॑ वर्धयति, शोफान्‌ स्फोटयति, दन्तांश्र्यावयति, पुंस्त्वमुपहन्ति, इन्द्रियाण्युपरुणद्धि, वलिपलितखालित्यमापादयति, अपि च लोहितपित्ताम्लपित्तवीसर्पवात-रक्तविचर्चिकेन्द्रलुप्तप्रभृतीन्‌ विकारानुपजनयति।

  • Pittam Kopayati – Causes vitiation of Pitta
  • Rakatm Vardhayati – Aggravates blood
  • Tarshayati – Causes excessive thirst
  • Murchayati/Sangna Nasha – Causes fainting
  • Tapayati – Causing heating sensation
  • Darayati – Causes erosion
  • Krushnati Mamsani – Depletion of muscle tissue
  • Pragalayati Kushtani – Sloughing of skin diseases
  • Visham Vardhayati – Aggravates poison effects and symptoms
  • Shophan Sphotayati – Opens up swellings
  • Dantan Chyavayati – Causes teeth dislodgement
  • Pumstvam Upahanti – Causes impotency
  • Indriyani Uparunaddhi – Obstruction of the function of senses
  • Vali Palita Khalityam Apadayati – Premature wrinkling, greying and baldness Lohitaptta Amlapitta – Bleeding disorders, gastritis
  • Visarpa – Herpes
  • Vatarakta – Gout
  • Vicharchika Indralupta – Eczema and alopecia

लवण रस के अधिक सेवन से दोष- इन उपर्युक्त गुणों के रहते हुए भी यदि केवल एक लवण रस का अधिक सेवन किया जाय तो वह पित्त को कुपित करता है, रुधिर की वृद्धि करता है पिपासा उत्पन्न करता है, मूर्च्छा उत्पन्न करता है, शरीर में ताप की वृद्धि करता हैं, त्वचा में विदार करता है, मांस-पेशियों को विकृत करता है, कुष्ठ रोग में मांसपेशियों को गलाता है, विष को बढ़ाता है, शोथ को फाड़ देता है, दाँतों को गिरा देता है, पुंस्त्वशक्ति को नष्ट करता हैं, इन्द्रियों की शक्ति को अवरुद्ध कर देता है, अकाल में ही बलि (झूर्रियां पड़ना), पलित (बाल पकना), खालित्य (बालों का गिरना) उत्पन्न करता है और रक्त पित्त, अम्लपित्त, विसर्प, वात्तरक्त, विचर्चिका, इन्द्रलुप्त आदि विकारों को उत्पन्न करता है। 

Katu Rasa (Pungent taste) effects on body

कटुको रसो वक्त्रं शोधयति, अग्नि दीपयति, भुक्ते शोषयति, घ्राणमास्त्रावयति, चक्षु विरेच्याती स्फुटीकरोतीन्द्रियाणि, अलसक श्वयथूपचयोदर्दाभिष्यन्द स्नेह स्वेद क्लेदमलानुपहन्ति, रोचयत्यशनं, कण्डू- विनाशेयति, ब्रणानवसादयति, क्रिमीन्‌ हिनस्ति, मांस विलिखति, शोणितसंघात॑ भिनत्ति, बन्धांश्छिनति, मार्गान्‌ विवृमोति, श्लेष्माणं शमयति, लघुरुष्णो रूक्षश्च।  

  • Vaktram Shodhayati – Cleanses mouth
  • Agnim Dipayati – Improves digestion strength
  • Bhuktam Shoshayati – Dries up food
  • Ghranam Asravayati – Causes watering of nose
  • Chakshu Virechayati – Causes lacrimation
  • Sphutikaroti Indriyani – Sharpens sense organs
  • Upahanti (cures) Alasaka (intestinal toper), Shvayathu (inflammation), Upachaya (obesity), Udarda (urticaria), Abhishyanda (chronic conjunctivitis),
  • Sneha Sveda Kleda Malan Upahanti – Helps in oleation, and sweating, and helps in the elimination of sticky waste products.
  • Rochyayati Ashanam – Improves food taste,
  • Kandu Vinashayati – Relieves itching,
  • Vranan Avasadayati – Excessive growth of ulcers,
  • Krimin Hinasti – Kills germs and worms
  • Mamsam Vilikhati – Scrapes down muscle tissue
  • Shonita Sanghatam Bhinatti – Breaks down blood clots
  • Bandhan Chinatti – Breaks down bonding,
  • Margan Vivrunoti – Clears body channels
  • Shleshmanam Shamayati – Balances down Kapha
  • Laghu, Ushna, Rooksha – Light, hot and dry.

कटु रस के गुण-कर्म- कटुरस मुख का शोधन करता है, अग्नि को तेज करता है, भोजन किए हुए आहार द्रतयों का शोषण करता है, नासिका से कफ का स्राव कराता है, नेत्रों से जल का स्राव कराता है, ज्ञानेद्रियों को अपने-अपने कार्य करने में उत्तेजित करता है, अलसक (आमदोष), शोथ, उपचय (मोटापन), उदर्द (अंगों पर चकते निकलना), अभिष्यन्द स्नेह (शरीर का चिकनापन), स्वेद, क्लेद और दूषित एवं वृद्ध मलों को नष्ट करता हैं, भोजन में रूचि उत्पन्न करता है, खुजलाहट को दूर करता है, ब्रणों को नष्ट करता है, कृमियों का नाश करता है, दूषित मांस का लेखन करता हैं, रक्त के संघात को भेदन करता  है, संधि  बंधनो को   अलग करता है, स्रोतों को विस्तृत करता है और बढ़े हुए कफ को शान्त करता है। इसका गुण, लघु, उष्ण और रुक्ष होता है। 

Effects of Excess Use of Katu Rasa (Pungent Taste) on Body

स एवंगुणो अप्येक एवात्यर्थमुपयुज्यमानो विपाकप्रभावात्‌ पुंस्त्वमुपहन्ति, रसवीर्यप्रभावान्मोहयन्ति, ग्लापयति, सादयति, कर्शयति मूर्छिति नमयति, तमयति, भर्मिती कण्ठं   परिदहति, शरीरतापमुपजनयति, बलें क्षिणोति, तृष्णा जंयती अपि च वाय्वग्निगुणबाहुल्यादभ्रमदव श्वरणभुजपार्श्वपृष्ठप्रभतिषु विकारानुपजनयत्ति।

  • Prabhavat Pumstvam Upahanti – Causes impotence
  • Rasa Virya Prabhavat Mehayanti – Due to Rasa and Virya produce unconsciousness.
  • Glapayati/Harsha Kshaya – Causes less enthusiasm
  • Sadayati – Weariness, Karshayati – Produce leanness
  • Murchayati – Causes unconsciousness
  • Namayati – Causes the body to bend forward
  • Tamayati – Causes a feeling of darkness
  • Bhramayati – Causes dizziness (Giddiness)
  • Kantam Paridahati – Burning sensation in the throat
  • Sharira Tapam Upajanayati – Burning sensation in body
  • Balam Kshinoti – Depletes strength and immunity
  • Trushnam Janayati – Causes thirst
  • The dominance of Vayu and Agni Mahabhutas cause Bhrama (giddiness), Davatu (burning sensation), Kampa (tremor), Toda (piercing), and Bheda (stabbing pain) in legs, hands, back, etc.

कटु रस के अधिक सेवन से दोष – इन उपर्युक्त गुणों के होने पर भी यदि केवल एक कटु रस का अधिक सेवन किया जाय तो अपने  विपाक (कटु)   से पुंस्त्वशक्ति को नष्ट करता है, अपने रस (कटुरस) और वीर्य (उष्ण वीर्य) के प्रभाव से मोह, शरीर में  ग्लानि  तथा अवसाद उत्पन्न करता है, शारीरिक धातुओं को शिथिल करता है, मूर्च्छा  उत्पन्न करता है, शरीर को टेढ़ा करता है तथा चक्कर उत्पन्न करता है, गले में दाह एवं शरीर में ताप उत्पन्न करता है, बल का नाश करता है, और पिपासा को उत्पन्न करने वाला होता है और कटुरस में वायु और अग्नि गुण की अधिकता होती है। इसलिए कटुरस के अधिक सेवन से भ्रम, दाह, शरीर में कम्प, सुई चुभोने के समान पीड़ा, भेद (फाड़ने की तरह शरीर में पीड़ा) आदि लक्षणों से युक्त पैर, हाथ पार्श्व, पीठ आदि अवयवों में वातजन्य रोगों को उत्पन्न करता हैं।

Tikta Rasa (Bitter Taste) Effects on Body

तिक्तो रसः स्वयमरोचिष्णुरप्यरोचकषघ्नो विषघ्न: कृमिघ्नो मूर्छादाहकण्डू कुष्ठ तृष्णा प्रशमनस्त्वड्मांसयो: स्थिरीकरणो ज्वरघ्नो  दीपनः पाचन: स्तन्यशोधनो लेखन: क्लेदमेदोवसामज्जलसीकापूयस्वेद मूत्रपुरीषपित्तश्लेष्मोपशोषणो रुक्ष: शीतो लघुश्च ।

  • Swayam Arochishnu Api Arochakaghno- though not so good to taste, when taken, it improves taste in the person.
  • Vishaghna – Antitoxic.
  • Krimighna – Kills germs and worms.
  • Murcha Daha Kandu Kushta – Relieves unconsciousness, burning sensation, itching, and skin disorders.
  • Trushna Prshamana Twaka Mamsayo Sthirikarano – Relieves thirst, and gives stability to skin and muscle.
  • Jvaraghna – Antipyretic,
  • Dipana – Appetisers, Pachana – Digestive,
  • Stanya Shodhana – Purifies breast milk
  • Lekhana – Scraping
  • Kleda Medo Vasa Maja Lasika Puya Sweda Mutra Purusha Pitta Shleshma Upashoshana-dries up excess moisture, fat, marrow, lymph, pus, sweating, urine, Pitta, and Shleshma.
  • Ruksha, Shita Laghu – Dry, cold, and light.

तिक्त रस के गुण कर्म- स्वयं तिक्त रस अरोचक होता है किन्तु यदि खाया जाय तो अरुचि को दूर करता है, विष- प्रभाव को दूर करता है, कृमियों को नष्ट करता है, मूर्च्छ (संज्ञानाश), दाह, खुजली, कोढ़ और पिपासा को नष्ट करता हैं, चमड़े और मांसपेशियों में स्थिरता उत्पन्न करता है, ज्वरशामक, अग्निदीपक, आहारपाचक, दुग्ध का शोधक और लेखन है, शरीर का क्लेद, मेद, चर्बी, मज्जा, लसीका, पूय, पसीना, मूत्र, मल, पित्त और कफ को सुखाता है। तिक्तरस के गुण- रूक्ष, शीत और लघु हैं।

Effects of Excess Use of Tikta Rasa (Bitter Taste) on Body

स एवंगुणो अप्येक एवात्यर्थमुपयुज्यमानो रौक्ष्यात्‌ खरविशदस्वभावाच्च रसरुधिरमांसमेदोस्थिमज्ज-शुक्राण्युच्छोषयति, स्त्रोतसां खरत्वमुपपादयति, बलमादत्ते, कर्शयतिं, ग्लपयति, मोहयति, अमयति, वदनमुपशोषयति, अपरांश्च वात विकारानुपजनयति। 

  • Roukshya Khara Vishada Swabhava Rasa Rakta Mamsa Medo Asthi Majja Shukra – Due to dryness, rough-ness, non-sliminess, bitter depletes Rasa dhatu (essence part of digestion), blood (rudhira), Mamsa (muscle tissue), Meda (fat tissue), Asthi (bone), Maja (marrow), Shukra (semen, female reproductive system).
  • Srotasam Kharatvam Upapadayati – Brings about roughness to the body channels
  • Balama Dattae – Depletes strength and immunity
  • Karshayati – Depletes body weight
  • Glapayati/Harsha Kshaya – Causes less enthusiasm
  • Mohayati – Unconsciousness
  • Bhramayati – Giddiness
  • Vadanam Upashoshayati – Dryness of mouth
  • Vata Vikara Anupajanayati – Causes diseases of Vata imbalance.

तिक्तरस के अधिक सेवन से दोष- इस प्रकार उपर्युक्त गुणों के रहने पर भी यदि केवल एक तिक्तरस का ही अधिक सेवन किया गया तो, तिक्तरस में स्वभावतः रहने वाले रूक्ष, खर और विशद गुण, अपने प्रभाव से रस, रक्त, मांस, मेद, अस्थि, मज्जा और शुक्र का शोषण करने वाला होता है, स्त्रोतों में खरता उत्पन्न करता है, शारीरिक बल घटाता है, शरीर को कृश करता है, मन में ग्लानि लाता है, मोह उत्पन्न करता है, भ्र्म रोग उत्पन्न करता है, मुख का शोषण करता है, इनसे अतिरिक्त अन्य वात रोगों को उत्पन्न करता है।

Kashaya Rasa (Astringent Taste) Effects on Body

कषायो रस: संशमनः संग्राही संधानेकर: पीडेनो रोपणः शोषणः स्तम्भन: श्लेष्मरक्तपित्तप्रशमनः, शरीरक्लेदस्योपयोक्तो, रूक्षः शीतो अलघुश्च ।

  • Samshamana – Calming, healing.
  • Sangrahi – Absorbing, constipative.
  • Sandhanakara – Wound healing, bone healing.
  • Peedana – Causes pressure on body parts.
  • Ropana – Healing.
  • Shoshana – Dries up moisture.
  • Stambhana – Stop movement, blocking.
  • Shleshma Raktapitta Prashamana – Balances down Kapha and Pitta, useful in bleeding disorders,
  • Sharira Kleda Upayokta – Uses up body moisture Ruksha, Sheeta, Laghu – Dry, cold and light.

कषाय रस का गुण कर्म- कषाय रस संशमन होता है, संग्राही होता है, संन्धान करने वाला है, पीडन, रोपण, शोषण (क्लेद का), स्तम्भक है। कफ, पित्त और रक्त में आए हुए दोषों की शान्ति करता है। शरीर मैं उत्पन्न हुए क्लेद को चूषित कर लेता है ये कषाय रस के कर्म बताये गये हैं। कषाय रस के गुण- रूक्ष, शीत और गुरु हैं।

Effects of Excess Use of Kashaya Rasa (Astringent Taste) on Body

स एवंगुणो अप्येक एवात्यर्थमुपयुज्यमान आस्यं शोषयति, हदयें पिडयति, उदरमाध्यापयति, वाच॑ निगृह्ति, स्त्रोता स्यवबन्ध्नाति, श्यावत्वमापादयति, पुंस्त्वमुपहन्ति, विष्टभ्य जरां गच्छति, वातमूत्रपुरीषरेतांस्यवगृह्वाति, कर्शयति, ग्लपयति, तर्षयति, स्तम्भयति, खरविशदरूक्षत्वात्‌ पक्षवधग्रहापतानकार्दितप्रभृतीश्च वातविकारानुपजनयति।। 

  • Asyam Shoshayati – Dries up mouth,
  • Hrudayam Peedayati – Causes pressure pain in the chest, heart,
  • Udaram Adhmapayati – Distention of abdomen,
  • Vacham Nigruhnati – Obstruction of speech,
  • Srotamsi Avabadhnati – Constriction of channels,
  • Shyavatvam Apadayati – Imparts black complexion,
  • Pumstvam Upahanti – Causes impotency,
  • Vishtabhya Jaram Gacchati – They get stuck in the gut and undergo digestion slowly, Vata Mutra Purusha Avagrahati – Obstructs the passage of flatus, urine, stool, and semen.
  • Karshayati – Causes emaciation
  • Glapayati/Harsha Kshaya – Causes less enthusiasm
  • Tarshayati – Excess thirst,
  • Stambhayati – Causes stiffness,
  • Khara Vishada Rukshatvat Pakshavadha Graha Apatanaka Ardita Prabhrutishcha Vata Vikara Upajanayati – Due to roughness, dryness, and non-sliminess astringent taste produces disease like Pakshavadha (hemiplegia), Graha (spasm), Apatanaka (convulsion), Ardita (facial paralysis), etc, due to the vitiation of Vata.

कषाय रस के अधिक सेवन से दोष – इन उपर्युक्त गुणों के रहने पर भी यदि केवल एक कषायरस का अधिक मात्रा में उपयोग किया जाय तो वह मुख का शोषण करता है, हदय में पीडा उत्पन्न करता है, उदर में आध्मान करता है, वचन-शक्ति को कम करता है, स्रोतों को अवरुद्ध कर देता है, शरीर का वर्ण श्याव कर देता है। पुंस्त्व-शक्ति को नष्ट कर देता है। उदर में कब्ज करने के बाद अन्न को पकाता है। वायु, मूत्र, शुक्र और पुरीष को रोक देता है, शरीर को कृश करता है। ग्लानि, प्यास जकड़ाहट उत्पन्न करता है। कषायरस खर, विशद और रूक्ष होता है, इसलिए पक्षाघात, हनुग्रह, अपतानक, अर्दित आदि वात- विकारों को उत्पन्न करता है।

Planet (Greha), Nakshatra Relation with Dhatu, Dhatu Sara, and Dosha

With the help of this relation disease durations and death are estimated.

Planet (Greha)DhatuDhatu SaraDoshaDhatu Karya
RaviAsthiAsthi SaraPittaDharana
ChandraRaktaRakta SaraVata-KaphaJeevana
MangalMajjaMajja SaraPittaPurana
BuddhaRasaRasa SaraTridoshaPrenana
GuruMedaMeda SaraKaphaSnehana
ShukraShukra / AartavaShukra Sara / Aartava SaraVata – KaphaGarbha
ShaniMansaMansa SaraVataLepana

Comparative Relationship of Prakriti (Characters) Given in Ayurveda with Rashi (Zodiac Sign) Characters of Person Given by Planet Involved as per Brighu Samhita

  • Prakriti is the unique concept of Ayurveda which makes us understand the character and nature of the person that vary from person to person. Just like the DNA fingerprint of every person is different in the same way prakriti of each individual is different as per Ayurveda. Due to the different prakriti of individuals, each individual has different psychological and physiological characteristics. This Prakriti of the individual is formed by the sanyoga of Shukra and Shonita of the individual. 
  • In the same way, the Kundali of the individual is fixed at their birth and according to the positions of the planet, Rashi (Zodiac sign) the psychological, and physiological characteristics of the individual are fixed, and that varies from person to person.
  • Deha Prakriti which is mentioned in classical literature of Ayurveda i.e Charaka Samhita is very similar to the Rashi characters as per the position of the planet given in Bhringu Samhita.

Rashi (Zodiac Sign), Prakriti, and Panchmahabhuta Relation

RashiPrakritiPanchmahabhuta Ghataka (constituents)
Tula, Kumbh, MithunaVataVayu
Dhanu, Sinha, MeshaPittaAgni
Kanya, Makar, Karka, Meena, Vrischik, VrishabhKaphaJala, Prithvi

Prakriti (Character) as per the Planet involved along with Dhatu, Sarata, and Ritu

Greha / planetSharirika PrakritiMansika PrakritiDhatuSarataRitu
ChandraVata- KaphaManRakta RaktaVarsha
GuruKapha SatvikaMedaMedaHemant
ShukraVata- KaphaRajsikaShukraShukraBasant
ShaniVataNirnya KshmtaMansa MansaShishir

Conceptual Planet, Zodiac Sign Relation with Subdoshas of Vata, Pitta, Kapha

Vata Dosha

Subtypes of Vata: 
  • Prana Vayu:
Dosha PlaceRashi (Zodiac Sign)PlanetDosha Function
  • Udana Vayu
Dosha PlaceRashi (Zodiac sign)PlanetDosha function
Nabhi HridayaKarkaChandraBala
  • Vyana Vayu
Dosha PlaceRashi (Zodiac sign)PlanetDosha function
  • Samana Vayu
Dosha PlaceRashi (Zodiac sign)PlanetDosha function
Kostha / UdaraKanyaBudhaAnnapurna
VivechanaTulaShukraSara Kitta
  • Apana Vayu
Dosha PlaceRashi (Zodiac sign)PlanetDosha function
Janana AngaVrischikaMangalaShukra

Planets and Their Associated Diseases are as follows: (Ref. Phaldipika)

Planet Diseases Caused
Sun Shoth (Inflammation in the body), Apsmar (Epilepsy), Paitikavikara, Jawara (Fever), Diseases of the eye, skin, and bone, rational fears, Bites from poisonous reptiles like snakes, weakening the digestive system, constipation causing.
Moon Sleep diseases such as Anidra (insomnia) or somnambulism (sleepwalking), Kaphaj Kasa, Atisara, Alsaya, Agnimandya (Loss of appetite), Aruchi (Disinterest in food), Kamala (Jaundice), Chitudvega, Hydrophobia, Fear of animals with horns, Problems concerning women, Hallucinations
MarsTrishna (Excessive thirst), Bilious disorders, Flatulence, Excessive fear of fire, Gulma, appendicitis, Kustha (Leprosy), eye disorder, Apsmar (Epilepsy), Rakta Vikara, Majja Vikar (Bone marrow diseases), Kandu (Itching), Ruksha Twaka (Rough skin).
MercuryLack of self-confidence, Gala Rog (Throat problems like goiter, etc.), Nasagata Rog (Nose Diseases), Vata- Kaphaj Roga, Cold and Cough, Flatulence, Poisoning. Twaka Dosha (Skin diseases), Vicharchika. Jaundice.
Jupiter Gulma, Appendicitis, Karan Vedna (an ear disease), Sanyas.Frequent litigation, Problems with friends, parents, and relatives.
Venus Pandu (Anaemia), Netra Roga (Disorders of the eye), Flatulence, Cough, Mutrakrich (Urinary disease), Prameha (Diabetes), Syphilis, Shukra-Vyapati (Low sperm count), Impotence, Dryness of Mouth, Constipation, Irrational fears.
Saturn Flatulence, Cough, Pain in the legs, Excessive Fatigue, Illusion, Daha (Excessive heat in the body / burning sensation ), Tvak Raktata (redness in skin) Mental shocks, dizziness, Personal calamities, and Accidents causing temporary or lasting wounds.
Rahu Heart diseases such as an attack, Shotha (Inflammation), Kushtha (Leprosy), illusions, hallucinations, disease due to poisoning, excessive hurt, and wounds.
Ketu Unknown mysterious diseases, cannot be easily found by doctors.

Zodiac Sign with the Associated Planet and Their Bhog Kaala:

Zodiac sign (Raashi)Planet (Greha)Bhog Kaala (Good and bad effect remains on Particular Raashi or Zodiac Sign)
Mesha (Aries)Mangal (Mars)7 years
Vrisha (Taurus)Shukra (Venus)20 years
Mithun (Gemini)Budh (Mercury)17 years
Karka (Cancer)Chandra (Moon)10 years
Sinha (Leo)Surya (Sun)6 years
Kanya (Virgo)Budh (Mercury)17 years
Tula (Libra)Shukra (Venus)20 years
Vrishchika (Scorpio)Mangal (Mars)7 years
Dhanu (Saggitarius)Brihaspati (Jupiter)16 years
Makar (Capricorn)Shani (Saturn)19 years
Kumbh (Aquarius)Shani (Saturn)19 years 7 months
Meen (Pisces)Brihaspati (Jupiter)16 years

The Bhog-Kaal of various planets remains for various years. One cannot change the Bhog- Kaal of the particular planet, but its malefic effect can be reduced by worshipping their Aradhya God and Vriksha, by doing Hawan, wearing Zodiacal stones, etc.

Therefore, the diseases and their treatment in Astrology involve the study of:
  1. Zodiacal chart with the planets therein.
  2. Influence of other planets on Lagan Lord.
  3. Planet occupation in different houses and Nakshatra.
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Indication for Using Gemstones for Grahas (Planets) in Astrological Science

Various other Ratna (Precious stones) and Upratnas (Semi- precious stones) are also used to nullify the bad effects of the planet and to cure various disorders.

Planet Gem Used
Sun (Surya)Manikya (Ruby)
Moon (Chandra)Mukta (Pearl)
Mars (Mangala)Vidruma (Coral)
Mercury (Buddha)Markat (Emerald)
Jupiter (Guru)Pushapraga (Topaz)
Venus (Shukra)Vajra (Diamond)
Saturn (Shani)Neelam (Blue sapphire)
Rahu Gomeda (Hessonite)
Ketu Vaidurya (Cat’s eye stone)

Recent Research

  • Mishra, Preeti & Rasane, Shital & Mrudula, V & Joshi, Mrudula. (2018). “CONCEPTUAL STUDY ON COLLATION OF DEHA PRAKRUTI AND JANMA RASHI PRABHAV FROM BHRUGU SAMHITA WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO CHARAK SAMHITA”. World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research. 7. 408- 412.
  • Daher, Cesar. (2022). Horoskopos: a virtual planetarium for astrology. 10. 25643/ bauhaus- universitaet. 4718.
  • Patwardhan B. Traditions, rituals, and science of Ayurveda. J Ayurveda Integr Med. 2014 Jul; 5 (3): 131- 3. doi: 10. 4103/ 0975- 9476. 140465. PMID: 25336840; PMCID: PMC 4204279.
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  • Sharma BK, Prasad PV, Narayana A. Contribution of astrology in medicine — a review. Bull Indian Inst Hist Med Hyderabad. 2007 Jan- Jun; 37 (1): 45-62. PMID: 19569452.
  • Pugh JF. Astrological counseling in contemporary India. Cult Med Psychiatry. 1983 Sep; 7 (3): 279- 99. doi: 10. 1007/ BF00049314. PMID: 6661920.
  • Anand A, Prabhakar S, Thakur K, Tyagi R, Shastri V, Tripathi DP, Sharma S. Can Cheiromancy Predict Mean Survival or Fatality of a Patient with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis? J Neurosci Rural Pract. 2020 Apr; 11 (2): 256- 260. doi: 10. 1055/ s- 0040- 1703969. Epub 2020 May 2. PMID: 32367980; PMCID: PMC 7195958.
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  • Hare EH. Medical astrology and its relation to modern psychiatry. Proc R Soc Med. 1977 Feb; 70 (2): 105- 10. PMID: 323862; PMCID: PMC 1542973.
  • Krzysztofik M. The Image of Disease in Religious, Medical-Astrological and Social Discourses: Old Polish Literature as an Example of Early Modern European Mentality. J Relig Health. 2022 Aug; 61 (4): 3340- 3349. doi: 10. 1007/ s10943- 020- 01056- x. PMID: 32583168; PMCID: PMC 7313648.
  • Murthy SR. Role of gems in Indian medicine. Anc Sci Life. 1991 Jan; 10 (3): 156- 64. PMID: 22556526; PMCID: PMC 3331284.
  • Morgan H, Collins H, Moore S, Eley C. Written in the stars: did your specialty choose you? Postgrad Med J. 2022 Mar; 98 (1157): 205- 211. doi: 10. 1136/ postgradmedj- 2020- 139058. Epub 2021 Jan 7. PMID: 33414176.
  • Patch C, Sequeiros J, Cornel MC. Genetic horoscopes: is it all in the genes? Points for regulatory control of direct-to-consumer genetic testing. Eur J Hum Genet. 2009 Jul; 17 (7): 857- 9. doi: 10. 1038/egg. 2008. 246. Epub 2009 Mar 4. PMID: 19259126; PMCID: PMC 2986502.
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  • Bhawaan, B & Tatavarthy, Bhawaan. (2007). INTEGRATED CONCEPT OF MEDICAL ASTROLOGY AND AYURVEDA. The Journal of research and education in Indian medicine.


  • The Agni mahapurana,164.8, Kumar Dr. Puspendra Kumar (Ed. 2006), The Agni Mahapuranam, Eastern Book Linkers, Delhi, 2006, ISBN: 81- 7854- 087- 8.
  • Miraculous Plants, p-158, Pande Umesh (2004), Miraculous Plants, Bhagvat Pocket Books, Agra.
  • Paschadudumbarasya tribhireva karairnaradvaye sharshe Puruse sitoahirasmanjanopamoadha siraasujalaa’. Brihatsamhita, p 501 ,Bhat M Ramakrishna (1995), Varahmihir’s Brihatsamhita, Motilal Banarasidas, Delhi, ISBN:81- 208- 1060- 0.
  • The Agni Mahapuranam, 259. 29, Kumar Dr. Puspendra Kumar (Ed. 2006), The Agni Mahapuranam, Eastern Book Linkers, Delhi, 2006, ISBN: 81- 7854- 087- 8.
  • Miraculous Plants, p 158 Pande Umesh (2004), Miraculous Plants, Bhagvat» Pocket Books, Agra.
  • The Matsyamahapurana, 256.20, Kumar Prof. Pushpendra Kumar (Ed. 2009), The Matsyamahapurana, Eastern Book Linkers, Delhi, ISBN: 978- 81- 7854- 159- 4.
  • Horticulture in Ancient India, p 87, Sampath RN (1998), Horticulture in Ancient India, Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan, New Delhi.
  • The Agni MahāpurāRam, 247.24, Kumar Dr. Puspendra Kumar (Ed. 2006), The Agni MahāpurāRam, Eastern Book Linkers, Delhi, 2006, ISBN: 81- 7854- 087- 8.
  • An Article by Dr. Rutesh R. Shah and Dr. R.S. Patel on the Study of Various Plant Species Useful in Each Nakshatra for Human Society. International Journal of Scientific and Research Publication, Volume 4, Issue 1, January 2014. ISSN 2250- 3153.
  • Date Panchanga, 2015-2016, Mr. Anant Date, Mr. Vinay Date, and Mr. Omkar Date, Pune, Avakahada Chakra, p 8.
  • An Article by Dr. Rutesh R. Shah and Dr. R.S. Patel on the Study of Various Plant Species Useful in Each Nakshatra for Human Society. International Journal of Scientific and Research Publication, Volume 4, Issue 1, January 2014. ISSN 2250- 3153.
  • Kundali Tantra and Mantra, Part-1, Mr. Vasant Damodar Bhat, published by Mr. K.  P. Vaikar, Nashik, Published by Mrs. Kavita S Kale, 23rd edition 2008, Ch 3, p26, 24.
  • https://www. mpanchang. com/ astrology/
  • Bhartiya Kundali Vigyaan page 72, Meetha Laal Hemant Ram Oujha, Aacharya Mudranalya, Karnghata, Varanasi era (Samvat) 2028.
  • https://www. temple purohit. com/ Navagraha- nine- planets- Hinduism- astrology/
  • https://www. Prabhat Khabar. com/ news/ dharam% 20karam/ effect- of-the-planet-venus-astrology- mantra/  840423. HTML

Dr. Sahil Gupta completed his Bachelor of Ayurveda in Medicine and Surgery (B.A.M.S.) and Master’s Degree in Health Administration (MHA) India. He is Registered Ayurvedic Doctor & Vaidya in India having Registration No. 23780. He is the CEO and founder of IAFA. After completing BAMS, Dr. Sahil Gupta started practicing Ayruveda by giving prime importance to allergic disorders management. He became the first Ayurvedic doctor to cure Food Allergies through Ayurveda. Read More About Dr. Sahil Gupta.

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