World's 1st Trusted Ayurvedic Allergy Institute

Satavari – Asparagus racemosus


Satavari, commonly known as ‘Wild Asparagus’ is a tall climbing under shrub found through out India. The name ‘Satavari’ indicates the numerous succulent tuberous roots of the plant. The word ‘Asparagus’ means the plant have many intensive strong prickles and ‘racemosus’ indicates the raceme inflorescence of wild asparagus. Satavari is one of the most commonly used herbs in both ayurvedic and allopathic medical field. 

Dr.Gupta’s IAFA conducted various studies in Wild asparagus to find out the therapeutic actions of the herb. Our experts have successfully proven the activities like Galactogogue, Tonic, Diuretic and antiallergic property of Satavari. The experienced scholars of IAFA found out that the methanolic extract of Satavari showed a physiological modulation of the stress pathways. The crude hydro alcoholic extract of the plant Asparagus have antioxidant property. The plant contains many phytoconstituents like shatavarin which have anticancerous  property. Satavari can also be used a rejuvenative herb. It is one of the main ingredients in many Rasayanas (Rejuvenative medicine). The powder form of Satavari have successful effect in relieving hoarseness of voice. The plant can be also used in case of skin allergic conditions. Studies are also conducting to establish the effect of Satavari in urolithiasis. The stress controlling property of Asparagus is well known and nowadays it is used abruptly in medical field.

Action of Satavari – Asparagus racemosus in Allergies

IAFA experts are putting continuous efforts to prove the antiallergic property of Asparagus. The plant contains phytoconstituents like shatavarin, sistosterol, saponins, sarsapogenin, quercetin, rutin, stigmasterol etc. The decoction prepared using Satavari can be used to relieve Skin allergic conditions caused by Vata and Pitta doshas. The squeezed extract of Shatavari can be applied on the skin along with Ghee and Honey to cure skin allergy.

Vernacular Names

Hindi name Satavare
Sanskrit nameShatabdi, Peevari, Indeevari, Vari, Bahu Suta, Mara Bhanjani, Satamuli, Satavirya, Sukshma Patra, Atirasa, Rushyaprokta, Dveepishatru, Dveepika, Urdavakantaka, Narayani
English name Buttermilk Root, Climbing Asparagus, Wild Asparagus
Tamil nameSadavare, Thanneer Vittaan Kizhangu, Thaner Vittan Kilangu, Thaneer Vitaan
Bengali nameSatamuli, Dogri: Sainsarbel, Satmooli, Shatavari
Marathi nameShatavari
Kannada nameMajjige gadde
Gujrati nameShatavari
Punjabi namechhotta kelu
Malayalam nameSathavari
Urdu nameSatawar

Botanical Name

Asparagus racemosus Willd.



Ayurvedic Reference of Satavari

Ayurvedic Reference of Satavari

Parts Used of Satavari – Asparagus racemosus

  • Tuberous Root

Dosage of Satavari – Asparagus racemosus

  • Powder (choornam) – 3-6 gm per day
  • Juice (swaras)– 10-20ml per day
  • Decoction (kashayam)-60-100ml per day

Can be used in men as well.

Medicinal Properties and Uses of Satavari – Asparagus racemosus

  • Skin Diseases:  acne vulgaris due to hormone imbalance
  • Bleeding disorders: menorrhagia, anorectal bleeding, nasal bleeding
  • Nervine tonic: antiaging, rejuvenator, helps to improve IQ
  • Gym supplement: highly nutritive values, saptdhatu poshak
  • Aphrodisiac: improve sperm quality and quantity
  • PCOS: heals PCOS when taken in first half of menstrual cycle 1-14 days
Dr. Sahil Gupta - Famous Ayurvedic Allergy Specialist

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- Dr. Sahil Gupta (B.A.M.S., M.H.A.)

Ayurvedic Allergy Specialist
CEO & Founder of IAFA®

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Home remedies of Satavari – Asparagus racemosus

Ayurveda have imparted a lot of home remedies with herbs to the Indian community. Satavari is among the popular herbs used around the globe which is having eminent actions in wide range of conditions.

  • In Eye disorders (nethra roga) – The whole plant is collected and crushed well to extract the juice. Intake of this juice cures eye disorders. 
  • As a Galactogogue (sthanya vardhaka) – Satavari collected and grinded along with milk until a pasty form appears. Then the paste is taken along with one glass of milk and it acts as Galactogogue.
  • In Headache (Sira sula) – The roots of Asparagus are collected and crushed well. Decoction made with root parts can immediately cure Headache. 
  • As a Rejuvenative (Rasayana) – The ghee prepared from the paste of Asparagus is added with the decoction of Asparagus can act as a Rejuvenative. Oral intake of this ghee at a dose of 10-15 ml can strengthen immune power also.
  • In relieving pain (Sula hara) – The whole plant is collected and crushed well. Decoction made by adding Tinospora cordifolia to this mixture can relieve pain
  • In Hoarseness of voice (Swara bheda) – Honey taken along with the powder of Asparagus can immediately cure Hoarseness of voice.
  • In Piles (Arsas) – Decoction made with roots of Asparagus can be used effectively in curing Piles. 60 ml of decoction should be taken daily.
  • In Digestive disorders (Grahani) – The raceme inflorescence of the plant is collected and added along with Terminalia chebula to prepare decoction. Drinking this decoction can cure Digestive disorders
Ayurveda Classes and Courses Online

Dr. Gupta’s IAFA has been updating the therapeutic actions of all herbs regularly for the past few years. IAFA maintains a strict protocol to ensure the safety of all consumers. The well experienced members of IAFA are consistently working to find out the most effective ways to cure all diseases especially Allergic disorders. All the herbs used in our system are mentioned in the basic textbooks of Ayurveda and are collected by maintaining good quality. Use IAFA products for longevity and to obtain immune power.

IAFA, for “always the best”

Dr. Sahil Gupta completed his Bachelor of Ayurveda in Medicine and Surgery (B.A.M.S.) and Master’s Degree in Health Administration (MHA) India. He is Registered Ayurvedic Doctor & Vaidya in India having Registration No. 23780. He is the CEO and founder of IAFA. After completing BAMS, Dr. Sahil Gupta started practicing Ayruveda by giving prime importance to allergic disorders management. He became the first Ayurvedic doctor to cure Food Allergies through Ayurveda. Read More About Dr. Sahil Gupta.

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