World's 1st Trusted Ayurvedic Allergy Institute


The Ericaceae family includes the blueberry, Vaccinium in scientific terms. Due to the plentiful polyphenolic component, which may have antioxidant potential and is occasionally used for its health benefits, blueberries are regarded as a “superfruit.” Fruits like blueberries are adaptable. They can be bought frozen, fresh, or used as an ingredient in various dishes. These appetizing-looking fruits are a treasure trove of vitamins and minerals. Additionally, blueberries grown on farms have a far sweeter flavor than their wild counterparts. Because of their striking blue tint, blueberries are well known. There are numerous additional advantages of blueberries. They are immediately referred to as “superfoods” as a result.

Synonyms of Blueberry

  • Swamp blueberry
  • Tall bilberry
  • Vaccinium caespitosum
  • Vaccinium corymbosum
  • Dwarf blueberry
  • High-bush blueberry
  • Berry

Nutritional Facts of Blueberry

Energy:57 kcal
Carbohydrates:14.49 g
Sugars:9.96 g
Dietary fiber:2.4 g
Fat:0.33 g
Protein:0.74 g

Phytochemical Constituents of Blueberry

  • Polyphenols,
  • Anthocyanins, 
  • Proanthocyanidins, 
  • Other flavonoids, phenolic acids, and stilbene derivatives.

Therapeutic Uses of Blueberry

  • Control Blood Sugar

Blueberries have a low glycemic index (GI) and a high fiber content, making them excellent for controlling blood sugar. They are also abundant in flavonoids, which makes them essential for enhancing the body’s sensitivity to insulin.

  • Support Bone Health

Blueberries are abundant in vitamins K, calcium, phosphorus, zinc, and manganese. These nutrients are essential for the growth and upkeep of bones.

  • Guard Against Heart Ailment

Blueberries contain vitamin C, vitamin B6, potassium, folate, and phytonutrients. All of these foods directly promote heart health. Additionally, a high-fiber diet helps lower cholesterol levels.

  • Benefits for Skin 

Blueberries have various advantages for the skin. They contain a lot of vitamin C. In addition, vitamin C is required for the production of collagen. Collagen can significantly improve skin problems.

  • Improve Digestion

Fiber is abundant in blueberries. A high-fiber diet can significantly enhance digestion. As a result, they are beneficial for digestion.

  • Strengthen Your Immunity

The CAMP gene can be activated by the pterostilbene present in blueberries. The immunity gene is in charge of that. Active flavonoids also possess anti-inflammatory properties. As a result, eating blueberries frequently could improve your immune system.

  • Defend Against Oxidative Stress

One important antioxidant discovered in blueberries is anthocyanidin. This amazing substance can aid in the prevention of oxidative stress.

  • Good For Your Eye Health

The strong antioxidant content of blueberries may be essential for shielding your eyes from the body’s oxidative stress and damaging UV rays. Foods high in antioxidants can help your eyesight.

  • Good For Brain Health

The significant antioxidative and nutritious content of blueberries may lessen the probability of brain damage due to mental impairment.

Ayurvedic Books on Allergies and Child Health

Home Remedies of Blueberry

  • Glowing Skin

Due to their high vitamin and antioxidant content, blueberries are a fantastic natural skin care product. Combine 1/2 cup of crushed blueberries and 1 cup of plain yogurt to create a healthy blueberry face mask at home. After 20 minutes of application, rinse with warm water.

  • Prevents and cures acne

By combining mashed blueberries, a few dots of lemon juice, and a teaspoon of honey, you may form a blueberry face pack. Apply to the afflicted areas, then rinse off 20 minutes later. This pack’s weekly application will significantly reduce and heal acne.

  • Improves vision

Utilize the advantages of blueberries by including them in your diet to improve the health of your eyes. You can either sprinkle it on top of pancakes or add it to your morning cereal or smoothie bowl. If you don’t want to combine it with anything, you can simply eat a few handfuls of blueberries on their own.

  • Aids digestion

Daily consumption of blueberries, which are high in fiber, can help the body move nutrients, which subsequently aids in the elimination of waste and toxins. Once the toxins and garbage are cleared out, digestion instantly gets better and helps maintain a strong immune system. You’ll have clearer skin if your digestive system is healthy and clean.

Dr. Sahil Gupta - Famous Ayurvedic Allergy Specialist

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- Dr. Sahil Gupta (B.A.M.S., M.H.A.)

Ayurvedic Allergy Specialist
CEO & Founder of IAFA®

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Ayurvedic Aspects of Blueberry

Being Kashaya Rasa (taste), blueberries have an astringent flavor and calm Pitta dosha. This quality aids in blood sugar control and the healing of wounds. The calming effect of blueberries makes them perfect for summer. It gives the body a cooling sensation and benefits Pitta dosha-related organs including the eyes. They can be eaten alone or in combination with other fruits and vegetables.

Daily Dose: Humans should consume about 28 to 30 grams of fiber daily on average. About 3 grams of fiber are present in one serving of blueberries. So, you can eat 10 servings of blueberries per day.

Side Effects of Blueberry

  • Ulcerative Colitis: If you already consume a lot of fiber, consuming too many blueberries could make you experience bloating, stomach pain, or diarrhea. People who have digestive disorders like ulcerative colitis or Crohn’s disease will notice this side effect more.
  • Constipation: Salicylates are present in considerable levels in blueberries. In those who are sensitive to certain salicylates, they may have negative effects. Gastrointestinal problems, such as nausea, reflux, vomiting, bloating, constipation, and diarrhea, may also occur.
  • Lower blood sugar levels: Anthocyanins, which are abundant in blueberries, can lower blood sugar levels in the body. For diabetic people taking medication who have low blood sugar, this will be risky.


Numerous health benefits, including anti-diabetic, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anti-hypertensive, anti-cancer, and anti-hyperlipidemic, are offered by blueberries. In addition, it helps old ones focus better and remember things better. Blueberries are also gut- and liver-friendly. It is no less than a “superfood” because it performs a protective and significant role in every organ system. Must consult a health expert before consuming this food if you face any problem. You can also seek help from Dr. Gupta at IAFA® if you witness any type of allergy from blueberry.



Dr. Sahil Gupta completed his Bachelor of Ayurveda in Medicine and Surgery (B.A.M.S.) and Master’s Degree in Health Administration (MHA) India. He is Registered Ayurvedic Doctor & Vaidya in India having Registration No. 23780. He is the CEO and founder of IAFA. After completing BAMS, Dr. Sahil Gupta started practicing Ayruveda by giving prime importance to allergic disorders management. He became the first Ayurvedic doctor to cure Food Allergies through Ayurveda. Read More About Dr. Sahil Gupta.

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