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Parvala / Vidruma (Coral) – The Astrological and Ayurvedic View
Coral is a marine life called an Anthozoan polyp. According to zoology, it is coralliferous zoophytes. Druma is a tree and the prefix ‘vi’ in Vidruma suggests the peculiarity, in the sense that it is a peculiar tree grown in water. Corals also breed sexually by spawning polyps of the same species that release gametes simultaneously throughout one to several nights around a full moon. Pravala is of 4 types by color and creeds and the red color of Pravala is considered best. Using stinging cells on their tentacles, Pravala / Corals can catch small fish and plankton. Most Pravala / corals obtain most of their energy and nutrients from zooxanthellae, photosynthetic unicellular algae living within the coral’s tissue. Such Pravala requires sunlight and grows in clear, shallow water, typically at depths shallower than 60 meters (200 ft). Corals can be major contributors to the physical structure of the coral reefs that develop in tropical and subtropical waters, such as the enormous Great Barrier Reef off the coast of Queensland, Australia. It is said that these species are attached continuously that appear like a plant/tree shape. The hardening process of Pravala from the soft stage to ripened condition is divided into 3 stages. Zoontheria, Rugosa, Alcyonaria. Formation of Pravala is seen abundantly in the Central Pacific Ocean, Indian Ocean, Persian Gulf, Red Sea, Shores of Zanzibar, Madagascar, Mauritius, Gulf of Panama, Brazil, West Indies, Florida, Bermuda, etc. The fringing variety of coral reefs is generally seen near the islands while the barrier type of reefs is seen away from the shores of the Islands. The longest variety of coral reefs is available in the form of coral mountains on the Australian coasts which are called The Great Barrier Reef. Italian and Japanese corals are abundantly available in the gem markets. According to the astrological sign, the people with Mars (Mangal) in a particular position in the horoscope can wear Coral to get maximum benefits. Pravala/ Coral Stone represents the Greha Mangala/ planet Mars. Parvala is very special and very popular among the Navratnas. Pravala gives immense energy to the person. Most corals are red, bluish, and white. The surface of these coral’s branches has distinctive patterns made by the original skeleton like wood grain or stripped. Golden corals and black corals are made of a horn-like substance called conchiolin. Properly prepared Pravala Bhasma possesses Ksariya and Madhura Rasa and Laghu, Sheeta guna. It is a good appetizer and digestive. It is useful in all types of eye diseases. It mitigates all three vitiated dosa. Its use improves physical strength and is especially useful in Kaphaja and Vataja Roga. It is indicated in Kshaya Roga, Kasa, raktapitta, excessive sweating, and night sweats. It nullifies the influence of poisons within the body. It kills many infectious organisms in the body. Its judicious use for internal administration improves virility and skin complexion.
प्रवाल एक समुद्री जन्तु विशेष का मृत शरीर होता है | छिछले समुन्द्रों में ये जंतु अपना जीवन यापन करते है | जीव शरीर में चुने की मात्रा अत्यधिक बढ़ जाने पर जन्तु मर जा है और वही मृत शरीर प्रवाल कहलाता है। औषधार्थ श्रेष्ठ प्रवाल गुलाबी रंग का छिद्रयुक्त सुषिर मोटे खण्डों के रूप में प्राप्त होता है। जो प्रवाल की शाखायें होती है। प्रवाल श्वेत या मट मेले कृष्ण वर्ण का भी उपलब्ध होता है | मुक्ता सदृश प्रवाल भी कैल्शियम कार्बोनेट है | रासायनिक दृष्टि से यह भी कैल्शियम, कार्बन एवं ऑक्सीजन का यौगिक है | रत्नो में गुलाबी वर्ण के प्रवाल की गणना होती है। जो विशेषतः भूमध्यसागर के द्वीपों में पाया जाता है | प्रवाल की उत्पत्ति छिछले समुद्र में एंथोजोन पोलिप्स नामक जल जंतु द्वारा होती है | द्वारा होती है। यह जन्तु अँगूठी की तरह सछिद्र होता है | समुद्री जल में कुछ अंश चुने का होने के कारण जन्तु अपनी जीवन यात्रा चलाने के लिए समुद्री जल पीते है | तब उनके अन्दर चूने की कुछ मात्रा चली जाती है। इस प्रकार प्रतिदिन समुद्री जल पीने से चूने का अंश उनके शरीर में अवशोषित होने लगता है | जब उनके शरीर में चुने की मात्रा अधिक हो जाती है। तो वे सभी जलजन्तु मरणास एक स्थान पर एकत्रित हो जाते है, तो वे सभी जल जंतु मरणासन होकर निश्चित रीती से करोड़ो कीट एक स्थान पर एकत्रित हो जाते है | एकत्रित होने पर उनकी आकृति वृक्ष जैसे हो जाती है | जिससे उसके शाखा प्रशाखाओं द्वारा समुद्र तल में प्रवाल वृक्ष बढ़ते रहता है |
Benefits of Parvala / Vidruma in Astrology
Ratna indicated as per Astrological science to nullify the maleficent effect of various planets (Grahas) and to treat the Roga (disorders) related to that particular planet.
Planet | Gem used |
Sun (Surya) | Manikya (Ruby) |
Moon (Chandra) | Mukta (Pearl) |
Mars (Mangala) | Vidruma (Coral) |
Mercury (Buddha) | Markat (Emerald) |
Jupiter (Guru) | Pushapraga (Topaz) |
Venus (Shukra) | Vajra (Diamond) |
Saturn (Shani) | Neelam (Blue sapphire) |
Rahu | Gomeda (Hessonite) |
Ketu | Vaidurya (Cat’s eye stone) |
Diseases induced by maleficent effects of planets (Greha Roga) or diseases induced by Dushkarma (sinful deeds) done by the Rogi (patient) i.e Karma Vipaka Siddhanta.
Planet | Diseases Caused |
Sun | Shoth (Inflammation in the body), Apsmar (Epilepsy), Paitikavikara, Jawara (Fever), Diseases of the eye, skin, and bone, rational fears, Bites from poisonous reptiles like snakes, weakening the digestive system, constipation causing. |
Moon | Sleep diseases such as Anidra (insomnia) or somnambulism (sleepwalking), Kaphaj Kasa, Atisara, Alsaya, Agnimandya (Loss of appetite), Aruchi (Disinterest in food), Kamala (Jaundice), Chitudvega, Grehani, Hydrophobia, Fear of animals with horns, Problems concerning women, Hallucinations |
Mars | Trishna (Excessive thirst), Bilious disorders, Flatulence, Excessive fear of fire, Gulma, appendicitis, Kustha (Leprosy), eye disorder, Apsmar (Epilepsy), Rakta Vikara, Majja Vikar (Bone marrow diseases), Kandu (Itching), Ruksha Twaka (Rough skin). |
Mercury | Lack of self-confidence, Gala Rog (Throat problems like goiter, etc.), Nasagata Rog (Nose Diseases), Vata- Kaphaj Roga, Cold and Cough, Flatulence, Poisoning. Twaka Dosha (Skin diseases), Vicharchika. Jaundice. |
Jupiter | Gulma, Appendicitis, Karan Vedna (an ear disease), Sanyas.Frequent litigation, Problems with friends, parents, and relatives. |
Venus | Pandu (Anaemia), Netra Roga (Disorders of the eye), Flatulence, Cough, Mutrakrich (Urinary disease), Prameha (Diabetes), Syphilis, Shukra-Vyapati (Low sperm count), Impotence, Dryness of Mouth, Constipation, Irrational fears. |
Saturn | Flatulence, Cough, Pain in the legs, Excessive Fatigue, Illusion, Daha (Excessive heat in the body), Mental shocks, Personal calamities, and Accidents causing temporary or lasting wounds. |
Rahu | Heart diseases such as an attack, Shotha (Inflammation), Kushtha (Leprosy), illusions, hallucinations, disease due to poisoning, excessive hurt, and wounds. |
Ketu | Unknown mysterious diseases, cannot be easily found by doctors. |
Rashi or Zodiac Sign that Can Wear Coral
According to the astrological sign, the people with Mars (Mangal) in a particular position in the horoscope can wear Coral to get maximum benefits.
Pravala / Coral Stone represents the Greha Mangala/ planet Mars. Parvala is very special and very popular among the Navratnas. Pravala gives immense energy to the person.
People with below mentioned Rashi or zodiac sign can also wear Pravala (Coral) but with careful consultation with the astrological experts:
- Karka Rashi (Cancer)
- Mesha Rashi (Aries)
- Vrischika Rashi (Scorpio)
- Makara Rashi (Pisces)
- Singha Rashi (Leo)
- Dhanu Rashi (Saggitarius)
Karka (Cancer)
Mangala / Mars planet is the lord of the fifth and tenth houses. Both of these places are auspicious for the Karka (Cancer) zodiac. Cancer or Karka Rashi can wear coral as the fifth house is related to children, romance, decision-making ability, and education, and the tenth house is referred to career.
Mesha (Aries)
For Mesha Rashi, Mars / Mangala Greha is the lord of the eight houses i.e., Lagnesh and Ashtmesh. Lagnesh is considered auspicious and Ashtmesh is considered inauspicious, and this house is related to age and death. So, after consultation with an astrologer, one can wear coral to nullify the maleficent effect and get maximum benefits.
Scorpio (Vrischika Rashi)
Mangala / Mars is the lord of the Vrischika/Scorpio, which is very auspicious for them. Coral can be worn by the Vrischika Rashi but with precautions as Mangala is also the lord of the sixth house which is Amangal / Inauspicious.
Book Reference of Pravala / Vidruma (Coral)

Which Pravala / Vidruma (Coral) is Best to Use in Astrology (Jyotish Shastra)?
Astrological experts suggest that the person who is experiencing the cruelty of the Mangal Greha or Mars in the Horoscope should wear red Parvala / Moonga so that they get maximum benefits from the God of Warfare and commander of armies of God (Mars).
Depending on the color Pravala / Coral is of four types:
- White
- Grey
- Black
- Red
Out of these red colors Moonga/ Pravala is considered best for astrological purposes.
Depending on the part used Pravala is classified as:
- Pravala Mula
- Pravala Sakha
Both of these types of Vidruma possess similar properties.
Different Varieties of Coral / Vidruma / Pravala
Lace Coral
Lace coral is the most common Vidruma that belongs to the aragonite skeletons and the Stylasteridae family. Lace coral is not used in the jewelry trade or astrological science. Sometimes this type is used to be dyed to simulate precious Moonga/ Coral. Lace coral grows in single planes, flat and broad and its branches are very fragile, but its skeleton is orange, purple, pink, white, or tan. This type of Vidruma i.e., Lace coral was added to CITES Appendix II in 1990. Lace Coral does not come under threatened species but may become one if its trade is not controlled.
Fossil Coral
Fossil corals are the coral in which the original structure of the aragonite is replaced by Calcite or agate. Due to the fossilization, the ancient corals become very attractive and therefore used in jewelry and this fossil coral has been replaced by agate.
Oxblood Coral / Moro Coral / Aka Coral
Oxblood Coral / Vidruma is the trade name of Corallium japonicum which is considered as the precious coral / Vidruma. Moro is the Italian name and Aka is the Japanese name of the Oxblood coral. Oxblood coral has fan-shaped branches which are dark red to very dark or light purplish red on the exterior and white on the interior. Oxblood coral is used in premium jewelry pieces.
Mediterranean Coral / Sardinian Coral
The scientific name of the Sardinian Coral is Corallium Rubrum which is mainly harvested in the Mediterranean Sea, the Coast of Sardinia, The Canary Islands, the Atlantic coast of North Africa, and the Republic of Cape Verde. The trunk of the Sardinian coral grows to 8mm in diameter and its branch is bush shaped. This Coral is very famous for its uniform crimson-red color. Its beads are 5- 7 mm in size and can be harvested in designated areas by Scuba divers, but its trunk size must exceed 7mm in diameter.
Sciacca Coral / Dead Coral
Sciacca Coral is a variety of coral that is found in the Strait of Sicily with the botanical name Corallium rubrum. This Vidruma/ Coral was very popular from the 19th century. The color of the Dead coral is salmon pink, orange-red, or vibrant orange. Its branches are fan-shaped with a maximum diameter of 5 mm.
S-atsuma Coral, Momo Coral, Cerasuola Coral
S-atsuma Coral is botanically known as Pleurocorallium elatius which mostly grows in Taiwanese and Japanese water at depths of 150- 350 meters. S-atsuma Coral is one of the precious corals which is bright red, dark pink, and flesh color with the core. In Italy, this coral is known as Cerasulo, and in Japan, this coral is known as Momo which is fan-shaped and used in high-end jewelry. S-atsuma Coral is considered the favorite carving material in Asia.
Bamboo Coral
Bamboo corals are sometimes known as Chinese coral Sea bamboo coral or Jointed coral which is not listed under CITES and is very abundant and belongs to the Isididae family. Bamboo Coral is pale brown or off-white calcareous internodes. Bamboo Coral has brown or dark black keratinous nodes that resemble the structure of Bamboo but is frequently dyed and bleached with red, pink, and orange colors.
Sponge Coral
101 species of Vidruma belong to the Melithaeidae family, and it is the most common calcareous coral which is mostly found in shallow water of Indo- pacific regions. Wildly this sponge coral is known as a sea fan as it has broad fan-like branches. This variety of sponges highly resembles the sponge as it is porous, that’s why it is named sponge coral. Sponge coral is also known as red spongy coral or Congi Coral, its small pieces are stabilized, dyed, and assembled to create different shapes and are used to create jewelry.
Black Coral
From the order of Antipatharia, the proteinaceous organic coral, black coral is the common coral which is made up of protein and nitrogen-containing polysaccharides similar to insect exoskeletons i.e., Chitin. Black corals are found in tropical and subtropical waters and are used to bleach to create a golden color. Black coral is known as king coral or horn coral.
Gold Coral
Gold coral is bleached black coral. Two other types of gold corals are also found. One is Alaskan gold and the other is Hawaiian gold. Currently, Alaskan gold coral is not being harvested but in the 1980s it is the by-product of Halibut Alaskan Gold. Hawaiian gold was discovered in 1971 and is a member of the Genus Gerardia.
How to Wear Pravala / Vidruma / Moonga (Coral)?
धारण विधि
शुक्ल पक्ष के मंगलवार को प्रात: मंगल की होरा में मृगशिरा, चित्रा या धनिष्ठा नक्षत्र में सोने या तांबे के अंगूठी में जड़वाकर, बीज मन्त्र द्वारा अभिमन्त्रित करके अनामिका अंगुली में ६, ८, १० या १२ रत्ती के वजन में धारण करना कल्याणकर होता है । धारणोपरान्त मंगल स्तोत्र एवं मंगल ग्रह का दान करना शुभ होता है।
It is auspicious to wear a ring of 6, 8, 10 or 12 ratti on the ring finger in the morning of Shukla Paksha in the morning of Mars, in Mrigashira, Chitra or Dhanishtha Nakshatra, after getting it embedded in a gold or copper ring, invoked by Beej Mantra. It is auspicious to donate Mangal Stotra and Mars after Dharna.
भौम बीज मन्त्र – ॐ क़ां, क्रीं, क्रौं स: भौमाय नम: ।
शारीरिक स्वास्थ्य एवं कुण्डली में मंगल नीच राशिस्थ हो तो सफेद मूँगा भी धारण किया जाता है।
If Mars is debilitated in physical health and horoscope, then white coral is also worn.
Vedic Siddhanta of Wearing Vidruma / Pravala / Moonga (Coral)
कुछ व्यक्ति मूंगे की माला भी बनाकर पहनते हैं तथा अँगूठी भी । मूँगा कम से कम ८ रत्ती का और अधिक से अधिक ९, ११ अथवा १२ रत्ती के मूंगे को कम से कम ६ रत्ती स्वर्ण अँगूठी में जड़वाना चाहिये । मंगलवार के दिन मेष या वृश्चिक राशि पर चन्द्रमा हो अथवा मृगशिरा, चित्रा, धनिष्ठा अथवा अनुराधा नक्षत्र हो तब प्रात:काल से ११ बजे के मध्य सोने की अँगूठी बनवाकर मूंगे को इस तरह जड़वाना चाहिये कि मूँगे का निचला भाग अँगुली की त्वचा से स्पर्श करता रहे। अँगूठी तैयार होने के बाद प्रात: ११बजे भौम यज्ञ कराना चाहिये । इसके लिये ताम्रपत्र पर खुदे मंगल यंत्र पर मूँगे जड़ित अँगूठी रखकर उसका विधिनुसार पूजन करें, फिर मंगल मन्त्र:-
ॐ अग्नि मूर्द्धा दिव: ककुत्पति : पृथव्या अयं | आपा रेता सिजीवन्ति | श्री भौमाय नम: | का यथाशक्ति जप करना चाहिये। फिर ब्राह्मण द्वाराॐ भौमाय नम:।
Some people also make coral beads and wear them as rings. A minimum of 8-carat coral and a maximum of 9, 11, or 12-carat coral should be studded in a minimum 6-carat gold ring. On Tuesday, if there is Moon in Aries or Scorpio, or Mrigashira, Chitra, Dhanishtha, or Anuradha Nakshatra, then between 11 a.m., a gold ring should be made, and the coral should be fixed in such a way that the lower part of the coral touches the skin of the finger. are. After getting the ring ready, Bhaum Yagya should be performed at 11 am. For this, keep a ring studded with coral on the Mangal Yantra engraved on the copper sheet and worship it according to the method. After that Mantra Given below will be chanted:
ॐ अग्नि मूर्द्धा दिव: ककुत्पति : पृथव्या अयं | आपा रेता सिजीवन्ति | श्री भौमाय नम: | का यथाशक्ति जप करना चाहिये। फिर ब्राह्मण द्वाराॐ भौमाय नम:।
मन्त्र का जप करते हुये ७०० आहुति देकर हवन करें । इसके बाद अँगूठी में मंगल ग्रह की प्राण–प्रतिष्ठा कर बायें हाथ की मध्यमा अँगुली में अँगूठी को धारण करना चाहिये । उस कर्मकाण्ड करने वाले ब्राह्मण को लाल वस्त्र, गुड़, गेहूँ तथा यथाशक्ति दान कर भौम यन्त्र को भी दान कर देना चाहिये।उपर्युक्त प्रकार से धारण की गई अँगूठी मंगलकृत अनिष्ट को नष्ट कर जीवन को सुखपूर्ण बनाती है।
Perform Havan by offering 700 oblations while chanting the mantra. After this, the ring should be worn on the middle finger of the left hand by consecrating the planet Mars in the ring. By donating red clothes, jaggery, wheat, and as much as possible to the Brahmin who performs that ritual, he should also donate Bhoum Yantra.

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When to wear Pravala / Moonga / Vidruma?
शुक्ल पक्ष के मंगलवार को प्रात: मंगल की होरा में मृगशिरा, चित्रा या धनिष्ठा नक्षत्र में सोने या तांबे के अंगूठी में जड़वाकर, बीज मन्त्र द्वारा अभिमन्त्रित करके अनामिका अंगुली में ६, ८, १० या १२ रत्ती के वजन में धारण करना कल्याणकर होता है । धारणोपरान्त मंगल स्तोत्र एवं मंगल ग्रह का दान करना शुभ होता है।
It is auspicious to wear a ring of 6, 8, 10 or 12 ratti on the ring finger in the morning of Shukla Paksha in the morning of Mars, in Mrigashira, Chitra or Dhanishtha Nakshatra, after getting it embedded in a gold or copper ring, invoked by Beej Mantra. It is auspicious to donate Mangal Stotra and Mars after Dharna.
Where to Wear Pravala / Vidruma / Moonga (Coral)?
Pravala (Coral) should be worn on the ring finger of the right hand (Dakshin Hasta) or the working hand. As per the top astrologers’ Pravala/ Moonga (Coral) should be worn in such a way that it touches the skin (Tvak) of the wearer and should not be fully enclosed in the metallic part of the jewelry.
In the old time, only royal people like kings and queens or Aadhya (rich) people wore obnoxiously expensive gemstones. But today over time they are becoming affordable to successful business people, celebrities, and even the regular population also able to buy gemstones. But the certification and verification of Gems are important otherwise one cannot get its maximum benefits, or it just remains a waste of money.
Synonyms of Pravala / Vidruma (Coral)
Reference: Rasa Trangini 23/ 128
प्रवालक प्रवालश्च भौम रत्नश्च विद्रुमम |
अब्धि जंतु विशेषोत्त्म तदेव पारिकीर्तितं ||
Coral is known by various names in Sanskrit like Pravalaka, Pravala, Bhoum Ratna, Vidruma, Latamani, Rakta Kanda, RaktangaAbdhi Jantu Vishesho, etc.
History of Vidruma / Pravala (Coral)
Like Mukta, Indians also know about coral from very ancient times. In Shrimad Bhagwat, Mahabharata, etc. coral is mentioned in many places. Coral has been used in medicine at many places in Charaka Samhita. This is the representative gem of Mars. Coral is the dead body of a particular marine animal. These animals live their lives in shallow seas. Animals die when the amount of lime in the organism increases excessively, and the same dead body is called coral. Medicinally, the best coral is obtained in the form of pink-colored porous dried thick blocks. Which are the branches of coral. Coral is also available in white or beige black color. Pearl-like coral is also calcium carbonate. Chemically, it is also a compound of calcium, carbon, and oxygen. Pink coral is counted in gems. Which features: Found in the islands of the Mediterranean. Coral is produced in the shallow sea by water animals called anthozoan polyps. This animal is porous like a ring. Due to the presence of some part of lime in seawater, animals drink seawater to run their life journey. Then some amount of lime goes inside them. In this way, by drinking seawater every day, part of the lime gets absorbed into the body. When the amount of lime in their body becomes more. So, all those water animals being about to die, in a certain way, crores of insects gather in one place. When collected, their shape becomes like a tree. Due to this, the coral tree continues to grow on the ocean floor through its branches.
Corals (Pravala) are marine animals in class Anthozoa of phylum Cnidaria typically living in compact colonies of many identical individual “polyps” The group includes the important reef builders that inhabit ‘tropical oceans’ and secrete calcium carbonate (CaCO3) to form a hard skeleton. A Pravala Shira/ coral “head” is a colony of myriad genetically identical polyps and each polyp is a spineless animal typically only a few millimeters in diameter and a few centimeters in length. A set of tentacles surround a central mouth opening. An exoskeleton is excreted near the base. Over many generations, the colony thus creates a large skeleton that is characteristic of the species. Individual heads grow by asexual reproduction of polyps. Corals also breed sexually by spawning polyps of the same species that release gametes simultaneously throughout one to several nights around a full moon.
Using stinging cells on their tentacles, Pravala/ Corals can catch small fish and plankton. Most Pravala/ corals obtain the majority of their energy and nutrients from zooxanthellae, which is photosynthetic unicellular algae that live within the coral’s tissue. Such Pravala requires sunlight and grows in clear, shallow water, typically at depths shallower than 60 meters (200 ft). Corals can be major contributors to the physical structure of the coral reefs that develop in tropical and subtropical waters, such as the enormous Great Barrier Reef off the coast of Queensland, Australia.
Other corals do not have associated algae and can live in much deeper water, with the cold-water genus Lophelia surviving as deep as 3,000 meters (9,800 ft). Examples live on the Darwin Mounds located northwest of Cape Wrath, Scotland. Pravala has also been found off the coast of the United States in Washington State and the Aleutian Islands in Alaska. Coral’s many colors give it appeal for necklaces and other jewelry. Intensely ‘red coral’ is prized as a gemstone. Sometimes called ‘fire coral’, it is not the same as fire coral. Because of overharvesting, red coral is very rare.
भारतीयों को मुक्ता की तरह प्रवाल का भी ज्ञान अति प्राचीन काल से है। श्रीमदभागवत, महाभारत आदि में धारणार्थ प्रवाल का अनेक स्थानों पर उल्लेख मिलता है। चरक संहिता में अनेक स्थानों पर प्रवाल का चिकित्सा में प्रयोग किया गया है। यह मंगलग्रह का प्रतिनिधि रत्न है। प्रवाल एक समुद्री जन्तु विशेष का मृत शरीर होता है। छिछले समुद्रों में ये जन्तु अपना जीवन यापन करते है। जीव शरीर में चूने की मात्रा अत्यधिक बढ़ जाने पर जन्तु मर जाते है और वही मृत शरीर प्रवाल कहलाता है। | औषधार्थ श्रेष्ठ प्रवाल गुलाबी रंग का छिद्रयुक्त सुषिर मोटे खंडो के रूप में प्राप्त होता है। जो प्रवाल की शाखायें होती है। प्रवाल श्वेत या मटमैले कृष्णवर्ण का भी उपलब्ध होता है। मुक्ता सदृश प्रवाल भी कैल्शियम काबोनिट है। रासायनिक द्ष्टि से यह भी कैल्शियम, कार्बन एवं ऑक्सीजन का यौगिक है। रत्नो में गुलाबी वर्ण के प्रवाल की गणना होती है। जो विशेषतें: भूमध्यसागर के द्वीपों में पाया जाता है। प्रवाल की उत्पत्ति छिछले समुद्र में एन्थेजोअन पॉलिप्स नामक जलजन्तुओं द्वारा होती है। यह जन्तु अँगूठी की तरह सछिद्र होता है। समुद्री जल में कुछ अंश चूने का होने के कारण जन्तु अपनी जीवन यात्रा चलाने के लिए समुद्री जल पीते है। तब उनके अन्दर चूने की कुछ मात्रा चली जाती है। इस प्रकार प्रतिदिन समुद्री जल पीने से चूने का अंश उनके शरीर में अवशोषित होने लगता है। जब उनके शरीर में चूने की मात्र अधिक हो जाती है। तो वे सभी जलजन्तु मरणासन्न होकर निश्चित रीति से करोडो कीट एक स्थान पर एकत्रित हो जाते है। एकत्रित होने पर उनकी आकृति वृक्ष जैसी हो जाती है। जिससे उसके शाखा प्रशाखाओं द्वारा समुद्रतल में प्रवाल वृक्ष बढ़ते रहता है।
Characteristics of Vidruma / Moonga (Coral)
Most corals are red, bluish, and white. The surface of these coral’s branches has distinctive patterns made by the original skeleton like wood grain or stripped. Golden corals and black corals are made of a horn-like substance called conchiolin.
- The coral is opaque and red.
- The grey and white colored corals are harder than the red ones.
- Red corals are the most valuable jewel and medicine as well.
- Its hardness is 3 and its specific gravity is 2.6.
The Chemical Constituents of the Coral are as Follows:
- Carbonate of lime – 7.8%
- Sand – 2%
- Magnesium carbonate – 3%
- Iron – Traces
- Magnesia – Traces
- Organic matter and water – 16%
Nowadays, three parts of this peculiar gem are in use. In view of the high cost, pharmaceutical companies are procuring the coral- reef, leaving the bead and the stick (branch). The reef is called Pravala Mula while the branch is styled as Parvala Sakha.
प्रवाल लालवर्ण का,टेढ़ा–मेढ़ा शलाकाकृति कठिन द्रव्य है। ओषधि प्रयोगार्थ पतली शलाकाकृति ही आता हैं और जो श्रेष्ठ लक्षण हैं वे धारणार्थ प्रवाल रत्न के हैं। यह रासायनिक दृष्टि से कैलसियम कार्बोनेट है। इसका आपेक्षिक घनत्व २.६० से २.७० है एवं काठिन्य ३.५ है।
Pravala / Vidruma / Moonga (Coral) Yoni (Source)
Reference: Ratna Vigyaanam
ब्रहमादिजातिभेदेन तच्चतुरविधमुच्यते।
अरुण शशरक्ताख्यं कोमल स्निग्धमेव च ॥
प्रवाल॑ विप्रजाति: स्यात् सुखवेध्यं मनोर्मम्।
जपाबन्धूकसिन्दूरं दाडिमीकुसुमप्रभम्।
कठिन दुर्वेध्यमस्निग्ध॑ क्षत्रजातिस्तदुच्यते ॥
पलाशकुसुमाभासं तथा पाटलसन्निभम्।
वैश्य जातिर्भवेत्सिग्ध॑ वर्णाद्यं मन्दकान्तिभृत् ॥
रक्तोत्पलदलाकार॑ कठिनं च चिरद्युति।
विद्रुमं शूद्जाति: स्यात् वायुवेध्य॑ तथैव च ॥
Pravala is of 4 types by color and creed.
Brahmin Variety – First one is red in color that looks like rabbit blood, soft, smooth, and is beautiful. This belongs to the Brahmin variety and is easy to pierce through.
Kshatriya Variety – The Kshatriya variety is pale red like the color of the Japa flower, Bandhuka flower, and of Dadima. This is not so smooth and difficult for piercing.
Vaishya Variety – The Vaishya type of Pravala looks like Patala and Palasha, thick, red, dull, and smooth.
Shudra variety – The shudra variety of Pravala has the color of a red lotus petal, is hard and lustrous, and cannot be pierced easily. Piercing is done to make a hole in the center of Pravala to arrange it in a chain.
The Brahmin variety is suitable for all castes, and it gives good results. This is good for the Kuja, the planet Mars.
प्रवाल का अर्थ है लाल वर्ण , कोमल लाल पत्ते | अत: श्रेष्ठ परवाल लाल वर्ण का होता है यद्पि ये अनेक रंगो में मिलता है, तथापि लाल के सिवा सब बेकार है | लाल, गुलाबी, भूरा, श्वेत, कृष्ण, आदि | इनमे कृष्ण दुर्लभ है | कभी कभी ईरान की खाड़ी में काला प्रवाल मिलता है |
Depending on Color Pravala is of 4 Types:
- White
- Grey
- Black
- Red, out of these red varieties, is considered best.
Depending on the Part Used, Pravala is Classified as:
- Pravala Mula
- Pravala Sakha, both possess similar properties.
Grahaya Lakshana of Pravala / Vidruma / Moonga (Coral)
Reference: Rasa ratna Sammuchya. 4/ 17
पक्व बिम्वफलच्छायं वृत्तायतमवक्रकम् |
स्निग्धम व्रणकं स्थूलं प्रवालं सप्तधा शुभम् ||
Reference: Ayurveda Prakasha. 5/ 91
अपि च– बालार्ककिरणारक्ता सागरसलिलोद्धवा लता या अस्ति ||
न त्यजति निजरुचिं निकषे घृष्टाथपि सा स्मृता जात्या ||
Reference: Aa. K. Kri. 8/ 27
अपि च–सेतौ सागरमध्ये या जायते वल्लरी शुभा ||
विद्रुमाख्या सुरक्ता सा दुर्लभा दीप्तरूपिणी |
पाषाणत्वं भजत्येषा पाकत: कठिना सती ||
प्रवालनाम तद् रक्तंवर्णसौभाग्यकान्तिदम् |
सिद्ध स्वच्छ स्निग्धरूप॑ वृत्त॑ कान्त॑ सम गुरु ||
रंग गात्रंदृढ़ पिण्डं प्रवालं श्रेष्ठ उच्चयते |
पक्व बिम्बफलाभासं जपाकुसुमसन्रिभम् ||
शुकतुण्डसमच्छायं प्रवालमतिशोभनम् ||
That which looks like ripened Bimbi phala (Coccinia indica), round or oval shaped, having no curves and damaged spots, smooth in touch, and big in size-such Pravala is considered best.
Reference: Rasa Trangini. 23/ 129
आरक्तमञ्जुलच्छाय॑ स्निग्ध॑ वृत्तञ्चनिर्ब्रणम् ।
दीर्घस्थूल॑ गुरु दृढं ग्राह्म॑ विद्रुममुच्यते ||
The Pravala (coral), which possesses the radiance of deep red color, is smooth and soft, has a long and bulky branch, which has no aberrations, and which is heavy and strong; such a sample of ‘Pravala’ is considered fit and selected for therapeutic purposes.
ग्राह्म प्रवाल–
पके हुए बिम्बीफल सदूश रक्तवर्ण, गोल, सीधा, लम्बे आकार का, स्निग्ध, वर्ण रहित तथा मोटा–इन सात लक्षणों से युक्त प्रवाल शुभ माना जाता है| प्रात: कालीन सूर्य किरणों के सदृश रक्तवर्ण का, समुद्र में उत्पन्न होने वाला कसौटी पर घिसने पर भी अपनी चमक को नहीं छोड़ने वाला लता सदृश प्रवाल श्रेष्ठ होता है |
Agrahya Lakshna of Pravala / Vidruma / Coral
अग्राह्य लक्षण
Reference: Rasa ratna Sammuchya. 4 / 18
पाण्डुर धूसरं रुक्षं स व्रण कोटरान्वितम् | निर्भारं शुभ्रसूक्मञ्च प्रवाल॑ नेष्यते अष्टधा ||
The coral, which is pale, smoky, rough to touch with damaged spots and holes weightless and white in color such Pravala should be discarded.
Reference: Rasa Trangini. 23 / 130
पाण्डुरं स व्रण रूक्ष॑ सशिरं लघु धूसरम् । कृष्ण सूक्ष्म॑ सुगसृणं हेय॑ विद्रुममीरितम् ।।
The Pravala (coral), which possesses the radiance of deep red color, is smooth and soft, has long and bulky branches, which have no aberrations, and is heavy and strong; such a sample of ‘Pravala’ is considered fit and selected for therapeutic purposes.
पाण्डुर वर्ण , धूसर, व्रण युक्त , रुक्ष, छिद्र युक्त, लघु तथा श्वेत वर्ण, इन सात दोषों से युक्त प्रवाल अशुभ होता है |
मूँगे के दोष—श्वेत छींट वाला, धुना, दोरंग, गड्ढे वाला, धब्बा और चीरवाला तथा लाख के रंग वाला मूँगा दूषित होता है। अंगभंग, गड्ढेदार, दोरंगा मुँगा, सुख सम्पत्ति को नष्ट करता है । श्वेत छींट वाला मूँगा सुखरहित होता है तथा काले धब्बे वाला मुँगा मृत्यु समान कष्ट देता है। अत: इन दोषों से रहित मूँगा अच्छी तरह परख कर लेना चाहिये।
Pravala / Moonga / Vidruma Aayu (Lifespan of Coral)
Reference: Rasa Jala Niddhi. 3/ 4, Ratna Dhatu Vigyana
न जरां यान्ति रत्नानि मौक्तिकं विद्रुमं बिना।
Though the gemstones of mineral origin are eternal, the Exception is Mukta (pearl) which has a limited lifespan, and also Vidruma- coral. After a few years, it grows old and eventually loses its character, but other gemstones are eternal, but they also need to be maintained and revitalization of them is necessary to get maximum benefits.
आयु- कुछ समय पश्चात् काल प्रभाव से प्रवाल खराब हो जाते है। किन्तु अन्य रत्नों पर काल का प्रभाव नहीं होता है।
Pravala Aayu after Dharana (Lifespan of Coral after Assumption)
Reference: Astrologer Prakasha Prasada-Jyotish Evam Sadhna Parkasha
Ratna gives maximum benefits when they have a powerful life expectancy. A lot is dependent on how much you care about your coral as they need to be maintained to remain effective. The average effectiveness of Coral is approximately 3- 4 years, but we can again revitalize the coral.
As Pravala is Gem for the planet Mars (Mangal) and its life span after assumption is approximately 3- 4 years after that it loses its Prabhava on the beholder.
For more information regarding this please visit Iafa…….
Occurrence or Places of Availability of Pravala / Vidruma (Coral)
Most precious coral is found in warm waters. Japanese coral is red, pink, or white and is also found on the Mediterranean and African coasts of the West Indies, Australia, and the Pacific Island.
प्राप्तिस्थान– प्रवाल केवल समुद्र में ही मिलता है। इटली, स्पेन, आस्ट्रेलिया, अल्जिरिया, फ्रांस, मैक्सिको, और ट्यूनिस आदि देश (के समुद्रों मे प्रवाल मिलता है) इसके लिए प्रसिद्ध है। भारतीय समुद्रों में प्रवाल नहीं मिलता है | छिछले समुद्रों में होने वाली लता जातीय प्राणी की शाखा को बाहर निकाल–सुखाकर प्रवाल संज्ञा दी जाती है। यह पतली–छोटी–मोटी शलाकाकृति, लाल एवं टेढ़ा–मेढ़ा द्रव्य है। प्रवाल की उत्पत्ति छिछले समुद्र में जल जन्तुओं द्वार होती है। इनमें एंथोजोआ पोलिप्स नामक प्राणी ही मुख्य रूप से है। यह जन्तु अंगूठी की तरह सछिद्र होता है। समुद्री जल में कुछ अंश चूने का होता है। वे जन्तु अपनी जीवन यात्रा चलाने हेतु जब समुद्री जल पी लेते, हैं तब उनके अन्दर चूने की कुछ मात्रा चली जाती है, इसी तरह रोज समुद्री जल पीने से चूने का अंश उनके शरीर के अन्दर शोषित होने लगता है और जब उनके शरीर में चुने की मात्रा अधिक हो जाती है तो वे सभी जन्तुएँ मरणासन्न होकर निश्चित रीति से करोड़ों कीडे एक स्थान पर बैठते हैं। बैठने के बाद उनको आकृति वृक्ष–लता जैसी होती है और पुन: उसमें नया जीवन संचार हो जाता है। हर क्षण अरबों कीडे वहाँ पर नियत आकृति में बैठते रहते हैं जिससे उसके शाखों: द्वारा समुद्र तल में प्रवाल वृक्ष बढते रहता है। आज इटली के समुद्र, भू मध्यसागर, अफ्रिका समुद्र, एवं यूरोपीय समुद्रों में मीलों तक प्रवाल वृक्ष , प्रवाल चट्टान आदि से भरा पड़ा है।
How Parvala / Vidruma / Moonga / Coral is formed?
Although many types of animals make coral, among them, insects called Anthozoa polyps are predominant. This animal is round, porous, and polypoidal like a ring. Its presence is in the oceans with warm water. Its female insects lay crores of eggs simultaneously. Those insects lie in the seawater and at a favorable place (like a bee-bee sits) they sit holding each other with their legs and become trees and spread in the sea. The worms at the bottom die and keep getting converted into lime. Coral is the bone remains of an animal. The tree of coral is porous, because of which it is saturated with water from which it is nourished. The root of coral is like a beehive. Its color is red and white lime is filled in between.
प्रवाल निर्माण
यद्यपि प्रवाल बनाने वाले अनेक प्रकार के जंतु है तथापि उनमें से एन्थोजोआँ पालिप्स नामक कीडा प्रधान हैं। यह जंतु अंगूठी की तरह गोल, सछिद्र एवं बहुपादी है। इसकी उपस्थिति उष्ण जल वाले समुन्द्रों में होती है | इसकी स्त्री कीडे एक साथ करोड़ों अण्डे देती है। वे कीड़े समुंद्री जल में पड़े रहते है और अनुकूल स्थान पर (मधु–मक्खी जैसी बैठती है उसी तरह) वे कीड़े एक पर एक अपने पैरो से पकड कर बैठते हैं और वृक्षाकृति होकर समुद्र में फैल जाते है | नीचे के कीड़े मर जाते है और चूना के रूप में परिवर्तित होते रहते है | जंतु की अस्थि अवशेष ही प्रवाल है। प्रवाल का वृक्ष सछिद्र होता है उसी से जल का सच्चर होता है जिस से उसका पोषण होता है। प्रवाल की जड़ मधुमक्खी के छत्ता जैसा होता है | इसका रंग लाल होता है बीच–बीच में श्वेत चूना भरा होता है।
Purification of Coral (Shodhana of Vidruma / Pravala)
First Purification Method
Reference: Rasa Trangini. 23/ 131
जयन्त्या स्वरसेनेह दोलायन्त्रे तु विद्रुमम |यामैक॑ सुपरिस्विन्नं शुद्धिमायात्यनुत्तमाम् ||
The roughly pounded Pravala (coral) is tied in a ‘pottali’ and subjected for 3 hours (one yama) of ‘swedana’ in dolayantra by keeping ‘Jayanti swarasa’ as liquid media. Later the drug is washed, dried, and stored in an airtight container as ‘suddha pravala’ for further pharmaceutical use.
Second Purification Method
Reference: Rasa Trangini. 23/ 132
स्वर्जिकाक्षारसंयुक्ते सलिले परिपाचितम्| यामैकेन प्रवालं तु शुद्धिमायात्यनुत्तमाम् ||
The roughly pounded Pravala (coral) is tied in a Pottali and subjected for 3 hours (one yama) of ‘swedana’ in ‘dolayantra’ by keeping ‘sarjaksara jala’ as liquid media. Later the drug is washed, dried, and stored in an airtight container as Suddha Pravala for further pharmaceutical use.
Third Purification Method
Reference: Rasa Trangini. 23/ 133
तण्डुलीयद्रवेणेह दोलायन्त्रे तु यामकम् | प्रवालकं परिस्विन्न॑ शुद्धिमायात्यनुत्तमाम् ||
The roughly pounded Pravala (coral) is tied in a ‘pottali’ and subjected for 3 hours (one yama) of ‘swedana’ in ‘dolayantra’ by keeping ‘tanduliya jala’ as liquid media. Later the drug is washed, dried, and stored in an airtight container as ‘Suddha Pravala’ for further pharmaceutical use.
Incineration of Vidruma / Pravala / Moonga (Coral) or Bhasmikarana / Marana of Vidruma
First Method of Pravala Marana
Reference: Rasa Trangini. 23 / 134-135
विशोधित॑ विद्रुमं तु श्लक्षणचूर्ण तु कारयेत् |
कन्या अम्भसा अथसम्पेष्य शोषयेत् कृतचक्रिकम् ||
सम्पुटस्थ॑ ततः कृत्वा त्रिवारं पुटयेद्धिषक |
एवं पुटत्रवैर्भस्म जायते शशिसुन्दरम ||
The required quantity of Suddha Pravala is taken in a clean Khalva yantra and triturated to obtain it in the form of fine powder. This powder is added with the required quantity of ‘ghrtakumari swarasa and triturated thoroughly to prepare the Chakrikas (pellets) of even size and shape.
These pellets are dried under the sun, enclosed in ‘Sarava Samputa’ and subjected to one ‘puta’ (Laghu puta). All this process is repeated three times to obtain a clean, bright moon-like white baseman of ‘Pravala’. It is later stored in a suitable airtight container for further pharmaceutical as well as therapeutic use.
शुद्ध प्रवाल का चूर्ण करके घृतकुमारी या शतावरी स्वरस में भावना देकर, गोली बनाकर सुखाएं | फिर शराव सम्पुट कर गज पट में पाक करें | इस प्रकार तीन बार गजपुट में पाक करने पर प्रवाल की श्वेत वर्ण की भस्म हो जाती है |
Second Method of Pravala Marana
Reference: Rasa Trangini. 23/ 136
विद्रुमं गव्य दुग्धेनसंपेष्य कृतचक्रिकम् ।
मिर्यतेपुटित॑ भस्म जायतेजतिमनोहरम् ||
The required quantity of Suddha Pravala is taken in a clean Khalva yantra and triturated to obtain it in the form of fine powder. This powder is added with the required quantity of Go Dugdha (cow’s milk) and triturated thoroughly to prepare the Chakrikas (pellets) of even size and shape.
These pellets are dried under the sun, enclosed in ‘Sarava samputa’, and subjected to one ‘puta’ (Laghu puta). All this process is repeated three times to obtain clean, white bhasma of ‘Pravala’. It is later stored in a suitable airtight container for further pharmaceutical as well as therapeutic use.
The Third Method of Pravala Marana
Reference: Rasa Trangini. 23/ 137
जयन्त्या स्वरसेनेह संपेष्य कृतचक्रिकम |
त्रिवारं पुट्टितं सम्यग विद्रुम म्रियते ध्रुवं ||
The required quantity of Suddha pravala’ is taken in a clean Khalva yantra and triturated to obtain it in the form of fine powder. This powder is added with the required quantity of Jayanti swarasa” and triturated thoroughly to prepare the Chakrikas (pellets) of even size and shape.
These pellets are dried under the sun, enclosed in Sarava samputa, and subjected to one ‘puta’ (Laghu puta). All this process is repeated three times to obtain a clean, white bhasma of Pravala. It is later stored in a suitable airtight container for further pharmaceutical as well as therapeutic use.
The Fourth Method of Pravala Marana
Reference: Rasa Trangini. 23/ 138
पिष्टं वरीरसेनेह प्रवाल॑ कृतचक्रिकम् |
म्रियते पुट्टितं वह्नौ भस्म स्यात सुमनोहरम ||
The required quantity of Suddha Pravala is taken in a clean Khalva yantra and triturated to obtain it in the form of fine powder. This powder is added with the required quantity of “Satavari swarasa and triturated thoroughly to prepare the Chakrikas (pellets) of even size and shape.
These pellets are dried under the sun, enclosed in ‘Sarava Samputa’, and subjected to one ‘puta’ (Laghu puta). All this process is repeated three times to obtain clean, white bhasma of ‘Pravala’. It is later stored in a suitable airtight container for further pharmaceutical as well as therapeutic use.
Parvala Bhasma
Pravala bhasma is prepared by three methods and they are known as:
- Chandraputi
- Suryaputi
- Agniputi
Chandraputi Pravala Bhasma: Purified corals are triturated, in the mortar of a stone, with the rose water and the mixture is dried in moonlight. The process is repeated 21 times, thus the fine powder obtained is known as Chandra-put pravala bhasma or Pravala pishti. It is believed that moonlight augments the cooling property of coral. It is pinkish.
Suryaputi Pravala bhasma: Similar procedure as mentioned above is followed, the only difference is the mixture is dried in sunlight. The fine powder of coral obtained is called Suryaputi Pravala bhasma. It is pinkish-white in color.
Agniputi Pravala bhasma: In this method, the purified corals are first processed with aloe juice and then subjected to heating in Laghu putas. The process is repeated three times. The final preparation is a white-coloured fine powder, called Agniputi Pravala Bhasma.
Bhasma of Pravala is white.
Parvala Pishti
Suddha Pravala is taken in a clean Khalva yantra and triturated to obtain it in fine powder form. It is added with the desired quantity of Gulab jala (rose water) and triturated thoroughly for 3 days to obtain a very fine powder of pale rose red color with rose fragrance. It is later stored in a suitable airtight container such as Pravala Pishti.
प्रवाल पिष्टी – शुद्ध प्रवाल को स्वच्छ जल से प्रक्षालन करके सुखायें। फिर लौहे के इमामदस्ते में अच्छी तरह कूटकर सूक्ष्म चूर्ण करके सिमाक पत्थर के खल्व में गुलाब जल के साथ तीन दिन तक अच्छी प्रकार मर्दन कर सुखायें। यह हल्के गुलाबी वर्ण की होती है।
Chandra Puti Pravala Pishti
The purified Pravala is first made into a fine powder, kept in a smooth rock mortar, and ground along with rose water in moon light for 21 days. This is called Chandra Puti Pravala Pishti.
चन्द्रपुटी प्रवाल पिष्टी – शुद्ध प्रवाल के सूक्ष्म चूर्ण को सिमाक पत्थर की खल्व में डालकर गुलाब जल के साथ रात्रि के समय चन्द्रमा के प्रकाश में बैठकर २१ दिन तक मर्दुन करने पर पिष्टि बनती है। इसे चन्द्रपुटी प्रवालपिष्टि कहते है। यह अतिशीतल, मेध्य, बल्य, वृष्य, ओजसू वृद्धिकर एवं सक्तपित्त तथा क्षयरोग नाशक है।
Pravala / Moonga / Vidruma Properties: (Bhasma and Pishti)
Reference: Rasa Tarangini. 23/ 139- 141
दीपनं पाचन चैव दृष्टिरोगनिषूदनम् ||
त्रिदोषशमनं बल्य॑ विशेषात्कफवातनुत् |
क्षयकासहरं चैव रक्तपित्तप्रणाशनम् ||
स्वेदातिनिरगमहरं रात्रस्वेद हरम परम् |
विषघ्नं भूत शमनं वीर्य वर्ण विवर्धनम ||
Properly prepared Pravala Bhasma possesses Kshariya and Madhura Rasa and Laghu, Sheeta guna. It is a good appetizer and digestive. It is useful in all types of eye diseases. It mitigates all three vitiated dosa. Its use improves physical strength and is especially useful in Kaphaja and Vataja Roga.
It is indicated in Kshaya Roga, Kasa, raktapitta, excessive sweating, and night sweats. It nullifies the influence of poisons within the body. It kills many infectious organisms in the body. Its judicious use for internal administration improves virility and skin complexion.
यह मधुर रस, शीत वीर्य एवं लघु होती है | यह क्षारीय स्वाद वाला, दीपन, पाचन, नेत्र के लिए हितकारी, त्रिदोशघ्न, कफ वात नाशक, बाल्य, वृष्य, विषघ्न, भूतघ्न, एवं शुक्रल है | क्षय, खास, रक्तपित्त, अतिस्वेदा एवं रात्रि स्वेद में लाभप्रद होता है | स्वस्थ मनुष्य के सेवन करने पर वीर्य, बल, तथा त्वचा की सुंदरता को बढ़ा देती है |
Dosage and Usage of Pravala / Vidruma / Moonga (Coral)
Reference: Rasa Tarangini. 23/ 142
गुञ्जा अर्धत: समारभ्य गुंजा द्वयमितं परम् |
विद्रुमम विनियुज्जितबलकालाद्य अपेक्षया ||
Quarter Ratti to two Ratti (31 to 250 mg) is the general dosage of Pravala Bhasma. However, the dosage must be finalized after thoroughly considering all the relevant factors that affect the dosage.
प्रवालभस्मयापिष्टीकी मात्रा – १/२ से २ रत्ती तक
Pravala bhasma or Pravala pishti is given in the dose of 50 mg. to 200 mg. according to strength and time of disease and the disease. Since it is corrosive, Pravala bhasma causes stomatitis when taken directly. Therefore it is mixed thoroughly with honey or milk cream to avoid this problem. 200 mg. of pravala is given along with Tandulodaka (rice-soaked water) to immediately relieve dysuria caused by Kapha dosha.
100 mg of Pravala is given along with Rasa Sindura, Katuki (Picrorrhiza kurroa), Draks (grape), and Abhaya (Terminalia chebula) to alleviate severe constipation.
100 mg of Pravala is given mixed with Rasa Sindura and decoction of Goksura (Tribulus terrestris) to cure strangury.
200 mg of Pravala mixed with honey is taken to alleviate night sweating. It controls edema by taking along with Rasa Sindura, Punarava (Boerhaavia diffusa), and Goksura (Tribulus terrestris). Chronic sweating of palms is cured by using an equal quantity of Yasada bhasma and Pravala bhasma mixed with honey for three months.
Pravala is added with equal quantities of Abhraka bhasma and powder of Vamsalocana (Bamboo manna) to alleviate cough caused by phthisis.
According to Unani Therapeutics, Pravala bhasma is administered to children who suddenly wake up from sleep at night and keep weeping due to fear. It is said in Yuktikalpataru that Rakta pitta (hemorrhagic disorders), Dadru (ringworm), Bhagandara (Fistula- in- ano), Rakta dusti (vitiation of blood), Prameha (urinary disorders), Visphota (erosions of the skin), Dusta vrana (putrefied wounds), Asthibhanga (fractures), Agnibhaya (fear of fire) and Arsa (piles) occur due to disturbed Mars planet. In such conditions, wearing, giving away, and internal usage of Pravala would be useful.
Anupana (Adjuvant / Vehicle) for Use of Pravala / Vidruma / Moonga
Honey, butter, or any other suitable medicine.
अनुपान- मधु, घृत |
Important Formulations of Pravala / Vidruma / Moonga
- Dristi Prasadana Anjana
- Indu Sekhara Rasa
- Bhanu Chud Mani rasa
- Bahu Mutrantaka Rasa
- Pitta Pushpanjana Rasa
- Hemnatha Rasa
- Rasendra Vati
- Mihirudaya Vati
- Rakta Pitta Kuthhara Rasa
- Triloka Chinta Mani rasa
- Hema Garbha Rasa
- Maha Kanaka Sindura Rasa
- Kshaya Kesari rasa
- Vasant Malini Rasa
- Pravala Panch Amrita Rasa
- Mukta Panch Amrita Rasa
- Kasturi Bhairav Rasa
- Putpaka Vishm Jwaraantaka Rasa
- Ratna Garbha Pottli
- Sarvanga Sundra Rasa
- Apurva Malini Vasanta Rasa
Recent Research on Vidruma / Moonga / Pravala (Coral)
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