World's 1st Trusted Ayurvedic Allergy Institute


Jamun is a fruit that is full of many nutrients and is healthful and nutritious. It contains a lot of flavonoids, calcium, phosphorus, and antioxidants. It also contains salt, thiamine, riboflavin, carotene, fiber, niacin, folic acid, protein, and fat, among other nutrients. Jamun is a fruit rich in nutrients. This fruit is flavorful and the best superfood. 

Jamun can be used in powder form or eaten as a fruit. It can also be converted into juice. It helps with weight loss and may be used in a variety of healthful meals, including salads and smoothies.

Jamun is a very healthy summer fruit with a variety of health advantages. The fruit is also known as the Java plum, black plum, and Indian blackberry. There are two different kinds of jams: one has purple flesh and the other has white meat. Pectin content is higher in the white flesh Jamun variant and lower in the purple flesh version. When making jams and jellies, the ingredient pectin functions as a thickening agent.

Synonyms of Jamun

  • Jamli
  • Syzygium Cumini
  • Java plum
  • Blackberry
  • Black plum
  • Jambul
  • Jambolan
  • Jambus
  • Kala Jamun

Nutritional Facts of Jamun

 Proteins:0.13 g 
 Fats:0.3 g
 Carbohydrate:14 g 
 Sodium:26.2 mg
 Potassium:55 mg
 Copper:0.23 mg 
 Sulfur:13 mg 

Phytochemical Constituents of Jamun

  • Anthocyanins
  • Glucoside
  • Ellagic acid
  • Isoquercetin
  • Kaempferol and myricetin

Therapeutic Uses of Jamun

  • Fights Respiratory Infections

Popular Jamun fruit is regarded as a traditional treatment for all respiratory issues.

It is well recognized to include a variety of potent antibiotics and anti-inflammatory compounds that aid in the treatment of conditions like asthma, the common cold, and the flu. The fruit is also helpful for treating bronchitis and asthma symptoms.

  • Weight Loss

Jamun is a fruit that is perfect for all weight loss programs and recipes because it is low in calories and high in fiber. It enhances digestion, and its pharmacological effects reduce water retention while also enhancing body metabolism, repressing your appetite, and making you feel full.

  • Protection Against Infections 

Since ancient times, the biological components in Jamun have been used to fight bacteria and protect the body from numerous illnesses. Jamun extracts and preparations are used for treating and curing wounds in addition to eliminating bacteria and germs from the body because of their potent antiviral, antibacterial, and antifungal capabilities. The bioactive compounds also aid to increase the body’s vitality by lowering general sluggishness, weakness, and exhaustion.

  • Helps In Digestion 

This amazing fruit is a one-stop shop for all digestive problems thanks to its remarkable carminative and digestive characteristics. The anti-flatulent property of Jamun lessens the gas in the alimentary canal, therefore easing constipation, flatulence, bloating, and abdominal distension.

Because of its strong detoxifying abilities, Jamun extract is very helpful in blood purification. It helps to eliminate pollutants and the stress hormone from the bloodstream while also enhancing blood circulation.

  • Control Diabetes

Strict dietary guidelines are essential for diabetics to follow in order to control their insulin levels. And throughout this procedure, it’s frequently advised that one eats particular fruits and vegetables. Jamun is one such seasonal fruit that is quite beneficial. Jamun is helpful in the treatment of diabetes in addition to acting as a potent antioxidant that boosts immunity. It has been demonstrated that jamun extracts aid in the sustained reduction of blood sugar and glycosuria.

Ayurvedic Books on Allergies and Child Health

Home Remedies Jamun

  • Useful to treat skin infection

Skin allergies can be treated with Jamun powder. For boils, apply Jamun seeds powder mixed with oil to the affected area.

  • Acne Vulgaris

Acne vulgaris can be treated with Jamun seed. The seed paste is made with warm water and put on the pimples for 30 minutes, then done twice daily for a few days to achieve full relief. Additionally, it helps with boils and pimples that appear in the summer.

  • Treat Gout

Boil Jamun bark in water until it thickens. The bark of Jamun helps to treat gout. This watery mixture should be cooled before applying to the painful area.

  • Diarrhea

Make a paste out of two Jamun leaves and use it to treat diarrhea. Make little pills out of it, mix in some rock salt, and take them twice daily with water.

  • Mouth Ulcers

Gargle with the Jamun bark decoction to treat mouth ulcers and spongy gums.

Dr. Sahil Gupta - Famous Ayurvedic Allergy Specialist

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- Dr. Sahil Gupta (B.A.M.S., M.H.A.)

Ayurvedic Allergy Specialist
CEO & Founder of IAFA®

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Ayurvedic Aspects of Jamun

Ayurveda views Jamun as a key component in the treatment of the majority of medical conditions. India is even referred to in several ancient ayurvedic writings as Jambudweep or a “land of Jambu” because of the enormous quantity of Jamun trees that are native to our country.

The fruit keeps the body cool and has cold potency (sheeta veerya). It tastes sour (amla rasa), astringent (Kashaya rasa), and sweet (madhura rasa). Jamun fruit enhances Vata while balancing Pitta and Kapha. This fruit aids in regulating a variety of rogas like asthmaarthritis, stomach painflatulence and dysentery because of its effects on the doshas.

Daily Dose: To get the benefits of jamun, you can consume 50-100gm of it every day or seasonally without risking your health.

Side Effects of Jamun

  • Constipation

Vitamin C is abundant in Jamun. You might have constipation if you consume it in large quantities.

  • Vomiting

Many people who consume Jamun in excess can experience vomiting. It is best to avoid consuming it if you have previously undergone this.

  • Blood Pressure imbalance

Patients with high blood pressure can benefit greatly by eating Jamun. By incorporating this into your diet, you may simply manage your illness. However, excessive use could result in low blood pressure.


In Ayurveda, Jamun is highly recommended for treating a wide range of medical ailments because it has numerous therapeutic qualities as well. It is beneficial for conditions such as diabetes, dysentery, asthma, arthritis, flatulence, and stomach spasms.

The black plum can be eaten uncooked or even juiced. Various recipes call for the fruit, such as smoothies and salads, while others call for the seed, which can be eaten as powder. In case you have any negative effects from Jamun, be sure to contact your nutritionist for assistance. If you have a Jamun allergy, you can Consult with Dr. Gupta at IAFA®. He employs natural treatments like herbs to treat allergies.



Dr. Sahil Gupta completed his Bachelor of Ayurveda in Medicine and Surgery (B.A.M.S.) and Master’s Degree in Health Administration (MHA) India. He is Registered Ayurvedic Doctor & Vaidya in India having Registration No. 23780. He is the CEO and founder of IAFA. After completing BAMS, Dr. Sahil Gupta started practicing Ayruveda by giving prime importance to allergic disorders management. He became the first Ayurvedic doctor to cure Food Allergies through Ayurveda. Read More About Dr. Sahil Gupta.

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