Kasini (Cichorium intybus)
Know about the uses, benefits, and medicinal properties of Chicory, Kasini (Cichorium intybus). It is a perennial herb from the Cichorium genus, Asteraceae family, and is worldwide cultivated.
Know about the uses, benefits, and medicinal properties of Chicory, Kasini (Cichorium intybus). It is a perennial herb from the Cichorium genus, Asteraceae family, and is worldwide cultivated.
Cavya, commonly known as Java long pepper is one of the most widely used and readily available herb in Ayurveda.
Bakula, commonly known as Bullet wood tree is one of most commonly used herb for the alleviation of inflammatory conditions and worm infestation.
Dr.Gupta’s IAFA experts conducted various experiments to found out the vast usage of Drum stick.
Learn about the benefits, uses, medicinal properties, and dosage of Shirish (Albizia Lebbeck). Shirish is one of the best herbs for curing different types of allergies.
Dr.Gupta’s IAFA conducted various studies in Wild asparagus to find out the therapeutic actions of the herb.
Dr.Gupta’s IAFA conducted various studies to find out the active phytoconstituents in Punarnava and its various actions.
Pitpapra (Fumaria indica) is an essential curative herb used in high Pitta conditions such as fever, gastritis, diarrhea, excessive thirst, etc.
Dr.Gupta’s IAFA conducted various studies in Kantakari to find out the therapeutic actions of the herb.
Institute of Applied food Allergy guided by Dr. Gupta, have been studying on different available herbs for the purpose of alleviating allergic condition.
Dr. Gupta’s IAFA has been working on Jayapala plant for discovering more medicinal properties of the plant.
Explore about uses, benefits and medicinal properties of Dronapushpi (Leucas cephalotes). Dronapushpi is commonly known as Lead Leucas.