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Datura is an important medicinal plant used in Ayurveda. In Ayurveda it is included in Upavisha category. Even though it possesses some toxic properties, it is used to cure many diseases. It depletes the Dhatu of the body, hence it is known as Datura. It is also known as Kanaka as the seeds of the plant is yellow in color. It causes intoxication, so it is known as Unmatta.
Dr. Gupta’s IAFA has been continuously working on the plant Datura for discovering more medicinal properties the plant. Our experts found out that the plant can act as anti-inflammatory, expectorant, antispasmodic, antioxidant, cardioprotective agent. The phytoconstituents found in Datura are Daturine, Daturadiol, Hyoscine, Atropine, Noratropine, Fastudine, Allantoin, Hypocyamine, Norhyosciamine, Tropans, Meteolodine, Scopolamide, Mucilage, Albumin, Vitamin C, Niacin, Malic acid etc.
Action of Datura (Datura metel) in Allergies
IAFA has been conducting various studies on Datura found out the antiallergic and anti-inflammatory actions of the plant. The various chemical constituents present in this plant shows anti-inflammatory activity. Datura is very useful in skin diseases by its anti-inflammatory and anti-histamine activity.
Vernacular Names
Sanskrit Name | Datura |
Hindi Name | Dhatura |
English Name | Thornapple, Jimsonweed, Devil’s trumpets |
Malayalam Name | Ummam |
Kannada Name | Ummatte |
Telungu Name | Ummetha |
Botanical Name
Datura metel and Datura stramonium
Morphology of Datura- Datura metel
- Annual herb, erect, bushy type plant
- Stem – Purplish Yellow in colour
- Leaves – oval shaped and arranged in alternate manner
- Flowers – funnel shaped and looks like trumpet yellow, red, violet or greenish white coloured, bisexual, hypogynous
- Fruit – spinous and hanging downwards, ovate, covered with spikes
- Seed – spiny
- Root – cylindrical, branched
Ayurveda Reference of Datura (Datura metel)
Geographical Distribution of Datura (Datura metel)
It is distributed in hilly districts of Central and South parts of India,
especially in temperate and warmer regions. It also found in Mexico, Tanzania, Uganda, Kenya, Bangladesh, America.
Phytoconstituents of Datura (Datura metel)
The phytoconstituents found in Datura are Daturine, Daturadiol, Hyoscine, Atropine, Noratropine, Fastudine, Allantoin, Hypocyamine, Norhyosciamine, Tropans, Meteolodine, Scopolamide, Mucilage, Albumin, Vitamin C, Niacin, Malic acid etc.
Parts Used of Datura (Datura metel)
- Seed
- Flower
- Leaves
Dosage of Datura (Datura metel)
- Seed powder – 50 100 mg
- Leaves powder – 50 – 200 mg
Medicinal Properties of Datura (Datura metel)
- Varnya – Increases body complexion
- Jataragnivardaka – Increases digestive fire
- Jwaraghna – Relieves fever
- Kușthaghna – Relieves skin diseases
- Visaghna – Helps in detoxification
- Krimighna – Relieves worm infestation
- Swasaghna – Relieves asthma
- Vedanasthapana – Relieves pain
- Kasahara – Relieves cough
Have A Health Issue?
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- Dr. Sahil Gupta (B.A.M.S., M.H.A.)
Ayurvedic Allergy Specialist
CEO & Founder of IAFA®
Home Remedies of Datura (Datura metel)
In Ayurveda the treatment of different kinds of diseases are done by naturally availing non toxic drugs. We are continuously working on these plants to find out its pharmacological actions. IAFA have done so many studies on the plant Datura and found out that it has wide range of actions. Some of the home remedies are given below.
- Swelling (Sopha) – Paste of leaves of Datura is applied over affected area.
- Fever (Jvara) – 20 gm powder of leaves of Datura is added with 2 glass of water, boiled and reduced to one glass and taken internally for 3 days along with curd.
- Dandruff – Fruit juice of Datura is applied over scalp and washed out after 20 minutes.
- Asthma (Swasa) – Smoke from the burning leaves are inhaled for 3 days.
- Abscess- poultice of leaves of Datura is applied over affected area.
- Skin disease (Tvak roga) – 20 gm of seeds of Datura is added with 400 ml of water boiled and reduced to 100 ml and taken internally along with ¼ tea spoon of turmeric powder for 7 days.
- Rheumatoid arthritis – Paste leaves of of Datura, Castor and Calotropis are applied over inflamed joints for 7 days.
- Hair fall – Juice of Datura plant applied over scalp and washed out after 20 minutes.
Dr. Gupta’s IAFA provides safe, pure and non toxic Ayurvedic medicines. Our treatment protocols are completely based on Ayurvedic principles. According to Ayurveda each and every plants in the world has its own medicinal properties. Samhitas, Ayurvedic texts explains the properties and actions of almost all the plants. We are mainly focus on alleviating allergic disorders by using naturally available herbs which have less to no side effects. We can assure the safety of our customers as we are subjecting our products to various tests.
Reach IAFA for safe herbal remedies for all your ailments!!!
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