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Surana – Amorphophallus companulatus
Surana is one of the most commonly herb used vegetable all around the world. The plant have many therapeutic actions and can be used for treatment purposes. It is well-known by the name elephant foot yam. It is one of the best remedies for curing Piles and Splenomegaly. The itself means that the plant can be used to treat Piles and Splenomegaly.
Institute of Applied food Allergy guided by Dr.Gupta, have been studying on readily available herbs for the purpose of alleviating allergic condition. Our experts studied on Surana and proven the plant’s therapeutic activities like Analgesic, Carminative , lipolitic, Stomachic , Stimulant, Antibacterial, Anti-inflammatory actions etc. Surana can be used in various diseases like Piles, Splenomegaly, Tumors, oedema , Skin disorders, Digestive disorders etc. The leaves if the plant contains methanolic extracts. Our experts have successfully proven the antinociceptive action these methanolic extracts. The methanolic extract in the plant also helps to cure tumors.
Action of Surana – Amorphophallus companulatus in Allergies
IAFA experts have successfully proven the antiallergic property of the plant Surana.The plant contains phytoconstituents like Betulinic acid, B sitosterol, Lupeol, Stigmasterol, Glucose etc. These phytoconstituents aids the antiallergic, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory property of Surana. It can be effectively used to alleviate skin allergic conditions.
Vernacular Names
Sanskrit Name | Surana, Sthulakandha, Vruththa |
Hindi Name | Suran |
English Name | Elephant foot yam |
Malayalam Name | Chena |
Kannada Name | Suvarnagadde |
Marathi Name | Suran |
Botanical Name
Amorphophallus companulatus
Morphology of Surana – Amorphophallus companulatus
- Tuberous herb
- Tubers are large and globose
- Leaves are large, stout and dark green
- Fruits are berries
Ayurveda reference of Surana – Amorphophallus companulatus

Geographical distribution of Surana – Amorphophallus companulatus
Surana grows very commonly in South India, especially Karnataka, Kerala and Andhrapradesh.
Phytoconstituents of Surana – Amorphophallus companulatus
The plant contains phytoconstituents like Betulinic acid, B sitosterol, Lupeol, Stigmasterol, Glucose etc.
Parts used of Surana – Amorphophallus companulatus
- Rhizome
Dosage of Surana – Amorphophallus companulatus
- Powder(churna)- 3-6 g
Medicinal Properties of Surana – Amorphophallus companulatus
- Kandukara-Causes itching
- Sulahara-relieves pain
- Dipana – carminative
- Swasahara – relieves asthma
- Ruchya – Havepleasant taste
- Jwaraghna – useful in fever
- Pacana – digestant
- Vishaghna – useful in poisoning

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- Dr. Sahil Gupta (B.A.M.S., M.H.A.)
Ayurvedic Allergy Specialist
CEO & Founder of IAFA®
Home remedies of Surana – Amorphophallus companulatus.
Ayurveda is not only a treatment system but also a lifestyle. The treatment system adopted by Ayurveda is purely based on naturally available herbs. Surana is one of the most widely used herb. Due to its high medicinal value it is used in treating many diseases like,
- In Piles (Arsas) –Powders of Piper longum, Pepper, Ginger, and Surana are mixed with Jaggery and administered.
- In Sula (Pain) – Rhizome of Surana is collected, crushed and made into a decoction which is effective in pacifying pain.
- In Goitre(Galganda)- Paste prepared from roots of Suranashould administered in early morning
- In Oedema(Sotha)- Paste prepared from root of Surana is applied for alleviating oedema.
- As a carminative (Deepana) – Surana is powdered and taken before food. It can act as a carminative.
- In Fever (Jwara) – Decoction made of Surana is taken to cure fever.
- As Digestant (Pacana) – Decoction of Surana is taken at a dose of 60ml per day after food.
- In Tumors(Granthi) –Surana rhizomes are mixed with Ginger and added with water. It is then applied on Tumor.
Ayurveda is an Indian system of medicine which is popular from ancient times. It uses commonly seen plants as medicines. These plants differ in their phytoconstituents and actions. Dr.Gupta’s IAFA have been conducting research studies to find out different phytoconstituents of herbs and their action in body. Thus IAFA provides safe and effective treatment for a wide range of diseases, mainly allergic diseases all based on Ayurveda.
Reach IAFA for safe herbal remedies for all your ailments!!!
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