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Bananas contain an adequate amount of potassium and fiber. One superfood that is available all year round is the banana. This fruit, which is high in potassium, also has protein, fiber, vitamin B6, vitamin C, magnesium, copper, manganese, and vitamin B6. The fiber that gives bananas their spongy texture is called pectin. On the other hand, unripe bananas contain resistant starch, which functions as soluble fiber and avoids digestion. Bananas’ pectin and resistant starch, which are naturally full, can aid in controlling blood sugar levels after meals and in lowering hunger.
Synonyms of Banana
- Musa
- Kadalika
Nutritional Value of Banana
Energy: | 89 kcal |
Carbohydrates: | 22.84 g |
Sugars: | 12.23 g |
Dietary fiber: | 2.6 g |
Fat: | 0.33 g |
Protein: | 1.09 g |
Phytochemical Constituents of Banana
- Anthocyanins
- Delphinidin
- Cyaniding
- Catecholamines
- Carotenoids
- Beta- carotene
- Alpha-carotene
Therapeutic Uses of Banana
- High Fiber Content
Bananas are incredibly high in soluble and insoluble fiber. The soluble fiber tends to delay digestion and prolong your sense of fullness.
- Useful for Your Digestive Health
Numerous scientific investigations have shown that fiber helps with digestion. Pectin, a fiber found in both ripe and unripe bananas, promotes regular bowel movements and prevents constipation.
- Improve the Health of Your Kidneys
Your kidneys require potassium as a necessary component for health. Because they are a great source of potassium, bananas are good for your kidneys.
- Enhance Your Sleep
Before going to bed, eat a banana to increase the quality of your sleep. Tryptophan, a substance found in bananas, is a precursor to melatonin. Relaxation and sleep regulation are provided by melatonin.
Home Remedies of Banana
- Make Hair Soft
Your hair will become softer and shinier if you use the banana peel in a hair mask.
- Ease Itching
Banana peels’ antibacterial, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory characteristics also help to relieve itching.
- Reduce Wrinkles
Bananas are rich in antioxidants, which aid in the body’s battle against free radicals. Using a banana face mask can help build collagen via silica, so minimizing the appearance of wrinkles. Using antioxidants on your skin may help shield it from damage caused by free radicals.
- Treat Acne
Banana phenols may also contain antimicrobials that can be used to treat acne lesions.
Have A Health Issue?
Consult Online
- Dr. Sahil Gupta (B.A.M.S., M.H.A.)
Ayurvedic Allergy Specialist
CEO & Founder of IAFA®
Ayurvedic Aspects of Banana
Bananas are referred to as the “Amrit phala” in the old Ayurvedic scriptures, which translates to “a fruit with the attributes of divine nectar.” This fruit offers several health benefits when ingested properly according to the seasons and individual constitution. The banana tree’s summit produces clusters of bananas. China and India are the two nations that produce the most bananas worldwide. Vata and Pitta doshas can be calmed by bananas. Bananas boost the Kapha dosha because of their sweet flavor and difficult-to-digest qualities.
Daily Dose:One to two bananas a day is recommended for healthy people.
Side Effects Of Banana
- Constipation:- Due to their high starch content, which is difficult to digest, eating an excessive amount of bananas can make you constipated.
- Latex Allergy:- People who are allergic to latex also show sensitivities to bananas. This allergy frequently causes symptoms including wheezing, runny nose, coughing, itchy throat, and watery eyes.
- Issue with Digestion:- Fiber is excellent for our digestive systems in moderation. Large fiber intake, however, may result in bloating, gas, and cramps in the abdomen.
- Gaining Weight:- Because they are heavy in calories, bananas might make you gain weight. Bananas are a healthy snack, but if you eat more than two, you’ll consume more than 300 calories.
The most accessible and reasonably priced tropical fruit you can incorporate into your diet is the banana. Although bananas have many health advantages, you should only eat them in moderation as an excessive amount might cause several issues. Must consult your nutritionist if you feel any side effects. In case of banana allergy or side effects with fruits that contain latex, you must book your appointment with Dr. Gupta at IAFA® he manages all types of allergies through herbal remedies successfully.
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