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Gomed / Gomedhikam / Rahu Ratna (Zircon / Cinnamon Stone / Hessonite) – The Astrological and Ayurvedic Benefits
Zircon (hyacinth or yellow zircon) is a mineral belonging to the group of neso-silicates. Its chemical name is zirconium silicate, and its corresponding chemical formula is ZrSiO4.It is also called hessonite, agate, and cinnamon stone. Its hardness is 7.25, specific gravity 3.65, and refractive index is 1.73 to 1.15. The best hessonite garnet is found in Sri Lanka in metamorphic rocks or gem gravels and sand. The natural color of Zircon varies between colorless, yellow-golden, red, brown, blue, and green. Colorless specimens that show gem quality are a popular substitute for diamonds. These specimens are also known as Matura Diamond. The Sanskrit names of Gomeda are Rahu ratna, Gomedaka, Tamomani, Gomutra Jambu, Pingasaphatika and Bahu Ratna. Gomed which is transparent, devoid of flaws, bright, smooth, and unctuous looking, is of good quality, whereas rough, pale, flat shaped, and devoid of brightness is of bad quality. Zircon is ubiquitous in the crust of Earth. It occurs in igneous rocks (as primary crystallization products), in metamorphic rocks, and sedimentary rocks as detrital grains. large zircon crystals are rare. The average size of Zircon/ Hessonite/ Gomeda in granite rocks is about 0.1- 0.3 mm, but especially in pegmatites they can also grow to sizes of several centimeters. Some zircons might undergo metamictization because of their uranium and thorium content. Connected to internal radiation damage, these processes partially disrupt the crystal structure and partly explain the highly variable properties of zircon. As zircon becomes more and more modified by internal radiation damage, the density decreases, the crystal structure is compromised, and the color changes.
जिरकोन नेसो-सिलिकेट्स के समूह से संबंधित एक खनिज है। इसका रासायनिक नाम ज़िरकोनियम सिलिकेट है, और इसका संबंधित रासायनिक सूत्र ZrSiO4 है। इसे हेसोनाइट, एगेट और दालचीनी पत्थर भी कहा जाता है। इसकी कठोरता 7.25, विशिष्ट गुरुत्व 3.65 तथा अपवर्तनांक 1.73 से 1.15 है। सबसे अच्छा हेसोनाइट गार्नेट श्रीलंका में रूपांतरित चट्टानों या मणि बजरी और रेत में पाया जाता है। जिरकोन का प्राकृतिक रंग रंगहीन, पीला-सुनहरा, लाल, भूरा, नीला और हरा होता है।. रंगहीन नमूने जो रत्न की गुणवत्ता दर्शाते हैं, हीरे का एक लोकप्रिय विकल्प हैं। इन नमूनों को मटुरा डायमंड के नाम से भी जाना जाता है। गोमेद का संस्कृत नाम राहु रत्न, गोमेदका, तमोमणि, गोमूत्र जम्बू, पिंगसाफटिका और बाहु रत्न है। जो गोमेद पारदर्शी, दोष रहित, चमकीला, चिकना, साफ दिखने वाला होता है, वह उत्तम कोटि का होता है, वहीं खुरदरा, पीला, चपटा आकार और चमक से रहित होने पर वह खराब कोटि का होता है।
Astrological View of Gomed / Gomedhikam / Rahu Ratna (Zircon / Cinnamon Stone / Hessonite)
बाली के मद से उत्पन रत्न गोमेद कहलाता है। गोमेद रत्न का स्वामी राहु ग्रह है। गोमेद रत्न की उत्त्पति निम्न देशो में होती है। हिमालय और विंद्याचल के शिखर पर तथा सरस्वती के किनारे सेलिना देश, चीन, बर्मा, अर्ब, महा नदी, सिंधु आदि जगह पर पैदा होता है। इसका वर्ण लाल, पीला, श्यामतामिला, गो मूत्र मधु धूलि- धूसर, अंगारा सूर्य उल्लू या बाज के नेत्रों के समान होता है। गोमेद रत्न कम से कम ४ रत्ती के वजन का होना लाभप्रद है। इसको चांदी की अंगूठी में मढ़वाकर पहन सकते है। अंगूठी ४ रत्ती से कम न हो। इसका प्रभाव तीन वर्षों तक रहता है। ततपश्चात दूसरा गोमेद धारण करना चाहिए। गोमेद को धारण करने से शत्रु सामने नहीं आते। राहु यदि नीच लग्न में हो तो गोमेद धारण करना चाहिए। इसके धारण करने से सुख सम्पत्ति की वृद्धि होती है तथा रोग दूर होते हैं। लाल गोमेद क्षत्रिय के लिये, श्यामत्तायुक्त शूद के लिये, पीला गोमेद वैश्य के लिये तथा ब्राह्मण के लिये श्वेत आभा वाला गोमेद शुभ होता है। गोमेद रत्न में कई दोष होते हैं । सफेद बिन्दु वाला गोमेद रत्न शरीर में भय लाता है । बहुदोषी गोमेद स्त्री के सुख नष्ट करता है। लाल बिन्दु गोमेद सन्तान को दुःखी करता है । रूखा गोमेद मान प्रतिष्ठा नष्ट करता है। लाल अंग वाला गोमेद शरीर के अंग भंग करता है । इस प्रकार के दूषित गोमेद नहीं धारण करना चाहिये। गोमेद रत्न राहु ग्रह को नष्ट करने के लिये धारण किया जाता है तथा चिकित्सा रूप में गर्मी, वायुगोला, ज्वर, दुर्गन्ध, नकसीर, बवासीर, त्वचा रोग पाण्डु आदि रोगों में प्रयोग किया जाता है।
The gem produced from the earring is called Zircon/ Gomed. The lord of Gomed/ Zircon gemstones is planet Rahu. Gomed/ Zircon gemstone originates in the following countries i.e. it is found on the peaks of the Himalayas and Vindyachal and the banks of Saraswati in Selina country, China, Burma, Arabia, MahaNadi, Indus, etc. Its color is red, yellow, dark brown, cow urine, honey, dusty grey, and the ember sun is like the eyes of an owl or an eagle. It is beneficial to have a Zircon/ Gomed gemstone weighing at least 4 Ratti. You can wear it by getting it plated in a silver ring. By wearing a true hessonite gemstone, the enemy does not appear. If Rahu is in the lowest ascendant, then Gomeda/ Hessonite should be worn. Only smooth Gomeda/ Hessonite with shiny shade from a clean, beautiful ghat should be taken. Wearing it increases happiness and wealth and cures diseases. Red Gomeda is auspicious for a Kshatriya, dark Gomeda for a Shuda, yellow Gomeda for a Vaishya and white Gomeda is auspicious for a Brahmin. Gomeda gemstone has many defects. Hessonite gemstones with white dots bring fear to the body. Multi-tainted hessonite destroys a woman’s happiness. Red dot hessonite makes children unhappy. Dry Gomeda destroys honor and reputation. Gomeda with red limbs breaks body parts. This type of contaminated Gomeda should not be worn.
Reference of Gomed / Gomedhikam / Rahu Ratna (Zircon / Cinnamon Stone / Hessonite)

Ratna Indicated as per Astrological Science to Nullify the Maleficent Effect of Various Planets (Grahas) and to Treat the Roga (Disorders) Related to that Particular Planet
Planet | Gem used |
Sun (Surya) | Manikya (Ruby) |
Moon (Chandra) | Mukta (Pearl) |
Mars (Mangala) | Vidruma (Coral) |
Mercury (Buddha) | Markat (Emerald) |
Jupiter (Guru) | Pushapraga (Topaz) |
Venus (Shukra) | Vajra (Diamond) |
Saturn (Shani) | Neelam (Blue sapphire) |
Rahu | Gomeda (Hessonite) |
Ketu | Vaidurya (Cat’s eye stone) |
Diseases Induced by Maleficent Effects of Planets (Greha Roga) or Diseases Induced by Dushkarma (Sinful Deeds) Done by the Rogi (Patient) i.e Karma Vipaka Siddhanta
Planet | Diseases Caused |
Sun | Shoth (Inflammation in the body), Apsmar (Epilepsy), Paitikavikara, Jawara (Fever), Diseases of the eye, skin, and bone, rational fears, Bites from poisonous reptiles like snakes, weakening the digestive system, and constipation. |
Moon | Sleep diseases such as Anidra (insomnia) or somnambulism (sleepwalking), Kaphaj Kasa, Atisara, Alsaya, Agnimandya (Loss of appetite), Aruchi (Disinterest in food), Kamala (Jaundice), Chitudvega, Grehani, Hydrophobia, Fear of animals with horns, Problems concerning women, Hallucinations |
Mars | Trishna (Excessive thirst), Bilious disorders, Flatulence, Excessive fear of fire, Gulma, appendicitis, Kustha (Leprosy), eye disorder, Apsmar (Epilepsy), Rakta Vikara, Majja Vikar (Bone marrow diseases), Kandu (Itching), Ruksha Twaka (Rough skin). |
Mercury | Lack of self-confidence, Gala Rog (Throat problems like goiter, etc.), Nasagata Rog (Nose Diseases), Vata- Kaphaj Roga, Cold and Cough, Flatulence, Poisoning. Twaka Dosha (Skin diseases), Vicharchika. Jaundice. |
Jupiter | Gulma, Appendicitis, Karan Vedna (an ear disease), Sanyas.Frequent litigation, Problems with friends, parents, and relatives. |
Venus | Pandu (Anaemia), Netra Roga (Disorders of the eye), Flatulence, Cough, Mutrakrich (Urinary disease), Prameha (Diabetes), Syphilis, Shukra-Vyapati (Low sperm count), Impotence, Dryness of Mouth, Constipation, Irrational fears. |
Saturn | Flatulence, Cough, Pain in the legs, Excessive Fatigue, Illusion, Daha (Excessive heat in the body), Mental shocks, Personal calamities, and Accidents causing temporary or lasting wounds. |
Rahu | Heart diseases such as an attack, Shotha (Inflammation), Kushtha (Leprosy), illusions, hallucinations, disease due to poisoning, excessive hurt, and wounds. |
Ketu | Unknown mysterious diseases, cannot be easily found by doctors. |
Rashi or a Zodiac Sign that Can Wear a Gomed / Gomedhikam / Rahu Ratna (Zircon / Cinnamon Stone / Hessonite)
According to the astrological sign, the people with Rahu in a particular position in the horoscope can wear Gomeda / Hessonite to get maximum benefits.
Hessonite/ Zircon Stone represents the Greha Rahu. Gomeda / Zircon is very special and very popular among the Nava Ratna. Zircon not only brings prosperity but also abundance to the wearer. Zircon / Gomeda / Hessonite is highly recommended to be worn by people who want peace in their lives, especially their love life.
People with the Rashi or zodiac signs can also wear Gomeda/ Gomedak/ Rahu Ratna (Zircon/ Cinnamon stone/ Hessonite) when there is a specific placement of Houses and Dashna in their horoscope. After careful consultation with astrological experts, one can wear a Zircon or hessonite. Below are a few conditions where a person can wear a Zircon/Hessonite-
Aries Ascendant (Mesha Rashi) – If Rahu is positioned in the 2nd, 3rd, 10th, or 11th house and along with these Rahu periods are operating, then one can wear gemstone Gomeda/ hessonite. Before deciding to wear Gomeda/ Hessonite gemstone in the Rahu period, when the major period of Rahu is in the 7th house the one can first wear the gem for 3 days if it gives a good result then he/ she can wear it for a longer period. If the individuals have Rahu in the 10th house and they are interested in politics then they should wear a Gomeda.
Taurus Ascendant (Vrishabha Rashi) – Rahu Greha is a good friend of Shukra Greha (Venus’s planet) as they both are ascendents. If Rahu is present in the 3rd, 6th, 9th, 10th, or 11th house of the person then they should wear a Gomeda/ Hessonite birthstone. Wearing this stone by such a person will do the all-round development of such a person.
Gemini Ascendant (Mithuna Rashi) – Rahu is the friend of the ascendant lord Mercury and therefore becomes a significant/ Karaka planet for them. If Rahu is placed in the 1st, 6th, 9th, or 11th house of people, then they should wear a Gomed or hessonite Ratna after a trial period of 3 days. The positions that are mentioned above are known as Tung Yog which is a very special Yog that presents huge blessings and wealth by Maa (mother) Lakshmi and also finishes the struggle of the wearer.
Cancer Ascendant (Karka Rashi) – if Rahu Greha is positioned in the 3rd, 10th, and 11th house of the people then after 3 days of trial, he/ she can wear Gomeda and Rahu is considered as an enemy of the ascendant Chandra lord. It should always be kept in mind to wear Gomeda only during Rahu Dasha, not lifelong.
Leo Ascendant (Sinha Rashi) – As Rahu is the enemy of the ascendant Surya Lord or Sun planet, so if Rahu is in the 3rd, 6th, 10th, or 11th house then after 3 days trial one should wear the Gomeda birthstone. It should always be kept in mind to wear Gomeda only during Rahu Dasha, not lifelong.
Virgo Ascendant (Kanya Rashi) – Rahu is a very good friend of the Mercury planet. If Rahu is placed in good houses with Mercury ascendant, then it will lead to success and the development of intuitive faculties in the science field. If Rahu is positioned in the 1st, 5th, 6th, or 10th house then one should wear a Gomed or hessonite but if the individual has a Taurus zodiac sign and the Rahu is in the 9th house then he can wear a Gomeda gemstone but after a three-day trial period.
Libra Ascendant (Tula Rashi) – As Rahu is a very good friend of the ascendant planet Venus (Shukra Greha) therefore if the Rahu Graha is positioned in the 1st, 6th, or 10th house of the individual then they should wear a Gomeda gemstone. If Rahu is positioned in the 8th or the 12th house of the individual, then they should wear the gemstone Gomeda but after a three-day trial period.
Scorpio Ascendant (Vrischika Rashi) – Rahu is considered the enemy of the ascendant Mars lord therefore if Rahu is placed in the 3rd, 6th, 8th, 10th, or 11th position then he can wear Gomeda/ hessonite, but three days trial is mandatory. Gomeda should be worn by the wearer only during Rahu periods and not lifelong.
Sagittarius Ascendant (Dhanu Rashi) – If the individual is ruled by the planet Jupiter then it is mandatory to wear the Gomeda after a 3 day trial period especially if the Rahu is in the 3rd, 6th, 7th, 8th, 10th, or 11th house.
Capricorn Ascendant (Makar Rashi) – Rahu is considered the auspicious planet for the Shani greha (Saturn planet). Therefore, if the Rahu is in the 1st, 6th, 7th, 9th, or 11th house of the individual then he/ she can wear Gomeda with confidence.
Aquarius Ascendant (Kumbha Rashi) – Rahu is considered the auspicious planet for the Shani greha (Saturn planet). If Rahu is positioned in the 4th, 5th, 9th, or 11th house in the chart of the individual then they can wear Gomeda/ hessonite but if the individuals with the zodiac sign Aquarius and Rahu are positioned in the 12th house then he should wear a Gomeda Ratna/ hessonite gemstone but after a three days of the trial period.
Pisces Ascendant (Meena Rashi) – Pisces zodiac sign ascendent is ruled by the planet Jupiter which is considered the enemy of the Rahu planet. Therefore, if the Rahu is in the 3rd, 7th, 8th, or 11th house of the zodiac sign Pisces individual then he/ she can wear a Gomeda Ratna/ Hessonite gemstone but after 3 days trial period.

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Types of Gomeda / Gomedak / Rahu Ratna (Zircon / Cinnamon Stone / Hessonite / Garnet Stone)
- Pyrope
- Almandine
- Spessartite
- Grossular
- Andradite
- Uvarovite
Pyrope: One of the members of the garnet group is Pyrope and it is the only member of the garnet family which in natural samples displays red coloration. Pyrope is the Greek word which means fiery eye and this name is given for particular red coloration, high refractive index, and sparkle. Pyrope is believed to represent blood and love. The chemical composition of the pure pyrope is Mg3Al2(SiO4)3 (Magnesium aluminum silicate) and some other elements are also present in them like Cr, Fe, Mn, etc. but in minor proportions. Pyrope is very difficult to distinguish from the other type of Gomeda/ Hessonite, that is Almandine. Pyrope consists of more quantity of magnesium while almandine consists of more quantity of iron. Pyrope density is 3.6 which is less than the density of almandine whose density is 4.3. Two species are present in the garnet family i.e. pyralspite and ugrandite. Along with Almandine and spessartite, pyrope falls in the pyralspite series. Natural pyrope that is found is never totally pure and the highest pyrope present in the gemstone that is found in the market is 83%. Pyrope stone is believed to be the healing stone that serves as the Chakra stone which restores connection and balances energy and strength. The characteristics of the pyrope are as follows:
- Different colors of pyrope: Red, brownish-red, pink, purple-red, purple, orange-red, and blackish-red.
- Streak: White
- Optical effects: Rarely color-changing
- Refractive index: 1.73- 1.76
- Fracture: Conchoidal
- Crystal structure: Cubic/ Isometric
- Luster: Greasy/ Vitreous (glassy)
- Transparency: Opaque to transparent
- Density: 3.65- 3.87
- Cleavage: None
- Luminescence: None
- Mohs scale: 7- 7.5
- Physical healing by pyrope gemstone: Digestive issues, sore throat, arthritis, inflamed skin, immune system function, etc.
Types of Pyrope:
- Chrome pyrope
- Pastel pyrope
- Mozambique pyrope
- Rhodolite pyrope
- Color change garnet
Chrome Pyrope: The chromium-rich variety of the Pyrope with a deep red color is known as chrome Pyrope. In the USA and Arizona, this chrome pyrope is very famous. These stones also have violet and red color and it depends on chromium content. When chromium content is between 3-8 % then it gives violet to royal purple undertones.
Pastel Pyrope: Carol Stockton, the famous gemologist in 1988, first time introduced the pastel variety of the Pyrope gemstone. Pastel gemstones have high magnesium and low manganese and iron content. Another feature of the pastel pyrope is that its refractive index is less than other types of pastel pyrope.
Mozambique pyrope: This variety of pyrope is discovered in Mozambique Africa and is a mixture of pyrope and almandine. This gemstone has brown and orange undertones with red hues. Mozambique and rhodolite both pyrope are a mixture of pyrope and almandine but Mozambique is darker, redder, and has more almandine than rhodolite type of pyrope.
Rhodolite pyrope: Purplish red gemstone variety of pyrope is rhodolite which is also a mixture of pyrope and almandine. Along with this rhodolite also has spessartite mixed in it. These stones are violet to light red rose in color, with a paler hue. If magnesium and iron impurities are present in the rhodolite pyrope then it is called a grape garnet which has a deep blue color.
Color-changing garnet: Approximately all types of garnet have color-changing properties but the most common among them are the ones that are a mixture of pyrope and spessartite. The most popular among them is Malaya Garnet which is usually pink to orange but due to color-changing properties it appears salmon, magenta, pink in the daylight, and incandescence it appears light purple, pink, orange, and reddish pink. Other color-changing pyropes examples are from Idaho i.e. mixture of pyrope and almandine, and East Africa i.e. pastel pyrope, etc.
Almandine: It is the most common type of garnet stone. Almandine gemstone variety of Gomeda/ hessonite is similar to pyrope garnet as both appear red. Both appear red but the red color of the almandine is due to the presence of the maximum iron in the stone whereas the red color of the pyrope stone is due to the presence of the magnesium. The Almandine stone comes from different countries like Brazil, Sri Lanka, the USA, Madagascar, India, etc. Throughout history almandite is popular and the Egyptians used almandine as jewelry. This stone is considered to be an excellent gemstone for the person who takes birth in January month. This stone has a hardness of 7- 7.5 with no cleavage. Different varieties of almandine are as follows:
- Star Garnet
- Color changing Garnet
- Rhodolite
Star Garnet: The rare variety of star garnet that comes into the market is from Idaho of USA and India. The Idaho stem gem is the star garnet. This variety of almandines have inclusions of asbestiform minerals i.e. amphibole and pyroxene. It yields a 4 or 6- or 6-gram asterism effect and has a refractive index of 1.808. The specific gravity of star garnet is 4.07 but due to inclusions, sometimes the specific gravity reaches up to 4.76. The star garnet is ranked among the most difficult gemstones to cut.
Color-changing garnet: Approximately all types of garnet have color-changing properties but the most common among them are the ones which are a mixture of pyrope and spessartite. Another variety is the mixture of almandine and pyrope which is collected from Idaho and shows a color shift from strong red to purplish color under LED light and incandescent.
Rhodolite: A purplish red gemstone variety of pyrope is rhodolite which is also a mixture of pyrope and almandine. These stones are violet to light red rose in color, with a paler hue. If magnesium and iron impurities are present in the rhodolite pyrope then it is called a grape garnet which has a deep blue color.
Synthetic almandine: Pure synthetic almandine is formed by using the hydrothermal method. Almandine pyrope blends are also formed synthetically.
The absorption spectrum of the Almandines:
The strong bands of almandines are 5260 and 5050. The lines in the almandine appear at 6170 and 4260.
Optics: Almandines have ADR i.e. Anomalous double refraction.
Source of almandine:
India: Hyderabad, Rajasthan (Jaipur)
Sri Lanka: Trincomalee
United States: New York, South Dakota, Idaho, Alaska, Maine.
Afghanistan, Austria, Brazil, Japan, Kenya, Zambia, Vietnam.
Spessartite: The spessartite was discovered in the German state of Bavaria in the mid-19th century its source is Spessart and it is considered the symbol of faith, truth, and light. The spessartite has magnesium present in it which gives an orange to yellowish color to the gemstone and is type- II GEMSTONE. The origin of the spessartite stone is in China, Madagascar, Brazil, Namibia, Tanzania, The USA, Sri Lanka, etc. Spessartite has aluminum silicate present in them along with manganese present in them. The actual color of the spessartite ranges from reddish orange to light orange and orange is the default color of spessartite and is very costly. The hardness of the spessartite is relatively high. The chemical formula of the spessartite is Mn3Al2Si3O12 and its crystal system is isometric with refractive index 1.795 to 1.815. The specific gravity of the spessartite is 4.1 to 4.2 with no cleavage. It has 7 hardness on the Mohs scale. Spessartite has iron impurities present in it. This gemstone was discovered in 1960 in the Umba river rally of Kenya and Tanzania. In western astrology, the spessartite is very famous and is worn by the Capricorn zodiac sign. This stone is said to bring extreme blessing to the wearer and is used to cure various ailments related to the reproductive system, digestive system, psychological issues, etc. Along with this gemstone help to balance sacral Chakra and solar plexus Chakra and help to increase imaginative power, and boost creativity. It also helps to increase spirituality.
Grossular: The grossular is the gemstone that is nearest to the pure garnet stone in the identity. This stone consists of calcium and aluminum in it due to which it is incapable of producing any color. This gemstone is present in the country in every color or even colorless except blue color. This stone is found in different countries like Canada, Brazil, India, the USA, Tanzania, etc. This stone has a granular appearance under the microscope and this stone has diopside crystal inclusion and also has irregular streaks at grain boundaries. Grossular gemstone consists of iron and manganese and if the iron quantity is less than 2%, either it shows no color or it shows a pale color and if the iron is in greater amount, then it produces a green and brown color. The hardness of the grossular stone is between 6.5 to 7.5.
Varieties of Grossular Stone
The grossular stone is famous for its two varieties:-
- Tsavorite – It is the most expensive variety of garnet present in the world. This variety of gemstone is named after the Tsavo East National Park which is situated in Kenya. In 1967, it was first discovered in Tanzania. It became a popular gemstone after the campaign started by Tiffany & Co. in the 1970s. Tsavorite has a specific gravity of 3.61 and its refractive index is 1.743. Tsavorite consists of enough amount of vanadium and it is inert in ultraviolet light. These Tsavorites, mainly found in Kenya, Madagascar, and Tanzania with small traces of these gemstones are also found in Antarctica, Pakistan, Queen Maud Land, etc.
- Hessonite – Hessonite is very famous with the name cinnamon stone. This stone is reddish-orange to yellow-orange. Before the discovery of the Tsavorite, hessonite was very famous among geologists. Due to its honey-yellow to reddish-brown color, it is famous for the name cinnamon stone. In past centuries Hessonite was famous as Jacinth or hyacinth but today most commonly referred to as red- brown to orange- red color Zircon. Hessonites are very susceptible to scratches as their hardness is less than 7. In nine gemstones or Nava Ratna, this hessonite represents the Rahu planet or Rahu Greha and if there is a maleficent effect of Rahu then this gemstone is recommended to wear as per the different zodiac signs. Hessonite is a Whisky in water effect present in it.
What is Whisky in the Water Effect?
The visual effect that represents the disturbed water or roiling within the gemstone is called the whisky-in-water effect as this appearance is referred to as a heat wave. If this special effect is present in the garnet stone, then the stone is considered as Hessonite so we can say that it’s the identity of hessonite. Some other scenes also show this type of effect. Due to this effect, hessonite appears more translucent than transparent. The specimens of hessonite that are collected from Orissa, India, and Afghanistan do not have this roiled effect or Whisky-in-water effect and also exhibit greater transparency than other hessonite stones present throughout the world. So it is not necessary that this effect always rules out hessonite stone.
Hessonite Distribution
Hessonite is distributed in different parts of the world like Sri Lanka, Canada, Tanzania, Afghanistan, Italy, India, etc.
Some other series of Grossular garnet are as follows:
- Merelani Mint grossular garnet
- Leuco grossular garnet
- Californite
- Rosolite
- Massive grossular
Andradite – Andradite stone mainly has a red color, and this red color is due to the abundance of iron present in it. Due to the large amount of iron time, it also mimics diamond or yellowish color. The origin of Andradite stone is from the USA, China, Korea, Zaire, etc. Andradite has the chemical formula Ca3Fe2Si3O12, and it has high dispersion due to the presence of calcium and iron in it. It is considered the most spectacular garnet stone. Its dispersion is sometimes more than the famous Gemstone i.e. Heera/ Vajra/ Diamond. Andradite is present in different colors throughout the world like yellow, brown, green, greenish-yellow, red, black, etc.
Different Varieties of the Andradite:
Demantoid – The variety of the andradite with exceptional dispersion is known as demantoid. This gemstone has a rich green color just like emeralds. This beautiful green color is present in the demantoid due to the chromium and along with this it also exhibits a yellow color due to the presence of traces of ferric oxide in it. In the early 19th century demantoid was discovered first in Russia. Up to 1894, this stone was considered as the variety of Andradite by the gemologists. This stone’s dispersion and brilliance are so good that it looks like a diamond. First only Russia was the source of the Demantoid stone due to this reason its supply is less in the market, and it is mainly available in antique shops. In 1990s the new source of demantoid was discovered i.e. Madagascar, Namibia, etc. These stones are also famous with the name Siberian Emerald.
Topazolite – This is the rarer variety of andradite and is rarer than demantoid as it is yellowish and yellowish green in color and has facetable material. Its color is similar to classic yellow topaz, which is why it is known as topazolite. The first discovery of Topazolite occurs in Mexico. Due to the glossy appearance, and bright and translucent form of topazolite, it is a staple of the gem trade and very valuable to the collector.
Melanite – This is a gemstone which is black and contains titanium oxide 1- 5%. Its surface luster is the same as that of diamond which makes it very reflective. This gemstone represents strength, protection, and renewal. Melanite is the rarest variety of garnet and is also known as Titanian andradite. Astrologically this gemstone is connected with Aquarius and Capricorn gemstones. Its Mohs hardness is 6.5- 7 with an isometric or cubic crystal structure and white streak. The sources of melanite are Canada, France, India, Italy, Russia, Morocco, the USA, etc.
Colophonite – Colophonite is the granular variety of the andradite. It is reddish, orange, or brown.
Some other varieties of Andradite are Iridescent Andradite, Andradite grossular garnet, and Andradite schorlomite garnet.
Uvarovite – The garnet stone that was discovered in the year 1832 is the Uvarovite gemstone. It is distinct from the other garnet stones as it is green in color and does not belong to the andradite and grossularite families. This stone is green in color and reflects green color therefore looks like an emerald and is found in various parts of the world like Russia, Poland, India, Finland, and the USA. Uvarovite is the chromium-bearing garnet and its chemical formula is Ca3Cr2(SiO4)3.
Types of Gomed / Hessonite / Zircons as Per astrology
निम्न वर्ग का गोमेद- इसका रूप रवे का रूप नहीं होता । यह हरे रंग की झाइयों में मिलता है । भूरे और नारगी रंगो में भी पाया जाता है । उच्चवर्ग के गोमेद की अपेक्षा इसके वर्तनाक कम हैं। द्विवर्णिता बहुत कम है ।
मध्यम वर्ग का गोमेद- यह गोमेद गुणों मे उपयुक्त दोनो के बीच का होता है । यह गहरे लाल रंग और भूरापन लिये हुए लाल रंग का होता है। गरम करने पर दुहरे वर्तन, वर्तनॉक तथा दड़क में कुछ परिवर्तन होकर यह उच्च वर्ग का गोमेद बन जाता है । गोमेद रत्न इतने विविध रगों मे पाये जाते है कि उनके नाम अलग-अलग है। लाल से लेकर लाल भाई वाले भूरे गोमेद अंग्रेजी मे जैसिं और पीताभ पीले रत्न जागर्न कहलाते है । रंग रहित गोमेद तो पीले अथवा भूरे रत्नो को गरम करने से ही बनते है । रंगीन रत्न कभी-कभी धु धुले होते है परन्तु इन में जाज्वल्यमानता साफ दिखायी देती है । रंग रहित अथवा श्वेत तो चमक में हीरे का मुकाबला करते ही है । दुरंगी चमक केवल नीले में ही दिखायी देती है|
Types of Gomed / Hessonite / Zircons as per Ayurveda (Rasa Shastra)
यद्यपि रस शास्त्र में गोमेद का कोई भेद नहीं बताया गया है तथापि इन दिनों बाज़ारों में कई रंगो में गोमेद मिलता है जैसे की मधु वर्ण, गहरा कत्थई, गहरा ब्राउन, गाय के भेद एवं गो मूत्र जैसा, श्वेत, हरित, पीत, रक्त, एवं धूसर आदि अनेक रंगो में। वर्ण भेद से श्वेताभ पीत को ब्राह्मण, रक्ताभ पीत को क्षत्रिय, पीत को वैश्य तथा कृष्णाभ क शूद्र कहा जाता है।
Although there is no difference in Gomeda/ Zircon/ Hessonite mentioned in Rasa Shastra, these days Gomed/ Zircon is available in many colors in the markets like honey color, dark brown, dark brown, cow’s color and like cow urine, white, green, yellow, blood, And gray, etc. in many colors. Based on color, white people are called Brahmins, red people are called Kshatriyas, yellow people are called Vaishyas, and Krishna people are called Shudras.
Shvetabh Pita is considered the best in quality, Raktabh Pita is better, Pitta is medium in quality and Krishnabh Pita is considered low in quality.
Identification of Real Hessonite / Zircon
सामन्यत: गोमेद उल्लू अथवा बाज की आँख के समान होता है तथा जो मूत्र के समान, दल रहित यानी जो पर्तदार न हो ऐसे गोमेद उत्तम होंगे। शुद्ध गोमेद को २४ घंटे तक गोमूत्र में रखने से गोमूत्र का रंग बदल जाएगा।
Generally, Gomeda/ hessonite is like the eye of an owl or an eagle and the Gomeda/ Hessonite, which is like urine, without particles i.e. which is not flaky, such Gomeda will be the best. Keeping pure Gomeda/ Hessonite in cow urine for 24 hours will change the color of cow urine.
असली नकली गोमेद का अंतर्–
श्वेत गोमेद और हीरे में भ्र्म पैदा हो जाया करता है। वर्तनांक तथा अपिकीर्णन ऊँचा होने के कारण दमक में ये हीरे की बराबरी करता है। परन्तु इसकी स्पेसिफिक ग्रेविटी हीरे से बहुत अधिक होती है। इसकी चमक हीरक द्युति जैसी न होकर विरोजा जैसी होती है। इसके पिछले भाग के अनीक, दुहरेवर्तन के कारण, दुहरे दिखाई देते है। गोमेद की बराबरी के दूसरे रत्न स्फीन की कठोरता ५५ है जो गोमेद से बहुत कम है। कभी कभी हीरे के पिछले तल पर नीले रंग को लगा कर गोमेद नाम से बेच देते है। परन्तु बेंजीन, स्पिरिट अथवा गर्म पानी में धोते ही वो रंग निकल जाता है।
Real or Fake Gomeda / Hessonite
There is confusion between white Gomeda/ Hessonite and diamond. Due to its high refractive index and dispersion, it is equal to diamond in brightness. But its specific gravity is much higher than diamond. Its shine is not like that of diamond but like that of violet. The features of its rear part, due to double refraction, appear double. The hardness of Sphene, the second gem equivalent to 55 which is much less than Gomeda. Sometimes a blue color is applied on the back side of the diamond, and it is sold as Gomeda. But the color comes off after washing in benzene, spirit, or hot water.
How to Wear Gomed / Gomedhikam / Rahu Ratna (Zircon / Cinnamon Stone / Hessonite)?
गोमेद की धारण विधि– गोमेद रत्न शनिवार को शनि की होरा में, स्वाती, शतभिषा, आर्द्रा अथवा रविपुष्य योग में पंचधातु अथवा लोहे की अंगूठी में जड़वाकर तथा राहु में बीज मन्त्रों द्वारा अंगूठी अभिमन्त्रित करके दाएँ हाथ की मध्यमा अंगुली में धारण करना चाहिए। इसका वजन ५, ७, ९ रत्ती का होना चाहिए।
राहु बीज मन्त्र – ॐ भ्रां थ्रीं, भ्रीं स: राहवे नम:
धारण करने के पश्चात् बीजमन्त्र का पाठ हवन एवं सूर्य भगवान् को अर्घ्य प्रदान कर नीले रंग का वस्त्र, कम्बल, तिल, बाजरा आदि दक्षिणा सहित दान करें । विधिपूर्वक गोमेद धारण करने से अनेक की बीमारियाँ नष्ट होती हैं, धन- सम्पत्ति, सुख, सन्तान वृद्धि, वकालत व राजपक्ष आदि की उन्नति के लिए अत्यन्त लाभकारी है । शत्रु-नाश हेतु भी इसका प्रयोग प्रभावी होता है । जिनकी जन्म कुण्डली में राहु १, ४, ७, ९, १०वें भाव में हो, उन्हें गोमेद रत्न पहनना चाहिए । मकर लग्न वालों के लिए गोमेद शभ होता है |
On Saturday, during Saturn’s Hora, during Swati, Shatabhisha, Ardra, or Ravipushya Yoga, the Gomeda/ hessonite gemstone should be embedded in a Panchdhatu or iron ring and after invoking the ring with Beej Mantras during Rahu, it should be worn in the middle finger of the right hand. Its weight should be 5, 7, 9 ratti. Rahu Beej Mantra – Om Bhraam Threem, Bhraam Sa Rahve Namah. After wearing it, recite the Beej Mantra, offer Havan and Arghya to the Sun God, and donate blue-colored clothes, blankets, sesame seeds, millet, etc. along with Dakshina. Properly wearing Gomeda/ Hessonite cures many diseases and is very beneficial for wealth, happiness, increase in children, advocacy and advancement in politics, etc. Its use is also effective in destroying enemies. Those who have Rahu in the 1st, 4th, 7th, 9th, and 10th house in their birth chart should wear Gomeda gemstone. Hessonite/ Gomeda is auspicious for people with Capricorn ascendant.
Vedic Siddhanta of Wearing Gomed / Gomedhikam / Rahu Ratna (Zircon / Cinnamon Stone / Hessonite)
अँगूठी बनवाने के लिये गोमेद ४ रत्ती से अधिक वजन का होना चाहिये। किन्तु ६, ७, १०, १९, १३ अथवा १६ कैरेट का गोमेद धारण नहीं करना चाहिये। अँगूठी पंचधातु या लोहे की होनी चाहिये। जिस दिन भी स्वाति, शतभिषा अथवा आर्द्रा नक्षत्र हो उस दिन प्रात: सूर्योदय से १० बजे तक बनवानी चाहिये। ११ बजे के बाद राहु यज्ञ करवाना चाहिये। इसके लिये सर्वप्रथम राहु का स्थण्डल बनाकर उस पर ११ तोले वजन के चाँदी पत्तर पर खुदा राहु यंत्र जिसमें कि गोमेद का एक टुकड़ा हो स्थापित करना चाहिये। फिर उस पर अँगूठी रखकर विधिवत् पूजा-अर्चना कर उसमें प्राण प्रतिष्ठा करनी चाहिये। फिर राहु मन्त्र ॐ क्रोम क्रीं हूँ हूँ टं टंक धारिणे राहतै स्वाहा मन्त्र का उच्चारण करते हुये १,००० बार आहुति देनी चाहिये ।
तत्पश्चात् मध्याह्न काल में योगिनी चक्र बनाकर दीप दान करना चाहिये तथा ॐ कयान शिचत्र आभुवदुती सदा वृध: सखा । कथाशचिष्ठया कृत: । श्री राहवे नम:। मन्त्र का उत्तम कर्मकाण्डी ब्राह्मण से १८,००० की संख्या में जाप करवाना चाहिये, फिर अपराह्न साढ़े तीन (३.३०) बजे के लगभग अँगूठी को अपने बायें हाथ की मध्यमा अँगुली में धारण करना चाहिये । इसके बाद राहु यन्त्र, नीले रंग का वस्त्र, कम्बल, तिल, तैल, लोहा, अभ्रक को यथाशक्ति दक्षिणा के साथ ब्राह्मण को दान देना चाहिये ।
To make a ring, the Gomeda/ Hessonite should weigh more than 4 Ratti. But Gomeda/ Hessonite of 6, 7, 10, 19, 13, or 16 carats should not be worn. The ring should be of Panchdhatu or iron. On any day when there is Swati, Shatabhisha, or Ardra Nakshatra, it should be made from sunrise to 10 a.m. Rahu Yagya should be performed after 11 o’clock. For this, first of all, a statue of Rahu should be made, and Rahu Yantra engraved on a silver plate weighing 11 tolas and containing a piece of Gomeda/ Hessonite should be installed on it. Then by placing a ring on it, proper worship should be done, and life should be consecrated in it. Then the offering should be made 1,000 times while reciting Rahu Mantra Om Chrom Krim Hoon Hoon Tank Tank Dharine Rahatai Swaha Mantra. After that, in the afternoon time, one should make Yogini Chakra donate a lamp, and say Om Kayan Shichatra Aabhuvaduti Sada Vridh Sakha. Katashashchishtaya Krit Shri Rahve Namah. The best ritual of the mantra should be to have the Brahmin chant it 18,000 times, then at about 3:30 (3.30) in the afternoon, the ring should be worn on the middle finger of the left hand. After this, Rahu Yantra, blue colored clothes, blanket, sesame seeds, oil, iron, and mica should be donated to the Brahmin along with Dakshina as per your capacity.
When to Wear Gomed / Gomedhikam / Rahu Ratna (Zircon / Cinnamon Stone / Hessonite)?
गोमेद रत्न शनिवार को शनि की होरा में, स्वाती, शतभिषा, आर्द्रा अथवा रविपुष्य योग में पंचधातु अथवा लोहे की अंगूठी में जड़वाकर तथा राहु में बीज मन्त्रों द्वारा अंगूठी अभिमन्त्रित करके दाएँ हाथ की मध्यमा अंगुली में धारण करना चाहिए। इसका वजन ५, ७, ९ रत्ती का होना चाहिए। जिनकी जन्म कुण्डली में राहु १, ४, ७, ९, १०वें भाव में हो, उन्हें गोमेद रत्न पहनना चाहिए । मकर लग्न वालों के लिए गोमेद शभ होता है |
On Saturday, during Saturn’s Hora, during Swati, Shatabhisha, Ardra, or Ravipushya Yoga, the Gomeda/ hessonite gemstone should be embedded in a Panchdhatu or iron ring and after invoking the ring with Beej Mantras during Rahu, it should be worn in the middle finger of the right hand. Its weight should be 5, 7, 9 ratti. Those who have Rahu in the 1st, 4th, 7th, 9th, and 10th house in their birth chart should wear Gomeda gemstone. Hessonite/ Gomeda is auspicious for people with Capricorn ascendant.
Gomed / Gomedhikam / Rahu Ratna (Zircon / Cinnamon Stone / Hessonite) Merits and Demerits in Astrology
गोमेद के लाभ– सच्चा गोमेद रत्न धारण करने से शत्रु सामने नहीं आता। राहु यदि नीच लग्न में हो तो गोमेद धारण करना चाहिये। साफ, सुन्दर घाट का चमकदार छाया वाला चिकना गोमेद ही लेना चाहिये। इसके धारण करने से सुख सम्पत्ति की वृद्धि होती है तथा रोग दूर होते हैं। लाल गोमेद क्षत्रिय के लिये, श्यामत्तायुक्त शूद के लिये, पीला गोमेद वैश्य के लिये तथा ब्राह्मण के लिये श्वेत आभा वाला गोमेद शुभ होता है।
By wearing a true hessonite gemstone, the enemy does not appear. If Rahu is in the lowest ascendant, then Gomeda/ Hessonite should be worn. Only smooth Gomeda/ Hessonite with shiny shade from a clean, beautiful ghat should be taken. Wearing it increases happiness and wealth and cures diseases. Red Gomeda is auspicious for a Kshatriya, dark Gomeda for a Shuda, yellow Gomeda for a Vaishya and white Gomeda is auspicious for a Brahmin.
गोमेद के दोष– गोमेद रत्न में कई दोष होते हैं । सफेद बिन्दु वाला गोमेद रत्न शरीर में भय लाता है । बहुदोषी गोमेद स्त्री के सुख नष्ट करता है। लाल बिन्दु गोमेद सन्तान को दुःखी करता है । रूखा गोमेद मान प्रतिष्ठा नष्ट करता है। लाल अंग वाला गोमेद शरीर के अंग भंग करता है । इस प्रकार के दूषित गोमेद नहीं धारण करना चाहिये।
Gomeda gemstone has many defects. Hessonite gemstone with white dot brings fear in the body. Multi-tainted hessonite destroys a woman’s happiness. Red dot hessonite makes children unhappy. Dry Gomeda destroys honor and reputation. Gomeda with red limbs breaks body parts. This type of contaminated Gomeda should not be worn.
गोमेद का उपयोग– गोमेद रत्न राहु ग्रह को नष्ट करने के लिये धारण किया जाता है तथा चिकित्सा रूप में गर्मी, वायुगोला, ज्वर, दुर्गन्ध, नकसीर, बवासीर, त्वचा रोग पाण्डु आदि रोगों में प्रयोग किया जाता है।
Synonyms of Gomed / Gomedhikam / Rahu Ratna (Zircon / Cinnamon Stone / Hessonite)
Reference: Rasa Trangini 23/ 120
गोमेदश्च गोमेद: पिङ्ग स्फटिक इत्यपि।
गोमेदो राहु रतनञ्च कीर्तितञ्च तमो मणि: ।
Gomedaka, Pinga Saftika, Rahu Ratna, and Tamo Mani are synonymous words used in the classics for Gomeda/ Zircon.
Names of Gomed / Gomedhikam / Rahu Ratna (Zircon / Cinnamon Stone / Hessonite) in Different Languages
- Zircon, Agate, Hessonite, Hyacinth, Cinnamon stone, malacon (English)
- Zargoon (Latin)
- Gomed (Hindi)
- Gomed Mani (Marathi)
- Gomedhikamu (Telegu)
- Gomedhaka (Kannada)
- Gomedamani, Lohitamani (Bengali)
- Hazrul Yamani (Arabic)
- Gomedaka, Gomeda, Rahu Ratna, Pinga Sphatika, Tamo mani, Svarbhanu, Pita Rakta, Trinavara, Agastisatva (Sanskrit)
- Gomedam (Tamil)
- Gomedikam (Malayalam)
- Pi- Si (Chinese)
- Gomutrajevimani (Gujrati)
- Gamok (Burmese)
History of Gomed / Gomedhikam / Rahu Ratna (Zircon / Cinnamon Stone / Hessonite)
आयुर्वेदीय संहिताओं में गोमेद का उल्लेख नहीं मिलता है। वराहमिहिर रचित बृहत् समाहित में इसका उल्लेख मिलता है। ८वी शताब्दी क बाद रस ग्रंथों में इसके भेद, लक्षण, शोधन, मारण, गुण कर्म एवं असाध्य रोगों की चिकित्सा के क्रम में सफल प्रयोग का वर्णन मिलता है। गोमेद की उपयोगिता का वर्णन ज्योतिष शास्त्र में भी उपलब्ध है, ऐसा मन जाता १५०० वर्ष पूर्व से हम गोमेद से भली भाँती परिचित है|
For ages, the history of gemstones has been found in India and Gomeda is one of them. Gomeda (Zircon) has lured people of all centuries. The first reference to Zircon/ hessonite is found in Brihat Samhita of Varaha Mihirin in the 5th century. Later with the development of the Rasa Shastra, the purification, Marana (incineration), Pishti preparation and the Aamyik paryoga (therapeutic utility) were in the practice.
Characteristics of Gomed / Gomedhikam / Rahu Ratna (Zircon / Cinnamon Stone / Hessonite)
गोमेद राहु ग्रह का रत्न पाषाण है। शास्त्रों में इसका वर्णन गाय के मेद या गोमूत्र के जैसा बताया गया है किन्तु बाजार में कॉफी कलर या डार्क ब्राउन रंग तथा मधु के जैसा रंग में मिलता है। गोमेद ज़िरकोनियम का सिलिकेट है। इसका रासायनिक सूत्र ZrSiO4 है। इसमें अल्प मात्रा में टैफेनियम या यूरेनियम तथा दुर्लभ मृतिका भी पायी जाती है। इसका आपेक्षिक घनत्व ४.० से ४.७१ है एवं इस काठिन्य ७.५० है। गोमेद पारदर्शक- पारभाषक एवं अपारदर्शक सभी तरह के होते हं। गोमेद का रंग इनमें विद्यमान् लोहा तथा अन्य अशुद्धियों के कारण ही है। हीरा के बाद रंग हीन गोमेद की ही चमक दमक है, यह हीरा का प्रतिद्वन्द्वी भी माना जाता है।यह सबसे अधिक मनोरंजक रत्न है। लगभग सभी रंगो मे मिलता है। यह हरे, सुनहरे पीले और गहरे लाल रंग मे सबसे अधिक आकर्षक होता है। इनके अतिरिक्त यह भूरे, हलके हरे, तथा आसमानी रंग मे भी मिलता है । इसका रगहीन विभेद हीरे के स्थान पर काम मे लाया जाता है और सबसे अधिक प्रसिद्ध है, यह हलके आसमानी रंग मे मिलता है,रंगो के कारण इसको देखकर, होरा, कुरुविन्द, कटकिज आदि का भरम हो सकता है । गोमेद या जिरकॉन के नाम से प्रसिद्ध रतनो के गुण एक दूसरे से इतने भिन्न होते हैं कि इसके तीन वर्ग किये गये हैं- उच्च वर्ग, मध्यवग तथा निम्नवर्ग । तीनों प्रकार के गोमेदो के कठोरता, आ घ०,प्रकाशीय विशेषताएँ तथा ताप व्यवहार श्रादि गुण अलग अलग हैं ।
Properties of Gomed / Gomedhikam / Rahu Ratna (Zircon / Cinnamon Stone / Hessonite)
- Crystallization- Tetragonal, pyramidal, di- tetragonal
- Color- brown to greenish brown also blue, yellow, red, and colorless
- Lustre- Adamantine
- Fracture- Conchoidal
- Elasticity- Brittle
- Hardness- 7.5
- Specific gravity- 4.4 to 4.8
- Fusibility- Infusible
Some of the specimens of Zircon are luminescent. Zircon is the source of Zirconium oxide, and its chemical formula is ZrSiO4. Along with these numerous oxides are present in the Zircon. Agate is inferior to this as it has Al2SiO2 and fades on heating. The transparent variety of Zircon is used as a gemstone after heat treatment. The natural color of the zircon varies between colorless, yellow-golden, red, brown, blue, and green. Colorless specimens that show gem quality are a popular substitute for diamonds. These specimens are also known as Matura Diamond. It is the most entertaining gem because it is available in almost all colors. Zircon is the gemstone of the planet Rahu. In the scriptures, it has been described as being like cow fat or cow urine, but in the market, it is available in coffee color or dark brown color and honey-like color. Onyx is a silicate of zirconium.
Test and Identification of Gomed / Gomedhikam / Rahu Ratna (Zircon / Cinnamon Stone / Hessonite)
सामन्यत: गोमेद उल्लू अथवा बाज की आँख के समान होता है तथा गो मूत्र के समान, दल रहित जो परतदार न हो ऐसा गोमेद उत्तम होता है। शुद्ध गोमेद को २४ घंटे तक गोमूत्र में रखने से गो मूत्र का रंग बदल जाता है।
Generally, hessonite/ zircon is like the eye of an owl or eagle and the zircon which is not flaky like cow urine and has no particles is the best. By keeping pure zircon/ hessonite in cow urine for 24 hours, the color of cow urine changes.
श्वेत गोमेद और हीरे मे भ्र्म पैदा हो जाया करता है । वर्तनाक तथा अपिकिरणन ऊँचा होने के कारण दमक मे यह हीरे की बराबरी करता है। परन्तु इसका आ घहीरे से बहुत अधिक होता है और चमक भी हीरक द्यूति न होकर विरोजा-जैसी होती है । इसके पिछले भाग के अनीक, दुहरेवर्त्तन के कारण, दुहरे दिखायी देते है। गोमेद की वरावरी के दूसरे रत्न स्फीन- की कठोरता ५.५ है जो गोमेद से बहुत कम है । कभी-कभी अनिच्छित रंग वाले हीरे के पिछले तल पर नीले रंग की झोल फेर देते है। परन्तु बेजीन, स्पिरिट अथवा गर्म पानी, मे धोते ही इसका रंग उड जाता है । आयुर्वेद प्रकाश के अनुसार किसी पात्र में दूध के साथ जिस गोमेद को रखने से वह दूध गो मूत्र के से रंग का दिखायी दे और कस पर घिसने पर भी जिसकी कास्ति वैसी की वैसी बनी रहे, कम ने हो वह गोमेद उत्तम जाति का माना जाता है। कई लोग गोमेद का दूसरा नाम अकीक बताते है, परन्तु गोमेद एक- से, एक ही रंग का होता है और अकीक के पत्थर कई-कई रंग के होते हैं ।
There is confusion between white Zircon/ Gomed and diamond. Due to high diffraction and anti-radiation, it is equal to diamond in brightness. But its luster is much greater than that of diamond and its shine is not like that of diamond but is like violet. Due to its double curvature, its rear part appears double. The hardness of Sphene is 5.5 which is much less than Gomed. Sometimes, a blue color is added to the backside of a diamond with unwanted color but its color fades away as soon as it is washed in gin, spirit, or hot water. According to Ayurveda Prakash, the Gomed/ hessonite/ zircon which, when kept in a vessel with milk, appears to be of the color of cow urine and whose hardness remains the same even after being rubbed hard, if not less, that Gomed is considered to be of good quality. Many people call Gomed another name of Aakik, but Gomed is of the same color and Aakik stones are of many colors.
Grahaya Lakshana of Gomed / Gomedhikam / Rahu Ratna (Zircon / Cinnamon Stone / Hessonite)
रसेन्द्र चूडामणिकार के लेखनानुसार गाय की मेद या चरवी के रंग का, हलके पीले वर्ण का, रत्न गोमेद कहलाता है । श्रेष्ठ तथा गुणकारी गोमेद वह है जिसमे निर्मल गो मूत्र की सी आभा हो, चिकना, स्वच्छ, समडोल, भारी, दल रहित, (परतदार न हो) मृदु और प्रकाशवान् हो ।
Reference: Rasa ratna Sammuchya. 4/ 54
सु स्वच्छ गो जल च छायम स्वछ्म स्निग्धं समम् गुरु।
निर्दलम मरिसणं दीप्तं गोमेदम शुभम अष्टधा।।
The Gomeda/ Zircon/ Hessonite, which is clean, which has the color of Gomutra (cow’s urine), which is snigdha, even looking, heavy, lustrous, soft bodied and lustrous, the sample of Gomeda with these eight symptoms should be considered fit and selected for therapeutic purposes.
गाय के मेद जैसा हल्का रक्त पीत मिश्रित वर्ण का होने के कारन ही इसका नाम गोमेद है। स्वच्छ, गो मूत्र के समान , निर्मल, स्निग्ध, गुरु, सम गात्रता, दल रहित, चिकना और चमकीला गोमेद श्रेष्ठ होता है।
Reference: Rasa Trangini. 23/ 121
गो मूत्र आभ्यं स्निग्धाम मंदम सम गात्रं हेमा रक्तं निर्दलम अछम गुरु भारं।
दीप्त छायम मंजुल रूपम मरिसणं यद् गोमदाख्यं रत्न मिह स्यात जात्यम।।
The Gomeda/ zircon, which has the color of Gomutra (cow’s urine), which is smooth to touch, which has golden reddish color, clean and heavy, which is lustrous, beautiful and soft bodied; such a sample of Gomeda should be considered fit and selected for therapeutic purposes.
गोमेदा, जिसका रंग गोमूत्र (गाय के मूत्र) जैसा है, जो छूने में चिकना है, जिसका रंग सुनहरा लाल है, साफ और भारी है, जो चमकदार, सुंदर और मुलायम शरीर वाला है; गोमेद के ऐसे नमूने को उपयुक्त माना जाना चाहिए और चिकित्सीय प्रयोजनों के लिए चुना जाना चाहिए।
Reference: AA. K. Kri. 8/ 152
मधु बिंदु सम छायम गो मुत्राजय सम प्रभम।
हेम रक्तं गुरु स्वछ्म स्निग्धं गोमेदकम शुभम।।
मधु बिंदु के जैसा रंग वाला, गाय के मेद जैसे रंग का, रक्त पीत मिश्रित वर्ण का, गुरु, स्निग्ध, स्वच्छ आदि गुणों से युक्त गोमेद श्रेष्ठ होता है।
Hessonite/ Zirocon having the color like a honey dot, the color like the fat of a cow, having the color mixed with blood yellow, having the qualities of guru, aliphatic, clean etc. is the best.
Agrahya Lakshna of Gomed / Gomedhikam / Rahu Ratna (Zircon / Cinnamon Stone / Hessonite)
जो गोमेद दूर से स्वच्छ गो मूत्र के समान न प्रतीत होता हो, परतदार हो, दडकदार न हो, पीले काच- खण्ड सा दिखायी देता हो, वह गोमेद अच्छा नही होता ।
अग्राह्य लक्षण
Reference: Rasa Trangini. 23/ 122
स त्रास विगत छायम छिपित्म मलिन प्रभम।
स दलम लघु रक्ष्म च गोमेदम हेय मिरितम।।
Gomeda (zircon) with admixture of different colours (trasa), with less or no radiance, flat body, dirty shine, with layers, light weight and with rough surface, such a sample of Gomeda/ Zircon/ Hessonite should be considered unfit and rejected for therapeutic purposes.
जो गोमेद विभिन्न रंगों के मिश्रण से युक्त, कम या बिल्कुल न चमक वाला, सपाट शरीर, गंदी चमक वाला, परतों वाला, हल्के वजन वाला और खुरदरी सतह वाला, ऐसा नमूना अनुपयुक्त माना जाना चाहिए और अस्वीकार कर दिया जाना चाहिए।
Reference: Rasa Ratna Samucchyam. 4/ 55
वि छायम लघु रुक्ष अंगम छिपित्म पतलान्वितं।
निष्प्रभं पीत काय आभ्यं गोमेदम न शुभा वहम।।
Having no lustre, light in weight, rough, bevelled, with layers, having yellow color are the qualities of a bad Gomeda which should not be taken for use.
जो गोमेद विरुप रंग का, हल्का, रुक्ष, चिपटा, दल युक्त, कांति हीन और पीला कांच जैसा हो उसे त्याज्य समझना चाहिए या धारण नहीं करना चाहिए।
Gomed / Gomedhikam / Rahu Ratna (Zircon / Cinnamon Stone / Hessonite) Aayu (Lifespan of Gomeda / Gomedak / Rahu Ratna (Zircon/ Cinnamon stone / Hessonite)
Reference: Rasa Jala Niddhi. 3/ 4, Ratna Dhatu Vigyana
न जरां यान्ति रत्नानि मौक्तिकं विद्रुमं बिना।
Though the gemstones of mineral origin are eternal, the Exception is Mukta (pearl) which has a limited lifespan, and also Vidruma- coral. After a few years, it grows old and eventually loses its character, but other gemstones are eternal, but they also need to be maintained and revitalization of them is necessary to get maximum benefits.
आयु- कुछ समय पश्चात् काल प्रभाव से प्रवाल, मुक्ता खराब हो जाते है। किन्तु अन्य रत्नों पर काल का प्रभाव नहीं होता है।
Gomed / Gomedhikam / Rahu Ratna (Zircon / Cinnamon Stone / Hessonite) Aayu after Dharana (Lifespan of Zircon / Cinnamon Stone after Assumption)
Ratna gives maximum benefits when they have a powerful life expectancy. A lot is dependent on how much you care about your Zircon as they need to be maintained to remain effective. The average effectiveness of Zircon is approximately 3 years. (By Ratna Samrat Pandit Kapil Mohan).
गोमेद रत्न कम से कम ४ रत्ती के वजन का लाभ प्रद है। इसको चांदी की अंगूठी में दाल क्र पहन सकते है। अंगूठी ४ रत्ती से कम न हो तथा इसका प्रभाव तीन वर्षों तक रहता है तत्पश्चात नया गोमेद धारण करना चाहिए।
Ratna gives maximum benefits when they have a powerful life expectancy. A lot is dependent on how much you care about your Zircon as they need to be maintained to remain effective. The average effectiveness of Zircon is approximately 3 years.
Zircon is a Gem for the planet Rahu and its life span after assumption is approximately 3 years after it loses its Prabhava on the beholder. Although the Zircon gemstone is eternal and forever, for astrological purposes and effectiveness, its revitalization is necessary, or after 3 years new Zircon is suggested to wear.
Precious gemstones like Ruby and emeralds, all varieties of sapphires like yellow sapphire (topaz), Hessonite/ Zircon, Garnet, and Diamond have a long lifespan as they belong to the transparent group. Over some time, when they are worn these transparent gems start to get scratches on their surface, and even start losing their high polishing due to which sun rays stop passing through the gems (Ratna). When these precious gems are worn for a long period, a greasy layer starts to deposit on their surface which is probably a mixture of lubricants, oils, and other materials that a wearer comes in contact with. As the deposition starts to get thicker with time, it even blocks the rays (different wavelengths) that these precious stones receive from the planets to give effect. Although precious gemstones are forever yes, their effectiveness for astrological purposes falls and therefore proper and regular maintenance is important.
Occurrence or Places of Availability of Gomed / Gomedhikam / Rahu Ratna (Zircon / Cinnamon Stone / Hessonite)
Yukti Kalpa Taru – Himalaye sindhau va gomedamani sambhavah
It is available in the Himalayas or near the Sind region, according to King Bhoja. Khambayat in Gujarat, Travancore in Kerala, Hazaribagh in Bihar, Salem in Tamil Nadu, Matura in Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Thailand, Indochina, Tasmania, New South Wales, etc., also have sources of Gomeda.
Rasa Ratna Sammuchya 4/ 54- Gomeda samaragatuat Gomedam ratnamucyate – Since it has the color of cow’s fat, this is called Gomeda.
Gomutra Samaragatuat- Also can be taken here because in Grahya criteria, Gomutra-like is included, meaning, looking like Gomutra (cow’s urine). This is worn to overcome the ill effects of Rahu (Neptune).
युक्ति कल्प तरु – हिमालये सिंधौ वा गोमेदमणि संभवः
राजा भोज के अनुसार यह हिमालय या सिंध क्षेत्र के निकट उपलब्ध है। गुजरात में खंबायत, केरल में त्रावणकोर, बिहार में हज़ारीबाग़, तमिलनाडु में सेलम, श्रीलंका में मतुरा, म्यांमार, थाईलैंड, इंडोचीन, तस्मानिया, न्यू साउथ वेल्स आदि में भी गोमेद के स्रोत हैं।
रस रत्न समुच्य 4/54- गोमेदा सस्मारगतुअत गोमेदं रत्नमुच्यते – चूँकि इसका रंग गाय की चर्बी जैसा होता है इसलिए इसे गोमेद कहा जाता है।
गोमूत्रसमार्गतुअत- इसे राहु (नेप्च्यून) के दुष्प्रभाव को दूर करने के लिए पहना जाता है।
How is Gomed / Gomedhikam / Rahu Ratna (Zircon / Cinnamon Stone / Hessonite) Formed?
Zircon is ubiquitous in the crust of Earth. It occurs in igneous rocks (as primary crystallization products), in metamorphic rocks, and sedimentary rocks as detrital grains. large zircon crystals are rare. The average size of Zircon/ Hessonite/ Gomeda in granite rocks is about 0.1- 0.3 mm, but especially in pegmatites they can also grow to sizes of several centimeters. Some zircons might undergo metamictization because of their uranium and thorium content. Connected to internal radiation damage, these processes partially disrupt the crystal structure and partly explain the highly variable properties of zircon. As zircon becomes more and more modified by internal radiation damage, the density decreases, the crystal structure is compromised, and the color changes.
Zircon/ Gomeda/ Hessonite occurs in many colors, including red, pink, brown, yellow, hazel, or black. It can also be colorless. By heat treatment the color of zircons can sometimes be changed. Depending on the amount of heat applied, colorless, blue, or golden-yellow Gomeda/ hessonite can be made. In geological settings, the development of pink, red, and purple zircon occurs after hundreds of millions of years, if the crystal has sufficient trace elements to produce color centers. Color in this red or pink series is annihilated in geological conditions above the temperature of 350°C. Gomeda is a common accessory to trace mineral constituents of most felsic and granite igneous rocks. Due to its hardness, durability, and chemical inertness, zircon persists in sedimentary deposits and is a common constituent of most sands. Zircon is rare within mafic rocks and very rare within ultramafic rocks aside from a group of ultrapotassic intrusive rocks such as kimberlites, carbonatites, and lamprophyre, where zircon can occasionally be found as a trace mineral owing to the unusual magma genesis of these rocks. Zircon forms economic concentrations within heavy mineral sands ore deposits, within certain pegmatites, and some rare alkaline volcanic rocks, for example, the Toongi Trachyte, Dubbo, New South Wales Australia in association with the zirconium-hafnium minerals eudialyte and armstrongite. It is also found in Sri Lanka, Madagascar, Canada, Brazil, Russia, California, and the US.
गोमेद सायेनाइट में काफी मात्रा मे पाया जाता है , यो ही एक ही स्थान से बहुत अधिक मात्रा में यह प्राय नहीं मिलता । अभी तक सबसे अधिक भारी रवा जो मिला है, उसका तोल २५ पौंड था । गोमेद रत्न गोल चिकने पत्थरों और पानी में घिसे रतनों के रूप में पानी से घुलकर नीचे बैठी तलछट में मिलता है । ऐसी तलछट श्री लंका, क्वींस लैंड (ऑस्ट्रेलिया) तथा थाईलेड में विशेष रूप से पायी जाती है। श्री लंका से जो गोमेद मिलते है- वे सबसे सुन्दर गोमेद रत्न होते है । यहाँ के रंग हीन गोमेद आज भी मैतुरा हीरे के नाम से प्रसिद्ध हैं। पहले तो इन्हे हीरा ही समझा जाता था । न्यू-साउथ वेल्स के मडगी स्थान से सुन्दर लाल रंग के गोमेद मिलते हैं । पीले-भूरे गोमेद दक्षिणी अफ्रीका की किम्बरले खानो मे हीरो के साथ होते हैं । भारत तथा श्री लंका मे भी सुन्दर नीले और नीले-हरे गोमेद होते है । इनमे द्विवर्णिता होती है और इस प्रकार बेजनी तथा पीले दो के मिलते है । एक लेखक के अनुसार बर्मा (मोगोक) के गोमेद मे पानी तथा लोच अधिक होते है- श्याम आभा थोडी होती है । ये रत्न सर्वोत्तम जाति के माने जाते हैं। परन्तु यह माल बहुत कम निकलता है । जिरकोन पृथ्वी की परत में सर्वव्यापी है। यह आग्नेय चट्टानों में (प्राथमिक क्रिस्टलीकरण उत्पादों के रूप में), रूपांतरित चट्टानों में और तलछटी चट्टानों में डेट्राइटल अनाज के रूप में होता है। जिरकोन क्रिस्टल जो आकार में बड़े होते हैं दुर्लभ होते हैं। ग्रेनाइट चट्टानों में जिरकोन/हेसोनाइट का औसत आकार लगभग 0.1-0.3 मिमी है, लेकिन विशेष रूप से पेगमाटाइट्स में वे कई सेंटीमीटर के आकार तक भी बढ़ सकते हैं। कुछ जिक्रोन में यूरेनियम और थोरियम की मात्रा के कारण मेटामिक्टाइजेशन हो सकता है। आंतरिक विकिरण क्षति से जुड़ी, ये प्रक्रियाएं आंशिक रूप से क्रिस्टल संरचना को बाधित करती हैं और आंशिक रूप से जिरकोन के अत्यधिक परिवर्तनशील गुणों की व्याख्या करती हैं। जैसे-जैसे जिक्रोन आंतरिक विकिरण क्षति से अधिक से अधिक संशोधित होता जाता है, घनत्व कम हो जाता है, क्रिस्टल संरचना से समझौता हो जाता है और रंग बदल जाता है। जिरकोन/ हेसोनाइट कई रंगों में पाया जाता है, जिनमें लाल, गुलाबी, भूरा, पीला, हेज़ेल या काला शामिल है। यह रंगहीन भी हो सकता है. ताप उपचार द्वारा जिक्रोन का रंग कभी-कभी बदला जा सकता है। लागू गर्मी की मात्रा के आधार पर, रंगहीन, नीला, या सुनहरा-पीला गोमेदा/ हेसोनाइट बनाया जा सकता है। भूवैज्ञानिक सेटिंग में, गुलाबी, लाल और बैंगनी जिक्रोन का विकास सैकड़ों लाखों वर्षों के बाद होता है, यदि क्रिस्टल में रंग केंद्र बनाने के लिए पर्याप्त ट्रेस तत्व होते हैं। अपनी कठोरता, स्थायित्व और रासायनिक जड़ता के कारण, जिक्रोन तलछटी जमाव में बना रहता है और अधिकांश रेत का एक सामान्य घटक है। जिरकोन मैफिक चट्टानों में दुर्लभ है और किम्बरलाइट्स, कार्बोनाइट्स और लैम्प्रोफायर जैसी अल्ट्रापोटेशिक घुसपैठ चट्टानों के समूह के अलावा अल्ट्रामैफिक चट्टानों में बहुत दुर्लभ है, जहां इन चट्टानों की असामान्य मैग्मा उत्पत्ति के कारण जिरकोन कभी-कभी एक ट्रेस खनिज के रूप में पाया जा सकता है। जिरकोन भारी खनिज रेत अयस्क भंडार के भीतर, कुछ पेगमाटाइट्स के भीतर और कुछ दुर्लभ क्षारीय ज्वालामुखीय चट्टानों के भीतर आर्थिक सांद्रता बनाता है, उदाहरण के लिए जिरकोनियम-हेफ़नियम खनिज यूडियलाइट और आर्मस्ट्रांगाइट के सहयोग से टूंगी ट्रैचीटे, डब्बो, न्यू साउथ वेल्स ऑस्ट्रेलिया। यह श्रीलंका, मेडागास्कर, कनाडा, ब्राजील, रूस, कैलिफोर्निया और अमेरिका में भी पाया जाता है।
Purification of Gomed / Gomedhikam / Rahu Ratna (Zircon / Cinnamon Stone / Hessonite)
Reference: Rasa Tarangini. 23/ 123
निम्बुक स्वरसेनेह दोला यंत्री विधानत:।
परिस्विन्नं तू यामेकं शुद्धिम अत्य उत्तमम।।
The roughly pounded Gomed/ hessonite/ zircon is tied in the Pottali and subjected for 3 hours i.e. 1 yama of Swedana in Dola Ynatra by keeping Nimbu Swaras as liquid media. Later the drug is washed, dried, and stored in an airtight container as Shuddha Gomeda for pharmaceutical use.
१ फुट व्यास वाले साफ़ वस्त्र में गोमेद की पोटली बनाएं और निम्बू स्वरस पूरित दोला यंत्र में तीन घंटे तक स्वेदन करें। पुन: पोटली निकाल क्र साफ़ जल से प्रक्षालन करें, ऐसा करने से गोमेद शुद्ध हो जाता है
Incineration of Gomed / Gomedhikam / Rahu Ratna (Zircon / Cinnamon Stone / Hessonite)
First Method of Gomeda / Gomedak / Rahu Ratna (Zircon / Cinnamon Stone / Hessonite Marana
Reference: Rasa Ratna Samucchya. 4/ 66
लकुच द्राव समपिष्ते: शिला गंधक तालके: ।
वज्रम विंनया रत्नांनी म्रियते अष्ट पुट्टे: खलु।।
गोमेद चूर्ण, शुद्ध गंधक, शुद्ध हरताल, शुद्ध मनशिला समभाग को एक साथ लकुच स्वरस की भावना देकर चक्रिका बना क्र सुखावें और गजपुट में पाक करे। ऐसा १० बार करने से गोमेद का भस्म हो जाता है।
The fine powders of any of the individual Suddha Ratna like Gomed (except vajra) – 1 part, Suddha manahsila – 1 part; Suddha gandhaka – 1 part; and Suddha haratala – 1 part, all these are taken in a clean khalva yantra and subjected for 3 bhavanas with ‘lakucha swarasa’
Later chakrikas are prepared, dried and enclosed in sarava samputa. This samputa is subjected to one gajaputa. This whole process is repeated 8 times to obtain properly prepared bhasma of six gemstones of mineral origin except vajra.
Gomeda / Gomedak / Rahu Ratna (Zircon / Cinnamon stone / Hessonite Vishesha Marana
Reference: Rasa Tarangini. 23/ 124
माणिक्य मारणो द्विष्ट विद्धिभ्याम अति यत्नत:।
अष्ट वारं सु पुटिटम गोमेदं मृतमा आपयूनात।।
The methods followed for the incineration of Gomeda/ Zircon/Hessonite are the same as those of the two methods ist and 2nd method that is followed to obtain Manikya Bhasma. Below is the Marana/ incineration method of Manikya. Use Gomeda/ Zircon/Hessonite despite Manikya (ruby) in the below-given procedure.
First Incineration Method
Reference: Rasa Trangini. 23/ 50- 53
विमलीकृतमत्यर्थ माणिक्य सुविचूर्णितम् ।
शिलालगन्धैर्विमलै: पृथक् तु समभागिके: ||
निम्बूकस्वरसेनेह पेषयेदिनसप्तकम् ।
विन्यसेत्सम्पुटे घर्मे विशुष्क॑ कृतचक्रिकम् ||
ततस्तु पुटयेद्धीमान् पुटे वारणसंज्ञके ।
रीत्यानया सुपुटितमष्टवारं प्रयत्नत: ||
माणिक्यं म्रियते भस्म जायते पाण्डुरप्रभम् ।
पिष्टं तु लकुचद्रावै: पुटेदेवमथापि वा ||
One part of Suddha manikya is taken in a clean khalva yantra. It is carefully pounded and triturated to bring it in fine powder form. This powder is added with equal quantities of suddha manahsila, suddha haratala (ala), and Suddha Gandhaka and triturated to obtain a homogeneous mixture. This mixture is added with the required quantity of nimbu swarasa and triturated thoroughly for seven days. Later the Chakrikas (pellets) of even size and shape are prepared, dried under the sun, enclosed in Sarava samputa, and subjected to one gaja puta. This entire procedure and the gaja puta are repeated 8 times to obtain pale white colored and appropriately prepared Manikya bhasma. Later it is stored in a suitable airtight container for further therapeutic use.
Note: Instead of ‘nimbu rasa’, lakuca swarasa’ may also be used in the process to obtain perfect manikya bhasma.
Second Incineration Method
Reference: Rasa Trangini. 23/ 54- 56
चूर्णीकृत शोणरत्न॑ विमलै: समभागिकै: |
पेषये न्रिम्बुक द्रावै बलिरोगशिले अंगुलै: ||
विमर्च सुदृडे खल्वे यत्नेन सप्तवासरम् |
पुटयेद्वारणपुटे विशुष्क॑ कृतचक्रिकम् ||
रीत्यानयापि पुटितमष्टवारमसंशयम् |
माणिक्यमचिरादेव मृतिमाप्नोत्यनुत्तमाम् ||
One part of Suddha manikya is taken in a clean khalva yantra. It is carefully pounded and triturated to bring it in fine powder form. This powder is added with equal quantities of ‘Suddha gandhaka’ (Bali), ‘Suddha manahsila’ (rogasila), ‘Suddha hingul’, and triturated to obtain a homogenous mixture.
This mixture is added with the required quantity of “nimbu swarasa” and triturated thoroughly for seven days. Later the ‘chakra’ (pellets) of even size and shape are prepared, dried under the sun, enclosed in “Sarava samputa”, and subjected to one Gaja Puta.
This entire procedure and the ‘gajaputa’ are repeated 8 times to obtain appropriately prepared, pale white ‘manikya bhasma. Later it is stored in a suitable airtight container for further therapeutic use.
Gomed / Gomedhikam / Rahu Ratna (Zircon / Cinnamon Stone / Hessonite) Bhasma Color
According to Chandrabhushan Jha, Gomeda Bhasma is Coffee/ reddish brown in color.
Gomed / Gomedhikam / Rahu Ratna (Zircon / Cinnamon Stone / Hessonite) Bhasma Pishti
शुद्ध गोमेद का सूक्ष्म चूर्ण करे उसे सीमाक पत्थर के खरल में रखकर गुलाब जल की भावना दे देकर ४- ५ दिनों तक खरल करने से अति सूक्ष्म पिष्टी बन जाती है। सूखने पर ऐसे शीशी में रख लें।
Shuddha Gomeda is taken in a clean Khalva Yantra and triturated to obtain it in fine powder form. It is added with the desired quantity of Gulaba Jala/ rose water and triturated thoroughly for 3 days to obtain a very fine pale white colored powder with rose fragrance. It is later stored in a suitable airtight container such as Gomeda/ zircon Pishti.
Gomed / Gomedhikam / Rahu Ratna (Zircon / Cinnamon Stone / Hessonite) Properties: (Bhasma and Pishti)
Reference: Ayurved Parkash 5/ 116
गोमेद्को अम्ल उष्णश्च वात कोप विकार जित। दीपन: पाचंश्चैव धृतो अयं पाप नाशनम।।
Amla (Sour) in taste and Ushna (hot) in potency. It acts as an appetizer and digestive, is good for the skin, improves taste perception, improves bodily strength and mental abilities, and alleviates phthisis and anemia, wearing Gomeda routes out the effects of the bad deeds and maleficent effect of the Rahu (Neptune). This is used in Kusthadi pana in Charaka Samhita Sutra Sthana 23. (Ayurveda Parkasha 5/ 116)
Reference: Rasa Tarangini. 23/ 125- 126
गोमेदकं रुचिकरं दीपनं पाचनं परम्। तवांग दोष शमनं कफ पित्त प्रणाशनम।।
उष्णम पाण्डु आमय हरं क्षय क्षय करं परम्। समाख्यातम विशेषेण बुद्धि संवर्ध्नम तथा।।
Properly prepared Gomeda Bhasma is a good appetizer and digestive. It is useful in skin ailments. Its judicious use for internal administration improves physical strength.
Reference: Rasa Ratna Sammuchya. 5/ 56
गोमेदम कफ पित्त घनम क्षय पाण्डु क्षयं करं। दीपनं पाचनं रुच्यम त्व्चयम बुद्धि प्रबोधनं।।
मेध्य, त्वचा के लिए लाभकारी, दीपन- पाचन, बाल्य, बुद्धि प्रबोधक, एवं रुचिकर है। कफ- पित्त नाशक है तथा क्षय, पाण्डु नाशक है।
Devi Shakti Chikitsa (Feminine Dynamic Energy Treatment)
कुम्भ राशि में सूर्य के आने पर अर्थात् १५ फरवरी से १४ मार्च तक की अवधि में उत्पन्न व्यक्तियों का प्रतीक ग्रह राहु है। इन्हे गोमेद का धारण करना इष्ट है।किसी सुधरे ज्ञानवान ज्योतिषी से अपने जन्म कुण्डली सुधरवाकर, उसकी सम्मति से ही राहुरत्न, गोमेद, धारण करना चाइये। राहु रत्न को धारण करने का मंत्र इस प्रकार है – ऊँ कया नद्चित्र आ भुव दूती सदा वृद्ध सखा । कया शचिष्ठया वृता ॥ धारण करने के लिये गोमेद का भार ६, ११ अथवा १३ कौरेट हो, ७, १० अथवा १६ रत्ती कभी न हो । बदल- तुरसावा उपरत्न इसका बदल है। यह नरम तथा कम दड़क (आ. घ) का उपरत्न है । पीत रक्त आभा वाला होता है, किसी-किसी मे मलिनता तथा हरी झाई भी होती है ।
The planet Rahu is the symbol of people born when the Sun enters Aquarius i.e. in the period from 15th February to 14th March. They should wear Zircon/ Gomeda. After getting their horoscope corrected by a knowledgeable astrologer, they should wear the precious stone, Gomed, only with his consent. The mantra to wear Rahu gemstone is as follows – Om Kya Nadchitra Aa Bhuva Duti Sada Vriddha Sakha. Kya Schisthya Vritta || The weight of Gomeda/ Zircon/ Hessonite for wearing should be 6, 11, or 13 carats, never 7, 10 or 16 Ratti. Tursava Uparatna is its badal. It is a semi-precious stone of soft and low intensity. Yellow blood Color Gomed is lustrous, some also have turbidity and green spots.
Dosage and Usage of Gomed / Gomedhikam / Rahu Ratna (Zircon / Cinnamon Stone / Hessonite)
Reference: Rasa Tarangini. 23/ 111
आरभ्य गुन्जजा पादांशाद गुञ्जके एक प्रमितम परम् |
मृत मर्कटं युंज्जयात बल कालदया अपेक्षया ||
Quarter Ratti to one Ratti (31 to 125 mg) is the general dosage of Pukhraja Bhasma. However, the dosage must be finalized after thoroughly considering all the relevant factors that affect the dosage.
Or 1/3rd of a ratio of ½ of a Ratti 25- 50 mg.
Anupana (Adjuvant / Vehicle) for Use of Gomed / Gomedhikam / Rahu Ratna (Zircon / Cinnamon Stone / Hessonite) Bhasma or Pishti
Honey, butter, or any other suitable medicine.
अनुपान- मधु, घृत |
Important Formulations of Gomed / Gomedhikam / Rahu Ratna (Zircon / Cinnamon Stone / Hessonite)
- Nava Ratnaraja Mriganka Rasa
- Nava Ratna Pottali
- Ratna Bhagottara Rasa
- Raj Mrigank Rasa
- Gomed Bhasma
- Gomed Pishti
Recent Research on Gomed / Gomedhikam / Rahu Ratna (Zircon / Cinnamon Stone / Hessonite)
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- Graham, I.; Sutherland, L.; Zaw, K.; Nechaev, V.; Khanchuk, A. Advances in Our Understanding of the Gem Corundum Deposits of the West Pacific Continental Margins Intraplate Basaltic Fields. Ore Geol. Rev. 2008, 34, 200– 215.
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- Alqutaibi AY, Ghulam O, Krsoum M, Binmahmoud S, Taher H, Elmalky W, Zafar MS. Revolution of Current Dental Zirconia: A Comprehensive Review. Molecules. 2022 Mar 4; 27 (5): 1699. doi: 10. 3390/ molecules- 27051699. PMID: 35268800; PMCID: PMC- 8911694.
- Assefa, Zerihun & Haire, R & Raison, Philippe. (2004). Photoluminescence and Raman studies of Sm3+ and Nd3+ ions in zirconia matrices: Example of energy transfer and host-guest interactions. Spectrochimica Acta. Part A, Molecular and biomolecular spectroscopy. 60. 89- 95. 10. 1016/ S1386-1425 (03) 00183- 5.
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- Hadlari T, Swindles GT, Galloway JM, Bell KM, Sulphur KC, Heaman LM, Beranek LP, Fallas KM. 1.8 Billion Years of Detrital Zircon Recycling Calibrates a Refractory Part of Earth’s Sedimentary Cycle. PLoS One. 2015 Dec 14; 10 (12): e0144727. doi: 10. 1371/ journal. pone. 0144727. PMID: 26658165; PMCID: PMC4682852.
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- Alqutaibi AY, Ghulam O, Krsoum M, Binmahmoud S, Taher H, Elmalky W, Zafar MS. Revolution of Current Dental Zirconia: A Comprehensive Review. Molecules. 2022 Mar 4; 27 (5): 1699. doi: 10. 3390/ molecules- 27051699. PMID: 35268800; PMCID: PMC- 8911694.
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- Shewan L, O’Reilly D, Armstrong R, Toms P, Webb J, Beavan N, Luangkhoth T, Wood J, Halcrow S, Domett K, Van Den Bergh J, Chang N. Dating the megalithic culture of Laos: Radiocarbon, optically stimulated luminescence and U/Pb zircon results. PLoS One. 2021 Mar 10; 16 (3): e0247167. doi: 10. 1371/ journal. pone. 0247167. PMID: 33690656; PMCID: PMC- 7946304.
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