Kasini (Cichorium intybus)
Know about the uses, benefits, and medicinal properties of Chicory, Kasini (Cichorium intybus). It is a perennial herb from the Cichorium genus, Asteraceae family, and is worldwide cultivated.
Know about the uses, benefits, and medicinal properties of Chicory, Kasini (Cichorium intybus). It is a perennial herb from the Cichorium genus, Asteraceae family, and is worldwide cultivated.
Chandana commonly known as Sandal wood tree, is one of most commonly used drugs in both modern and ayurvedic science.
Cavya, commonly known as Java long pepper is one of the most widely used and readily available herb in Ayurveda.
Bhringaraja is one of the commonly used herb in Ayurveda which is known for its anti-inflammatory, antiviral and antibacterial actions.
Know the medicinal properties, uses, and benefits of Bhallataka (Semecarpus anacardium). It is commonly known as Marking Nut.
Bala (Sida Cordifolia) is commonly known as Country mallow. It is widely occurring herb. The plant is used as strength promoting agent.
Bakula, commonly known as Bullet wood tree is one of most commonly used herb for the alleviation of inflammatory conditions and worm infestation.
Bakuchi is commonly known as purple flame. It is a very important herb in Ayurveda as it possesses so many medicinal values.
Discover the uses, benefits and medicinal properties of Brihati (Solanum Indicum). It is very useful in Fever, Skin diseases, Headache, etc.
Know about Uses, Benefits and Medicinal Properties of Brahmi (Bacopa monnieri). Brahmi is one of the greatest Mental Rejuvenators.
Know about Uses, Benefits and Medicinal Properties of Bael (Aegle Marmelos). Bael, also known as Bilva, very useful in treating dysentery.
Explore Uses, Benefits and Medicinal Properties of Bahera (Terminalia bellirica). Bahera is also known as Beleric myrobalan and Bibhitaki.