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Tvak – Cinnamomum zeylanicum
Tvak is commonly known as Cinnamon bark. Tvak is a Sanskrit name. The useful part of the plant is bark hence got the name Tvak. It is theone of the main spices in India. It can acts as an appetizer and also helps in the proper digestion of indigested food by stimulating the secretion of digestive enzymes. It has many medicinal values and it is an important drug in Ayurveda. The inner bark of the plant is mainly used for the medicinal and cooking purposes.
Dr. Gupta’s IAFA has been consistently working on Tvak plant for discovering more medicinal properties. Our experts found out that the plant can act as an antiallergic, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antibacterial, antifungal, antidiabetic, anticancer, hypolipidemic agent. Our experts have conducted many studies on this plant and found out that Cinnamomumzeylanicum contains aldehydes, acetate, alcohol, terpinenes, flavonoids, alkaloids, anthraquinone, coumarins, phenols, steroids etc.
Action of Tvak–Cinnamomum zeylanicum in Allergies
IAFA has been conducting various studies on Tvak to find out the antiallergic and antiinflammatory properties of the plant. It acts as an expectorant.The plant contains phytoconstituents like aldehydes, acetate, alcohol, terpinenes, flavonoids, alkaloids, anthraquinones, coumarins, phenols, saponins, tannins, carboxylic acid, hydrocarbons, camphene, fattyacids, lignans, steroids, propenoides etc . Bythe presence of these phytoconstituents it shows anti-inflammatory ,antioxidant properties.
Vernacular Names
Sanskrit Name | त्वक्, स्वाद्वी, किंवा त्वक्स्वाद्वी, तनुत्वक् तथा दारुसिता |
Hindi Name | Dalchini |
English Name | Cinnamon |
Malayalam Name | Karuvapatta |
Kannada Name | Chakke |
Telungu Name | Dalchinichakka |
Botanical Name
Cinnomomum zeylanicum
Morphology of Tvak–Cinnamomum zeylanicum
- Grows upto 10-15 metres.
- Bark – thick ,smooth
- Bark peeled off when tree gets matured.
- Leaves – ovate, dark green in colour
- Flowers – numerous, in silky pubescent panicles
- Fruit – dark purple colored, oblong or ovoid oblong
Ayurveda reference of Tvak–Cinnamomum zeylanicum

Geographical distribution of Tvak–Cinnamomum zeylanicum
The plant is distributed in different parts of the world. It is commonly found in Srilanka, Western Ghats, Malaysia, Myanmar and other South Eastern countries.
Phytoconstituents of Tvak–Cinnamomum zeylanicum
The plant contains phytoconstituentslike Essentialoils,Cinnamaldehyde ,Eugenol in leaves and bark ; Camphor in root bark; trans-Cinnamyl acetate and caryophyllene in fruits ; terpene hydrocarbons oxygenated terpenoides in buds.
Parts used of Tvak–Cinnamomum zeylanicum
- Stem bark
- Leaves
- Oil
Dosage of Tvak–Cinnamomum zeylanicum
- Stem bark powder – 1-3 gms
- Leaves powder – 500 mg -1 gm
- Oil – 2-5 drops
Medicinal Properties of Tvak–Cinnamomum zeylanicum
- Sugandhi-aromatic
- Sukrajanaka- increases the transformation of sukradhatu
- Balya –gives body strength
- Varnya- improves skin complexion
- Mughasosaghna –relieves dryness of mouth
- Trusnanigraha – alleviates thirst
- Grahi -absorbent
- Dipana -appetizer
- Pacaka- digestant
- Sonitasthapana– stops bleeding
- Krmighna- anti microbial action

Have A Health Issue?
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- Dr. Sahil Gupta (B.A.M.S., M.H.A.)
Ayurvedic Allergy Specialist
CEO & Founder of IAFA®
Home remedies of Tvak–Cinnamomum zeylanicum
Treatments in Ayurveda is based on naturally available drugs without any side effects. Dr. Gupta’s IAFAis conducting many studies on the drugs described in Ayurvedic texts and found out wide spectrum of uses of these plants. The plant Tvak also possesses many medicinal properties. Some of the medicinal uses of the plant are decribed below.
- In Dryness of mouth (Mukhasosa) – Tvak, Musta and Ela are taken in equal quantity of 20 gms and crushed, added to 200 ml of water and reduced to 60 ml . Then the filtered solution is used for holding inside mouth( gandusha) for 5-10 minutes.
- In Indigestion (Ajirna)-5 gms of powder of Tvak is taken orally with honey.
- In vomiting (Vamana)- A small piece of Tvak is kept in mouth for half an hour
- In Diarrhea (Atisara) – 50 gm of Tvak is taken ,added with 200 ml of water ,boiled and reduced to 60 ml . This decoction is taken orally .
- In excess menustrual bleeding (Pradara)- 10 gm of Tvak powder is mixed with 20 ml juice of flowers of the plant Asoka and taken internally.
- In cough (Kasa) –Tvak (2gm), Ela(4 gm ),Pippali (8 gm) and Sugar (16 gms) powdered and taken with honey and ghee.
- In diabetes (Prameha) – Intake of 1 -3 gms of Tvak powder daily lowers blood sugar level.
- In Acne (Mukhadushika)- Powder of Tvak along with honey is applied over face and remove after 20 minutes.
Dr. Gupta’s IAFA is one of the safest organization to provide pure and non toxic Ayurvedic medicines. Our treatment protocols are strictly based on Ayurvedic principles. We mainly focuses on alleviating allergic disorders by using naturally available herbs which have less to no side effects. We ensures the safety of our customers by subjecting our products to various tests.
Reach IAFA for safe herbal remedies for all your ailments!!!
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