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Jadeite Stone (Nephrite Jade – Vyomashma) – The Astrological and Ayurvedic Benefits
Jade is an ornamental stone. It is a very hard stone that comes from India through Ladakh and Kashmir. It is yellowish-gray, green or greenish or greenish white. The yellowish green and hard variety is considered best. It is used to make mortars which are considered good for making Pishti of gems. The term jade is applied to two different metamorphic rocks that are made up of different silicate minerals:
Nephrite: It consists of a microcrystalline interlocking fibrous matrix of the calcium, magnesium-iron-rich amphibole mineral series tremolite (calcium-magnesium) ferro actinolite (calcium-magnesium-iron). The higher the iron content the greener the color.
Jadeite: It is a sodium- and aluminum-rich pyroxene. The gem form of the mineral is a microcrystalline interlocking crystal matrix.
Nephrite and jadeite:
Nephrite and jadeite were used from prehistoric periods for hard stone carving. Jadeite has about the same hardness as quartz, while nephrite is somewhat softer. It was not until the 19th century that a French mineralogist determined that jade was two different materials. As metal-working technologies became available, the beauty of jade made it valuable for ornaments and decorative objects. Jadeite possesses a hardness of 6.0 and 7.0 and Nephrite between 6.0 and 6.5. Among the earliest known jade artifacts excavated from prehistoric sites are simple ornaments with beads, buttons, and tubular shapes. Additionally, jade was used for adze heads, knives, and other weapons, which can be delicately shaped. It is prominently found in the area of Mogaung in the Myitkyina District of Upper Myanmar. It has been quarried and exported from this place for well over a hundred years. Canada provides the major share of modern lapidary nephrite. Nephrite jade was used mostly in pre-1800 China as well as in New Zealand, the Pacific Coast and Atlantic Coasts of North America, Neolithic Europe, and Southeast Asia. In addition to Mesoamerica, jadeite was used by Neolithic Japanese and European cultures.
Ayurvedic View of Jadeite / Haritashma / Yasab Sila / Vyomashma / Nephrite / Yashavshila (Jade)
यह सफेदी लिए हरे रंग का का कठिन पत्थर है। यह पहाड़ों की चट्टान एवं बड़े बड़े टुकड़ों में उपलब्ध होता है। यह अंगूरी एवं जैतूनी रंग का है। इसकी खरल बड़ी अच्छी तथा न घिसने बाली होती है इसमें रत्नोपरत्न की पिष्टि अच्छी बनती है। चीनी लोगों में यह पत्थर बहुत ही लोकप्रिय है। ४- ५ सौ वर्ष पूर्व तक चीन में यह पत्थर इतना सम्मानित था कि राजाओं के अतिरिक्त कोई अन्य व्यक्ति इसकी माला नहीं पहन सकता था, चाहे वह कितना भी धनिक क्यों न हों। चीन में जेड पत्थर प्रेमिकाओं के आकर्षक भी है। दामपत्य सुख के लिए स्त्री -पुरुष दोनों इस पत्थर को धारण करते हैं। बौद्ध धर्मावलम्बी लोग जेड को भगवान् बुद्ध प्रदत्त आशीर्वादात्मक रत्न समझते है। व्योमशमा के टुकड़े को पानी में डालकर रोगी को उस पानी को पिलाने से बौद्ध रोगियों का ऐसा विशवास है है उसकी चिकित्सा स्वयं भगवान् बुद्ध कर रहे हैं और चीनी एवं जापानी बोधों को प्राय: लाभ होता है। साइबेरिया का कई एक नेफ्रिट की चाटने ब्रिटिश एवं जर्मनी आदि के म्यूजियम में सुरक्षित है जो कई कई टन वजन के है। चीनी लोगों के अनुसार हरिण मणि सभी रत्नो के मूलरूप है। इनमे ५ मुख्य गुणों का समावेश है। दानशीलता, नम्रता, साहस, न्याय और बुद्धि , इसके धारण से शरीर दृढ़ होता है, थकवाट दूर होती है एवं आयु बढ़ती है।
It is a hard stone of greenish to white color. It is available on mountain rocks and in large pieces. It is grape and olive in color. Its mortar is very fine and non-abrasive, it makes fine grinding of gemstones. This stone is very popular among Chinese people. Till 4- 5 hundred years ago, this stone was so respected in China that no one except the kings could wear its garland, no matter how rich they were. In China, jade stone is also attractive to mistresses. For marital happiness, both men and women wear this stone. People following the Buddhist religion consider Jade as a blessed gem given by Lord Buddha. By putting a piece of Vyomashama in water and making the patient drink that water, Buddhist patients believe that Lord Buddha himself is healing him and Chinese and Japanese Buddhists often benefit. Many pieces of nephrite from Siberia are safe in the museums of Britain and Germany etc. which weigh several tons. According to the Chinese people, Harin Mani is the archetype of all gems. These include 5 main qualities. Charity, humility, courage, justice, and wisdom, by wearing it the body becomes strong, fatigue goes away and life increases.
Astrological View of Jadeite / Haritashma / Yasab Sila / Vyomashma / Nephrite / Yashavshila (Jade)
उपरत्न वर्ग के खनिजपाषाण में काठिन्य, चमक, पारदर्शकता रत्नो की अपेक्षा कम गुणवाले होते है। इनका मूल्य भी कम होता है। अतः इन्हें उपरत्न कहा जाता है। उपरत्नों की संख्या में मतभिन्नता है- आनन्दकन्दकार ने 9 उपरत्न माने है। जबकि आयुर्वेदप्रकाशकार ने 15 उपरत्न माने है। बृहद योगतरंगिणीकार ने 4 ही उपरत्न माने है। रसतरंगिणीकार ने छः उपरत्न माने है। आनन्दकन्दकार ने विमल, सस्यक, कान्त एवं तारकान्त को भी उपरत्न में शामिल कर दिया है। बृहत् योग तरंगिणीकार ने मुक्ता प्रवाल को भी उपरत्न वर्ग में मानकर और भी भ्र्म पैदा किया है। आयुर्वेद प्रकाशकार ने ५ प्रचलित उपरत्नो के अतिरिक्त १० नए उपरत्न को इस वर्ग में शामिल किया है परन्तु सबसे अधिक रस तरंगिणी का मत ही प्रचलित है।
Reference- आ. क. क्रि. व १/ १२
सूर्यकान्तश्चन्द्रकान्तस्तारकान्तस्तु कान्तक: ।
वैक्रान्तश्च नृपावर्तस्सस्यको विमला तथा।
Reference: आयुर्वेद प्रकाश ५/ ६- ८
वैक्रान्तः सूर्यकान्तश्च चन्द्रकान्तश्तथैवं च: ।
राजावर्तो लालसंज्ञ: पैरोजाख्यस्तथा अपर: ।।
मुक्ता शुक्तिस्तथा शेख: कर्पूरशमा अथ काचजा: ।
मणयो नीलपीताद्या हन्ये विषहराश्च ये।।
वह्यादिस्तम्भका ये च ते सर्वे हि परीक्षकै: ।
गणिता द्लुपरत्नेषु मणयो लोकविश्रुता: ।।
Reference: बृहत् योग तरंगिण ४३/ ८२
मुक्ता विद्रुम शंखाश्व राजावर्तस्तथैव च। उपरत्नानि चत्वारि कथितानि मनीषिभिः।।
Reference: Rasa Trangini. 23/ 154
वैक्रान्त सूर्यकान्त चन्द्रकांतो नृपो पल |
पेरोजकञ्च स्फटिकम क्षुद्र रत्न गणो हव्यम।।
There are six Uparatna as per Rasa Trangini
- Vaikranta (Fluorite/ Tormaline)
- Suryakanta (Spinel) (Na, O, CaO, Al, 2SiO)
- Candrakant (Moonstone) (K, Si, O, Na, Al, Si)
- Raja-varta (Lapis Lazuli) (Na, Ca), (Al, SiO) (S, SO, Cl)
- Pairojaka (Turquoise)
- Sphatika (Rock crystal)
A few gems are also added to the list of Uparatna by NCISM and they mention a total 13 number of Upratnas. They are as follows:
- Vaikranta (Fluorite/ Tormaline)
- Suryakanta (Spinel) (Na, O, CaO, Al, 2SiO)
- Candrakant (Moonstone) (K, Si, O, Na, Al, Si)
- Raja-varta (Lapis Lazuli) (Na, Ca), (Al, SiO) (S, SO, Cl)
- Pairojaka (Turquoise)
- Sphatika (Rock crystal)
- Putika (Peridote)
- Trinkanta (Amber, Succinum)
- Rudhiram/ rudhir Putika (Carnelion)
- Palankam/ Palakam (Onyx, CaSO4, 2H2O)
- Vyomasma (Jade)
- Kosheyaashm
- Sougandhik
Upratna is Mentioned in Different Ayurvedic Literature
Upratna name/ semi-precious stone | Aayurveda Parkasha | Aanand Kand | Brihat Yog Trangini | Rasa Trangini |
Suryakanta | + | + | – | + |
Chandrakant | + | + | – | + |
Vaikrant | + | + | – | + |
Rajavart | + | + | + | + |
Perojak | + | + | – | + |
Saphatik | – | – | – | + |
Taarkaant | – | + | – | – |
Kaant | – | + | – | – |
Sasyak | – | + | – | – |
Vimal | – | + | – | – |
Laalmani | + | – | – | – |
Mukta Shukti | + | – | – | – |
Shankh | + | – | + | – |
Karpurashma | + | – | – | – |
Kaachmani | + | – | – | – |
Neelmani | + | – | – | – |
Peetmani | + | – | – | – |
Vishhar Mani | + | – | – | – |
Agni Stambhak Mani | + | – | – | – |
Jal Stambhak Mani | + | – | + | – |
Mukta | – | – | + | – |
Parvala | – | – | + | – |

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Properties of Semi-Precious Stone (Upratna)
Name | Chemical composition | Structure | Hardness | Specific Gravity | Refractive index | Double refraction |
Fluorite (Vaikrant) | CaF2 | Cubic | 4 | 3.18 | 1.43 | None |
Spinel (Suryakant) | MgAl2O4 | Cubic | 8 | 3.60 | 1.71- 1.73 | None |
Moonstone (Chandrakant) | KAlSi3O8 | Monoclinic | 6 | 2.57 | 1.52- 1.53 | 0.005 |
Lapis Lazuli (Rajavart) | (Na, Ca)8, (Al, Si12 O24 (SO4) Cl2 (OH)2 | Various | 5.5 | 2.80 | 1.50 | None |
Turquoise (Perojaka) | Cu Al6 (PO4)4 (OH)8 5 H2O | Triclinic | 6 | 2.80 | 1.61- 1.65 | 0.004 |
Rock Crystal (Sphatika) | SiO2 | Trigonal | 7 | 2.65 | 1.54- 1.55 | 0.009 |
Jade (Vyomashma) | NA (AL, FE) Si2O6 | Monoclinic | 7 | 3.33 | 1.66- 1.68 | 0.012 |
Onyx (Palanka) | SiO2 | Trigonal | 7 | 2.61 | 1.53- 1.54 | 0.004 |
Carnelian (Rudhiram, Akeek) | SiO2 | Trigonal | 7 | 2.61 | 1.53- 1.54 | 0.004 |
Peridot (Putika) | (Mg, Fe)2 SiO4 | Orthorhombic | 6.5 | 3.34 | 1.64- 1.69 | 0.036 |
Amber (Trinkant) | C6 H16 O | Amorphous | 2.5 | 1.08 | 1.54- 1.55 | N/ A |
Jadeite / Haritashma / Yasab Sila / Vyomashma / Nephrite / Yashavshila (Jade) Upratna (Semi-precious stone) Indicated as a Substitute for Precious Stone as Per Astrological Science to Nullify the Maleficent Effect of Various Planets (Grahas) and to Treat the Roga (Disorders) Related to that Particular Planet
Not everyone is affluent, and the affordability of precious stones remains beyond the means of many individuals. In light of this, semiprecious stones emerge as a viable and more accessible alternative. These gemstones, while not as costly as their precious counterparts, possess unique and appealing qualities. Embracing semi precious stones allows a broader spectrum of people to enjoy the beauty and symbolism associated with gemstones without the financial strain associated with acquiring precious ones.
Planet | Precious Gem Used | Substitute Semi-Precious Stone |
Sun (Surya) | Manikya (Ruby) | – |
Moon (Chandra) | Mukta (Pearl) | – |
Mars (Mangala) | Vidruma (Coral) | – |
Mercury (Buddha) | Markat (Emerald) | Jade |
Jupiter (Guru) | Pushapraga (Topaz) | – |
Venus (Shukra) | Vajra (Diamond) | – |
Saturn (Shani) | Neelam (Blue sapphire) | – |
Rahu | Gomeda (Hessonite) | – |
Ketu | Vaidurya (Cat’s eye stone) | – |
Diseases Induced by Maleficent Effects of Planets (Greha Roga) or Diseases Induced by Dushkarma (Sinful Deeds) Done by the Rogi (Patient) i.e Karma Vipaka Siddhanta
Planet | Diseases Caused |
Sun | Shoth (Inflammation in the body), Apsmar (Epilepsy), Paitikavikara, Jawara (Fever), Diseases of the eye, skin, and bone, rational fears, Bites from poisonous reptiles like snakes, weakening the digestive system, and constipation. |
Moon | Sleep diseases such as Anidra (insomnia) or somnambulism (sleepwalking), Kaphaj Kasa, Atisara, Alsaya, Agnimandya (Loss of appetite), Aruchi (Disinterest in food), Kamala (Jaundice), Chitudvega, Grehani, Hydrophobia, Fear of animals with horns, Problems concerning women, Hallucinations |
Mars | Trishna (Excessive thirst), Bilious disorders, Flatulence, Excessive fear of fire, Gulma, appendicitis, Kustha (Leprosy), eye disorder, Apsmar (Epilepsy), Rakta Vikara, Majja Vikar (Bone marrow diseases), Kandu (Itching), Ruksha Twaka (Rough skin). |
Mercury | Lack of self-confidence, Gala Rog (Throat problems like goiter, etc.), Nasagata Rog (Nose Diseases), Vata- Kaphaj Roga, Cold and Cough, Flatulence, Poisoning. Twaka Dosha (Skin diseases), Vicharchika. Jaundice. |
Jupiter | Gulma, Appendicitis, Karan Vedna (an ear disease), Sanyas.Frequent litigation, Problems with friends, parents, and relatives. |
Venus | Pandu (Anaemia), Netra Roga (Disorders of the eye), Flatulence, Cough, Mutrakrich (Urinary disease), Prameha (Diabetes), Syphilis, Shukra-Vyapati (Low sperm count), Impotence, Dryness of Mouth, Constipation, Irrational fears. |
Saturn | Flatulence, Cough, Pain in the legs, Excessive Fatigue, Illusion, Daha (Excessive heat in the body), Mental shocks, Personal calamities, and Accidents causing temporary or lasting wounds. |
Rahu | Heart diseases such as an attack, Shotha (Inflammation), Kushtha (Leprosy), illusions, hallucinations, disease due to poisoning, excessive hurt, and wounds. |
Ketu | Unknown mysterious diseases, cannot be easily found by doctors. |
Types of Jadeite / Haritashma / Yasab Sila / Vyomashma / Nephrite / Yashavshila (Jade) as per Astrology
As per astrology, no types of Jade are mentioned.
Types of Jadeite / Haritashma / Yasab Sila / Vyomashma / Nephrite / Yashavshila (Jade)
Mineralogists identify two varieties of Vyomasma:
- Jadeite (Abundant in China)
- Nephrite (Abundant in New Zealand)
Jadeite Jade: Jadeite is one of the main varieties of Vyomasma and it is very famous among gemmologists for its translucency and vibrant colors. Jadeite Vyomasma occurs in various colors like lavender, yellow, green, white, etc . The most famous color of the jadeite is emerald green. The jadeite type of Vyomasma is a rarer variety than the nephrite type of jade as it has interlocking crystals in it which make it harder and rarer. In Myanmar particularly and along with this in other Asian cultures Vyomasma is highly valued.
Nephrite Jade: The other variety of Vyomasma that is also famous is Nephrite Vyoma Sma which is famous for its toughness and durability. Nephrite occurs in various shades of white, gray, and green. The nephrite variety of Vyomasma is mainly composed of mineral tremolite or actinolite. This variety of jade is very famous in Chinese culture, and it represents good luck, purity, and protection.
Less recognized varieties of Jade are as follows:
Black Jade: Due to the presence of graphite or other dark minerals, a variety of Vyomasma exhibits deep black color and this variety of jade is very rare and known as Black jade.
Maw-sit-sit: One variety of Myanmar consists of albite, chromite, and jadeite and is considered a unique variety of Jade/ Vyomasma. This variety of Jade features an olive-to-green color with dark green or black patches.
Serpentine Jade: Serpentine Jade is not a true jade but serpentine closely resembles nephrite therefore it is sometimes referred to as a variety of jade. This variety of jade occurs in various shades of green, often used in carvings.
Synonyms of Jadeite / Haritashma / Yasab Sila / Vyomashma / Nephrite / Yashavshila (Jade)
Vyomasma, Yasab Shila, Harinmani, Haritasma
Etymology of Jadeite / Haritashma / Yasab Sila / Vyomashma / Nephrite / Yashavshila (Jade)
The English word jade (alternative spellings jaid, jadeite) is derived (via French l’ jade and Latin ilia from the Spanish term piedra de Tejada (first recorded in 1565) or loin stone, from its reputed efficacy in curing ailments of the loins and kidneys. Nephrite is derived from lapis nephritis, the Latin version of the Spanish piedra de Tejada.
Names of Jadeite / Haritashma / Yasab Sila / Vyomashma / Nephrite / Yashavshila (Jade) in Different Languages
- Sang- e- Yasab, Haul Dili (Hindi)
- Vyomasmamu (Telegu)
- Jade (English)
- Yasab Sila, Harinmani, Haritashma, Vyiomasma (Sanskrit)
- Yasaba, Hazarul Yasaba (Arabic)
- Yasama, Sange Yasaba (Pharsi)
Reference of Jadeite / Haritashma / Yasab Sila / Vyomashma / Nephrite / Yashavshila (Jade)

Formation of the Jadeite / Haritashma / Yasab Sila / Vyomashma / Nephrite / Yashavshila (Jade)
Vyomasma is a revered Upratna known for its vibrant green hues and Vyomasma is formed through a geological process known as metamorphism. The formation of jadeite is as follows:
Formation of Jadeite Jade: The variety of Jade that is famous with the name Jadeite, forms under higher pressure and lower temperatures than the nephrite variety of jade. The place where one plate is forced beneath the other into the Earth’s mantle and where tectonic plates collide i.e. that subduction zone, the formation of Jadeite Upratna occurs. Extreme pressure in the jadeite causes them to undergo metamorphism and transform into jadeite jade.
Formation of Nephrite Jade: Nephrite Upratna is formed under high pressure and moderate temperature when mineral-rich fluids permeate through pre-existing rocks, typically serpentine or other calcium-rich rocks. Over time, the mineral-rich fluids interact with the minerals like serpentine and calcium in the rock, which results in a change in chemical composition and creates a new characteristic in the mineral i.e. interlocking fibrous structure which makes it nephrite jade/ Vyomasma.Geological Conditions for Jade Formation: The presence of precursor rocks such as serpentine or calcium-rich rocks, the right combination of pressure and temperature, and the presence of mineral-rich fluids are the geological conditions that are specifically required for the types of Jade i.e. Jaedite and nephrite.
Jadeite / Haritashma / Yasab Sila / Vyomashma / Nephrite / Yashavshila (Jade) Aayu (Life Span of Jade)
Reference: Rasa Jala Niddhi. 3/ 4, Ratna Dhatu Vigyana
न जरां यान्ति रत्नानि मौक्तिकं विद्रुमं बिना।
Though the gemstones of mineral origin are eternal, the Exception is Mukta (pearl) has a limited lifespan, and also Vidruma- coral. After a few years, it grows old and eventually loses its character, but other gemstones are eternal, but they also need to be maintained and revitalization of them is necessary to get maximum benefits.
आयु- कुछ समय पश्चात् काल प्रभाव से प्रवाल, मुक्ता खराब हो जाते है। किन्तु अन्य रत्नों पर काल का प्रभाव नहीं होता है।
Jadeite / Haritashma / Yasab Sila / Vyomashma / Nephrite / Yashavshila (Jade) – Aayu after Dharana (Life Span of Jade after Assumption)
It is believed by scholars that the following gemstones have effectiveness Diamond life span is 10 years, Ruby/ Manik’s 12 years, Yellow Sapphire/ Pukhraj’s lifespan is 15 years, Blue Sapphire/ Neelam’s life span is 15 years, Emerald/ Panna’s life is 12 years, Coral, Hessonite Garnet and Cat’s Eye’s lifespan is 3 to 5 years, Natural Pearl life span is 12 years.
All the other Uparatnas and other semi-precious alternate gemstones are said to have a lifespan of 3 years.
Over some time, when gemstones i.e. precious and semi-precious stones are worn these gems start to get scratches on their surface, and even start losing their high polishing due to which sun rays stop passing through the gems (Ratna) When these precious gems are wear for a long period a greasy layer starts to deposit on their surface which is probably a mixture of lubricants, oils and other materials that a wearer come in contact with it. As the deposition starts to get thicker with time, it even blocks the rays (different wavelengths) that these stones receive from the planets to give effect. Although gemstones are forever yes, their effectiveness for astrological purposes falls and therefore proper and regular maintenance is important.
Therefore, we can consider the life span of semi-precious stone Jadeite/ Haritashma/ Yasab Sila/ Vyomasma/ Nephrite/ Yashavshila (Jade) to be 3 years.
Jadeite / Haritashma / Yasab Sila / Vyomashma / Nephrite / Yashavshila (Jade) Used for Different Zodiac Signs (Rashi)
In Jyotish Shastra Vyomasma is believed to hold specific Guna (properties) that align with different Rashi Phala (zodiac signs), offering various benefits based on individual characteristics associated with each sign:
Aries: The individual who has Mesha Rashi (Aries zodiac sign) wears Haritashma Upratna enhances the leadership qualities of the individuals and also helps them to overcome challenges and achieve their goals.
Taurus: The people with Vrishabh Rashi are known for their love for luxury, and stability, and wearing Yashavshila/ Vyomasma by such individuals who balance their lives, prosperity, and stability.
Gemini: The individuals who have Mithun Rashi (Gemini zodiac sign) are very famous for their curiosity, and communication skills. Such individuals with Mithuna Rashi when wearing Vyomashma Upratna enhance their creativity, mental clarity, and intuition.
Cancer: Karka Rashi (Cancer zodiac sign) when wearing Vyomasma Upratna provides protection, stability creates a sense of security in their lives.
Leo: Sinha Rashi individuals are known for their confidence and charisma. Such individuals with Sinha Rashi when wearing Haritashma are said to enhance their self-confidence, creativity, and leadership abilities.
History of Jadeite / Haritashma / Yasab Sila / Vyomashma / Nephrite / Yashavshila (Jade)
The mineral has no references in any of the classical texts of Ayurveda. It was introduced into the books of Rasa Shastra in the 20th century from the classical Unani system of medicine books.
संहिताओं तथा रस शास्त्र के १९वीं शती के ग्रंथो में इसका वर्णन नहीं उपलब्ध है। आधुनिक रत्न विज्ञान में इसका वर्णन है। यूनानी चिकित्सकों ने इसका वर्णन अपने ग्रंथों में पहले भी किया था।
Characteristics of Jadeite / Haritashma / Yasab Sila / Vyomashma / Nephrite / Yashavshila (Jade)
Chemical composition of Jade: Na Al Si2 O6
- Crystallization- Prismatic, Monoclinic
- Habit: Columnar to Massive
- Color: Light to very dark green and also green with white spots.
- Cleavage: Prismatic
- Luster: Resinous to Vitreous
- Diaphaneity: Sub- translucent to translucent
- Fracture: Splintery to uneven
- Elasticity: extremely tough
- Hardness: 7
- Specific gravity: 3.5
- Fusibility: 3
Because of its extreme hardness, it was used in the making of the stone weapon. The mortar and pestle units made up of Jade are fondly used by Rasa Shastra in grinding medicines.
यह अंगूरी एवं जैतूनी रंग का अपारदर्शक पत्थर है। ये बहुत कठिन पत्थर है। प्रहरिज, ये सोडियम तथा एल्युमीनियम का सिलिकेट है।
इसका सूत्र Na Al (SiO3)2 है। इसका आपेक्षित घनत्व ३.१ है तथा काठिन्य ६.५ है। ये अपारदर्शक एवं भारी होता है। वृक्कज ये मैग्नीशियम तथा कालकियम का सिलिकेट है जिसमे कुछ लोहा भी रहता है इसका सूत्र Ca (Mg Fe)3 (Si O3)4 है।
Grahaya Lakshana of Jadeite / Haritashma / Yasab Sila / Vyomashma / Nephrite / Yashavshila (Jade)
Yellowish green colored hard jade is considered good for therapeutic use.
जैतूनी एवं अंगूरी रंग का ये बहुत ही कठिन पत्थर है। यह हरा और सफेदी मिश्रित रंग का होता है। ये बड़े बड़े चटानो में तथा टुकड़ों में बाज़ार में उपलब्ध होता है। हथोड़ों से प्रहार करने पर टूटता नहीं है।
Occurrence or Places of Availability of Jadeite / Haritashma / Yasab Sila / Vyomashma / Nephrite / Yashavshila (Jade)
The gemstone that is known for its green color is Haritashma or jade and is used in jewelry and astrological purposes. It is found in different parts of the world, including Myanmar, Guatemala, Yarkhand, New Zealand, Russia and China. The occurrence of Vyomasma depends on different geological factors like appropriate pressure and temperature and the presence of specific rocks like nephrite and serpentine. In India, it is found in Ladakh and Kashmir.
It is prominently found in the area of the Mogaung in the Myitkyina District of Upper Myanmar. It has been quarried and exported from this place for well over a hundred years. Canada provides the major share of the modern lapidary nephrite. Nephrite jade was used mostly in pre-1800 China as well as in New Zealand, the Pacific Coast and Atlantic coast of North America, Neolithic Europe, and Southeast Asia. In addition to MesoAmerica, Jadeite was used by Neolithic Japanese and European cultures.
वह रत्न जो अपने हरे रंग के लिए जाना जाता है, हरिताश्म या जेड है और इसका उपयोग आभूषणों और ज्योतिषीय उद्देश्यों में किया जाता है। यह म्यांमार, ग्वाटेमाला, यारखंड, न्यूजीलैंड, रूस और चीन सहित दुनिया के विभिन्न हिस्सों में पाया जाता है। व्योमास्मा की घटना विभिन्न भूवैज्ञानिक कारकों जैसे उचित दबाव और तापमान और नेफ्राइट और सर्पेन्टाइन जैसी विशिष्ट चट्टानों की उपस्थिति पर निर्भर करती है। भारत में यह लद्दाख और कश्मीर में पाया जाता है।
Purification of Jadeite / Haritashma / Yasab Sila / Vyomashma / Nephrite / Yashavshila (Jade)
Reference: Ayurvediya Rasa Shastra – Dr Siddhi Nandan Mishra
Vyomashma is made into small pieces and kept in an earthen plate (Sharava), heated and decoction of Arjuna bark i.e. Terminalia arjuna bark is poured into it. Heating is continued till the liquid portion is evaporated. Again, the decoction is added and heated till the material becomes hot. This process is done 21 times. Rose water or distillate Gaujaban can also be used in the place of the Arjuna Tvak Kwath.
व्योमश्म को छोटे-छोटे टुकड़ों में बनाकर मिट्टी की थाली में रखकर गर्म किया जाता है और उसमें अर्जुन की छाल का काढ़ा डाला जाता है। गर्म करना तब तक जारी रखा जाता है जब तक कि तरल भाग वाष्पित न हो जाए। फिर से, काढ़ा मिलाया जाता है और तब तक गर्म किया जाता है जब तक सामग्री गर्म न हो जाए। यह प्रक्रिया 21 बार की जाती है। अर्जुन त्वक क्वाथ के स्थान पर गुलाब जल या डिस्टिलेट गौजबन का भी उपयोग किया जा सकता है।
Incineration of Jadeite / Haritashma / Yasab Sila / Vyomashma / Nephrite / Yashavshila (Jade)
Reference: Ayurvediya rasa Shastra – Dr Siddhi Nandan Mishra
The Shuddha Vyomashma is taken in a clean Khalva Yantra. It is added with the required quantity of Arjuna Twak Kwath or Ghritkumari Swarasa and triturated thoroughly to prepare Chakrikas of even size and shape. These Chakrikas are dried under the sun, enclosed in Sarava Samputa, and subjected to one Gaja Puta. All this procedure is repeated 10 times to obtain Vyomashma Bhasma.
शुद्ध व्योमश्म को स्वच्छ खल्व यंत्र में लिया जाता है। इसमें आवश्यक मात्रा में अर्जुन त्वक क्वाथ या घृतकुमारी स्वरस मिलाया जाता है और समान आकार और आकार की चक्रिकाएं तैयार करने के लिए इसे अच्छी तरह से पीसा जाता है। इन चक्रिकाओं को धूप में सुखाया जाता है, शराव संपुट में लपेटा जाता है और एक गज पुट के अधीन किया जाता है। व्योमश्म भस्म प्राप्त करने के लिए यह सारी प्रक्रिया 10 बार दोहराई जाती है।
Jadeite / Haritashma / Yasab Sila / Vyomashma / Nephrite / Yashavshila (Jade) Pishti
Reference: Ayurvediya rasa Shastra – Dr Siddhi Nandan Mishra
The Shuddha Vyomasma is taken in a clean Khalva Yantra. It is added with the required quantity of Gulaba Jala i.e. Rose water and triturate thoroughly for three days to obtain white colored Vyomasma Pishti.
शुद्ध व्योमशम को स्वच्छ खल्व यंत्र में लिया जाता है। इसे आवश्यक मात्रा में गुलाब जल यानी गुलाब जल के साथ मिलाया जाता है और सफेद रंग की व्योमशमा पिष्टी प्राप्त करने के लिए तीन दिनों तक अच्छी तरह से रगड़ा जाता है।
Jadeite / Haritashma / Yasab Sila / Vyomashma / Nephrite / Yashavshila (Jade) Properties: (Bhasma / Incineration)
Shuddha Bhasma or Pishti possess Ruksha and Sheeta Guna and Sheeta Virya. It mitigates vitiated Pitta Dosha. When administered in suitable dosage along with appropriate adjuvant, it acts as good cardiotonic (Hridya). It is also found beneficial in hypertension, insomnia and intestinal wounds.
Vyomasma is prescribed more by the Unani physicians. They consider it useful in weakness of heart, palpitation, abdominal colic, dysentery, burning micturition and urinary calculi and also in hemorrhagic disorders.
- ये उत्तम हृदय होने से हृदय की दुर्बलता, हृदय की धड़कन , उच्च रक्तचाप, निद्राल्पता को दूर करता है। ये ओजस्वी गन परैड एवं आंतरिक व्रणों में बहुत लाभदायक है।
- इस पत्थर को गले में धारण करने पर हृदय स्पंदन में बहुत लाभ होता है। इस कारण से इसका नाम हौल दिल पत्थर रखा गया है।
- यूनानी मत से संगयशब के गुण– ये प्रथम दर्जे में शीत, दूसरे दर्जे में रुक्ष, हृदय एवं आमाशय को शक्ति देने वाला होता है। हृदय दौर्बल्य, हृत स्पंदन, आमाशय शूल, आमाशय दौर्बल्य, प्रवाहिका, मूत्र प्रदाह, और अश्मरी में लाभ प्रद, औषधि है। ये आंतरिक व्रणों को नष्ट करके रक्त स्त्राव को बंद कर देता है।
Dosage and Usage of Jadeite / Haritashma / Yasab Sila / Vyomashma / Nephrite / Yashavshila (Jade)
The general dosage of the Vyomasma Bhasma is 2- 4 Ratti i.e. approximately 250- 500 mgs and the general dosage of Vyomasma Pishti is 2- 8 Ratti i.e. 250 mg to 1 gram. However, the dosage of the Vyomasma Bhasma and Pishti has to be finalized after thorough consideration of all the relevant factors that affect the dosage like Atura Bala, Vyadhi Bala, etc.
Anupana (Adjuvant / Vehicle) for Use of Jadeite / Haritashma / Yasab Sila / Vyomashma / Nephrite / Yashavshila (Jade)
Arjuna Swarasa, Gojiwhadikwath, Gulabjal, Arkvedmisk or butter or sugar crystal (Mishri)
अनुपान- मधु, नवनीत, अर्जुन स्वरस, जो जिव्हा क्वाथ, गुलाब जल, अर्कवेद मिस्क
Important Formulation of Jadeite / Haritashma / Yasab Sila / Vyomashma / Nephrite / Yashavshila (Jade)
- Hrdwepanadi Churna
- Brahmi Vati
- Jawaharmohra Vati
- Vyosham Pishti (Sang- E- Yasab- pishti)
- Vyoasma Bhasma
Kurs Sangeyasaba
Ingredients | Quantity |
Sangeyasaba Pishti | 3 parts |
Praval Pishti | 3 parts |
Outer covering of Pista (Mukulaka Pistacia vera Linn. | 3 Parts |
Rumi Mastagi (Pistacia lentiscus Linn.) | 3 parts |
Pieces of Avaresam | 3 Parts |
Suksham Ela (Elettaria cardamomum Maton.) | 3 parts |
Vanshlochan powder (Bambusa arundinacia Willd.) | 5 Parts |
Apple juice (Pyrus malus Linn.) | Q. S. |
Method of preparation: Mix all the above-mentioned ingredients and triturate these with apple juice for six hours. Then make pills measuring 1500mg. each.
Dose – 1- 2 Pills, 3- 4 times a day.
- Anupana – Sata Pusparaka
- Indications – Pittaja Atisara.
Recent Research on Jadeite / Haritashma / Yasab Sila / Vyomashma / Nephrite / Yashavshila (Jade)
- Coccato, Alessia & Karampelas, Stefanos & Worle, Marie & van Willigen, Samuel & Petrequin, Pierre. (2014). Gem quality and archeological green jadeite jade versus omphacite jade. Journal of Raman Spectroscopy. 45. 10.1002/ jrs. 4512.
- Hughes, Richard & Galibert, Olivier & Bosshart, George & Ward, Fred & Oo, Thet & Smith, Mark & Tay, Thyesun & Harlow, George. (2000). Burmese Jade: The Inscrutable Gem. Gems & Gemology. 36. 2- 25. 10. 5741/ GEMS. 36. 1. 2.
- Ying, Guo & Zong, Xiang & Qi, Ming & Zhang, Ye & Wang, Huan. (2018). Feasibility study on color evaluation of jadeite based on Gem-Dialogue color chip images. EURASIP Journal on Image and Video Processing. 2018. 10.1186/ s13640- 018- 0342- 2.
- Tsujimori, Tatsuki & MIYAJIMA, Hiroshi & Ritsuro, Miyawaki. (2017). Gem sparkles deep: Preface of the special issue on ‘Jadeite and jadeite’. Journal of Mineralogical and Petrological Sciences. 112. 181- 183. 10. 2465/ jmps. 171006.
- Barbosa, Renata & Reichmann, Fernando & Cano, Nilo & Rocca, René & Watanabe, Shigueo. (2013). Study of jadeite-like minerals. Physica Status Solidi C Current Topics. 10. 242- 245. 10. 1002/ pssc. 201200489.
- Prencipe, Mauro & Maschio, Lorenzo & Kirtman, Bernard & Salustro, Simone & Erba, Alessandro & Dovesi, Roberto. (2014). Raman spectrum of NaAlSi2O6 jadeite. A quantum mechanical simulation. Journal of Raman Spectroscopy. 45. 10.1002/ jrs. 4519.
- Fan, Jian-liang & Guo, Shou-guo & Liu, Xue-liang. (2007). [Application of Raman spectrometer (785 nm) to jadeite test]. Guang pu xue yu guang pu fen xi Guang pu. 27. 2057- 60.
- Shurvell, Herbert & Rintoul, L. & Fredericks, P. M. (2001). Infrared and Raman spectra of jade and jade minerals. Internet J. Vib. Spectro. 5.
- Ostrooumov, Mikhail. (2010). Mexican Jadeite: mineralogical and gemological study. Gems & Jewellery.
- Li, J. J & Shao, Longyi & Shushen, Yang & Li, Weijun & Li, H. (2006). Bioreactivity of inhalable particles and analysis from its microscopic characteristics. 27. 572- 577.
- Wang, J. & Shi, Guanghai & Yuan, Y. & Yang, M. C. (2013). Hydrothermal biotite from the Myanmar jadeite deposit. Acta Petrologica Sinica. 29. 1450- 1460.
- Lu, Wenting & Zhang, Lei & Zhang, Qiusheng & Song, Zhonghua & Lu, Taijin. (2021). Rough Jadeite with an Artificial Coating to Imitate a Weathered Crust. The Journal of Gemology. 37. 472- 473. 10. 15506/ JoG. 2021. 37. 5. 472.
- Sun, Fang- Ce & Zhao, Hong- Xia & Gan, Fu-Xi. (2011). Nondestructive Analysis of Chemical Composition, Structure and Mineral Constitution of Jadeite Jade. Guang pu xue yu guang pu fen xi- Guang pu. 31. 3134- 9. 10. 3964/ j. issn. 1000- 0593 (2011) 11- 3134- 06.
- Jianjun, Li & Yuanfei, Luo & Xiaowei, Liu & Yu, Xiao-Yan & Guihua, Li & Chengxing, Fan & Hong, Ye. (2015). Jadeite with high albite content. Gems and Gemology. 51. 102- 103.
- Zheng, Beiqi & Li, Ke & Zhang, Yuyang. (2022). Gemological Characteristics and Chemical Composition of a New Type of Black Jadeite and Three Imitations. Crystals. 12. 658. 10. 3390/ cryst- 12050658.
- Zhao, H. & Li, Qinghui & Liu, Song. (2015). Investigation of some Chinese jade artifacts (5000 BC to 771 BC) by confocal laser micro-Raman spectroscopy and other techniques. Journal of Raman Spectroscopy. 47. n/ a- n/ a. 10. 1002/ jrs. 4847.
- Prencipe, Mauro. (2012). Simulation of vibrational spectra of crystals by ab initio calculations: an invaluable aid in the assignment and interpretation of the Raman signals. The case of jadeite (NaAlSi2O6). Journal of Raman Spectroscopy. 43. 1567- 1569. 10. 1002/ jrs. 4040.
- Tsujimori, Tatsuki & MIYAJIMA, Hiroshi & Ritsuro, Miyawaki. (2017). Gem sparkles deep: Preface of the special issue on Jadeite and Jadeitite. Journal of Mineralogical and Petrological Sciences. 112. 181- 183. 10. 2465/ jmps. 171006.
- Hwu, Wen-mei. (2012). GPU Computing Gems Jade Edition. 10. 1016/ C2010-0- 68654- 8.
- Wang, Rong. (2011). Progress review of the scientific study of Chinese ancient jade. Archaeometry. 53. 674 – 692. 10.1111/ j. 1475- 4754. 2010. 00564. x.
- Shi, Guanghai & Harlow, George & Wang, Jing & Wang, Jun & Enoch, NG & Wang, Xia & Cao, Shu & Enyuancui, W. (2012). Mineralogy of jadeite and related rocks from Myanmar: A review with new data. European Journal of Mineralogy. 24. 345- 370. 10.1127/ 0935- 1221/ 2012/ 0024- 2190.
- Tan, T.. (2006). Dyed polymer-impregnated jadeite jade: identification by light-induced autofluorescence spectroscopy. The Journal of Gemmology. 30. 227-233. 10.15506/ JoG. 2006. 30. 3. 227.
- Zhao, Jun & Zu, En & Ye, Dong & Shen, Nan. (2011). Study on Gemological and Mineralogy Features of Huanglong Jade. Key Engineering Materials. 492. 388-391. 10. 4028/ www. scientific. net/ KEM. 492. 388.
- Tarling MS, Smith SAF, Negrini M, Kuo LW, Wu WH, Cooper AF. An evolutionary model and classification scheme for nephrite jade based on veining, fabric development, and the role of dissolution-precipitation. Sci Rep. 2022 May 12; 12 (1): 7823. doi: 10. 1038/ s41598- 022- 11560- 7. PMID: 35551211; PMCID: PMC- 9098473.
- Li, Ting & Zhang, Cun & Lv, Linsu & Zhang, Haitao & Chen, Yuqing & Li, Zhibin & Liu, Yue. (2023). Color-Causing Mechanisms of Guatemala Jadeite Jade: Constraints from Spectroscopy and Chemical Compositions. Crystals. 13. 1535. 10. 3390/ cryst- 13111535.
- Lancelot, Eloise. (2010). Raman Spectroscopy for geological materials analysis.
- Gendron, Francois & Smith, David & Masson, Pierre & Martínez, Maria & Ceballos, Ponciano. (2017). Portable Raman verification and quantification of jade in Olmec ceremonial axes from El Manatí, Veracruz, Mexico. Journal of Raman Spectroscopy. 48. 10. 1002/ jrs. 5122.
- Das, Ruchita & Agrawal, Yadvendra. (2011). Raman spectroscopy: Recent advancements, techniques, and applications. Vibrational Spectroscopy. 57. 10.1016/ j. vibspec. 2011. 08. 003.
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- Zhao, Liang & Ma, Hongan & Chao, Fang & Ding, Luyao & Jia, Xiaopeng. (2018). Synthesis and characterization of purple NaAlSiO6 jadeite under high pressure and high temperature. Journal of Crystal Growth. 499. 10. 1016/ j. jcrysgro. 2018. 07. 034.
- Khan RA, Anwar-Ul-Haq M, Qasim M, Afgan MS, Haq SU, Hussain SZ. Spectroscopic and crystallographic analysis of nephrite jade gemstone using laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy, Raman spectroscopy, and X-ray diffraction. Heliyon. 2022 Nov 15; 8 (11): e11493. doi: 10. 1016/ j. heliyon. 2022. e11493. PMID: 36468087; PMCID: PMC- 9708624.
- Harlow, George & Tsujimori, Tatsuki & Sorensen, Sorena. (2012). Introduction— Jadeitite: new occurrences, new data, new interpretations. European Journal of Mineralogy. 24. 197- 198. 10. 1127/ 0935-1221/ 2012/ 0024- 2196.
- Li, Ting & Zhang, Cun & Lv, Linsu & Zhang, Haitao & Chen, Yuqing & Li, Zhibin & Liu, Yue. (2023). Color-Causing Mechanisms of Guatemala Jadeite Jade: Constraints from Spectroscopy and Chemical Compositions. Crystals. 13. 1535. 10. 3390/ cryst- 13111535.
- Hu, Y. & He, D.-W & Hu, Q.-W & Liu, Fangming & Liu, Y.-J & Wang, Y.-K & Zhang, Yong. (2015). Synthesis and characterization of jadeite-jade under high pressure and high temperature. Gaoya Wuli Xuebao/Chinese Journal of High-Pressure Physics. 29. 241- 247. 10. 11858/ gywlxb. 2015. 04. 001.
- Jiang, Ying & Shi, Guanghai & Xu, Liguo & Li, Xinling. (2020). Mineralogy and Geochemistry of Nephrite Jade from Yinggelike Deposit, Altyn Tagh (Xinjiang, NW China). Minerals. 10. 418. 10. 3390/ min- 10050418.
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- Tarling MS, Smith SAF, Negrini M, Kuo LW, Wu WH, Cooper AF. An evolutionary model and classification scheme for nephrite jade based on veining, fabric development, and the role of dissolution-precipitation. Sci Rep. 2022 May 12; 12 (1): 7823. doi: 10. 1038/ s41598- 022- 11560- 7. PMID: 35551211; PMCID: PMC- 9098473.
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- Despite a higher incidence of three-fourths toxicity, Gem- – Cis offers better outcomes of ORR, PFS/ TTP, and 6- 6-month survival, which indicates GemCis may be a promising therapy for pancreatic cancer.
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